Phytochrome A and Phytochrome B Distinct Functions in ... · PDF filePhytochrome A and...

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Plant Physiol. (1994) 104: 1139-1149

Phytochrome A and Phytochrome B Have Overlapping but Distinct Functions in Arabidopsis Development'

Jason W. Reed, Akira Nagatani, Tedd D. Elich, Matthew Fagan, and Joanne Chory*

Plant Biology Laboratory, The Salk Institute, P.O. Box 85800, San Diego, California 921 86-5800 (J.W.R., T.D.E., M.F., J.C.); and Laboratory of Photoperception and Signal Transduction, Frontier Research Program, RIKEN

Institute, Hirosawa 2-1, Wako City, Saitama 351-01, Japan (A.N.)

Plant responses to red and far-red light are mediated by a family of photoreceptors called phytochromes. In Arabidopsis thaliana, there are genes encoding at least five phytochromes, and it i s of interest to learn if the different phytochromes have overlapping or distinct functions. To address this question for two of the phyto- chromes in Arabidopsis, we have compared light responses of the wild type with those of a phyA null mutant, a phyB null mutant, and a phyA phyB double mutant. We have found that both phyA and phyB mutants have a deficiency in germination, the phyA mutant in far-red light and the phyB mutant in the dark. Further- more, the germination defect caused by the phyA mutation in far- red light could be suppressed by a phyB mutation, suggesting that phytochrome B (PHYB) can have an inhibitory as well as a stimu- latory effect on germination. In red light, the phyA phyB double mutant, but neither single mutant, had poorly developed cotyle- dons, as well as reduced red-light induction of CAB gene expression and potentiation of chlorophyll induction. The phyA mutant was deficient in sensing a flowering response indudive photoperiod, suggesting that PHYA participates in sensing daylength. In contrast, the phyB mutant flowered earlier than the wild type (and the phyA mutant) under all photoperiods tested, but responded to an induc- tive photoperiod. Thus, PHYA and PHYB appear to have comple- mentary fundions in controlling germination, seedling develop- ment, and flowering. We discuss the implications of these results for possible mechanisms of PHYA and PHYB signal transduction.

Phytochromes are a family of light-sensing proteins re- quired for plant developmental responses to red and far-red light (reviewed by Furuya, 1989, 1993; Quail, 1991). They consist of an apoprotein with a covalently attached linear tetrapyrrole pigment, and are interconverted by light between red- and far-red-light-absorbing forms. In the dark, they are 'synthesized in the red-light-absorbing form, Pr, and are thought to mediate light-induced responses after conversion by red light to the far-red-light-absorbing form, Pfr. Thus, phytochromes can serve either to sense the onset of light

' Supported by a grant from the Human Frontier Research Pro- gram to A.N. and J.C., by a grant from the Samuel Roberts Noble Foundation (Ardmore, OK) to the Salk Institute (San Diego, CA), and by grants from the U.S. Department of Energy, the U.S. Depart- ment of Agriculture, and the National Science Foundation to J.C. J.W.R. is a Department of Energy-Energy Biosciences Research Fellow of the Life Sciences Research Foundation (Baltimore, MD), and T.D.E. is an Amgen fellow.

* Corresponding author; fax 1-619-558-6379.

conditions after growth in the dark or as monitors of the light quality environment (that is, the ratio of red to far-red inci- dent light). Light responses that are known to be mediated by phytochromes include germination, chloroplast develop- ment, leaf expansion, regulation of gene expression, inhibi- tion of cell elongation, and photoperiodic control of flowering (Cosgrove, 1986; Mullet, 1988; Chory, 1991; Thompson and White, 1991).

Phytochromes are encoded by a multigene family in nu- merous higher and lower plants (Furuya, 1989, 1993; Quail, 1991). Within a single plant, different phytochromes have amino acid sequences diverging by up to 50% (Sharrock and Quail, 1989). Biochemical and physiological studies have distinguished two classes of phytochromes, light-labile and light-stable (or type I and type 11), which differ in their stability in vivo when converted to the far-red-light-absorb- ing form (Furuya, 1989, 1993; Quail, 1991). In dark-grown plants, light-labile phytochrome predominates, although light-stable phytochromes are also present. In light-grown plants, the level of light-labile phytochrome decreases dra- matically, whereas light-stable phytochromes persist at the same level as in the dark (Somers et al., 1991). Presumably, the differential stabilities of these two classes of phytochrome allow them to perform different functions in development, although it is not known if they normally interact with the same signal-transduction chain components.

In Arabidopsis, light-stable phytochromes are encoded by at least two genes, PHYB and PHYC (Sharrock and Quail, 1989; Somers et al., 1991). Arabidopsis lines carrying muta- tions in the gene for phytochrome B, one of the stable phytochromes, have been described. They were originally called hy3, for the long hypocotyl phenotype by which they were recognized (Koornneef et al., 1980). These mutants have elongated hypocotyls, stems, petioles, and root hairs; they accumulate less Chl; and they flower earlier than the wild type (Koornneef et al., 1980; Goto et al., 1991; Reed et al., 1993). They also elongate to a lesser extent than the wild type in response to supplementary far-red light, implicating PHYB in control of the so-called shade-avoidance response (Nagatani et al., 1991; Whitelam and Smith, 1991). Similar mutants deficient in light-stable phytochromes have also been isolated in cucumber, sorghum, and Brassica (Childs et

Abbreviations: PHYA, PHYB, phytochrome proteins encoded by the PHYA and PHYB genes; phyA, phyB, mutations in the PHYA and PHYB genes.


