Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog

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Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog

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  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog



    Politics &International Relations2013


  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog




    The Confidence TrapA History of Democracy in Crisis from World War I to the Present

    David Runciman

    In this book, David Runciman emerges as the most original guide we have todemocracys global prospects in the twenty-first century.Melissa Lane, Princeton University

    The Confidence Traps engrossing analytical history illuminates democracysdeepening achievements and recurring crises during the charged past century. Byincisively interpreting these moments of unsettled apprehension and by trackingpatterns of coping and surviving, this rich, important book helps us understand,and perhaps even navigate, present anxieties about the capacity of democraciesto grapple with the big issues of economics, geopolitics, and the environment.

    Ira Katznelson, author ofFear Itself: The New Deal and the Origins of Our TimeWhy do democracies keep lurching from success to failure? The current financialcrisis is just the latest example of how things continue to go wrong, just when itlooked like they were going right. In this wide-ranging, original, and compelling

    book, David Runciman tells the story of modern democracy through the history of moments of crisis, fromthe First World War to the economic crash of 2008.

    November 2013. 432 pages.

    Cl: 978-0-691-14868-7 $29.95 | 19.95


    The GambleChoice and Chance in the 2012 Presidential ElectionJohn Sides & Lynn Vavreck

    The 2012 election was when Moneyball defeated Game Changeand Sidesand Vavreck explain why political scientists and number-crunchers were able toforecast the results well in advance, while the conventional wisdom was so oftenwrong. The Gambleis crisply written, comprehensively researched, and carefullyargued. It provides the definitive account of what really happened and what reallymattered in the campaign.Nate Silver, author ofThe Signal and the Noise

    John Sides and Lynn Vavreck have done something remarkable: Theyve managed tonot just report on the 2012 election in real time, but research it in real time, too. Theyvesolved the problem that bedevils those of us in journalism: How to actually know whatyoure talking about when youre talking about something as fluid and fast-moving as apresidential election. This book should change how we cover campaigns.Ezra Klein, columnist, The Washington Post

    Using an unusual moneyball approach, John Sides and Lynn Vavreck look beyond the anecdote, folklore, and con-ventional wisdom that often pass for election analysis. Instead, they draw on extensive quantitative data about theeconomy, public opinion, news coverage, and political advertising to separate what was truly important from whatwas irrelevant. Combining this data with the best social science research and colorful on-the-ground reporting,they provide the most accurate and precise account of the election yet writtenand the only book of its kind.

    October 2013. 352 pages. 50 line illus. 23 tables.Cl: 978-0-691-15688-0 $29.95 | 19.95



















    39 EBOOKS



    Jacket Photo: Replica of the White House isolated on white background. image dj. Courtesy of Shutterstock.

  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog




    Jane Austen,

    Game TheoristMichael Suk-Young Chwe

    Jane Austen, Game Theorist. . .is more than the larky scholarlyequivalent of Pride and Prejudiceand Zombies.. . . Mr. Chwe arguesthat Austen isnt merely fodderfor game-theoretical analysis,but an unacknowledged founderof the discipline itself: a kind ofEmpire-waisted version of themathematician and cold warthinker John von Neumann,ruthlessly breaking down thestratagems of 18th-century socialwarfare.Jennifer Schuessler,New York Times

    2013. 288 pages. 5 line illus. 9 tables.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15576-0 $35.00 | 24.95

    Also by Michael Suk-Young



    With a new afterword bythe author

    Rational RitualCulture, Coordination, andCommon Knowledge

    See page 34 for details.


    How to Run a CountryAn Ancient Guide for Modern Leaders

    Marcus Tullius Cicero

    Selected, translated, and with an introduction by Philip Freeman

    How to Win an Electionwas a delightandHow to Run a Countryis even better. Cicerosacute observations about how to govern willresonate with everyone who recognizes thatthe tribalism, ideological extremism, andcoarsened culture of politics today urgentlyneed to change.Norman J. Ornstein, coauthor of Its EvenWorse Than It Looks

    2013. 152 pages.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15657-6 $12.95 | 8.95

    Also by Marcus Tullius Cicero

    NEWA New York Times Book Review Editors Choice

    How to Win an ElectionAn Ancient Guide for Modern Politicians

    Translated and with an introduction by Philip Freeman

    In his election advice to his brother Marcus,

    Quintus Cicero shows himself to be a masterpolitical strategist with a clear understand-ing of opposition research, organization, andturnout (though a little weak on message).Fresh, lively, and sharp, this primer providestimeless counsel and a great read for themodern political practitioner.Karl Rove, former deputy chief of staff andsenior advisor to President George W. Bush

    2012. 128 pages.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15408-4 $9.95 | 6.95


    Meeting at Grand CentralUnderstanding the Social and Evolutionary Roots of Cooperation

    Lee Cronk & Beth L. Leech

    An evolutionary psychologist and apolitical scientist somehow accomplishthe spectacular feat of explaining human

    cooperation by delineating diverse accountsof the roadblocks to it. Cronk and Leechpersuasively argue that cooperation isbased in complicated emergent institutionssurrounding indirect reciprocity but also inbasic individual biological and evolutionaryrealities. They are a great team.John R. Hibbing, University of NebraskaLincoln

    2012. 264 pages. 7 line illus.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15495-4 $29.95 | 19.95

  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog



    NEWOn SettlingRobert E. Goodin

    This is a profound book by one of our verybest social philosophers. It is a must-readin the age of unrealistic expectations andunyielding demands by extremists. It speaksboth to our personal lives and to our publiclives, as citizens and voters. Above all, onewishes our public leaders would heed it.Amitai Etzioni, author of The New Golden Rule

    2012. 128 pages.

    Cl: 978-0-691-14845-8 $24.95 | 16.95


    Political BubblesFinancial Crises and the Failureof American Democracy

    Nolan McCarty, Keith T.Poole & Howard Rosenthal

    This wise book offers an incisiveevaluation of the politics of eco-nomic crisis. Persuasively insist-ing on the need for a new publicphilosophy, its elegant account atthe juncture of political economyand policy analysis artfully con-nects conceptual argumentationabout ideology, interests, andinstitutions to inventive andilluminating analyses of data.Ira Katznelson, ColumbiaUniversity

    2013. 368 pages. 3 halftones. 26 line illus.

    11 tables.

    Cl: 978-0-691-14501-3 $29.95 | 19.95



    InternationalismArmed Diplomacy under

    Jefferson, Polk, Truman,and Reagan

    Henry R. Nau

    Henry Nau is one of our wisestscholars of international relations,and that wisdom is on full displayhere. Cutting across todaysexhausted political categories,his book is a vision of limitedgovernment and personal liberty

    at home and abroad, achievedthrough an international en-gagement pioneered by ThomasJefferson and developed by threeof Americas most successfulpresidents. It is a vision that willsurprise and challenge conserva-tives, liberals, and realists alike.John Owen, Universityof Virginia

    October 2013. 296 pages. 1 halftone.

    3 line illus. 1 table. 2 maps.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15931-7 $35.00 | 24.95


    Change They Cant

    Believe InThe Tea Party and Reactionary

    Politics in AmericaChristopher S. Parker &

    Matt A. Barreto

    This original and importantbook is the most well-researchedand significant scholarly study ofthe Tea Party movement and itsmembers yet to appear. Unfold-ing a profile of Tea Party activiststhreatened by liberal changes

    and ill-formulated images of biggovernment and state regulatorypower, Parker and Barreto teaseout core beliefs and views,ranging from commonplace con-servatism to racist antagonism.

    Their book is an outstandingcontribution to understandingAmerican politics.Desmond King, Universityof Oxford

    2013. 384 pages. 60 line illus. 11 tables.Cl: 978-0-691-15183-0 $29.95 | 19.95


    A World without WhyRaymond Geuss

    A World without Whyis a fasci-nating collection of essays by oneof the most original, witty, pro-found, passionate, and eruditephilosophers alive today.Wendy Brown, author of WalledStates, Waning Sovereignty

    February 2014. 320 pages.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15588-3 $39.50 | 27.95

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  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog




    Thinking about

    LeadershipNannerl O. Keohane

    [This] book is best on the role ofleadership in a democracy, and inparticular the ethics of exercisingpower and the interaction ofprivate and public morality.Diane Coyle, EnlightenedEconomist blog

    2012. 312 pages.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15618-7 $19.95 | 13.95


    On the Muslim QuestionAnne Norton

    This is an extraordinary

    bookan impassioned, astute,and erudite critique that stronglyrefutes the clash of civilizationsrhetoric and the stereotypesshaping contemporary discus-sions of Muslims in the West.It further proposes a concretealternative vision of democracy indiverse societies. The argumentis original and sophisticated andthe writing is beautifulgraceful,

    assertive, and clear. I think thisbook will achieve instant statusas a classic of our time.Joan W. Scott, Institute forAdvanced Study

    The Public Square

    2013. 288 pages.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15704-7 $24.95 | 16.95

    FORTHCOMING PAPERBACKWinner of the 2012 PROSE Award for Excellence, Government & Politics, Association ofAmerican Publishers

    Winner of the 2012 PROSE Award for Excellence, Social Sciences, Association of American Publishers

    The Unheavenly ChorusUnequal Political Voice and the Broken Promise ofAmerican Democracy

    Kay Lehman Schlozman, Sidney Verba & Henry E. Brady

    Kay Lehman Schlozman, Sidney Verba,and Henry E. Brady are the nations leading

    analysts of participatory inequality, and TheUnheavenly Chorusis their magnum opusawide-ranging, heavily statistical analysisof how Americans try to make themselvesheard as individuals and through organiza-tions of different kinds.Paul Starr, New Republic

    September 2013. 728 pages. 59 line illus. 58 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15986-7 $27.95 | 19.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-15484-8 $35.00 | 24.95


    Thinking about

    the PresidencyThe Primacy of Power

    William G. HowellWith David Milton Brent

    In this brief, well-written book,William Howell ranges widelyand astutely as he encouragesreaders to view the presidencythrough the prism of its coredimensionpower. This volumewill be a valuable complement tocourses on the presidency.George C. Edwards III, authorof Overreach: Leadership in theObama Presidency

    2013. 208 pages.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15534-0 $22.95 | 15.95


    Presidential Leadership

    and the Creation of the

    American EraJoseph S. Nye, Jr.

