Pixel Magazine - 3rd July 2012

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Pixel Magazine Issue 873

Transcript of Pixel Magazine - 3rd July 2012

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change legislation that puts over 5,000 private sector photography jobs in danger as a result of policies introduced by the last Government to have ID photographs provided through the Post Office.For the full report on the latest campaign developments, see your copy of InPrint magazine, included with the next issue of Pixel.

Petition DelivereD

Jacobs Stores Close

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“Save the Photographers” petition taken to number 10 Downing Street.

Administrators PFK were unsuccessful in their bid to sell the family owned independent camera chain as a going concern.

A petition signed by over 17,500 people, including the Mayor of London, Boris

Johnson, was delivered to the Prime Minister’s front door on 20th June.

The petition, organised by hundreds of high-street photo outlets and signed by their customers and supporters, calls on the Government to


iSSUe NO. 876

newsCelebrating 70 Million Nikkor lenses

Total production of Nikon’s NIKKOR lenses for interchangeable lens cameras reached seventy million at the beginning of June 2012. Moreover, total production of AF-S lenses equipped with the Silent Wave Motor (SWM), the autofocus motor developed by Nikon, has reached 30 million.

The latest lift has come from the Nikon 1 NIKKOR lenses in various colours for the compact and lightweight Nikon 1 J1 and Nikon 1 V1 AC-IL system cameras.

The Silent Wave Motor, or SWM, first appeared in 1996 and is now proudly in action on more than 30 million lenses. www.nikon.co.uk


Canon to Open Factory in Brazil

Canon will establish a manufacturing plant in Amazonas state, north west Brazil.

“Recently, the digital camera market has displayed steady growth, led by emerging countries,” said Canon. “Brazil, in particular, has a large market with demand expected to increase. This has created a pressing need for a strategic product supply. In response to these circumstances, Canon has established Canon Indústria de Manaus Ltda. Brazil.’

The factory is scheduled to openin July 2013, and will join Canon’s already-established marketing company in Brazil for its digital cameras and business machines.www.canon.com

All but one of Jacobs’ stores have now been closed, as the administrators, PFK,

have failed to find a buyer for the business as a going concern.Following seven store closes and 46 job losses soon after the administration was announced, a further eleven stores have now been closed, resulting in another 87 job losses.

Remaining now is just the company’s head office in Braunstone and final store in London Road, Leicester. It is thought that these will be kept open to sell off as much stock as possible, but will also soon close.

Joint administrator Eddie Kerr, a partner at Leicester accountancy firm PKF, who are handling the administration, said: “It’s terribly sad to see a well-established family business close down.

“Nobody wanted to take over the business as a going concern. It’s a great shame.”

According to businesssale.com, Jacobs recorded revenues of £28.24 million for the year ending January 2011, with profits of £109,000 after tax. www.pfk.co.uk

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The InsIderLast week, before the sad news of Jacobs’ administration dropped into my

inbox, my intention had been to talk about the pertinent issue of the photo industry’s constant need to get people to print their photographs and the resultant need for picture frames.

For many reasons I have personal experience of the picture-framing world. I understand how it works, the cost of moulding, the importance of acid free mounting card, how much profit is made and the pressures that the framing industry has felt over the last few years.

The framing industry has been in decline for many years. It became overly comfortable with high profit margins and priced itself out of the market. Cheap ready-made frames are now available everywhere, whilst the specialist high street picture framer is rapidly disappearing.

I recently took two photographs to be framed at one of the few remaining local specialists. The photographs had some value to them and I wanted them to be framed correctly for protection and display. The cost for this was over £100, the mark-up was ridiculously high (I knew what the actual price was) but I had no choice so I had them framed. However, I vowed not to be stung like this again and set out to find

the best ready-mades I could for a reasonable price.

My reason for telling this story is to illustrate how the process of framing an image has been de-valued just as the printing of an image has. Quality is no longer a pre-requisite as the posting of images online has become the dominant means of showing images. Price has become the deciding factor in whether or not to frame an image before the image has even been printed.

There are two morals to this story in my mind. The first is beware of living in a high profit margin past and the second is to understand that before you try to get someone to print their images understand what they are going to do with them and how much they will have to spend to do something with them. There is no point putting a Ferrari engine in a Lada or a Lada engine in a Ferrari and yet this is exactly what promoting printing without thought and understanding promotes.

