Polymerizing Microtubules Activate Site-directed F-Actin Assembly ...

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Transcript of Polymerizing Microtubules Activate Site-directed F-Actin Assembly ...

Molecular Biology of the CellVol. 10, 2309–2327, July 1999

Polymerizing Microtubules Activate Site-directedF-Actin Assembly in Nerve Growth ConesM. William Rochlin,* Michael E. Dailey,† and Paul C. Bridgman‡

Department of Anatomy and Neurobiology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis,Missouri 63110

Submitted September 2, 1998; Accepted May 3, 1999Monitoring Editor: Mary C. Beckerle

We identify an actin-based protrusive structure in growth cones termed “intrapodium.”Unlike filopodia, intrapodia are initiated exclusively within lamellipodia and elongate ina continuous (nonsaltatory) manner parallel to the plane of the dorsal plasma membranecausing a ridge-like protrusion. Intrapodia resemble the actin-rich structures induced byintracellular pathogens (e.g., Listeria) or by extracellular beads. Cytochalasin B inhibitsintrapodial elongation and removal of cytochalasin B produced a burst of intrapodialactivity. Electron microscopic studies revealed that lamellipodial intrapodia contain bothshort and long actin filaments oriented with their barbed ends toward the membranesurface or advancing end. Our data suggest an interaction between microtubule endingsand intrapodia formation. Disruption of microtubules by acute nocodazole treatmentdecreased intrapodia frequency, and washout of nocodazole or addition of the microtu-bule-stabilizing drug Taxol caused a burst of intrapodia formation. Furthermore, indi-vidual microtubule ends were found near intrapodia initiation sites. Thus, microtubuleends or associated structures may regulate these actin-dependent structures. We proposethat intrapodia are the consequence of an early step in a cascade of events that leads tothe development of F-actin-associated plasma membrane specializations.


Protrusion and retraction of filopodia and lamellipo-dia are critical for both advance and turning of loco-moting cells. Movement of the leading edge is a com-plex process that depends on the orchestration ofmechanisms that regulate actin polymerization (Coo-per, 1991; Cramer et al., 1994), cross-linking (Oster andPerelson, 1987), contraction by molecular motors(Honer et al., 1988; Mitchison and Kirschner, 1988;Smith, 1988; Rochlin et al., 1995; Lin et al., 1996, Svit-kina et al., 1997; Verkhovsky et al., 1999), and cross-linking of the F-actin cytoskeleton to the substratum.To circumvent some of these complexities and learnmore about protrusion and F-actin assembly in cells,several groups have focused on the ability of intracel-lular pathogens or other foreign agents to induce F-

actin assemblies in cells. Intracellular pathogens suchas Listeria, Shigella, Rickettsia, and the Vaccinia virus(Cossart, 1995; Cudmore et al., 1996; Beckerle, 1998)and extracellularly applied polycation and cell adhe-sion molecule (CAM) cross-linking beads (Forscher etal., 1992; Suter et al., 1998) induce F-actin assembly-dependent structures that are thought to form as aresult of “hijacking” the innate cellular mechanismsinvolved in protrusion at the leading edge. We nowreport a spontaneously occurring structure that resem-bles the F-actin assemblies induced by those foreignagents more closely than do lamellipodia, filopodia, orruffles. Because this structure is part of the innatemotility apparatus of the growth cone, is initiated at adistance from and usually terminates within thegrowth cone perimeter, we term them “intrapodia.”

We have begun to investigate the role of intrapodiain growth cone motility. Although the perimeter of thegrowth cone has been studied extensively because it isthe ultimate site at which changes in direction andadvance rate can be regulated, several studies suggestthat more proximal regions of the growth cone initiate

Present addresses: *Northwestern University, Department ofNeurobiology and Physiology, Evanston, IL 60208; †Universityof Iowa, Department of Biological Sciences, Iowa City, IA 52242.

‡ Corresponding author.

© 1999 by The American Society for Cell Biology 2309

Figure 1. Two time-lapse sequences revealing intrapodia formation and dynamics. (A–C) Intrapodium initiated in the marginal zone. (A)At the onset of intrapodia formation a protuberance is initiated at the margin between the central, organelle-rich domain and the flattened,F-actin-rich domain (arrowhead). In this case, elongation is fairly straight, perhaps because the direction of elongation is orthogonal to thenearest leading edge and therefore is not being “side-swiped” by the retrograde flow. A second intrapodium is developing near the top. Timeinterval between images is 5 s. (D–K) Intrapodia that developed in the peripheral domain of a growth cone from a particle released from theleading edge and carried rearward by the retrograde flow. (D) Just after release of a particle from the leading edge (arrow). During therearward movement, but before E, the particle increases in length but then shortens to assume its original size (our unpublished results).

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the series of events that lead to these changes. Inparticular, microtubules that terminate proximallywithin lamellipodia appear capable of inducinggrowth cone turning (Tanaka and Kirschner, 1991,1995; Tanaka and Sabry, 1995; Suter et al., 1998), andmanipulations that perturb microtubule dynamics in-terfere with advance (Tanaka et al., 1995; Rochlin et al.,1996) and turning (Williamson et al., 1996). One mech-anism by which microtubules could exert these effectsis by stabilizing sites at which the plasma membraneattaches to the substratum (Rinnerthaler et al., 1988;Bershadsky et al., 1996; Kaverina et al., 1998). Interest-ingly, two cues that stimulate the formation of attach-ment specializations first stimulate protrusive F-actinassembly: CAM cross-linking beads (Suter et al., 1998)and growth factors (Hall, 1998). Microtubules are alsoimplicated in stimulating F-actin assembly at the lead-ing edge of non-neuronal cells (Vasiliev and Gelfand,1976; Rinnerthaler et al., 1988; Bershadsky et al., 1991;Rosania and Swanson, 1996; Waterman-Storer et al.,1999). Given that most microtubules within thegrowth cone terminate in the proximal region whereintrapodia are most likely to be initiated, we evaluatedthe relationship between microtubule polymerizationand intrapodia formation. Our results suggest thatmicrotubule polymerization triggers intrapodia initia-tion, and that this event precedes microtubule-basedstimulation of protrusion at the leading edge.


