Pope St. Pius X Church · June 7, 2020 - THE SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY Pope St. Pius X...

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Transcript of Pope St. Pius X Church · June 7, 2020 - THE SOLEMNITY OF THE MOST HOLY TRINITY Pope St. Pius X...


Pope St. Pius X Church A Parish of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Boise

625 E Haycraft, Coeur d’Alene ID 83815 · info@stpiuscda.org · www.stpiuscda.org Phone: 208-765-5108 · FAX: 208-664-5325

Prayer Requests: stpiusprayerlink@gmail.com, or call the parish office


Saturday: 5PM (also livestreamed) Sunday: 8AM (masks must be worn), 9:30AM, 11AM

Spanish Mass: 12:30PM (1st/3rd Sunday) Monday-Friday: 12 NOON


Thursday, 9AM-6PM


Thursday: 5PM-6PM Friday: 11AM-11:45AM

Saturday: 3:30PM-4:30PM


Saturday: 10AM-7PM Sunday: until 7PM

PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday through Thursday: 8AM-4PM

Friday: 8AM-NOON

CLOSED: Monday-Thursday:12:00-12:30PM (lunch) and Tuesday: 9:30-10:30AM (staff meeting)



“God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him

might not perish but might have eternal life.

For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world,

but that the world might be saved through him. Whoever believes in him will not be condemned,

but whoever does not believe has already been condemned,

because he has not believed in the name of the only Son of God.”

John 3:16-18

From the desk of

Father Flores Now that the reopening of churches has gotten underway, we are slowly getting back to the regular routines of Mass and activities such as Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and regular Confessions schedule. Our Mass schedule has been altered, as you have noticed, for two reasons. The first is to accommodate the social distancing that is being asked of us by the state and our bishop. The second is to consolidate the resources, mainly the work force, that are necessary for the sanitizing requirements that we must do after each Mass. In response to this, we have designated the 8:00 AM Sunday Mass as the one for those more susceptible to contracting some disease; everyone is welcome, but I ask that you wear a mask. The 6:00 PM Sunday Mass has been suspended to enable the consolidation of efforts; the plan is to return the 6:00 PM the first Sunday of July. At this time, the protocols from both the state and the diocese do not continue beyond the end of June, and so we are presuming that we can then return to something closer to what we know when it comes to Mass. The Church has been put into a situation of fasting from the Eucharist for several weeks and thankfully, now we can all return to Mass and to Holy Communion. The Eucharist is certainly the center of our faith, “the source and summit,” as Vatican II called it. It is essential to know that engagement with the Holy Eucharist; that is, having it truly be the center of our faith is more than just receiving the Holy Eucharist, it is as much about being present for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The Mass is more than simply communal prayer or a gathering of common believers; it is being present at the Passion, Death and Resurrection of the Lord. When we receive Holy Communion, we are receiving what is made possible only through this Paschal Mystery done once for all and re-presented on the altar. Our spirits should have a longing for this event as much as for receiving Holy Communion, the two must not be separated. This, in large part, is why during the shutdown we could not simply do something like a ‘drive thru’ Communion. We can all be at Mass together again! Come, taste and see the goodness of the Lord.

In Jesus and Mary,

Fr. Flores



† Be Receptive †


We pray for those who are sick and chronically ill, especially: Jack McNeel, Geoffrey & Mary Jo Wallace, Dick Benzinger, Joe McGinn, Anna Carpenter, and Larry Major. And, for those who have died, especially: Jean

Nelson, Ralph Burns, Robert Funke, Alexandria Bircher and baby Bircher.

Email stpiusprayerlink@gmail.com to be included in our prayer chain, or for special intentions.



We now have available online sign up for Weekly Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, which is Thursdays from 9am until 6pm. Please visit the home page of the parish website to sign up for a one-hour time slot. This process allows you to:

Sign up at any time from the comfort of your home. Sign up for more than one Thursday at a time,

if you wish. Receive a reminder one day prior to your

scheduled day.

For those with no access to the internet, please contact Paul Orozco at 208-784-8251.