Saying what you are thinking and asking the difficult questions. Each issue ‘The Insider’ reports back from the frontline of our industry.



samsung Wins Lawsuit Against AppleA court in the Netherlands has ordered Apple to pay damages to Samsung Electronics on the grounds that Apple, which has recently been declared the world’s most valuable firm, had infringed Samsung’s patent relating to the way phones and tablet PCs connect to the internet.No compensation amount was specified in the ruling, but the damages will be calculated based on Dutch sales of the iPad and iPhone

Samsung initally claimed that Apple had infringed four of its patents, but the Dutch court ruled that only onee had been breached, for which Apple must compensate Samsung.

Apple has faced various legal issues including an ongoing battle with Kodak. Samsung and Apple in particular have been engaged in various legal battles worldwide concerning their respective patents.

In fact, the two brands have had so many disputes that a US court ordered the companies’ CEOs to meet and settle their disputes, but no agreement was met and Apple has since sought a ban on sales of one of Samsung’s tablet computers and the latest range of its Galaxy smartphones.www.apple.comwww.samsung.com

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still achieves the same level of image quality. The NX1000 on the other hand is aimed more

at the family market, people who want to get more out of their camera and to capture their precious family memories in exceptional clarity.

The NX1000 still has the same premium 20.3MP APS-C sensor, and ultra fast 100ms autofocus and 8fps continuous shot mode to achieve exceptional image quality but is smaller and lighter making it one of the most portable CSC’s in the market and the Smart Link Hotkey makes it even easier to share family memories instantly.

The Smart Panel and unique i-Function lens technology also makes the camera very easy to use and allows these users to develop their photography skills if they wish to.

Samsung have been the first to market with products catering to a number of key trends, including in-camera WiFi connectivity. Pixel speaks to Nick White, Head of Samsung Digital Imaging UK and Europe, about the brand’s product release strategy.

What trends have influenced the features of the new models?In the past, players in the CSC market focused on analog-type optical technology. However, the market is now changing with greater focus placed on style, user convenience, enhanced image quality, video functions, wireless connectivity and internet connection.

The focus is moving from simply shooting, to shooting, sharing and using which is why Samsung has really focused on developing its SMART technology this year across the imaging range. It’s a real departing from theview of CSCs as retro cameras and miniature DSLRs and looking at them in their own right as great cameras which have a huge amount to offer consumers.

Thanks for joining us, Nick. How have the new NX models been

received so far?The models have been received very well so far. Retailers seem very excited by the prospect of combining premium image quality through the 20.3MP APS-C sensor and the ability to share and store these images instantly from the camera via built-in Wi-Fi.

Early consumer reactions have also been really good and we’ve had some great feedback on these products in terms of reviews, blog posts... some experts believe that Wi-Fi connectivity is the future for cameras, especially when considering that they now have to compete with smartphones, and Samsung’s models are often cited as examples to support this assertion. Like those experts, we are confident that this category is one which will present huge potential growth for the photo trade, and indeed possibly one which will be essential in keeping value in the camera market as more and more consumers choose to take photographs on their phone at lower image quality purely so they can instantly share them.

Looking over the history of your releases, it appears that Samsung often make the decision to release several high profile products at varying price points and levels at the same time. What is the advantage to this?The new NX range are all high profile, market leading products but each product is targeted at a slightly different market, so this tactic allows us to get our technology out to different levels of consumer at the same time.

The NX20 is very much the expert’s camera, with some incredible mid-range SLR features such as 1/8000ms shutter speed, 40ms shutter lag, SVGA viewfinder and 3.0” Clear AMOLED display, it’s a real contender against SLR products with the added benefits of much better portability and the ability to share and store photos instantly from the camera.

The NX210 is again aimed at the expert/photo enthusiast customer, perhaps someone who already owns an SLR and needs something much more portable as a secondary camera but


Imaging... The Smart Way

Nick White

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How important do you believe these trends are for the future of photography?The CSC market is growing rapidly because the CSC satisfies the needs of DSLR users who want to avoid cumbersome equipment and complicated operation, as well as compact camera users who are looking for high-quality images.

We firmly believe that the CSC will continue to evolve to become smaller, more lightweight, and easy to carry around whilst still offering DSLR image quality, as this is the real selling factor for these cameras.