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al., 1992; Devlin et al., 1992; LÓpez-Juez et al., 1992). Al- though these have not been shown to have mutations in a PHYB cognate gene, each of them is missing a light-stable phytochrome species and has morphological and physiolog- ical phenotypes analogous to those of the Arabidopsis phyB mutants.

The principal (and perhaps the only) light-labile phyto- chrome in Arabidopsis is phytochrome A, encoded by the PHYA gene. We and others have previously described mu- tants deficient in phytochrome A, identified by their long hypocotyls in continuous far-red light (Nagatani et al., 1993; Parks and Quail, 1993; Whitelam et al., 1993). These mutants have been called hy8 (for long hypocotyl) (Parks and Quail, 1993), frel (for far-red elongated) (Nagatani et al., 1993), or fiy2 (for far-red long hypocotyl) (Whitelam et al., 1993). These mutants carry mutations in the PHYA gene (Dehesh et al., 1993; Whitelam et al., 1993; see below). In contrast to the fairly dramatic effect of phyB mutations on plant growth at various developmental stages, nonhof these PHYA-deficient mutants had any obvious phenotype in white light, suggest- ing that phytochrome A has a subtle or specialized function in development.

Studies with transgenic Arabidopsis lines overexpressing phytochrome genes have shown that overexpression of PHYA confers light responses distinct from those caused by overexpression of PHYB. In particular, overexpression of PHYA caused increased sensitivity to inhibition of hypocotyl elongation by far-red light, whereas overexpression of PHYB caused increased sensitivity to red (but not far-red) light (Whitelam et al., 1992; McCormac et al., 1993). These results suggest that PHYA and PHYB have different functions, al- though the results are subject to the caveat that some aspects of the observed phenotypes might have been caused by the ectopic overexpression of the phytochromes in question. In this work, we have examined severa1 developmental pheno- types of a phyA (frel) mutant, a phyB mutant, and a phyA phyB double mutant. The data suggest that both PHYA and PHYB control germination, seedling development, and flow- ering time. However, their actions are at times complemen- tary and at times opposing. Presumably, the differences between the functions of PHYA and PHYB arise at least in part from their differential stabilities in light.


Plant Material and General Growth Conditions

phyA mutants were isolated by their long hypocotyl and etiolated appearance under far-red-rich light, as described previously (Nagatani et al., 1993). Mutants were identified among M2 progeny of EMS- or 7-irradiation-treated Arabi- dopsis thaliana Landsberg erecta Seed (Lehle Seeds, Tuscon, AZ), or among M2 progeny of 7-irradiated pOCA107-2 seed (pOCA107-2 is a Columbia ecotype carrying a transgenic cab-promoter construct [Chory et al., 19931). Seeds were surface sterilized and plated on Murashige-Skoog (MS) plates (Ix MS salts [Gibco, Grand Island, NY], 0.8% phytagar [Gibco], IX Gamborg's B5 vitamin mix [Sigma]), stored over- night at 4OC, and grown in light chambers (16-h day/8-h night) kept at 22OC. In some cases, the plates were supple-

mented with 2% SUC. Except for studies of geimination frequency, seedlings were induced to germinate by íreatment with white light for 16 to 24 h. Seedlings were tranjferred to soil10 d to 2 weeks after sowing and grown in a greenhouse. Crosses were by standard methods. The phyA phyB double mutant W ~ S identified as a tal1 seedling in white light in an F2 population of a cross between the frel-1 (phyA-201) mutant (recipient) and mutant phyB-8-36 (Reed et al., 1993) (pollen donor), and was tested for its genotype by assessing the F1 phenotype of seeds from test crosses with each of the two startirig mutants. From this same cross we also identified F2 plants homozygous for the phyA mutation and heterozy- gous for the phyB mutation. We used F3 seed from these plants for the germination studies shown in Table 111.

Sequencirig of phyA Mutant Alleles

A series of oligodeoxynucleotide primers corresponding to the publis'hed cDNA sequence of PHYA (Sharrock and Quail, 1989) were synthesized. These were used to amplify segments of the PHYA gene from the wild type and the different mutants by PCR amplification from genomic DIVA. PCR products were either sequenced directly as descrihed previ- ously (Reed et al., 1993) or cloned into Bluescript !iK- (Stra- tagene) and then sequenced. While sequencing niutant al- leles, we dliscovered a DNA sequence polymorphisin that we used for tlne linkage analysis described in "Results." Nucleo- tide positicsn 600 of the published cDNA sequence (Sharrock and Quail, 1989) is a G in the Columbia ecotype and a C in the Landsberg ecotype, and this difference resul ts in the elimination of an HgaI restriction site present in the {Columbia sequence.

RNA Analysis

RNA was purified as described previously (Chory et al., 1991). RNA blot hybridizations and CAB and rDR'A probes were described previously (Chory et al., 1989). As a PHYA probe, we used a gel-purified insert fragment froni a PHYA cDNA cloine (M. Fagan, unpublished result).

