PICTORIAL - Royal Australian Navy · 2013. 1. 17. · I • I , • • ROYAL AUSTRALIAN VOLUME 34...

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Transcript of PICTORIAL - Royal Australian Navy · 2013. 1. 17. · I • I , • • ROYAL AUSTRALIAN VOLUME 34...


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VOLUME 34 No.14

Divers' • warm

the Gulf, page 2.

on our ships,


Upset in soccer carnival, back page.

Nary Week 1991 in NSW will see ships open (or public inspection at Syd· ney's Circular Qua)' from August 3-5 and an official welcome home panldc in Sydney by 11IOfe than 1500 na\'al personnel accomp:mied by the music from eight naval bands.

In addition 10 the Gulf ship crews, naval divers. medical and logistic person­nel as well as RAAF and Army reprt'SC'n­lall"CS will march from the Rocks at mid­day on AugUSt 5. along George Street . inlo Liverpool Street and on to Darling Haroour for ,tic official NSW Stale rc ­ception.

During the march along George Street eight Fleet Air Arm hdicopters. compris­ing four Sea Kings. ,..iII conduct a nypa)1 above the city streets.

As a lead-up 10 Monday's march II~'

cial Navy Week l>Crvicc will be held 31 the CenOiaph on Thursday AligUS! I at 11 am.

For the weekend and Monday Iliree RAN Fleet units will be open for inspec· tion at tile Overseas Passenger Termin31 In Circular Quay, including tile gUIded nllssile fngate and Gulf ,eteran HMAS

SYDNEY . tile guided m,ss,le destroyer HMAS HOBART and the patrol boat HMAS FREMANTLE.

A second patrol boa!. HMAS WARRNAMBOOL. w,lI be ben lied in 03rling H3rbour as pan of Ihe Boat Show.

Included ,n the NllVy Week celebra­tions will be numcrou~ performances by na\'al bands and phy~lcal training learns. bolh al the Roeks and Darling l!arbour on Salurday am! Sunday.

Bands will aho perfo rm al various loea· lion~ around S)'dney lind ","hm Ihe city cenlre.

The Opera '-louse on Friday Augu,( 2 and Augusl 3 will provide the maritime ~ning for Ihe Sunsel ceremomes.

WELCOME MARCH - GENERAL ARRANGEMENTS The Welcome Ilome March is intended

for all personnel "'ho seo'ed in the Gulf area of operalions. nOI just personnel of p3Micipating ships.

The beSI point for viewing the pamdc for fa milies is in Ihe general area close to the Town HalliSt Andrews Cathedral.

Parking for 250 cars will be avai lable at Woolloomooloo South car park aod families should make their own way 1n10

the ci ty.

- -=--==-_ ..

On completion of the march. at ap­pro~imately 1300. all participants and im­mediate families arc IOvlled 10 a recep­tion at Darling Harbour in T umbalong "ark. or undcr oover at Darling Harbour if weather is Inclement.

Buses and femes Will depart for the Aeet Base and eSlablishmenlS on com­plet ion of the reccption . N."y Week program. page ho'O .


." J u ly 19, 1991

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T .. ·u u/ the Flut u,ips un displa, ... 1I0RA R T, lup, and SYDNEY.

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E ' i • • • • • • • • • • • • • • , . E ~ ~ :: ~ O ne ofthe spearheads (Baud on an Qt:COIl"t by CPOCD Maxwt ll, CDTJ.) spent 56 hours in the water The port lies 10 kilomtres I Eor t he RAN 's effort in and cleared 450 000 square from Kuwait City, and for :: § the Gulf ' VaT was pro- tiontheteamcmbarkedon their 25 tannes of equip- melres of harbour s:eabed. the first time was able 10 E E \'idedby thedeploym ent two C-JJO aircraft and aT- men1 , carried on three No sooner was this task operate, on the surface at : Eor C learance Diving rived in Bahrain on the last semi-trailers and two 5- accomplished though than least , with the benefit of E : Team Three (CDTI) , day of January 1991. tonne trucks, moved out it was on to the next . the rays of the sun as op- E E CDn had been dormam The period until the an- their first assignment. the A SOLO TASK posed to the gloom of the = - nouncement of the cease port of Ash Shu'Aybah. smoke from the innumera- = ,. since 1971. following its in- " 'I ' Evolvemcm in the Vietnam fire marked the end of ' 01' - The ne~t seven days were The Kuwait naval base at I' 01 well fires which had E • "'n S,e"m' w~~ ..... n' ,'n . . S Ras AI Oualai 'ah w,.· npv, been their lot until now. _ : \'>'ar. .... u, ..... 'y-" " spem III company With U ~ "_A = E Now it had been reacti- training and familiarisa- and UK diving teams clear- on the list . h For t,h'hinitial ponion of E = d h N' lion. ing the waters and wha'rves This time CDn alone t e tas I I' learn joined up _ =.' ""':':~I ',!,'m', W"'h'Y"OOd""'''~: of Ihe nnrt. undenook 'he m,'"" ,-nn nf once again with teams from .,E

v .... _ ._, . Howevcr,oncethefighl- ,.- _ ~ .... , U IheUSandUK. bullatera Efrom the East Coast and 13 ing stopped it was full In the period before the clearing the jumbled mess French team augmemed E :; from the West. ahead for Kuwait. pon was officially cleared of concrete and steel that the force . = E After a hect ic mobilisa- On March 5 the team and for traffic CDn had once been a modern Th " 1 d , - Ibn I' JO was compete" . do h iffi d " -•E nava se. after 104 diving hours and Hal'~ a IIIU J' at t ~ a 'u tar. - = = Their task was enlivened the cleaTing of 1.046, 100 CDT] s~t OUIJOr thd , fin' days "'o,k in KU"'ai,'s E '. by th a v,'-,', fi-, ef H"AS t rs. Borh photograplu CPOCD Max .. ·t!ll, CDT1. E

.... • '. v ., square metres of seabed. : SYDNEY's Seahawk refinery. Their tasks successfullY E E helicopter , with wdcome MISSILE BOA T This had been used as a accomplished. it was time to: E supplies of VB. and late r of missile patrol craft base, as leave. and CDT3 headed E

F h Not all was work though. was evidenced by the shat- south for the Saudi Arabian :. '. at er John Casey, the 1 ' At a mu II-nat ional div- te red remains of a boat border and the stan of their : : Roman Catholic priest with . d CDT3

E the Gulf task force. mg team sports ay ' which had been struck by long trip back to Australia. E = despite losing the volleyball an Allied oomb which had Thc tally? CDD had:-:. - After six daV'< and 44 ~nd '''g ew,,, , d ".' = ,- ,", u -..,. , n uo:;mg denoted two missiles in _ divedfor23lhours : E hours of diving the 41,100 runners.--up in the relay, their launchers. _ cleared 2.157.200 square E E square metres of the base managed to be declared the Back to Shuwaikh for the metres of seabed. :; - • had been cleared and larg' w,' nn~~ fe" ,h- d,y • = - " "-<> v·.... . infonnal openingofthepon _ rendered safe 60 sea : = slocks of explosives. indud· = This undoubtcdly gave to merchant traffic, and a milles. = .. - .• ... ing 12,0CIQ detonators. had : ~. 1 been dos!XJsed of. them strength to handle the ceremony attended by The Team'S activities :; : ensuing refreshment bout. senior Allied naval officers, have added another chapter E " i'"" :.:; , ~ The final task for CDT3 O ne final tas],,: remained including RADM David to the histo1"V of the clear- =. : -- ...- -" .', • was to assist in lhe clearing - the clearing of a small Ho lthouse, the Naval Sup- ance diving"branch of the : E Th~ fr05OnJor it all - an Iraqi LVGMJ.lS buoyant min~ on an Kuwait Mach. of Shuwaikh PorI. harbour belonging to an o il pon Commander. Royal A ustralian Navy. E :'illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllill1111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111.11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111 1111 1111111111111111111 1111111111 .. ::

The program fo r Navy W eek '9 1 and the We lcom e H o m e M a rch is as foll ows:

Thursday August I: 1100 - Sydney Ccnotaph Ser­vice.

]200-1700 - Heri tage Guard plus drum & fife band - the Rocks.

1700-WOO - Navy bands "Out and About". Rose­lands. Westfield Parramatta & Chatswood Chase.

Friday A ugust Z: am - HMA Ships BR ISBANE & SY DNEY arrive overseas Passenger Tenninal (OPT) HMAS FRE MANTLE to Campbell Cove. HMAS WAR RNAMBOO L to D arl ing Harbour. I·IMAS TO RRENS or HMAS D ERWENT to Farm Cove.