Saturday, June 6 Most Holy Trinity 5:00 PM Karen Lopez-Carbajal Sunday, June 7 Most Holy Trinity 8:00 AM Francisco Agreda & Family 9:30 AM Maurice Burgin 11:00 AM For the Parish 12:30 PM Jose & Maria Brasil † Weekday Masses Monday-Friday, 12 Noon Monday Fr. Francisco Flores Tuesday Andy Perez-Benitez Wednesday Crump Family Thursday Reuben Rodriguez † Friday Krystena Patton Saturday, June 13 Body & Blood of Christ 5:00 PM Presnell Family Sunday, June 14 Body & Blood of Christ 8:00 AM For the Parish 9:30 AM LaVerle Moultrie † 11:00 AM Ralph Burns † 12:30 PM No Spanish Mass this Weekend

ATTENTION GROUP & MINISTRY LEADERS: As we reopen the parish for meetings of less than 50 people (more than 50 after June 13th), we ask all group and minis-try leaders to let us know when you plan to resume meeting.

You will be instructed of the protocols your group must follow when meeting at the church. Your most current meeting information will be

posted on the events calendar on the website.

NEW BULLETIN DEADLINE: Please be aware of our new bulletin deadline: Thursdays by 8am (10 days prior to publi-cation). Email items to communications@stpiuscda.org.


Until further notice, our 8am Mass will be a “masks must be worn” Mass. This act of charity and kindness may give those who are concerned about celebrating Mass in person the extra security they need to attend Mass. Please be respectful of this gesture of love and charity.

NEXT WEEK’S READINGS June 14, 2020 — Solemnity of the

Body and Blood of Christ

First Reading: Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14B-16A Responsorial Psalm: Psalm 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20 Second Reading: 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 Gospel: John 6:51-58


† Be Purposeful †


3005 W. Kathleen Avenue Coeur d’Alene, ID 83815

208-765-4327 ⴕ www.hfcs-cda.org

We begin our new column, “Why Do Catholics….” this week highlighting tidbits of our Catholic faith. We hope you find this information helps deepen your understanding — and beauty — of our Catholic faith.

. . . ask for Intercession of the saints? Patron Saints: Catholics have a long tradition of praying for the intercession of the saints. We can call on any or all of the saints and angels to join us in prayer. Often, we call on patron saints. A patron is a special intercessor with God for a church or locality –cities, states, nations, even continents. A patron can also be a special intercessor for occupations or specific causes. Normally this is done because the saint had something to do with that particular occupation or cause, or because miracles were attributed to the intercession of that saint regarding a particular cause. Here is a brief list of some well known — and not so well known — patrons and their causes: St. Anthony of Padua — lost articles; St. Jude Thaddeus — impossible causes; St. Gerard —pregnant women; St. Peregrine — cancer patients; St. John Vianney — priests; St. Roch — dogs and dog lovers. There’s a patron saint for just about every cause and profession. Some professions and causes have multiple patrons, and many saints are patrons of many causes and locations. An online search will yield lots of results for a list of saints and their pat-ronage. Wherever you are, whatever you do or whatever you’re going through, chances are there’s a saint you can call upon to lift up your cause before the throne of God! Excerpts from A Minute in the Church: Life in Christ: One Minute Explanations of Catholic Practice and Devotions by Gus Lloyd, with permission. Copyright 2017 by Gus Lloyd, www.GusLloyd.com


† Be a Blessing † June 7, 2020 Most Holy Trinity

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son…” JOHN 3:16

Is your love conditional? Is there a price others have to pay to receive your love and forgiveness? Are you generous with your time, skills, money and possessions? If you give someone something, do you expect something in return? Do you give your time freely or do you “fit it in” when it’s convenient for you? God desires a personal relationship with us so much that He gave us His Son, unconditionally! Pray for a grateful and generous heart.


IDAHO CATHOLIC APPEAL: We are SO CLOSE! Thank you to all of you who have pledged $112,561

(96%) towards our parish goal of $117,569. Remember, no gift is too small.

God bless you for your generosity!

A message from Deacon Chris

As I reflect on our lives together post-Pentecost, the birthday of the Church, I can’t help but reflect on two powerful images given to us by Pope St. John Paul II in his encycli-

cal, Redemptoris Missio. The first is our life IN Christ as the purpose of being missionaries and serving others.