Light Coniditions

For studlies of germination and hypocotyl length in contin- u o u ~ light, white light was from six cool-white fluorescent bulbs (F24T12/CW/HO, Sylvania) and two incímdescent bulbs (T10481C, Sylvania), red light was from the same' source but filtered through a red glass cutoff filter. and far- red light vvas provided by fluorescent tubes that ernit a high proportiori of far-red light (FL20S.FR-74, Toshiba, Tokyo, Japan) filtered through red plastic. For fluence rate experi- ments, redl light was as described previously (Nagatani et al., 1993) and was attenuated with combinations of gray plastics (Takiron plates S-802 and S-909, Takiron, Tokyo, Japan). Light-pulse experiments employed either far-red fluorescent tubes wrapped with red and blue plastic (Nagatani et al., 1993) or two 300-W incandescent lamps filtered through red or far-red plastic filters. For the CAB mRNA induction exper- iment, we used red pulses of 2 min (5 X 10' pmol m-2 s-') and far-red pulses of 4 min. Conditions for the Chl accu-

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Developmental Roles of Phytochrome A and Phytochrome B 1141

mulation experiment and measurement of Chl were as de- scribed previously (Nagatani et al., 1993).


Seeds were sown on MS plates, incubated ovemight at 4OC, and then incubated in growth chambers at 2OoC under six cool-white fluorescent bulbs (F24T12/CW/HO, Sylvania) and two incandescent bulbs (T10481C, Sylvania). Total flu- ente rate was 3 x 10' pmol m-' s-' to 5 x 10' pmol m-' s-'. Plants were transferred to soil after 14 d of growth in the light and were judged to have flowered when the first flower buds became visible.


Mutations in the phyA Gene

fre mutants were identified as those that appeared tall when grown under far-red-enriched light (Nagatani et al., 1993). We initially isolated two such mutants ( frel-2 and f re l -2) in the Landsberg erecta background (Nagatani et al., 1993). Subsequently, we have isolated six more (m10, m20, m26, m34, m35, and m36) in the Landsberg erecta back- ground and three more (711, 712, and 718) in the Columbia pOCA107-2 background (see "Materials and Methods"). Backcrosses to corresponding wild-type strains revealed that a11 11 mutations were recessive, and complementation tests among these mutants showed that a11 11 carry mutations in the same complementation group, frel (data not shown). We noticed some variation among the mutants in their pheno- types under far-red-rich light. Mutants frel -1 , f i e l -2 , m20, m35, m36, y l l , and 718 were very tall and also had unex- panded cotyledons. By contrast, mutants m10, m26, m34, and 712 were not as tall as the other mutants and had more expanded cotyledons. In complementation tests, F1 seedlings from crosses between two of these weak mutants, or between a weak mutant and a strong mutant, had the weak pheno- type. In addition, we tested the segregation of F2 populations of representative complementation crosses. In a11 cases 100% of these F2 progeny exhibited the strong or weak far-red elongated phenotype (data not shown). Thus, it appears that the strong and weak alleles map to the same location.

Three lines of evidence indicate that the frel mutations are p h y A mutations. First, they map to P H Y A . We previously mapped the frel mutations to the top arm of chromosome 1, in the vicinity of the P H Y A gene (Nagatani et al., 1993). We refined our mapping of the frel -1 mutation by testing segre- gation of an HgaI restriction fragment length polymorphism within a PCR-amplified fragment of the P H Y A gene (see 'Materials and Methods"). We analyzed 57 f re l - F2 progeny of a cross between the frel-2 mutant (in the Landsberg erecta ecotype) and the Columbia ecotype for this polymorphism found that a11 57 had the Landsberg pattem. This result established that the frel -1 mutation maps very close to the P H Y A gene, probably within 1 cM.

Second, we have found that the frel-2 mutant fails to complement the F y 2 - 2 mutant, which falls in a complemen- tation group that includes an allele with a rearrangement in the P H Y A gene (Whitelam et al., 1993). Finally, sequence analysis of the P H Y A genes from mutants f r e l - l and m26

revealed that these strains had mutations in the P H Y A gene. The f r e l - l mutant has a C-to-T transition mutation that changes a Gln codon to a stop codon at amino acid 980. The m26 mutant has a G-to-A transition mutation that changes a Val codon to a Met codon at amino acid 631. These data confirm that the frel mutations fall in the P H Y A gene encod- ing phytochrome A. Therefore, we rename the frel mutations phyA , in accordance with the suggestion of Whitelam et al. (1993). As summarized in Table I, we now refer to the frel -1 mutation as phyA-201, the f re l -2 mutation as phyA-202, and the m26 mutation as phyA-205.