    A compelling study of the useand misuse of power in themodern age. Written by one ofour countrys foremost scholars,the book examines Americasascent through a White Houselens, offering verbal bouquetsto deserving presidents andcriticism for those unequal to

    the intellectual, emotional, andmoral demands of the job. Utterlynonpartisan, the volume is per-suasive from start to finish, andvaluable for experts and generalreaders alike.Madeleine Albright, former U.S.Secretary of State

    The Richard Ullman Lectures

    2013. 200 pages. 1 line illus. 6 tables.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15836-5 $27.95 | 19.95

  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog




    Redeeming The PrinceThe Meaning of Machiavellis Masterpiece

    Maurizio Viroli

    In this absolutely important book,Maurizio Viroli addresses the main pointsof controversy over Machiavellis Princeandprovides a new, global interpretation of thismasterpiece of the Italian Renaissance. Awork of serious, original scholarship, Virolis

    book also gives a clear, simple, and coherentexplanation of Machiavellis work for generalreaders.Jean-Jacques Marchand, professor emeri-tus, University of Lausanne, Switzerland

    November 2013. 200 pages. 10 halftones.

    Cl: 978-0-691-16001-6 $26.95 | 18.95


    Niccol MachiavelliAn Intellectual Biography

    Corrado Vivanti

    Translated bySimon MacMichael

    This is a very readable andreliable guide to Machiavellis lifeand thought from a distinguishededitor of the Florentines works.Providing far more comprehen-sive coverage than any othershort guide, this book presentsan informative account of allof Machiavellis writings, andhandles them with winningsuppleness and authority. Vivantireveals the intimate connectionsbetween Machiavellis thoughtand the vicissitudes of his careerwithin a colorful and turbulentpolitical world characterized byincessant war, duplicitous state-craft, and delicate diplomacy.Peter Stacey, University ofCalifornia, Los Angeles

    2013. 280 pages.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15101-4 $27.95 | 19.95


    The Limits of

    PartnershipU.S.-Russian Relations in the

    Twenty-First CenturyAngela E. Stent

    Stents argument is richlydeveloped, covering a wideswath of the U.S.-Russian bilateralpolicy agenda and buttressed bya great deal of historical detail,at least some of which will benew to most readers. The Limits ofPartnership is clearly the product

    of assiduous research, and profitsas well from Stents personalexperience in the politics of U.S.policymaking toward Russia.Robert C. Nurick, Atlantic Council

    January 2014. 336 pages. 15 halftones.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15297-4 $35.00 | 24.95

    NEW PAPERBACKWinner of the 2012 Book of the Year Award,American National Section of LAssociationInternationale de Droit Pnal

    One of Washington Posts Best of 2012: 50Notable Works of Nonfiction

    All the Missing SoulsA Personal History of the WarCrimes Tribunals

    David Scheffer

    These new courts were thesingle most important advancein international criminal justicesince Nuremberg, and Scheffersbook is an exhaustive insidersaccount, the most thorough we

    are likely to have, of how theywere set up.Michael Ignatieff, New YorkReview of Books

    Human Rights and Crimes against Humanity

    2013. 568 pages. 35 halftones. 1 table.

    2 maps.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15784-9 $24.95 | 16.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-14015-5 $35.00 | 24.95

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    Secrets and LeaksThe Dilemma of State Secrecy

    Rahul Sagar

    See page 23 for details.

  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog




    He Runs, She RunsWhy Gender Stereotypes DoNot Harm Women Candidates

    Deborah Jordan BrooksHe Runs, She Runsis aprovocative analysis of genderstereotypes in U.S. campaigns.With original experimental data,Brooks sheds light on whenstereotypes do and dont matter.

    This engaging book providesimportant insights into genderand candidacy, and is a valuablecontribution to the field.

    Kira Sanbonmatsu, RutgersUniversity

    2013. 240 pages. 27 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15342-1 $26.95 | 18.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-15341-4 $65.00 | 44.95


    Presidents and the

    Dissolution of the UnionLeadership Style from Polk

    to LincolnFred I. Greenstein

    With Dale Anderson

    The American Civil War wassomehow caused by slavery,but how was it that the slaveryquestion could not be resolvedshort of bloodshed? FredGreenstein rejects the notion ofan irrepressible conflict, instead

    highlighting the failings of aseries of presidents, contrastingtheir drift or dysfunction withAbraham Lincolns mastery.Briskly argued and brimmingwith insight, this book will sparkfresh conversation about the roleof individuals versus social forcesin the making of history.Michael Birkner, GettysburgCollege

    2013. 200 pages. 7 halftones.Cl: 978-0-691-15199-1 $24.95 | 16.95

    NEWWinner of the 2008 Prix Franois Guizot,Acadmie franaise

    TocquevilleThe Aristocratic Sourcesof Liberty

    Lucien Jaume

    Translated byArthur Goldhammer

    Tocqueville remains the mostendlessly fascinating of all mod-ern writers about democracy.Lucien Jaume, one of Francesleading intellectual historians, isan outstanding interpreter of his

    thought, in all its political variety.. . . A wonderfully lucid book andan indispensable guide.David Runciman, Universityof Cambridge

    2013. 360 pages.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15204-2 $35.00 | 24.95

    NEW PAPERBACKWinner of the 2011 Leon D. Epstein Outstanding Book Award, Political Organizations andParties Section, American Political Science Association

    Partisan BalanceWhy Political Parties Dont Kill the U.S. Constitutional System

    David R. Mayhew

    Once again, Mayhew demolishes conven-tional wisdom in this theoretically informedanalysis of domestic policymaking in thepost-World War II era. Readers will find allthe qualities they have come to expectfrom this authorthoughtful arguments,surprising findings, and provocative, if noticonoclastic, conclusions.

    Morris P. Fiorina, Stanford UniversityPrinceton Lectures in Politics and Public Affairs

    2013. 240 pages. 4 line illus. 21 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15798-6 $24.95 | 16.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-14465-8 $30.95 | 21.95

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  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog



    Winner of the 2013 Goldsmith Book Prize, Academic Category, Joan Shorenstein Center on thePress Politics and Public Policy, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

    Why Americans Hate the Media and How It MattersJonathan M. Ladd

    Ladd presents a nuanced analysis of thedecrease in media trust by the public anddiscusses its implications for politics ina democracy.

    Choice2011. 288 pages. 1 halftone. 32 line illus. 14 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-14786-4 $26.95 | 18.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-14785-7 $65.00 | 44.95

    Affluence and InfluenceEconomic Inequality and Political Power in America

    Martin Gilens

    Democracy is based on the ideal that everycitizen has an equal potential to shape whatgovernment does. With care and without

    cant, Gilens shows that we are very far fromthis ideal in contemporary American politics.

    The economically privileged dont alwaysget what they want. But, according to Gilenspioneering analysis, they are much moreinfluential than those below them on theeconomic ladder.Affluence and Influenceis alandmark in the study of representation.Jacob Hacker, coauthor of Winner-Take-All


    Copublished with the Russell Sage Foundation

    2012. 352 pages. 9 halftones. 34 line illus. 55 tables.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15397-1 $35.00 | 24.95

    Local Elections and the Politics of Small-Scale

    DemocracyJ. Eric Oliver

    With Shang E. Ha & Zachary Callen

    Eric Olivers masterful study turns our gazeaway from the national limelight to the quiet,steady politics of local governments. . . .Oliver uncovers a healthy and vibrant systemof democracy in local U. S. politics.

    Stephen Ansolabehere, Harvard University

    2012. 240 pages. 15 line illus. 14 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-14356-9 $29.95 | 19.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-14355-2 $75.00 | 52.00


    What Is YourRace?The Census and Our FlawedEfforts to Classify Americans

    Kenneth PrewittRace may be socially con-structed, but alleles are not. Thequestion is not ifbiology matters,but howdoes itand willitmatter? How will biology becalled upon to define or confineus in the twenty-first century?Kenneth Prewitt forcefully urgescaution in the recuperation ofbiology, especially when biology

    is called upon to justify genomicmedicines uncontested adoptionof a census taxonomy that is itselfbased on eighteenth-centurypseudoscience. He also effective-ly deconstructs the pretense bycensus takers that this taxonomyitself is firmly anchored in sci-ence. In one of the most originalaspects of this important newbook, Prewitt shows in fine his-

    torical detail that social scienceand social policy share a commonstarting pointultimately, inAmerican slavery and Jim Crowracial relations. Prewitts analysis,even when I disagree with him, istimely, thoughtful, eloquent, andlearned, and we would all do wellto heed his warnings.Henry Louis Gates, Jr., HarvardUniversity

    2013. 288 pages. 5 line illus. 3 tables.Cl: 978-0-691-15703-0 $29.95 | 19.95

    Read newsworthy and lively commentary on our new blog at blog.press.princeton.edu

  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog



    OverreachLeadership in theObama Presidency

    George C. Edwards III

    George Edwards has written acogently argued, data-drivenanalysis of the Obama adminis-trations failure to appreciate theopportunities and limitations ofexercising power in the Americanpolitical system.Stephen J. Wayne, Georgetown


    2012. 248 pages. 39 tables. 1 map.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15368-1 $29.95 | 19.95

    Winner of the 2013 Melvin Pollner Prize, Ethnomethodology and Conservation AnalysisSection, American Sociological Association

    Talk at the BrinkDeliberation and Decision during the Cuban Missile Crisis

    David R. Gibson

    The ping-pong match known as the Cubanmissile crisis of October 1962 is reinterpreted

    in this brilliant, analytic expos. David Gibsonsheds landmark new light on the tersediplomacy between Kennedy and Khrush-chev. His research is prodigious. Highlyrecommended!Douglas Brinkley, Rice University

    2012. 240 pages. 46 line illus. 1 table.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15131-1 $35.00 | 24.95

    Winner of the 2009 Gladys M. Kammerer Award, American Political Science Association

    Winner of the 2009 Leon D. Epstein Outstanding Book Award, Political Organizations andParties Section, American Political Science Association

    Unequal DemocracyThe Political Economy of the New Gilded Age

    Larry M. Bartels

    [I recommend] Larry M. BartelssUnequalDemocracy. Especially at this time everythoughtful American needs to learn as muchas possible about the relationship of politicsto economics.

