Play rock-paper-scissors with a robot and loose every time

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Play rock-paper-scissors with a robot and loose every time

Play rock-paper-scissors with a robot and loose every time – Article

A robot developed by Japanese scientists is so fast it can "win" the rock-paper-scissors game against a human every single time. You have no chance of winning. The Janken robot - named after the game's Japanese name - is a faster version of one unveiled by University of Tokyo researchers in June 2012.

Is the robot cheating . Technically it is. It is not relying on plain luck to find out the outcome in which everyone has an equal chance of winning. It uses high-speed recognition and reaction, rather than prediction. Its 100% success rate comes from its ability to recognize which shape your hand is taking in a single millisecond..

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This robot is actually an improvement over the version1 shown earlier.. The first took around 20 milliseconds to respond — a noticeable delay. Even though the robot knew what shape the human hand would be taking before it had finished moving, it took that fraction of second to change its own hand movement. The new version, though, finishes moving at the same time as the human."This technology is one example that shows a possibility of cooperation control within a few milliseconds," says the project website. "And this technology can be applied to motion support of human beings and cooperation work between human beings and robots, etc, without time delay."I sure am happy to have not had to compete with this robot in my childhood.

Play rock-paper-scissors with a robot and loose every time – Article

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