The available molecular data suggest that the phyA-201 ( f r e l - 1 ) mutation is a nu11 mutation. First, the mutation creates a stop codon that would cause the predicted protein product to lack 243 amino acids at the C-terminal end. It has been found previously that deletion derivatives of oat PHYA lacking just 35 amino acids at the C-terminal end confer no phenotype when overexpressed in transgenic tobacco plants (Cherry et al., 1993), suggesting that a truncation of 243 amino acids would be more than sufficient to inactivate PHYA. Second, we previously failed to detect any PHYA protein or spectral activity in this mutant (Nagatani et al., 1993), suggesting that the PHYA protein was in fact entirely absent. Finally, mutant phyA-201 had a very low level of P H Y A mRNA (T.D. Elich, unpublished result). Previously, we found that severa1 stop codon alleles of phyB have de- creased levels of PHYB mRNA (Reed et al., 1993). We pre- sume that premature termination of translation in the phyA- 202 mutant causes the decreased level of P H Y A mRNA (see Pulak and Anderson, 1993, and refs. therein), and that this decreased mRNA level could in tum cause the observed decrease in protein level. Our finding that mutant phyA-205 (m26) cames a missense mutation is consistent with the less- severe phenotype exhibited by this mutant.

Phenotypes Caused by Loss of PHYA

Phytochromes contribute to control of germination, early seedling development, and flowering, so it was of interest to examine the behavior of the p h y A mutants in these responses under various light conditions. In parallel, we have analyzed

Table 1. Summary of phyA mutant alleles lsolation No. New Name Phenotype"

Wild type Landsberg erecta (wild type) frel-1 phyA-201 Strong fre 1-2 phyA-202 Strong m10 phyA-203 Weak m20 phyA-204 Strong m26 phyA-205 Weak m34 phyA-206 Weak m35 phyA-207 Strong m36 phyA-208 Strong 71 1 phyA-209 Strong 712 phyA-210 Weak r l8 ohvA-211 Strone

"Appearance after 5 d in far-red-rich light. Wild type, Short hypocotyl and open cotyledons; strong, long hypocotyl and closed cotyledons; weak, medium hypocotyl length and open cotyledons.

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1142 Reed et ai. Plant Physiol. Vol. 104, 1994

~~ ~~

Table II. Cermination frequencies under different light conditions Seeds were S O W ~ on MS/Suc plates and given 19 h of cold before transferring them to light chambers. Between 26 and 46 seeds were assessed for each entry. Comparafile results were obtained on MS plates without SUC. W, White light; R, red light; FR, far-red-rich light.

Light Ler (w.t.) PhYA PhYB P ~ Y A P ~ Y B

Dark 0.97 0.98 0.83 0.98 W 0.87 0.93 0.97 1 .o R 0.97 0.97 1 .o 0.97 FR 0.61 0.00 0.97 0.33

the phenotypes of a phyB mutant and a phyA phyB double mutant. For this analysis, we used the presumed nu11 mutants phyA-201 (Nagatani et al., 1993; see above) and phyB-8-36 (Reed et al., 1993) and the corresponding double mutant combination.


Table I1 shows a comparison of germination frequencies of wild-type, phyA, phyB, and phyA phyB strains under different light conditions. A11 of the strains germinated well in contin- u o u ~ white and red light. In far-red light, however, the phyA mutant failed to germinate, and the wild type germinated less than in white or red light. In contrast, the phyB mutant germinated well in far-red light, and in addition the phyA phyB mutant germinated better in far-red light than the phyA single mutant. Thus, it appears that PHYA promotes, whereas PHYB inhibits, germination in far-red light. In the dark, a11 strains germinated well except that the phyB mutant appeared to have a slight germination deficiency (Table 11).

In addition to the light environment, germination is known to depend on multiple variables including temperature, length of seed dormancy, cold treatment during tlormancy, and light conditions during seed maturation (Hayes and Klein, 1974; Derkx and Karssen, 1993). Therefore, we con- firmed these germination results by studying germination in populations segregating for the phyA or phyB mutations (see “Material:; and Methods”). Because PHY+ and phy- seeds came fronn the same parent plants, factors such as seed age, dormancy, and light conditions during seed maturation were intemally controlled in these experiments. In eacli case we expected 75% of the seeds in the population to carry a dominant (wild-type) allele at the relevant PHY locus, and therefore to be phenotypically PHY+, and 25% of the seeds to be horrlozygous for the mutant allele and to be phenotyp- ically ph~/ - . These experiments were performed multiple times, and representative results from one set of experiments are preserited in Table 111.

We confirmed that a phyA mutation decreases germination

Table 111. Cermination of segregating populations

Progeny of a PHYAlphyA Heterozygote

Germinated Not

Cerminated XZb

Light’ Not PhYA sc:ored

Total PHYA

W 120 100% 9 R 120 lIOO% 10 Dark 213 100% 30 Dark then FR 306 74% 26% O 0.1 1 3 W then FR 222 66% 31% 3% 5.6 14 FR 358 89% 5% 6% 280 152

Progeny of phyA/phyA PHYBlphyB Heterozygote

Germinated‘ Not Germinatedd - XZb

Not phyB scored

X2b Total PHYB Light’ Not phyB scored Total PHYB

W 348 77% 23% O 0.98 o FR 37 100% 333 81% 10% 9% 59 Dark 21 1 80% 14% 7% 17 5 5 35% 64% 2% 59

a W, White light; R, red light; FR, far-red-rich light. x2 values are for 3:l ratio of PHY:phy. Seedlings not scored for PHY gencitype were The PHYB genotype of seeds that germinated in the dark was determined by transferring seedlings to soil

The PHYB genotype of seeds that did not germinate was determined by transferring seecls to white omitted from the calculation. and assessing their flowering time. light and assessing hypocotyl length after 1 week.

