PLACE LABEL HERE - fileIN837 Indonesian Page 2 CANDIDATE INSTRUCTIONS This paper...

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Transcript of PLACE LABEL HERE - fileIN837 Indonesian Page 2 CANDIDATE INSTRUCTIONS This paper...

Pages: 17Questions: 10©Copyright for part(s) of this examination may be held by individuals and/or organisations other than the TasmanianSecondary Assessment Board.


Tasmanian Secondary Assessment Board

Tasmanian Certificate of Education

External Assessment




Time: Two Hours

On the basis of your performance in this examination, the examiners will provide a rating of A, B,C or D on each of the following criteria taken from the syllabus statement:

Criterion 4 Obtain and process written information from a wide range of sources.

Criterion 5 Communicate information in written form across a wide range oftopics.

Criterion 8 Use written language for creative (original, personal) expression.

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CANDIDATE INSTRUCTIONSThis paper consists of THREE sections:

Section A: Interpersonal Domain – Respond to messages.Section B: Informational Domain – Demonstrate comprehension of specific items of information.Section C: Aesthetic Domain – Express original thoughts in Indonesian.

Candidates must attempt all three sections.

All answers must be written in the spaces provided on the examination paper.


Answer ONE question from the three offered in this section.

This section assesses Criterion 5.

Question 1

Read the following letter and write a reply in Indonesian in approximately 150–200 words.Within the body of your letter you should respond to the questions raised in the letter.

Padang, 10 Nopember 2002

Sally yang baik

Saya senang sekali Anda ingin menjadi sahabat pena saya. Walaupun orang sekaranglebih suka menulis email, saya masih suka menulis surat juga. Seperti saya menyebutdalam surat pertama saya, saya siswa SMU di Padang di Sumatera. Umur saya 17tahun. Dalam surat ini, saya akan bercerita sedikit tentang saya dan Indonesia.Mudah-mudahan Anda bisa bercerita sedikit tentang Australia dalam balasan suratAnda.

Saat ini di Indonesia sudah musim hujan. Hampir setiap hari hujan turun. Sayabiasanya berjalan ke sekolah jadi saya harus membawa jas hujan. Pada musim hujanseperti ini jalan-jalan menjadi becek dan licin sehingga kita harus hati-hati.

Seminggu yang lalu saya mengunjungi rumah nenek dan kakek yang tinggal diBukittinggi. Di belakang rumah mereka banyak pohon buah-buahan. Saya senangmakan buah rambutan dan buah manggis yang manis dan segar.

Kalau di Australia, sekarang sedang musim apa? Dan begaimana dengan sekolahAnda? Apakah Anda juga sedang menghadapi ujian seperti saya? Saya sangatmengharapkan balasan surat dari Anda.

Maaf surat saya pendek, tapi saya janji akan menulis lebih banyak dalam suratberikutnya.

Salam hangat,


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Question 2

Write a dialogue of 150–200 words in Indonesian between two people which begins with one ofthe following ‘conversation openers’.

(a) Pak, saya tidak mau bekerja di sawah seumur hidup.


(b) Aku mau memesan soto ayam saja.


(c) Kita sampai di Jakarta jam berapa besok?


(d) Berapa lama pesta Lebaran ini berlangsung?

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Question 3

Your family is doing a vacation ‘house-swap’ with another family. You need to leave messages asfollows:

(a) The first message is for your next-door neighbour. This message should include thefollowing:

• details of where you are going and how long you will be away• an apology that you haven’t returned a CD you borrowed• a promise to send a postcard

(b) The second message is for the teenage child of the other family, who will be using your room.This message should include the following:

• a few words of welcome to your home• an explanation of where in the house he/she can find the computer and the stereo• a request for him/her to feed your cat and water the pot plants in your room.

Your combined messages should be between 150–200 words in Indonesian.

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Answer ALL questions in this section.

This section assesses Criterion 4.

Question 4

The following is an advertisement for the Omni Batavia Hotel in Jakarta, detailing some of theservices available for patrons. Read the advertisement and answer in English the questions whichfollow.

