poi VILLAGE VOICE · 2016. 12. 1. · poi reward our efforts far into the future. and a larger...

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Transcript of poi VILLAGE VOICE · 2016. 12. 1. · poi reward our efforts far into the future. and a larger...


DEADLINE for August Village Voice – 20th July

VILLAGE VOICE December 2016

A time to reflect on 2016

Heraclitus, a Greek Philosopher is claimed to have said “change is the only constant in life."

2016 has definitely been a year of “interesting” changes with the double dissolution election here

in Australia that seemed to only create more uncertainty in the political process, Brexit in the UK

that now seems more confusing than ever with the formalities of the exit caught up in the Courts,

the unexpected American Presidential Election results, and the list goes on. It is easy to look

back over the year and focus only on the negative fallout from what has happened and what that

means for the future, however with the festive season upon us, we are grateful for the blessings

we have been given in 2016.

Thankfully, whilst change is always happening in the Village, it does happen slowly at a pace we

can be comfortable with. In 2016 we have achieved a lot of positive things that will continue to

reward our efforts far into the future.

The Manor refurbishment and extension has commenced which includes an additional 3 suites

and a larger memory support lounge. Over time all floor coverings and internal finishes will be

upgraded to ensure that the building remains attractive and comfortable.

An additional 7 units were built and occupied and the Council permit is in place for the next part

of the Manning 2 redevelopment. The redevelopment of these units will happen slowly over time

as units are vacated.

Plans have begun for the redevelopment of the Grant Centre / Administration Site. Apartment

living is growing in popularity and the demand for our existing apartments is slowly increasing.

The development on the Grant Centre site will include Assisted Living Apartments,

Administration, Café, Daycentre, Chapel, and other amenities. Plans will be submitted to Council

in early 2017 with initial construction on the vacant land behind the kitchen hopeful to begin by

early 2018.

The bowling green resurfacing took place ensuring that this wonderful asset continues to be used

for many years to come. Having an onsite bowling green and a vibrant bowling club is an

attraction for people when they are choosing which Village they wish to move to and it is a great

social outlet for residents.

May the blessings and joy of this Christmas season be with you and your loved ones throughout the coming year.

Kim Ashcroft Stuart Shaw Executive Manager General Manager

See you at the Resident BBQ to be held 5.30pm Tuesday 6th December at Grant Centre.

See your Hostess for tickets.

DEADLINE for January Village Voice – 21st December 2016 Please email all articles to Barb McColl - barbk@villagebaxter.com

Welcome: We welcome the following new Residents and wish them well in their new home.

Mr Michael Purtell – Manor, Mary & Roy Ricca – Unit 213, Ms Sally Pluis – Unit 185,

Mrs Beverley Hannan & Mr Vic Webster – Unit 44, Mr Leslie Campbell – Unit 29,

Barbara & Geoffrey Newton – Unit 200B

Transfers: The following Residents have transferred within ILU, to Lodge, Manor or Community. We wish them well in their new home.

Wilma (Joyce) Roberts – Manor, Norma Mitchell – Lodge, Mena Pickard – Lodge, Dorothy Barton – Manor, George Powell - Lodge

Congratulations: The following Residents have attained memorable years of occupancy. We hope they enjoy many more happy years in the Village.

10 Years

Iris & Eric Wilson

In Memory: Sadly we advise the following Residents have passed away and we extend our sincere sympathy to their families and friends.

Ronald Short – Lodge, Joyce Long – Manor, Brian Gales – Manor, Beryl Lornie – Manor, Robert (Bert) Newall – Lodge, Audrey Seabridge – Lodge, Shirley Russell - ILU


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Mirror Month – time for reflection Four years have passed since I began the task of editing the Village Voice. Thus, this is the 48th editorial…..and the last. I have enjoyed being involved in this role, but I believe there is a danger of becoming stale if you occupy a position such as this for too long; I hope my timing is right and I am leaving the post before that has happened!! Sadly, the decision has been made to not involve another resident as editor. Management will take over the role of producing the Village Voice in its entirety, so any contributions you may wish to be included will need to be given directly to Barb McColl in Administration. (5971 1349). Thanks to all who have helped me by contributing various items during my time as Editor. Special thanks also to Barb McColl whose support has been amazing and whose friendship I value. I wish everyone a joyous Christmas and a happy, healthy New Year.

