Phytoremediation - Biology · AR242-PP56-02 ARI 24 December 2004 21:20 Phytoremediation has gained...

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AR242-PP56-02 ARI 24 December 2004 21:20







PhytoremediationElizabeth Pilon-SmitsBiology Department, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado 80523;email:

Annu. Rev. Plant Biol.2005. 56:15–39

doi: 10.1146/annurev.arplant.56.032604.144214

Copyright c© 2005 byAnnual Reviews. All rightsreserved


Key Words

pollution, decontamination, metals, organics, bioremediation

AbstractPhytoremediation, the use of plants and their associated microbes forenvironmental cleanup, has gained acceptance in the past 10 years asa cost-effective, noninvasive alternative or complementary technologyfor engineering-based remediation methods. Plants can be used forpollutant stabilization, extraction, degradation, or volatilization. Thesedifferent phytoremediation technologies are reviewed here, includingtheir applicability for various organic and inorganic pollutants, and mostsuitable plant species. To further enhance the efficiency of phytoreme-diation, there is a need for better knowledge of the processes that affectpollutant availability, rhizosphere processes, pollutant uptake, translo-cation, chelation, degradation, and volatilization. For each of these pro-cesses I review what is known so far for inorganic and organic pollutants,the remaining gaps in our knowledge, and the practical implications fordesigning phytoremediation strategies. Transgenic approaches to en-hance these processes are also reviewed and discussed.


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INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16Phytoremediation: Advantages,

Limitations, Present Status . . . . . . 16Phytoremediation Technologies and

Their Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES

AFFECTINGPHYTOREMEDIATION . . . . . . . . . 21Pollutant Bioavailability . . . . . . . . . . . . 21Rhizosphere Processes and

Remediation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22Plant Uptake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24Chelation and Compartmentation in

Roots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25Translocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26Chelation and Compartmentation in

Leaves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27Degradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28Volatilization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29



Phytoremediation: Advantages,Limitations, Present Status

Phytoremediation:the use of plants andtheir associatedmicrobes forenvironmental cleanup


TNT: trinitrotoluene

PAH: polycyclicaromatic hydrocarbon

MTBE: methyltertiary butyl ether

Phytoremediation is the use of plants andtheir associated microbes for environmentalcleanup (99, 107, 108). This technology makesuse of the naturally occurring processes bywhich plants and their microbial rhizosphereflora degrade and sequester organic and inor-ganic pollutants. Phytoremediation is an ef-ficient cleanup technology for a variety oforganic and inorganic pollutants. Organic pol-lutants in the environment are mostly manmade and xenobiotic to organisms. Many ofthem are toxic, some carcinogenic. Organicpollutants are released into the environmentvia spills (fuel, solvents), military activities (ex-plosives, chemical weapons), agriculture (pes-ticides, herbicides), industry (chemical, petro-chemical), wood treatment, etc. Depending on

their properties, organics may be degraded inthe root zone of plants or taken up, followedby degradation, sequestration, or volatiliza-tion. Organic pollutants that have beensuccessfully phytoremediated include organicsolvents such as TCE (the most common pollu-tant of groundwater) (90, 111), herbicides suchas atrazine (22), explosives such as TNT (61),petroleum hydrocarbons such as oil, gasoline,benzene, toluene, and PAHs (4, 93, 110), thefuel additive MTBE (26, 59, 128), and poly-chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) (53).

Inorganic pollutants occur as natural ele-ments in the earth’s crust or atmosphere, andhuman activities such as mining, industry, traf-fic, agriculture, and military activities promotetheir release into the environment, leading totoxicity (91). Inorganics cannot be degraded,but they can be phytoremediated via stabiliza-tion or sequestration in harvestable plant tis-sues. Inorganic pollutants that can be phytore-mediated include plant macronutrients such asnitrate and phosphate (60), plant trace elementssuch as Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, and Zn (76),nonessential elements such as Cd, Co, F, Hg,Se, Pb, V, and W (15, 60), and radioactive iso-topes such as 238U, 137Cs, and 90Sr (34, 35, 87).

Phytoremediation can be used for solid,liquid, and gaseous substrates. Polluted soilsand sediments have been phytoremediated atmilitary sites (TNT, metals, organics), agri-cultural fields (herbicides, pesticides, metals,selenium), industrial sites (organics, metals,arsenic), mine tailings (metals), and wood treat-ment sites (PAHs) (8, 41, 93, 101, 129). Pollutedwaters that can be phytoremediated includesewage and municipal wastewater (nutrients,metals), agricultural runoff/drainage water (fer-tilizer nutrients, metals, arsenic, selenium,boron, organic pesticides, and herbicides), in-dustrial wastewater (metals, selenium), coal pilerunoff (metals), landfill leachate, mine drainage(metals), and groundwater plumes (organics,metals) (38, 42, 52, 60, 74, 101). Plants can alsobe used to filter air, both outdoors and indoors,from, e.g., NOx, SO2, ozone, CO2, nerve gases,dust or soot particles, or halogenated volatilehydrocarbons (64, 86).

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Phytoremediation has gained popularitywith government agencies and industry in thepast 10 years. This popularity is based in parton the relatively low cost of phytoremedia-tion, combined with the limited funds avail-able for environmental cleanup. The costsassociated with environmental remediation arestaggering. Currently, $6–8 billion per year isspent for environmental cleanup in the UnitedStates, and $25–50 billion per year worldwide(47, 122). Because biological processes are ulti-mately solar-driven, phytoremediation is on av-erage tenfold cheaper than engineering-basedremediation methods such as soil excavation,soil washing or burning, or pump-and-treatsystems (47). The fact that phytoremediationis usually carried out in situ contributes toits cost-effectiveness and may reduce exposureof the polluted substrate to humans, wildlife,and the environment. Phytoremediation alsoenjoys popularity with the general public asa “green clean” alternative to chemical plantsand bulldozers. Thus, government agencies liketo include phytoremediation in their cleanupstrategies to stretch available funds, corpora-tions (e.g., electric power, oil, chemical indus-try) like to advertise their involvement with thisenvironment-friendly technology, and environ-mental consultancy companies increasingly in-clude phytoremediation in their package ofoffered technologies.

The U.S. phytoremediation market nowcomprises ∼$100–150 million per year, or 0.5%of the total remediation market (D. Glass, per-sonal communication). For comparison, biore-mediation (use of bacteria for environmentalcleanup) comprises about 2% (47). Commer-cial phytoremediation involves about 80% or-ganic and 20% inorganic pollutants (D. Glass,personal communication). The U.S. phytore-mediation market has grown—two- to three-fold in the past 5 years, from $30–49 millionin 1999 (47). In Europe there is no signifi-cant commercial use of phytoremediation, butthis may develop in the near future becauseinterest and funding for phytoremediation re-search are increasing rapidly, and many pol-luted sites in new European Union countries

(Eastern Europe) await remediation. Phyto-remediation may also become a technology ofchoice for remediation projects in developingcountries because it is cost-efficient and easy toimplement.

