Polyglot JVM

Post on 10-May-2015

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My talk about Polyglot JVM. A Quick Tour of Java Virtual Machine Languages: Java, Groovy, Scala, Clojure. Codemotion http://codemotion.es/ 24.03.2012

Transcript of Polyglot JVM

Polyglot JVM

A Quick Tour of JVM Languages



Working at OSOCO

Small but outstanding software development shop

Groovy and Grails hackers

on EC2 cloud nine

TDD mantra singers

Quality preachers

Java Platform

_____________________________________ / /| |------------------------------------| | | Java Programming Language | | |------------------------------------| | | Libraries & APIS | | |------------------------------------| | | Java Virtual Machine | | |------------------------------------|/

> 200 languages on JVM







Oxygene KotlinFantom




The Da Vinci Machine Project

We are extending the JVM with first-class architectural support for languages other than Java, especially dynamic languages. This project will prototype a number of extensions to the JVM, so that it can run non-Java languages efficiently, with a performance level comparable to that of Java itself.

The Da Vinci Machine Project

JSR 223: Scripting for the Java Platform

JSR 292: Supporting Dynamically Typed Languages on the Java Platform

New JDK 7 instruction: invokedynamic

Polyglot Programming

Ola Bini Programming Pyramid

/\ / \ / \ /------\ / \ / \ /------------\ / \ / \ /------------------\




Ola Bini Programming Pyramid

Domain-Specific (DSL, web templating) Specific part of the application

Dynamic (Groovy, Clojure) Rapid, productive, flexible development or funcionality

Stable (Java, Scala) Core funcionality, stable, well-tested, performance

Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them.

Alfred North Whitehead

New languages

New ways to think about problems

Language Clasification

functional | | | | -----------------+----------------- static | dynamic | | | not functional

StackOverflow Questions

| 8,268 | __ | | | | | | 3,847 | | | __ 2,762 | | | | | __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |------+--+------+--+------+--+------

StackOverflow Questions

| | | | | | | | 222,722 | | | 8,268 | | | __ | | | | | | | | | | 3,847 | | | | | __ 2,762 | | | | | | | __ | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |------+--+------+--+------+--+------+--+-

Indeed Job Trends

| 0,06 | __ | | | | | | 0,03 | | | __ | | | | | 0,01 | | | | | __ | | | | | | | |------+--+------+--+------+--+------

Indeed Job Trends

| | | | | | | | 3,40 | | | 0,06 | | | __ | | | | | | | | | | 0,03 | | | | | __ | | | | | | | 0,01 | | | | | | | __ | | | | | | | | | | | |------+--+------+--+------+--+------+--+-

All of them

● Everything is an object● Operator overloading● Native syntax for collection classes● Regular expressions as first class citizens● Closures● Facilities to build DSLs


● Dynamic Language● Object-Oriented● Designed for the JVM● Inspired by Python, Ruby and Smalltalk● Good integration with Java● 2003

Hello Groovy

println 'Hello World'


Typically dynamic languages No need to define variable before you use them. Many type conversion

Most scripting languages are interpreted Perform the script compilation and execution within the same process

Fast results for small jobs Write application faster Execute commands repeatedly

Groovy Beans

class Person { String name Integer age}

def person = new Person(name: 'John', age: 30)

def name = person.nameperson.age = 35

Static vs. Dynamic

Static typing A programming language is said to use static typing when type checking is performed during compile time as opposed to runtime

Dynamic typing A programming language is said to be dynamically typed when the majority of its type checking is performed at runtime as opposed to at compile time

Optional Typing

Integer object

object = 4

object = 'noun'ERRORorg.codehaus.groovy.runtime.typehandling.GroovyCastException

Optional Typing

def object

object = 4object = 'noun'object = trueobject = [1, 'noun', true]object = [1: 'noun']

Java Groovy→

import java.util.List;import java.util.ArrayList;

public class Filter { public static void main(String[] args) { List names = new ArrayList(); names.add("Ted"); names.add("Fred"); names.add("Jed"); names.add("Ned"); System.out.println(names);

Filter filter = new Filter(); List shortNames = filter.filterLongerThan(names, 3); System.out.println(shortNames.size()); for (String item : shortNames) { System.out.println(item); } }...

Java Groovy→


private List filterLongerThan(List strings, int length) { List result = new ArrayList(); for (String item : strings) { if (item.length() <= length) { result.add(item); } } return result; }}

Java Groovy→

def names = ["Ted", "Fred"] << "Jed" << "Ned"println names

def shortNames = names.findAll { it.size() <= 3 }println shortNames.size()shortNames.each { name -> println name }

Static language

interface Animal { def quack()}

class Duck implements Animal { def quack() { println "I am a Duck" }}

class Frog implements Animal { def quack() { println "I am a Frog" }}


Animal animal

animal = new Duck()animal.quack()===> I am a Duck animal = new Frog()animal.quack()===> I am a Frog

Dynamic language

class Duck { def quack() { println "I am a Duck" }}

class Frog { def quack() { println "I am a Frog" }}

Duck typing

def animal

animal = new Duck()animal.quack()===> I am a Duck animal = new Frog()animal.quack()===> I am a Frog

Dynamic Method Call

class Dog { def bark() { println "woof!" } def jump() { println "boing!" }}

def doAction(animal, action) { animal."$action"()}

Dynamic Method Call


def rex = new Dog()

doAction(rex, "bark") ===> woof!

doAction(rex, "jump") ===> boing!


