Pictures Calling You to Praise Allah

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  • 7/24/2019 Pictures Calling You to Praise Allah


    Pictures calling you to praise Allah

    It is the journey of creation which Allah, the Almighty, ordered us to

    contemplate at, to realize

    it is the journey of creation which Allah, the Almighty, ordered us to contemplate at, to realize Allah's

    blessing bestowed upon us and what beautiful when the believer lives submissively, even for

    seconds, when he sees the power of Allah is reflected in the creation of the fetus in his mother's


    All praises to you Allah! ho created us in the most beautiful, most magnificent and best form, and

    granted us your blessings, the apparent and the hidden. ou are more "nowing of us than ourselves#

    you have tal"ed to us in your glorious boo" saying$ %&e "nows you well when &e created you from the

    earth, and when you were fetuses in your mothers wombs. (o ascribe not purity to yourselves. &e

    "nows best him who fears All)h and "eeps his duty to &im* +An ajm$ -/. 0h Allah, we shall neither

    ascribe purity to ourselves nor to anyone else, as you are more "nowing of our doings and more

    "nowing of what fits our situation, so prepare for us a "nowledge that gives us benefit and ma"es us

    closer to you.

    our wisdom re1uired to create us from soil!! As if you are telling us not to become arrogant as the

    material that we were created from is the cheapest material on the 2arth!! 3hen you made us a sperm

    that can not be seen and has no value and almost weightless! &owever, you have bestowed in this

    small cell the most complicated programs on the surface of the 2arth so that this complication and

    proficiency will testify your power, your greatness and your creation

    e, our 4ord, see" nothing e5cept your mercy and there is nothing we love more than meeting you,

    as you have tal"ed to us saying$ *hoever hopes for the 6eeting with All)h, then All)hs 3erm is

    surely coming and &e is the All7&earer, the All78nower.* +Al An"abut$ 9/. And we pray to you to ma"e
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    these scientific facts a mean to see through it your might reflected in ourselves$ * And also in your

    ownselves. ill you not then see:* +;$ Az ear brothers and sisters in Allah, this is an introduction I loved to start with to ma"e sure that this

    science, namely the miracles of the ?uran, is a way to "now Allah, the Almighty. 0ne brother told me


    hy do you search in these sciences and waste your time::: I'm a believer in the ?uran and in the

    message of Islam, and a believer in Allah, the Almighty, and I do not need proofs on this!

    I said to him$ my brother, what is the number of the verses of the ?uran:

    &e said$ this does not increase my belief then I said to him$ what is the number of the chapters of the


    &e said$ I do not remember, and it is not important.

    I said to him$ what is the meaning of +@y the heaven full of paths/:

    &e said$ this needs interpretation and I'm not specialized in it!

    3hen I as"ed him$ what is the meaning of +A lying, sinful foreloc"!/, +And you will see the mountains

    and thin" them solid/, +Alif74)m76m/, and other 1uestions which shows the e5tent of the believer's

    heart attachment to the boo" of his 4ord and the e5tent of his care to understand this ?uran and

    meditate it, but he was replying and saying that these things are not necessary to increase the faith!

    3hen I as"ed him to tell me who is the prophet who said this supplication *0 6y 4ord! 4eave me not

    single +childless/, though ou are the @est of the inheritors.* he said$ I don't "now, then I said$ who is

    the prophet who said$ * I put my trust in All)h, my 4ord and your 4ord! 3here is not a moving +living/

    creature but &e has the grasp of its foreloc"* and the answer was the same, these 1uestions are

    not necessary and "nowing it is not an obligation!

    I said to him after that$ you are completely ignorant of the ?uran, and so you are a believer of

    something that you are unaware of, therefore you are a believer of the un"nown! hat will you say to

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    Allah, the Almighty, who will as" you in the day of judgment about this ?uran$ *And verily this +the

    ?uran/ is indeed a Beminder for you +0 6uhammad/ and your people +?uraish people, or your

    followers/, and you will be 1uestioned +about it/. * +Az

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    3he science of miracles of the ?uran, my beloved brothers, is the best way in this time to realize

    anything from Allah's greatness and power in his creation, and it is not enough to study the biography

    of the prophet, peace be upon him, without following it as e5ample! I wonder from a person who

    claims that he applies the teachings of ?uran and (unnah, then when you as" him what are your

    information in 2mbryology:, he says$ it is not obligation on me to learn such a science! And I say$

    then, when Allah addressed the human being saying$ *(o let man see from what he is created!* +Al

    3ari1$ 9/. I do not "now who is intended in this appeal$ the believer or the disbeliever:

    And what does it mean: (hould we set and wait without thin"ing, studying and meditating: (hould we

    leave the non76uslim western scientists to search, see and apply this verse practically in their labs,

    then say we are not concerned in this science!!

