Picture Scripture Corinthians, by Ted Hildebrandt...Corinthians Welcome to New Testament Picture...

Post on 06-Aug-2021

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Transcript of Picture Scripture Corinthians, by Ted Hildebrandt...Corinthians Welcome to New Testament Picture...

Picture Scripture Corinthians, by Ted HildebrandtCorinthians Welcome to New Testament Picture Scripture! This is an attempt at aiding you in learning the chapter content of the entire New Testament. The pictures will aid your memory. Many of them are quite strange as we tend to remember that which is different. The pictures are not meant to be irreverent but rather just a memory device whose purpose is to allow people to learn the word of God more easily, effectively and in a more long term manner. The pictures were drawn by Jacquie Jensen.
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Return to Biblical Studies Go Gordon
Thanks for viewing the chapter content of 1 and 2 Corinthians in Picture format. This is the end of the book of 1 and 2 Corinthians and of this presentation.
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