Playstation Revision

Post on 20-Dec-2015

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This my revised paper 1

Transcript of Playstation Revision

Jacques Patrick

Ashley Humphries


22 April 2015

How Playstation’s help me grow up

The PlayStation game series has been popular since they first released the PlayStation one back

in 2000. It was every kid wish to have one including mine but unfortunately at the time I was

fortunate to have one so I had to wait. For me this was hard because all of my friends had the

PlayStation one but I had to wait until I showed my mom I was responsible enough to have one.

So I was on my best behavior at all times so when next Christmas rolled around I knew I would

be able to have my own PlayStation one. So a couple months later on Christmas Day I got my

PlayStation one. My love for this game began in Christmas of 01’ when I unwrapped my

PlayStation one. From the moment I touched it and laid eyes on it, I knew this was something

that I would not be able to keep out my possession for long. This was my first PlayStation one so

I cherished it like it was my kid. For me the PlayStation one was like my first girlfriend. I was

only five years old when I first got it and it was my first ever game console. I was very

possessive about and had much love for it. I knew my parents worked very hard to get me the

PlayStation one so I knew and appreciated that a lot. I would never think twice about leaving my

game out when I wasn't around, to allow someone to harm it. I remember one moment though

when I came home and saw my cousins playing my system. I was surprised by this first because

I always had put my system up. The second reason is I knew they had to rummage through my

room to find it. What shocked me the most and nearly caused me to have a panic attack was

when I saw a cup of soda near my game. They saw me and grabbed the cup and scattered out of

the room so fast because they already knew how crazy I got about that game. This just showed

how much others knew this game mean to me and how possessive I was about my PlayStation

one. I always remembered how long I had to wait to get my PlayStation one and how hard my

mom worked for it so there was no way I was going to allow anyone to play it when I was not


      When I was in middle school I had a reputation as a cool kid. I had all the Nike Jordan's and

nice clothing but it was still something holding me back from standing out among all my friends.

Fortunate enough, my parents were able to afford a PlayStation three so I got one. This kind of

made me one of the coolest guys in school, and had everyone wanting to hang out at my house

every day after school. I can recall till this day when I had three of my friends over but only had

two game controllers. This of course started a big fight between the three of them, which was

silly to me because friends that who have known each other since elementary school were

fighting over this game. This just showed how much the PlayStation 3 meant to kids our age but

if I was put in that situation I more than likely would've reacted the same way my friends did

because the PlayStation three was what iPhones are today to us.

   As time went on the price of the PlayStation three went down. This impacted my friends and I

because we all had Playstation three’s now. Now with all of us having one we wouldn't even

have to come to each other's houses anymore like we used to do when we were younger. We now

could interact without physically seeing each other because of this game and its ability to

connect us through the internet. This was cool because I had friends that lived in other states, that

I could now know what's going on in their daily lives and play them in the video games we grew

up playing. I can recall one summer night I was up watching TV with nothing to do so I hopped

on my PlayStation and It was around 11:30 pm and my friend in Texas invited me to play Call of

Duty with him and a kid that lived in California. To me this was awesome because we were all in

different time zones but we so happened to be all playing our PlayStation at same time and was

able to interact and have a good time without physically seeing each other. For us this was cool

because the PlayStation three was something that kept my friends and I connected know matter

where or the time because all we had to do was log on our PlayStation and we would all be

together virtually.

   Many years later and now and adult, I now have the responsibility of entertaining myself. Even

now as an adult the PlayStation four was a must have for me. This game was the new hot thing

among me and my friends and I couldn't wait to get my hands on. With me being an adult now

though I had to purchase this game myself and it wasn't cheap. I still remember the day I went to

the store to purchase it, thinking it was around 250-300 dollars but I was sure was fooled by that

crazy thought because it burned my pocket for 400 dollars. This game cost me a lot of money so

I protected it as if it was a newborn baby. Since a kid my parents always instilled in me the value

of a dollar so me purchasing this game myself I understood that I never wanted this game to

break because I would not want to spend another 400 dollars to get another one. I remember one

day I was on my way to school and I had remembered I forgot a open water bottle by my

PlayStation. I U-turned as soon as I could to get home and move that water bottle away from

game because I knew I would be responsible for buying a new one if that water spilled on it. Just

buying the PlayStation four myself made me reflect on all the things my parents instilled me like

responsibility and the value of a dollar and it still value those things ‘til this day.

   Throughout my life PlayStation has played a major role, it has always been there for me when I

needed something to do or get my mind off things. From PlayStation one I learned how to be

responsible for the first time in my life. I knew this would be the Chain of the many new gifts I

could obtain through my childhood if I took good care of it or the last major gift I got if I

allowed it to get destroyed. The PlayStation three was the games that allowed my reputation as a

cool kid to sky rocket and really expand my social life. On to the PlayStation four now it was the

game that made me reflect on my childhood. I say this because at this point in my life, I was

mature and old enough to provide my own entertainment so I purchased the PlayStation four

myself. I know I worked very hard for the money I spent to buy the game, so I took great care of

it because I knew the value of the dollar and I was also very responsible because of my parent’s

ways. The PlayStation did many things for me and taught me many lessons so I know this game

will always play a role in my life know matter how old I am.