1200-1700 - Heritage Guard pl.us drum & fife b;md - the Rocks. 1.300-1600 - Navy bands ··Out and About'·, Campbells Cove. the Rocks Square , Cadman'S Cot· tage. Band Concert on Opera House Boardwalk.

]700-1800 - Opera House. Ceremonial Sunset. HMA Ships a! OPT and Fann Cove illuminate with outline lighting.

Saturday August 3: am, pm - Hel icopter tour of Harbour and beaches with Large Aust ralian White Ensign and Navy Week banner.

1100-1400 - Navy bands ··Out and About". 1200-1700 - Heritage Guard and d rum & fife

band in the Rocks. 1300·1700 - H MAS Ships at O PT open to vis­

itors. 1700- 1800 - Ceremonial Sunset at the Opera

House. Sunday August 4: 1030-1130 - Church Services.

St Andrews & St Marys Cathedrals. am, pm - Helicopter tour of Harbour ~nd

beaches with A WE and Navy Week banncr. 1230 - flee t Entry in to Sydney Haroour.



fleet Base. Band at Fleet Base. 1300-1700 - HMA Ships at OPT open 10 visi tors.

Heritage guard & fife and drum at the Rocks. Navy bands ~Out and AbouC in the Rocks. PTI displays at the Rocks.

1600 - Band concert at Opera House Boardwalk. 1700-1800 - Ceremonial Sunset at Opera House.

HMA Ships a! O PT. Campbell Cove and Farm Cove to illumina te outline.

MnndllY August 5: 1015 - Ferry departs Fleet Base for Campbell Gove.

1100 - Personnel sta rt to arrive at Circular Q uay West. 1100 - Ferry depans Flcet Base for Campbell Cove.

1130 - Welcome March parade falls in Circular Quay West.

1200 - Welcome Home March through George

One aspect o f the RAN's involvement in the G ulr c risis " 'hich received no publicity a t the time was the work of a sm all , low prOfil e team of R A N personne l stationed asho re on the A rabian Pe ninsula 10 oo-or­dinate all aspects of logistic support for the RAN T ask G ro up.

by CommQndu B.C. Robinson AM RAN

The Logistics Suppon Element (LSE) was established in Muscat on A ugust 30 1990 making it Ihe first Australian unil to arrive in the a rea of opera tions.

To achieve an effective logistic suppon infrastructure over this extended area. Logistic Support Detachments (LSD) were established at the principal sea port/airheads of Bahrain and D ubai in the A rabian Gulf.

This necessitafed cxpanding the LSE complement by the addit ion of a LEUT (EN). a CPO MTP, and a second PO\VfR.

Street starts. The salute will be taken at the Town Hall by the Govcrnor of New South Wales. Rear Admiral P . Sinclair, AO.

1215 - Flypast of helicopters over Sydney Har_ bour and George Strcet, flyi ng south 10 north. just before the guard salute at Town Hall.

1230 - March completes at Darling Harbour. Re­ception at Town Hall- invited guests include rep­resentatives of ships' companies.

1300-1700 - HMA Ships at O PT open to visi tors. 1500-1600 - Navy Bands "Out and A bout". PTI

display in the Rocks. [430 - Ferry leaves Darling Harbour for Fleet

Base via O PT. 1530 - Ferry leaves D arling Harbour for Fleel

Base via O PT (final). [830-2100 - Navy Weck '91 cocktail party. Cere­

monial Sunset on Fon Denison. T uesday August 6: HMA Ships [cave O PT.

Campbell Cove and Darl ing Harbour.

The LSE was established as a fully se lf supported organi· sation. undcr the command of the RA N Liai50n Officer (RAN LO) Musca t (a C MDR), and comprising a LCDR (SU), a POWfR. CPOETC, CPOETS. C POSN. POSN and a POSY.

When commercial air services in the region ceased at the outbreak of hostilities on lanuary 17. the airlink with Au­stralia was maintained by the RAAF.

Som~ oj rht I...5E I~ams. for LCDR Sl~~~ Rodg~rs, POWTR Bob Pollard, POSN Da~~ II~Qtlry, CPOETS Errof Bird, CPOSN Alan ThomtH, POSY Lindsay Ptrryman.

Although each member of the team had a primary re­sponsibility rela ted to his category skill, all were required to undertake a varie ty of other tasks including negot iating with locals for provision of various stores and services and reprcsenting the RAN and Australia at various levels in the military and the bureaucracy.

In a short time a wide corporate skill base was estab­lished as the basis for successful operation of the LSE.

For person~! security reasons. LSE personnel generaHy wore plain clothes.

To discharge its funct ion the LSE was required to main­ta in an airhead. based on commercial air service, for con­solidating stores and mail arriving from Australia and for despatthing mail from the tas],,: group to Australia.

Transfers of stores and mail were achieved during pon visits by ships. by helicopter despatched inshore from the task group and by barge transfer to the sUp!XJrt ship an. chored off the coast .

The LSE also had to arrange provisions. fuel and repairs from local sources and arrange ship visits to ports and an­chorages in the area.

!n December 19')0, the task group included the Arabian Gulf in its area of operat ions, in addition to the Gulf of Oman where the task group had hitheno operated.

c~ ~"S8t NAV'/1 NEWS, -July '19, 1991

To assist wi th managing the RA A F ai rl ink, a position was establishcd in the LSE for a RAAF NCO.

The LSE operation was maintained day and night with­out break .

Up to Fcbruary 17 1991 the LSE arranged some 45 ship visits, ranging from an 8 day SMP to short visits at anchor for HMAS SUCCESS to replenish cargo provisions, and handled 926 bags of mail weighing 19,748kg and almost 48 tonnes of stores from A ust ralia.

In addition to oo-ordinating logistic sup!XJn for the ships of the task group. the LSE provided suppon for Clearance Diving Team, provided administrative sup!XJn for the two medica l teams embarked in the hospital ship USNS COM­FO RT, and provided support for viSiting A DF personnel and aircraft.

RANLO Muscat. and defacto Commanding Officer of the LSE. until February 17 1991 was Commander BC Robin50n A M RAN ,

He was relieved by Commander EG Hack R AN. who is still in the Gulf with a reduced LSE at Bahrain.

When Austra lia's nava l commitment to the Gulreventu­ally ends the LSE will be the last to leave the area of oper­ations, making it the longest serving of all the three Au­stralian units. Th~ aUfhor (at right) handing oller to CMDR EG Hack. ,



M the sinister US Senntb flee t nuclear powered submarine s to le liiJently a longside HMAS LABUAN the So"ie t container ship slank s tea lthily to its berth a rew hundred metres astern or her •••

AI another lime this coliid have been the seuing for a James Bond movie.

In fact such was the scene at Fishermans Island on .the Brisbane River as the "Stu rgeon~ class USS CAVA LLA (SSN 684) drew into pori for a five day rest and recreation visit .

Amidst tigh t security. wi th police outnumbering the few protesters IWO 10 one. and in typical Queens­bnd winler bright sun­shine. tWO tugs genlly nudged the 4640 tonne suD­marine towards the Heavy Landing Craft HM AS LA­BUAN which .... ·ith t ... ·o large in"ated fenders Oll t­boll rd , was being used to provide a cushioned alongside berth at Ihe com­mercial Container Terminal.

USS CAVALLA (CMDR SW Larimer USN). olle of 37 Sllirgeoll class attack submarilles. was commls­siolled ill February 1973, is 90 melres long with a beam of 10 metres.

She has a complement of lJO to 140 officers and en­listed men and is Tomahawk and Harpoon capable.

Normally home ported in Pearl Harbour. Hawaii. she arrived in Brisbane from Guam on the FOllrlh of July coinciding with the 215th an lliversary of Ihe US De­clara tion of Independence.

The visit, possibly the first to Brisbane by a nuc­lear-powe red submarine. capped o ff a heclic period for hMAS MO RETON personnel who had handled sil( other ship visits in Ihe prev)ous seven days . ill ­cluding HMNZS WEL- , lINGTON alld lhe French Navy Ships BA LNY and COMMANDANT BIROT.

There was no repeat of the protestor demonstra­tions which accompallicd the arrival of the French ships in Sydney a few days earlier.

A WA TSON.spon. sored Navy team has won the annual Wise· m ans Ferry de clared speed navigation trial.

The evenl , fiO:I held in 1961, is o rganised and con· dueled by the Broken Bay division of Ihe Royal Vol­unteer Coastal Patrol ( RVC P).

• • ,

From humble begirmings JO years ago the event has gro .... n to include entries from CoaStal Patrol divi ­sions, the Armed Services. Water Police. Coastal Guard. Maritime Services Board and many individual enlrall ts.

The trial starts in Pittwa· ler off Ne ..... port and ends 35 miles up Ihe Muddy walers

_ ...

• of Ihe Hawkesbury at Wise· mails Ferry.

