
Post on 29-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Pok•ko!!!!it•too•ka•fa!...


Pok•ko        it•too•ka•fa  hom•paa•ni?  Is  he  playing  at  the  ballpark?  

Wa•liik!        Run!  

I•ta•sa•latl!        Slide!  

Pok  •ko      sba•koh•li!      Throw  the  ball!  

Ai,      pok•ko      it•too•ka•fa        hom•paan.  

Yes,  he  is  playing  at  the  ballpark.  



sa•wa  raccoon  

sok•ha    hat•ka  opossum  

ip•tho  squirrel  

paa•sat•ta  armadillo  

chis•si  mouse  

chok•fi  rabbit  

hak•cho•pal•pa  /  ha•chok•pal•pa  


lam•bi  caterpillar  

kan•chok•fa•la  spider  


Hah•chi•fa,        naa•son  is•hii•cha?  

 What  do  you  see  at  the  bayou?  

Kot•ton      hii•chal.         I  see  a    frog.    

Chin•ton      hii•chal.   I  see  a  snake.    

Tha•thon    hii•chal.   I  see  a  fish.    

Al•ba•ton    hii•chal.        I  see  an  alligator.    

Ni•to•bon      hii•chal.      I  see  a  garfish.    


Naa•son        is•hii•cha    o•ki      a•pa•ta•ha?  

 What  would  you  see  at  the  beach?  


Sak•chon        hii•chal.        I  see  a  crawfish.  San•chon        hii•chal.            I  see  sand.  Pith•thon      hii•chal.        I  see  a  boat.  


Naa•son    ho•chik•faa•hi?  What  are  you  going  to  wear?  


Naa•son    ho•chik•fa?  What  are  you  wearing?  

Wi•lo,        staa•chach•ki,  ha•so•si,…etc.    shoe,  socks,  watch,…etc.  


Nak•so•fak      o•pok    om•mi?  

Which  one  is  the  owl?      

Yok      o•pok    om.    This  is  the  owl.    



pith•tha  boat  

san•cho  sand  

o•ki  water  

ha•si  sun  

sak•cho  crawfish  

ka•yaa•fo•lo  clam  


Nak•so•fon      chii•hoo•pa?  

Where  does  it  hurt?  


Chal•bik      aa•hoop.            My  hands  hurts.  

Chai•yik      aa•hoop.            My  foot  hurts.  


Naa•son      sti•lii    chi•ban•nah-­‐cho•to?  


What  do  you  want  to  be?  


A•lik•chok      sti•lii    cha•ban.                                                  I  want  to  be  a  doctor.    

Tik•ba        la•boo•lok      sti•lii    cha•ban.                    I  want  to  be  a  fireman.    




Nak•so•fak      cho•ka•nok      om•mi?  

 Which  one’s  the  fly?  

Yok      cho•ka•nok    om.      This  is  the  fly.  


Chi•hak•cho    po•toh•li.    

Touch  your  ear.  

Yok      cha•hak•chok  om.             This  is  my  ear.  

  Nak•so•fak      chin•naa•hoo•li?  

Which  one  do  you  have?  

Waa•kok      an•naa•ho.      I  have  a  cow.  

Choo•bok      an•naa•ho.                          I  have  a  horse.  


it•ta•mat•taa•ki  yard   it•ta•mat•taa•ki    

bik•ko  front  yard  

it•ta•mat•taa•ki    o•baa•li  

back  yard  

it•too•hap•il•ka•fa    swimming  hole  /  swimming  pool  

ho•lih•ta  cha•kaa•wa      

 picket  fence  

ii•sa  house  


Nak•so•fon    a•chii•ta?    

Where  are  you?  

it•too•hap•il•ka•  fon  oo•waa•tal.  

                                                   I’m  in  the  swimming  pool.  



ya•laa•ha  orange  

tak•kol•cho•ba  apple  

bath•ka  grape  

bak•cho  blackberry  

ta•lak•chi  watermelon  

ha•si  sun  

it•to  tree  

fo•ho  bee  

is•ka•ni  bugs,  insects  

   Naa•son      is•hii•cha    


What  do  you  see  outside?  

