Pop Art Sculptures Using the size of your subject to create visual interest.

Post on 16-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Pop Art Sculptures Using the size of your subject to create visual interest.

Pop Art Sculptures

Using the size of your subject to create visual interest.

What creates the visual interest in the piece?

Ron Mueck

Baby Girl Mueck

The subject isn’t want creates

visual interest, the medium

and scale.

How does the subject go with

the medium?

Micro sculpture……..

When possible, incorporate an environmental element to enhance the composition of the


Claus Oldenberg

Student work

Work in progress

If you can’t find an existing form to transform, construct it

Student examples

The more contrast in the scale, the more visual interest it creates

• Cheesepuff container

• Aluminium tape• Paint• Foam sheet• White paper• Marker• Chipboard• Paper towel roll

Possible inspirations:•Foods•Hand held item•Office supplies•Candy•Tools •art supplies•Medicine•Medical supplies•Fashion/clothes

•Containers•Cleaning supplies•Nature items•Animals•Insects•Beauty supplies•Electronics•Toys•Books

There are two approaches to developing your ideas:

•Find an item to transform that has a similar form of something of a different scale OR•Construct your item out of easily available materials.


_____15Pts. –Meets Criteria5pts-use of scale to depict a hand held object in a table top size sculpture5pts-pop art subject-everyday non-art object5pts-realistic /accurate scale and detailing

_____20ptsPts.-Craftsmanship10pts-structurally sound/free standing10pts-overall neatness/structural elements hidden

_____20Pts.-Creativity10-unique idea10-complexity of design

_____/55 TOTAL

2. Write short artist statement: -brief description of project objective and how it fits the pop art theme-describe construction process/design choices/inspiration/ what was the scale ratio?-What was the most difficult part of the project? Did you have to improvise because of the limitations of



• http://www.pehrspace.org/zaqlandsberg/index.html

• http://paderewski.wordpress.com/2010/08/01/ron-mueck/ron-mueck-16/

• http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/culturepicturegalleries/7657137/Extraordinary-Measures-fairies-lifelike-sculptures-and-tiny-tourists-at-Belsay-Hall-in-Northumberland.html?image=9

• http://ubersuper.com/pencil-tip-micro-sculptures/

• http://rds.yahoo.com/_ylt=A2KJke1HJMVOqlcACVmjzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTBtdXBkbHJyBHNlYwNmcC1hdHRyaWIEc2xrA3J1cmw-/SIG=13252hmv1/EXP=1321571527/**http%3a//damnamazingthings.blogspot.com/2011/01/crayon-miniature-sculptures.html

• http://sculpture.oneofakindantiques.com/7546_realistic_20th_metal_sculpture_of_a_motorbike_in_miniature_11.htm

• http://vi.sualize.us/view/6e106276eadb10815b292dad630c94c5/

• http://www.all-art.org/art_20th_century/oldenburg1.html