Play Online Casino Reviewed by

Post on 13-Apr-2017

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Transcript of Play Online Casino Reviewed by Guide

to Gaming

In this guide you’ll learn more about the history of casinos and how

they came to be online.

Online casinos did not just come about as a more convenient answer to land

based casinos.

In fact, there’s a long line of events dating back several centuries that led to

them becoming digital. takes a look at the

different occurrences that have, collectively, paved the way for the

online casinos we know today.

As with many historical facts, it is not entirely clear where exactly gambling, or games of chance, originated from.

However, many are in agreement that gambling was likely a part of almost every civilisation, from Elizabethan England to the Ancient Romans and

Greeks and even the French.

While the exact origins of gambling may be a little bit hazy, it is believed that the very first ‘gambling house’ in existence was called the Ridotto and was established in Venice is 1638.

The Great Council of Venice opened it in order to to provide a controlled

gambling environment.

The gambling trends in Europe quickly spread to the United States, although the developments that occurred there were still a far cry from what you can

find on today.

In America, ‘gambling houses’ were known as saloons during the early 20th


These saloons could be found in four of the country’s biggest cities, namely St

Louis, San Francisco and Chicago.

Much like the casinos listed here on, players could choose from a wide variety of games at these saloons, and the popularity of them

quickly started to spread like wildfire.

After being banned for a short period of time, gambling was later legalised in

Las Vegas, Nevada in 1931.

This is where most of America’s first legalised casinos were set up,

featuring very popular games still offered by some of the casinos listed


With Las Vegas leading the way, New Jersey’s Atlantic City soon followed


The two of these locations still hold the title of the United States’ first and

second biggest gambling cities. At this point, the influence and popularity of

gambling quickly spread to other parts of the world.

As time progressed, the need for a more convenient form of casinos arose,

as most people found themselves leading a more technologically driven


As technology advanced, online casinos became more of a reality, and in 1994 the very first true online casino opened

their virtual doors.

The online casino industry exploded and a huge number of online casinos

started operating.

There are now hundreds, if not thousands of casinos online and the industry has become both incredibly competitive and hugely lucrative.

Over a decade after online casinos had firmly established themselves, mobile casinos came along. This

meant players could access games from mobile devices such as

smartphones, tablets and now, even smart watches.

At you can find the very best of these online casinos,

rated and reviewed for your convenience.

While there is no real way of knowing exactly where casinos originated, it is

interesting to have a look back and see the journey that has resulted in the online

casinos we know now.

From humble beginnings in saloons, to the glitzy gaming halls of Las Vegas and Atlantic City, onto your computer, and then your mobile- casinos have come a

long way.

Technology continues to advance and VR and other exciting new gaming options are released all the time.

An increasing number of players also prefer gaming online or on the go, and the industry ensures it caters to every


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