Phytoremediation has advantages but alsolimitations. The plants that mediate the cleanuphave to be where the pollutant is and have tobe able to act on it. Therefore, the soil prop-erties, toxicity level, and climate should allowplant growth. If soils are toxic, they may bemade more amenable to plant growth by addingamendments, as described below. Phytoreme-diation is also limited by root depth becausethe plants have to be able to reach the pollu-tant. Root depth is typically 50 cm for herba-ceous species or 3 m for trees, although cer-tain phreatophytes that tap into groundwaterhave been reported to reach depths of 15 mor more, especially in arid climates (88). Thelimitations of root depth may be circumventedby deep planting of trees in boreholes (upto 12 m) or pumping up polluted ground-water for plant irrigation. Depending on thebiological processes involved, phytoremedia-tion may also be slower than the more es-tablished remediation methods like excavation,incineration, or pump-and-treat systems. Flow-through phytoremediation systems and plantdegradation of pollutants work fairly fast (daysor months), but soil cleanup via plant accu-mulation often takes years, limiting applica-bility. Phytoremediation may also be limitedby the bioavailability of the pollutants. If onlya fraction of the pollutant is bioavailable, butthe regulatory cleanup standards require thatall of the pollutant is removed, phytoremedia-tion is not applicable by itself (43). Pollutantbioavailability may be enhanced to some ex-tent by adding soil amendments, as describedbelow.

Nonbiological remediation technologiesand bio/phytoremediation are not mutually ex-clusive. Because pollutant distribution and con-centration are heterogeneous for many sites,the most efficient and cost-effective remedia-tion solution may be a combination of differenttechnologies, such as excavation of the most · Phytoremediation 17

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Rhizofiltration: useof plants inhydroponic setup forfiltering polluted water

Phytoextraction: useof plants to clean uppollutants viaaccumulation inharvestable tissues

contaminated spots followed by polishing thesite with the use of plants. Such an integratedremediation effort requires a multidisciplinaryteam of knowledgeable scientists.

This review aims to give a broad overviewof the state of the science of phytoremedia-tion, with references to other publications thatgive more in-depth information. After an intro-duction to the various phytoremediation tech-nologies, the plant processes involved in uptake,translocation, sequestration, and degradation oforganic and inorganic pollutants are reviewedin the context of phytoremediation. Finally,new developments including genetic engineer-ing are discussed with respect to their prospectsfor phytoremediation.

Phytoremediation Technologies andTheir Uses

Plants and their rhizosphere organisms can beused for phytoremediation in different ways(see Figure 1). They can be used as filters inconstructed wetlands (60) or in a hydroponicsetup (100); the latter is called rhizofiltration.Trees can be used as a hydraulic barrier to cre-ate an upward water flow in the root zone, pre-venting contamination to leach down, or to pre-vent a contaminated groundwater plume fromspreading horizontally (90). The term phytosta-bilization denotes the use of plants to stabi-lize pollutants in soil (13), either simply bypreventing erosion, leaching, or runoff, or byconverting pollutants to less bioavailable forms

Figure 1Phytoremediationtechnologies used forremediating pollutedwater, soil, or air. Thered circles representthe pollutant.

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(e.g., via precipitation in the rhizosphere).Plants can also be used to extract pollutants andaccumulate them in their tissues, followed byharvesting of the (aboveground) plant material.This technology is called phytoextraction (15).The plant material can subsequently be usedfor nonfood purposes (e.g., wood, cardboard)or ashed, followed by disposal in a landfill or,in the case of valuable metals, recycling of theaccumulated element. The latter is termed phy-tomining (23).

Plants can facilitate biodegradation oforganic pollutants by microbes in their rhizo-sphere (see Figure 2). This is called phytostim-ulation or rhizodegradation (82). Plants can alsodegrade organic pollutants directly via theirown enzymatic activities, a process called phy-todegradation (82). After uptake in plant tissue,certain pollutants can leave the plant in volatileform; this is called phytovolatilization (118).These various phytoremediation technologiesare not mutually exclusive; for instance, in aconstructed wetland, accumulation, stabiliza-tion and volatilization can occur simultaneously(52). Because the processes involved in phy-toremediation occur naturally, vegetated pol-luted sites have a tendency to clean themselvesup without human interference. This so-callednatural attenuation is the simplest form of phy-toremediation and involves only monitoring.

The different phytoremediation technolo-gies described above are suitable for differentclasses of pollutants. Constructed wetlands havebeen used for a wide range of inorganics includ-ing metals, Se, perchlorate, cyanide, nitrate, andphosphate (52, 60, 92), as well as certain organ-ics such as explosives and herbicides (60, 63,83, 110). Rhizofiltration in an indoor, containedsetup is relatively expensive to implement andtherefore most useful for relatively small vol-umes of wastewater containing hazardous inor-ganics such as radionuclides (35, 87). The prin-ciple of phytostabilization is used, e.g., whenvegetative caps are planted on sites contain-ing organic or inorganic pollutants, or whentrees are used as hydraulic barriers to preventleaching or runoff of organic or inorganic con-taminants. Trees can also be used in so-called

Figure 2Possible fates ofpollutants duringphytoremediation: thepollutant (representedby red circles) can bestabilized or degradedin the rhizosphere,sequestered ordegraded inside theplant tissue, orvolatilized.

Rhizodegradation/phytostimulation:degradation ofpollutants in therhizosphere due tomicrobial activity

Phytodegradation:breakdown ofpollutants by plantenzymes, usuallyinside tissues

Phytovolatilization:release of pollutants byplants in volatile form

VOC: volatile organiccompound

PCB: polychlorinatedbiphenyl

buffer strips to intercept horizontal migrationof polluted ground water plumes and redirectwater flow upward (82). Natural attenuation issuitable for remote areas with little human useand relatively low levels of contamination. Phy-toextraction is mainly used for metals and othertoxic inorganics (Se, As, radionuclides) (9, 15).Phytostimulation is used for hydrophobic or-ganics that cannot be taken up by plants butthat can be degraded by microbes. Examplesare PCBs, PAHs, and other petroleum hydro-carbons (62, 93). Phytodegradation works wellfor organics that are mobile in plants such asherbicides, TNT, MTBE, and TCE (21, 128).Phytovolatilization can be used for VOCs (128)such as TCE and MTBE, and for a few inor-ganics that can exist in volatile form, i.e., Se andHg (52, 105).

Different phytotechnologies make use ofdifferent plant properties and typically differ-ent plant species are used for each. Favorableplant properties for phytoremediation in gen-eral are to be fast growing, high biomass, com-petitive, hardy, and tolerant to pollution. Inaddition, high levels of plant uptake, translo-cation, and accumulation in harvestable tissuesare important properties for phytoextractionof inorganics. Favorable plant properties forphytodegradation are large, dense root systems · Phytoremediation 19

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and high levels of degrading enzymes. A largeroot surface area also favors phytostimulation,as it promotes microbial growth; furthermore,production of specific exudate compounds mayfurther promote rhizodegradation via specificplant-microbe interactions (93).