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Visiting the Lodge & Clarke Centre

EDITORIAL Editor: Mrs Heather Charman





Entertainment by the Mason Brothers

Tickets are available from your Hostess Donations are gratefully accepted


Frankston Road Works

We have been advised by Vic Roads that due to the Frankston Roadworks Redevelopment Scheme there will be major works undertaken in the vicinity of Young St/Frankston Railway. These works will commence early November. Due to these roadworks there will be changes to our Bus Route. Beach St (Myers entrance) will be the only pick up and drop off point in Frankston. As there will be an increase in traffic in this area there may also be major delays with our pick up times and our usual timetable schedule. Barbara McColl, Village Coordinator

The Village Entertainers….. ….will be at the Chapel on Monday December 12th at 1.30pm. The theme will be ‘Christmas Time’. Everyone is welcome to present whatever they would like to share, whether it be a story, a poem, a musical item or a song. Please let the presenter know your item before 1.20pm. For any enquiries contact Richard Henderson, Unit 246, 5971 4519. Please note: Richard will be retiring from his role as organiser of the Village Entertainers after this gathering. If you have an interest in taking on this role please contact him on the number above.


I would like to thank all the modellers who contributed exhibits for our display on Open Day. This was the first time for such an event and the response was very heartening. If any other resident would like to know more about us just give us a call: Peter Nelson, U 413, Ph. 5971 6889 or Harry Jones U 229, Ph. 5971 3496. Come and join us for a cup of coffee at the Grant Centre!

Clarke Library

Thanks to the residents who have donated many books of outstanding quality to the Clarke library. We seldom know who you are but please be assured that we appreciate your help in continuing to improve our library. On the other hand, we have no use for old, discoloured or damaged books; they belong in the recycling bin. Please note that we no longer sell books on Market days or Open day. Heather Charman

Manning Craft

Manning Craft will be holding its last sale before Christmas on Friday 16th December at the Grant Centre Café. Grant Centre sales will resume on Friday 3rd February 2017. Sales from the Robinsons Centre which are held each Friday will also finish on the 16th of December and resume from the 1st Friday in February. All sorts of handcrafted goods including Christmas themed gifts are available currently at these sales. Hope to see you there!!


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your legs look. Chocolate is just another snack!!

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open 9.30am – 11.30am

Monday to Friday

Now open most public Holidays. Watch for notice on the door.

Did you Know….?

Between 25% and 33% of the population sneeze when exposed to light.

In just one second Apple makes $1997.

It is impossible to lick your elbow.

China has more English speakers than the United States.

A donkey will sink in quicksand but a mule won’t.

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References from any staff member at the Manor and Lodge.





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Chaplaincy Support Group

Our group will be holding our final meeting for the year on Wednesday 7th December in Parkside from 1.30pm which will be followed by a special afternoon tea at 2.30pm when we will say `thank you` to those who have assisted us so willingly throughout the year. Fashion Sales

It is with great pleasure that Mary Cooper and Helen Beck advise that $2,300.00 was raised during 2016. This amount was made up from commission on the sale of clothing from Blumes, Adelphi, Clich and Kay's, also very generous door donations. The Manor has been given $2000.00 and the Village Nurses have been given $300.00. We would like to thank all the residents who made this possible. We wish you all a very happy Christmas and look forward to seeing you at the fashion sales in the New Year. Manor/Lodge Fundraising

The Lodge and Manor activities staff are looking for residents who may be interested in participating in a working group to fundraise for a new wheelchair accessible bus for their residents. Our first meeting will be held on Tuesday 17th January @ 2pm in the Lodge activities room. If you are interested in being a part of this group please contact Karen – Lodge Activities on 5971 6363

Village Baxter Croquet Club

The Village Baxter Croquet club have just held the finals for the 2016 competition. The winner of the Grand Final was Victor Walker who was defending his title. Congratulations to Victor and to all the other finalists. The Village Croquet green is in excellent condition, we thank Steve from gardening/maintenance for all his hard work caring for the green. Our new season will begin at the end of February 2017. However, if you would be interested in joining the Croquet club you would be most welcome. We will be playing social games from now until the new season commences. We play on Saturday mornings from 9.30am and there are practise games on Monday 2.00pm. Come and join us, no prior experience required, we can show you how to play. Glenda Baker – 5972 8924

A Seventeenth – Century Nun’s Prayer

Lord, thou knowest better than I that I am growing older and will someday be old. Keep me from the fatal habit of thinking I must say something on every subject and every occasion. Release me from the craving to straighten out everybody’s affairs. Make me thoughtful, but not moody; helpful, but not bossy. With my vast store of wisdom it seems a pity not to use it all, but Thou knowest, O Lord, that I want a few friends at the end. Keep my mind free from the recital of endless details; give me wings to get me to the point. Seal my lips on my aches and pains. They are increasing and love of rehearsing them is becoming sweeter as the days go by. I dare not ask for an improved memory, but for a growing humility and a lessening cocksureness when my memory seems to clash with the memories of others. Teach me the glorious lesson that occasionally I may be mistaken. Keep me reasonably sweet; I do not want to be a saint – some of them are so hard to live with – but a sour old person is one of the crowning works of the devil. Give me the ability to see good things in unexpected places and talents in unexpected people. And give me, O Lord, the grace to tell them so. Amen.



It’s Christmas!