This year Navy was reI" resen!ed with the Naval Suppon Comm;md barge ' RIVERI A' skippered by Petty Officer us Westbrook .... ith engillccr­ing expertise from Leading Seamall Jake Earl ..... oorl: both from TRESCO.

Navigation was ron-


-, --'


ducted by Licutenalll Con­rad Webb of Ihe navigation facully WATSON, assisted by Petty Offlttr Tel( O'Grady of KUTfABUL.

At the annual dinner Navy was presented wi th both Ihe Wiseman's Ferry cup for " 'inning lhe event and the boat book trophy for beSt services ent ry.

Navy had last won the event in 1989.

Win .. i"" IftlM (I IG r): LE.UT Co",.,.d W,bb, PO iLl Wn lbrook, LS Job E.orlwood and PO Tu O'Crody wi,1I ,IInr ,rop/!'in.

Commandin& Offittr CMDR M. W. 8,U. na.,i,r"in8 nffittr I.EUT S.A . And~ .. 's, OOW SBLT B.L L,U' and OOW W.M. lIuon durin, ~"" pl chonnd nco,., d,,'in . (Pic(,," :

A HPII Simon Poyntoll).

Sinee departing Mllse&1 on June 16, 11M AS DARWIN (CMDR Martyn Bell) h as been in derenee walehes due 10 the le" e l or operations in the P ersian Gulr area.

fast patrol c raft and wrec· hge of a drilling rig IOCOlted near Ku ... -ail.

All ships throughout the RAN regularly exercise precise navigatIon through minefield tranSits and one of DARWIN's tasks IS 10 Medium range surfaa:

d h I searches are conducled by con Uel s .... ept c anne tr:llls. IS in the Nonhern r .. d3r and monilored by the

Opera lions Room team. Gulf area. fuifilllllg her duties as a merchanlshlp Information gained by convoy escort. III Ihe mined DARWIN. or any of the

other ~essels in the force. is waters leading IIItO Kuwall. passed bet ..... een ships

With the ever-present through their various oper. mille threat in force , DAR· ;1I10ns rooms using link WIN i~ contlnllOllsly scan- d;lta sy~tems. /lmg the Waters ahead of it, using every pos~ible means Close-range monitoring avai lable. is conducted by personnel

Long-rallge searches .He closed up on Ihe Gun Di-conducted by the embarked reclion Platform . the Se~ha .... k amI &jUITrel bridge and by the mine

lookolll who is stationed in helicopters which spend six 10 eight hours each day Ihe poinT of the forecastle.

constallt ly searching, ll11 d The mine lookout is rcponing Ihc positions of buckled inTO a chair sct up any con!acts they locate on the foremost point of ahead of the ship. the forecastle. maintaining

Included III the obJccts It vigilan! lookout. from AHQMG A fI .. ·(1Ot/ dos,d- they have already detected dawn to dusk each day.

lip as mille lookoll/. are the remnanlS of a Iraqi Confinued page 10.

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NAVY NEWS, July 19, 1991 (159).3




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, , , , ,

Derence Communications Automatic Relay Station (DEFCOMMARS) Canberra. commis· sioned in 1973. is aboul to process . its 100,000,0001& message.

Located in the basement of Russell OffICeS building A. DEFCOMMARS Canberra is Australia's primary ADF communications station with oonneC1ions throughout Australia and overseas.

The station has a pivotal role in the performance of ADF command. cont rol and communications.

Until recently the station also had a major affiliation with the --fleet" in that it compiled the RAN fleel com· munications broadcast and has many happy memories of that role .

Administratively responsible 10 the Naval Support Commander Ihrough the Commanding OrrtCer HMAS HARMAN (CMDR Neill Bell). and operationally re­sponsible to HQADF through the Conlroller Regional Network Control Centre (RNCC) Acr (CMDR Ted Breukel). DEFCOMMARS operations are performed by 73 personnel consisting of (our officers, 13 senior sailors and 56 j un ior sailors (operators and mainlainers).

Si nce commissioning approximately 2153 RAN per­sonnel have served in D EFCOMMARS.

WIN A TRIP Win a QANT AS trip away for two! When will the

]OO,OO).OOOth signal be processed?

A guessing competition is being held at SOrt a guess. The prize is a QANT AS trip to the value of $1500.

All you have 10 do is give the date . lime and month (or the nearest guess) you estimate the Or " age will be processed th rough DEFCOMMARS.

At 23JUN9] DEFCOMMARS has processed 98.109.506 messages and with a daily average of 12,405 the expecled date and lime of arrival of the 100 mil­lionth message through DEFCOMMARS is ????????

The OIC and documentation PO are the only two in DEFCOMMARS who have access 10 statistjcs.

Use the entry form on tllis page for your ent ries. In addition, to celebrate Ihis important occasion it is

inlended to hold an appropriate lunchtime function on 09DEC91.

The winning entrant will be presented with the win­ners prize at this function and it is also hoped to have the CDF. CNS and NSC present.

For more deta ils on the competi tion ring the Ad­ministration Support Office on (06) 265 5239 (06) 265 4645 or DNA TS 865 5239 865 4645.

NEW ROOF Meanwhile. anyone located in a basement will know

of the hazards associated with working underground . No sunshine. not knowing whether o r not it is raining

and any number of other pleasures that those on the "surface" enjoy.

DEFCOMMARS has had its own peculiar problem in that since 1974 the station has suffered from waler ingress.

Througll this it has had an affinity wilh submariners in that DEFCOMMARS operates below the -surface­and has been surrounded by water.

Up until 31 MA Y91 DEFCOMMARS personnel have had to empty approximately 7500 litres of water OUI of the 32 on-site buckets.

That is, until the new roof was finally agreed to , oon­structed and actua lly in place by 3 1 MA Y91 .

Water ingress and DEFCOMMARS have been a synonymous conversation fo r such a long period it is hard to imagine life witliout drip trays. the sound of running water and the emptying of buckets.

.- ~-------. - --- - ---- -------,

-'.J (In tol1),

Sond ,o, ""''' ,"'" '''.000.000 _,~ _LIn on" ... ......... , "'''':''' .-,.,. c.or0rn'A N;' ,....,

""'EI".."...,.'" '" ..... ' .. 1 ., " ... '00.000 .... '" JLW , ' ," eo.- , . Eo, "'0",,, OCT " ( ____ "

, , , • , . , . , t ... , 10, ....... . .........

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, ...., .. , 'OW!AS tr,~ .o , .... 1".. '" " ...

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, -- ... -- ___ _ _ _ ____ ____ __________ _ J

I I I I , , , , , , , , .4 (160) NAVY NEWS, July 19, 1991

I I I I I I II1 11I1I , , , , , , , , , , , I I I I I



Some 0/ 'he stall (J( DEFCOMMARS in the courtyard 0/ Rusull Offices Building A . Pictures: SWRPH Bye.

No commun;Ct1t;ons sta tion could a;st wi/hout ;/$ systf'ms control and DEFCOMMARS Conbf'rTfl is no difff'unt. Picruud/rom If'/t enginttring connf'ctt'd circui,s on 1-5 Mark Kennt'dy, PO Mark Donlon, LWR Glenda Thomas.,

WEEO LEur Bruce Campbell and AB Paul Muson.


r " ~

TfI~ OIC DEFCOM!tIARS LEur Doug Conn and dacum~ntarion PO POWRRST Wendy Punton check 'he daily staristics/or progress to the history-making proctsS.

, , IIIIII1 , , , , 11111II

. "",;,~,~~~,~,~~,~,~~,


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'Transferred to or from Canberra,

Pels cared for while you are settling in . Rales on applicalion.

We collect and forward your animals on posting to & from


Tony and Chris's Boarding Kennels Ph: (062) 36 9207



Bill off to the Senate

The MSBS Bill hll'l been p 5 Ed by die House of Rep. t F rf'llllllivelli and ~,ie .. ed by II Senate committee. The 8i11 " 'iII be consid('red by Ihe Senate durin& the AII­' 1151 budget Silliol'

* * * While MSB$ wIll IlOI

SlaT! un tIl October I, 1991, arrangemems arc bemg made 10 allow personnel who are leaving the Service SOOTIly after that dale 10 advise authorities of their inten tions and require­ments. Forms 10 1'1«1 to transfer 10 MSBS ~nd forms for the MSBS re ten· lion benefit will be ava il ­able from pay offices from early September 1991. New superannuation dischargeJ resignation fo rms will also be avai lable from lhal dalt.

* * * In September 1'191 en' ry

member or Ihe AO~' ... iIl .e«i.,c II personal ;nforma­lio n "il . This ,,'ill eOnlllin the dollar IImOtlnh of your (>ImI'DI MlN'firs f.o m DFRDB altd MS8S. • booklet outlining the m ,'ROB sdleme, II booklet outlininl the MSBS lind II

booklet eomp~rinl both S(henles. This .. iIl be II o'ery uluable aid in deridinl .. 'hich S(heme to choose.