In constructed wetlands for phytoremedi-ation, a variety of emergent, submerged, andfloating aquatic species are used. Popular gen-era/species are cattail (Typha sp.), parrot feather(Myriophyllum sp.), Elodea sp., Azolla sp., duck-weed (Lemna sp.), water hyacinth (Eichhorniacrassipes), and Spartina sp. Poplar (Populus sp.)and willow (Salix sp.) can be used on the edgesof wetlands. For brackish water, certain speciesof Spartina are useful, as well as pickleweed (Sal-icornia sp.) and saltgrass (Distichlis spicata) (74).For inorganics, the floating species water hy-acinth, Azolla, and duckweed are popular be-cause they are good metal accumulators andcan be harvested easily; cattail and poplar arealso used because they are tolerant, grow fast,and attain a high biomass. Aquatic plants thatwork well for organics remediation include par-rot feather and Elodea (83) because they havehigh levels of organic-degrading enzymes. Rhi-zofiltration involves aeration and therefore isnot limited to aquatic species; it often makes useof terrestrial species with large roots and goodcapacity to accumulate inorganics, such as sun-flower (Helianthus annuus) or Indian mustard(Brassica juncea) (35).

In a vegetative cap for phytostabilization, acombination of trees and grasses may be used.Fast-transpiring trees such as poplar maintainan upward flow to prevent downward leaching,while grasses prevent wind erosion and lateralrunoff with their dense root systems. Grassestend to not accumulate inorganic pollutants intheir shoots as much as dicot species (12), min-imizing exposure of wildlife to toxic elements.Poplar trees are very efficient at interceptinghorizontal groundwater plumes and redirect-ing water flow upward because they are deeprooted and transpire at very high rates, creat-ing a powerful upward flow (27, 82).

Popular species for phytoextraction are In-dian mustard and sunflower because of their fast

growth, high biomass, and high tolerance andaccumulation of metals and other inorganics(15, 107). A special category of plants are theso-called hyperaccumulators: plant species thataccumulate one or more inorganic elements tolevels 100-fold higher than other species grownunder the same conditions (19). Hyperaccumu-lators have been reported for As, Co, Cu, Mn,Ni, Pb, Se, and Zn (7, 11, 77). These elementsare typically hyperaccumulated up to 0.1–1% ofdry weight even from low external concentra-tions. Despite these properties hyperaccumula-tors are not very popular for phytoremediationbecause they are often slow growing and attainlow biomass. So far only one hyperaccumula-tor species, the Ni hyperaccumulator Alyssumbertolonii, has been used for phytoremediationin the field (23, 73). The recently discoveredAs hyperaccumulating fern Pteris vittata mayalso show promise for phytoextraction of As(77).

For phytostimulation of microbial degradersin the root zone, grasses such as fescue (Fes-tuca sp.), ryegrass (Lolium sp.), Panicum sp., andprairie grasses (e.g., Buchloe dactyloides, Boutelouasp.) are popular because they have very denseand relatively deep root systems and thus a largeroot surface area (4). Mulberry trees also enjoypopularity for use in phytostimulation becauseof their reported ability to produce phenoliccompounds that stimulate expression of micro-bial genes involved in PCB and PAH degra-dation (44, 72, 93). For phytodegradation ofTCE and atrazine, poplar has been the mostpopular and efficient species so far, owing to itshigh transpiration rate and capacity to degradeand/or volatilize these pollutants (22, 110).

Poplar is also the most-used species for phy-tovolatilization of VOCs because of its hightranspiration rate, which facilitates the move-ment of these compounds through the plantinto the atmosphere. For volatilization of in-organics, only Se has been investigated in de-tail. In general, plant species that take up andvolatilize sulfur compounds also accumulateand volatilize Se well because S and Se arechemically similar and their metabolism oc-curs via the same pathways (2). Members of the

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Brassica genus are particularly good volatilizersof Se (117). Among the aquatic species tested,rice, rabbitfoot grass, Azolla, and pickleweedwere the best Se volatilizers (52, 74, 97, 133).

Finally, when choosing plant species for acertain site, it is advisable to include species thatgrow locally on or near the site. These speciesare competitive under the local conditions and,if they are growing on the site, can tolerate thepollutant.


Phytoremediation effectively removes pollu-tants, but in many cases the underlying bio-logical mechanisms remain largely unknown.To increase the efficiency of phytoremediationtechnologies, it is important that we learn moreabout the biological processes involved. Theseinclude plant-microbe interactions and otherrhizosphere processes, plant uptake, transloca-tion mechanisms, tolerance mechanisms (com-partmentation, degradation), and plant chela-tors involved in storage and transport. Otherprocesses that need more study are movementof pollutants through ecosystems via the soil-water-plant system to higher trophic levels. Inthe following sections we follow the path of pol-lutants toward, into, and within the plant duringphytoremediation. For each step I discuss whatis known and not known about factors influ-encing remediation, potential limiting steps fororganic and inorganic pollutants, and the prac-tical implications for phytoremediation. Also,I discuss transgenic approaches that have beenor may be used to enhance phytoremediationefficiency at each step.

Pollutant Bioavailability

For plants and their associated microbes to re-mediate pollutants, they must be in contactwith them and able to act on them. Therefore,the bioavailability of a pollutant is importantfor its remediation. Pollutant bioavailability de-pends on the chemical properties of the pollu-

CEC: cationexchange capacity

tant, soil properties, environmental conditions,and biological activity. Soils with small parti-cle size (clay) hold more water than sandy soils,and have more binding sites for ions, especiallycations (CEC) (116). The concentration of or-ganic matter (humus) in the soil is also positivelycorrelated with CEC, as well as with the ca-pacity to bind hydrophobic organic pollutants.This is because humus mainly consists of deadplant material, and plant cell walls have nega-tively charged groups that bind cations, as wellas lignin that binds hydrophobic compounds(21).

Log Kow: the octanol:water distributioncoefficient, a measurefor pollutanthydrophobicity

DNAPL: densenonaqueous phaseliquid

LNAPL: lightnonaqueous phaseliquid

Two important chemical properties of a pol-lutant that affect its movement in soils are hy-drophobicity and volatility. Hydrophobicity isusually expressed as the octanol:water partitioncoefficient, or log Kow (121). A high log Kow

corresponds with high hydrophobicity. Ex-tremely hydrophobic molecules such as PCBs,PAHs, and other hydrocarbons (log Kow > 3)are tightly bound to soil organic matter and donot dissolve in the soil pore water. This lack ofbioavailability limits their ability to be phytore-mediated, leading to their classification as re-calcitrant pollutants. Nonaqueous liquids maysink down to the ground water and, dependingon whether they are more or less dense thanwater, end up below the aquifer (DNAPLs) oron top of the aquifer (LNAPLs). Organics withmoderate to high water solubility (log Kow < 3)will be able to migrate in the soil pore water toan extent that is inversely correlated with theirlog Kow.