Christmas is a very special time of the year in most families, whether or not anyone in the family is connected to a church. It’s a great time of the year because most families make a special effort to get together and spend some quality time with each other. We benefit from investing time into the people we love and care about.

Of course it is also a time for giving. We are deluged with TV ads and printed catalogues that all promise that they have the best gifts for the people we love. Giving is a good thing to do because we put the needs of someone else ahead of our own. Most of us have that as one of our values, deep down. Giving to others helps us to feel good on the inside.

Material gifts are fine but they only bring temporary satisfaction. God had something far more significant in mind when He gave us His Son Jesus, which is what we truly recognise at Christmas. Jesus, the baby in the manger, became Jesus the man, the sinless one who chose to be the sacrifice necessary for us to be reconciled with God. True peace, true happiness and meaningful satisfaction in life can only come when we have been restored in a relationship with the God who created us. He made us in His image for the specific purpose of sharing in a relationship with us. But that is only possible when by faith we accept the only perfect Christmas present; the salvation offered by Jesus, who died on the cross, and who rose again victorious over death so that we could share in a special new life with Him.

“The virgin will give birth to a son, and they will call Him Emmanuel – which means ‘God with us’.” (Matthew 1:23)

May His peace be yours this Christmas.

Rod Draper Chaplain

Pest inspections on units are not routinely undertaken. We only do so for identified issues. Inspections on Communal Buildings are undertaken monthly.

The steepness of the path on the corner near the workshop is under review as this has been reported as difficult for residents with mobility aids. Discussions will be held with maintenance regarding the use of the chains on weekends.

Concern that the eastern end of the village continues to have gouging in the lawns. To be followed up with maintenance staff.

To thank you for your kindness and the time you devote to assisting the residents

and staff of the Village Baxter, we would love you to join us for...

A Christmas Afternoon Tea

Tuesday 13th December 2016


Activities Lounge

Grant Centre

Please RSVP to your Hostess or Receptionist by Friday 9th December

If you have volunteered in any way official or

unofficial, please come along and join us. This

is our chance to say thank you for all your

good work you have done during 2016.

Christmas Lunch 12.00pm in Village Baxter Café $32.00 Bookings Essential Soup Creamy Pumpkin Soup Main Roast Turkey, Pork & Ham Roast Pumpkin, Potato & Whole Baby Beans with Traditional Trimmings Dessert Plum Pudding with Brandy Custard Tea & Coffee


3 The Mall, Frankston

9783 8963

Collect prescriptions or orders for goods daily at 1.00 pm from mail

racks marked


In Clarke, Robinsons, Parkside & Grant Centres

Deliveries later 5:30 pm Mon - Fri Prescriptions can be collected after

home visits Payment can be made in cash or

account at your convenience Safety Net records maintained Webster pak service also available


Thank you to the Chaplains Support Group for bringing the Emmanuel Choir to the Village on Sunday 13th November. Those who attended were treated to a wonderful concert - Mary Poppins and Cats, 1940s dance music, Australian songs, sacred songs and Christmas Carols. The Choir meets in Box Hill and some of the members travelled quite long distances to entertain us. Next time the Emmanuel Choir comes to the Village, make sure you go to hear them. Jean Grey

Una and family greatly appreciate your kindness, sympathy and support in the passing of Brian. A beloved husband and much loved father and grandfather. Resting peacefully after a long battle with Parkinson’s. Una Gales & Family

The residents around the garden area opposite the workshop would like to convey their delight and sincere thanks to gardener Sean. His tireless efforts in improving this garden have created a lovely outlook and an area to sit in on a pleasant day. Margaret Purcell – Unit 355

It has been an honour and a pleasure to work at the Clarke Centre. Thank you for the happy memories that I take with me and the friendships that I have made. Kerryle Thomas

The family of Audrey Seabridge sincerely thank all the Lodge staff for the loving care of Audrey during the past 15 months: their dedication is unsurpassed. We will be forever grateful to them all for their kindness and love shown to her. Also a big thank you to the Friendship Club staff for their support and love for Audrey.

Café Events

Hot Breakfast Tuesday 13th December

8.00am Onwards - Bookings Essential

Manning Craft Group 11.30am – 1.30pm - Sales in the Café

Friday 16th December

Disclaimer: Every care is taken in the course of preparing this publication, but the views expressed herein are not necessarily of The Village Baxter, nor can any representative or employee accept responsibility for any errors or omission.

Perri McCarthy B.Pharm MPS (Owner) Rohan Aujard B.Pharm MPS (Manager)


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By Sandra or Glenise

Perri McCarthy B.Pharm., Rohan Aujand B.Pharm. M.P.S (Manager)

Collators: General Manager: Stuart Shaw

Pat Johnson Marjorie Mitchell Executive Manager: Kim Ashcroft

Dorothy Simpson Beth McNamara Editor: Heather Charman

Beryl Bodey Noleen Bates Typist: Barb McColl