Fetal rat superior cervical ganglion explant (SCG) cultures wereprepared as described previously and grown on laminin-coatedcoverslips (Rochlin et al., 1995). Just before observation the cover-

slips was mounted in a perfusion chamber (Berg and Block, 1984).The chamber design permits simultaneous differential interferencecontrast (DIC) observation and perfusion. Growth cones were im-aged by video-enhanced DIC microscopy. The microscope field wasilluminated intermittently by a 100-W mercury lamp for purposes oftime-lapse recording or for focus adjustment. At the end of somesequences, the chamber was perfused with PHEM buffer (60 mMPIPES, 25 mM HEPES, 10 mM EGTA, and 2 mM MgCl2, pH 6.9)(Schliwa et al., 1981) containing glutaraldehyde (0.25%; EM Science,Fort Washington, PA), saponin (0.02%; Sigma, St. Louis, MO), andrhodamine-phalloidin (80 nM; Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR; orSigma). After a 15- to 20-min incubation, fluorescence images werecollected using a slow scan, cooled charge-coupled device (Photo-metrics, Tucson, AZ) and stored as 512 3 512 3 16-bit digital imagefiles. If antibody staining was to be carried out on these cultures,they were treated with 1% OsO4 in PBS at 4°C for 5 min, washedextensively in PBS at room temperature, treated with freshly pre-pared 5% b-mercaptoethanol (Pierce, Rockford, IL) at room temper-ature for 30 min, washed extensively, and blocked for 15–30 minwith 8 mg/ml BSA, 0.5% fish gelatin (Amersham, ArlingtonHeights, IL), and 1% normal goat serum in PBS. We stained with theprimary antibodies for 1 h and the secondary antibodies for 40 minat room temperature. Primary antibodies were used at 1:1000(mouse anti-b-actin; Sigma), 1:200 (rabbit anti-b1-integrin, gener-ously provided by Dr. L. Reichardt, University of California, SanFrancisco, CA), and 1:100 (rat anti-tyrosinated tubulin; AccurateScientific, Westbury, NY). Low–cross-reactivity secondary antibod-ies were obtained from Jackson ImmunoResearch (West Grove, PA)and used at 1:800 (Cy3 goat anti-rabbit), 1:400 (fluorescein goatanti-mouse), and 1:800 (Cy5 goat anti-rat).

For electron microscopy (EM), cultures were observed by DICmicroscopy and fixed during intrapodia formation as describedabove for phalloidin staining. However, immediately after comple-tion of perfusion of the PHEM buffer containing saponin and phal-loidin, we perfused with PHEM buffer containing 0.7% Triton X-100(Pierce) and 2% glutaraldehyde. Some cultures were perfused with1 mg/ml myosin S1 in PHEM buffer for 10 min, rinsed briefly withbuffer, and fixed as above (Lewis and Bridgman, 1992). To preserveactin structure, cultures were first treated with tannic acid anduranyl acetate as described by Svitkina and Verkhovsky, (1995) andthen critical point dried and rotary shadowed. The growth conesobserved in DIC recordings were relocated in the replicas on slotgrids using a Jeol (Tokyo, Japan) 1200EX transmission electronmicroscope. Some EM images were digitized directly from thenegative using an Agfa (Mortsel, Belgium) Duoscan scanner oper-ating at maximum resolution and dynamic range.

Net extension rates of intrapodia were determined by measuringthe final length of intrapodia before fixation or at their maximallength, whichever came first, and dividing by the number of sec-onds that separated initiation of outgrowth from attainment of themaximal length. To measure changes in the area of the leadingmargin of the growth cone, DIC images were digitized at 1.5-minintervals and magnified sufficiently to allow accurate tracing of thegrowth cone perimeter. The leading 50% of the growth cone areawas analyzed. Pairs of consecutive images were overlaid, regions ofprotrusion and retraction were identified, and their areas werequantitated and the net changes in area were determined.

We also evaluated the correspondence of the direction of intrapo-dial growth with the direction of growth cone advance. Perpendic-ular intrapodial growth was defined as a growth direction that fellwithin 6° of perpendicular to the most recently deposited 5 mm ofneurite shaft. Forward or reverse growth was simply defined as the168° distal to or proximal to, respectively, the perpendicular growthzone.

Drug treatments were performed by perfusing drug-containingmedia through the recording chamber during DIC observation. Aheat lamp was used to ensure that the media was kept at 37°Cbefore and during perfusion. Cytochalasin B was used at concen-

Figure 1 (cont). (E) The particle (arrow) continues to move rear-ward, carried back by the retrograde flow. (F) Two intrapodiaextend away from the particle (arrowheads, see inset), growing inopposite directions. (G) Intrapodial growth continues, but the di-rection of growth begins to curve to the left. The intrapodium thatinitially grew toward the center of the growth cone (proximal in-trapodium) elongates more rapidly than the intrapodium that ini-tially grew toward the leading edge (distal intrapodium) against theretrograde flow. (H) The distal intrapodium appears to have dis-continued net extension in the plane of the growth cone, whereasthe proximal intrapodium continues to extend, now in a directionparallel to the leading edge and perpendicular to its original direc-tion. (I) The proximal intrapodium (arrowhead) continues to growin the same direction. The distal intrapodium grows much less andappears to be meandering. (J) The proximal intrapodium continuesto extend toward linear elements emanating from the central regionof the growth cone. These linear elements presumably contain mi-crotubules and endoplasmic reticulum and vesicular structuresknown to extend along microtubules in peripheral regions ofgrowth cones (Dailey and Bridgman, 1991). (K) A large portion ofthe tail is dissolved, leaving behind a few remnants. The tip of theproximal intrapodium continues to advance, but upon contactingthe linear elements, it turned abruptly, coursing centripetally alongthe linear structure. Bar, 5 mm.

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trations ranging from 0.06 to 5 mM, and nocodazole was used atconcentrations ranging from 0.33 to 6.6 mM.

Digital images were adjusted and prepared as composites usingAdobe (Mountain View, CA) Photoshop and printed using a Tek-tronix (Wilsonville, OR) dye sublimation printer.


Characterization of Intrapodia

Intrapodia Formation. Rat SCG growth cones grownon laminin substrates typically are well spread, rela-tively thin, and highly motile. They contain two dis-tinct cytoplasmic domains, a thickened organelle andmicrotubule-rich central domain and a thin actin-richperipheral domain (Bridgman and Dailey, 1989). In-trapodia most often form at the margin between theperipheral and central domains (Figure 1, arrow-heads), but are also initiated within lamellipodia. Forthe purposes of quantitation we defined the marginalzone as a 4-mm-thick strip separating the thin lamel-lipodium from the thicker central region. Fifty-sevenpercent of the intrapodia (n 5 185) formed in themarginal zone (from recordings of four cones). Mostof the remaining intrapodia formation (38%) occurredwithin lamellipodia. On occasion, we observed theformation of an intrapodium from a particle that ap-peared to have been part of the leading edge (Figure 1,D–F). Particles were observed only in very well spreadcones with extremely thin lamellipodia; thus it wasnot possible to accurately quantitate the percentage ofintrapodia that formed from particles. In growth conesobserved 16–24 h after plating (and not making con-tact with adjacent cells), the average frequency of for-mation was 1.0 6 0.4 (SD) intrapodia/min (n 5 8;

from 20-min recording time per cone). Intrapodiatended to form in bursts of two to four with irregularintervals between bursts (Figure 2). The average fre-quency of intrapodia formation increased to 4.9 6 0.46intrapodia/min (n 5 5; 20-min recording time foreach) in growth cones adhering to and growing alongadjacent neurites (e.g., Figure 2), indicating that envi-ronmental factors influence the rate of intrapodia for-mation. Because of the variation in individual rates ofintrapodia formation between cones, we also com-pared a set of cones before and after contact andturning toward neighboring neurites. This set of conesshowed a rate of intrapodia formation of 1.9 6 0.8/min before contact that increased to 4.0 6 1.6/minafter contact (N 5 5; 5–10 min before contact and 10min after contact). The increased formation of intrapo-dia in cones contacting neurites occurred in the mar-ginal zone and new regions of lamellipodia thatformed as the cone reoriented its trajectory by spread-ing in a direction approximately parallel with the longaxis of the neurite that it contacted.