User convenience will also be enhanced so that the CSC can be used as easily as a compact camera. Removal of the mirror box and the prism mechanism has already resulted in increased convenience when capturing video and the enabling of artistic effects.

What other trends do you feel will be important in the next year or two?The development of Wi-Fi and connectivity will play an ever increasingly important role in the development of Iimaging over the next few years. Consumers are used to instant sharing and will expect cameras to deliver the same level of connectivity as their Smart Phone but with the image quality of a high end camera.

How important is video to Samsung?Video is still an important part of the imaging category and a consumer need that is expected to continue. Video sharing is also something that’s really taking off with consumers

The CSC satisfies the needs of would-be DSLR users who want to avoid cumbersome

and complicated equipment.

so the overlap between video, Wi-Fi and interchangeable lenses is an area all companies within this trade should be watching very closely.

Ultimately, these are all trends which encourage people to take more pictures and to further their photography hobby so we need to meet it with enthusiasm and new products to pique consumers’ interest.

Do you have any activity planned you can let us know about? Samsung is currently in the middle of a huge Smart campaign including TV, Digital and other activities and is planning on continuing

this throughout 2012 to deliver this message across the NX range, as well as the other unique benefits of NX.

What opportunities for growth do you feel there are in the photography market?CSC is a continually growing market and is expected to overtake SLR in terms of volume within the next 5 years, so really this is the area that the imaging market should really be looking to for growth, and I think there are already great products which will ensure that consumer interest is maintained.

How are you helping retailers to make the most of that growth?Samsung will continue to introduce a widearray of products to assume leadership in the CSC market.

In terms of the NX body, Samsung released the NX10 in 2010, followed by the NX11, NX100, and NX200 products.

The company is now releasing the NX1000, NX210, and NX20 in 2012. In doing so, Samsung has built a line-up that covers all CSC segments, giving consumers of every level a Samsung option to meet their needs.

A total of nine types of NX interchangeable lenses have been released to date - that’s our 18-55mm, 20-50mm, 30mm, 20mm, 16mm, 60mm, 85mm, 50-200mm, and 18-200mm. These offer plenty of scope for the add-on sales that bring margin for the retailer and added value for the consumer.www.samsung.co.uk

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NewsPentax Get Patriotic

To celebrate the launch of the new K-30 DSLR camera, Pentax has launched Meet Britain, a nationwide competition asking members of the public to submit images of the things they feel make Britain great.

The campaign is being spearheaded by singer Sarah Harding and DJ and TV presenter Reggie Yates who will each create a set of images, which will provide a unique insight into the people and places that make Britain special to them.

Pentax are also inviting members of the public to get involved by submitting photographs of the things they feel make Britain iconic. The best images will then be shortlisted and will feature in an exhibition which will be open to the public in September. One winner from each category will take home a K-30 camera and one overall winner will take home £1,000. The competition will be open to members of the public until 3rd September 2012 and people can submit their photographs via the Meet Britain app on the PENTAX UK Facebook pagewww.facebook.com/pentaxuk

Word Up

To date, 133 people have been made redundant due to the closure of Jacobs’ stores. As reported on the front page, all but the Leicester Jacobs stoe have now been closed, and it is expected that the remaining store and head office staff will also soon lose their jobs.

Nikkei and Reuters hace reported that Sony may be cutting 10,000 jobs from its global workforce, possibly before the end of the year. These job cuts would account for 6 per cent of its total employees worldwide. It is rumoured that Sony may ask or already have asked its seven executive directors -- including chairman Howard Stringer -- to return their bonuses.

Word Up is Pixel’s eye on people on the move in the imaging trade.

Who will Invest in olympus?Following rumours that Panasonic would buy share in Olympus, experts’ eyes now turn to Sony...

Olympus is still declining to confirm that it will receive a major investment from

another key imaging brand.For some time now, rumours have been rife

that another camera manufacturer is posised to buy a major stake in Olympus, whose share prices fell dramatically following its financial scandal. It’s though a large cash injection is needed to stabilise the business, and this potentail investment has been rumoured to be iminent from several brands including Panasonic, Fujifilm and Terumo Corp The latest rumours point so Sony.

