Piaget & Vygotsky: (Cognitive Development) Dakota Weindel ...As researched by Jean Piaget and Lev...

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Transcript of Piaget & Vygotsky: (Cognitive Development) Dakota Weindel ...As researched by Jean Piaget and Lev...

Piaget & Vygotsky: (Cognitive Development)

Joshua KehoeAndre`

MartirossianDakota Weindel

Mike Mead



What is Cognitive Development?

As researched by Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky (The most well know psychologist’ to study cognitive development)

• Cognitive Model- Describes how people's perceptions about situations influence the emotional, behavioral, physiological reactions

• What is Development- Refers to the change that occurs in physical, cognitive, and socioemotional functions over the course of your life.

• Cognitive Development- This is the construction of thought processes, including memory, problem solving, and decision making. This happens from childhood to adulthood.

Who is Jean Piaget?

• Born 1896-1980• Swiss Clinical Psychologist• First Psychologist to make a systematic study of Cognitive Development• Created his own Theory of Cognitive Development

Theory of Cognitive Development

Consists of 3 main parts:1. Schemas2. Adaption • Equilibrium• Assimilation• Accommodation3. 4 Stages of Development

The Schema

• In Piaget’s words a schema is cohesive, repeatable action sequence possessing component actions that are tightly interconnected and governed by a core meaning.

• When talking about development of mental processes, he refers to the increases in number and complexity of Schemata.

• Building Block of Intelligent behavior• Think of a Schema as an Index card, where the card is syntax for incoming


Adaption Processes

• Equilibrium- When a child’s existing schema’s are capable of explaining what they can perceive around it, Driving Force for development

• Accommodation- When the existing schema does not work, and needs to be improved to deal with the new situation

• Assimilation- Using an existing schema to deal with a new situation

Stages of Development

• Sensorimotor- Birth 2rs, Object Permanence • Preoperational- 2-7 yrs, Symbolic Play, Egocentrism, Conservation• Concrete Operational- 7-11 yrs, Operational Thought, Inductive

Reasoning, Reversibility• Formal Operational- 11 yrs+, Abstract Thought, Logically Test


Classroom Applications

• Teaching and Learning Application

• Discovery Learning

• Biological Maturation and development

Applications in other Manners

• Focus on the process of learning, rather than the end product of it.

• Using active methods that require rediscovering or reconstructing "truths".

• Using collaborative, as well as individual activities (so children can learn from each other).

• Devising situations that present useful problems, and create disequilibrium in the child.

• Evaluate the level of the child's development, so suitable tasks can be set.

Who is Lev Vygotsky?

• Born in Russia on November 19, 1896 and dying at the young age of 37 on June 11, 1934.

• He graduated college from Moscow State University and majored in Psychology.

• Throughout his life he created Vygotsky's Circle, an informal network of psychologists, educationalists, medical specialists, and neuroscientists.

• He also made a Theory on Cognitive development and how that affects a child's growth and development throughout his life.

Why is Lev Vygotsky important to cognitive development?

• His theory implied the ideas that social and cultural interactions play a role on how children learn and develop.

• Learning can lead or precede development in contrast to Piaget's theory

Classroom Applications

• Reciprocal learning• Scaffolding• Apprenticeship• Collaborative Learning

CritiquesJean Piaget

• Measurability• Falsifiable • Predictability• Fecundity • Predictive Validity• Replicability and Verifiability• Nature or Nurture • Passive or active

Lev Vygotsky

• Measurability• Non Measurability • Falsifiability• Predictive Validity • Fecundity • Replicability and Verifiability• nature or Nurture• Passive or active


References • Jean Piaget. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2016, from

• Lev Vygotsky. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2016, from

• Vygotsky Circle. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2016, from

• Vygotsky Circle. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2016, from http://www.digplanet.


• Lev Semyonovich Vygotsky. (n.d.). Retrieved April 21, 2016, from http://www.muskingum.