Pa•hon    hii•chal.            I  see  grass.  

It•ton    hii•chal.        I  see  tree.  

Pa•kaa•lon      hii•chal.                I  see  flower.  

  Nih•ta    nak•sah•chooli?  

 How  does  it  look  outside?  

Hip•lih•cho.       It’s  snowing.  

Ha•sok•bah•cho.         It’s  sunny.  

Fap•lih•cho.          It’s  windy.  

Oo•la•chih•cho.     It’s  cloudy.  

Fap•los•cho.       It’s  breezy.  

Tam•kah•cho.                It’s  dark  out.  

Pon•tok•koo•li                          noon  Tan•ka                                            afternoon  Taa•moo•kaa•si          almost  night  Ta•moo•ka                              at  night  Ni•thak  hok•ki•ta              midnight  

Ta•was•bat  -­‐  a•nook  -­‐                      It’s  night,  almost  breaking  into  morning  

Ni•thaa•li          early  in  the  morning  Ha•si    oo•tam•mi              sunset  




a•loo•so  rice  

to•sii•na  bacon  

hoo•ma  pepper  

ha•pi  salt  

cha•wah•ka  corn  soup  

cham•po•li  candy  


waa•kim•pi•si  milk  

ta•bak•stoo•pat•ka  /  ta•bah•ka    stoo•pat•ka    


aa•ni•po  meat  



Naa•son    stis•poo•li?    

What  do  you  eat  with?  


Cho•fon        stii•pa•lo.            I  eat  with  a  fork.    

Fo•lon      stii•pa•lo.      I  eat  with  a  spoon.  


Naa•sok    it-­‐ho•pon•ka•fa  naa•hoo•li?  

 What  is  in  the  kitchen?  


To•sii•nok      naa•ho.             There  is  bacon.    

A•loo•sok      naa•ho.             There  is  rice.  

pok•ko  it•too•ka ballpark  

pok•ko  sba•tap•ka baseball bat  

pok•ko  too•li ball player  

ba•tapl! Hit!  

pok•ko  sta•ba•til•ka baseball glove  

pok•ko ball  

wa•lih•ka! Run!  

ta•bat! Catch!  

i•ta•sa•lat•li! Slide!  


al•ba•ta  alligator  

kot•ti  frog  

tha•tho  fish  

chin•to  snake  

sat•ta  turtle  

tak•ka  catfish  

ni•to•bi  garfish  

hah•chi  bayou  

sti•li•yof•ka  pants  

wi•lo shoes  

pat•ka bed  

ho•lik•fa shirt, clothes  

i•la•ko•hil•ka  cap  

staa•chach•ki sock  

ha•so•si watch  

bak•ba woodpecker  

fii•to turkey  

saa•lak•la goose  

chos•ka•ni duck  

o•pa owl  

ta•lok•ko  cho•ba eagle  

lak•cha crow  

foo•si bird  

il•bi hand  

iy•yi foot  

it•toth•pi knee  

is•sak•ba arm  

it•ta•bi leg  

pa•taa•la chest  

ik•fi stomach  

bak•ki  /  is•bak•ki


in•chok•ko•sak•ba elbow  

aa•pih•chi body  


R.I.P.   R.I.P.   R.I.P.  

