Porcelain Inlays and Onlays

Post on 25-May-2015

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According to Wikipedia, An Inlay can be described as an indirect filling or restoration consisting of a solid stuff like porcelain or gold, fitted to a cavity in a tooth and covered into place.

Transcript of Porcelain Inlays and Onlays



Porcelain Inlays and Onlays

According to Wikipedia, An Inlay can be described as an indirect filling or

restoration consisting of a solid stuff like porcelain or gold, fitted to a cavity in a

tooth and covered into place.


An onlay is similar to an inlay, apart from it extends to restore a cusp.


And crowns are onlays which entirely wrap all surfaces of a tooth.


Sometimes an intracranial reinstatement is applied to restore a tooth but in that case, perish or decay is so wide that a straight

restoration, for example amalgam or combined, would compromise the

structural veracity of the reinstated tooth or give inferior opposition to biting forces.


In these circumstances an indirect porcelain or gold inlay restoration may be



Applying inlay the tooth-to-restoration margin possibly will be finished and refined to a wonderful line of contact

that recurrent decay will be all but impossible.


Dental caries, or cavities as it is more commonly known, are still a major

problem, even in our increasing enlightened and technologically

advanced world.


Today we have the ability to fill these teeth not only with composite fillings that are the same color as the teeth but also

with porcelain inlays and onlays.


These restorations have the advantage of being stronger than

filling materials, won’t discolor with time and are bonded to the tooth so

that they are very secure.


Porcelain inlays and onlays may be used in place of the customary dental fillings and are mainly utilized for the purpose of tooth decay as well as for structural damage to a tooth.


Dental fillings are done by molding them into the place during your dental

visits while inlays and onlays are created in a dental lab and are then

cemented in to the tooth using dental cement.


Generally, porcelain inlays and onlays are done in 2



On the first visit, the dentist will remove all decay in the tooth, take and impression and send it out to the lab so the technicians can prepare the restoration.


A temporary inlay is fitted in the first visit which will protect the tooth from further damage until the permanent one is ready.


After removing the temporary on the second visit, the permanent inlay or onlay

is fitted and bonded on to the tooth.


Dr. Parviz Edalat is a renowned cosmetic dentist in New York City.


He is known for his pioneering work in the field of dentistry and has been consistently referred to as one of the best in the NYC cosmetic dentistry.


Visit the office for a consultation at Park Plaza Dental Specialties on historic Central

Park South.


For More Information on Porcelain Inlays and Onlays Click here