Reuters reported last week that Sony and Olympus were in ‘final talks’ to confirm a 50 billion yen (approximately £400m) investment, citing Japanese Business newpaper Nikkei as the source. Such a deal would make Sony Olympus’ sole largest shareholder, with a stake of more than ten per cent in the company.

However, there is no more from the brands involved to substantiate this, by way of comment, than there has been to consolidate other rumours, including that the investment needed to prop up Olympus would come from Panasonic (as reported in the last issue of Pixel). Olympus’ head office in Tokyo has declined to

comment, giving a blanket response of ‘The company will immediately disclose any further important information when it comes to light’ to all press enquiries.

It is thought that Olympus faces growing pressure to forge a deal with another company,

and it’s been widely expected that this sompany will be one from the imaging sector, although Olympus’ strong medical imaging background - they currently hold 70 per cent of the market in endoscopes - means a stake in the company could be beneficial for a medical business. In fact, the medical angle was part of the reason the case for a Panasonic investment seemed so

strong: experiencing financial constraints of their own, Panasonic have expressed interest in expanding their medical imaging portfolio and strengthening thier offering in that market. Hence, investment in Olympus, with its medical heritage, seemed likely but both brands have denied the reports.

Sony is also strong on optical sensors, so a medical tie up here would also make sense.

The deal is expected to be sealed next month.www.sony.comwww.olympus.com

Closed-bid auctions on the cards for the imaging giant’s technologies.

Kodak Prepares to Sell patentsKodak has filed proceedings with the bankruptcy courts to allow the bankrupt

company to sell off its digital imaging patents in two parts via closed-bid auctions.

The latest development in the iconic brand’s ongoing restructure is that the deadline outlined in the original lending agreement has now been reached and Kodak have asked for special conditions in which to auction off their technologies due to the nature of the assets and the bidders likely to be involved.

The company’s technologies have been split into two separate portfolios to be auctioned: one concerning digital camera technology and the other concerning image analysis, manipulation and tagging.

Kodak has been in talks with up to twenty companies in the past year who have expressed interest in the patents. If the closed-bid auction format is approved, the auction will be held in early August, with the winning bidder or bidders set to receive confirmation on 13th August. The closed-bid format would mean that companies

would submit their best offer without the other companies knowing how much they had bid. It would also mean only the winning bidder and their bid would be announced to the public.

According to Kodak, the twenty interested parties have already signed confidentiality agreements for access to an electronic data room, allowing them to prepare for the action, should it go ahead.www.kodak.com

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The RumouR

Rumour has it that... Nikon, Sony and Fujifilm stand to lose money as Ritz cameras file for bankruptcy for the second time in three years, with these key brands amongst others standing as unsecured creditors. The chain has announced plans to restucture soon after coming out of its previous Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Protection. It’s thought that despite a recent $8 million investment, Ritz will be cutting 128 of its 265 stores and halving their sales force, prior to an auction of everything remaining in September.Via Washington Post

Rumour has it that... Canon may be gearing up to unveil their mirrorless camera on July 24th 2012. The hotly-anticipated entry into the compact system market is thought to be coming with a few lenses for its debut, and to put a dent in the normal product release schedule. More EOS models and Powershot compacts could be pushed back to August or September to make room for this monumental launch.Via Canonrumours

Rumour has it that... Leica are to disregard online sales for the moment in favour of opening as many as 200 stores worldwide by 2016. Leica currently has 37 retail sites.Leica have chosen to emphasise their physical retail presence because of the benefits of demonstrating high-end goods in person and for the ability to offer in-house studios and workshops for their professional customers.Via PSFK

Interchangeable iPhone?New patent appears to show iPhone with removable lens abilities.

The Rumour is a round up of gossip and hints currently circulating the internet. The views here are not necessarily those of Pixel Magazine and have not been communicated through official channels, they are simply things we have heard from those who may know!

Early reports indicate that Apple have filed a patent that could mean future

iPhones have interchangeable lenses. According to the blog AppleInsider, which

provides unofficial but reliable updates on the iconic company’s releases ahead of shedule, a sample from the patent, which is titled Back Panel for a Portable Electronic Device with

Different Camera Lens Options, reads:“It would be desirable to provide a structure

for a compact device that allows the end user to reconfigure the optical arrangement of the device while retaining the benefits of assembling the device using a pre-assembled digital imaging subsystem,” which AppleInsider and other commentors are interpreting as a first step towards smartphone interchangeable lens photography.

