Poisoning in children

Post on 12-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Poisoning in children



Dr. HAMDY ABO HAGARLecturer of Pediatrics

Ingestion of toxic products by children is a common occurrence.

Children under 5 years of age account for 80% of recorded cases of poison ingestion.


Poison Identification

Poison identification

1. The initial history should include the identification of the product ingested (containers or bottles should be brought).

2. Physical examination will often reveal supporting evidence for a particular ingestion.

Poison identification

3. When the nature of the substance ingested is unknown, the list of common symptoms or signs are presented in table

Poison identification

4. The specific substance causing a poisoning should be confirmed by qualitative analysis performed on blood or urine.

Gastric fluid analysis will be of value if done within 2-3 hours of ingestion.

Poison identification






(Symptoms and signs of common toxic exposures)

Toxidromes System involved

(CNS)Substance involved

Depression and coma

- Sedatives, - Narcotics, - Tranquilizers, -Tricyclic antidepressants, - Anticonvulsants, - Alcohol, - Hypoglycemic agents, - Hydrocarbons, - lead, mercury, lithium and CO.

System involved(CNS)

Substance involved

- Convulsions - Amphetamines, - Xanthines, - Sympathomimetics, - Psychotropics, cocaine, - Ergot, - Strychnine,- organophosphates,


System involved(CNS)

Substance involved

- Hallucinations Amphetamines, psychotropics, alcohol withdrawal, antihistamines, cocaine, tricyclic antidepressants.



System involved(CNS)

Substance involved

- Hyperpyrexia Atropine, salicylates


System involved(CVS)

Substance involved

- Arrhythmias - Digitalis, quinidine, tricyclic antidepressants, cocaine


System involved(CVS)

Substance involved

- Tachycardia -Amphetamines, -xanthines, sympathomimetics, - cocaine, -tricyclic antidepressants


System involved(CVS)

Substance involved

- Bradycardia -Beta blockers, cardioglycosides, -quinidine, -calcium-channel blockers.


System involved(CVS)

Substance involved

- Hypotension - Antihypertensive agents, tricyclic antidepressants, narcotics


System involved(GIT)

Substance involved

- Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea

- Almost any toxic substance can produce these symptoms and signs.


System involved(GIT)

Substance involved

- Increased salivation

- Insecticides


System involved(GIT)

Substance involved

- Decreased salivation

- Antihistaminic, antimuscarinic agents


System involved(Respiratory )

Substance involved

- Hypoventilation - CNS-depressant agents


System involved(Respiratory )

Substance involved

- Hyperventilation -Salicylates, -cocaine, -nicotine,- CO2


System involved(Ocular)

Substance involved

- Mydriasis -Atropine, sympathomimetics, psychotropics, -cocaine


System involved(Ocular)

Substance involved

- Miosis - Narcotics,- Organophosphate insecticides, - Parasympathomimetics

ToxidromesSystem involved

(Cutaneous)Substance involved

- Cyanosis -Nitrites, -aniline dyes


System involved(Cutaneous)

Substance involved

- Jaundice -Carbon tetrachloride, benzene, -phenothiazines

Supportive therapy :

1. Cardiopulmonary support. The ABCs items of cardiopulmonary resuscitation are applied for poisoned child.

Supportive therapy :

2.  Fluid support. Replace the previous and ongoing fluid losses while correcting electrolyte disturbances.

Supportive therapy :

3.  Hematologic support. Correction of hemolytic anemias with packed RBCs or exchange transfusion.

Supportive therapy :

4. CNS support. For control of seizures and prolonged care of comatose child.

Supportive therapy :

5. Renal support. Renal function is monitored and hemodialysis is instituted as needed.

Gastrointestinal decontamination:

A) Gastric evacuation: It is the cornerstone of intervention

after a toxic ingestion. Its efficacy falls when it is instituted more than one hour after an ingestion.

Gastrointestinal decontamination:

Ipecac syrup Is the method of choice for gastric

emptying, where it induces emesis within 15 minutes of intake.

Gastrointestinal decontamination:

Orogastric lavage Is as effective as ipecac and offers

the advantage of speed and the prompt administration of adsorbent and cathartic.

Gastrointestinal decontamination: Orogastric lavage

Gastrointestinal decontamination:

B) Adsorbents: Activated charcoal forms a stable

complex with the toxin, thus preventing its absorption.

It is not given before ipecac and is not effective against metals, alcohols, hydrocarbons, or caustics.

It is given in a dose of 1gm/kg in water orally.

Gastrointestinal decontamination:

C)    Cathartics: • As magnesium citrate and sorbitol.• They hasten transit of gastrointestinal

contents, thus decreasing systemic absorption of the toxin.

Elimination enhancement:

1. Fluid and osmotic diuresis by intake of hypertonic fluid.

2. Diuretics, such as frusemide (2 mg/kg/dose) are

used to increase urine output.

Elimination enhancement:

     3. Ionized diuresis; excretion of acidic compounds, such as

salicylates and barbiturates, is enhanced by alkalinization of urine which is accomplished by IV sodium bicarbonate.

Elimination enhancement:

     4. Extracorporeal poison removal, such as by hemodialysis, peritoneal

dialysis and exchange transfusion.



The number of ingestions for which there is a specific

antidote is small.


Poison Antidote dose

-Carbon monoxide

-Chlorpromazine and

metoclopromide (primpran)



- 100% or hyperbaric O2

0.5 -1 mg/kg, IV or IM.


Poison Antidote dose


 -Organic phosphorous

Na nitrite, Na thiosulphate Pralidoxime


- depends on hemoglobin level. 20-40 mg/kg, IV over 15-30 min 0.1 mg/kg, IV every 10-30 min until pupillary dilatation.


Poison Antidote dose

- Opiates, narcotics

 - Iron

Naloxone (Narcan) Deferoxamine

- 0.1 mg/kg, IV, may be repeated twice. 10–15 mg/kg/hr, (IV infusion)


Poison Antidote dose


-Methemoglobinemia -Lead

Pyridoxine (B6)

Methyline blue EDTA

5 gm, IV 1-2 mg/kg, IV over 10 min 250 mg/M2/dose, IM, every 4 hrs.

How can I protect my child?

The most important and practical measure is to ensure toxic substances are completely out of reach in the first place.

Make a thorough check of your house and garden, removing any harmful products and placing them in a securely locked cabinet.