    3herefore, my beloved ones, I will accompany you in a modest journey in the world of the creation of

    the embryo, so that we may become more faithful in Allah, the Almighty, and become more ac1uainted

    of the 2ver Ereat =reator. And we shall use the language of pictures that the scientists had ta"en for

    embryos in their mother's wombs from sperm till he gets out as a child, let us contemplate and praise

    Allah that &e has honored us with these sciences.

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    73he scientists confirmed that one of the strangest phenomena in the nature is the creation of the

    human being! here a single cell grows and become more than ;FF trillion cells, how does this

    process ta"e place, and who controls this specific program: Is it the nature, 0r the =reator of the

    nature, the Almighty: As when the man realizes his origin, which is clay, then the almost unseen

    sperm, he becomes more humble and he gets rid of his pride and arrogance, &e the Almighty says$

    *0 man! hat has made you careless about your 4ord, the 6ost Eenerous:G who created you,

    fashioned you perfectly, and gave you due proportionG In whatever form &e willed, &e put you

    together* +Al infitar$ H7D/. e see in the picture a large group of sperms surrounding the ovum but only

    one will penetrate the ovum and form the zygote in which the sperm is mi5ed with the ovum and will

    melt in it. ow, if we contemplate the chemical structure of the sperm or ovum, we will find that most

    of it is water, thus, Allah, the Almighty said$ *(o let man see from what he is created!G &e is created

    from water gushing forth* +Al 3ari1$ 97H/. 3he sperms are competing and approaching the ovum trying

    to penetrate it, and the important 1uestion is who taught the sperm to follow this path in this

    dar"ness: ho guide it toward the ovum: &e, the Almighty says$ *Is then &e, ho creates as one

    who creates not: ill you not then remember:* +Al ahl$ ;/.

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    73he sperm, from which the man was created, is so small that it can not be seen by the na"ed eye,

    but the medical researches show that the secret of life is even smaller than this and it is present deep

    in this sperm, in the genetic tape, which is called >A, as it has all the information needed to create a

    sane person. &e, the Almighty says$ * 3here after e made him +the offspring of Adam/ as a utfah

    +mi5ed drops of the male and female se5ual discharge and lodged it/ in a safe lodging.* +Al 6u'minun$

    ;-/. 3he safe lodge is the mother's womb# scientists say that the womb becomes one thousand times

    larger immediately after conception!! 3he head of the sperm contains all the information and systems

    needed to produce an embryo, &e, the Almighty says$ *And that &e +Allah/ creates the pairs, male

    and femaleG Jrom utfah +drops of semen 7 male and female discharges/ when it is emitted. +An

    ajm$ C97CH/.

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    7A three days embryo pictured by the electronic microscope!! And it is a cell that has divided into D

    cells, this group has the ability to divide and form more than ;FF trillion cells! ho order this cell to

    divide, multiply and form a human being: 3he strangest about this matter is that the mother cell start

    dividing but does not produce the same cells, it produces diverse cells, some form the s"in, and

    others form the bones, others for the brain, the eye cells, the heart cellswho inform these cells

    about their function duty at this degree of sophistication: Isn't &e, the Almighty, who says$ *&e has

    created everything, and has measured it e5actly according to its due measurements* +Al Jur1an$ /.

    After the entrance of the first sperm into the ovum, the ovum e5cretes immediately a substance that

    close its membrane in front of the other sperms, and after fertilization, the fertilized cell +the zygote/

    e5cretes &=E hormone, the hormone sensitized by the pregnancy test, this hormone orders the body

    to stop menstrual cycle and give the mother indications for the start of pregnancy.

    -F hours after the entrance of the sperm into the ovum, the first cell division occurs and the cell starts

    to multiply forming the zygote after appro5imately four days.