“This week’s new patent filing is of particular note because Apple co-founder Steve Jobs highlighted photography as one market he wished to reinvent before he passed away late last year,” commented AppleInsider. ”Jobs told biographer Walter Isaacson that he wanted to push more change with cameras, a market where the convenience and quality of iPhone picture taking has already shaken up the digital camera industry.”

If this means what we all think it means, Apple may well change photography forever. www.apple.com


Microsoft’s new Surface tablets, hailed as the new “PCs built to be the ultimate

stage for Windows” will feature not one but TWO HD video cameras, according to specification releases.

The Surface devices are “designed to seamlessly transition between consumption and creation, without compromise,” adds Microsoft..

The tablet computer’s 10.6-inch screen boasts a 16:9 aspect ratio, which is standard for HD and will nicely support the dual HD video cameras the tablet comes with.

Of course, consumers will be looking to see what sets this tablet offering apart from others on the market, which may be difficult as Microsoft are still keeping many of the major specifications a secret. What we do know is that the model offers a “kickstand” support for hands-free use, and that there will be two different models running on different processors,

New Tablet to offer Double HD CamerasImaging is a key consideration for Microsoft’s new tablet PCs.


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with different operating systems and which will differ in size.

Exact details on the hardware are yet to be released, as is expected pricing for the new products. Initial reports suggest that battery life will be shorter than that of the iPad and that the Surface may be Wi-Fi only to begin with.www.microsoft.com

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Your Essential Guide to the Latest Launches

Name: Manfrotto Lino Apparel for WomenRRP: TBCRelease Date: Immediate

This is the first line of apparel designed specifically for advanced and professional female photographers, tailored to comfortably fit without compromising both style and functionality. The line includes four items that are specially designed for the female shape: Pro Field Jacket, Pro Photo Vest, Pro Soft Shell Jacket and Pro Air Jacket.www.manfrotto.com

Name: Making the Most of your EOS Flash SystemRRP: £19.99Release Date: Immediate

Understanding how the camera is controlling the operation of the flashgun is vital to getting the results that you want. Some people are disappointed with flash but this is due entirely to a lack of understanding of how the system works.

This DVD set covers everything on the Canon EOS flash system from the built in flashgun on the camera through to the very latest Speedlite 600EXRT. It covers all the current flashguns in the range as well as earlier models which will work with the EOS flash system. For anyone wishing to get to grips with flash and to take advantage of the great benefits it can give to certain types of photography, then this DVD is an absolute must. The existing Optical Wireless system is covered in depth and an introduction is given to the new Radio Wireless system introduced with the Speedlite 600 EXRT. www.experienceseminars.co.uk

Name: Radio Triggered Bowens HeadsRRP: TBCRelease Date: TBC

The multi award-winning Gemini range now includes new 200Rx and 400Rx and provides built-in radio triggering for the first time

The new Gemini Rx models are available as individual units or as a bundled lighting kit, which includes a Pulsar Tx radio transmitter, lighting stands, softboxes and a newly designed rolling kit case. Bowens Travelpak options are also available. www.bowensdirect.com

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Name: Canon EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM and EF 40mm f/2.8 STMRRP: £479.99 and £229.99Release Date: Immediate

Showcasing a number of new features, including continuous autofocus in Movie mode, both models offer superior image quality and enhanced flexibility to enable photographers of all skill levels to capture both stills and movies.

As well as offering full-time manual focus controls when shooting stills, the EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM and EF 40mm f/2.8 STM are both also ideal for aspiring movie makers, allowing them to focus more accurately during shooting. The perfect companion lenses to the new EOS 650D, both models feature new stepper motor technology (STM), enabling fast, continuous focus when recording moving subjects - ensuring movies will be smoother and clearer than ever before.

Offering enhanced AF performance with high-speed, high-precision focusing, the two new lenses make it easy for photographers to capture more spontaneous shots, with exceptional detail and clarity. This is particularly useful for documentary, action or travel photography. With a minimum focusing distance of 0.39m and 0.3m respectively, the EF-S 18-135mm f/3.5-5.6 IS STM and EF 40mm f/2.8 STM allow you to get even closer to the action whilst keeping the subject in perfect focus.www.canon.co.uk

Name: GoPro WiFi Backpack Combo KitRRP: £64 approxRelease Date: TBC

Introducing the Wi-Fi BacPac + Wi-Fi Remote Combo Kit, allowing people to control multiple GoPro cameras at a time using either a smartphone, tablet, or the included waterproof Wi-Fi Remote.

