Portfolio 2013

Post on 27-Mar-2016

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Portfolio Ivan Martello

Transcript of Portfolio 2013

Ivan I. Martello



I am Ivan Martello, I am 25 years old and I am an Industrial Designer (Product Designer). I attended the Bachelors program in Industrial Design at Politecnico di Milano (2007 – 2010).

During the undergraduate program I received formal training in fields such as: History of Industrial Design, Physics and Mathematics for design, Hand-modelling and Drawing studio, Materials characteristics and applications for Industrial Design, Virtual Modelling and Environmental sustainability. These training along with the practical assignments (Design Project Studio) allowed me to formulate formal knowledge to evaluate and develop projects.


During my bachelor, at Politecnico di Milano, I had the possibility of developing projects for scholastic purposes that allowed me to work out my identity as Industrial Designer. My identity is rich in matters of graphic design, concept development and 3D modelling. These skills where mainly developed at my home town University.

During the last semester of the bachelor, with the ERASMUS program, I had the opportunity to study at a University that focuses on technology, programming and electronics applied to Industrial Design. The experience gave me a glance on these skills, which I aim to develop further.

During the 1st year at Politecnico di Milano it was possible to acquire and practice skills in hand drawing, hand modelling and technical drawing (CAD). These basic notions are of imperative acquisition, in Politecnico di Milano, to be able during the 2nd and 3rd year to practice and master mathematical computer modelling.

1st year



Laboratorio teorie e pratiche del progetto

Martello Ivan.......................................718409Melazzini Michele..............................717961Minunni Simone.................................719613

MMinitritatutto - H337b

During the 1st year at Politecnico di Milano it was possible to acquire and practice skills Graphics and develop a concept for the redesign of an electro domestic blender. Throughout the development of the project it was possible to learn and practice the use of a 3D modelling programme, Solid Edge, and apply graphic knowledge acquired into the project.

1st year

2nd year

During the 2nd year I had the possibility of improving my skills in 3D modelling and acquiring skills to computer render a 3D model. Programme used Alias. The task was to reproduce a real object by modelling all the superficies and finally obtain a render as similar as real picture.

2nd year

During the 2nd year, for the engineering laboratory, it was developed a project of the redesign of a home slicer. The goal was to give a new approach of use to the object, study the internal components and realize a 3D model taking in account an industrial production technique.  

2nd year

During the 2nd year for the assignment Eco-sustainability it was develop a project of an accessory for a bicycle. The starting point was analysing the production technique necessary to produce this object reducing the impact in the ecosystem. It was necessary to select the proper materials and production technique to maximise the life endurance and use of the object. The accessory was developed with the idea of performing more than one task to give a secondary use of the object during its life endurance.

2nd year

During the 3 year it was developed a glucose meter for kids. The goal of the project was gather information from users of glucose meters and doctors in order to generate a proposal for the patients at the San Rafael Hospital in Milano.

Riccardo Lavezzari - Ivan Martello Anno Accademico 2009-2010BIODESIGN

Docente: Prof. AndreoniGLUCOBEE

INTRODUZIONE diabete 1 glucometro



CARATTERISTICHE dimensioni psicologia materiasli



60 mm

Riccardo Lavezzari - Ivan Martello Anno Accademico 2009-2010BIODESIGN

Docente: Prof. AndreoniGLUCOBEE

INTRODUZIONE diabete 1 glucometro



CARATTERISTICHE dimensioni psicologia



estrarre il pungidito aprire lo scompartodel glucometro

inserire la striscia con il chip perl’accensione

inserire la lancetta nel pungidito

pungersi prendere il glucometro

attendere lettura del risultato e invio ai genitori o infermieri

bagnare con il sanguela striscia estrarre la lancetta

gettare via strisciae lancetta usatiestrarre la striscia


dataora data


nel momento in cui il tempo è scaduto la faccia è triste e il glucometroinizia a ronzare


1 2 3 4 5 6

6 7 8 9 10 11

Riccardo Lavezzari - Ivan Martello Anno Accademico 2009-2010BIODESIGN

Docente: Prof. AndreoniGLUCOBEE

INTRODUZIONE diabete 1 glucometro



CARATTERISTICHE dimensioni psicologia materiasli



3rd year

During the last semester of the bachelor I had the possibility of participating as Erasmus student at the TU/e (University of Technology Eindhoven) where I developed assignments and a project. The goal during the semester was to acquire basic knowledge in electronics, programming and prototyping.

B2.2 / Design For Electric DrivingDPB11Ivan Martello s093162coach: Jan Rouvroye


/ Industrial Design

Combustion vehicle drivers discard the new proposals of transportation that doesnʼ’t fulfill the profile created by com-bustion vehicles through out the years. This is the main reason that prevents driv-ers from swift into “green driving”.

The driving experience is a multi senso-rial experience where sense as sight, tact and ear merge to monitor the ve-hicle and our actions. Most of the sys-tems in Electric vehicles are electroni-cally controlled and drivers find difficult to feel comfortable because of the lack of feedback of their actions upon the vehicle. If drivers would experience electric vehicles by using the sight as their main sensor they could monitor and perceive the feedback of their ac-tions with a visual display or monitor.

The steering wheel uses light to communi-cate the degrees of turn . The system func-tions with the change of an analog input, the steering, and returns the value as a light paths that increase or decrees de-pending on the analog input. The idea is to involve more the sense of sight during the driving experience and give the driv-ers the feedback and data they are used to perceive in combustion vehicles.

The design of the steering wheel has strong geometries in-spired by the electric vehicles and the handles have smooth curves and rounded corners in-spired by the racing cars.

3rd year

The final thesis focused on improving the offer of hot beverages, tea, and the interaction with vending machine, to people who consumes tea regularly at home and encourage less frequent tea consummators. The automatic vending machine by proposing a different approach, to the user when consuming, looks forward to innovate in the field of automatic retailing. The interaction with the machine is distinguished by the use of the feet to select and decide the beverage.



Caricamento / Preparazione


Tappeto Interativoper la Scelta

SportelloRitiro Bevanda

Temporizzatoreper il Ritiro