Growth Rate and Trajectory of Intrapodia. Intrapo-dial profiles extended at an average rate of 0.18 6 0.01(SEM) mm/s (n 5 18). This rate is approximately thesame as that reported by Forscher et al. (1992) for theretrograde flow-corrected rate of bead displacementby “inductopodia” and also the rate of Arp3/cappingprotein “spots” in a variety of non-neuronal cells types(Schafer et al., 1998). Intrapodia net extension ratesranged from 0.10 to 0.32 mm/s. Typically, intrapodiaextension took a curvilinear path. The paths curvedsmoothly unless the leading tip of the intrapodiumencountered another structure within the cytoplasm.

Figure 2. Histogram of intrapodia fre-quency in growth cones elongating ex-clusively on the laminin-coated cover-glass (solid bars) or along a neurite(stippled bars). The number of intrapo-dia observed in 1-min intervals is plot-ted. In both situations, intrapodia fre-quency is episodic. The level ofintrapodia activity is higher in thegrowth cone elongating along anotherneurite.

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In one sequence we observed intrapodium travel inone direction (Figure 1, I and J) until its tip encoun-tered a linear element, perhaps a microtubule. Aftercontact, the intrapodium abruptly changed directionand advanced along the linear element (Figure 1K).These observations are consistent with the possibilitythat intrapodia are propelled from the rear, changes intheir direction resulting from changes in resistanceencountered at the front. Occasionally, intrapodia aris-ing from the central thickened region of the growthcone would extend toward the leading edge, punchingoutward to create filopodia-like protrusions, or ex-tending along previously formed filopodia (our un-published observation). Finally, we also observed in-trapodia that curved sharply and then disappearedcoincident with the formation of endocytotic vacuoles(see Dailey and Bridgman, 1993, their Figure 12).These vacuoles were also observed to form withoutdetectable intrapodial activity, but the coincidence oftheir occurrence with the disappearance of intrapodiasuggests a relationship.

We also assessed the direction of intrapodial ad-vance in relation to the direction of growth cone ad-vance. In a rapidly advancing growth cone over a40-min period, 80% of the intrapodia elongated for-ward along the axis of growth, 10% elongated perpen-dicular to this axis, and the remaining 10% elongatedantiparallel to this axis. This suggests that intrapodiamay preferentially elongate in the direction of growthcone advance.

Comparison with Filopodia. For comparison, wegathered rate and persistence data on filopodia. Filo-podia extended slower (0.13 6 0.04 [SEM] mm/s; n 5

7) than intrapodia, and this growth was more fre-quently interrupted by periods of stasis (Figure 3).Also, the average lifetime of intrapodia (1.5 min; n 533) was significantly less than that of filopodia (7.8min; n 5 9). Finally, at their peak lengths, filopodia arelonger (8.0 6 3.2 [SD] mm; n 5 25), on average, thanintrapodia (4.9 6 2.1 mm; n 5 20). Note that it was notpossible to assess these properties for filopodia thatprojected upward (away from the substratum) be-cause of the difficulty of tracking out-of-focus filopo-dial tips. However, we did determine the lifetime ofruffles (sheet-like and filopodial-like) for comparison.The average lifetime of these structures was 3.6 6 1.9(SD) min (n 5 10).

Intrapodia Contain F-Actin and F-Actin-binding Proteins.To determine whether intrapodia contain F-actin, westained growth cones with rhodamine-phalloidin. Uponseeing the formation of an intrapodium during live obser-vations (Figure 4, A–C), we perfused the chamber withfixative (Figure 4D) followed by saponin and rhodamine-phalloidin (Figure 4H). Intrapodia were always associatedwith intense phalloidin staining, indicating that F-actin isconcentrated in intrapodia compared with surrounding cy-toplasm. We also labeled growth cones with anti-b-actin toascertain whether pools of G-actin were associated withintrapodia but found no difference from the phalloidinlabeling (our unpublished observation). We investigatedwhether actin-binding proteins that are associated withactin–plasma membrane linkage sites were present in in-trapodia. The brightness of talin and a-actinin immunoflu-orescence staining was greater along the length of intrapo-dia (our unpublished observation), as was the staining forb1-integrin subunit (Figure 4, E and F). At the light micro-

Figure 3. Comparison of elongation of individualintrapodia (IP) and filopodia (Filo). Intrapodia elon-gate more rapidly than filopodia. This is due in partto the saltatory nature of filopodial growth and alsoto a slower elongation rate during periods of growth.

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scopic level, the leading tips were not more intensely la-beled for any of these antigens than along the rest of thelength of the intrapodium. Capping protein was concen-trated along the length of intrapodia (Figure 4, I–K, arrow-head) as well as along actin bundles in lamellipodia thatimpinged on the leading edge (Figure 4K, arrows). Becausecapping protein binds to the barbed end of F-actin, thisindicates that capped barbed ends are staggered along thelength of these bundles. Comparison of the average pixelbrightness within intrapodia with that of the surroundinglamellipodium indicated a greater than threefold difference(3.6 6 0.9 [SD]; n 5 5) in capping protein staining intensity.

Electron Microscopic Observations Confirm the Pres-ence of a High Concentration of Actin Filamentswithin Intrapodia. To study intrapodial ultrastruc-ture, growth cones were extracted and fixed duringDIC observation of intrapodial activity, processed forelectron microscopic observations, and reidentified

(see MATERIALS AND METHODS). Stereo EM im-ages of rotary-shadowed cytoskeleton preparations al-lowed the observation of intrapodial actin filamentorganization (Figure 5). Intrapodia contained a densenetwork of actin filaments that created a ridge on thedorsal surface of the growth cone. Many of the fila-ments within the ridge were oriented approximatelyparallel to the long axis of the intrapodium. Surfacereplicas of the dorsal membrane surface prepared byfreeze etch EM also confirmed that intrapodia formeda ridge in unextracted preparations (our unpublishedobservation). We estimated the relative thickness ofthese ridges compared with that of the lamellipodiumby viewing stereo pairs in a parallax measuring de-vice. Although variable in height, the ridges were onaverage about twice the thickness of lamellipodia(1.8 6 0.96 [SD] mm; n 5 5). Thus, the thickness,density, and orientation of filaments within the lamel-

Figure 4. Intrapodia are composed of F-actin and F-actin-associated proteins. Growth cones were fixed during live observation and stainedfor actin, b1-integrin, or capping protein. (A–K) A growth cone stained for actin and b1-integrin. (A–D) DIC images of growth cone beforeand after fixation (time is in seconds). (A) The intrapodium (arrowhead) is initiated in the marginal zone. (B) The tip of the intrapodiumadvances toward the leading edge, against the direction of the retrograde flow. (C) Moments before the arrival of the fixative, but duringperfusion, the intrapodium continues to elongate toward the leading edge. In addition, two smaller intrapodia have begun to form nearby,one extending toward the central, thickened region of the growth cone and the other extending tangential to the marginal zone. Because ofthe perfusion, the focus drifts slightly. (D) After completion of fixation, the growth cone is thinner, but there is sufficient contrast to resolvethe two intrapodia that were closest to the leading edge. (E) b1-Integrin staining is elevated along intrapodia (arrowheads) and also alongthe leading edge. (F) Overlay of b1-integrin staining on the DIC image of the fixed growth cone in D, showing the coincidence of the elevatedintegrin staining and the intrapodia (arrowheads). (G) 43 zoom of F, featuring the growth cone region containing the intrapodium. Note thatthe b1-integrin staining is punctate along the intrapodia. (H) Before immunostaining, the growth cone was labeled with rhodamine-phalloidin. Bar, 9 mm. (I–K) Growth cone stained for capping protein (Schafer et al., 1998). Capping protein staining was distributed alongthe length of the intrapodium (arrowhead) and also stained rib-like structures that presumably correspond to F-actin bundles that areperpendicular to the leading edge (arrow). Inset, colocalized capping protein staining (23 zoom). Bar, 5 mm.

