Popular Learning Tools for Distance Education.

Post on 15-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Popular Learning Tools for Distance Education.

ITLS 5105

Popular Learning Tools forDistance EducationDistance EducationMarie Titze

What is Distance education?

✤ Distance education is necessary for students who cannot be physically in the classroom. Instructors who are informed on Instructional technology are essential for this kind of teaching.


✤ Camtasia is a program that allows instructorsto record their presentations so students have information right at their fingertips!

Google Hangout

✤ Google Hangout allows instructors to video chat with students, share documents and present, all for free


✤ YouTube is accessed by students after instructors have uploaded their instructional videos. Anyone is able to view the videos if they are public.


✤ iTunes can be used to upload podcastsdone by the professor for students to hear and respond back, based on the topic. Students can also use iTunes podcasts as a learning tool for searching for other podcastsbased on key words.

Podcasts can also be downloaded

onto smartphones!


✤ Creighton University

✤ Center for Research on Learning and Teaching

✤ iTunes.com

✤ Youtube.com

✤ camtasia.com

✤ google.com