* * * Remember. you do not have to decide between OFRDB and MSBS unt il September 30, 1992.

* * * A name you .. ill be hn r­

inC .. ore of in the rut.re is the Supennnualion Infor­mation Gro.p. Thill rom· bint'tl Sen 'ice and rio'ilian team " 'ill be conducting in­rumla tion semin~f5 ror all AOF units throughout Au­~k.JiIl durin, the JH!riod SEP9I·SEP92.

* * * Watch for the next series

of MSBS leaflets which are due out soon. They cover:

• resignation and re tire­ment benefilS.

• m:ucimum benefit limi ts.

• how 10 .... Iue a super­annu~tion benefit. and

• life style conside rations "'hich may be of impor­tance to you when consid· e ring your choice between DFRDB and MSBS.

Buya badge

on Legacy Day

First Friday in September •

;,!IIIII ...... IIIIIIIIIIIIII""III.III"Ittttlllllllllll"HllllllllllllllllllllllltllllliliII"IlIIlllllI llIIlIImlllllllllll l l ""IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"" IIII""1II1.: - -- -= = ~ ~ = = ~ ~ -= -----------------------------= ------ -------- " -------= --------= ------------------- • ------E~ -------------------

I ----i -------------I -----~ ----------= .... i

• -



---------------------; -----------------------------= = ----------------------------------------------------------------------------= ---~ -----------= i ---------= ------------KA ,\t' eroS Airtntiner lIiftrall ltom .he Air t-orce's =

SALUTE nvl t'yinJ:. TraininJ:. Sthool al Point Cook, Vietori_, n)' ~ oO'er in salule 10 "MAS BRISBANE as she s teams = -down Port Phillip Bay Itfter a fi ... ·-day visit to Mel- =

-------= ---i B R I S BAN E ""m. "".,," ,." 5 ,"d 10. • = The four aircraft nying in rormation ~' I.' rl.' ll.'d by the i = M'uior nao'al officer nyinl ins.ruetor al nul F1y/nc = = Tnining Sthool , Lic'utenant Commander Tony Nelson. i iliUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII''''IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII1111111111111111111111111111111111111:

coo Two cooks rrom HMAS HARMAN have been

awarded lop prizes ror their COOking skills .

Ninetccn-year-old Kelly Scully was chosen to represent the AUSlralian Defence Fo rce at the Nalaonat Workskills competition lifter eli minalion rounds held earlier this year.

Only 22 conteSlantS made it th rough to the finals with Kelly being the younges t and the only junior sai lor cver 10

compele a t this level. During the course of the competition Ke lly was required

to pre!J3re a four course meal as well as translate from French the details o f the menu.

Leading Seaman Gary Neilson also uld ... e ll at the Salon Culinaire competi tion held in Wagga Wagga, He receh'ed a silver medal in the Aust ral ian Services section for his pre­paration and presentation of a three course meal.

Both Ihese cooks have been lit HMAS t'/ARMAN for the last lWO years and 1Ife keeping alive the Navy tradition of excellenc" in cooking.

Meanwhile. Navy scooped the awards at the ACT reg-

• • kar' _.1011.

• a aln

lonal salon culinaire competition in Canberra. HA RMAN represclltati,'cs performed ~rticutarl y " 'ell

... ith all pel'SOl1nel entered in the competition coming away wllh prizC$.

In addition. the HA RMAN tcam led by C POCK Peter SmiTh. took our first place in the maugural Defence team's compelllion.

Navy winners were: AS Wayne Clark (HM AS ALBAT­ROSS) bronze medal ; PO Phillip Burrell (Navy Office) bronze; A B Oint Mortensen (ALBATROSS) bronze; PO Tom Oarke (HM AS WATSON) silver; LS Michael Murry (HMAS PENGUIN) sih'cr; LS Gary Neilson (HARM AN) silver; 1'0 Tom Oarke (WATSON) sil"er; WR Wone tte Ferguson (PENGU IN) slh'er: PO Tom Oarke (WAT­SON) gold; AB Richard S ... ·ann (HARMAN) gold; A B Jeff Vlln Dam (WATSON) gold; PO Tom Clarke (W A T­SON) most successful chef; AI'OC K Peter Smith , LSCK Colin Mac Kenzie, SWRCK Kelly Scully and LSSTD Ross Peninlan (HARMAN) - winners ACT Defence culinary teams ' competition.

Arter nearly 14 m o nlM in refil at Garden Island dockyard Ihe deslroyer escort HMAS TORRENS pul to sea fo r he r conlractor sea Iri3ls.

The extensio'e S18m refit in\'OlvOO some 300.(0) dock­yard hours and the com­pletion of more than 830 individuall3sks.

Originally programmed for the penod April to Noo'ember 1990. malor problems e ltended In the propoosed complelion d:.te b} 12 months.

In particular. the tur­bines of both main engines required remuvoi and refurbishment .

This task "as both time and manpo ... ·er Intenswe wilh an expeeled comp!e· tion of refit date of August 1991.

An effeC1i.e and efficient working r"lallonshlp had been established between the ship's com~ny and the staff of AD[ , "hich allowed for many tasks to be com­pleled ahead of schedule .

On completion of the work on the main turoines a more aa:ur.IIC datc for completion was established.

Thc finallwo months saw hectic work !O completc minor and cosm"tic tasks and finally on May 17. 1991. the refit ""as complete, on time.

During the inllial phase of the refit Ihe ships com· pany was accommodated ashore .

Junior sailors were houscd In Endeavour House "hile officers and

M:nior saIlors "ere acrom· modat"d in hotels ncar Garden Is[and.

TIlt' ~riod 3t End"a\our Hou<;c was well r"ce'l·ed. I'articularly in the summcr momhs ,,"h the Cronulla surf beache~ onl), nnnutc~ 3"a)

As habllablltl) improH' d and major modificatlon~ were completed the ~hlp's comp;ln), "a~ able 10 IX' moved back onboard, and follo"'illg the Christmas [ea\e period all personncl " 'ere 1t\lIlg onboard.

Since the eomplcllon of her refit TORRENS ha~ pUI mdn) m,l"s under hcr keel

She progressed through her contractor sea lrials. sea acceptance and s}'stcm~ qualification trials ,

Despitc a fe,,· problems ... hlCb hale required dod· yard "orl.: TO RR ENS has managed 10 spend most of her post refit time at sea in rcadiness for h"r work-up and O RE progranlm"d fot mid-July.

On comple tion of her work-up and ORE and a number of Fleet require­ments TORRENS will de· ploy to South-Easl Asia for four months.

On completion ~he ... ill r"lurn to hc r home pori HMAS STIRLI NG, rejoin· ing HMA Ship" DER\'t'ENl and SWAN.

ABCI( BMifons sho",s his/arhu Dtrlnis Ilrt art 0/ RAN ~k;ng.

10111 ..... , The Vietnam Veterans Counselling Service provides free and confidential support in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere for veterans of all conflicts and their families and all serving members of the Defence Forces (all ranks).

• Ktlly S~ully ... lOp prizr w;nnrr,

Services are confidential and include: cwn..,llin, .""',n m.riI.r problem.; pc"""",, lflii r .... ily ",LaliOrl lltips: r",."Qat dilfltUllico; I~" and ..wcly: peruiOrl and lela! .... uen; -.ivicc 0rI odK. cunm..uty reooun:e. 10 wtUch yclC ...... <:an h.avc Kat,,: ,roup w<>rlt 10 develop 1OciaI1kill1; womenl ' I""'P' and "";al.wvillu. All ccnt= prI>">dc I0Il free d.oytimc IeIephaM: _II. In """I SulCI. l~.t.o.o. VClCranlIine lclepllOflc .... m..,IlirII..,1'VJQ! oponIC.I. Sec )'Wl"TClwoon While h&U.

Vielnam Velet'anS Coun5elling centres art loaltd in :

~:::: ~~:.~';.'.;! "~'. ,.orn. I~~' ..... "'''_.''' . ...... (F.~""

./j~)IY N~WJ>, Ju\y,1~;.1991 (t61)5


" I spy with my liltl~ q~" - LEUT Paul Lo"glty uses a thumal imag~r ... atch~d by PO Justi" Bruhn.

NPC branch widens scope As part of the development of the Naval Police

Coxswain branch into the RAN's core security ser­vice, members of the branch frequently attend specialist training courses with other services and agencies.

Two Navy personncl recently auended the Army Counter· ln telligence Course hetd at Ihe School of Mililary intelligence, Land Warfare Centre.

