Pint.js - A small, concurrent meta layer for Grunt.js

Post on 28-May-2015

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Pint is a small, asynchronous, dependency aware wrapper around Grunt attempting to solve some of the problems that accompany a build process at scale. A typical Gruntfile starts with, at a minimum, some variation of: jsHint, jasmine, LESS, handlebars, uglify, copy, and clean stack. Just these half dozen or so plugins can balloon your Gruntfile upwards of 300 lines and when you add complex concatenation, cache busting, and versioning can cause it to grow well in to the 1000+ lines. Pint allows you to break up and organize your build into small testable pieces.

Transcript of Pint.js - A small, concurrent meta layer for Grunt.js

A small, concurrent build system for Grunt.js

Concurrency by default

Transparent dependency management

Encourages good organization

Separates independent build tasks

What does Pint do differently?

Back in My Day...

Then this Happened

Bash is hard

But Wait, there’s more!

Automate All The Things!

History Repeats

Organize Your Build


Lifecycle Phases

It’s Gruntfiles all the way down

The Future!

If you’re doing automation, you’re already doing something right. So just build things!
