Plants By Luke Barry Potato plant. What I am finding out… How plants can be classified. The main...

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Transcript of Plants By Luke Barry Potato plant. What I am finding out… How plants can be classified. The main...


By Luke Barry

Potato plant

What I am finding out…

How plants can be classified. The main parts of a flowering plant. Examples of flowering plants. What monocotyledons and dicotyledons are. Examples of non-flowering plants.

How can plants be classified?

Plants are classified in many different ways.

You can classify them into the following groups.

Class Subclass Superorder Order Family

Subfamily Tribe Subtribe Genus Species Variety Form And cultivar

Plant Diagram

What are the main parts of a flowering plant?

Most flowers have four main parts, they are: Sepals – sepals protect the bud of the flower

before it opens up Petals – petals attract insects to the plant Stamens – stamens make the pollen on the

flower Carpels – carpels grow into fruit which

contain seeds

Picture of a flowering plant

Sweetbay magnolia (magnolia virginiana)

Here are some examples of flowering plants

Sunflower Tulip Marigold Lily Jasmine Rose Lotus Hibiscus Petunia Daisy

What are monocotyledons and dicotyledons?

Monocotyledons and dicotyledons are two major groups of flowering plants.

Monocots seedlings generally have only one cotyledon (seed-leaf) whereas dicot seedlings have two.

Definition of monocotyledon – flowering plant with a single embryonic seed leaf.

What is the difference between monocotyledons and


Feature In monocots In dicots

Number of parts of each flower

in threes in fours or fives

Number of furrows or pores in pollen

one three

Number of cotyledons (leaves in the seed)

one two

Arrangement of vascular bundles in the


scattered in concentric circles

Roots are adventitious develop from the radicle

Arrangement of major leaf veins

parallel reticulate


Sliced onion (this has parallel veins in the cross section

Wheat (an economically important monocot

A young caster oil plant showing it’s two cotyledons that dicot seeds produce

Monocot VS Dicot Picture


Here are some examples of non-flowering plants

Algae Fungi Palms Moss Fern

Some Facts About Non-Flowering Plants

There are about 4,500 different species of non-flowering plant in the world.

They can be found under water or on land. Around 30-40% of non-flowering plants are

endemic to the country.

Thanks for watching and learning!