is•cho•ba  church  

cho•pok•si  hill  

i•haa•ni    snaa•ho    or  

aa•til•li      sbal•ka•fa  cemetery  

ok•fa  lake  

chok•ba•ni  ant  

ska•la•pis•ta  /  skaa•la•pis•ta  


cho•ka•no  fly  

thaa•na  horsefly  



in•noti/  in•nati  


bak•ki head

hak•cho  ear  

i•bi•saa•ni  nose  


it•ti•thi  eye  

i•chok•hal•bi  mouth  

i•chok•pas•ka•chi  cheek  

i•chik•sa  neck   no•tak•fa  


his•si  hair  

i•bi•taa•la  face  

sok•ha pig, hog  

ka•ti cat  

choo•ba horse  

ko•loo•si chicken  

i•fa dog  

waa•ka cow  

chok•fa•na•pa sheep ("tame rabbit")   choo•ba  i•mii•sa,  

choo•bi•mii•sa barn ("horse house")  

a•pa•la light  

ok•hi•cha door  

kaa•ka•na•hil•ka mirror  

paa•cho•kok-­‐cho•ba couch  

a•pa•la  spaa•ha•chaa•li table lamp  

paa•cho•koo•ka  chair  


Become  A  Famous  Cook!!!  


ho•poo•ni  cook   tik•ba    la•boo•li  


ta•bah•li  baker  

aa•ta•sih•ka  police  officer  a•lik•chi  


ha•naa•bi•ti•li rainbow  

fap•li wind  

ha•si sun  

nih•ta day  

oo•la•chi cloud  

ta•moo•ka night  

mal•mah•ka lightning  

oi•ba rain  

ho•chii•thi star  

ni•tha•ha•si moon   wi•nih•ka


o•noi•yal•la•ho I will climb  

sta•pi•loh•kal•la•ho I will swing  

wih•lil•la•ho I will look  

wa•lii•kal•la•ho I will run  

la•taf•kal•la•ho I will kick  

cho•fot•lil•la•ho I will jump  

lon•kal•la•ho I will hide  


 Naa•sin•chaa•ka        It•so•bai•ka  


at•so•bai•lii•chi  teacher  

naa•sin•chak•hat•ka  paper  

stin•chaa•ka  pencil  

sap•ha  flag  

ka•fi  sti•sil•ka coffee cup  

fo•lo spoon  

ak•sa•li knife  

pa•laa•na plate  

cho•fa fork  

kop•li glass, goblet  

ka•fi  slah•pa•chil•ka coffee maker  

pith•tha•wai•ka airplane  

oo•la town  

mo•bii•la car  

pal•ki train  

ii•too•lim•pa restaurant  

schoo•pa store  

at•hoo•pa  i•mii•sa hospital  oo•lim•pa  schoo•pa

grocery store  aa•ti  il•li  i•mii•sa,  aa•til•li  i•mii•sa

funeral home  

Elton,  LA  

6/20/13 10:40 AM


Naa son is paa hi?

Chi ban na?

Nak so fa chi ban na?

Tak kol cho ba cha ban.


Naa son san chaa hi, park-ka-fa?

People in the Park:

Naa son is hii cha?

Aaton hiichal.

Living room.

Naa sok chim ii sa fa chin naa hoo li?

What do you have at your house?

A pa lak an naa ho. I have a lamp.

Farm Animals:

Nak so fak chin naa hoo li? Which one do you have?

Waa kok an naa ho. I have a cow.


Nak so fak chok ka nok om mi? Which one’s the fly?

Yok chok ka nok om. This is the fly.


Naa son is hii cha a cha? What do you see outside?

Pa hon hii chal. I see grass.


Po tool chi hak cho. Touch your ear.

Yok cha hak chok om. This is my ear.


A cha il hii chak saa mi?

How does it look outside?

Hasik naa.

Fap lih cho. It’s windy.

Oo la chih cho. It’s cloudy.

Nih tah chi. It’s daytime.


Naa sok kitchen-ka fa naa hoo li. What is in the kitchen?

To sii nok naa ho.


Hah chi fa naa son is hii cha? What do you see at the bayou?

Kot ton hii chal. I see a frog.


Naa son il hii cha beach-ka fa? What would we see at the beach?

Front & Back Yard:

Nak so fon a chii ta? Where are you?

Ii too haap hil ka fa aa tal. I’m in the swimming pool.


Nam pot stin chaa kak naa ho? How many pencils are there?

Tot chii nak.