Fasilitas Hotel• 388 kamar• fasilitas pembuat kopi & teh di

setiap kamar• fasilitas rapat, konferensi &

pernikahan• pelayanan bisnis• kolam renang• biro wisata

Happy Hour di Brown Bar!• beli 1 gratis 1• pk 17.00–21.00 WIB, kecuali hari


Paket Akhir MingguSingle/double Rp. 350.000• tinggal dua malam lagi gratis• diskon 50% untuk anak-anak di

bawah umur 12 tahun• masuk gratis ke Sea World,

Ancol untuk 2 anak• berlaku hari Jum’at, hari Sabtu &

hari Minggu

Omni Cake Shop• buka setiap hari: 12.00–20.00

WIB• diskon 50% untuk pembelian roti

& kue setelah pk. 17.00 WIB

Fasilitas Rapat, Konferensi danPernikahan• H o t e l O M N I B a t a v i a

menyediakan tempat yang terbaikuntuk rapat, konferensi, seminar,resepsi pernikahan dan pameran.

• Batavia Ballroom & enamfasilitas ruangan lainnya sangatideal bagi Anda untukmengadakan acara istimewadengan kapasitas lebih dari 1000orang.

Paket Rapat (Minimum 10 orang)Satu hari. 66.000, orang• ruang rapat• 2 x coffee break dengan 2 macam

snack• perlengkapan rapat• permen & air putih• bunga segar

Kolam Renang• fasilitas kolam renang terbuka

untuk umum, mulai hari Senin –Minggu, pk. 07.00–20.00 WIB

• tiket renang seharga Rp. 15.000,nett/orang

• juga tersedia kartu keanggotaanuntuk berenang dengan harga perorang Rp. 250.000 net/3 bulan

• tiket & kartu anggota renangdapat diperoleh di kantor resepsi

(adapted from

(a) Name FOUR functions that you could hold at the Omni Batavia Hotel.


................................................................................................................................................Question 4 continues opposite.

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Question 4 (continued)

(b) Apart from checking in, what can you do at the reception desk?



(c) Suggest three things that might be provided as part of the perlengkapan rapat.



(d) What discounts are available, and where, after 5.00 pm?



(e) What refreshments are provided for those holding a meeting? Give all details.



(f) Who would benefit most from the weekend package? Explain your answer.



(g) If you were at the Omni Batavia Hotel on a Monday night, what service would you not beable to take advantage of?



(h) What information is given about membership of the pool for the general public?



(i) Could you arrange to do some sightseeing from the hotel? Explain your answer.



(j) Would this hotel be a suitable place to hold (1) a small meeting and (2) a large weddingreception? Explain your answer.



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Question 5

Read the recipe below and answer in English the questions which follow.

Bikang IsiBahan:3 butir telur125g tepung terigu550 ml santan dari 1 butir kelapa parut2 siung bawang putih, haluskan1 sendok teh garam halus1 sendok makan mentega untuk olesan

Isi:2 sendok makan minyak goreng6 butir bawang merah, iris tipis250 g dada ayam tanpa tulang, rebus, potong dadu 0,5 cm2 batang bawang daun, ambil bagian putihnya, iris tipis3 buah cabai merah, buang bijinya,

iris tipis1 batang seledri, iris tipis1 sendok teh garam halus

Cara membuat:1. Kocok telur hingga kental. Masukkan tepung terigu, santan, bawang putih, dan garam

sambil aduk hingga rata. Sisihkan.2. Adonan isi: Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang merah hingga harum. Masukkan daging ayam

rebus, bawang daun, dan cabai merah. Aduk-aduk.3. Tambahkan seledri dan garam, aduk rata. Angkat dan sisihkan.4. Panaskan cetakan bikang, olesi permukaannya dengan mentega. Tuangkan 2 sendok makan

adonan tepung ke dalam cetakan. Tutup dan masak hingga setengah matang.5. Beri 1 sendok makan adonan isi, tuangkan 2 sendok makan adonan tepung di atas isi. Tutup

cetakan, masak hingga matang. Angkat dan keluarkan bikang dari cetakan. Lakukandemikian hingga adonan dan isi habis.

6. Sajikan hangat.

Untuk 26 buah.

Kosa kata:

bikang – a ‘cake’ similar to a small muffin (sweet or savoury), cooked in a closed mould resembling a smallwaffle ironmenyisihkan – to set s.t. asideadonan – mixturecetakan – biscuit mouldmengolesi – to grease

(a) What meat is used for this recipe? Give all details.



Question 5 continues opposite.

