Pinterest - Scrap Booking for Adults?

Post on 06-May-2015

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Wondering what Pinterest is all about? This slide deck gives an overview on how to set up an account, key facts to know and ideas for using it for B2B.Check out more Pinterest information on this board:

Transcript of Pinterest - Scrap Booking for Adults?

Scrap Booking for Adults?

Perrine CramptonNatascha ThomsonMarch 2011


Referral traffic from Pinterest

is higher than from LinkedIn or Google+

(but behind FB, SU, Google & Twitter)

Pinterest 1,2,3,4,5 for Getting Started

1. Set up your account at (use FB or Twitter Biz account)

2. Create a few dashboards with topic you care about, and install the Pin it button

3. “Pin" pictures or videos from the web that will be added to your dashboard (s)

4. Add URLs in the description area

5. Build connections

My Pinterest (

Pinterest 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 for B2B

1. Install a "Pin It" button on your website to encourage visitors to pin your stuff

2. Create "associations" with your brand, e.g. fitness for food manufacturer

3. You can see what has been "pinned" about you at: /  (replace " with your URL)

4. To create engagement, comment on other people's pins and ask questions (yes, high touch)

5. To dazzle on Pinterest you need crisp and impressive photography/imagery. This favors some industries over others, but is a good creative challenge.

6. Make sure "Hide your Pinterest page from Search" is turned off.

7. Idea: Have a contest: take a picture of you with our product; pin to your board & tag XYZ company

Note: there are no business pages yet.

SVESMC Pin Board

What You Already Know (Transferrable Knowledge)

•You can use hashtags & keywords for SEO

•You need to be active to get max. results

•Building connections is important• You can “like” pins or comment on pictures• You can follow others and their boards• You can give others permission to pin to your board• You can tag other people in your pins

•You can pin videos


•Pinned this and got no likes (and you SHOULD know Operation Mend)

•Board name: Real Social


•Pinned this and got 3 likes in 5 minutes

•Board: Social Media


•Pinned this and got 11 likes in 15 minutes

•Board: Inspirational

Bottom Line

• Use the right pictures to create traction

•Make it emotional & compelling


How to Track Your Website’s Content on Pinterest

56 Ways to Market Your Business on Pinterest

150 Brands on Pinterest

How to Master Pinterest for B2B Marketing

Free eBook: How to Use Pinterest for Business

Pinterest Drives More Traffic Than Google+, YouTube and LinkedIn Combined [Study]


Perrine Crampton


Natascha Thomson