    Bill Clinton, Daily Beast

    Copublished with the Russell Sage Foundation

    2010. 344 pages. 4 halftones. 40 line illus. 65 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-14623-2 $22.95 | 15.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-13663-9 $29.95 | 19.95

    Governing AmericaThe Revival of Political History

    Julian E. Zelizer

    Governing Americaoffers us an opportunityto observe one of the countrys best politicalhistorians working at the top of his game. . . .A tour de force.Gary Gerstle, Vanderbilt University

    2012. 432 pages. 2 halftones. 2 line illus. 1 table.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15073-4 $35.00 | 24.95

    Also by George C. Edwards IIIOne of Choices Outstanding Academic Titlesfor 2009

    The Strategic PresidentPersuasion and Opportunityin Presidential Leadership

    This book will fundamentally

    change the way politicalscientists and the Washingtoncommunity think about presi-dential power.Richard Pious, Barnard College,

    Columbia University

    2012. 272 pages. 18 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15436-7 $24.95 | 16.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-13947-0 $46.95 | 32.95

    To receive notices about new books, subscribe for email at:press.princeton.edu/subscribe

  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog



    Little RockRace and Resistance atCentral High School

    Karen Anderson

    A well-written account of animportant battle in the strugglefor racial equality in the UnitedStates. Scholars of civil rights, pol-itics, and law in the United Stateswill find this work worthwhileand enjoyable. Brian J. Daugherity,Journal ofSouthern History

    December 2013. 344 pages. 12 halftones.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15961-4 $24.95 | 16.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-09293-5 $42.00 | 28.95

    FORTHCOMING PAPERBACKWinner of the 2012 Merle Curti Award, Organization of American Historians

    Winner of the 2012 James A. Rawley Prize, Organization of American Historians

    Winner of the 2012 Philip Taft Labor History Award, Cornell University School of Industrial andLabor Relations

    One of Choices Outstanding Academic Titles for 2012

    No Mans LandJamaican Guestworkers in America and the Global History ofDeportable Labor

    Cindy Hahamovitch

    A fascinating, engaging study. . . . [T ]his is a fantastic book that givesa clear understanding of how Jamaican guest workers labored, lived,and struggled in the U.S.Choice

    December 2013. 352 pages. 18 halftones. 2 line illus.

    Pa: 978-0-691-16015-3 $24.95 | 16.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-10268-9 $35.00 | 24.95

    NEW PAPERBACKOne of Choices Top 25 Titles for 2011

    Debtor NationThe History of America inRed Ink

    Louis Hyman

    [Debtor Nation]does a splendidjob unpacking the origins andevolution of credit and debt inthe US. . . . Hyman tells the storyof Americas debt obsessionengagingly and without anoverabundance of jargon.Asa Fitch, National

    2012. 392 pages. 7 halftones. 3 line illus.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15616-3 $24.95 | 16.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-14068-1 $52.50 | 36.95

    NEW REVISED AND EXPANDED EDITIONWith a new preface and two new chapters by the authorWinner of the 2003 Philip Taft Labor History Award, Cornell University School of Industrial andLabor Relations

    One of Choices Outstanding Academic Titles for 2002

    State of the UnionA Century of American Labor

    Nelson Lichtenstein

    Thought-provoking. . . . State of the Unionis a history written with a

    purposeto encourage and energize a struggling labor movement,and to remind its leaders, and the reader, of the power of big ideas.Michael Wald, Monthly Labor Review

    2013. 400 pages. 28 halftones.

    Pa: 978-0-691-16027-6 $22.95 | 15.95

    This wide-ranging series in twentieth-century U.S. political history presents not only works that representthe best of traditional political history but also those that integrate insights and methodologies of socialand cultural history, challenge conventional periodizations, and situate the American political experience

    in a comparative framework.

    POLITICS & SOCIETY IN TWENTIETH-CENTURY AMERICAWilliam Chafe, Gary Gerstle, Linda Gordon & Julian Zelizer, series editors


  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog




    The Second Red Scare

    and the Unmaking of

    the New Deal LeftLandon R. Y. Storrs

    Riveting and timely. Storrs cutsthrough the endless debateson the impact of the SecondRed Scare to show in concretedetail how it destroyed a vibrant

    social-democratic tradition inAmerican politics. Mining neverbefore used sources, she alsodemonstrates how important thefeminist Left was to the New Dealand how central antifeminism wasto the Right. Anyone who caresabout the policy challenges of ourown time should read this book.Jacquelyn Hall, University ofNorth Carolina, Chapel Hill

    2012. 424 pages. 22 halftones.Cl: 978-0-691-15396-4 $39.50 | 27.95

    FORTHCOMINGLobbying America

    The Politics of Business fromNixon to NAFTA

    Benjamin C. Waterhouse

    This outstanding book providesan important and surprisinglyunderexamined history of thepolitical mobilization of thebusiness community duringthe 1970s.Julian Zelizer, PrincetonUniversity

    December 2013. 344 pages. 10 halftones.

    Cl: 978-0-691-14916-5 $39.50 | 27.95

    FORTHCOMINGThe Color of SuccessAsian Americans and theOrigins of the Model Minority

    Ellen D. Wu

    The Color of Successembodiesexciting developments in AsianAmerican history. Through thelens of racial liberalism andcultural diplomacy, Ellen Wu

    offers a historically groundedanalysis of the Asian Americanmodel minority in the contextsof domestic race politics andgeopolitics, and she unveils thecomplexities of wartime andpostwar national inclusion.Eiichiro Azuma, University ofPennsylvania

    December 2013. 336 pages. 19 halftones.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15782-5 $39.50 | 27.95

    Mothers of ConservatismWomen and the Postwar Right

    Michelle M. Nickerson

    Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin? They had antecedents. Many,many antecedents. Michelle Nickerson uncovers an entire undiscov-ered lost continent of right-wing organizingand in the processproduces a wealth of new and profound insights about grassroots

    conservatism as a whole. A remarkable book.Rick Perlstein, author of Nixonland: The Rise of a President and theFracturing of America

    2012. 264 pages. 16 halftones. 2 maps.

    Cl: 978-0-691-12184-0 $35.00 | 24.95

    Winner of the 2013 Outstanding Book Award,American Educational Research Association

    Between Citizens and

    the StateThe Politics of American

    Higher Education in the20th Century

    Christopher P. Loss

    Fresh and original, thisexhilarating book deepens ourunderstanding of American highereducation.Ira Katznelson, Columbia


    2011. 344 pages. 29 halftones. 4 line illus.

    Cl: 978-0-691-14827-4 $35.00 | 24.95

    POLITICS & SOCIETY IN TWENTIETH-CENTURY AMERICAWilliam Chafe, Gary Gerstle, Linda Gordon & Julian Zelizer, series editors

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    Fighting for

    the SpeakershipThe House and the Rise ofParty Government

    Jeffery A. Jenkins &

    Charles Stewart III

    The Speaker of the House is thethird-highest constitutional officein the United States. Yet politicalscientists and historians havelargely ignored how the House

    chooses the holder of this exaltedposition. No longerJenkins andStewart have convincingly placedthe contest for the speakershipat the center of the historicaldevelopment of Congress.Nolan McCarty, PrincetonUniversity

    2012. 496 pages. 22 line illus. 68 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15644-6 $35.00 | 24.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-11812-3 $80.00 | 55.00

    NEW PAPERBACKOne of Choices Outstanding Academic Titlesfor 2012

    Still a House DividedRace and Politics inObamas America

    Desmond S. King &

    Rogers M. Smith

    Essential reading for scholarsof race, politics and policy. Itprovides a rich and texturedanalysis that is accessible andtheoretically driven. . . . The

    individual sections are masterclasses in each policy era and willhelp guide individual scholarswith interests in those eras. Withthat, the book is an instant classicby two scholars who routinelyproduce work of this quality.Mark Sawyer, Ethnic andRacial Studies

    2013. 392 pages. 5 halftones. 36 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15962-1 $24.95 | 16.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-14263-0 $35.00 | 24.95


    The Substance of

    RepresentationCongress, AmericanPolitical Development,and Lawmaking

    John S. Lapinski

    I salute John Lapinski for thisinnovative work on Americanlawmaking. The book offers defthistory, a good measure of thesignificance of laws, and a helpful

    categorization of laws by substan-tive area. In a welcome move, itannexes Congress to the study ofAmerican political development.David Mayhew, author ofPartisan Balance

    October 2013. 192 pages. 23 line illus.

    15 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-13782-7 $24.95 | 16.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-13781-0 $75.00 | 52.00

    Paths Out of DixieThe Democratization ofAuthoritarian Enclavesin Americas Deep South,19441972

    Robert Mickey

    [V]ivid and profoundlyilluminating.

    Rick Valelly, Swarthmore College2012. 408 pages. 4 halftones. 9 line illus.

    12 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-14963-9 $35.00 | 24.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-13338-6 $80.00 | 55.00

    NEWLooking for Rights in All

    the Wrong PlacesWhy State ConstitutionsContain AmericasPositive Rights

    Emily Zackin

    Emily Zackin argues that theUnited States has a long historyof positive rights protection,

    created and fostered by politicaloutsiders who wanted to changesociety and disrupt the statusquo. We will find this tradition notin the federal constitution, but inour countrys many state consti-tutions. This is a crucially import-ant book revealing an unjustlyneglected feature of Americasconstitutional traditions.Jack M. Balkin, Yale Law School

    2013. 248 pages. 1 line illus. 8 tables.Pa: 978-0-691-15578-4 $29.95 | 19.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-15577-7 $65.00 | 44.95

    Building the JudiciaryLaw, Courts, and the Politicsof Institutional Development

    Justin Crowe

    See page 31 for details.