The course C(lvered various specialist security functions, ranging from sUT\'eys to the usc of hi-tech equipmcnt.

The high profession~1 standards of the staff of the Army School of Military Intetligence have allowed two Naval Po lice Coxswain personnel to return to their unils more effective members o f the RA N.


RAN and RANR provisional promOlions, promulgated on Dec:t'mber 21 , 1.990 have been conl'innt'd to dale , June 301991.

The follo .. ing a~ pro"isional selections for promo tion in Ihe RAN 10 dafe December 31 1991 : Com .... nd.r t .. Clplli. (6): MJ PETCH OLEX HARMAN (HOADF) MJCARREl GLEX rwo HARMAN (ITCS) JSMOOREAM GlEX PWON WESl"RALlA RE SWINNERTON GLEX PWO HARMAN (HOADF)









The f .. tto"·in~ o.e pro.i<ionol ",Ireli .. n, for pron,"'i .. n in the RANR 10 d~le !) ... r mbe • .11 1\191: lJt~lr"'dl lO Linl .... nl Co."m."" • • tl2): PO ARNOLD E.\: MCDAHI.STROM EX BDEV EX JF FORD EX JWHOWA RD INT JA OKEEFE i'SYCH CMM PECK EX GA ROSE EX CM SCHUNKER NCS GR TELFORD EX WJ TRIPCONY EN DB WALLACE MD

eNS and his admiral. congralulate all officers on Iheir provisional ",Iecllon for promotion.


.... CNS, VADM MacDougol/and Commonding Offiur CAPT G. Coft M'ilh NIRIIIlBA pr;;:t W;lIl1tn, (Rar): AETC Quillli"all, AETS.Johnson, AIIlTP R~addy, AETC Hafaijonua, AIIlTP HMId, AATA T~bbirt, LSMTP Knight, AA TA Cook, AETP F~ros. Fro"': AETP Bilson, AIIlTP RogtlS, AETC

lIlarks, VADIIl MotDougall, CAPT Cof~, AETS Walsh, AETS Forcty, AEnv Hamd~n.

IRIMSA's 107th The PaS!iing Out Parade or the

I071h intake at HMAS NIRIMBA on June 21 marked 35 years of Appren­lice lrainin!!: in the RA N,

The Reviewing Officer was Chief of Naval Staff Vice Admiral I D G Mac­OoUg311.

Other distinguished guests were Flag Of­fice r Naval Support Command. Rear Ad· mira l D G Holthouse and Commodore Training. Commodore G A Morton.

The graduating trainees comprised 73 Apprentices who have specialised in thei r

NAVIES LAY WREATHS The rect-nt visit of 1"'0

French war.;hips to Sydney was the occasion for a een­mony in fhe eastern suburb of LaPerouse.

The suburb is named after the noted French explorer who arrived at the northern end of Botany Bay short ly afte r Captain Phillip with the first neet o f convicts in 1788.

respective trades. They included 19 Defence Cooperative

Programme Trainees from Papua New Guinea, Tonga and Malaysia.

Also on parade was the graduating class of MTP 3·23 who completed their Phase 3 training at HMAS NIRIM BA.

Sadness tinged this graduation for some as il will be one of the last in NIRIMBA .

In his address CNS out lined the time frame for the closure of HMAS NIRIMBA and stressed that every effort will be made to ensure smooth transition for Ihe local communi ty. service and civilian staff at HMAS NI RIMBA .

A )Olllt wreatb·laying ceremony a t the monument to LaPerouse was con· ducted with guards pro­vided by both the French and Royal Australian Navies.

Laying wreathes al Iht LaP(roust monument K"~R CMDR Gamtr, CO FNS Bat"y and CO FNS

Commandant Birot.

1111' Ro)"al AUSlralian Na.·)" hlt.'l hosled finalists in the annual Multiple Sclerosis Sodel)" of New SQulh Wales' Goldell Ke}'s Awards.

The to State finalists were given a ride on Sydney Harbour and reo freshments on historic Spectacle Island before their annual ball where the winner. Jenny Lee, of Easlwood in Sydney. was

with her sash crown by the Support t RADM

David Holthouse. The Multiple Sclerosis

~::;:: of New South ~ was founded by

Ronnie Phi llips in



G$nerals Prize,


~t~~~;;;:~Proliciency Award, ~ Ptolid&ncy Award,

, , , , , , ,


y ,

From small beginnings now runs

I centres. spas and etc throughout the

Gotdtll Kty aM'a,d/inalisls (f IQ r): Linda Camns, Jtnny Lu, Carhuin~ Bresnan, Carriona Rilq, J~an MaUse, ue- Ann~ Dean M'ith sailor escarls al Sputaclt Island.

Navy has played a supportive role in

development o f Ihe . including running

rames and of escorts for

1 1 I I I

The Golden Key Award scheme is named aft er the Key of Hope that the mys· teries of MS hope will be unlocked.

Participants SCI out to raise money for the care of MS clients and research into the disease.

I I 1 I 1 I 1 I 1 I

Every year the 10 per· sons in the State who raise the most 111 pledges are brought to Sydney for the final presentation.

This year they included a member of the RAN. L WRNPC Linda Collins, from HMAS KUITABUL

I I I I I , , ,

The Golden Key Award winner this year. Jenny Lee. raised more than $33,cm.

Linda raised somewh3t less. but was still in the top 10 of the 43 original entrants. IIIIIIIIII

First prize included a fou r week holiday in Asia for the W1l1ner and a chaperone.

The runne r-up, Gail Parrish, of Nowra, was awarded a week's holiday in Vanuatu,

I I I I I I I 1

A dou lamil, nltltionsllip - "Polly" Pukins u"d SO" R~awi, A"duw.

• I

Recruiter CPOSY Owen " Polly" Perkins has idiuited his own son.

Andrew Owens was enlis1(.'d by his father at the Recruiting Centre in Castlereagh Street. Sydney.

Thirty minutes Later he was on a bus bound for HMAS NIRIMBA to stan a four· year apprent iceship.

Andrew, almost 17. was in the middle of Year I I when he decided to join the Navy.

••• He will spend two years undergoing military

and trade Imining at NIRIMBA followed by t .... o years Mon the }Db" training either at sea or ashore.

HI ... ing one's father sign ),ou on is, Vie think, a oompar3livciy rare oecurrena.'. and Navy News would be interested to hear of any other instance where this has happened.

Best of luck to Andrew and the remainder of his intake.

• •

-rolllrtla,;on tit Ih~

s;'~ 01 'h~ slnHnl ol'h~ orilinal JlMAS KUITABUL.

Last month saw the lill't annh'e l"Slll)' of the intro· ductiun of a Quality Man· agement approach to se lected fun ctions in IIMAS PLATYPUS and Ihe Submarine Squadron.

With the IIltroduction of PMB there "''as a general Jt'O:.

ognlllon that emphasts -..uuld be required on management. as well as budgeling.

There was also a reoogni · tion in the Squadron that some functional ap­proaches could be 1m· proved particularly in sup­pon of Oberons as they ap­proach thelT end of life.

As a result . Quality Man· agement .... as introduced into the areas of logistic support , Naval Storcs rationaliS.,1\ion and Food Services.

Now. 12 months on. rc · suits are beginning to show and Quality Managemenl is being recognised as an m· tegral clement of total management .

TOP TEN This Cumminee com·

priscs representatives from the Engineering and Supply Departments as .... ell as an ex ternal member, the Plat· form Manager Submarines (PMSM) from Naval Suppon Command.

The aim of the Commit· tee is to reduce opera tional downlime by a Squadron priority managelllCnt ap­proach to equipmenl. mainlenance and support problems.

Meetings are held cvery six weeks and a structured and disciplined approach to data co llection. storage. reo tricval and analysis has been instrumental m achic~'emen ts so far.

ualson with NaVOlI Sup­port Command staff has ('So

tablished a good under· standing of priority prob· lems being addressed by Ihe Commitiee.

Where appropriate. out· put from the Cumminee is placed before the Oberon Support Group of the Naval Support Command.

In many cases. problems have been capable of resol· ution by the Committee. however, the re have also been mstanees where con· tractors have panicipaled in problem resolution dis· cussions to good effect.

Support considerations arismg from this Commit· tee are also being takcn

• •


I-'(J(H/ Suvius Group (f 10 r): POCK Dewberry, CPQSV Chris Tucku, I'OI'IRSTD Gto'llt 1'111.1"011, Mr Kt ilh lIot1 SroltSdaft}, o,lDU Mike Smith,

I'OPT Trtl'or S(}K'ard and L CDU Paul lIardy (Squadron Medical Ofliur).


