PMS (By- Rads & Vibs )

Post on 08-Apr-2018

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Transcript of PMS (By- Rads & Vibs )

  • 8/7/2019 PMS (By- Rads & Vibs )


    By B.Radhika (6)Vibha.G (53 )

    Performance Management System A Strategic Tool for Competitive Advantage

  • 8/7/2019 PMS (By- Rads & Vibs )


    PMS Need of the Hour

    y The concept of managing resources in a professionally-

    managed organization has changed over the last 2


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    Earlier Now

    Managers were suppose to

    manage 5 Ms in their day-

    to-day functioning.

    Technological revolutions :

    Emergence of WWW, LPG

    Managers were not muchconcerned with any

    particular M & used to

    devote equal concentration

    and effort towards all theMs.

    Man has became Central toall other Ms .

  • 8/7/2019 PMS (By- Rads & Vibs )


    y Never in the history employees dreamt of becoming

    partners in the organization, of getting a share of the

    profit apart from the regular salaries.

    y The perks include ESOP,36o degree feedback, appraisal,

    hikes every quarter, bonus etc.

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    y These developments in the HRM landscape are

    indicative enough to understand the significance of

    manpower in a modern-day professional outfit.

    y The concept of treating employees as internal customers

    & end-user as external customer has led to organizations

    relying completely on their employees to create that

    strategic difference in the competitive marketplace.

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    y Employee poaching was not as prevalent as it today.

    y Attraction and retention have become more challenging

    for the HR managers.

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  • 8/7/2019 PMS (By- Rads & Vibs )


    Role and Relevance of PMS






    R & D



    Su ort &Service

  • 8/7/2019 PMS (By- Rads & Vibs )


    y Performance of an employee in a modern-day

    organization is not only dependent on his individual

    brilliance but is also indirectly related to many of his

    peers, subordinates & superiors across departments,

    which makes a transparent & organized PMS even more


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  • 8/7/2019 PMS (By- Rads & Vibs )


    y A thorough job analysis is a pre-requisite so as to frame

    KRA which require an active participation and co-

    ordination amongst HR managers with other functional


    y Thus, it makes the PMS even more important so as to

    keep the employees motivated and consumer-oriented at

    every point of time.

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    Organizations consider PMS as a Hush-HushAffair

    y Many SME are much concerned about the welfare of their

    employees as they realize it is only through their employees

    that they can create an edge over their much bigger rivals

    and therefore pay extra attention in putting in place an

    efficient and effective PMS.

    y On the contrary, organizations lacking a proper PMS treat

    PMS as a hush-hush affair , they are reluctant to share the

    profits with the employees, divulge details.

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    y Today, even the family-owned organizations prefer to

    hire professional managers to change the overall culture

    and revamp their strategic issues so as to attract and

    retain talent.

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    Building Performance Culture

    y Modern-day organizations has inculcated the culture of

    Healthy competition amongst the peer members to bring

    the best out of any individual & to have a rubbing effect

    on the others.

    y Even monetary and non-monetary motivators are

    finalized keeping in mind the need to build up a culture

    of performance.

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    y The approach of acknowledgement and appreciation

    fosters a culture of performance.

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    y Companies have also shifted their approaches from

    individual incentives to that of group which is rewarded

    for performances and not an individual.

    y This further has a spill-over effect not only on the group

    of subordinates but also drives the superiors, as their

    perks, promotions are directly proportional to the

    performance of their subordinates.

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    y Personal interaction and feedback on the satisfaction

    level of the employees, handling employee grievances

    with an open mind, helps in cultivating an environment

    of performance, commitment & devotion.

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    Performance Management and its Role

    in Reward System

    y Performance management plays a very important role in

    employee motivation, which has a direct bearing on

    employee performance and employee retention.

    y There are companies which encourage individual

    employee to go for self-appraisal.

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    y The objective is to make the employee understand

    his/her own contribution in the organizational trajectory.

    y It also enables an employee to speak out openly about

    his/her personal weakness, need for training along with

    the TNA which enables the HR manager to identify the

    growth potential of each and every employee.

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    y Companies like IT,ITes etc allocate points to each and

    every task carried out by the employee in a quarter.

    y At the end of the quarter, these points can be redeemed,

    thereby making the process fair,and easy to elucidate.

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    y Organizations have even gone to the extent where the

    comments put forth by their superiors in their appraisal

    form are being displayed to the individual employees to

    reduce the doubt and increase the confidence in the


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    PMS- A Strategic Tool

    y It is an accepted fact that PMS is a strategic tool for any

    contemporary organization.

    y Human being the core to an organization are considered

    to be the key factors which provide an organization with

    the much-needed strategic advantage in the


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    y What differentiates an average employer from a better

    one is mainly employee concern, which hinges on the

    state of the PMS, which can provide the minutest of

    details at any point in time.

    y One size fits all approach is a strict no-no as far as

    PMS is concerned.

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    y Customization as per the corporate policy, employee

    need and expectations is the key parameter to finalize a


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    y PMS is crucial to the functioning of any organization.

    y PMS should be simple, transparent and periodically


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