Additional features include live streaming video from GoPro cameras to smartphones, tablets and directly to the web via a soon-to-be-released software update. The Wi-Fi BacPac attaches to the back of GoPro cameras to Wi-Fi enable them. The waterproof and wearable Wi-Fi Remote can control up to 50 GoPro cameras at a time from a range of 600’ (180m).

A future software update will enable live video streaming to the web directly from a GoPro camera. Additionally, a free, soon-to-be-released GoPro App will enable GoPro cameras to live video stream to – as well as be controlled by - iOS and Android smartphones and tablets.www.gopro.com

Name: AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR RRP: £849.99Release Date: Immediate

Nikon has announced a new high-powered DX-format zoom lens with wide-angle to super-telephoto reach and Vibration Reduction. Boasting an ultra-high 16.7x zoom ratio and incredibly wide 18-300mm focal range, this new lens is a great all-rounder for photographers with a broad range of interests.

A practical zoom-lock switch keeps the lens secure when not in use, and it boasts a metal mount with rubber sealing for protection against dust and moisture.

This lens comes with a lens case CL-1120 and hood HB-58.

Name: AF-S DX NIKKOR 18-300mm f/3.5-5.6G ED VR RRP: £849.99Release Date: Immediate

Name: Lomography Baby 110RRP: TBCRelease Date: Immediate

Lomo’s new Fisheye Baby 110 also comes in an advanced metal version featuring a PC flash adaptor for some extra light-action.

A small camera for a tiny price featuring full circle Fisheye pictures, this is a fully working miniature Fisheye 2, especially designed to fit 110 film. www.lomography.com

Nikon also announced a new FX-format zoom lens with broad 24-85mm focal range, compact build and Vibration Reduction. With a versatile reach from wide-angle up to telephoto and a lightweight body, it’s a smart choice for FX cam-era users looking for a multi-purpose lens.

Developed to be especially compact for an FX-format zoom lens, this 24-85mm NIKKOR is ideal for people who want a lens that offers the freedom to shoot a wide variety of day-to-day moments and subjects. The versatile 24-85mm range covers most commonly used focal lengths with ease: from landscapes to portraits, you can go fairly wide or zoom into distant objects without needing to change lenses.

Well-balanced in terms of size, weight, price and image quality — and boasting a weather-sealed mount — this lens offers a worthwhile combination of precision NIKKOR optics, broad focal range and lightweight build for people on the go. This lens comes with a lens case CL-1118 and hood HB-63.www.nikon.co.uk

Name: DXO Optics Pro 7RRP: £89/ £179Release Date: Immediate

DxO Optics Pro 7 now counts more than 7,000 lens-camera combinations in its Optics Module library.

With the release of the latest version of the software, DxO Optics Pro v7.5.1 integrates more than 400 new DxO Optics Modules, of which 61 are modules for Nikon D800E and 71 are for the Nikon D3200. These latest modules enable support for additional Canon, Minolta, Nikkor, Panasonic, Samyang, Sigma, Sony, Tamron, and Tokina lenses for numerous Canon, Fuji, Nikon, Pentax, Samsung, and Sony cameras. Pro 7 is available in Standard and Elite versions.

The latest version features more effective moiré removal for Nikon’s D800E model.www.dxo.com

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PMA@CES 2013 will take place at the LVH, formerly known as the Las Vegas

Hilton. The 2013 International CES is scheduled for January 8-11.

The new location offers several opportunities for PMA’s exhibitors and attendees, including more trade show floor space and a dedicated hall in The Paradise Center at LVH. In addition, the Paradise Center is just a few steps from the Las Vegas Convention Centre, so PMA@CES attendees will have fast, easy access to the

Editor: Laura Knight01323 437946laura@lifemediagoup.co.uk

Editorial Director: Grant Scott01323 437941grant@lifemediagroup.co.uk

Production Design: Laura Knight 01323437964laura@lifemediagroup.co.uk

Editorial AssistantHarriet Weston01323 411601harriet@lifemediagroup.co.uk

Managing Director/Publisher: Lee Mansfield01323 411601lee@lifemediagroup.co.uk

Marketing Director: Simon Skinner01323 433700simon@lifemediagroup.co.uk

CREDITS & CoNTACTS SubscriptionsAmelia Wellings:01323 433708amelia@lifemediagroup.co.uk