Naval S,ora Group (f to r) : ISSN Mick Squires, CMDU Mikt Smith (Squadron Supply 0ffiar), SWRSN lIeltll KHn . CPOSN Jack Li"dlQ, SWRSN KuuII R ohtn s ulld

POSN Mide IIIUllls. into account in determining Ihe decommissioning and disposal pol icy for the Oberon submarines.

FOOD SERVICES A dynamic group whose

C(H)rdinator. CPOSV Chris Tucker, has en· thusiastically purwed the aim of the group 10 im· prove the qualily of food services in the Squadron and I-IMAS PLATYPUS ,

Emphasis has becn given to upgrading galley equip­ment and facilities , improv. ing the career structure for :;ubmarine cooIr;s and addres­sing tnc need to Improve the nutritional oontent of meal'S.

Inputs to the Group. which comprises Food Ser· vices personnel. Medical ~nd IT staff and the 1\ar· rackmaster. have come from many different areas within the Squadron and PLATY PUS and from all ranks.

External support has been received from the

Materia l Research Laboratory at Scottsdale. Tasmania with advice on galley design. equipment specificat ion and nutri· tional analysis of menus.

Additionally. the Diree· lor Logistics Services ~

Navy in Canberra has pro­vided va luable support in equipment specification and processing funding through the Food Services Group.


storage space is al II pre· mium and this was com· pounded by the need 10 reo cewe a Base Support Spares package to support the Intermcdiale Level M3intenance of the Oberon submarines.

A further complication arose when early in 1990 a decision was taken to reo mo'e the LSSNSM sailors from the submarine com· plement for employment in PLATYPUS ... but there

was no offICe space 01'

furniture for them! This group sought to im·

prove the storage and office space and this has been achieved by an overall relo­cation of space within the base and. imporlantly. a revie .. · of Ihe current inventory for surplus and obsolete items.

To progress the in'·cn· tory revicw. a liaison was established with the Naval Support Contmand 's Inwn· tory Review Team from Zclland who were using an electronic allrn' .. anc:c anal~$I$ program 10 revil''' their "'holcsalc inventory.

Manager Current L.ogis. tics S~btems (MCLS) in Canberra progressed a task to dcvclop a melhodo!ogy to review retail site inven· tories during the period August 10 November 1990.

This melhodology has been sua;essfully trialed in PI-" TIPUS and surplus and obsolete items have bec-n re­moved from inventory.


• service

The 49th anniversary or the sinking of the Ac· commodation Ship (e~·rerry) HMAS K UT· TABUL was commemontlted at a memorial ser· "ice held on Garden Is land.

Commanding OffKCr Commander Henry Old said: MLate on Sunday night May 31. 19"2 six Japanese

submariners in three midget submarines carried out a daring raid on Sydney Harbour 10 attack Allied war· ships.

"Today we come together to remember what occur· red near this place 49 years ago. when a torpedo which was aimed at the United Statl'S cruiser C H ICAGO. missed ilS targel and exploded on the sea bed beneath HMAS KlJITABUL. sinking her with the loss of 21 li,·e$.

"That night was one of confusion and fear for the people of Sydney .lOd should be a reminder to us all that . in modern warfare. no port is impregnable to a determined and courageous 'lIIoder.

"II) remembering the Sinking of KUTIAB UL. we honour all those who made the supreme sacrifICe at sea in the service of their country We remember the s.ac· rifice: because of it we today live in peace.

~Thal ·Lest we forget' is how our freedom was pur· chased. M


, ,',-­,


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7 7

IIMAS MELBOURNE lO'ill commence dulie!l ear­litr th,n UpeCled _ well at least in spirit .

A Melbourne tram painted in such a way as to appear as the "C"'CSt friga te 10 bear the city's name was recently launched by Com­

"modole Geoffrey Monon, the Naval Officer Com-

-• 246

" •

mandmg. Vicloria. The reverse side of the

tram depicts one of the new Collins Oass submarines currently being built in Adelaide.

The idea fo r a tram In

Navy colours came (rom Ihe need to find innovative ways to innuence what has previously been a difficul t

recruiting market and the tram is in tended to help raise Navy'S profile in met­ropoli tan Melbourne. A~ well as thc Slriking u­

le rior anwork , which h3$ already caught the eye of many a passing Melbourne motorist, Navy has C'lIclu­sivC' use of the advenising

inside the Iram .

It is estImated that over Seahawk helicopter, nown 2SO,(X)J passengers win ride down from NAS NOWRA on the tram during its twelve especia lly for the evenl . months Mna\·al~ service. Members of the ViclOria

The launch for this unique Naval Band piped ComlllO­vessel was held at Alhen dore MOrlon onboard the Park , and guests were in· IJam a fle r he broke the vited from various employ· tradllional bottle o f cham· er, industrial and educa· pagnI,' onr her bow. tional groups in Vicloria. VNB trumpeters then

The o pponunity was also he r.llded the tram's entry taken to show orf one of the into service. with NOCVIC

Navy·s newes=,-',==:::="o.-":.....::'c' c"c,,-:,'=,='m,,,. _

the weight CMD R Tim Barter has takeR the weight as Com­

mander Training Resources at the Royal Nal-y's weapon engineering school, HMS CO l..­LINGWOOD , a l Fareham , Hampshire in southern England.

C MDR Baner. who comple ted his training in England in the late 1970s. was previously posTed as WEO of HM AS DARW[N .

He will be in E ng[and o n Ihis OIXasion for two years. He is pictured WIth RN CMDR Ron Bramhall. who may

he wondenng If his rep[acement·s headgear is pan of the RAN·s umform.

Ifome lot' 250,000 ptUUn~r$ - ,Itt "MELIJOURNE" trtJm.

Half century for A RANS

The 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Women's Royal Australian Naval Service has been celebrated in Western AuslraJia . The event was marked by a tour and Ecumenical se r· viCe of Thanksgiving at HMAS STIRLING .

The WRANS was fo rmed III 194] as a result o f a wartime shonagc of radio telegraphists in the RAN.

Fourteen civilian women telegraphists from the Wo men's Emergency Sig­nalling Corps were re· eruited.

They reponed for duty at HMAS ~IARMAN in April 19-t1.

At their wartime peak some 3.000 WRANS were carrying out du ties such as telegrphisls. writers. cooks. drivers ele. releasing men fo r seagoing duties.

• • f

rMenl'oriai···ai'nn'er'~ . -

Mo re than J(l) paSt and presenl WRANS from WA and interstate au ended the celebnltions at STIRLING , with procecdings culmina t· ing in a 1fee planti ng ceremo ny outsidc the Chapel of St Paul.

LCOH I.j iljllnll O~fjch, /) ur(}fhy Nudhlln, lin a -WHAN, lind Chllpillin Da~id Thi~m, "'''lI offieiQt~d at th~

Thllnks~i~;n~ $~n'iu at S 1"IRLING.

§ The ACT O1apter or the Navaillistorical Soci-E; § e ty will stage a dinner to «lebnde the 10th an-§ § niversary or establishing the HMAS CANBERRA § § Memoria1. § : The memorial , an anchor and description of the sink· ; § ingof HMAS CANBERRA in the Solomon Islands dur- § :: ing World War II , IS in Kings Park , near the Carillon. § : 1be dinner will be in the Austr.llia Room at the Can· : § berra RSL Oub in Moore Stree t. Civic. 7. 15pm fo r 7.30 § : 00 Friday. Augu$t 9. : § Cost is $2Q .md inqui ries from ell·Naval or other in. § :E terested people an! welcome on 247 6467. § :: The society, which has a meeting and speaker at thc: :E RSL Oub Oil the founh Wednesday monthly. will not: :: have a July c\"Cning. E ;0 ... 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111111111111110":




(07) 865 2828 CreiFklJ 23 -ruPIA ST, TAiGUM, BRISBANE 4034

M G TO Why not conlact one 01 the most helpful real estate otfioes in eMbelia? As our main role in life is selling SERVICE, we would be only k)O pleased 10 o ffer assistance with your real estate nee 1S, whether buying, se[ling or renting.

(06) 292 ctCSHOLM SItOf'I'II«j COOlIE. QttSII)lM ACT 2905 ,-

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 (1.66) NAVY."EW.S. July )9 .. 19!l1

N~'" lIircn ... -from "ft - I~odjn~ !Komon SfrQn, l'lI(O,., WQrNI'1If Offlur Miek Sk~lt,es (Chi~f ln$truefOr) and ulldi,.~ !naman Brook Picbn.

NEW BIRDIES TAKE WING Leading Seaman Brook Picken and

Leading Seaman Shane Paton were recent ly awarded their ,,·ings following successful complelion of the 17 week ai rcrewman's course.

LS Pid:en, 26, joined the Navy in 1985 as a radar ploner_

l ie has been posted to fly with the

Navy·s only filled wing aircraft. HS748s and is looking forward to ~ t rip to Norfo[k Island .