    Winner of the 2013 Distinguished BookAward, Latina/o Sociology Section, AmericanSociological Association

    Winner of the 2012 Latino Politics Best BookAward, Latino Caucus in Political Science,American Political Science Association

    Co-Winner of the 2013 Distinguished

    Contribution to Scholarship Award, Political

    Sociology Section, American Sociological


    Winner, 2012 C. Wright Mills Award, Societyfor the Study of Social Problems

    Three Worlds of ReliefRace, Immigration, and theAmerican Welfare State fromthe Progressive Era to theNew Deal

    Cybelle Fox

    [A] tour de force.

    Joe Soss, University of Minnesota

    2012. 416 pages. 1 halftone. 11 line illus.

    5 tables. 2 maps.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15224-0 $35.00 | 24.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-15223-3 $80.00 | 55.00

    PRINCETON STUDIES IN AMERICAN POLITICSIra Katznelson, Martin Shefter, Theda Skocpol & Eric Schickler, series editors

  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog




    The 1970sA New Global History

    from Civil Rights toEconomic Inequality

    Thomas Borstelmann

    The United States and the worldhave become more integratedand diverse during the lastseveral decades, and this bookhelps us understand how thattransformation came about.Borstelmann locates the originsof the contemporary world inthe 1970s and presents by far themost comprehensive and per-suasive portrait of that decade.Ranging from politics and ideolo-gy to economic globalization andreligious fundamentalism, thisbook makes compelling reading.Akira Iriye, Harvard University

    2013. 416 pages. 13 halftones.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15791-7 $19.95 | 13.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-14156-5 $29.95 | 19.95


    Line in the SandA History of the Western

    U.S.-Mexico BorderRachel St. John

    Rachel St. John untangles themyths surrounding theU.S.-Mexico border in thisthoughtful and meticulouslyresearched book. In so doing, shenot only restores the border to itscentral place in borderlands stud-ies but also renders the borderessential for understanding the

    history of North America.Karl Jacoby, Brown University

    2012. 296 pages. 20 halftones.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15613-2 $24.95 | 16.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-14154-1 $39.95 | 27.95

    Winner of the 2012 Theodore SaloutosMemorial Book Award, Immigration andEthnic History Society

    Foreign RelationsAmerican Immigration inGlobal Perspective

    Donna R. Gabaccia

    A much-needed book from apreeminent historian.Mae Ngai, author of TheLucky Ones: One Family and the

    Extraordinary Invention of Chinese


    2012. 288 pages. 2 halftones. 1 line illus.

    3 tables.

    Cl: 978-0-691-13419-2 $29.95 | 19.95

    The Other AllianceStudent Protest in WestGermany and the United

    States in the Global SixtiesMartin Klimke

    [A]n impressively nuanced picture.Hans Kundnani, Times LiterarySupplement

    2011. 368 pages. 26 halftones. 3 line illus.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15246-2 $24.95 | 16.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-13127-6 $49.95 | 34.95

    Alabama in Africa

    Booker T. Washington, theGerman Empire, and theGlobalization of the New South

    Andrew Zimmerman

    [I]ncontestably a major contribu-tion. It demonstrates decisivelythe value of the vanguard trendthat is the internationalizing ofthe African-American experience.Gerald Horne,Journal of

    American History2012. 416 pages. 31 halftones. 3 maps.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15586-9 $24.95 | 16.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-12362-2 $57.50 | 39.95

    AMERICA IN THE WORLDSven Beckert & Jeremi Suri, series editors

    American history is no longer the history of the nation-state alone. Instead of segregating the history ofNorth America from the rest of the world, some of the newest and most exciting writing integrates Amer-ica in the world. This movement toward transnational perspectives is taking shape across time periods,methodological preferences, and fields of analysis. American historians will continue to examine the

    exceptional elements of the nations history, and they will continue to produce local studies. Within thenext decade, however, even the most locally centered and exceptionalist scholarship will be much moreinformed by attention to networks, identities, and processes that transcend the nation-state. This serieswill bring together the work of a new generation of scholars writing the history of global America.

  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog




    No Enchanted PalaceThe End of Empire and theIdeological Origins of theUnited Nations

    Mark Mazower

    [Mazower] has identified agigantic contradiction in theUnited Nations very DNA thatmay explain how the ambitious,well-intentioned body evolvedinto Mess-on-East River.Marc Tracy, New York TimesBook Review

    The Lawrence Stone Lectures

    2013. 248 pages.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15795-5 $17.95 | 12.50

    Cl: 978-0-691-13521-2 $24.95 | 16.95


    The New Terrain of

    International LawCourts, Politics, Rights

    Karen J. Alter

    The New Terrain of InternationalLawprovides the most sophisti-cated account of how new styleinternational courts alter politicsby reducing the monopoly powerof governments to determinewhat the law requires. If youcan read only one book on howinternational courts affect thepolitics of international law, this isthe one to read.Robert O. Keohane, PrincetonUniversity

    January 2014. 392 pages. 20 line illus.

    20 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15475-6 $35.00 | 24.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-15474-9 $85.00 | 59.00


    NATO in AfghanistanFighting Together, FightingAlone

    David P. Auerswald &

    Stephen M. Saideman

    This book provides a superblook at all the challenges and op-portunities faced in Afghanistan.Fair and balanced, it shows boththe progress and the difficulties.A must-read for all who arefollowing the important work ofNATO and the International Secu-rity Assistance Force coalition.Admiral James G. Stavridis,former Supreme Allied Com-mander Europe, NATO

    January 2014. 256 pages. 12 line illus.

    11 tables.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15938-6 $35.00 | 24.95

    NEW PAPERBACKWinner of the 2012 Best Book Award,International Studies Association

    The New Global RulersThe Privatization of

    Regulation in theWorld Economy

    Tim Bthe & Walter Mattli

    A convincing theory on themain drivers of power withinthis specific and widespreadphenomenon.Matthias Schmidt,AccountingReview

    2013. 320 pages. 13 halftones. 16 line illus.

    20 tables.Pa: 978-0-691-15797-9 $24.95 | 16.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-14479-5 $30.95 | 21.95


    Nassers GambleHow Intervention in Yemen Caused the Six-Day War and theDecline of Egyptian Power

    Jesse Ferris

    An engrossing and lively narrative. Ferris has

    taken advantage of the release of many im-portant Soviet documents and has also madevery extensive use of documents from U.S.and British archives, a host of memoirs andother sources in Arabic, and some exceeding-ly useful items in Hebrew. Nassers Gambleisa model of how a true international historyshould be written.Mark Kramer, Harvard University

    2012. 352 pages. 18 halftones.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15514-2 $45.00 | 30.95


    Rethinking Private

    AuthorityAgents and Entrepreneursin Global EnvironmentalGovernance

    Jessica F. Green

    The most important book yetwritten on private authority inworld politics. Conceptuallyrich, carefully argued, andprovocative, Rethinking PrivateAuthoritygoes far beyond itstitle to provide a significantnew foundation for the study ofglobal governance.David A. Lake, University ofCalifornia, San Diego

    January 2014. 248 pages. 7 line illus.11 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15759-7 $24.95 | 16.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-15758-0 $60.00 | 41.95

    One of the Peoples Choice: Carnegie CouncilTop Ten for 2009

    The Crisis of American

    Foreign PolicyWilsonianism in the Twenty-firstCentury

    G. John Ikenberry, Thomas J.Knock, Anne-Marie Slaughter

    & Tony Smith

    [A] provocative and informativeanalysis.James M. McCormick, Perspec-tives on Politics

    2011. 168 pages.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15004-8 $19.95 | 13.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-13969-2 $46.95 | 32.95

  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog




    Of Empires and CitizensPro-American Democracy or No Democracy at All?

    Amaney A. Jamal

    This original book adds to the

    substantial research concerned withdomestic factors and the persistenceof authoritarianism in the Arab world.It also opens a new line of inquiry bydemonstrating the role of internationalfactors in relationships between theArab governments and the UnitedStates. An impressive and rich work.Mark Tessler, University of Michigan

    2012. 296 pages. 12 line illus. 13 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-14965-3 $27.95 | 19.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-14964-6 $75.00 | 52.00


    The International Human Rights MovementA History

    Aryeh Neier

    Aryeh Neiers insightful account of thehuman rights movement underlines thecrucial role played by individuals andhuman rights defenders in speakingout against abuses. This book describesmany of the human rights challengesthat remain and is essential readingfor all those wishing to understand thepolitical challenges of our times.Kofi Annan, former secretary-generalof the United Nations (19972006)

    Human Rights and Crimes Against Humanity

    2013. 392 pages.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15960-7 $24.95 | 16.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-13515-1 $35.00 | 24.95


    Making Human Rights a RealityEmilie M. Hafner-Burton

    Making Human Rights a Realityis animportant book for lawyers, political sci-entists, activists, and practitioners within

    the international human rights system. Itmanages to be unsentimental and com-mitted at the same time, casting a coldeye on the present state of internationalhuman rights enforcement while offer-ing a promising and innovative strategyfor the future. In the best tradition ofinternational law-international relationsscholarship, Hafner-Burton understandsand deploys both law and power.Anne-Marie Slaughter, Princeton

    University2013. 296 pages. 2 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15536-4 $27.95 | 19.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-15535-7 $75.00 | 52.00

    NEW PAPERBACKWinner of the 2013 Robert H. Ferrell Book Prize,Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations

    Honorable Mention, 2012 PROSE Award, U.S.

    History, Association of American Publishers

    Roosevelts Lost AlliancesHow Personal Politics HelpedStart the Cold War

    Frank Costigliola

    Even with 60 years of writing on theCold Wars origins behind us, RooseveltsLost Alliancescan boast of a novel thesis.Jordan Michael Smith,BostonGlobe.com

    2013. 544 pages. 24 halftones.Pa: 978-0-691-15792-4 $24.95 | 16.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-12129-1 $35.00 | 24.95

    Co-Winner of the 2013 Chadwick F. Alger Prize,International Studies Association

    Monitoring DemocracyWhen International ElectionObservation Works, and WhyIt Often Fails

    Judith G. Kelley

    This probing, nuanced, and insightfulanalysis of international electionmonitoring splendidly illuminates andassesses a key area of internationaldemocracy support. The books conclu-sions about the mixed utility and manydilemmas of election monitoring arepersuasive and deserve wide attention.

