Poem Chap Book.docx · Web viewas the zephyr sings. Ducky Pillow and . Blanky. by Julie Watkins. My...

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Transcript of Poem Chap Book.docx · Web viewas the zephyr sings. Ducky Pillow and . Blanky. by Julie Watkins. My...

Poem Chap Book.docxas the zephyr sings
My face nestles into Blanky’s cool depths
as my head rests on Ducky Pillow.
My body
Ducky Pillow steadies and comforts.
I remember a time when things weren’t
so complicated and confusing.
go back
three little yellow ducks
My mind drifts back to the little girl who was
such a good friend.
She was loyal and
fresh drops of rain on a
wise and knowing tree.
in a closet.
But I did.
The cannibal fish
The Time I Lost Touch With God by Shanthi Chackalackal
My dad bought me a conch shell
All big and white and shiny
Because I've lost the one I found
Precious, yes, but tiny
And carry it all day
In it I drop Lord Jesus
From a Nativity display
And stick my little fingers in
For surely losing Jesus
What’s more, He isn’t owned by me
The Savior is my aunt’s
I am berated angrily
In phosphorescence heavenly
And from this night, forever more
Jesus Christ plagues my brain
The memory will always be sore
My reputation ever stained.
Nothing brings the world more joy
Or causes happiness so utter
As chocolate with caramel
Delightful to both girls and boys
My feelings cannot be expressed
It quite surpasses dolls and toys
And thus it is herein addressed.
For Ghirardelli I would brave
The heat of the Sahara Desert
And Reese's--oh, they must be saved
And eaten only during dessert.
M&Ms are fun to eat
Godiva truffles I adore
As the French would say--C'est amour.
As an Augustus Gloop once said,
So honestly, why talk of it?
Hot chocolate chip cookies are
Little chunks of paradise
Despite the obvious extent
For chocolate gets pretty mean.
The love, you see, is quite one-sided
My darling never treats me right
A divorce has almost been decided
Because my clothes are getting tight.
I love it still, but hate it too,
It makes me want to eat Eat EAT
I guess I'll take on a new love
Move over chocolate, here comes meat!
The End of a Test by Noelle Jung
Finally, the three day old poop
is pulled out
The Pop by Teagan Bell And Ethan Upchurch
I saw it one day in someone else’s hand
glistening in the sunlight
but a mere glimpse
so I leaned in
And which you were probably saving for dinner
Forgive me
Instructions for a Homework Day by Noelle Jung
There will be days you have tons and tons of homework
Don’t be stressed
Turn your frown to a smile, like flipping a pancake.
Breathe in deep and let it out slowly.
Know that this is just what you have to go through.
It’s part of your life, you can’t avoid it.
So don’t be annoyed, there’s no use.
Be calm.
Accept it. It may seem like the day is never ending
but it will end, tomorrow will come. So don’t complain,
be quiet and finish your work.
You might think that this is useless
but remember, right this moment, you’re holding a geode
Ugly and rough on the outside, but beautiful and shining crystals packed inside of it
If you don’t study, you’re throwing the golden potential right out your window
People who know what is good for themselves have seen what potential the ugly rock contained
And only those who study hard will get to see what is inside of it
So, study hard and have pride in a job well done.
There, now you can really smile to yourself.
Don’t be stressed.
Turn your frown to a smile, like flipping a pancake;
breathe in deep and let it out slowly.
9.11.01 by Spencer Thompson
New york is damaged
Four planes, 3,000 victims
The love that’s beneath
The empty heart lies in the
Disbelief of hurt
Head rolls back and eyes
crinkle as smile erupts.
Paradise by Ethan Upchurch
Life by Spencer Thompson
Be courageous
Tomorrow the pain will have lifted
Be generous to others
Be gracious to others
Offer your hand to help the people
who need it the most
Be honest with yourself
Say the truth with confidence
Take a second to realize all you have been through
Count all of the heavy breaths you have had
Feel the despair of all of the others around you
Pain is required in the human condition
And that is what makes you a warrior.
Accept each reaching hand which offers help.
Morning Love by Jacquelyn Nielson
The strawberry light of dawn begins to stream through the windows
as I walk through the empty, silent halls.
I tiptoe very lightly, oh so quietly to her door.
Step, step, step, jump
Step, step, step, stop.
She opens one eye and groans
but her annoyance doesn’t faze me.
I must let her know
that I love her, almost as much as my favorite toy.
I know that she hates that she loves me so much
and how she can’t resist my love.
I nuzzle my face into her hand, begging for her attention.
In return, she scratches me under my chin.
She’s hit my Achilles heel and I collapse into her.
There’s a rumbling in my belly
that moves up to my throat
and now I’m purring louder than I’ve ever purred before.
Her hand strokes my head as my head strokes her hand.
My eyes lock with hers and we silently exchange
“I love you.”
as she’s scratching my belly,
all four paws in the air and tail flipping ecstatically.
But then she has to get up and our time for love
is all too soon over with.
Step, step, step, jump
off of her bed.
and into his room.
Sitting by your side
Outside the window I see a butterfly
I will be okay
Just rest your eyes
Holding your hand tight
A sound of silence now over your body
I watch as you find rest inside of yourself.
ADHD by Ethan Upchurch and Teagan Bell
When I saw her
Everything else set aside,
The only thing clear
shining like stars in the night sky
But only a slight glimpse was captured
Stand by Demi Johanns
Looking into your eyes
Gently wiping them off with the lotion scented Kleenex
Listening to your soft sniffles
“Everything will be okay,” I say
Take a deep breath
I can see the hurt in your eyes
The pain is as fierce as a lion
Standing by the window
Sitting on the balcony
I have taken your last carton of milk
And which you probably we going to use for your dying cat
Forgive me but i couldn’t resist, the cereal wouldn’t have been the same
Its was so dry and bitter
Like a weary old widow
Through Our Eyes
Julie Watkins, Jacquelyn Nielson,