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Developmental Roles of Phytochrome A and Phytochrome B 1143

in far-red light by measuring germination frequencies of selfed progeny of a PHYAlphyA heterozygote. When germi- nated in white light, red light, or dark, between 87 and 99% of the seeds germinated. Between 19 and 32% of the scorable germinated seeds had an etiolated appearance after growth in far-red light and therefore had a phyA/phyA genotype, consistent with the expected proportion of phyA/phyA seeds in the population of 25% (Table 111, Dark then FR, W then FR; data not shown). By contrast, when germinated in far- red light, in different experiments the seeds germinated at a frequency of between 43 and 74%. Between 2 and 12% of the scorable germinated seeds were phyA/phyA, significantly fewer than the expected proportion of 25% (Table 111; data not shown). Apparently, most of the phyA/phyA seeds failed to germinate. The ability of a small number of phyA/phyA seeds to germinate in far-red light in this experiment, in contrast to the failure of phyA seeds to germinate in other experiments (Table 11), probably reflects variability of germi- nation frequencies from seed batch to seed batch (see above). This variability underscores the utility of these intemally controlled experiments. These data confirm the above conclu- sion that in far-red light, PHYA promotes germination.

In a PHYA+ background, a phyB mutation had no signifi- cant effect on far-red germination in a segregating population (data not shown). However, in a phyA/phyA background, we observed an enhancement of germination by the phyB mu- tation. In white light, a11 of the progeny of a plant heterozy- gous for phyB (i.e. PHYBlphyB) and homozygous for phyA germinated. Twenty-three percent of these seedlings had long hypocotyls and were therefore phyB/phyB, close to the ex- pected proportion of 25% (Table 111). In far-red light, just 7 to 15% of these seeds germinated (Table 111; data not shown). Most of the germinated seedlings failed to deetiolate upon transfer to white light (data not shown), precluding accurate assessment of the proportion that were phyB/phyB. (We have previously found that seedlings grown in far-red light some- times fail to deetiolate effectively [Nagatani et al., 19931.) However, it was possible to asses the PHYB genotype of the seeds that did not germinate by transfering them to white light to induce germination. Of seeds that failed to germinate in far-red light and subsequently scored in white light, be- tween 2 and 11% were tall (phyB/phyB), significantly fewer than the expected 25% (Table 111; data not shown). Therefore, a preponderance of the seeds that failed to germinate in far- red light were PHYBIPHYB or PHYBlphyB. This result con-

firms the above conclusion that PHYB inhibits germination in far-red light.

Finally, analysis of a population segregating for a phyB mutation confirmed the promotive effect of PHYB on ger- mination in the dark. Between 79 and 82% of seeds from populations segregating PHYBlphyB in a phyA/phyA back- ground germinated in the dark (Table 111; data not shown). The PHYB genotype of seeds that had germinated in the dark was assessed by transferring the seedlings to soil and observ- ing their flowering time. phyB mutant plants flower substan- tially earlier than PHYB plants (see below). Between 9 and 15% of plants that we could score in this experiment flowered early and were therefore phyB/phyB, fewer than the expected proportion of 25% (Table 111). Thus, a greater than expected proportion of germinated seeds were PHYBIPHYB or PHYBI phyB. Conversely, when seeds that had failed to germinate in the dark were induced to germinate by transfer to white light, 65% grew into tall (phyB/phyB) seedlings, significantly more than the expected proportion of 25% (Table 111). These data confirm that seeds wild type for PHYB germinated better in the dark than phyB mutant seeds. Similar data were obtained for germination of progeny of a PHYBlphyB plant in a wild-type PHYA background (data not shown).

Seedling Development

Light influences severa1 aspects of seedling development, including inhibition of hypocotyl elongation, cotyledon ex- pansion, and induction of expression of genes involved in photosynthesis. We have examined the ability of the phyA, phyB, and phyA phyB mutant seedlings to cany out these developmental steps. We have found that the phenotypes of the phyA phyB double mutant reveal activities of these phy- tochromes not readily apparent from examination of the phyA or phyB single mutants.

Hypocotyl lengths of wild-type, phyA, phyB, and phyA phyB seedlings under different conditions are presented in Table IV. A11 four strains had similar hypocotyl lengths when grown in the dark (Table IV). In white light, as previously described, the phyA mutant had a hypocotyl length very similar to that of the wild type, whereas the phyB mutant had an elongated hypocotyl (Table IV). The phyA phyB double mutant had a hypocotyl slightly longer than the phyB single mutant in white light. In red light, we found that the phyA mutant had virtually the same hypocotyl length as the wild type (Table

Table IV. Hypocotyl lengths of mutants under different light conditions. Seedlings were grown on MS plates for 6 d after a 1-d cold treatment. Values are means of between 21 and 30 seedlings f SD. For far-red measurements, seedlings were induced to germinate with white light before transferring to far-red-rich light. W, White light; R, red light; FR, far-red-rich linht.