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lipodium were focally changed by the complex net-work of actin filaments that make up the intrapodium.Near the leading tip of intrapodia, filaments from thelamellipodium that coursed tangential to the ridgeformed by the intrapodium appeared to be pusheddorsally. It could not be determined whether thesefilaments were integrated into the intrapodial actin

network or whether they were being pushed upwardby the advancing intrapodia. The base (or trailing end)of an intrapodium was broader and flatter than the tip.F-actin at the trailing end and ventral-most portion ofthe ridge was integrated into the adjacent actin cy-toskeleton through a complex branching network offilaments. Such a relationship has not been reported

Figure 5. Electron micrograph of a growthcone–containing intrapodia reveals deformationof dorsal plasma membrane, a high concentrationof actin filaments, and microtubule endings. (A)Low-magnification EM image of a rotary-shad-owed growth cone cytoskeleton. An intrapodium(large arrows) that was identified and tracked byvideo-enhanced DIC recording (our unpublisheddata) before fixation and extraction of the mem-brane elongated from a region in close proximityto the ends of microtubules (arrowheads). (B)Higher-magnification stereo pairs of the two ar-eas indicated by the asterisks in A. The first areacontains the origin of the intrapodium. A rela-tively broad, dense mass of actin filaments (be-tween the arrows) forms a ridge on the dorsalsurface of the cone. A microtubule (arrowheads)that appears decorated with globular materialends on one side of the ridge (the microtubuleend is adjacent to the arrowhead on the right).The second area contains the leading end of theintrapodium. A bundle of actin filaments forms anarrow ridge (between arrows). At the tip of theintrapodium, numerous filament ends can beseen (arrowheads). Bars, 2.6 mm (A); 360 nm (B).

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for intracellular pathogens (Cossart, 1995; Cudmore etal., 1996).

Along the length of intrapodia, free filament endscould be seen oriented with their tips upward (towardthe dorsal surface). Filament ends appeared more con-centrated at the tip. It was difficult to determine thelength of actin filaments because of the high densityand complex geometry, but the general impressionwas that both long and short filaments contributed tothe meshwork that formed the ridge. Longer filamentsoriented tangential to the long axis of intrapodia wereobserved along the sides of intrapodia but could notbe unambiguously identified within the core of thesedense structures. Katoh et al., (1999) recently reportedthat intrapodia in Aplysia growth cones also containlongitudinally oriented F-actin. The mixture of lengthsof F-actin in intrapodia is more reminiscent of theultrastructure of Rickettsia (Heinzen et al., 1993) andVaccinia tails (Cudmore et al., 1996) than of Listeriatails (Tilney et al., 1992a,b; but see Zhukarev et al.,1995; Sechi et al., 1997). The polarity of some of theF-actin filaments within the intrapodium could be de-termined (Figure 6). Using stereo images taken atthree different tilt angles (110, 0, and 210°) we wereable to determine the orientation of 30 filaments fromthree different intrapodia that were previously ob-served by DIC microscopy to elongate. We divided thefilaments into two categories; those aligned parallel tothe long axis of the intrapodium and those orientedperpendicular to the overlying membrane (parallelwith the z-axis). Ninety-five percent of the filamentsthat were parallel to the long axis had their barbedends oriented toward the advancing intrapodium tip.Seventy-eight percent of the filaments aligned alongthe z-axis were oriented with their barbed ends to-ward the dorsal membrane surface. We also identifiedan additional five intrapodia on the basis of theircharacteristic morphology in the same replicas. Whenwe analyzed the orientation of filaments in these in-trapodia, the results were similar: 94% of the filamentsparallel to the long axis of the intrapodia were ori-ented with their barbed ends toward the tip, and 92%of the filaments aligned along the z-axis had theirbarbed ends oriented toward the dorsal membranesurface. We have not consistently observed evidencefor a particle or vesicle at the tip of these structures.

Intrapodial Particle Formation and Tip AdvanceAppear to Be Differentially Sensitive to Cytochala-sin B. Given the accumulation of F-actin in the tailsof intrapodia, we tested whether the formation ofthe advancing tip was inhibited by cytochalasin B(see MATERIALS AND METHODS). Intrapodia didnot form during high (#2.5 mM) cytochalasin treat-ment. Latrunculin B (20 nM), a toxin derived fromthe Red Sea sponge, binds to G-actin (Spector et al.,1989) and had similar effects (our unpublished ob-

servation). These treatments appeared to cause arapid thinning of lamellipodia, loss of a coherentretrograde flow, accumulations of cytoplasm intothickened islands (Figure 7), and an increase in thefrequency of random particle trajectories (Evans andBridgman, 1995). The leading edges remained thick,retracted only slightly, and never extended. We didnot observe the en masse retrograde evacuation ofcytoplasmic materials that was beautifully capturedby Forscher and Smith (1988) in Aplysia growthcones treated with cytochalasin B.

After washout of the cytochalasin, we typically ob-served a flurry of intrapodial formation (Figure 7, Cand D), even in growth cones in which no intrapodiahad been detected during precytochalasin observa-tion. On average, we observed 11 6 4 intrapodia per1.5 min before cytochalasin treatment, 24 6 6 duringthe first 1.5 min after cytochalasin washout, and 15 63 during the subsequent 1.5 min period (n 5 5). Theburst of intrapodial activity was significantly greaterthan the precytochalasin level (p , 0.0015) and that ofthe subsequent 1.5-min period (p , 0.005). This obser-vation is consistent with cytochalasin inducing theformation of intrapodia initiators but blocking in-trapodial extension. The burst of intrapodial activityafter cytochalasin washout was superimposed onrapid recovery of lamellipodial thickness and an in-crease in protrusive activity at the leading edges.

How might intrapodial activity be induced bycytochalasin treatment and washout? By viewingour time-lapse images in reverse, we observed thatevacuation of cytoplasm from lamellipodia was alsoaccompanied by the intermittent retrograde trans-port of particles that appeared to be breaking offfrom the leading edge. These particles typicallyended up in the cytoplasmic islands that were thesite of intrapodial activity after cytochalasin wash-out and may therefore contribute to the burst ofintrapodial activity. Also, phalloidin or anti-b-actinstaining of cytochalasin-treated growth cones re-vealed foci of brightly staining actin in these islandsand also along F-actin bundles that were resistant tothe cytochalasin treatment. We suspect that theseactin-rich particles are intrapodia initiators and thatthey seed intrapodia after cytochalasin washout.