Nam pon stin chaa ka is hii cha? How many pencils do you see?

Tot chii nan.


Naa son a loo so stis pah choo to? What do you eat rice with?

Nas son stis pah choo to? What do you eat with?

Chofa, folo, etc…..


Naa son ho chik faa hi? What are you going to wear?

Naa son ho chik fa? What are you wearing?

Wi lo, sta ha chach ki, hasosi,….etc.


Ta moo ka naa son is hii cha? What do you see at night.

Oi baap saa mih choo to? What does it do when it rains?

Mal mah ka cho.


Pok kon ba tap lok nak saa mi? When he hit the ball, what did he do?

Wa liik. Wa lii kat. Ran. He ran

Wa lii kok ita sa latl. He ran and slide.

Body Part:

Nak so fon I hoo pa. Where does it hurt?

Chalbik hoop. My head hurts.

Chay yik hoop. My foot hurts.

Career Day:

Chi naa soo laa hik chi ban na? What do you want to be?

A lik chok cha ban. I want to be a doctor.


It to fa naa sok naa ho? What’s there in the tree?

It to fa naa son is hii cha? What do you see in the tree?

Ip thon hii chal. I see a squirrel.


Nak so fon o pa ma? Where is the owl?


Nak so fon ath chii ya? Where are you going?

Nak so fon ath chii ya hik chi ban na? Where do you want to go?


Naa•sok      chi•miisa•fa      chin•naa•hoo•li?  

What  do  you  have  at  your  house?  

paa•cho•kok-­‐cho•bok      an•naa•ho.  

 I  have  a  couch.  



Ta•moo•kap,    naa•son    is•hii•choo  li?  What  would  you  see  at  night?  


Mal•mah•kah•chok.    It’s    flashing  lightning.  Wi•nih•kah•chok.                      It  thunders.  

Oi•baap,      saa•mih•choo•to?  

What  does  it  do  when  it  rains?  


Ni•tha•ha•si      moon  

Ho•chii•thi     star  


it•to  tree  

it•to    his•si  leaf  

ii•sa  house  

pa•kaa•li  flower  

pa•hi  grass  

ta•li  rock  /  stone  

hi•ni  road  

ok•thi  dirt  

ha•si  sun  


Naa•son      san•chaa•hi,      it-­‐hom•pan•ka•fa?  

 What  are  you  going  to  do  at  the  park?  

Wa•lii•kal•la•ho.           I  will  run.  

Lon•kal•la•ho.     I  will  hide.  

Cho•fot•lil•la•ho.     I  will  jump.  



 Naa•son  is•hii•cha?  

 What  do  you  see?  

Aa•ton      hii•chal.              I  see  a  person.  

Tai•yo•son      hii•chal.          I  see  a  little  girl.  

Naa•no•son      hii•chal.    I  see  a  boy.  


aa•ti  person  

aa•ti      so•bai•hik•ko  


naa•no•si  little  boy  

tai•yo•si  little  girl  

i•mok•la  friend  

tai•yi  woman  

naa•ni  man,  male,  


sta•pi•loh•hil•ka  swing  

6/20/13 10:41 AM


Naa•son is•paa•hi? What do you want to eat?

Naa•son chi•ban•na? What do you want?

Nak•so•fa chi•ban•na? Which one do you want?

Tak•kol•cho•ba cha•ban. I want an apple.


Naa•son san•chaa•hi, park-ka•fa? What do you want to do at the


People in the Park:

Naa•son is•hii•cha? What do you see?

Aa•ton hii•chal. I see a person.

Living room.

Naa•sok chim•ii•sa•fa chin•naa•hoo•li?

What do you have at your house?

A•pa•lak an•naa•ho. I have a lamp.

Farm Animals:

Nak•so•fak chin•naa•hoo•li? Which one do you have?

Waa•kok an•naa•ho. I have a cow.

Koasati Picture Dictionary Phrases.


Church, lake, hill, etc.

Nak•so•fak chok•ka•nok om•mi? Which one’s the fly?

