Pokfulam Transport Meeting 7 October 2013

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Transcript of Pokfulam Transport Meeting 7 October 2013

7 October 2013

Paul Zimmerman

District Councillor



Agenda 議程

• Introduction 簡介 - District Councillor Paul Zimmerman 司馬文區議員

• Transport Department 運輸署 - Chief Transport Officer: Patrick Ng 總運輸主任 - 吳翰禮 - Senior Transport Officer: Curtis Chiu 高級運輸主任- 趙浩明

• Discussion 居民發表意見

West Island Line 西港島綫

2014 (Second Half 下半年)

Stations 車站

• Existing Island line 現有港島線 (Sheung Wan 上環 – Chai Wan 柴灣)

• Sai Ying Pun 西營盤

• Hong Kong University 香港大學

• Kennedy Town 堅尼地城

South Island Line (East) 南港島綫(東段)

2015 (Second Half 下半年)

Stations 車站

• Admiralty 金鐘

• Ocean Park 海洋公園

• Wong Chuk Hang 黃竹坑

• Lei Tung 利東

• South Horizons 海怡半島

Summary of changes proposed by Transport Department 運輸署建議於新港鐵線通車後的變動

8 & 28 Introduce section fare from Baguio to HKU station 由碧瑤灣前往香港大學站提供分段收費

54M New short-working service between Kennedy Town Station and

Queen Mary Hospital via Mt. Davis Road 新的短程副線經摩星嶺道往返堅尼地城站及瑪麗醫院

58M New short-working service between Kennedy Town Station and

Cyberport via Sandy Bay Road 新的短程副線經大口環道往返堅尼地城站及數碼港

58, 58A & 59 Connect with Kennedy Town Station 接駁堅尼地城站

69A Connect with Wong Chuk Hang Station 接駁黃竹坑站

M47 Cancelled 取消服務

73 Connect with Ocean Park Station 接駁海洋公園站

58 & 69A Additional vehicles 加強班次

8, 28, 69, 69X, 10, 54,

970, 971 Reduction of vehicles subject to passenger demand 視乎乘客量轉變調減班次

Bel-Air 貝沙灣

58 Connect with Kennedy Town Station 接駁堅尼地城站

69A Connect with Wong Chuk Hang Station 接駁黃竹坑站

73 Connect with Ocean Park Station 接駁海洋公園站

58 & 69A Additional vehicles 加強班次

69, 69X, 970 Reduction of vehicles subject to passenger demand 視乎乘客量轉變調減班次

Baguio Villa 碧瑤灣

8 & 28 Introduce section fare from Baguio to HKU station 由碧瑤灣前往香港大學站提供分段收費

58A & 59 Connect with Kennedy Town Station 接駁堅尼地城站

M47 Cancelled 取消服務

8, 28, 971 Reduction of vehicles subject to passenger demand 視乎乘客量轉變調減班次

Scenic Villa 美景臺 Sha Wan Drive 沙灣徑

58M New service between Kennedy Town Station and

Cyberport via Sandy Bay Road 新的短程副線經大口環道往返堅尼地城站及數碼港

58, 58A &

59 Connect with Kennedy Town Station 接駁堅尼地城站

M47 Cancelled 取消服務

58 Additional vehicles 加強班次

10 & 971 Reduction of vehicles subject to passenger demand 視乎乘客量轉變調減班次

Note: - HR 88 has been excluded pending discussions on its operation details upon the commissioning of MTR West Island Line 備註: - 由於我們等待商討西港島線通車後HR88的運行模式,所以未有列出此服務。

Bisney Region 碧荔道一帶

58A & 59 Connect with Kennedy Town Station 接駁堅尼地城站

M47 Cancelled 取消服務

10, 971 Reduction of vehicles subject to passenger

demand 視乎乘客量轉變調減班次

Note: - HR 88 has been excluded pending discussions on its operation details upon the commissioning of MTR West Island Line 備註: - 由於我們等待商討西港島線通車後HR88的運行模式,所以未有列出此服務。

Mt. Davis Road 摩星嶺道

54M New short-working service between Kennedy Town

Station and Queen Mary Hospital via Mt. Davis Road 新的短程副線經摩星嶺道往返堅尼地城站及瑪麗醫院

54 Reduction of vehicles subject to passenger demand 視乎乘客量轉變調減班次

Cyberport 數碼港

58M New service between Kennedy Town Station and

Cyberport via Sandy Bay Road 新的短程副線經大口環道往返堅尼地城站及數碼港

58 Connect with Kennedy Town Station 接駁堅尼地城站

69A Connect with Wong Chuk Hang Station 接駁黃竹坑站

73 Connect with Ocean Park Station 接駁海洋公園站

58 & 69A Additional vehicles 加強班次

69, 69X,

10, 970 Reduction of vehicles subject to passenger demand 視乎乘客量轉變調減班次

Sandy Bay 大口環

Note: - HR 88 has been excluded pending discussions on its operation details upon the commissioning of MTR West Island Line 備註: - 由於我們等待商討西港島線通車後HR88的運行模式,所以未有列出此服務。

58M New short-working service between Kennedy Town

Station and Cyberport via Sandy Bay Road 新的短程副線經大口環道往返堅尼地城站及數碼港

58, 58A

& 59 Connect with Kennedy Town Station 接駁堅尼地城站

M47 Cancelled 取消服務

58 Additional vehicles 加強班次

10, 971 Reduction of vehicles subject to passenger demand 視乎乘客量轉變調減班次

General comments from community 社區的意見

• Cancellation of M47 is not acceptable 不能接受取消M47

• Reduce vehicles only after commissioning WIL and SIL(E) when impacts are clear 只能在新港鐵線通車後有數據支持才可減車

• Limited seating on GMB services is a BIG issue 小巴滿座情況令居民非常困擾

• Extend services from Wah Fu to Pokfulam 將華富服務伸延至薄扶林

• Low floor bus service for Sandy Bay 大口環需要低地台巴士服務

• Rationalize Cyberport ES 重組數碼港員工穿梭服務

For all files and information 所有相關資料已上載到


Summary of changes proposed by Transport Department 運輸署建議於新港鐵線通車後的變動

8 & 28 Introduce section fare from Baguio to HKU station 由碧瑤灣前往香港大學站提供分段收費

54M New short-working service between Kennedy Town Station and

Queen Mary Hospital via Mt. Davis Road 新的短程副線經摩星嶺道往返堅尼地城站及瑪麗醫院

58M New short-working service between Kennedy Town Station and

Cyberport via Sandy Bay Road 新的短程副線經大口環道往返堅尼地城站及數碼港

58, 58A & 59 Connect with Kennedy Town Station 接駁堅尼地城站

69A Connect with Wong Chuk Hang Station 接駁黃竹坑站

M47 Cancelled 取消服務

73 Connect with Ocean Park Station 接駁海洋公園站

58 & 69A Additional vehicles 加強班次

8, 28, 69, 69X, 10, 54,

970, 971 Reduction of vehicles subject to passenger demand 視乎乘客量轉變調減班次