    Thomas Carothers, CarnegieEndowment for International Peace

    2012. 360 pages. 28 line illus. 38 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15278-3 $35.00 | 24.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-15277-6 $80.00 | 55.00

  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog



    NEW PAPERBACKOne of Choices Outstanding Academic Titles for 2010

    The Science of WarDefense Budgeting, Military Technology, Logistics, andCombat Outcomes

    Michael E. OHanlon

    As an introduction to a vital realm ofanalysis, this book has much to offer. But

    its greater value may be as a primary textdescribing the type of military thinking thatgets states into trouble.Jonathan D. Caverley, Perspectives on Politics

    2013. 280 pages. 4 line illus. 12 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15799-3 $22.95 | 15.95


    The Terrorists DilemmaManaging Violent Covert Organizations

    Jacob N. Shapiro

    The Terrorists Dilemma expertly incor-porates organizational perspectives

    into the study of terrorism, producing atheoretically insightful and empiricallyrich work that upends many conventionalassumptions. Shapiro proves that differenceswithin the chain of command, managementweaknesses, and other problems commonto organizations of all stripes plague terroristgroups and offer numerous opportunities tofight them better.Daniel Byman, Georgetown University

    2013. 352 pages. 6 line illus. 8 tables.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15721-4 $29.95 | 19.95

    One of the Economists Best Books of 2008

    Winner of the 2008 PROSE Award forExcellence in Government and Politics,Association of American Publishers

    With a new introduction bythe author

    The Fall and Rise of the

    Islamic StateNoah Feldman

    [I]ncisive and elegant.Economist

    A Council on Foreign Relations Book

    2012. 232 pages.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15624-8 $14.95 | 10.95

    One of Choices Outstanding Academic Titlesfor 2010

    How Terrorism EndsUnderstanding the Declineand Demise of

    Terrorist Campaigns

    Audrey Kurth Cronin

    [A] significant contribution.

    Choice2011. 336 pages. 6 line illus. 13 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15239-4 $22.95 | 15.95


    Ancient Chinese Thought, Modern Chinese PowerYan Xuetong

    Edited by Daniel A. Bell & Sun ZheTranslated by Edmund RydenWith a new preface by the author

    A bold attempt to introduce ancient Chineseperspectives on international relations

    theory, Yan Xuetongs book is a timely con-tribution to the literature relevant to Chinasrise in the international stage.Lik Hang Tsui,Journal of International andGlobal Studies

    Princeton-China Series

    2013. 320 pages. 11 line illus. 4 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-16021-4 $19.95 | 13.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-14826-7 $35.00 | 24.95

    One of the Financial Times Best Books onPolitics for 2011

    With a new preface bythe author

    The End of the WestThe Once and Future Europe

    David Marquand[A] bracing and timely work.European Voice

    The Public Square

    2012. 232 pages.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15608-8 $19.95 | 13.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-14159-6 $24.95 | 16.95

    Honorable Mention, 2011 PROSE Awardfor Excellence in Government & Politics,Association of American Publishers

    Theories of InternationalPolitics and ZombiesDaniel W. Drezner

    One of the most creative booksabout international relations youwill ever readand one of thesmartest.Peter Beinart, author of The

    Icarus Syndrome

    2011. 168 pages. 4 line illus. 3 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-14783-3 $16.95 | 11.95

  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog



    One of Choices Outstanding Academic Titlesfor 2011

    Liberal LeviathanThe Origins, Crisis, andTransformation of theAmerican World Order

    G. John Ikenberry

    [A]mbitious and thought-provoking.Gideon Rachman, FinancialTimes

    2012. 392 pages. 1 line illus. 8 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15617-0 $22.95 | 15.95

    Expanded Edition

    Americas MissionThe United States and theWorldwide Struggle forDemocracyTony Smith

    [A] comprehensive historicalreview of the record of Americanliberal internationalism.Francis Fukuyama, New Republic

    A Century Foundation Book

    2012. 528 pages.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15492-3 $24.95 | 16.95

    Finalist, 2011 Estoril Global IssuesDistinguished Book Prize, Estoril Conferences

    Honorable Mention, 2011 Arthur Ross BookAward, Council on Foreign Relations

    How Enemies

    Become FriendsThe Sources of Stable Peace

    Charles A. Kupchan

    Kupchan has a lucid styleand writes with authority andwisdom.G. R. Berridge, Hague Journal

    of DiplomacyA Council on Foreign Relations Book

    2012. 464 pages. 8 line illus. 1 table. 6 maps.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15438-1 $24.95 | 16.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-14265-4 $29.95 | 19.95

    The Cold War and AfterHistory, Theory, and the Logicof International Politics

    Marc Trachtenberg

    [A]n outstanding book,engaging and stimulating frombeginning to end.

    Thomas A. Schwartz, VanderbiltUniversity

    2012. 336 pages.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15203-5 $27.95 | 19.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-15202-8 $75.00 | 52.00

    Winner of the 2010 Robert H. Ferrell BookPrize, Society for Historians of AmericanForeign Relations

    Co-Winner of the 2010 Marshall ShulmanBook Prize, Association for Slavic, EastEuropean, and Eurasian Studies

    Winner of the 2009 DAAD Prize forDistinguished Scholarship in German andEuropean Studies, American Institute forContemporary German Studies

    Honorable Mention, 2011 Laura ShannonPrize in Contemporary European Studies,Nanovic Institute for European Studies

    One of the Financial TimesBooks of the Yearfor 2009

    One of Choices Outstanding Academic Titlesfor 2010

    1989The Struggle to Create PostCold War Europe

    Mary Elise Sarotte

    A hugely impressive study.Gerard DeGroot, WashingtonPost

    2011. 344 pages. 20 halftones. 4 maps.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15241-7 $19.95 | 13.95

    Worse Than a MonolithAlliance Politics and Problemsof Coercive Diplomacy in Asia

    Thomas J. Christensen

    This book is central to our un-derstanding of the Cold War, EastAsia, and international politicstheory.Robert Jervis, ColumbiaUniversity

    2011. 320 pages.

    Pa: 978-0-691-14261-6 $28.95 | 19.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-14260-9 $75.00 | 52.00

    One of Choices Outstanding Academic Titlesfor 2011

    Politics and StrategyPartisan Ambition andAmerican Statecraft

    Peter Trubowitz

    [T]he best book on U.S. grandstrategy to emerge in years.William Wohlforth, DartmouthCollege

    2011. 200 pages. 3 line illus. 11 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-14958-5 $26.95 | 18.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-14957-8 $75.00 | 52.00

    PRINCETON STUDIES IN INTERNATIONAL HISTORY & POLITICSG. John Ikenberry & Marc Tractenberg, series editors

    To receive notices about new books, subscribe for email at:press.princeton.edu/subscribe

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    Why Philanthropy MattersHow the Wealthy Give, and What It Means for Our EconomicWell-Being

    Zoltan J. Acs

    This marvelous and insightful book provides, to

    my knowledge, the first link between the philan-thropist and economic performance. Exception-ally original and a pleasure to read, it will inducemany scholars and policymakers to reconsiderthe way they think about the economy and theimportant role played by philanthropy.David B. Audretsch, Indiana University

    2013. 272 pages. 4 line illus.

    Cl: 978-0-691-14862-5 $29.95 | 19.95


    The Bankers New ClothesWhats Wrong with Banking and What to Do about It

    Anat Admati & Martin Hellwig

    More than four years after the financialmeltdown devastated the economy, ourbanking system remains resistant to reform

    and riddled with risk. The Bankers New Clotheschallenges us to question the status quo and tothink anew about the transformative changesin banking that are needed to serve the publicinterest. This work should spur a long-overduedebate on real banking reform. Phil Angelides, chairman of the FinancialCrisis Inquiry Commission

    2013. 416 pages. 6 line illus. 4 tables.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15684-2 $29.95 | 19.95


    Pillars of ProsperityThe Political Economics ofDevelopment Clusters

    Timothy Besley &Torsten Persson

    Pillars of Prosperityis a landmarkanalysis of political economy. It pro-vides the first rigorous foundationsfor the emergence of the effectivestates needed for development. Inthe process, this book opens manypaths for new research.Paul Collier, Centre for theStudy of African Economies,University of Oxford

    The Yrj Jahnsson Lectures

    2013. 392 pages. 25 line illus. 25 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15815-0 $29.95 | 19.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-15268-4 $45.00 | 30.95


    An Uncertain GloryIndia and its Contradictions

    Jean Drze & Amartya Sen

    India is a great success story of economicgrowth and poverty decline, but it remainsthe home of global poverty, and half of itschildren are profoundly malnourished. Thisparadox of poverty and plenty poses one of

    the great intellectual and moral challengesof the day. We can ask for no better guidesto it than a philosopher and an activist, bothdistinguished economists, and both withunparalleled knowledge of Indias glories andits shames.Angus Deaton, author of The Great Escape:Health, Wealth, and the Origins of Inequality

    2013. 448 pages. 4 line illus. 40 tables.

    Cl: 978-0-691-16079-5 $29.95

    For sale only in the United States and Canada


    Competition Policy andPrice FixingLouis Kaplow

    Kaplow has produced what islikely to be recognized as thedefinitive work on price fixing.His analysis is rigorous, compre-hensive, lucid, and convincing.Richard A. Posner, University ofChicago Law School

    2013. 512 pages. 25 line illus.Cl: 978-0-691-15862-4 $49.50 | 34.95

  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog




    Human CapitalismHow Economic Growth Has Made Us Smarterand More Unequal

    Brink Lindsey

    In this brief, clear, and forthright book,

    Brink Lindsey shows how economicgrowth is creating unprecedented levelsof human capitaland suggests how thehuge benefits of this development canbe spread beyond those who are alreadyenjoying its rewards.