Influence of Microtubules on Intrapodia Formation

Nocodazole Alters the Formation Rate of Intrapodia.Although actin and actin-binding proteins are thoughtto be the primary effectors of growth cone shape anddynamics, perturbations of microtubules have beenshown to affect pseudopodial dynamics in a variety ofsystems (Vasiliev and Gelfand, 1976; Tanaka et al.,1995; Rosania et al., 1996). We therefore examined theinfluence of nocodazole on intrapodial frequency.

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During live observation, we perfused the cultureswith 3.3 or 6.6 mM nocodazole, two concentrationsthat we previously established to eliminate microtu-bules from the growth cone in ,30 min (Rochlin et al.,1996). These treatments decreased intrapodia fre-

quency (Figure 8A). We also observed that filopodialand lamellipodial protrusion and growth cone ad-vance were decreased (our unpublished observation).Compared with intrapodia in untreated growth cones,intrapodia in nonadvancing growth cones in 3.3 mM

Figure 6. Polarity of actin filaments ob-served using myosin S1 decoration. (A) Anintrapodium extends from its base (upperarrow) toward the cell margin (lower ar-row). (B) Decorated filaments in the in-trapodium (arrow) are superimposed uponthose in the underlying lamellipodia. Stereoimages of this intrapodium (our unpub-lished data) allowed identification of in-trapodial-associated filaments. (C) A highermagnification allows the decorated filamentorientation (indicated by the arrowhead) tobe seen in a small portion of intrapodium-associated filaments. Bars, 360 nm (A); 180nm (B); 90 nm (C).

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nocodazole elongated with considerably less bias to-ward the leading edge of the growth cone. Only 44%elongated toward the forward axis (vs. 80% in untreatedcultures), and 24% elongated in the opposite direction(vs. 10% in untreated cultures). Growth cones recovered

from washout of the 3.3 mM nocodazole, but the disrup-tion caused by 6.6 mM treatments did not appear revers-ible during the time course of our observations.

We also tested the influence of lower doses of nocoda-zole on intrapodial frequency. Explant cultures were

Figure 7. Cytochalasin B washout causes a burst of intrapodial activity. In this case the SCG explant had been plated and maintained in alow dose of nocodazole. (A) Just after perfusion with cytochalasin. (B) One minute 33 s later. Note the more flattened appearance of thelamellipodium, the thickened leading edge, and the islands of cytoplasm that accumulate in the lamellipodium. (C and D). After perfusionof cytochalasin-free media. In this instance, intrapodia (arrowheads) emanated from one cytoplasmic island, producing a starburstappearance. Bar, 5 mm. *, Reverse shadow-cast vacuole.

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maintained in 0.33 mM nocodazole, a concentration thatdecreases the dynamic instability of microtubule plusends without causing depolymerization (Jordan et al.,1993). Chronic treatment with 0.33 mM nocodazole re-sulted in an elevated frequency of intrapodia formation

(Figure 8B). Because these growth cones were larger onaverage than control growth cones, we determined thefrequency of intrapodia formation per unit area (Figure8C). The frequency of intrapodia per unit area was alsoincreased in nocodazole-treated cultures, suggesting that

Figure 8. Influence of nocodazole and Taxol on intrapodia frequency.The number of intrapodia initiated during the indicated period is plotted.(A) After overnight growth in a low dose of nocodazole (0.33 mM), per-fusion of a high dose of nocodazole (3.3 mM) causes a reversible decreasein intrapodial frequency. (B) Effect of nocodazole treatment and washouton intrapodia frequency. Both the first and second washouts cause a spikein intrapodial activity followed by a slow decline, whereas readministra-tion of a low dose of nocodazole slowly decreases intrapodial activity. (C)Because growth cones grown overnight in 0.33 mM nocodazole werelarger than untreated growth cones, we assessed the contribution of theincreased area to intrapodial frequency under the two conditions. Innocodazole, the rate of intrapodia formation is greater per unit area thanin the untreated growth cones. The SD for the intrapodia rate in controlgrowth cones averaged 1.2 and for the nocodazole treated cones averaged2.5. (D) Changes in growth cone area at the leading edge (front 50%)during washout of 0.33 mM nocodazole. Positive values for area changeindicate net protrusion, whereas negative values indicate net retraction.During the spike of intrapodia activity (shown in B), the growth coneleading edge retracts transiently. Protrusion then resumes and increasesafter several minutes delay. (E) Taxol treatment also affects intrapodiafrequency. Washout of Taxol did not have an effect on intrapodia fre-quency, but readdition of Taxol (12 nM) caused a burst of intrapodialactivity.

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the increase in frequency was not simply due to thegrowth cones being larger.

Surprisingly, washout of the 0.33 mM nocodazoleresulted in a burst of intrapodial activity (Figures 8Band 9). In contrast, the leading edge initially retracted(coincident with the initial burst of intrapodia activity)(Figure 8D). Leading edge protrusion then resumedand increased (compared with that seen in nocoda-zole) after several minutes delay, as intrapodia fre-quency declined (Figure 8, B and D). Filopodia forma-tion before washout (10 6 2 per 1.5 min; n 5 4) wasnot significantly different from the rate of formationduring the 1.5 min just after washout (10 6 4) orduring the subsequent 1.5 min (8 6 2). Finally, we alsoobserved an increase in the rate of neurite formation atthe base of the growth cone after the washout (ourunpublished observation). These effects were revers-ible and repeatable on the same growth cone. Perfu-sion of medium containing the same concentration ofnocodazole used for overnight growth (0.33 mM) hadno effects on intrapodia frequency or leading edgeprotrusion.

Our previous work (Rochlin et al., 1996) (cf. Tanaka etal., 1995) established that washout of nocodazole re-sulted in lengthening of microtubules in the growth coneand presumably a resumption of normal dynamic insta-bility. To determine whether the changes in intrapodialactivity after alterations in nocodazole level were morelikely due to changes in dynamic instability or in length-ening of microtubules, we next investigated the influ-ence of Taxol treatment on intrapodia formation.

Taxol Alters Intrapodia Formation Rate. Taxol, likenocodazole, decreases the rate of rapid polymerizationevents and catastrophe among populations of micro-

tubules (Jordan et al., 1993). In contrast to nocodazole,Taxol promotes assembly of microtubules. In explantcultures grown overnight in low doses (7 or 12 nM) ofTaxol, neurite outgrowth length decreased to 80%(n 5 5) and 50% (n 5 6), respectively, of the controlrate of growth. As was the case for nocodazole-treatedcultures, neurites were thicker, suggesting that thepresence of Taxol did not decrease the rate of axo-plasm production. In contrast to cultures grown innocodazole, extremely large growth cones were notobserved in the presence of Taxol. Intrapodial forma-tion rate also appeared elevated in these cultures com-pared with controls (our unpublished observation, butcompare Figure 8E before washout with the controlrates stated above in Intrapodia Formation. Washoutof Taxol did not elicit an elevation in intrapodia fre-quency. However, perfusing Taxol-containing mediathrough the chamber resulted in a burst of activitysimilar to that observed after washout of nocodazole(Figure 8E). Because washout of nocodazole and per-fusion of Taxol would be expected to have oppositeeffects on microtubule dynamic instability, but bothtreatments would be expected to increase microtubulepolymerization, our data suggest that microtubule po-lymerization, rather than a change in dynamic insta-bility per se, is capable of increasing intrapodial fre-quency. We next examined whether microtubuleendings were located near sites of intrapodia initia-tion.