Pollutant volatility, expressed as Henry’s lawconstant (Hi), is a measure of a compound’s ten-dency to partition to air relative to water (26).Pollutants with Hi > 10−4 tend to move in theair spaces between soil particles, whereas pol-lutants with Hi < 10−6 move predominantlyin water. If Hi is between 10−4 and 10−6,compounds are mobile in both air and water.Both water-mobile and air-mobile organic con-taminants can diffuse passively through plants.While the fate of water-mobile organics is phy-todegradation or sequestration, volatile organ-ics can be rapidly volatilized by plants withoutchemical modification (18). · Phytoremediation 21

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Inorganics are usually present as chargedcations or anions, and thus are hydrophilic. Thebioavailability of cations is inversely correlatedwith soil CEC. At lower soil pH, the bioavail-ability of cations generally increases due to re-placement of cations on soil CEC sites by H+

ions (116). The bioavailability of ions is also af-fected by the redox conditions. Most terrestrialsoils have oxidizing conditions, and elementsthat can exist in different oxidation states will bein their most oxidized form [e.g., as selenate, ar-senate, Cr(VI), Fe3+]. In aquatic habitats morereducing conditions exist, which favor more re-duced elemental forms [e.g., selenite, arsenite,Cr(III), Fe2+]. The oxidation state of an ele-ment may affect its bioavailability (e.g., its sol-ubility), its ability to be taken up by plants, aswell as its toxicity. Other physical conditionsthat affect pollutant migration and bioavail-ability are temperature and moisture. Highertemperatures accelerate physical, chemical, andbiological processes in general. Precipitationwill stimulate general plant growth, and highersoil moisture will increase migration of water-soluble pollutants. The bioavailability of pollu-tants may also be altered by biological activities,as described in the next section. In polluted soilsthe more bioavailable (fraction of ) pollutantstend to decrease in concentration over timedue to physical, chemical, and biological pro-cesses, leaving the less or nonbioavailable (frac-tion of ) pollutants. Consequently, pollutants inaged polluted soils tend to be less bioavailableand more recalcitrant than pollutants in soil thatis newly contaminated, making aged soils moredifficult to phytoremediate (93).

EDTA: ethylenediamine tetra aceticacid

Understanding the processes affecting pol-lutant bioavailabilty can help optimize phy-toremediation efficiency. Amendments may beadded to soil that make metal cations morebioavailable for plant uptake. For instance,adding the natural organic acids citrate ormalate will lower the pH and chelate metalssuch as Cd, Pb, and U from soil particles, usu-ally making them more available for plant up-take. The synthetic metal chelator EDTA isalso extremely efficient at releasing metals fromsoil. This principle is used in chelate-assisted

phytoextraction where EDTA is added to soilshortly before plant harvesting, greatly increas-ing plant metal uptake (108). Before chelate-assisted phytoextraction is used in the field, it isimportant to do a risk assessment study to de-termine possible effects of the chelator on metalleaching. In other situations it may be desirableto decrease metal bioavailability if metals arepresent at phytotoxic levels or in phytostabiliza-tion. In such cases lime may be mixed in withthe soil to increase the pH or organic matter tobind metals (12, 20). Adding organic matter alsodecreases the bioavailability of hydrophobic or-ganics, whereas adding surfactants (soap) mayincrease their bioavailability. For organics thatcan exist in more or less protonated forms withdifferent charges, manipulation of soil pH canalso affect their solubility and ability to moveinto plants. Finally, water supply may be op-timized to facilitate pollutant migration whilepreventing leaching or runoff.

Rhizosphere Processes andRemediation

Rhizosphere remediation occurs completelywithout plant uptake of the pollutant in thearea around the root. The rhizosphere extendsapproximately 1 mm around the root and isunder the influence of the plant. Plants re-lease a variety of photosynthesis-derived or-ganic compounds in the rhizosphere that canserve as carbon sources for heterotrophic fungiand bacteria (16). As much as 20% of carbonfixed by a plant may be released from its roots(93). As a result, microbial densities are 1–4 or-ders of magnitude higher in rhizosphere soilthan in bulk soil, the so-called general rhizo-sphere effect (108). In turn, rhizosphere mi-crobes can promote plant health by stimulat-ing root growth (some microorganisms produceplant growth regulators), enhancing water andmineral uptake, and inhibiting growth of other,NO pathogenic soil microbes (65).

In rhizosphere remediation it is often dif-ficult to distinguish to what extent effects aredue to the plant or to the rhizosphere mi-crobes. Laboratory studies with sterile plants

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and microbial isolates can be used to addressthis question. Rhizosphere remediation may bea passive process. Pollutants can be phytosta-bilized simply via erosion prevention and hy-draulic control as described above. There is alsopassive adsorption of organic pollutants and in-organic cations to the plant surface. Adsorp-tion of lipophilic organics to lignin groups inthe cell walls is called lignification (82). Rhi-zosphere remediation may also be the resultof active processes mediated by plants and/ormicrobes. These processes may affect pollutantbioavailability, uptake, or degradation.

Pollutant bioavailability may be affected byvarious plant and/or microbial activities. Somebacteria are known to release biosurfactants(e.g., rhamnolipids) that make hydrophobicpollutants more water soluble (126). Plant ex-udates or lysates may also contain lipophiliccompounds that increase pollutant water solu-bility or promote biosurfactant-producing mi-crobial populations (113). Furthermore, plant-and microbe-derived enzymes can affect thesolubility and thus the bioavailability of organicpollutants via modification of side groups (131).

Bioavailability of metals may be enhancedby metal chelators that are released by plantsand bacteria. Chelators such as siderophores,organic acids, and phenolics can release metalcations from soil particles. This usually makesthe metals more available for plant uptake (116)although in some cases it can prevent up-take (28). Furthermore, plants extrude H+ viaATPases, which replace cations at soil CECsites, making metal cations more bioavailable(116). Some plant roots release oxygen, such asaquatic plants that have aerenchyma (air chan-nels in the stem that allow oxygen to diffuse tothe root); this can lead to the oxidation of metalsto insoluble forms (e.g., FeO3) that precipitateon the root surface (60). Conversely, enzymeson the root surface may reduce inorganic pollu-tants, which may affect their bioavailability andtoxicity (e.g., CrVI to CrIII) (76).

Organic pollutants may be degraded in therhizosphere by root-released plant enzymes orvia phytostimulation of microbial degradation.Examples of organics that are degraded in the

rhizosphere by microbial activity include PAHs,PCBs, and petroleum hydrocarbons (62, 93).Plants can stimulate these microbial degrada-tion processes. First, plant carbon compoundsreleased into the rhizosphere facilitate a highermicrobial density—the general rhizosphere ef-fect. Second, secondary plant compounds re-leased from roots may specifically inducemicrobial genes involved in degradation of theorganic compound, or act as a cometaboliteto facilitate microbial degradation (44, 72, 93).Better knowledge of these plant-microbe in-teractions is needed to more efficiently designphytoremediation strategies or engineer moreefficient plant-microbe consortia.

