Plant parts

Post on 03-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Plant parts

Parts of this presentation borrowed from:

Plants need water, air, sunlight and nutrients to grow.

The roots take food and water from the soil and transport it to the stem. It also anchors the plant to the ground.

A stem holds up the leaves and carries the food and water through

the plant.

The leaf collects sunlight to give the plant energy. It takes in

carbon dioxide and gives oxygen.

The flower attracts insects for pollination.


What is the function of the roots?

What is the function of the roots?

The roots anchor the plant and absorb food and water to the stem.

What is the function of the stem?

What is the function of the stem?

The stem holds up the leaves and carries food and water.

What is the function of the leaves?

What is the function of the leaves?

The leaves collect sunlight, take in carbon dioxide, and release


What is the function of the flower?

What is the function of the flower?

The follower attracts insects for pollination.