Planet Zorcon Welcome to the year 2094!. Planet Zorcon Gather in groups of 5. Each person needs a...

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Transcript of Planet Zorcon Welcome to the year 2094!. Planet Zorcon Gather in groups of 5. Each person needs a...

Planet ZorconWelcome to the year 2094!

Planet ZorconGather in groups of 5.

Each person needs a job:Project Director (leads the group)Surveyor (travels & collects resources)Data Collector (tallies & records the data)Resource Specialist (instructs as to which resources

to collect)Security (guards collected resources)

Any extra people? Come see me! You are now the Government Inspectors!

Planet ZorconSurveyor—pick up a Resource Inventory sheet.

Data Collector—write the names of each person on the sheet by their role.

Planet ZorconNow, as a group, decide whether the resources are:


And fill in the third column.

Planet ZorconThe year is 2094. Most of the earth’s resources have been depleted, and nearly all the water is polluted.

A new planet has been discovered that has plenty of resources and is completely pollution-free.

Trip 1 to Planet ZorconSurveyors—you have 20 seconds to gather as many resources as you can.

You may only collect one at a time! Pick up each resource with the spoon and put it in your cup.

When done, your group will count the resources, and the Data Collector will record the results.

Trip 2 to Planet ZorconDecide as a group what your Surveyor should collect.

Surveyor—one at a time on the spoon. Collection time is 20 seconds.

Record data.

Project Director—lead a discussion with your group on what the group should “do” or “make” with the resources. Write their ideas on the back of the Resource Inventory sheet. Outline a plan for how to best use renewable and nonrenewable resources and for what resources to collect on the next trip.

Trip 3 to Planet ZorconYou will have only 10 seconds this time!

The Resource Specialist will accompany the Surveyor. Both can bring a spoon and all resources must fit in the cup. Pick up one at a time on the spoon.

Return and record the data.

Trip 4 to Planet ZorconThis is the last time we are going to the planet, and anyone can go!

All items must be picked up with the spoon, and all resources must fit in the cup.

Important Info!The unknown mineral (spaghetti) has been

identified as a rare mineral with special properties. Water is the largest part of its crystal structure. It absorbs water from the air and then releases pure water when exposed to Krypton gas. The mineral can be used indefinitely. Only pieces that are not broken will count!!

Discussion Questions What did you collect? Why?

What challenges did you experience?

What role did the government play?

How evenly were the resources distributed?

What does the new planet look like now?

Would you be able to live there?

Why didn’t anyone think to protect the planet?

Are the damages your fault or the government’s fault?

What careers are there in natural resource management?

Did you need a security person?

What was your main motivation for the last trip?

Which resources were most valuable? Why?

Can you restore the new planet to its original condition?

What resource specialists would be needed?