PLAY Material Explanation

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PLAY Material Explanation

Transcript of PLAY Material Explanation

TM Recruitment- Sept 2012

In this package you'll find the main theory and materials on how to run your selection process as a

marketing campaign and not just a recruitment process and all the material explanation.

How to use this package:

• Read the theory on the sections

• Read the explanation behind each concept




Promotion of recruitment should not be a random project with dates thrown here and there and posters put up here and there. To ensure

there is the highest return on the activities you are doing we have to be smart about it! What we are doing is no different from a marketing

campaign and we should treat recruitment as such!

There are 2 types of marketing campaign we are doing:

• Digitial

• Print

Because there are so many different channels we are using it is important that we stick to 3 simple points. Using these points Kitty and I

created the print materials:

1. Maintain consistency of your message in all media. Whatever your unique message turns out to be sure to use that message

consistently in all media. You need to apply the same message in all the forms of media you use in order to establish it as yours and yours

alone, and in order to give people a better chance of remembering it.

2. Keep your message simple. The real challenge of creating your advertising is to devise a hook that will cut through the mess that

people are exposed to each and every day. The key to igniting consumer memory is keeping it simple.

3. Use words that sell.



Spiderman 2: Pretty clever, the urinal that stands out.

Folgers Coffee: Seen in New York, how would

you not go grab a coffee there?

Can we be as creative as this?




Last year we had a recruitment message of “il mondo di domani inizia con te oggi” and we splashed it all over our recruitment

materials and channel. This year we have a very simple message: “PLAY with AIESEC”.

The reasoning behind this concept is to launch the new packaged product of the TMP/TLP experience with the name “PLAY”. So

the AIESEC experience now is more clear with MOVE for OGX, Change for ICX and finally Play for TM.


COLOR: GREEN (0, 104, 56 – RGB)



As we look into our target we are a youth organization that is daring, fun and professional. To add an element of play and to grab

people’s attention when they first see the poster we created the idea of “l’hai mai fatto”. It is thought provoking and we can play

with many variations of the concept.


: With a simple and clean design , the words are the highlight of the

poster. To catch people’s attention from far away and to go to the

website or QR code is to have the poster just asking a question.

The bottom is empty to allow you to place your LC information as well

as when your info events are.


Again, when you have a marketing campaign your words need to sell.

The front of the flyer mantains the consistent message from the poster

and on the back is a simple explanation of what people will be doing.

As in TM, they decided to allocate people either in OGX or ICX at first,

the back of the flyer is to further explain what they will be doing in


Below in the white is for you to place your LC information there.




To give more physical materials for you to use we also created a

postcard with the most memorable quote from Alessio when winning the

UBS award.




On TUESDAY SEPT 18th, we would like EVERYONE to participate and change their Facebook cover to

this design. This is to answer the question that will be all over the campus when you guys promote.


The PLAY logo can be placed

on any recruitment material you

guys will create.

This logo is the product logo for all three products

we have in AIESEC Italy. MOVE is represented

by the blue, PLAY is represented by the GREEN

and CHANGE is represented by the RED. We

will be using these 3 colors to package all of our



I will be buying the domain Many companies when doing a campaign will buy a

website domain that is not their own website and re-direct the page to their own website. This is because it

is easier for people to remember the campaign and the slogan than to remember the company.

We will be doing the same and using the website to attract attention and then re-

direct them to our website.

Relevant information of on the national website will be uploaded by Wednesday. I encourage you to do the

same for your own LC website. This will be the last recruitment we use the old website! HURRAY!


I will also be running a Facebook Ad campaign starting from Wednesday to boost interest for people to

find out more information about AIESEC. I believe this is the first time we will have done it on a national

level so after we run this recruitment I will be releasing the results to you guys to see if it was worth the

effort. If successful I think on the LC level you guys can also consider spending some of your recruitment

budget on it.

EBC 2012:

More will be explained at EBC!