Yok chok•ka•nok•om. This is the fly.


Naa•son is•hii•cha a•cha? What do you see outside?

Pa•hon hii•chal. I see grass.


Po•tool chi•hak•cho. Touch your ear.

Yok cha•hak•chok•om. This is my ear.


A •cha il•hii•chak saa•mi?

How does it look outside?

Ha•sik•naa. It’s sunny.

Fap•li•cho. It’s windy.

Oo•la•chi•cho. It’s cloudy.

Nih•tah•chi. It’s daytime.

Koasati Picture Dictionary Phrases.



Naa•sok kitchen-ka•faa naa•hoo•li? What is in the kitchen?

To•sii•nok naa•ho. There is a bacon.


Hah•chi•fa naa•son is•hii•cha? What do you see at the bayou?

Kot•ton hii•chal. I see a frog.


Naa•son il•hii•cha beach-ka•fa? What would we see at the beach?

Front & Back Yard:

Nok•so•fon a•chii•ta? Where are you?

Ii•too haap•hil•ka•fa aa•tal. I’m in the swimming pool.


Nam•pot stin•chaa•kak naa•ho? How many pencils are there?

Tot•chii•nak. three

Nam•pon stin•chaa•ka is•hii•cha? How many pencils do you see?

Tot•chii•nan. three

Koasati Picture Dictionary Phrases.



Naa•son a•loo•so stis•pah•choo•to? What do you eat rice with?

Nas•son stis•pah•choo•to? What do you eat with?

Cho•fa, fo•lo, etc….. Fork, spoon, etc…


Naa•son ho•chik•faa•hi? What are you going to wear?

Naa•son ho•chik•fa? What are you wearing?

Wi•lo, sta•ha•chach•ki, ha•so•si,….etc. Shoe, pant, watch,…etc.


Ta•moo•ka naa•son is•hii•cha? What do you see at night.

Oi•baap saa•mih•choo•to? What does it do when it rain?

Mal•mah•kah•chok. (It’s thunders.)


Pok•kon ba•tap•lok nak•saa•mi? When he hit the ball, what did he do?

Wa•liik. Wa•lii•kat. Ran. He ran

Wa•lii•kok ita•sa•latl. He ran and slide.

Koasati Picture Dictionary Phrases.


Body Part:

Nak•so•fon I•hoo•pa. Where does it hurt?

Chal•bik hoop. My head hurts.

Cha•yik hoop. My foot hurts.

Career Day:

Chi•naa•soo•laa•hik chi•ban•na? What do you want to be?

A•lik•chok cha•ban. I want to be a doctor.


It•to•faa naa•sok naa•ho? What is in the tree?

It•to•faa naa•son is•hii•cha? What do you see in the tree?

Ip•thon hii•chal. I see a squirrel.

6/20/13 10:41 AM

6/20/13 10:41 AM

 Nam•pot    stin•chaa•kak  


How  many  pencils  are  there?      

Tot•chii•nat    naah.         There  are  three.  


  Naa•son    is•paa•hi?  What  are  you  going  to  eat?  

 Nak•so•fa    chi•ban•na?  

Which  one  do  you  want?      

Tak•kol•cho•bon    i•pa•lai•mo.          I  am  going  to  eat  an  apple.  

Bak•chon    cha•ban.     I  want  blackberries.  


Nak•so•fon    ath•chii•ya?  Where  are  you  going?  


Nak•so•fon    ath•chii•yaa•hiik  chi•ban•na?  

Where  do  you  want  to  go?  

oo•lim•pa      schoo•pa          grocery  store  

oo•la        town  

ii•too•lim•pa      restaurant  


It•to•fa      naa•sok    naa•ho?  

What  is  in  the  tree?    

It•to•fa    naa•son    is•hii•cha?  

What  do  you  see  in  the  tree?  

Ip•thon      hii•chal.              I  see  a  squirrel.    

Sa•won      hii•chal.                        I  see  a  raccoon.