    2013. 144 pages.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15732-0 $14.95 | 10.95


    The Locust and the BeePredators and Creators in Capitalisms Future

    Geoff Mulgan

    Geoff Mulgans extraordinary book strikesa balance between innovative thought andgrounded pragmatism and serves as anurgent invitation to discoursediscourseabout how we can harness the most inclu-sive aspects of capitalism and explore newapproaches for our shared work of buildingthe common good. Mulgan challenges us tofind the best in ourselves and in the systemsthat provide the hope for human flourishing.John J. DeGioia, president of GeorgetownUniversity

    2013. 344 pages.

    Cl: 978-0-691-14696-6 $29.95 | 19.95


    The Great RebalancingTrade, Conflict, and thePerilous Road Ahead for the

    World EconomyMichael Pettis

    This is a brilliant book, onethat absolutely must be readby all who are concerned withglobalizations future. MichaelPettis debunks the reigningconventional wisdom aboutinternational trade, finance, andglobalization, and provides themost clear-eyed, unbiased, andunvarnished insights into howthe Chinese economy works.Clyde Prestowitz, author of TheBetrayal of American Prosperity

    2013. 232 pages.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15868-6 $29.95 | 19.95


    Mass FlourishingHow Grassroots InnovationCreated Jobs, Challenge,and Change

    Edmund Phelps

    In this magisterial sweep ofhistorical storytelling, EdmundPhelps draws upon his rich anddeep cultural hinterlandfromRobin Hood to Karl Marx toFriedrich Hayekto explore whysome countries develop dynamic

    economies driven by incessantinnovation and inspirationwhile others still lag far behind.Economic history has rarely beenmore penetratingly understoodand engagingly told.Nicholas Wapshott, authorof Keynes Hayek: The Clash ThatDefined Modern Economics

    2013. 392 pages. 20 line illus. 5 tables.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15898-3 $29.95 | 19.95


    The Behavioral Foundations of Public PolicyEdited by Eldar Shafir

    Roll over, economists. We have always,pridefully, thought of ourselves as themajor arbiters of good public policy:take it or leave it based on cost-benefitanalysis. The Behavioral Foundations ofPublic Policychallenges that hegemony.In each interesting chapteron topics

    ranging from discrimination and povertyto health, savings, and bureaucracythebook shows the role of psychology inpublic policy. Only one word can describethis book: wow!George Akerlof, Nobel Laureatein Economics

    2013. 536 pages. 35 line illus. 23 tables.

    Cl: 978-0-691-13756-8 $55.00 | 37.95

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  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog



    Votes, Vetoes, and the

    Political Economy of

    International Trade

    AgreementsEdward D. Mansfield &

    Helen V. Milner

    [A] significant contribution.Douglas Irwin, Dartmouth


    2012. 224 pages. 11 line illus. 15 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-13530-4 $29.95 | 19.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-13529-8 $60.00 | 41.95

    Winner of the 2013 International Law BestBook Award, International Law Section,International Studies Association

    Co-Winner of the 2013 Chadwick F. AlgerPrize, International Studies Association

    Why Adjudicate?Enforcing Trade Rules inthe WTO

    Christina L. Davis

    [A]n extremely insightful volumeand a pleasure to read.Merit E. Janow, Columbia


    2012. 344 pages. 2 halftones. 4 line illus.

    21 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15276-9 $35.00 | 24.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-15275-2 $80.00 | 55.00

    NEWShortlisted for the 2013 Spear s Book Award in Financial History

    The Battle of Bretton WoodsJohn Maynard Keynes, Harry Dexter White, and the Making ofa New World Order

    Benn Steil

    A riveting, exceptionally well-written ac-count of the birth of the postwar economicorder, and the roles of two determined menwho were competing to define it. The Battleof Bretton Woodsis a must-read work ofeconomic and diplomatic history with greatrelevance to today.Alan Greenspan, former chairman of theFederal Reserve

    A Council on Foreign Relations Book

    2013. 480 pages. 32 halftones.

    Cl: 978-0-691-14909-7 $29.95 | 19.95


    The Price of RightsRegulating InternationalLabor Migration

    Martin Ruhs

    In this excellent book, Martin Ruhs presents

    a fresh analysis of the reasons why manycountries, whether they be high or low in-come, restrict the rights of migrant workers.His carefully researched volume will be ofgreat interest to policymakers and migrationexperts across the globe.Frank Laczko, International Organizationfor Migration

    2013. 272 pages. 13 line illus. 16 tables.

    Cl: 978-0-691-13291-4 $35.00 | 24.95

    NEWShortlisted for the 2012 Gladstone Prize, Royal Historical Society

    Masters of the UniverseHayek, Friedman, and the Birth of Neoliberal Politics

    Daniel Stedman Jones

    Daniel Stedman Jones has an unusual

    talentmaking the history of economicthought fascinating and significant. Intracing the evolution of neoliberal ideasand their implementation in public policyin Britain and the United States, he does asuperb job of helping us understand boththe last half-century of Atlantic history andthe origins of the current crisis. No bookcould be more timely.Eric Foner, Columbia University

    2012. 432 pages. 1 table.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15157-1 $35.00 | 24.95

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    Co-Winner of the 2012 Gold Medal AxiomBusiness Book Award in Economics, JenkinsGroup, Inc.

    With a new chapter bythe author

    Zombie EconomicsHow Dead Ideas Still Walkamong Us

    John Quiggin

    Entertaining and thought-provoking.

    Philip Coggan, Economist

    2012. 288 pages. 4 line illus.Pa: 978-0-691-15454-1 $16.95 | 11.95

    Not for sales in Australia and New Zealand.

    Winner of the 2011 PROSE Award for Excellence in Sociology and Social Work, Association ofAmerican Publishers

    One of the Economists Best Books on Politics and Current Affairs for 2011

    One of Choices Outstanding Academic Titles for 2012

    Exceptional PeopleHow Migration Shaped Our World and Will Define Our Future

    Ian Goldin, Geoffrey Cameron & Meera Balarajan

    This is a book of bold ambitions ablyfulfilled.


    Goldin is clear . . . that the problems of aworld with more open borders are beinginadequately addressed.

    James Crabtree, Financial Times

    2012. 392 pages. 37 line illus. 14 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15631-6 $22.95 | 15.95

    With a foreword by Stephen Breyer

    Collaborative GovernancePrivate Roles for Public Goals in Turbulent Times

    John D. Donahue & Richard J. Zeckhauser

    Required reading for anyone interestedor involved in public policy making to

    understand the potential value, and risks, ofcollaborative governance.Sasha Jesperson, LSE Politics and

    Policy blog

    2012. 320 pages. 5 line illus. 3 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15630-9 $18.95 | 12.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-14979-0 $27.95 | 19.95

    NEW PAPERBACKWinner of the 2013 Bronze Medal Axiom Business Book Award in Economics, Jenkins Group, Inc.

    Winner of the 2012 PROSE Award, Business in Finance and Management, Association ofAmerican Publishers

    Winner of the 2012 Business Book Award in Finance & Economics, 800-CEO-READ

    One of Choices Outstanding Academic Titles for 2012

    One of Caijing Magazines Best Finance Books in China for 2012

    Finance and the Good SocietyRobert J. Shiller

    Finance and the Good Societyis aprovocative call for understanding, thenreinventing finance as a force that couldcreate inclusive prosperity. . . . An importantbook for those who seek change.Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Harvard BusinessSchool Professor and author of SuperCorp:How Vanguard Companies Create Innova-

    tion, Profit, Growth, and Social Good

    2012. 312 pages.

    Pa: 918-0-691-15809-9 $19.95 | 13.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-15488-6 $24.95 | 16.95

    Co-Winner of the 2010 Gold Medal AxiomBusiness Book Award in Entrepreneurship,Jenkins Group, Inc.

    Winner of the 2009 PROSE Award for Excellencein Business, Finance, and Management,Association of American Publishers

    Boulevard of

    Broken DreamsWhy Public Efforts to BoostEntrepreneurship andVenture Capital Have Failedand What to Do about It

    Josh Lerner

    [S]uperb. Edward L. Glaeser,

    New York Times Economix blog

    The Kauffman Foundation Series on

    Innovation and Entrepreneurship

    2012. 240 pages. 9 line illus. 4 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15453-4 $18.95 | 12.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-14219-7 $27.95 | 19.95

  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog




    In the Interest of OthersOrganizations and Social Activism

    John S. Ahlquist & Margaret Levi

    Why do the members of some trade unionssacrifice time and money to support the

    causes of others halfway around the world?Ahlquist and Levi provide a convincinganswer: founders who build organizationsthat deliver good jobs to members may alsobuild organizations that transform membersvalues to support international solidarity. Thisoutstanding book is a must-read for scholarsof organizational and political sociology,collective action, and behavioral economics.Elisabeth Jean Wood, Yale University

    October 2013. 336 pages. 31 line illus. 14 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15857-0 $29.95 | 19.95Cl: 978-0-691-15856-3 $95.00 | 65.00


    The Soldier and the Changing StateBuilding Democratic Armies in Africa, Asia, Europe, andthe Americas

    Zoltan Barany

    The Soldier and the Changing Stateis thesingle most ambitious and complete analysison civil-military relations in democratizingstates. Barany examines a variety of countrycase studies, ranging from transition expe-riences after dictatorships and communistregimes to postwar and postcolonial nations.

    This is an extremely important contributionto the understanding of the relationshipbetween the role of the military and thegovernment in diverse transition situations.Narcs Serra, chairman of the Institut Bar-celona dEstudis Internacionals and formerSpanish Minister of Defense

    2012. 472 pages. 9 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-13769-8 $29.95 | 19.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-13768-1 $75.00 | 52.00


    The Muslim BrotherhoodEvolution of anIslamist Movement

    Carrie Rosefsky Wickham

    Meticulously researched andpowerfully argued, Carrie RosefskyWickhams The Muslim Brotherhoodis the most significant book aboutthe Egyptian Brotherhood sincethe publication in 1969 of RichardP. Mitchells The Society of theMuslim Brothers. Essential for un-derstanding the Egyptian uprisingof 2011 and its aftermath.James L. Gelvin, author of TheArab Uprisings: What Everyone

    Needs to Know

    A timely and incisive look intothe history, politics, and future ofthe Muslim Brotherhood by theforemost expert on Islamism inEgypt. Carrie Rosefsky Wickhamhas constructed a detailedaccount of how the Brotherhoodconfronts the challenges beforeit, and why and when it embraceschange. Everyone concernedwith the future of Egypt shouldread this book.Vali Nasr, author of The ShiaRevival and The Dispensable


    2013. 380 pages. 10 tables.