Rhizosphere processes that favor phy-toremedation may be optimized by the choiceof plant species, e.g., plants with large and denseroot systems for phytostimulation, or aquaticplants for metal precipitation. If a certain ex-udate compound is identified to enhance phy-toremediation (e.g., a chelator or a secondarymetabolite that stimulates microbial degrada-tion) plants can be selected or genetically engi-neered to produce large amounts of this com-pound. In one such study, overexpression ofcitrate synthase in plants conferred enhancedaluminum tolerance, probably via enhanced cit-rate release into the rhizosphere, which pre-vented Al uptake due to complexation (28). Inanother approach to stimulate rhizosphere re-mediation, certain agronomic treatments maybe employed that favor the production of gen-eral and specific exudate compounds, such asclipping or fertilization (72). Inorganic fertil-izer is preferred over organic fertilizer (manure)for use in phytostimulation because the latterprovides an easy-to-digest carbon source thatmicrobes may prefer to use instead of the or-ganic pollutant.

If the microbial consortia responsible for theremediation process are known, it may be pos-sible to increase the abundance of these speciesby the choice of vegetation. An alternative ap-proach is to grow these microbial isolates inlarge amounts and add them to the soil, a pro-cess called bioaugmentation. Introducing non-native microbes to sites is considered ineffective · Phytoremediation 23

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because they tend to be outcompeted by theestablished microbial populations. In anotherapproach to optimize rhizosphere remediation,the watering regime may be regulated to pro-vide an optimal soil moisture for plant and mi-crobial growth. If redox reactions are involvedin the remediation process, periodic floodingand draining of constructed wetlands may be ef-fective to alternate reducing and oxidizing con-ditions (62).

Plant Uptake

Root concentrationfactor (RCF): theratio of pollutantconcentration in rootrelative to externalsolution, used as ameasure for plantuptake

Uptake of pollutants by plant roots is differ-ent for organics and inorganics. Organic pol-lutants are usually manmade, and xenobiotic tothe plant. As a consequence, there are no trans-porters for these compounds in plant mem-branes. Organic pollutants therefore tend tomove into and within plant tissues driven bysimple diffusion, dependent on their chemi-cal properties. An important property of theorganic pollutant for plant uptake is its hy-drophobicity (17, 121). Organics with a log Kow

between 0.5 and 3 are hydrophobic enough tomove through the lipid bilayer of membranes,and still water soluble enough to travel intothe cell fluids. If organics are too hydrophilic(log Kow < 0.5) they cannot pass membranesand never get into the plant; if they are too hy-drophobic (log Kow > 3) they get stuck in mem-branes and cell walls in the periphery of theplant and cannot enter the cell fluids. Becausethe movement of organics into and throughplants is a physical rather than biological pro-cess, it is fairly predictable across plant speciesand lends itself well to modeling (26). The ten-dency of organic pollutants to move into plantroots from an external solution is expressed asthe root concentration factor (RCF = equilib-rium concentration in roots/equilibrium con-centratrion in external solution).

In contrast, inorganics are taken up by bi-ological processes via membrane transporterproteins. These transporters occur naturallybecause inorganic pollutants are either nutri-ents themselves (e.g., nitrate, phosphate, cop-per, manganese, zinc) or are chemically similar

to nutrients and are taken up inadvertently (e.g.,arsenate is taken up by phosphate transporters,selenate by sulfate transporters) (1, 112). In-organics usually exist as ions and cannot passmembranes without the aid of membrane trans-porter proteins. Because uptake of inorganicsdepends on a discrete number of membraneproteins, their uptake is saturable, followingMichaelis Menten kinetics (80). For most ele-ments multiple transporters exist in plants. Themodel plant Arabidopsis thaliana, for instance,has 150 different cation transporters (6), and14 transporters for sulfate alone (56). Individ-ual transporter proteins have unique proper-ties with respect to transport rate, substrateaffinity, and substrate specificity (low affinitytransporters tend to be more promiscuous) (80).These properties may be subject to regulationby metabolite levels or regulatory proteins (e.g.,kinases). Furthermore, the abundance of eachtransporter varies with tissue-type and envi-ronmental conditions, which may be regulatedat the transcription level or via endocytosis.As a consequence, uptake and movement ofinorganics in plants are complex species- andconditions-dependent processes, and difficultto capture in a model.

When inorganic pollutants accumulate intissues they often cause toxicity, both directlyby damaging cell structure (e.g., by causing ox-idative stress due to their redox activity) andindirectly via replacement of other essential nu-trients (116). Organics tend to be less toxic toplants, partly because they are not accumulatedas readily and because they tend to be less reac-tive. Thus, when soils are polluted with a mix-ture of organics and metals the inorganics aremost likely to limit plant growth and phytore-mediation. Phytoremediation of mixed pollu-tants (organics and inorganics) is an understud-ied area, but very relevant because many sitescontain mixed pollution.

The presence of rhizosphere microbes canaffect plant uptake of inorganics. For instance,mycorrhizal fungi can both enhance uptake ofessential metals when metal levels are low anddecrease plant metal uptake when metals arepresent at phytotoxic levels (46, 104). Also,

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rhizosphere bacteria can enhance plant uptakeof mercury and selenium (29). The mechanismsof these plant-microbe interactions are stilllargely unclear; microbe-mediated enhancedplant uptake may be due to a stimulatory ef-fect on root growth, microbial production ofmetabolites that affect plant gene expressionof transporter proteins, or microbial effects onbioavailability of the element (30).

Depending on the phytoremediation strat-egy, pollutant uptake into the plant may be de-sirable (e.g., for phytoextraction) or not (e.g.,for phytostabilization). For either application,plant species with the desired properties maybe selected. Screening studies under uniformconditions are a useful strategy to compareuptake characteristics of different species fordifferent pollutants. Agronomic practices mayalso be employed to maximize pollutant uptake.Plant species may be selected for suitable root-ing depth and root morphology (88). Further-more, plant roots can be guided to grow intothe polluted zone via deep planting in a cas-ing, forcing the roots to grow downward intothe polluted soil and to tap into polluted waterrather than rainwater (88). Supplemental water(via irrigation) and oxygen (via air tube to roots)may also facilitate pollutant uptake, and soil nu-trient levels may be optimized by fertilization.Not only will nutrients promote plant growthand thus uptake of the pollutant, they may alsoaffect plant uptake of pollutants via ion compe-tition at the soil and plant level. For instance,supplying phosphate will release arsenate fromsoils, making it more bioavailable; on the otherhand, phosphate will compete with arsenate foruptake by plants because both are taken up byphosphate transporters (1).

It may also be possible to manipulate plantaccumulation by genetic engineering. A trans-genic approach that may be used to alter up-take of inorganic pollutants is overexpressionor knockdown of membrane transporter pro-teins. This approach was used successfully toenhance accumulation of Ca, Cd, Mn, Pb, andZn (5, 58, 123). The specificity of membranetransporters for different inorganics may also bemanipulated via protein engineering (102). Fur-

thermore, altering plant production of chela-tor molecules can affect plant metal accumula-tion (39, 49, 54, 134, 135). Hyperaccumulatorspecies offer potentially interesting genetic ma-terial to be transferred to high-biomass species.Constitutive expression of a Zn transporter inthe root cell membrane is one of the underlyingmechanisms of the natural Zn hyperaccumula-tor Thlaspi caerulescens (94). Research is ongoingto isolate genes involved in metal hyperaccumu-lation and hypertolerance.