Microtubule Endings Are Found near Some Sites ofIntrapodia Initiation. To establish whether microtu-bule endings are present at sites of intrapodia initia-tion, we fixed growth cones during live observation ofintrapodia formation. We attempted to fix growth

Figure 9. Nocodazole washout causes a burst of intrapodial frequency followed by leading edge protrusion. (A) Before washout of 0.33 mMnocodazole. (B) Just after washout (1 min, 18 s). Note the intrapodia (arrows) that formed at the edge of the marginal zone and elongatedtoward the leading edge. Protrusion at the leading edge is minimal compared with A. (C) Protrusion at the leading edge (arrowheads) is nowobserved (8 min, 8 s after washout). Bar, 7 mm.

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cones just at the time that intrapodia were developing.For control growth cones, fixation was initiated at thetime intrapodia first became discernible (Figure 10, Aand D). We also fixed growth cones just after washoutof nocodazole (Figure 10, B and E) or perfusion ofTaxol-containing media (Figure 10, C and F). In allthree conditions, it appeared that microtubule endingswere often at the sites of initiation of intrapodia. Wethen determined whether this association could resultfrom random colocalization. The association was sig-nificantly greater than would be predicted by randomdistributions of microtubules and intrapodia in fourgrowth cones in which microtubule polymerizationwas stimulated pharmacologically (p , 0.06; Table 1).In two untreated growth cones, we did not detect anonrandom relationship between microtubule end-ings and intrapodia. Electron microscopic observa-tions corroborated an association between microtu-bule endings and the sites of intrapodia initiation(Figure 5). Because of the high density of actin, wecould not ascertain whether cytoskeletal elements con-nected the microtubule endings directly to the actinnetwork within intrapodia. Microtubule polymeriza-tion is neither necessary nor sufficient for intrapodiaformation, because intrapodia are sometimes ob-served to form in regions apparently devoid of micro-tubules, and some microtubule endings terminate inregions devoid of F-actin accumulations characteristicof intrapodia. This may account for why we did notobserve a significantly nonrandom association be-tween microtubule endings and intrapodia in un-treated growth cones. Nonetheless, our data are con-sistent with a causal linkage between microtubulepolymerization and intrapodia.


We describe elemental features of a spontaneous, in-tralamellipodial, F-actin-rich structure that appearssimilar to those induced by pseudosubstrata (polyca-tion-coated beads; Forscher et al., 1992), intracellularpathogens (Cossart, 1995; Cudmore et al., 1996), and toa lesser extent, vesicles in non-neuronal cells and cellextracts (Heuser et al., 1992; Southwick et al., 1997;Frischknecht et al., 1999) and Arp2/3 spots in fibro-blasts (Schafer et al., 1998) (cf. Welch et al. 1997). Ourdata indicate that elongation of these spontaneousstructures, termed intrapodia, depends absolutely onactin polymerization. We succeeded in altering therate at which they occur by using drugs that targetactin or microtubules. The direction of intrapodiaelongation correlates with the direction of growthcone advance and intrapodial frequency is influencedby growth cone interaction with neurites. Still, thedistribution of intrapodia, their transient nature, andthe variability of their elongation patterns indicatethat intrapodia are not primarily responsible for guid-

ing growth cones or controlling their interaction withadjacent cells in vitro. In the three-dimensional matri-ces through which growth cones advance in vivo,however, we suspect that the microtubule–plasmamembrane interactions that give rise to intrapodia invitro represent a means by which microtubules maybe able to stimulate F-actin-associated plasma mem-brane specializations independently of or interactivelywith extracellular cues.

Actin Polymerization Is Necessary for IntrapodialElongationOur light and electron microscopic analysis demon-strated that intrapodia contained more F-actin thansurrounding regions of the lamellipodia. Of the fila-ments that we could analyze, 90% of those that werealigned parallel to the direction of elongation at thetime of fixation had their barbed ends oriented towardthe tip, consistent with a role for actin polymerizationin pushing the tip forward. Cytochalasin and latrun-culin B, two drugs that interfere with F-actin polymer-ization, blocked elongation of intrapodia. Cytochala-sin has two effects on actin: at low concentrations itcaps F-actin, and at higher doses it binds to monomers(Cooper, 1987). Given the difficulty of determining theintracellular concentration of cytochalasin and the ef-fect of the cellular environment on its binding prop-erties, we cannot extrapolate from the extracellularcytochalasin concentration which of the actin-bindingproperties is most responsible for the effects we de-scribe (Cooper, 1987). Latrunculin B, a cell-permeantdrug that does not bind to F-actin but facilitates de-polymerization by binding G-actin (Spector et al.,1989), had effects similar to those of cytochalasin B(our unpublished observations). This is consistentwith the possibility that the impact of cytochalasin Bresults from its G-actin sequestering capability. Thesedata demonstrate that actin polymerization is essentialfor intrapodia formation.

Most Intrapodial Leading Tips Are Likely to BeAssociated with the Plasma MembraneIntrapodia tips and tails are adjacent to and elevate thedorsal plasma membrane of lamellipodia. Thus, theplasma membrane at the front edge of the tip is approx-imately perpendicular to the direction of actin polymer-ization that is propelling the tip forward. No discretestructure (e.g., a vesicle) has been observed at the leadingtips of intrapodia in growth cones (but see below). Fur-thermore, the association of intrapodia with elevatedb1-integrin staining is consistent with the possibility thatintrapodia are linked to a membrane-associated protein.We cannot at this time rule out the possibility that theelevation in b1-integrin staining and other F-actin-asso-ciated proteins (talin, a-actinin, and capping protein) isdue to the increased fluorescence path length caused by

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Figure 10. Microtubule endings are associated with intrapodial tails. Red corresponds to actin staining, green to microtubule staining.Growth cones in the presence or absence of microtubule-perturbing treatments were monitored during time-lapse DIC recordings and fixedduring intrapodia formation. Arrowheads in D–F represent the initiation sites of intrapodia as determined before fixation during DICobservations. At high magnification, the microtubule staining sometimes appears discontinuous. Because similarly fixed samples prepared

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the sides of intrapodia. Presumably, cation-coated beadsinduce a specialization in the Aplysia growth coneplasma membrane to produce inductopodia (Forscher etal., 1992), indicating that plasma membrane–based sig-naling is sufficient to induce intrapodia. All of the intra-cellular pathogens use either their own membrane sur-faces (Listeria, Shigella, and Rickettsia) or cloak themselvesin the host cell’s intracellular membranes (Vaccinia vi-rus), to provide a discrete organizer at the leading tip ofthe actin structure. In addition, there is evidence that thenecessary actin-organizing proteins used by Vaccinia(Cudmore et al., 1996) and Listeria (Friederich et al., 1995),when present in the plasma membrane of infectable cellsbut separated from the pathogen, give rise to surfaceprotrusions reminiscent of the protrusions induced bythe intact pathogen. Finally, as noted by a reviewer,Listeria tails that are associated with the plasma mem-brane are more likely to contain long axial actin fila-ments (Sechi et al., 1997) than those that are advancing

through cytoplasm at a distance from the plasma mem-brane (Tilney et al., 1992a,b), consistent with the possi-bility that the plasma membrane stabilizes or contributesto this component of filamentous actin tails. These dataare consistent with the possibility that the plasma mem-brane contains the actin polymerization machinery thatmediates intrapodia formation and that it may also in-fluence the organization of actin filaments in the intrapo-dial tails.