    Cl: 978-0-691-14940-0 $29.95 | 19.95

    NEW PAPERBACKWith a new introduction by the author

    Egypt after MubarakLiberalism, Islam, and Democracy in the Arab World

    Bruce K. Rutherford

    [Egypt after Mubarak] clearly offers both aninsightful account of Egyptian politics and

    a potentially fruitful framework for futurecomparative research on political change inthe Arab world.Perspectives on Politics

    Princeton Studies in Muslim Politics

    2013. 344 pages. 1 table.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15804-4 $22.95 | 15.95

  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog



    Winner of the 2013 Levine Prize, Research Committee on the Structure of Government,International Political Science Association

    Winner of the 2012 ONE Best Book Award, Organizations and the Natural EnvironmentDivision, Academy of Management

    The Politics of PrecautionRegulating Health, Safety, and Environmental Risks in Europeand the United States

    David Vogel

    This is comparative politics at its very best.Vogel takes the reader on a fascinatingtransatlantic journey to show how and whyregulatory leadership shifts with politicalpressures, elite preferences, and new viewson risk management. His book should berequired reading for everyone concernedabout the safety of man and environment.Lennart J. Lundqvist, University ofGothenburg, Sweden

    2012. 336 pages.

    Cl: 978-0-691-12416-2 $39.50 | 27.95

    Reforming the

    European UnionRealizing the Impossible

    Daniel Finke, Thomas Knig,

    Sven-Oliver Proksch &George Tsebelis

    [T]heoretically rich and empiri-cally driven.Choice

    2012. 248 pages. 34 line illus. 13 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15393-3 $35.00 | 24.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-15392-6 $80.00 | 55.00

    One of Choices Outstanding Academic Titlesfor 2011

    The Age of Social

    DemocracyNorway and Sweden in the

    Twentieth Century

    Francis Sejersted

    Translated by Richard Dalywith editing by Madeleine B.Adams

    [A]n extremely importantevenseminalcontribution.Mary Hilson,Journal ofModern History

    2011. 560 pages. 19 halftones.

    Cl: 978-0-691-14774-1 $46.95 | 32.95

    Winner of the 2005 Victoria Schuck Award, American Political Science Association

    Honorable Mention, 2005 Albert Hourani Book Award, Middle East Studies Association

    With a new preface by the author

    Politics of PietyThe Islamic Revival and the Feminist Subject

    Saba Mahmood

    [B]rave and stunning. . . . Politics of Piety will

    reorient the way in which cultural theoristsregard religious practice and the account ofmoral agency. It will be of widespread interest.Judith Butler, University of California,


    2011. 272 pages.

    Pa: 978-0-691-14980-6 $24.95 | 16.95

    FORTHCOMING PAPERBACKOne of Choices Outstanding Academic Titles for 2012

    The Oil CurseHow Petroleum Wealth Shapes the Development of Nations

    Michael L. Ross

    Economists have mostly shied away from

    full costings of the ecological and socialdevastation of oil use. Were they to do sowith the thoroughness and authority dis-played by Ross in The Oil Curse, they mightstart to develop the new economic modelfor oil and other extractive industries that isso desperately needed.John Vidal, Nature

    October 2013. 312 pages. 46 line illus. 35 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15963-8 $22.95 | 15.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-14545-7 $29.95 | 19.95

    Read newsworthy and lively commentary on our new blog at blog.press.princeton.edu

  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog




    Leisurely IslamNegotiating Geography andMorality in Shiite South Beirut

    Lara Deeb & Mona Harb

    Caf culture has been an integralpart of life in the Middle East forcenturies, but Deeb and Harbpresent it as a lens through whichto understand the shifting mo-rality of the people of southern

    Lebanon. This is an importantand fascinating study that willbe read and discussed for yearsto come.Reza Aslan, author of No godbut God: The Origins, Evolution

    and Future of Islam andZealot:The Life and Times of Jesus of


    November 2013. 304 pages. 18 halftones.

    5 maps.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15366-7 $24.95 | 16.95Cl: 978-0-691-15365-0 $75.00 | 52.00

    PRINCETON STUDIES IN MUSLIM POLITICSDale F. Eickelman & Augustus Richard Norton, series editors

    FORTHCOMING PAPERBACKWinner of the 2012 Academic Award,Palestine Book Awards, Middle East Monitor

    Winner of a 2012 British-Kuwait FriendshipSociety Book Prize in Middle Eastern Studies

    One of Choices Top 25 Titles for 2012

    With a new afterword bythe author

    Hamas and Civil Society

    in GazaEngaging the IslamistSocial Sector

    Sara Roy

    Roy strives not to speak forPalestinians, but to let theirvoices reverberate. . . . [T]his is animportant book, which challengeslazy views about the Palestiniansand highlights how they go aboutsecuring basic services.Economist

    December 2013. 344 pages. 2 maps.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15967-6 $24.95 | 16.95Cl: 978-0-691-12448-3 $37.50 | 26.95

    NEWOne of ForeignAffairs.coms BestInternational Relations Books on the MiddleEast for 2012

    Muslim Nationalism and

    the New TurksJenny White

    Whites book is a bold and flaw-less analysis of the new Turkeyscollective unconscious. Thisexceptional work must be readnot only by Western observersbut also by the Turks themselves.Moris Farhi, author of Young Turk

    2012. 264 pages. 13 halftones.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15518-0 $24.95 | 16.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-15517-3 $70.00 | 48.95

    A Washington PostPolitical Bestseller

    AfghanistanA Cultural and Political History

    Thomas Barfield

    [A]n invaluable book. Mr. Barfield

    . . . provide[s] the context neces-sary for good policymaking.Doug Bandow, WashingtonTimes

    2012. 408 pages. 2 line illus. 7 maps.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15441-1 $16.95 | 11.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-14568-6 $29.95 | 19.95

    Princeton Readings in

    Islamist ThoughtTexts and Contexts from al-Banna to Bin Laden

    Edited and with an

    introduction by

    Roxanne L. Euben &

    Muhammad Qasim Zaman

    [A] most useful and timely intel-lectual history of Islamism.Vali Nasr, author of Forces ofFortune: The Rise of a New Muslim

    Middle Class and What it Means

    for Our World

    2009. 536 pages.

    Pa: 978-0-691-13588-5 $37.50 | 26.95

    Also by Roxanne L. Euben

    Journeys to the

    Other Shore

    Muslim and Western Travelersin Search of Knowledge

    2008. 328 pages.

    Pa: 978-0-691-13840-4 $26.95 | 18.95 Co-Winner of the 2013 Best Book Award,Migration and Citizenship Section, AmericanPolitical Science Association

    One of Choices Outstanding Academic Titlesfor 2012

    The Emancipation of

    Europes MuslimsThe States Role in Minority

    IntegrationJonathan Laurence

    [Jonathan Laurence] brilliantlyelucidates the long-term trendsthat are transforming the childrenof migrants into European Muslims,acknowledging the tensions as wellas the achievements of the process.Olivier Roy, European University

    Institute, Florence

    2012. 392 pages. 41 halftones. 19 tables.

    Pa: 978-0-691-14422-1 $29.95 | 19.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-14421-4 $80.00 | 55.00

  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog



    FORTHCOMING PAPERBACKWith a new preface by the authors

    The Spirit of CitiesWhy the Identity of a City Matters in a Global Age

    Daniel A. Bell & Avner de-Shalit

    Daniel Bell and Avner de-Shalit definitely

    have a new idea, and a good one: thatcultivating the spirit of cities is the bestantidote to global homogenization. Theyhave produced a book that sparkles.Michael Walzer, Institute for AdvancedStudy, Princeton

    November 2013. 368 pages. 10 halftones.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15969-0 $19.95 | 13.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-15144- $35.00 | 24.95

    NEWOne of Library Journals Best Reference Books on Law & Politics for 2012

    The Princeton Encyclopedia of Islamic

    Political ThoughtEdited by Gerhard Bowering

    Patricia Crone, Wadad Kadi, Devin J. Stewart, MuhammadQasim Zaman, associate editorsMahan Mirza, assistant editor

    In this timely volume, 15 major entriesexamine key topics such as Muhammad,

    jihad, gender, fundamentalism, andpluralism. The remaining nearly 400entries focus on the origin and evolu-tion of Islamic political terms, concepts,personalities, movements, places, andschools of thought.Library Journal

    2012. 704 pages. 7 maps.

    Cl: 978-0-691-13484-0 $75.00 | 52.00

    In Our NameThe Ethics of Democracy

    Eric Beerbohm

    Are citizens in a democracy complicit inthe injustices perpetrated by a state thatacts in their name? Yes they are, argues Eric

    Beerbohm. In Our Nameis a major statementin democratic theory that develops anovel approach to the relationship betweencitizen and representative. This book willreorient our understanding of the nature ofrepresentation in a democracy and appeal tophilosophers, political theorists, and socialscientists alike.

    Rob Reich, Stanford University

    2012. 368 pages.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15461-9 $45.00 | 30.95

    The Spirit of CompromiseWhy Governing Demands It andCampaigning Undermines It

    Amy Gutmann &

    Dennis Thompson

    Gutmann and Thompson havewritten an incisive and engaginganalysiswith many contempo-rary examplesof why compro-mise is necessary in democraticpolitics and why it is increasinglydifficult in our democracy. Watch-ing our politicians at work, I cantimagine a more timely book.Michael Walzer, Institute forAdvanced Study

    2012. 256 pages.Cl: 978-0-691-15391-9 $24.95 | 16.95


    Secrets and LeaksThe Dilemma of State Secrecy

    Rahul Sagar

    In this provocative and originalbook, Rahul Sagar resolves a coredilemma of executive powerin a democracy. He shows howthe justification for secrecy andaccountability for its misuse bothhover outside the normal legalorder. Elegant in its symmetryand uncanny in its timing.Jeffrey K. Tulis, University of

    Texas at Austin

    November 2013. 296 pages.