LS Paton. 25 is an o ld hand. having Joined in 1982 in the Air Technical Aircraft branch.

lie has heen posted to the Seahav. k in Transition Unil (SITU). the future ~816 Squadron-.


CANBERRA - The Quiz N"tghl planned for Satur­

day, July n has been postponed due to the roncert by

Her Majestys Ro}-all\tarine Band on thaI evmmg.

The Quiz Night .... -i11 no ... take place at 7.3Opm o n Saturday, Augusl 17 at the RSL Headquarlers, Con· stitutio n Avenue. Blarney Crescent.

The OO!it is S7 members , $9 non·memhers.

This should be a fun evening, come dress·up, there will he a prize for Ihe best - Ouiuing- outfit .

Drinks will be provided o n arrival and coffce/tea with delicious desserls.

BVO d rinks fo r during the e\·ening.

Please ring lulia o n 295 2562. (H" l ennife r on 296 ]4n if you would like 10

book a fulKtion . o r learn mo re details.

* * * CERB ER US - Coming up nellt fO!" this branch i~ a bmgo day. with a lovely pasta lunch.

This is being held on Tuesday, July 23 beginning at 1O.20am at Club Cer­berus,

Babysitting will be avail· ab le at No 18 Cook Road at a COSt o f S4 for one, S7 for family. Phone Carol on 838 YJ7 \0 book. Abb~ Fashion Parade

will be held o n Mo nday. August 5 a t Club Cerberus.

Tickets are available at $5 each from Les[ey on 839 196 or Shae on 03·7S9n82 and Edna on 713003.

LaSt yea r tickets were all sold OUI. so ring early for yours.

On the night o f the Fash· ion Parode there will be m:tny garments for you to choose from - try and buy.

The quality of these clolhes is exccllent and they are a real bargain.

They can be purcllased wi th cash. cheque. Bankcard. Mastercard and Visa card.

Unfortunately layby will nOI be avai lable.

Plums playgroup is an es­cape route fo r all mothers in th is a rea.

It is held al I g Cook Road, Cerbervs. Cost ;s $] plus a piece of fruit. Da~ are Thursday and

Friday of each week from lOam until noon - newcom· ers welcome.

* * * WFSl"ERN OISTRICfS (of Sydney) - "The nellt gathering of this group will be held on Thursday, Au· gust 8 in the club·s rooms at HMAS NJR IMBA . Quak· ers Hill heginning at 1O.3Oam .

It is hoped that a re p­resentative from Allerse· arch will be al this meeting 10 le t those attcnd ing know how to effect a preventative program if a member o f your family surfers from asthma .

This was due to be hc1d al the luly meeting, but had to he postponed because of the re ·scheduled AGM.

Babysitting is provided frcc of charge. please ring Bev on 831 75 15 for furth er details.

The ThrifT Shop is open mO!>t Fridays, 10am·2pm oe~ t to the C rcdit Union at NIRIMBA. there a re lots of things for sale, new and used. all keenly priced.

To check opening days. ring Marge. the Thrift Shop ~rdinator. on 636 372 1.

If you have a ny un· wanted items at home you can bring them along to put up for sale. this club re tains 15% commission.

* * * NOWRA - Wednesday. August 21 is the ne~t Cof· fcc Morning hc1d by 'his group, beginning at 1O.3Oam in the club rooms at ALBATROSS.

Babysitting is prov~d.

This group operates a Thrift Shop, which opens du ring meetings.

If you have anything you wo uld like to sell , then bring it along. the dub reo tains 20% of the sa le price _ which rould turn your white e lephant into cash!

DA IN in the Gulf

(Continued from page 3). He is equilJPCd with

headset communica tio ns \0

Ihe bridge. a sct of bmocu· lars and a charged fi rehose. It is the d uty of the mine looko ut to report anything sighted in the wa ters ahead of the ship.

After sunset the mioe lookout's ro le is taken over by the Electro Optical Sur· \·eillancc System (EOSS). EOSS is a camera and has IWO modes of operation.

Through the daylight ho urs il is used in the same way as a pair of binoculars and during darkness and periods of rcst rieted visibi l· ity its thermal imaging mode is se lected to delect contacts.

DARWIN has o nce aga in proved her in· te roperabi lity with o the r uni ts ..... hen she rendcl.­H)uscd and exerciscd "'ith the USS NIMITZ Batt le Group.

She conducted opel'll­tions. including planc guard WIth the battlc group for three days in the Central I'Cfl>ian Gulf area.

Responding to an lde .. i o pportunIty, ·04· abo con· dtKted several pc~nd e:c.ch .. nges ..... it h USS NIMITZ. and the TlCOn­delOga dass ship USS

CUANCELLO RSVILLE. On depaning the

NIMITL. Battle group. DARWIN proceeded 10

the Nonhern G u]f area which includes the seaport o f Mina· ash Shu'aybah. Kuwait .

On June 24. DA RWI N rendezvoused ",7ith the Knoll Oass frig .. te USS WHIPPLE to discuss opc:r· atioll5 in the NOrlhern Gulf a rea,

Parl of the dUlies heing carried o ut by the Multi National Fo rces(MNF). in· dude esconing merchant shi ppin~ through the still active minerldds surround· ing Kuwai t.

USS WHIPPLE has been carrying out these opera· tions for some mo nths now. and led DARWIN on a fami liarisation run th rough the mioefield channel lead· int to Mina' ash Shu 'aybah that aflemoon.

The following morning DARW]N commenced her first swept channel escort duty . escort ing a Bri tish mcrchantship SANDGATI: and Kuwai ti mcrchan tship AL SALAM th rough the some 52 miles of mined wate rs leading inlo the Kuwait i pon arells .


R«ently 18 yat'hts ofT (rom Fremantlc

on the inaugural Frt!­mantle to Exmouth rIIce, a mong them the WA Comma nd'S S ill Frirllthhip of '~EEUW'N.

The yach t was In excel· lent shape to tackle the 677 miles of inhospitable

coas tline on the pas· to No n h West Cape.

D,,, to the unusual cross·sect io n of Service «'mm;'m, "" and despite day and night tr .. in,"!: sessions. it was not possi· b le to assemble the whole crew bocfo rc the sta rt of the race.

However . as the race prog ressed, the crew, led by Pete r Johnsto ne- Hall (skipper) and CPOMTH Rod Gray (ma te) moulded itse lf inlo an df« tive team capable of handling all conditio ns.

But this was not befo re two visits to the masthead

Steve Clegg to SQrt out .. ~ problems.

The race Marted unusu­II with CORE Peter

(NOCWA), as t of the Fre · Sai ling C lub. fir-

the starting gun o n­HMAS BUNBUR Y transferring by in­

I dinghy to as the latter

fir.;t mark in

Thereaft e r C ORE BriW became the third wa tch leade r and bl ind pilotage navigator fo r the fi nal leg close insho re off Ningaloo Reef.

Weather condilio ns for the race were ext remely va riab le. with everything from flat ca lm to 35 kllOts.

Friendsh ip was fo rtu · nate to be in the middle o f the fl eet where she al ­ways had at leas t o ne )'acht nearby 10 race against.

The overcast , rainy condit ions and cold fronts m the south gave way 10

beller we.ather as the fleet moved no rth .

The last 100 miles p ro­duced a scintillat ing spin· naker run. with Sunbury boat Ophir and arch· rival Le Truck in close com· pany.

Afle r rounding the final mark o f the COUTSC

- North West Reef - a red

IWO mi les o ff North Wesl Cape. Friendship had a fi ve mile bea t 10 ... ·ind· ward against a suff breeze to the finishmg line off the Navy jelly a t Po int Mura t.

She finished at 1805. some 5V. days afte r the start o ff Fremantle .

Overall . she crossed the finishing line in 6th position.

On Inte rnational Mea· surement System Hand· icap. she fin ished a credit ­able second and had the pleasure of bell ling arch· enemy Lc T ruck across the line for the fi rs t lime in the I99G'9J season.

The c rew was: Pe te r Johnstone-Hall . Rod Gray. CORE Briggs (NQCWA). Frank Mor­rah . Do n Russe ll , Steve Clegg.( ile fo redeck) . Tony Smith . Mr Garry Turner,

After four days of re · cove ry in Exmouth , dur­ing which tile ercw was well looked afte r by the

$p«11J1(1n ,dlhtr to .. ·tlleh ,lor St<I"'dll dl:pdrtmtrfl ', T"" Wi/SOli tllld BII", PIIrltrn i" '101: push-up I:~Vff.

• ose uss e In • • • Inl les

"MAS ADELAIDE recently held an interdepartmental mini olympics on­ro ute to Phuket in Thailand .

