Plot Element

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Plot Element

STORYLINES (PLOTS)Gilongos, JamaicaBSMT2C Humanities 13June 15, 2015Jaime CabreraCEU Manila, Philippines

I learn about literary plots, electronic research,

and citing references by completing this activity.

We are born to

enjoy life.

See: Common Genres of Fiction hereSee: Homework Guide here


Plot is a narrative term defined as the events that make up a story, particularly: as they relate to one another in a pattern or in a sequence; as they relate to each other through cause and effect; how the reader views the story; or simply by coincidence.

Plot’s a narrative style stating the different important events or connected to each other in a certain story.

Example is Titanic.





Image: Gilongos, Jamaica, BSMT-2C


Exposition - Jack and Rose met at the ship named Titanic and had their eyes for each other.

Rising Action - The ship hit an iceberg in the middle of the ocean.

Climax- Jack and Rose is looking for a way to escape the ship that was about to sink.

Falling Action – Jack and Rose had escaped from the ship, Titanic which is sinking.

Resolution - Jack was not able to survive the cold temperature of the water and eventually died while, Rose was able to survive.


The rising action of a story is the series of events that begin immediately after the exposition (introduction) of the story and builds up to the climax. These events are generally the most important parts of the story since the entire plot depends on them to set up the climax, and ultimately the satisfactory resolution of the story itself.

Basically, the rising action is the event wherein the conflict is already being recognized by the characters.

An example is when the captain of the Titanic found out that they were about to hit an iceberg.



 Turning point is when the characters or circumstances change (for the worse or the better) due to an action upon which the main plot hinges.

Schwarts, D. (2002). Dramatic Plot Structure

The turning point is when the characters change their way of thinking or living because of an event that had occurred.

In the movie Titanic, the passengers of the ship started to panic, including Jack and Rose, the moment they felt that the ship crashed on a huge iceberg.


CLIMAX The climax is a narrative work is its point of

highest tension or drama or when the action starts in which the solution is given

The climax is the event of a story when the characters are already starting to look for solutions to the conflict that was stated in the rising action.

In the movie, the climax is when Jack and Rose were already starting to find ways in order to survive the sinking ship. They were trying to escape the sinking Titanic.



The part of a literary plot that occurs after the climax has been reached and the conflict has been resolved.

The falling action is the event in a story when the conflict has been solved and the characters are continuing to stand up after the said conflict.

In the movie, the falling action is when Jack and Rose found a piece of a floating object that is part of the interior of the ship in which, it helped them to float in the cold ocean.



In this phase the protagonist and antagonist have solved their problems and either the protagonist or antagonist usually wins the conflict and the conflict officially ends. Some stories shows what happens to the characters after the conflict ends and/or shows what happens to the characters to the future. The resolution is when the conflict was

completely solved and the characters went back to their own lives.

In the movie, the resolution is when Rose was saved by the rescuers and she continued her life for Jack is already gone.


PLOT ELEMENTS: Brain PracticeComplete NameCourse, Section, SubjectDate Completed Teacher’s NameUniversity, Country

I personalize my learning about the parts of literary

plot by completing this three-part activity.

Related Stuff

New concepts learned There are different parts of a story. In a

story, all those parts are needed or considered as important. If one of these parts is missing then, the story would possibly be considered as a story that is not clear. It seems to be simple but, these events can give an impact to the audience especially to the people who are really in to patronizing these stories or movies. Our life has its own plot and each part would give us a lesson that we can apply in our life.


This reminds me of… The plot of a story has a part called

climax and in our life, we already had a lot of climax in which it would be considered as a memorable one. I can say that the climax of my life is when I was deciding on which course to take the moment I filled up my application forms. That decision should be final for I know that the decision I would make is the path that I’m willing to take for my career, and that is my climax.


Usefulness in real situations I can say that I can use these learning to

identify the different problems in my life and as well as to learn to look for different possible solutions in solving my problems. These may be considered as simple knowledge but once it became part of my system in applying these parts in my life then, it will be easier for me to know and find solutions for the problems that I am experiencing.


Note: Tests may include ideas from this source and this source.

SEVEN POINTS1. Delete the instructions. When you submit

your work, only your answers should be seen.

2. Keep it short: this one slide only3. Short definition: Use direct quotes inside

quotation marks.4. Source: Use APA format5. Hyperlink: Embed like this

Available online 12-12-2015.

6. In my own words: Paraphrase succinctly7. Example: From your own experience