Pop opt art

Post on 19-May-2015

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Transcript of Pop opt art

Pop Art

It emerged in the mid 1950s in Britain and in the late 1950s in the United States.


.  Drew upon popular art images from  newspapers and TV.

.Its subject matter followed the non- objetivity of Abstract Expresionism.

. Most of the works embrace some   kind of realistic subject matter









Jasper Johns

 He was born in Georgia, USA  in 1930 and began drawing when he was 3. Thinking about his life he says:   "In the place where I was a child, there were no artists and there was no art, so I really didn't know what that meant. I think I thought it meant that I would be in a situation different than the one that I was in."   He painted the American flag in various manifestations, evenin poetic shades of gray.







Flag, 1959Flag, 1959Graphite pencil and graphite wash on paperGraphite pencil and graphite wash on paper

and graph













Eduardo Paolozzi

• (1924-2005)

• Scotish sculptor and artist.

• Used juxtaposition of ideas in his work.

• Variety of objects and materials.

• Precursor of Pop Art movement.

I was a Rich Man’s Plaything (1947)

Claes OldenburgSwedish - American sculptor born in 1929 in Sweden. He created over-life-

sized commonplace things such as lipsticks, baseball bats and shuttlecocks.





















Andy Warhol

(1928-1987) American painter, printmaker and filmaker. After a successful carreer as a commercial illustrator, he became famous for his work as a painter, avant-gard filmaker, record producer, author and member of diverse social circles. The highest price paid for one of his paintings was $ 100 million for a canvas titled Eight Elvises.  In 1968 he was shot almost to death by a woman who had been turned away from his factory.  He died in NY in 1987 from a post-operative cardiac arrhythmia.





















Roy Lichtenstein(1923-1997) Born in New York, he

monumentalized common comic strips. He was also influenced by popular advertising.

  He described Pop Art as "not American painting but actually industrial painting".





























A r t


Also known as Optical Art,It makes use of optical illusions,It derives from the German Constructivist School forced to close in 1933 and was based on the relationship of form and function within framework of analysis and rationality.Method of painting consisting of the interaction between illusion and plane,understanding and seeing.



Abstract.Black and Impression of movementHidden imagesFlashing and vibration patternsSwelling or warping




Bridget Louise Riley

Born in 1931 in London

In 1969 she began to develop her style in 1960:         black and white geometric patternsdisorienting effect         sensations: movement and colour                            seasick and sky diving

Visual connections with the period:

• Need for audience participation• Mind-body duality notion leading people into drugs• Fear about a nuclear war

























Victor Vasarely

(1906-1997) Born in Hungary.Applied graphic art and typographical design.Settled in Paris in 1930.Worked as advertising consultant.After the World War II, he opened an atelier.Produced art and sculpture focused on optical illusions.Geometric abstract works.Various materials.Experimented with textual effects, perspective, shadow & light.