    Cl: 978-0-691-14987-5 $39.50 | 27.95

  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog




    War in Social ThoughtHobbes to the Present

    Hans Joas & Wolfgang Knbl

    Viewed in its social context, warembraces every dimension ofhuman life, yet the subject of waris almost wholly missing fromsocial thought. This book is a veryvaluable corrective to this situa-tion and well worth reading.Edward Luttwak, Center forStrategic and International Studies

    2012. 336 pages.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15084-0 $35.00 | 24.95


    Lectures on the History of Moral and

    Political PhilosophyG. A. Cohen

    Edited by Jonathan Wolff

    Jerry Cohen prepared his lectures with thesame meticulous care as his published writ-ing. This collection shows him engaging withsome of the greatest thinkers of the past,scrutinizing their ideas and doing his best toformulate them to match his own high stan-dards of clarity and precision. Those meetingCohen here for the first time will encounterhis unique voice: unrelenting in its pursuit ofan argument but never petty or pedantic. Itis a book from which we can all learn.Michael Rosen, Harvard University

    November 2013. 376 pages. 1 line illus. 7 tables.

    Cl: 978-0-691-14900-4 $35.00 | 24.95

    Also by G. A. Cohen


    Finding Oneself in the OtherEdited by Michael Otsuka

    As well as being an amazingly gifted political philosopher, JerryCohen had an extraordinary sense of humorand humanity. This wide-ranging volume

    combines brilliant philosophical analysiswith memorable personal reflection on ahost of subjects, including poverty in India,Israel today, and even the origins of Frenchbullshit. Finding Oneself in the Othercastsunprecedented light on why Cohen was not

    just widely admired but loved.Andrew Williams, ICREA and UniversitatPompeu Fabra

    2012. 240 pages. 1 line illus. 1 table.

    Pa: 978-0-691-14881-6 $22.95 | 15.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-14880-9 $85.00 | 59.00


    Weimar ThoughtA Contested Legacy

    Edited by Peter E. Gordon & John P. McCormick

    This is the first work in a generation thatpresents a comprehensive overview of

    Weimar culture with all its complexityand contradictions. It successfully showscontinuities and discontinuities with thepast, and tensions that resist reduction. Thebooks reachfrom theology to the biolog-ical sciences, and literary criticism to legaltheorygoes far beyond any other volumeI am aware of on the same subject.Peter Carl Caldwell, Rice University

    2013. 464 pages. 12 halftones.

    Cl: 978-0-691-13510-6 $35.00 | 24.95

    NEW PAPERBACKWith a new introduction bythe author

    Isaiah BerlinAn Interpretation of His


    John GrayAn acute and illuminatingexposition of Berlins world view.. . . [Gray] probably gets closer toBerlin than anyone else has done.Michael Walzer, New YorkReview of Books

    2013. 240 pages.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15742-9 $22.95 | 15.95

  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog



    NEW PAPERBACKWinner of the 2012 Philosophical Book Award, Hannover Institute of Philosophical Research

    Avishai Margalit, Winner of the 2012 Ernst-Bloch-Prize

    On Compromise and Rotten CompromisesAvishai Margalit

    Margalit shines light on a truth aboutreal-world justice that few theoristsacknowledge.Carlin Romano, Chronicle Review

    2013. 240 pages.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15812-9 $18.95 | 12.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-13317-1 $26.95 | 18.95

    FORTHCOMING PAPERBACKHonorable Mention, 2011 PROSE Awardfor Excellence in Philosophy, Association ofAmerican Publishers

    A Book Forged in Hell

    Spinozas Scandalous Treatiseand the Birth of the Secular Age

    Steven Nadler

    This is a groundbreaking analy-sis of an incendiary text.Booklist

    December 2013. 304 pages. 1 halftone.

    Pa: 978-0-691-16018-4 $17.95 | 12.50

    Cl: 978-0-691-13989-0 $29.95 | 19.95


    Democratic ReasonPolitics, Collective Intelligence, and the Rule of the Many

    Hlne Landemore

    Hlne Landemores book is a landmarkin the study of collective decision making.It scrutinizes and synthesizes a vast bodyof work, paying as much attention to the

    failures of deliberation and majority voting asto their achievements. Nobody working onnormative theories of democracy can affordto ignore it.Jon Elster, Columbia University

    2012. 304 pages. 5 line illus. 5 tables.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15565-4 $39.50 | 27.95

    NEW PAPERBACKA World beyond Politics?A Defense of the Nation-State

    Pierre Manent

    Translated by Marc LePain

    In this dazzling book, Frenchpolitical philosopher PierreManent tries to provide an im-partial overview of the politicalorderor disorderof todays

    world. . . . [D]elivered in Manentsglistening prose, ably translatedby Marc LePain. . . . It s an idealintroduction to political philoso-phy in the new millennium.Brian C. Anderson, NationalReview

    New French Thought

    2013. 240 pages.

    Pa: 978-0-691-12567-1 $24.95 | 16.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-12512-1 $52.50 | 36.95

    Co-Winner of the 2012 David Easton Award,Foundations of Political Theory Section,American Political Science Association

    Emergency PoliticsParadox, Law, Democracy

    Bonnie Honig

    [A] timely and important book.Lasse Thomassen,Journalof Politics

    2011. 224 pages.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15259-2 $22.95 | 15.95Cl: 978-0-691-14298-2 $45.00 | 30.95

    NEW PAPERBACKWith a new introduction by Debra Satz

    Women in Western Political ThoughtSusan Moller Okin

    Okins impressive book makes clear thatwhatever we may have been taught, we

    cannot read the great political theorists asthough mankind means all of us.Nannerl Keohane, Ethics

    2013. 440 pages.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15834-1 $24.95 | 16.95

  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog




    Our Bodies, Whose

    Property?Anne Phillips

    The topic of this clear andaccessible book is timely andimportant, and the implicationsof talking about and treating thebody as property affect a broadrange of policy concerns. A majorcontribution to debates in bothphilosophy and public policy,this book should be read byphilosophers, political theorists,

    feminist theorists, bioethicists,and general readers for its theo-retical and practical guidance tosome of todays thorniest issues.Mary L. Shanley, Vassar College

    2013. 216 pages.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15086-4 $27.95 | 19.95

    NEW PAPERBACKNew One-Volume EditionWith a new introduction byAlan Ryan and an essay by

    E. H. GombricOne of the Modern Library s 100 BestNonfiction Books of the Twentieth Century

    The Open Society and

    Its EnemiesKarl Popper

    A work of first-class importancewhich ought to be widely readfor its masterly criticism of theenemies of democracy, ancient

    and modern.Bertrand Russell

    Learned, subtly argued, andpassionately written.Sidney Hook, New York Times

    2013. 808 pages.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15813-6 $35.00 | 24.95

    Not for sale in the Commonwealth (except

    Canada) & Europe


    A Confucian

    Constitutional OrderHow Chinas Ancient Past Can

    Shape Its Political FutureJiang Qing

    Translated by Edmund RydenEdited by Daniel A. Bell &Ruiping Fan

    At the very moment thatChina is roiling with pressure forchangeethically, politically,and spirituallyJiang Qing hasunveiled a provocative road

    map that seeks to reconnect thenations past with its future. Thisbook opens the window on thestruggle for Chinas soul.Evan Osnos, China correspon-dent for theNew Yorker

    Princeton-China Series

    2012. 272 pages. 5 line illus. 1 table.

    Cl: 978-0-691-15460-2 $39.50 | 27.95

    NEWHumes PoliticsCoordination and Crisis in theHistory of England

    Andrew Sabl

    This remarkable book restoresDavid Humes political thought toits rightful place at the center ofpolitical theory and connects Humeto central themes in contemporary

    political analysis. Sabl does justiceto the details of Humes accountwithout ever losing the thread ofthe main arguments. A magnificentachievement.William A. Galston, BrookingsInstitution

    2013. 352 pages. 1 line illus.

    Cl: 978-0-691-13420-8 $45.00 | 30.95

    NEW PAPERBACKWinner of the 2011 Joseph B. Gittler Award, American Philosophical Association

    One of Choices 20102011 Significant University Press Titles for Undergraduates

    The Imperative

    of IntegrationElizabeth Anderson

    Whether or not you agree with her, ElizabethAnderson has staked out a position that allserious thinking about American race relationsmust now contend with.Kwame Anthony Appiah, author of TheEthics of Identity

    2013. 264 pages.Pa: 978-0-691-15811-2 $19.95 | 13.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-13981-4 $45.00 | 30.95

  • 5/22/2018 Politics and International Relations 2013 Catalog




    On Global JusticeMathias Risse

    This book takes the global justicedebate to the next level and setsa new standard for philosophicaldepth, practical relevance, andsweep of vision. Unrivaled inits scope, sophistication, andscholarship, this tremendousachievement marks a turningpoint in political theory.Leif Wenar, Kings CollegeLondon

    2012. 480 pages.

    Cl: 978-0-691-14269-2 $39.95 | 27.95

    The Making of Modern

    LiberalismAlan Ryan

    [A]uthoritative, comprehensive,multifaceted, and strikingly

    intelligent.Jeremy Waldron, University

    of Oxford

    2012. 680 pages.

    Cl: 978-0-691-14840-3 $39.50 | 27.95

    NEW PAPERBACKOne of Choices Outstanding Academic Titlesfor 2010

    Demanding Democracy

    American Radicals in Searchof a New Politics

    Marc Stears

    This is an excellent, evocativebook examining often-ignoredpossibilities for American democ-racy. It adds richness and depthto analysis of American politicalthought and to continuing de-bate about the nature, content,and purpose of democracy.


    2013. 256 pages.

    Pa: 978-0-691-15790-0 $24.95 | 16.95

    Cl: 978-0-691-13340-9 $32.95 | 22.95


    Free Market FairnessJohn Tomasi

    The great political power of freemarket ideas in recent decadeshas been unmatched by