A minority of intrapodia, those that arise from par-ticles derived from the leading edge, are likely to bevesicle tipped. The behavior of these particles is unlikethat of conventional intrapodia. In the example shown(Figure 1, D–K), the intrapodia-generating particle hadelongated and shortened before the intrapodia typeelongation (our unpublished observation). After theintrapodium elongation commenced, the particle ap-peared to split into two oppositely directed intrapo-dia. This would seem to suggest that opposite sides ofa vesicle induce intrapodia. Note, however, that Scha-fer et al. (1998) have reported splitting of Arp3/capZspots, which are evidently plasma membrane special-izations. One of the intrapodia tips we described (Fig-ure 1K) turned and advanced along linear elements(presumably microtubules). This is also difficult toexplain for a plasma membrane specialization but notfor a vesicle. There are reports of vesicle-tipped “actinrockets” that course through the cytoplasm in non-neuronal cell types (Heuser and Morisaki, 1992;Southwick et al., 1997; Frischknecht et al., 1999).

Cytochalasin B Washout Caused a Burst ofIntrapodial ActivityAlthough the direct action of cytochalasin and latrun-culin may be to sequester G-actin (Cooper, 1987), a

Figure 10 (cont). for EM show no evidence of microtubule frag-mentation, we suspect that the discontinuities in staining are due tothe antibody failing to bind a subset of antigen sites. If we usedhigher antibody concentrations, we obtained more continuousstaining but also higher background. (A) Untreated growth conefixed during intrapodia formation. (D) Digital zoom (43) of a por-tion of the same cone shown in A. Some intrapodia are associatedwith microtubules (arrowheads). (B) After washout of nocodazole(0.33 mM), most of the intrapodia appear to have been initiated inthe vicinity of microtubule endings. (E) Digital zoom of the intrapo-dia-rich area showing the close relationship between intrapodia(arrowheads) and microtubules. (C) After perfusion with mediumcontaining 12 nM Taxol, intrapodia are initiated at sites rich inmicrotubule endings. (F) Digital zoom of the intrapodia-rich area(arrowheads) showing the relationship with microtubule ends. Bar,18 mm.

Table 1. Microtubules are not randomly distributed with respect to intrapodia in the P domain


BP domainarea (mm2)

CNo. MT tips in P




ENo. MT tips #1 mm


Fp. MT tip #1 mm

intrapodium (pD/B)

Gp. $E colocal


Cntrl 52 6 2 2 0.12 0.16Cntrl 52 9 2 1 0.12 0.68Noc 112 5 3 2 0.08 0.06Noc 152 8 4 3 0.08 0.03Taxol 105 1 2 1 0.06 0.06Taxol 61 1 1 1 0.05 0.05

In six growth cones fixed during the indicated conditions: Cntrl, untreated; Noc, after nocodazole washout; Taxol, after Taxol washin (A),We determined the area of the P domain (B), the number of microtubule (MT) tips in the P domain (C), the number of intrapodia in the Pdomain (D), the number of microtubule tips within 1 mm of the center of the initiation sites of the intrapodia (E), the probability that anyparticular microtubule would be found within 1 mm of the center of the initiation sites of the intrapodia (E), the probability that any particularmicrotubule would be found within 1 mm of an initiation site of any of the intrapodia if microtubules and intrapodia are distributed randomlythroughout the P-domain (F) (can be viewed as the proportion of the area [B] occupied by D intrapodia initiation sites), and the probabilityof observing at least E colocalization events (G). This is determined by evaluating the binomial probability for less than E successes(colocalizations) for C trials (MT endings in the cone) given the probability determined in F for any particular trial (MT) to result in success(colocalization) and subtracting the chances for less than E successes from 1.0.

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consequence of these treatments is the formation ofcytoplasmic swellings containing drug-resistant clus-ters of F-actin. Most of the intrapodial activity ob-served after cytochalasin washout emanated fromthese swellings. Verkhovsky et al. (1997) showed thatF-actin in such clusters is organized into asters orcrosses of antipolar filaments by myosin II. Thus, theF-actin is oriented with its barbed ends facing awayfrom the center of the cluster. A subset of these barbedends would be apposed to the dorsal plasma mem-brane and could facilitate the formation of or stabilizeF-actin assembly-promoting complexes in the plasmamembrane. Alternatively, we also observed that par-ticles appeared to break away from the leading edgeand become deposited in these swellings. These par-ticles may contain preassembled complexes that couldinitiate intrapodia. As will be discussed below, theseislands may form around microtubule endings, andthe endings may be associated with intrapodia-initiat-ing activity. In this light, it is interesting that plasmamembrane tubules form after cytochalasin treatmentin non-neuronal cells, and this tubulation depends onmicrotubules (van Deurs et al., 1996). Note that al-though the effects of cytochalasin may not depend onits capping ability, the localization of capping proteinalong intrapodia suggests that capping protein is in-volved in tail assembly. Our impression is that cap-ping protein staining is somewhat weaker at the lead-ing tip, consistent with the possibility that intrapodiainitiators uncap actin filaments locally or recruit ornucleate actin filaments. In summary, we propose thatcytochalasin (latrunculin) treatment induces the for-mation of intrapodia initiators at cytoplasmic swell-ings, and that washout of the agent unleashes theseinitiators.

Microtubule Polymerization Promotes IntrapodiaFormationIntrapodia occasionally form in regions of lamellipo-dia remote from microtubules, but several lines ofevidence indicate an intimate relationship betweenmicrotubule polymerization and intrapodia forma-tion. Washout of nocodazole or addition of Taxol rap-idly caused a spike in intrapodial activity, suggestingthat microtubule polymerization within the growthcone stimulates intrapodia formation. This interpreta-tion was supported by the finding that microtubuleendings were often found at sites of intrapodia forma-tion after the two treatments. The constitutive eleva-tion of intrapodia frequency after overnight growth innocodazole, paradoxical at first glance, is actually con-sistent with a role for microtubule endings in initiatingintrapodia: there are more microtubules per unitlength of marginal zone in chronically nocodazole-treated growth cones, and they tend to terminate justproximal to the marginal zone (Rochlin et al., 1996),

the site at which most intrapodia form. It is notewor-thy that cytochalasin-resistant F-actin clusters arefound at microtubule endings (Kelley et al., 1996), andmicrotubules, like leading edges, are sites from whichF-actin network assembly is initiated after washout ofcytochalasin in Aplysia growth cones (Forscher andSmith, 1988). A correlation between microtubule end-ings and ruffle formation at the leading edge of non-neuronal cells has also been reported (Rinnerthaler etal., 1988; Rosania and Swanson, 1996; Waterman-Storer et al., 1999). The correlation between microtu-bule endings and intrapodia initiation sites, combinedwith the correspondence between microtubule poly-merization and intrapodia initiation, supports in-volvement of microtubule endings or closely associ-ated structures with induction of intrapodia.