Hypocotyl Length Light Ler (wild type) P ~ Y A P ~ Y B


mm 11 .9k 1 . 1 Dark 10.7 f 2.0 10.1 f 2.3 9.9 f 3.0

W 1 .o * 0.2 1.3 k 0.3 4.3 * 1.4 6.7 f 1.8 15.2 -C 1.9 R 4.0 k 1.7 5.5 k 2.3 10.8 k 3.0

FR 1.6 k 0.3 5.8 f 1.4 1.5 f 0.3 6.6 f 0.9

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1144 Reed et al. Plant Physiol. Vol. 104, 1994

IV). However, in the phyB background, the phyA mutation caused an increase in hypocotyl length. Thus, the phyA phyB double mutant was taller than the phyB single mutant (Table IV). Finally, in far-red light, the phyA mutant was taller than the wild type, and the phyB mutant had a wild-type hypocotyl length. The phyA phyB double mutant had a hypocotyl about as long as that of the phyA mutant in far-red light. Thus, the phyB mutation does not appear to affect hypocotyl elongation in far-red light.

Notwithstanding previous observations that phyA muta- tions did not affect hypocotyl elongation in white light or red light (Nagatani et al., 1993; Parks and Quail, 1993; Whitelam et al., 1993), the hypocotyl length data from the phyA phyB double mutant suggest that the phyA mutation may influence hypocotyl elongation slightly under both of these light con- ditions. To investigate this phenomenon in more detail, we examined the hypocotyl elongation behavior of the mutants under different fluence rates of red light. As shown in Figure 1, we found that at low, red-light fluence rates the phyA mutant had a slightly longer hypocotyl than the wild-type or the phyB mutant (Fig. 1). However, this effect was very small and may not be significant. By contrast, at high fluence rates the phyB mutant appeared abnormally tall, whereas the phyA mutant showed a wild-type degree of inhibition of elongation (Fig. 1). We obtained similar results for hypocotyl elongation in white light (data not shown). Thus, it appears that PHYB is more important than PHYA for control of hypocotyl growth in white light and red light. The effect of the phyA mutation on hypocotyl length under these conditions was clearly visible only in the phyB mutant background.

We have also examined responses of the wild-type, phyA, and phyB strains to short pulses of red and far-red light. We measured the effect of six daily pulses of red light or red followed by far-red light on hypocotyl elongation of other- wise dark-grown seedlings. As shown in Figure 2, short pulses of red light inhibited hypocotyl elongation of both wild-type and phyA seedlings to almost the same extent as

- 1 I I I I I I

-6 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 O Fluence rate [log(W/m2)]

Figure 1. Hypocotyl lengths of wild-type, phyA, and phyB mutant seedlings after growth in different fluence rates of continuous red light. Hypocotyl lengths are normalized to hypocotyl lengths of dark-grown seedlings and are averages of about 90 seedlings. Error bars indicate SD of measurements.

I R R/F 1

h a > .- c 0.8 E

5 p 0.6 a > - 0.4 O Q


- - 8 I” 0.2

O WT phyB phyA

Figure 2. Effect of pulses of red and far-red light ori hypocotyl elongation of etiolated wild-type, phyA, and phyB see(llings. Etio- lated seedlings were given pulses of red light (R; 5 min of red light, 2.2 W/m’) or red light followed by far-red light (R/FR; 11; min of far- red light, 1.4 W/mZ), at 4-h intervals, and hypocotyl Icngths were measured after 5 d. Data are normalized to hypocotyl lengths in the absence of light pulses and are means of three iridependent experiments. Error bars indicate SD of measurements.

continuoiis irradiation with red light (Fig. 1). This inhibition was reversible by pulses of far-red light. In contras t, the same light regimen inhibited hypocotyl elongation in the phyB mutant clnly slightly (Fig. 2). Therefore, PHYB ,Ippears to mediate xnhibition of hypocotyl elongation through a low- fluence response (Briggs et al., 1985). Pulses of far-red light alone had no significant effect on hypocotyl length (data not shown).

In addition to effects of the phytochrome mutations on hypocotyl elongation, we observed effects on greening. In particular, in red light the cotyledons of the phyA pliyB double mutant were smaller than the cotyledons of either single mutant, and the apical hook was also less open (Fig. 3). The apical hclok and cotyledons of red-light-grown 17hyA phyB seedlings appeared very similar to those of the hy.l, hy2, and hy6 mutants (Liscum and Hangarter, 1993b; data not shown), which are deficient in multiple phytochromes as a conse- quence of presumed defects in phytochrome chi omophore synthesis or attachment (Chory et al., 1989; Parks e t al., 1989; Parks and Quail, 1991). Thus, it appears that, as forinhibition of hypocotyl elongation, PHYA and PHYB act together to promote hook opening and cotyledon development in red light. In far-red light, cotyledon expansion and unfolding depended on PHYA alone, since cotyledons of the phyB mutant looked like those of the wild type (Fig. 3). Other workers have also observed this defect in phyA single mutants (Parks and Quail, 1993). In white light, cotyledons of a11 four strains expanded and unfolded, which is consistent with the finding tlhat a blue-light system also contributes to this re- sponse (Liscum and Hangarter, 1993a, 1993b). These results show that both PHYA and PHYB contribute to deetiolation in constalnt red light, whereas only PHYA contributes to deetiolation in constant far-red light.