Accounts:Clare FermorAmelia Wellings01323 433708clare@lifemediagroup.co.ukamelia@lifemediagroup.co.uk

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All material in this publication is strictly copyright and all rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. The views expressed in Pixel Magazine do not necessarily represent the view of Life Media Group LTD. Every care is taken in compiling the contents but the publishers of Pixel Magazine assume no reponsibilty for any damage, loss or injury arising from the participation in any offers, competitions or advertisment contained within Pixel Magazine. All prices featured in Pixel Magazine are correct at the time of going to press.

Copyright Life Media Group LTD 2012 ©

those imaging exhibits located at the LVCC.The LVH also has a monorail station, which

provides convenient travel from hotels on the Strip to the new home of PMA@CES.

Heading into its second year, PMA@CES is the place for the best and most exciting exhibits of photo/imaging products and services. From capture to output, PMA@CES at the LVH is the place to be to learn about profitable products and services, reconnect with industry friends and establish vital new business connections.

Just prior to PMA@CES, the Digital Imaging Marketing Association™ (DIMA™), the Professional School Photographers Association International™ (PSPA™), and the Sports Photographers Association of America (SPAA®), and will hold their annual conferences at the Bally’s Las Vegas, Las Vegas, Nev., in Jan. 6-7, 2013.

The 2013 DIMA Conference is the premier educational event for digital imaging professionals. Topics include social media, retail strategy and marketing, photo publishing and custom photo products, professional tips and tricks, and all the new trends happening in photo.

Early member registration is now open for PMA@CES 2013, and the 2013 DIMA and PSPA /SPAA Conferences. In addition, a limited number of rooms are available at a discounted rate at Bally’s Las Vegas, where the DIMA and PSPA/ SPAA Conferences will be held. Bally’s also offers easy access to the Las Vegas Monorail system.www.pmai.org

iPhone — and expects to double its customer base in the coming year.

Snapseed includes many of Nik Software’s patented technologies from its professional product line, including its “U Point” technology, which enables selective enhancements to be made to any area of a photo.

“Everyone wants a photography experience that is not limited by their device and expects the same level of quality from mobile photography as their cameras and computers,” Nik Software says.

Snapseed was released in June 2011. The company Snapseed will ship an Android OS version “in the coming months.” A desktop version of Snapseed is also available for Mac OS and Windows computers.www.niksoftware.com

Imaging developer Nik Software reports it surpassed “the 9 million-user mark” for

its photo editing and sharing app for iPad and

App success demonstrates accelerating popularity of mobile photography.

9 Million using Snapseed on iPhone

Milestone Acheivement and Redesign for Photo Scanning Site100 million pictures digitised by scanmyphoto.com

ScanMyPhotos.com redesigned its website, and also recently topped

100 million scans of photos, slides, film and negatives.

“Although the digitization of 100 million pictures may seem like a tremendous achievement, with literally trillions of analog pictures – spanning decades and still awaiting scanning for today’s all-digital world – there is much work ahead in the digitization of analog pictures,” the company said.

Upgrades to the new virtual ScanMyPhotos.com storefront website include:- New homepage showcasing popular scanning and digitization services- Easy-to-use navigation menu- Simple and informative shopping experience with an easy checkout process and a mobile payment system for customers using mobile phones and tablets- New online appointment scheduler for walk-in business which allows customers to make, reschedule or cancel appointments, all online. Customers will also receive reminder emails the day of their appointment- Order forms replaced with a more secured process for customer credit card information. The order process is simplified and completed online to insure added data security and ease of use.- Enhanced new customer support system allows customers to log in to view active inquiry tickets, making it much easier to communicate with the company- Built in blog to easily communicate with customers

Fans of ScanMyPhotos.com are now able to take a tour to view all the newest features about all scanning and digitization products and services much faster than before. Instant sign up features are available so people interested in preserving and sharing their precious photo memories will receive updated newsletters, important news about digital photography and deeply discounted special offers.www.ScanMyPhotos.com

First details of next year’s Las Vegas imaging convention announced!

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