Chelation and Compartmentationin Roots

GSH: glutathione

PC: phytochelatin

MT: metallothioneinprotein

As mentioned above, plants can release com-pounds from their roots that affect pollutantsolubility and uptake by the plant. Inside planttissues such chelator compounds also play a rolein tolerance, sequestration, and transport of in-organics and organics (103). Phytosiderophoresare chelators that facilitate uptake of Fe and per-haps other metals in grasses; they are biosynthe-sized from nicotianamine, which is composedof three methionines coupled via nonpeptidebonds (57). Nicotianamine also chelates met-als and may facilitate their transport (115, 127).Organic acids (e.g., citrate, malate, histidine)not only can facilitate uptake of metals intoroots but also play a role in transport, seques-tration, and tolerance of metals (70, 107, 127).Metals can also be bound by the thiol-rich pep-tides GSH and PCs, or by the Cys-rich MTs(24). Chelated metals in roots may be storedin the vacuole or exported to the shoot via thexylem. As described in more detail below, or-ganics may be conjugated and stored or de-graded enzymatically. An overview of these pro-cesses is depicted in Figure 3.

Chelation in roots can affect phytoremedi-ation efficiency as it may facilitate root seques-tration, translocation, and/or tolerance. Rootsequestration may be desirable for phytostabi-lization (less exposure to wildlife) whereas ex-port to xylem is desirable for phytoextraction.If chelation is desirable, it may be enhancedby selection or engineering of plants withhigher levels of the chelator in question. Root · Phytoremediation 25

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Figure 3Tolerance mechanismsfor inorganic andorganic pollutants inplant cells.Detoxificationgenerally involvesconjugation followedby active sequestrationin the vacuole andapoplast, where thepollutant can do theleast harm. Chelatorsshown areGSH: glutathione,Glu: glucose,MT: metallothioneins,NA: nicotianamine,OA: organic acids,PC: phytochelatins.Active transporters areshown as boxes witharrows.

sequestration and export to xylem might bemanipulated by overexpression or knockdownof the respective membrane transporters in-volved. Unfortunately, little is known aboutthese tissue-specific transporters of inorganics.The completion of the sequencing of the Ara-bidopsis and rice genomes should accelerate theanalysis of transporter gene families.

Transpiration streamconcentration factor(TSCF): the ratio ofpollutantconcentration in xylemfluid relative toexternal solution, usedas a measure for planttranslocation


Translocation from root to shoot first requiresa membrane transport step from root sym-plast into xylem apoplast. The impermeablesuberin layer in the cell wall of the root endo-dermis (Casparian strip) prevents solutes from

flowing straight from the soil solution or rootapoplast into the root xylem (116). Organic pol-lutants pass the membrane between root sym-plast and xylem apoplast via simple diffusion.The TSCF is the ratio of the concentration ofa compound in the xylem fluid relative to theexternal solution, and is a measure of uptakeinto the plant shoot. Entry of organic pollu-tants into the xylem depends on similar pas-sive movement over membranes as their uptakeinto the plant. Thus, the TSCF for organicsshows a similar correlation with hydrophobic-ity as RCF: Compounds with a log Kow be-tween 0.5 and 3 are most easily transportedto the xylem and translocated to the shoot(121).

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Inorganics require membrane transporterproteins to be exported from the root endo-dermis into the root xylem. Some inorganicsare chelated during xylem transport by organicacids (histidine, malate, citrate), nicotianamine,or thiol-rich peptides (67, 95, 115, 127). Formost inorganics it is still unclear via whichtransporter proteins they are exported to theroot xylem and to which—if any—chelatorsthey are bound during transport. Better knowl-edge of the transporters and chelators involvedin translocation of inorganics would facilitatethe development of transgenics with more effi-cient phytoextraction capacity.

Bulk flow in the xylem from root to shoot isdriven by transpiration from the shoot, whichcreates a negative pressure in the xylem thatpulls up water and solutes (116). Plant tran-spiration depends on plant properties and en-vironmental conditions. Plant species differin transpiration rate, due to metabolic differ-ences (e.g., C3/C4/CAM photosynthetic path-way) and anatomical differences (e.g., surface tovolume ratio, stomatal density, rooting depth)(116). Species such as poplar are phreatophytes,or water spenders; they have long roots thattap into the ground water (27). Mature poplartrees can transpire 200–1000 liters of water perday (38, 132). In addition to plant species com-position, vegetation height and density affecttranspiration, as well as environmental con-ditions: Transpiration is generally maximal athigh temperature, moderate wind, low rela-tive air humidity, and high light (116). Con-sequently, phytoremediation mechanisms thatrely on translocation and volatilization are mosteffective in climates with low relative humidityand high evapotranspiration.

Chelation and Compartmentationin Leaves

Import into leaf cells from leaf xylem involvesanother membrane transport step. Inorganicsare taken up by specific membrane transporterproteins. Organics enter the leaf symplast fromthe shoot xylem by simple diffusion, the rate ofwhich depends on the chemical properties of

the pollutant, as discussed above. Once insidethe leaf symplast, the pollutant may be compart-mentized in certain tissues or cellular locations.In general, toxic pollutants are sequestered inplaces where they can do the least harm to es-sential cellular processes. At the cellular level,pollutants are generally accumulated in the vac-uole or cell wall (21, 24). At the tissue level theymay be accumulated in the epidermis and tri-chomes (50, 69).

XAS: X-rayabsorptionspectroscopy

When pollutants are sequestered in tissues,they are often bound by chelators or form con-jugates (see Figure 3). Toxic inorganics are usu-ally metals. Chelators that are involved in metalsequestration include the tripeptide GSH (γ -glu-cys-gly) and its oligomers, the PCs. XAShas shown that inorganics that were complexedby PCs in vivo include Cd and As (95); theremay be others since PC synthesis is inducedby various other metals (24). After chelationby GSH or PCs, an ABC-type transporter ac-tively transports the metal-chelate complex tothe vacuole, where it is further complexed bysulfide (24, 75). Organic acids such as malateand citrate are also likely metal (e.g., Zn) chela-tors in vacuoles, as judged from XAS (70). Fer-ritin is an iron chelator in chloroplasts (120).Additional metal-chelating proteins exist (e.g.,MTs) that may play a role in sequestration andtolerance (e.g., of Cu) and/or in homeostasisof essential metals (48). There is still much tobe discovered about the roles of these differ-ent chelators in transport and detoxification ofinorganic pollutants.


Conjugation to GSH also plays a role insequestration and tolerance of organic pollu-tants (78). A large family of GSTs with dif-ferent substrate specificities mediate conjuga-tion of organics to GSH in the cytosol (55, 68,89). The glutathione S-conjugates are activelytransported to the vacuole or the apoplast byATP-dependent membrane pumps (79, 81, 109,130). An alternative conjugation-sequestrationmechanism for organics in plants involves cou-pling a glucose or a malonyl-group to theorganic compound, followed by transport ofthe conjugate to the vacuole or the apoplast(25). These conjugation steps are mediated by · Phytoremediation 27

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a family of glucosyltransferases and malonyl-transferases, and the transport steps by ATP-dependent pumps (21).