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Developmental Roles of Phytochrome A and Phytochrome B 1145


w. t. phyA phyA* phyB phyAphyB


w. t. phyA phyB phyAphyB

w. t. phyA phyB phyAphyB

Figure 3. Appearance of cotyledons of wild-type, phyA, phyB, andphyA phyB mutant seedlings after growth in far-red-rich light (FR),white light (W), and red light (R). phyA', A seedling with the weakphyA mutation phyA-205. Seedlings were grown on MS plates for 1week under the different light conditions.

phyB seedlings. As shown in Figure 4, whereas both the phyAand phyB single mutants accumulated CAB mRNA to approx-imately the same degree as the wild type, the phyA phyBdouble mutant accumulated substantially less. In time-courseexperiments, we found that the double mutant did accumu-late CAB mRNA, but that the peak of accumulation occurredafter at least 12 h, compared to within 4 h for the wild-type,phyA, and phyB strains (data not shown). When the inducingred-light pulse was followed by a far-red-light pulse, theamount of induction was reduced, showing that the responsewas indeed attributable to phytochrome (Fig. 4). Interestingly,this reversal by a far-red-light pulse appeared most completein the phyA mutant (Fig. 4), suggesting that PHYA might beable to mediate CAB induction by far-red light, just as itmediates germination and inhibition of hypocotyl elongationby far-red light. Consistent with this notion, we have foundthat a phyA mutant expresses the CAB genes at a lower levelthan the wild type in continuous far-red light (T.D. Elich,unpublished result). These results show that under the con-ditions employed, either PHYA or PHYB can mediate induc-tion of CAB gene expression by red light. Moreover, theeventual induction of CAB in the phyA phyB double mutantsuggests that an additional phytochrome(s) may also contrib-ute to this response.

Consistent with these CAB induction results, the phyA phyBdouble mutant, but not the phyA or phyB single mutants, hada defect in potentiation of Chl accumulation by a pulse ofred light. We treated etiolated seedlings with a pulse of redlight 4 h before transfer to white light, and then measuredthe amount of Chl accumulation after 2 h of white light. Asshown in Figure 5, whereas all four strains accumulated Chlupon transfer to white light, the phyA phyB double mutantsnowed only a weak potentiation by the red-light pulse.Thus, for both CAB induction and potentiation of Chl accu-mulation, it appears that either PHYA or PHYB is sufficientfor full responsiveness to pulses of red light.


The Landsberg ecotype of Arabidopsis is a LDP, whichflowers earlier when grown under long days and short nightsthan when grown under short days (Brown and Klein, 1971;

Ler phyA phyB phyA/phyB


time (h) 0



4 4 0


4 4 0


4 4 0


4 4

Phytochromes are known to mediate induction of expres-sion of genes required for photosynthesis. In particular, it isknown that the CAB genes, encoding light-harvesting Chl a/b-binding proteins, are induced by phytochrome (Silver-thorne and Tobin, 1987; Karlin-Neumann et al., 1988; Sunand Tobin, 1990). However, it is not known which phyto-chrome^) mediate this gene expression response. Therefore,we have examined the ability of a pulse of red light to inducethe CAB genes of etiolated wild-type, phyA, phyB, and phyA

rDNA- •mmFigure 4. CAB mRNA induction in etiolated wild-type, phyA, phyB,and phyA phyB mutant seedlings by a flash of red light. Seedlingswere grown for 5 d in the dark, given a pulse of red light (R) or redfollowed by far-red light (R/FR; see "Materials and Methods"), andthen returned to the dark for 4 h until RNA was extracted. CAB,Hybridization signals using a CAB gene probe; rDNA, hybridizationsignals using a ribosomal DMA probe.

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1146 Reed et al. Plant Physiol. Vol. 104, 1994

Figure 5. Potentiation of Chl accumulation in etiolated wild-type, phyA, phyB, and phyA phyB seedlings by a pulse of red light. A 10- min red-light pulse (4.5 W/m') was given 4 h before transfer to white light (+R), or no such pulse was given (-R), and Chl was rneasured 2 h after transfer to white light. Values are means of four independent samples. Error bars indicate SD of measurements.

Goto et al., 1991). One way to probe the photoperiodic behavior of plants is to subject them to short days with a 'night break" of light in the middle of the long night. This light treatment mimics the effect of long days and allows investigation of informational light sensing in the absence of differential effects caused by differing amounts of total PAR. For severa1 plants, it has been established that night breaks are most effective when given in the middle of a long night (Lane et al., 1965; Hanke et al., 1969; Ishiguri and Oda, 1972; Saji et al., 1982; Vince-Prue, 1983). We have tested the behavior of the phyA, phyB, and phyA phyB mutants in such an experiment.

As shown in Figure 6, the phyA mutant responded signifi- cantly less than the wild type to night breaks, and the phyA phyB double mutant responded slightly less than the phyB mutant. Without night breaks, the wild-type and phyA plants flowered at the same time and with the same number of rosette leaves (Fig. 6; Student's t test, P > 0.5 for both measurements). However, whereas night breaks accelerated flowering in the wild type by about 6 d, they only accelerated flowering in the phyA mutant plants by about 2 d (Fig. 6A; P < 0.05 for wild type versus phyA when given night breaks). Similarly, the wild-type plants flowered with about eight fewer rosette leaves when given night breaks, but the phyA mutant flowered with just four fewer leaves (Fig. 6B; P < 0.005 for wild-type versus phyA with night breaks). This experiment was performed three times with comparable re- sults (data not shown). As reported previously (Goto et al., 1991; Reed et al., 1993), the phyB mutant flowered substan- tially earlier than the wild type both with and without a night break. The phyA mutation also reduced the night break response in the phyB mutant background, although the effect was smaller than in a wild-type (PHYB) background. Thus, the flowering time of phyB and phyA phyB strains was the same in short days (P > 0.5 for both days to flowering and leaf number). With night breaks, flowering of the phyB strain was accelerated by about 3 d, whereas flowering of the phyA

phyB strain was accelerated by just 2 d (Fig. 6A; P < 0.025 for phyB versus phyA phyB with night breaks). The ,uhyA phyB strain also had more rosette leaves at flowering than the phyB single mutant (Fig. 6B; P < 0.05).