“The ultimate purpose of mission is to enable people to share in the communion which exists between the Father and the Son. The disciples are to live in unity with one another, remaining in the Father and the Son, so that the world may know and believe…we are missionaries above all because of what we are as a Church whose innermost life is unity in love, even before we become missionaries in word or deed.”

We serve others to become the LOVE that is at the heart of our Faith and is our identity as Christians. This is why Pope St. John Paul II goes on to say:

“The person who wishes to understand himself thor-oughly…must…draw near to Christ…The Redemp-tion that took place through the cross has definitively restored to man his dignity and given back meaning to his life in the world.”

Being missionary, practically speaking and simplified some-what for purposes of this reflection, is a spiritual exercise wherein we honor and encounter the Lord by participating in His love; and also experience the dignity and meaning of our lives as Catholics.

Here’s the punchline: stepping into one of our Missions of Charity honors our call to proclaim the Gospel through ser-vice to the poor; it also gives you a personal and profound way to encounter our Living God and your true self.

Visit the parish website for the many opportunities to “be a blessing” to others, including the Pope St. Pius X Confer-ence of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (home visits on your schedule!), Union de Amor Honduras Mission, food pantry (Tuesdays-Fridays, 9am-noon) and soup kitchen (Fridays from 4:30-5:30pm; right now with “to go” meals), among others.

ECUMENICAL FOOD KITCHEN: The Ecumenical Food Kitchen ministry provides a nourishing noon meal once a week for 40 to 50 homeless people, low income seniors, struggling young people and families. Ten local churches take turns providing food and volunteers to serve the lunch at First Presbyterian Church in downtown Coeur d’Alene. Our turn is Thursday, June 11th. Sign up online via the home page of the parish website to bring a dish or to volunteer. If you do not have internet, or need additional information, contact Carol Fairhurst at 208-762-2775 or acarich@roadrunner.com.


May 3 $19,789.00 May 10 $23,577.37 May 17 $17,318.75 May 24 $12.062.68 May 31 $ 9,630.00 Total $82,377.80


† Be a Blessing † “Vine and Branches” is created to highlight the many works of the lay apostolate, ministries and groups associated with Pope St. Pius X. The Cate-chism of the Catholic

Church beautifully portrays our being planted by the “Heavenly Cultivator” with the Church being a cultivated field, the tillage of God. In this field is Christ as our true vine, who gives life and fruitfulness to His branches—the lay apostolate. This lovely image helps us remember that It is He “without whom we can do nothing.” (CCC 755)

UNIÓN DE AMOR (Honduras Mission)

Unión de Amor is a partnership consisting of individuals and families from Pope St. Pius X Church, St. Thomas the Apostle Church, and Holy Family Catholic School in Coeur d’Alene; St. George’s in Post Falls; and St. James the Apostle as well as many devoted professionals and individuals from various areas of Honduras. The Love of Christ (Amor) is the central motivator of this ministry and flows through everything we do. This “union of love” supports Consolación, a small mountain village just west of Lepaera in the Department of Lempira in Honduras. Projects have included helping build a kinder-garten classroom, providing supplies and equipment to their school, and delivering liturgical supplies to the newly-renovated Chapel. (The Blessed Sacrament is now reserved in the village for adoration and occasional Liturgies of the Word with Communion.) During the 2019 trip, Father Flores, Deacon Chris and Father Luis from Lepaera, Honduras, cele-brated sacraments including baptisms, confessions and First Holy Communions to many in the village and neighboring communities. Current projects include a community-wide water system, assessing and providing a level of medical and nutritional support, and aiding local coffee producers in rebuilding their crops and increasing the quality of their coffee.

CONTACT: Deacon Chris Stewart - cstewart@stpiuscda.org Luisa Becker - luisambecker@gmail.com

Please pray for our friends in Consolación and fellow mission-aries who live in Honduras. There are many confirmed cases of the COVID-19 virus, and quarantines and travel restrictions are in place. Learn about our current mission to assist during this time of the pandemic with the Family 2 Family Fund (see pg. 7). May God bless and protect them!


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