Pirók Balázs - Portfolio

Post on 07-Apr-2016

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Transcript of Pirók Balázs - Portfolio

P i r ó k B a l á z sp o r t f ó l i ó

Studies: Eger, Eventus üzleti-művészeti szakközépiskola (technical college)Sopron, University of West Hungary - Institute of applied arts (NYME-AMI) Graphic design (BA degree)

Languages: HungarianEnglish


Phone: +36 20 417 7093E-mail: braindamage.pihawk@gmail.com

PaintingsSome of my digital paintings. There are birthday presents for friends, and some fan arts aswell.

Character designsThis contains two celtic goddess (goddesses of war) and my BA degree project

My BA degreeI chose to design the main characters of Josikawa Eiji’s book: Musashi. After the base designs I also made a little box that contains al the drawings in one place.

Some texture work, and photo manipulation...

...and some graphic design related stuff.

I designed this font during type design class. I took the ornamental characteristics of nor thern cultures and simplified them.

Pirók family crestI tried to come up with an idea for my family crest. The main concept was that I’ll use the breakdown of the name, and put it into symbols. I also use that as my logo.