To be conjugated, the organic compoundmay need chemical modification to createsuitable side groups for conjugation. Thesemodification reactions can be oxidative orreductive. For example, cytochrome P450monooxygenases catalyze an oxidative transfor-mation, incorporating an O atom from oxygeninto an organic molecule such as atrazine tocreate a hydroxyl side group (25). Nitroreduc-tases are an example of enzymes that mediatea reductive transformation, converting a nitrogroup of, e.g., TNT to an amino group (83).Other enzymes that mediate modifications oforganic pollutants include dioxygenases, per-oxidases, peroxygenases, and carboxylesterases(21). Thus, accumulation of organic pollu-tants typically comprises three phases: chem-ical modification, conjugation, and sequestra-tion (Figure 3). This sequence of events hasbeen summarized as the “green liver model” be-cause of its similarity to mammalian detoxifica-tion mechanisms (21, 109). Some natural func-tions of the enzymes and transporters involvedare to biosynthesize and transport natural plantcompounds such as flavonoids, alkaloids, andplant hormones, and to defend against bioticstresses (78, 98).

Uptake and accumulation in leaves with-out toxic effects are desirable properties forphytoextraction. To maximize these processes,plants may be selected or engineered that havehigher levels of transporters involved in uptakeof an inorganic pollutant from the xylem intothe leaf symplast. Better knowledge of the trans-porters involved in the process would be help-ful because this is still a largely unexplored area.Similarly, plants with high transporter activitiesfrom cytosol to vacuole can be more efficient atstoring toxic inorganics (58, 114, 123). Seques-tration and tolerance may also be enhanced byselection or engineering of plants with higherproduction of leaf chelators or conjugates. Thiscan be mediated by higher levels of enzymesthat produce these conjugates, e.g., enzymessynthesizing GSH, PCs, glucose, organic acids,

or chelator proteins (49, 54, 134, 135). In ad-dition, enzymes that couple the chelator orconjugant to the pollutant (GSH transferases,glucosyltransferases) may be overexpressed (40)or enzymes that modify organics to make themamenable to conjugation (32, 33, 51).

In all cases where potentially toxic pollutantsare accumulated in plant tissues, phytoremedi-ation in the field should include a risk assess-ment study because the plant material may posea threat to wildlife. The degree of toxicity willdepend on leaf concentration but also on theform of the pollutant that is accumulated. Dur-ing accumulation the toxicity of the pollutantmay change. To test the potential toxicity of theplant material, a laboratory digestibility studymay be done using model organisms or in vitrosimulations of animal digestion systems. In thefield, exposure to wildlife may be minimized by,e.g., fencing, netting, noise, and scarecrows.


Only organic pollutants can be phytoremedi-ated via degradation. Inorganic elements areundegradable and can only be stabilized ormoved and stored. In phytodegradation plantenzymes act on organic pollutants and catabo-lize them, either mineralizing them completelyto inorganic compounds (e.g., carbon diox-ide, water and Cl2), or degrading them par-tially to a stable intermediate that is stored inthe plant (82). This enzymatic degradation oforganics can happen in both root and shoot tis-sue. Degradation within plant tissues is gener-ally attributed to the plant, but may in somecases involve endophytic microorganisms (10).

Phytodegradation involves some of the sameclasses of enzymes responsible for accumulationin tissues. The modifying enzymes that createside groups on organics that increase solubil-ity and enable conjugation also play a role inthe initial steps of phytodegradation. Thus, en-zyme classes involved in phytodegradation in-clude dehalogenases, mono- and dioxygenases,peroxidases, peroxygenases, carboxylesterases,laccases, nitrilases, phosphatases, and nitrore-ductases (131). Also, if pollutants are only

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partially degraded and the degradation prod-ucts stored in plants, these are often conjugatedand sequestered by the same mechanisms de-scribed above, involving GSH-S-transferases,malonyl- and glucosyltransferases, and ATP-dependent conjugate-transport pumps (21).These degradation products of pollutants thataccumulate in vacuoles or apoplast of plant tis-sues are called bound residues (21). Atrazine andTNT are examples of organic pollutants thatare partially degraded followed by storage ofthe degradation products as bound residues (14,22). For TCE, different results were obtainedin different studies: Overall, TCE appears tobe in part volatilized by the plant, part is storedas bound residue, and part may be completelydegraded (111). Phytoremediation of TCE isa much-studied process, and the remaining un-certainty about its fate illustrates that still muchremains to be learned about the metabolic fateof organics in plants. Better knowledge in thisrespect would be beneficial not only for furtherimprovement of phytoremediation efficiency,but also for better estimating the potential risksinvolved.

Phytodegradation of organic pollutants maybe optimized by selecting or engineering plantspecies with higher activities of the enzymesthought to be involved and rate-limiting. Thereare some examples of promising transgenic ap-proaches. The expression in plants of bacterialenzymes involved in reductive transformationof TNT (tetranitrate reductase or nitroreduc-tase) resulted in enhanced plant tolerance anddegradation of TNT (45, 51). Also, the consti-tutive expression of a mammalian cytochromeP450 in tobacco resulted in an up to 640-foldhigher ability to metabolize TCE (33).


Phytovolatilization is the release of pollutantsfrom the plant to the atmosphere as a gas.Inorganic Se can be volatilized by plants andmicroorganisms. Volatilization of Se involvesassimilation of inorganic Se into the organicselenoaminoacids selenocysteine (SeCys) andselenomethionine (SeMet). The latter can be

methylated to form dimethylselenide (DMSe),which is volatile (119). Volatilization of the in-organics As and Hg has been demonstrated formicroorganisms, but these elements do not ap-pear to be volatilized to significant levels by(nontransgenic) plants (105).

Many VOCs can be volatilized passively byplants. Volatile pollutants with a Henry’s lawconstant Hi >10−6 that are mobile in both airand water can move readily from the soil via thetranspiration stream into the atmosphere (18).In this way, plants act like a wick for VOCsto facilitate their diffusion from soil. Examplesof organic pollutants that can be volatilized byplants are the chlorinated solvent TCE and thefuel additive MTBE (26, 90).

Because volatilization completely removesthe pollutant from the site as a gas, with-out need for plant harvesting and disposal,this is an attractive technology. In the caseof Se, the volatile form was also reported tobe 2–3 orders of magnitude less toxic thanthe inorganic Se forms (119). Volatilizationmay be promoted in several ways. Althoughvolatilization of VOCs is passive, the pro-cess may be maximized by using phreatophytespecies with high transpiration rates and bypromoting transpiration (preventing stomatalclosure through sufficient irrigation). For Se,enzymes of the S assimilation pathway medi-ate Se volatilization, and overexpression of oneof these, cystathionine-γ -synthase promotes Sevolatilization (124). In another approach, theenzyme SeCys methyltransferase from a Sehyperaccumulator species was expressed in anonaccumulator, also significantly enhancingSe volatilization (71). Volatilization of mercuryby plants was achieved by introducing a bacte-rial mercury reductase (MerA). The resultingplants volatilized elemental mercury and weresignificantly more Hg-tolerant (105).