Thirteen challenging events confronted the rive depanmcnts. with tile WEE de­partmentlhe tille holders.

The seaman department took out the te3m march fo r the third year running with its theme of - Bondi Lifesavers".

After the standing to ng jump. shot put . tunnel ball , push ups and pota to shuttle race. the competitio n lead was shared Ihrougho ut the departments .

The go lf ball event was comprehensively won by - BOOr Davies.

The standing high j ump was taken out by G eorge Samini, who previoYsly had won the standing long jump.

Next up was frogm an 's re lay with five men per lea rn sprin ting up and down the fl ight deck with mask. sno rkel. weight bel t and fli ppers .

Sand S and A viation took this evenl placing them second.

The apple bobbing was won by Ihe WEE department.

With twO events left only 12 points sepa·

rated the top four teams with the luckless RP and Comms lagging !:>chind.

The baked bean eating competition was a spectato r.; delight.

One hopeful from each department raced from forward of the fli ght deck to aft near the transum. down onto his knees with hands behind his back.

He was then gree ted by a la rge pla te of baked beans.

All sta rled off well . bUltwo in particular showed the ir lrue form.

LC DR Siedd and -Boor Davies gulped ahead but it was Davies' sucking techn ique orf the d« k which gave him victo ry .

The last event . the iro n man event . was won by Eddy Edwards.

The departments' placings overall ; Sea­man 1, WEE 2, Engineering 3. Sand Sand Aviation 4, RP and Comms 5.

The ceremony finished wllh CMDR Mark Proclo r prescnt'"g the winning trophies and cakes. then o ffici ally closing the 1991 O lympics.

7 7 , ,


FriendshIp sa iled I ~~~~;: : ple tion o f the p tion fo r home.

C DRE Briggs.


• • , •

" -

• • , , , , , , • •


• I ...


BIGGEST AND BEST Morrah . Steve Clegg G arry Turner " 'ere placed by Spike JO"'~_ OJ . Aboc la and OF QUALITY USED MOTORCYCLES Clai re Hooper fo r the turn Frip.

This was comfo rlably in d~;' lind included visits 1O !

e ral interesting and re· mote parIS of the weSI coaSt .

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PARRAMATTA 11 Great Wes1ern Highway,

Phone: 891 3299 . baneries. OIls . helmets. riding gear etc

member 01 the RAN and show 1.0 _

AMBLIN CARAVAN PARK ThIS Centre COlI$is\$ of 10 New COttages . 8 Parl1 Home Vans . 4 on-Site C;p~lns and 130 Ciimplng $nes situated in 9 acres 01 blautdul shaded parl1tand which fronts directly onto the S3fe belCh and clea r WlFters of ~raphic Bay. Centrat to VI South West l(11,1 n5\ $110\$ and ill spomng flClWties_

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On-seaSOtL dates 29S up9C)..29Apr91. orr-season dates 3OApr9t -28Sup9t .

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, , , , ,

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I , ,






FOR ALL UNIFORM REQUIREMENTS Please call at any of the following locations

Not.: OUR NEW ADDRESSES • Shop 7 91 -93 Macleay St , • HMAS CERBERUS

Potts Point. NSW Weslem Port. Vic. Phone: (02) 358 4097 Phone: (03) 83 7184

• Shop 7, Sunray Village, Kent Street, Rockingham. WA. Phone: (09) 527 7522


111c Golden Oldies.we­team - making light of ad ,-anting ftars - has

~"'~ Ihis year s AJbat~ knockout .

Golden Oldies skill Jnd c ' peri·

out-weighs youth and winning the and ending

A LBATROSS no)'s cup hopes in the process.

The games were pla)cd at the RAN Srons Com­plex at Randwick in Syd­ney and an excellent roll­up of 21.1 silks look pan in the competit ion.

Truwlling teams came from the Defence AC'ddemy in the ACT am) HMA Ships CERBERUS. CRESWELL (fWD tcams). ALBATROSS (three teams). TO BRU K (New­ca:,tlc). D ERWENT (W.A) and a RAAF ,ide from 2SD.

UPSETS In early upsets


the RAA F team. CANBERRA up-iCt


On its way to the fin~LI

Golden 01di<:s dis­~, of KUTrABUL.

Nirimba Cup for losep.; was contested by

Academy and Nonhern Estab-

took the

On its way to the fi nal Defence Academy



• •

N,AVY NEWS .. ~ lot "","'_,'''''''''' ~""a .... _( 01..--. 01_ Navy .o"" ~ l_s. ",-,_'et>M ~,. ""'CIM b' ds """"esl W>:S __ . ' 11'IISUC !t>fI<_ ¥e no! ."t«eS$IIfU)< mas. 01 1M Ot!p/ 01 De/etlce IN"VY~ F'~ ,_ .. ~ or /he RAN Cenll~ C<u>_ FuntJ. PM1 ~ and .. _ ...-.. ,E<1tro.w SUlff and oIbce ac:conmo,',""", IN" fXOW1«t t1v"'" ~.

.' "'-. .I


FORM Home-Posting CHEQUES, etc., to be made payable to: Editoriol Committee Novy News

BOX 706 DARLINGHURST 2010, AUSTRALIA Enclosed please fmd $20 (Auslraltan Cu rrency) to cover 1'2 months subscrtpt lon and posttng for " NAVY NEWS" with tn Austra lia (Air Mati and Overseas postage rates are extra)

DO USE BLOCK LEITERS 0 Rentwal "'ddt",. Plott <.on in app!;<obIt .qu_.. Nt ...

C~angf SuiHUlptiot

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. ...................................................................................................... ..

con The NSW inler-Sen-ice Rugby team will be out to

avenge the ddeat or its national counterpart whe·n it takes on the other Sen-'ices this, "m"o"""'~h::. ____ _

In the na tional inte r·Ser- -vice series in Sydney last month Navy received a drubbing going down 3(}.nlJ to a rch rivals Army and 4_

12 to RAAF. II was Ihe first time Navy

had lost both games in thc national series.

But the NSW side has" mueh better record and It

will be shooting for ilS fifth consecutive series victory.

NSW Navy has the Im­pressIVe record of se,'en wins out of the last 10 senes.

This year's series will be played at the Navy Sports Complex in Sydney from July 30 to A ugust I.

On the first day A rmy versus RAAF with th ... loser to play Navy the fol­lowing day and the winner to play Navy on August 1.

The gam.:s a re scheduled to start at 1400.


Coach for this year's squad is HMAS KUT­T ABUL fullback Steve Downey.

Strl'r Dol<'M)' •.. Navy roach. ;

The full squad is: lhompson. Cinc llo. Cunnin· gham. Lee. Mcchan . JOflCS. Baird (manager). Swann. Bray. Edwards (HMAS AL· BATROSS). Williams (HMAS WATERHEN). Muller, Myers, Do"1lCy. Dybidl (aSS! coadt). Christie

(HMAS KU ITABUL), Cunningham. Eg;.n (HMAS CANBERRA). Quinn (HMAS TOBRUK), Caner (HMAS SUCCESS), 81is­scndcn (HMAS PEN­GUIN). Easton (HMAS WATSON) and WOSY Kane and o>DWTR Givc llC (officials).


In round 10 of the Wills Cup C RESWELL upset PLATS/ WATERH EN -372-3S3 III J\-fos,w~ l e .

The best fo r C RES­WELL were K. McEw'ln with ne t 73 and Grizz Adams. also net 73.

All the trophies for the were donated by Fox , Goldm OIdia' Krrry Ron outJmarrs tl<'O A LBA TR OSS OpfXJnrnt$ durin!: ,hr knockout. Thr Gofdm Ofdia "'011 ,hr

match 2-nU. Pidun: LSPH Mal JohnslOnr.

NIRIMBA was host 10

PENG U IN at "wind swept" Ashlar Golf Club where the fo rmer was the vielor 366 10 451 .

The entire NIRIMBA ~

t.:am played well consider-, , 11111 11 111



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• •• 1/ /'

ing the conditions. ~ WATSON forfeited its

matth 10 KUTIA BU L and A LBATROSS had the bye.

Round I I resul ts saw A LBATROSS upset its more fancied opponents KUTfABUL 350-355 to cemcnt its posi tion in the top fou T.

PE NGU IN fo rfei ted to C RESWELL who now has a big chance 10 move into the fo ur at the expense of KUTIA8U L

NIR1MBA v PE NG UIN is sct down fo r J uly 31 due 10 the leave period and PLATSIWATERH EN had the bye.

The ladder now looks tllis "ay: NIRIMBA JO pts , PLAT$/WATERHEN 29. ALBATROSS 28. KUT· T ABUL 25. CRESWELL :!:. WATSON 16. PEN­GUIN 16. ----,
