Plano Prayer Vigil. (week #14 update)

Post on 05-Jan-2016

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A brief summary of how God moved outside of the Plano Planned Parenthood on Oct. 17th, 2015.

Transcript of Plano Prayer Vigil. (week #14 update)

Hi folks,

Week #14 was filled with a surprising ministry ... we were blessed with the presence of the St. Mark's la

vida group. They informed us that members from their group would be there every Saturday -- and they

also brought a crucifix with them.

You can see some images of the crucifix in week #14 pics:

They can also be viewed here:

Things became interesting when John, a tenant of the Atrium office complex, joined us to pray as he has

several times before. The security guard came down and said that the Haggard Property Group had

instructed him to tow his car if he's going to stand and pray with us.

After praying about it... John decided to move his car. Later, the office manager that represents Haggard

Property Group showed up and told the security guard that he was being "too nice" and to make sure

that none of the pro lifers set foot on their property or dropped off anyone (this has happened with the

permission of the security guard for volunteers who are too frail to make the long walk).

We need to remember that she was very likely following orders herself and probably didn't want to be

there on a Saturday.

We told the property manager to pass a message along to Mr. Haggard (Toby Haggard) ... that God loves

him and that God loves the unborn babies that are dismembered by Planned Parenthood. We also asked

that she share this scripture verse with the Haggard family, "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;

but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” – 2 Timothy 1:7

And it's the power of love that will spiritually knock down abortuary walls that have been built by fear.

It's fairly rare that we see a property management company be aggressive toward pro lifers, but it's also

a blessing when it happens. "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say

all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your

reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

" Matt. 5:11-12

I didn't know much about the Haggard family until their staff began confronting us on the grass. The pro

lifers I've spoken to have only had good things to say about them. I've been told that they have

conservative family values by multiple people.

God loves the Haggard family and we need to pray for Toby Haggard and other members of the Haggard

family that may be directly or indirectly involved in the their decision to aggressively interact with us.

We should also play for two other key executives at Haggard Property Group: Bill Rudd and Sandra

Andersen. We should pray that the Holy Spirit will convict them regarding their involvement with the

abortion industry and show them the way out.

When we see someone else sinning the solution isn't to feel any gratification or self-righteous

indignation (we are all sinners) -- the solution is to help them find forgiveness and redemption.

The Haggard Family and executives that work for them are not our enemy... and neither are the clinic

workers. God loves them all and we're on a rescue mission to share the good news that they can be

rescued from their sin and redeemed through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Jesus calls out from the grass to any who will listen.

It was appropriate that we had a large image of Christ on the cross last Saturday. Christ died because so

many successful people, even members of the Christian church, have aided and abetted temples of

human sacrifice.

For decades those property owners walked down a path of darkness and nobody told them that God

had another plan for their lives. Praise God for your steadfast presence because the result was that Toby

Haggard, Bill Rudd, and Sandra Andersen were personally confronted with the good news of Jesus Christ

and God's love for the unborn.

If nobody had said, "Hey we need to love Plano" ... none of us would have had the blessings of being the

messengers of God's love. Who would have imagined that the simple act of parking a car in the parking

lot where you work from 9 to 5 would result in a ministry to the property owners.

God uses everything to his glory -- even parking a car!

See ya on the grass.


Steven Lopez

Spiritus Films

Cell: 832.882.3825