Incorporating Microtubules, F-Actin, and thePlasma Membrane into a Model of IntrapodiaFormationWe focus on the plasma membrane–associated in-trapodia initiators because vesicle-tipped initiators arerare in growth cones and because they may simplyrepresent ectopic leading edge fragments (endosomes)of limited importance in growth cone motility. Wewish to address two questions raised by our observa-tions: 1) how might microtubule polymerization in-duce intrapodia initiators in the overlying plasmamembrane; and 2) why do microtubules induce in-trapodia rather than filopodia?

Microtubules can influence the F-actin and plasmamembrane by mechanical means, by virtue of trans-porting organelles (Dailey and Bridgman, 1991), or byenzymes associated with the microtubules. Polymer-izing microtubule tips are able to drag endoplasmicreticulum tubules (Waterman-Storer et al., 1995; Wa-terman-Storer and Salmon, 1998) and may therefore beable to push actin filaments encountered at the grow-ing tip (perhaps via dynein activity, Waterman-Storeret al., 1998). Although microtubules appear unable toresist the pressure of the constitutive retrograde flowof F-actin from the leading edge of lamellipodia (Wa-terman-Storer and Salmon, 1997; Suter et al., 1998),they are able to grow into such regions, suggestingeither an association of these microtubules with anon–rearward-moving F-actin population or the abil-ity to polymerize without becoming cross-linked tothe F-actin involved in the rearward flow. Microtu-bules appear to be drawn toward plasma membranespecializations associated with ventral surface inte-grin-based focal adhesions (Kaverina et al., 1998) andsites of CAM cross-linking (Lin and Forscher, 1993;Suter et al., 1998) and may therefore be capable ofassociating with a subpopulation of F-actin that isconnected to plasma membrane tethers, perhaps viamolecules that bind both microtubules and F-actin

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(e.g., Heil-Chapdelaine et al., 1998; Goode et al., 1999).Polymerization of microtubules associated with thissubpopulation of F-actin could lead to concentrationor alignment of F-actin at the tip of the microtubuleand thereby a concentration of the plasma membrane-associated tethers of these filaments, which in turnmight accelerate cross-linking of these tethers. Cross-linking of CAMs by coated beads precedes and isnecessary for inductopodia formation on the dorsalplasma membrane of Aplysia growth cones (Suter etal., 1998) and is implicated as an initial step in theformation of actin–plasma membrane specializationsat contact sites (Chrzanowska-Wodnicka and Burr-idge, 1996; Suter et al., 1998). To date, however, thereis little direct evidence supporting the possibility thatmicrotubule polymerization moves F-actin in lamelli-podia.

Microtubules are associated with a variety of en-zyme activities, a subset of which are implicated in theregulation of the actin cytoskeleton (Kolodney andElson, 1995; Best et al., 1996; Nagata et al., 1998). SmallRas-related GTPases cdc42, Rac, and Rho evidentlycontrol filopodial protrusion, ruffle formation andleading edge protrusion, and focal adhesion assemblyin a variety of cell types (for review, see Hall, 1998),making them candidates for molecules through whichmicrotubule polymerization may act. Several lines ofevidence support a role for Rac1 in intrapodia initia-tion. Rac1 is implicated in ruffling and in pinocytosis(Ridley et al., 1992), consistent with roles in both in-trapodial F-actin assembly and the occasional forma-tion of reverse phase organelles. Rac1 is also involvedin the curvilinear, F-actin polymerization-based motil-ity of spots of capZ/Arp3 in non-neuronal cells (Scha-fer et al., 1998) and may be present in the ListeriaF-actin tails (David et al., 1998). In addition, it has beenfound to localize with microtubules in non-neuronalcells, and colchicine-induced microtubule depolymer-ization blocked ruffling caused by serum treatment,platelet-derived growth factor, and phorbol 12-myris-tate 13-acetate (Best et al., 1996), each of which nor-mally stimulates protrusive events via a pathway in-volving Rac1 (Ridley et al., 1992; Nobes and Hall,1995). Dominant negative Rac1 blocks the ruffling thatnormally accompanies microtubule repolymerizationafter nocodazole washout in fibroblasts (Waterman-Storer et al., 1999). Recent observations implicate gua-nine nucleotide exchange factors, which bind to smallGTPases and stimulate their activity, in the linkage ofRac to the polymerizing ends of microtubules (Ren etal., 1998; Glavin et al., 1999). One possibility suggestedby these data is that microtubule polymerization de-livers Rac1 to the plasma membrane and initiates pro-trusive-type actin assembly at a discrete site. If the siteis not immobilized (e.g., via ECM attachment), it ispropelled by the actin polymerization away from themicrotubule, giving rise to an intrapodium.

Filopodia and ruffle-like sheets are capable of form-ing on the dorsal surface of our SCG growth cones(our unpublished observations); so why do intrapodiaalso form? We speculate that the tip specializations,the plasma membrane–linked protein complexes thatinduce F-actin assembly, are similar in intrapodia,filopodia, and ruffles, but levels of active F-actin-plasma membrane cross-linking proteins determinewhether protrusion parallel to the direction of F-actinassembly (i.e., filopodia or ruffles) occurs at sites atwhich this F-actin assembly is stimulated. In the pres-ence of high levels of cross-linking activity, recentlyassembled F-actin becomes linked to the plasma mem-brane. If the plasma membrane is “sticky,” it is pulledtoward the recently assembled F-actin and draggedforward by the tip, but if it is “slippery” (as in the caseof intrapodia), the tip glides through the plasma mem-brane without pulling the plasma membrane alongwith it. The stickiness would be determined by thelevels of the cross-linking proteins or their levels ofactivation (e.g., phosphorylation; Weed et al. 1998).

We have not determined the role of intrapodia ingrowth cone motility in vitro or in vivo. Nonetheless,the reproducible occurrence of intrapodia after wash-out of actin–monomer binding drugs or microtubulepolymerization-stimulating drugs may provide an as-say for determining the role of candidate signalingmolecules in the early stages of formation of plasmamembrane specializations involved in more typicalforms of protrusion or the generation of adhesionspecializations. Our finding that microtubule poly-merization triggers intrapodia formation before (per-haps at the expense of) leading edge protrusionshould encourage workers to incorporate this early,proximal event in models of microtubule-based motil-ity alterations. Whether intrapodia occur in vivo is notknown, but the frequency with which they occur invitro suggests that the signaling events that underlietheir initiation in vitro are active and significant invivo.


We thank Dr. John Cooper and Dr. Dorothy Schafer for commentson the manuscript and the gift of the anti-capping protein antibody.This work was supported by National Institutes of Health grantNS26510 (to P.C.B.).


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