POLITICAL HISTORY Europe after 1945. Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia...

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Transcript of POLITICAL HISTORY Europe after 1945. Austria Belgium Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia...


Europe after 1945

•Austria•Belgium•Bulgaria•Cyprus•Czech Republic•Denmark•Estonia•Finland•France•Greece•Spain•Netherlands•Ireland•Lithuania

•Luxembourg•Malta•Germany•Poland•Portugal•Romania•Slovénia•Sweden•Slovakia•Hungary•Italy•United Kingdom•Latvia

European Union Countries

7 May 1948

Fostered by the International Coordination of Movements for the Unification of Europe

Committee, the Europe Congress meets in The Hague, The Netherlands. It is chaired by

Winston Churchill and attended by 800 delegates.

Winston Churchill

Paul-Henri Spaak, President of the ad hoc Assembly created on September 10, 1952, hands to G. Bidault, President of the ECSC Council, a draft treaty instituting a political European Community.

9 March 1953

Paul Henri Spaak

The session setting up the European Parliamentary Assembly is held in Strasbourg, France. Mr. Robert Schuman is elected President of the Assembly. This Assembly is to substitute the ECSC one.

19 March 1958

13 May 1958

The deputies of the Parliamentary Assembly sit for the first time according to political groups rather than nationality.

Robert Schuman

15 December 1964

The Council instructs the Commission to submit proposals on the financing and to submit proposals on the conditions for implementing the transfer to Community budget of levies on agricultural products.

31 March 1966

The Commission lays before the Council its proposal concerning the financing of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP), independent revenue for the Community and wider powers for the European Parliament.

21 March 1972

Franco Maria Malfatti, the President of the Commission, resigns and is replaced by Vice-President Sicco Mansholt. The Council adopts a resolution based on a general conspectus by the Commission of the conditions for achieving the first stage of economic and monetary union. 

Franco Maria Malfatti