Plant's water cycle

Post on 13-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Plant's water cycle

Problem ………………………………………….. 1Purpose ……………………………………………. 2Materials …………………………………………… 3Procedures ……………………………………….. 4Results ……………………………………………… 5Conclusion ………………………………………… 6Acknowledgement ……………………………… 7

Does the color of the water used up by plants affect the plant’s color?

The purpose of this Investigatory project is to know if the color of the water used up by plants affect the plant’s color. Also, it can show the complete cycle the water takes to reach the plant parts.

2 Identical plants (Specifically a flower) 2 Glasses of water Blue or Red food coloring

1. Get 2 glasses of water.2. The first glass is set A. Fill it with normal

water. The second glass is set B. Pour food coloring.

3. Put the plants (flower) in the glasses.4. Wait for 3-4 hours.


The plant (flower) just remained in its natural color.

The plant (flower) became color blue.

I can conclude, based on the results, that the color of the water used up by plants affect the plant’s color.

Jake AmonCharlie Tim GeronimoAngel Grace SantosKim Yu Jan