If a toxic volatile pollutant is emitted byplants during phytoremediation, the fate of thegas in the atmosphere should be determined aspart of risk assessment. Such a study was donefor volatile Se and Hg, and the pollutant was re-portedly dispersed and diluted to such an extentthat it did not pose a threat (74, 85). · Phytoremediation 29

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In the past 10 years phytoremediation hasgained acceptance as a technology and has beenacknowledged as an area of research. Therehas already been a substantial increase in ourknowledge of the mechanisms that underlie theuptake, transport, and detoxification of pollu-tants by plants and their associated microbes.Still, large gaps in our knowledge await furtherresearch, as indicated above. Phytoremediationefficiency is still limited by a lack of knowl-edge of many basic plant processes and plant-microbe interactions. There is also a need formore phytoremediation field studies to demon-strate the effectiveness of the technology andincrease its acceptance.

Continued phytoremediation researchshould benefit from a (more) multidisciplinaryapproach, involving teams with expertise at allorganization levels, to study the remediation ofpollutants from the molecule to the ecosystem.Phytoremediation research at universities isgenerally carried out by scientists with exper-tise at a certain organizational level (e.g., plantmolecular biology, plant biochemistry, plantphysiology, ecology, or microbiology) and of acertain subset of pollutants (e.g., heavy metals,herbicides, TNT, or PAHs). Because researchon phytoremediation of organics and inorgan-ics requires different expertise they are carriedout in different research communities, withmore engineers studying organics and more bi-ologists studying inorganics. These researchersdo not interact optimally, in part because of alack of phytoremediation conferences and sci-entific journals that cover inorganics and organ-ics equally. Because 64% of polluted sites con-tain mixtures of organics and inorganics (36),phytoremediation would benefit from morecollaborative studies by teams of researchersfrom different backgrounds, to combine ex-pertise in phytoremediation of both types ofpollution and at multiple organization levels.

Despite the remaining gaps in our knowl-edge, research has yielded much useful knowl-edge for phytoremediation, as described above.

This has also resulted in practical phytoreme-diation resources, such as online databases ofplant species that may be useful for cleanup ofdifferent types of pollutants (84) (PHYTOPETlists species particularly useful for cleanup ofpetroleum hydrocarbons and PHYTOREMlists plants that are recommended for metalsand metalloids). The U.S. Environmental Pro-tection Agency also maintains a phytoremedi-ation Web site ( with awealth of information for researchers and thegeneral public (e.g., citizen’s guides, phytore-mediation resource guide) (37, 38).

Future field phytoremediation projectsshould benefit from (more) collaboration be-tween research groups and industry so thatthey can be designed to address hypotheses andgain scientific knowledge in addition to meetingcleanup standards. Future field phytoremedia-tion projects will also benefit from coordinatedexperimental design across projects so that re-sults can be better compared.

An interesting development in phytoreme-diation is its integration with landscape archi-tecture. Remediation of urban sites (parks, na-ture areas) may be combined with an attrac-tive design so that the area may be used by thepublic during and after the remediation processwhile minimizing risk (66). Other sites that arephytoremediated may be turned into wildlifesanctuaries, like the Rocky Mountain Arse-nal in Denver, once one of the most pollutedsites in the United States (

Another new development in phytoremedi-ation is the use of transgenic plants. Knowledgegained from plant molecular studies in the past10 years has led to the development of somepromising transgenics that show higher toler-ance, accumulation, and/or degradation capac-ity for various pollutants, as described above. Sofar, these transgenics have mainly been testedin laboratory studies using artificially contami-nated medium rather than soils from the field,let alone field studies. However, this is start-ing to change. One field phytoremediationstudy using transgenic Indian mustard plantsthat overexpress enzymes involved in sulfate/

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selenate reduction and in accumulation of GSHwas just completed (96, 134, 135). Three typesof transgenic Indian mustard plants that over-express enzymes involved in sulfate/selenate re-duction and in accumulation of GSH showedenhanced Se accumulation in the field whengrown on soil polluted with Se, B, and othersalts (G. Banuelos, N. Terry, D. LeDuc, E.Pilon-Smits & C. Mackey, unpublished re-sults). Earlier, these same transgenics showedenhanced capacity to accumulate Se and heavymetals (Cd, Zn) from polluted soil from the fieldin greenhouse experiments (12, 125). Anotherfield experiment testing Hg volatilizing (MerA)poplar trees is presently underway (D. Glass,personal communication).

In the coming years, mining of the genomicsequences from Arabidopsis thaliana and rice andavailability of new genomic technologies shouldlead to the identification of novel genes impor-tant for pollutant remediation, including regu-latory networks (e.g., transcription factors) andtissue-specific transporters. The expression ofthese genes may then be manipulated in high-biomass species for use in phytoremediation.Other new developments in plant genetic en-gineering are tailored transgenics that overex-press different enzymes in different plant parts(e.g., root-specific expression of one gene and

shoot-specific expression of another) or that ex-press a transgene only under certain environ-mental conditions (31). Also, genetic engineer-ing of the chloroplast genome offers a novelway to obtain high expression without the riskof spreading the transgene via pollen (106). Inanother totally new approach, it was shown tobe possible to genetically manipulate an en-dophytic microorganism, leading to enhancedtoluene degradation (10).

As transgenics are being tested in the fieldand the associated risks assessed, their use maybecome more accepted and less regulated, ashas been the case for transgenic crops. Also,as more information becomes available aboutthe movement of pollutants in ecosystems andthe associated risks, the rules for cleanup tar-gets may be adjusted depending on future useof the site, bioavailability of the pollutant, andform of the pollutant. Because phytoremedia-tion only remediates the bioavailable fractionof the pollution, stringent cleanup targets limitthe applicability of this technology. If targetscan be adjusted to focus on the bioavailable(i.e., toxic) fraction of the pollutant, phytore-mediation could become more widely applica-ble. This would reduce cleanup costs and enablethe cleanup of more sites with the limited fundsavailable.


Plants and their associated microbes can remediate pollutants via stabilization, degradationin the rhizosphere, degradation in the plant, accumulation in harvestable tissues, orvolatilization.

Phytoremediation offers a cost-effective and environment-friendly alternative or comple-mentary technology for conventional remediation methods such as soil incineration orexcavation and pump-and-treat systems.

Although phytoremediation works effectively for a wide range of organic and inorganicpollutants, the underlying biological processes are still largely unknown in many cases.Some important processes that require further study are plant-microbe interactions,plant degradation mechanisms for organics, and plant transport and chelation mecha-nisms for inorganics.

New knowledge and plant material obtained from research is being implemented forphytoremediation in the field. The first field tests with transgenic plants are showing · Phytoremediation 31

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promising results. As more results demonstrating the effectiveness of phytoremediationbecome available its use may continue to grow, reducing cleanup costs and enabling thecleanup of more sites with the limited funds available.


The author’s research is supported by National Science Foundation Grant MCB9982432 andU.S. Department of Agriculture NRI grant #2003-35318-13758.


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