Programs that write or manipulateother programs Compile time

● Groovy AST

Runtime● Hook into method dispaching● Dynamically create methods/properties● Dynamic execution of expressions

AST Transformations

@Singletonclass Singleton {}

@EqualsAndHashCodeclass Person { String name, lastName}

@Immutableclass Coordinates { Double latitude, longitude}

Method Missing

class Dog { def bark() { println "woof!" } def jump() { println "boing!" }}

def rex = new Dog()rex.sit()ERROR groovy.lang.MissingMethodException

Method Missing

class Dog { def bark() { println "woof!" } def jump() { println "boing!" }

def methodMissing(String name, args) { println "sit!" }}

rex.sit()===> sit!

Adding methods to aclass at runtime


ERROR groovy.lang.MissingMethodException

Adding methods to aclass at runtime

SomeObject.metaClass.newMethod = { -> // do something}

Integer.metaClass.toRoman = { -> println 'IV'}

4.toRoman()===> IV


● Object-Oriented and Functional Language● Stronger type system● Designed for the JVM● Concurrency: Actors● Many advanced language features● As fast as Java● 2003

Hello Scala

object HelloWorld { def main(args: Array[String]) { println("Hello World") }}

Scala Types

scala> 1 + 1res1: Int = 2

scala> (1).+(1)res2: Int = 2

scala> "a" + "b"res3: java.lang.String = ab

scala> "abc".sizeres4: Int = 3


class Person(name: String, age: Int)

val person = new Person("John", 30)


object Singleton { def start = println("Start")}

scala> Singleton.startStart

Anatomy of a Function

def max (x: Int, y: Int): Int = { if (x > y) x else y}

Type Inference

// JavaMap<String, List<Integer>> map = new HashMap<String, List<Integer>>()

// Java 7Map<String, List<Integer>> map = new HashMap<>()

// Scalaval map = new HashMap[String, List[Int]]

Variable Declaration

var mutable = "I am mutable"mutable = "Touch me, change me..."

val immutable = "I am not mutable"immutable = "Can't touch this"error: reassignment to val


Simple Immutable objects can only be in exactly one state, the state in which it was created

Always consistent Less prone to errors and more secure

Immutable objects can be shared freely Freedom to cache

Inherently thread-safe

Imperative vs. Declarative

Imperative: how to achieve our goal Take the next customer from a list. If the customer lives in Spain, show their details. If there are more customers in the list, go to the beginning

Declarative: what we want to achieve Show customer details of every customer living in Spain


val listOneToTen: List[Int] = { var list: List[Int] = List() var i: Int = 1 while (i <= 10) { list :+= i i += 1 } list}


def listToTen(i: Int): List[Int] = { if (i <= 10) i :: listToTen(i + 1) else Nil}

val listOneToTen = listToTen(1)


scala> println(listOneToTen)List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)

(1 to 10) toList

Mixin Traits

class Person(val name: String)

trait Power { def fly() = println("Fly")}

class SuperHero(override val name:String) extends Person(name) with Power

val superMan = new SuperHero("SuperMan")scala> superMan.flyFly

Pattern Matching

def determineType(x:Any) = x match { case s: String => println("String") case l: List[_] => println("List") case l: Map[_,_] => println("Map") case _ => println("Unhandled type!")}

def factorial(n: Int): Int = n match { case 0 => 1 case x if x > 0 => factorial(n - 1) * n}


● Clojure is LISP● Dynamic language● Designed for the JVM● Code is data● Powerful macros● Good interoperability with Java● Clojure is fast● Concurrency. Shared Transactional Memory● 2007

Why Functional Programming?

Referential transparency Unit testing Debbuging Parallelization Modularity and composition Increases the quality of code Abstractions





Hello Clojure

(println "Hello World")

Prefix notation

(+ 1 2)=> 3

(+ 1 2 3 4 5)=> 15

(< 1 2 3 4 5)=> true

Anatomy of a Function

(defn biggest "Find the maximum of two numbers" [x y] (if (> x y) x y))

Anatomy of a Function

(def biggest "Find the maximum of two numbers" (fn [x y] (if (> x y) x y)))

Function Composition

(defn square [x] (* x x))

(square 21)=> 441(square (+ 2 5))=> 49

Function Composition

(defn sum-of-squares [x y] (+ (square x) (square y)))

(sum-of-squares 3 4)=> 25


(def my-list '(1 2 3))

+---+ +---+ +---+| 1 | ---> | 2 | ---> | 3 |+---+ +---+ +---+

(def new-list (conj my-list 0))

+-----------------------------++---+ | +---+ +---+ +---+ || 0 | --->| | 1 | ---> | 2 | ---> | 3 | |+---+ | +---+ +---+ +---+ | +-----------------------------+

Lazy Evaluation

Only does as much work as necessary Delays the evaluation of the expression until it's needed

CPU efficient The value is not calculated or assigned until the value is requested

Manage potentially infinite data structures Only a manageable subset of the data will actually be used

Infinite Sequences

(take 3 (repeat "Hello"))=> ("Hello" "Hello" "Hello")

(take 5 (cycle [1 2 3]))=> (1 2 3 1 2)

(take 5 (drop 2 (cycle [1 2 3])))(->> [1 2 3] (cycle) (drop 2) (take 5))(1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 …=> (3 1 2 3 1)

Clojure STM

(def my-account (ref 1000.))(def other-account (ref 5000.))

(defn transfer [from to amount] (dosync (alter from - amount) (alter to + amount)))

(transfer other-account my-account 1000.)

Thank you! @ArturoHerrero