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    3he size of this cell is much less than the head of the pin, it can merely seen or mentioned, thus, &e,

    the Almighty says$ *&as there not been over man a period of time, when he was not a thing worth

    mentioning: Kerily, we have created man from utfah +drops/ of mi5ed semen +se5ual discharge of

    man and woman/, in order to try him$ so we made him hearer and seer*. +Al Insan$ /.

    7After the fusion of the sperm with the feminine ovum, the divisions start directly, then the zygote

    move and adhere to the wall of the uterus, therefore, Allah, the Almighty says$ *It is &e, ho has

    created you +Adam/ from dust, then from a utfah Lmi5ed semen drops of male and female se5ual

    discharge +i.e. Adams offspring/M then from a clot +a piece of coagulated blood/* +Eaffir$ H/. 3he

    zygote is transformed into completely different form called the clot, which is a group of cells that try to

    be attached to the lining of the uterus in almost H7; days and it chooses the best place in it!

    (cientists are confused$ what made this mass of cells attached to the lining of the uterus and nourish

    from it:!

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    7After that, the embryo is converted into what loo"s li"e a piece of chewed meat, therefore, the ?uran

    had tal"ed about this phase as &e Almighty says$ *then from a little lump of flesh 7 some formed an d

    some unformed +as in the case of miscarriage/ 7 that e may ma"e +it/ clear to you +i.e. to show you

    0ur Nower and Ability to do what e will/. And e cause whom e will to remain in the wombs for an

    appointed term* +Al &ajj$ 9/. At this stage, the important systems are being created li"e the nervous

    system, the heart and the brain, and some of the features start to appear, the heart starts to beat and

    many of the systems li"e the respiratory system, the "idneys, the liver start growing rapidly!

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    7At this stage, bone formation begins, from the si5th to the eighth wee", bone formation and growth

    continues even after delivery, &e, the Almighty, says$ *then we made out of that little lump of flesh

    bones*. hat confuse scientists is$ how do these cells "now that they have to be transformed into

    bones specifically at this time:

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    7 A fetus at the age of 7D wee"s, on it is the starts of the flesh stage in which the bones are coated

    with muscles. At the beginning of the eighth wee" the muscles start moving, the formation of the s"in

    layers that cover the body also begin.

    4oo" with me at &is, the Almighty saying$ *4oo" at the bones, how we bring them together and clothe

    them with flesh*. +Al @a1ara$ 9O/.

    3he height of the fetus now is less than - cm, at this stage the muscles start to develop and cover the

    bones, this stage stay for long time and interfere with the ne5t stage, namely the bone stage. &e, the

    Almighty, says$ *then we clothed the bones with flesh*.

    As for the placenta, it nourishes the fetus with o5ygen, food and li1uid, does not permit the passage of

    the harmful compounds, and produces hormones that regulate the fetus temperature, scientists say

    that the placenta provides care to the fetus better than any intensive care unit, praises to Allah!

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    7At this stage, the fetus is getting his final features, the limbs, the eyes, the ears and the rest of the

    body organs, motion and electrical activity of the heart begin, the brain is very complicated and e1uals

    half the body's weight. After that, the functions are sum of growing and completion of the organs

    creation which goes until the end of the pregnancy, thus, &e, the Almighty says$ *and then we brought

    it forth as another creation*. +Al 6u'minum/.

    Jinally, there are many 1ueries that we have to as" and meditate, and even to answer it$

    7how can a single cell develop in such an amazing way to produce a highly sophisticated creature li"e

    the human being:

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    ho inform these cells to do what they have to do:

    ho coordinate their functions without any error:

    ho guide this fetus in his journey to the life:

    o doubt, that &e is Allah, the Almighty, who says$ *0ur 4ord is &e ho gave to each thing its form

    and nature, then guided it aright.* +3aha$ 9F/. e as" you Allah to gain us more "nowledge and action

    with that "nowledge, and to ma"e us from those whom you said about$ *and when &is Kerses +this

    ?uran/ are recited unto them, they +i.e. the Kerses/ increase their Jaith# and they put their trust in

    their 4ord +Alone/*. +Al Anfal$ /.


    @y$ Abduldaem Al78aheel