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Question 5 (continued)

(b) List the vegetables that are needed for both the muffin mixture and the filling.



(c) What sort of flour is needed?



(d) What serving instruction is given?



(e) What is the butter needed for?



(f) Is a cooking time given? Give details.



(g) Explain how the filling gets into the muffin.



(h) What are the last two ingredients that are added to the filling mixture?



(i) What is thrown away during preparation?



(j) What sort of salt is specified in this recipe?



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Question 6

Read both the information about GE Transportation Systems and the information in the table aboutthe Argo Bromo and Argo Gede trains. Then answer in English the questions which follow.

(adapted from and

GE Transportation Systems

Setiap hari, lokomotif GE membantu jutaan penumpang di seluruh dunia, termasuk diIndonesia, untuk mencapai tujuannya di manapun di muka bumi. Argo Bromo dan Argo Gedeadalah sebagian dari jenis jasa angkutan kereta penumpang cepat yang menggunakan lokomotifGE hasil produksi Indonesia. Lokomotif GE untuk kereta penumpang dan kereta barang telahdigunakan di 75 negara.

GE Transportation Systems adalah salah satu yang terbesar di dunia di bidang perkeretaapiandan sistem signalling kereta api yang mendukung sistem transportasi di banyak negara di dunia,termasuk di Indonesia.

Pada saat ini ada lebih dari 140 lokomotif GE yang beroperasi di Jawa dan Sumatera. ArgoBromo, Argo Gede dan Argo Lawu adalah beberapa jurusan kereta penumpang cepat yangmenggunakan lokomotif GE, U20C, produksi PT GE Lokomotif Indonesia, perusahaanpatungan GE yang pabriknya berlokasi di Madiun.

Jadwal Perjalanan Kereta Api

Dari Ke KeretaApi



Kelas Tarif (Rp)

DEWASAdi atas 9


ANAK 3s/d 9



LANSIA65 THke atas

Jakarta Semarang ArgoMuria

17.00 22.32 Eksekutif 115.000 115.000 21.000 95.000

Semarang Jakarta ArgoMuria

05.00 10.32 Eksekutif 115.000 115.000 21.000 95.000

Jakarta Solo ArgoLawu

21.00 04.30 Eksekutif 115.000 115.000 21.000 95.000

Solo Jakarta ArgoLawu

08.00 15.34 Eksekutif 115.000 115.000 21.000 95.000

Jakarta Bandung ArgoGede

10.00 12.20 Ekonomi 38.500 38.500 7.000 31.500

Jakarta Surabaya ArgoBromo

09.30 18.29 Anggrek 220.000 185.000 33.000 153.000

Eksekutif 190.000 160.000 28.000 133.000

Answer in English the following questions based on information about GE TransportationSystems.

(a) What types of trains are powered by GE locomotives?



Question 6 continues opposite.

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Question 6 (continued)

(b) Does GE Transportation Systems only operate in Indonesia? Explain your answer.



(c) Where are GE locomotives made?



Answer in English the following questions based on information in the table.

(d) Who would pay Rp 190,000 to go from Jakarta to Surabaya?


(e) How much would it cost an infant to go from Jakarta to Bandung?



(f) What is the travelling time from Jakarta to Semarang? (hrs/mins)



(g) Which train might have a sleeper carriage?



(h) What sort of fare do nine-years olds pay?



(i) Which journey is the shortest in duration?



(j) What is the full fare age bracket?



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Answer ONE question from the four offered in this section.

Your answer must be in Indonesian and be approximately 200 words in length.

This section assesses Criterion 8.

Question 7

Discuss the issue of young people taking a year ‘off’ between finishing school and going on totertiary education. Begin with the statement:

‘Selingan antara masa belajar di sekolah dan masa belajar di perguruan tinggi ada baiknya dan adaburuknya.’

Kosa Kata:Selingan – interlude


Question 8

Write a journal entry describing both the situation conveyed in the photograph below and yourideas and feeling about it:


Question 9

Write a story about the experience of a migrant to a new country from the point of view of themigrant him/herself.

Section C continues opposite.

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Section C (continued)


Question 10

Using the advertisements on the following pages as a stimulus:

(a) describe your Christmas shopping excursion at the Metro department store;


(b) describe your job as a shop assistant at the Metro department store.

Section C continues over the page.

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Section C – Question 10 (continued)

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