The phyA mutations described here have allowed us to assess the physiological role of PHYA in Arabidopsis growth and devclopment with a specificity heretofore impossible. Analogous study of a phyB mutant and a phyA phyB double mutant has permitted us to determine the relative contribu- tions of PHYA and PHYB to various light-regulated proc- esses. We have found that PHYA promotes gemunation in far-red light, whereas PHYB controls germination i n the dark. PHYA inhibits hypocotyl elongation in far-red light and may also contribute to inhibition of hypocotyl elongaíion in red and white light. However, this effect in red or white light is easily visiible only in the phyB mutant background, and PHYB therefore appears to be more important than PHYA in red and white light. PHYA and PHYB together promote cotyle- don development in red light and induce expression of light- regulated genes in response to a brief red-light treatment.

A 50


a 40

tl b 30




- e m r B 10

O Ler phyA phyB phyA phyB



I T T m 20 > o - e SD

tl 10 n



O Ler phyA phyB phyA phyB


Figure 6. Flowering response of wild-type and mutant pllants grown in short days with or without a night break. Flowering was assessed as the poiint at which flower buds were first visible and is presented as number of days after sowing (A) and as number of rosette leaves at flowering (B). Plants were grown under either 9-h days (SD, short days) or 8-h days with a 1-h white-light treatment (the iight break) in the middle of the night (SD + NB). Each value represents the mean of 1 1 or 12 plants. Error bars indicate SD of measurements.

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Developmental Roles of Phytochrome A and Phytochrome B 1147

Finally, PHYA contributes to induction of flowering by long days, whereas PHYB inhibits flowering without obviously affecting sensing of daylength.

These and other studies (Dehesh et al., 1993; Nagatani et al., 1993; Parks and Quail, 1993; Whitelam et al., 1993; Shinomura et al., 1994) reveal that the p h y A mutant shows its most drastic physiological defects in germination and inhibition of hypocotyl elongation in plants grown under far-red-rich light. Moreover, other workers have reported a significant effect of far-red light in night-break experiments in Arabidopsis (Goto et al., 1991), which would be consistent with our observation that the p h y A mutant has a defect in this response. It is at first glance curious that a phytochrome should apparently exhibit its primary effect in far-red light because phytochromes are presumed to act upon sensing of red light and consequent conversion to the Pfr. However, the far-red component of such "high-irradiance responses" is generally considered to be mediated by a phytochrome (Beggs et al., 1980; Holmes and Schafer, 1981; Wall and Johnson, 1983; Carr-Smith et al., 1989; Smith and Whitelam, 1990). The best available explanation is that far-red light increases the rate of conversion from the far-red-absorbing form of PHYA to the red-absorbing form, which is more stable. This shift of the PHYA photoequilibrium results in higher steady- state levels of both forms of phytochrome and of putative intermediates that might have regulatory activity. Theoretical models based on known phytochrome photoconversion rates (Wall and Johnson, 1983) and actual measurements of phy- tochrome levels under light of different fluences (Smith et al., 1988) both support this type of model. In this model the increase in Pfr under incident light of low compared with high red to far-red (R:FR) ratio would depend on the greater lability of the Pfr relative to the Pr form of the phytochrome in question. Therefore, light-stable phytochromes would not be expected to mediate this type of response. The evolution of a light-labile phytochrome may thus be an elegant solution to the problem of how to use a phytochrome, whose action would normally be inhibited by far-red light, to mediate responses to far-red light. The ability to respond to far-red light might be particularly useful to plants germinating under leaves or thin layers of soil, environments potentially en- riched in far-red frequencies (Smith, 1982).

Our finding that PHYB inhibits germination in far-red light contradicts the accepted orthodoxy that phytochromes have no activity in the red-light-absorbing form. Far-red light pushes the phytochrome photoequilibrium toward the red- light-absorbing form, and therefore (for stable phytochromes) far-red light should mimic the effect of a loss-of-function phytochrome mutation. Earlier data on reversibility (inhibi- tion) of germination by far-red light were interpreted as indicating inactivation of phytochrome by conversion to Pr (Shropshire et al., 1961; McCullough and Shropshire, 1970; Hayes and Klein, 1974; Cone and Kendrick, 1985). However, we have found that for germination of a p h y A mutant, and to a lesser extent the wild type, the phyB nu11 mutation actually compensates for the apparent inhibitory effect of far-red light on germination. Therefore, PHYB must be inhib- iting germination under these conditions rather than fail ig to promote germination. Since it has been shown that the Pfr form of PHYB promotes germination (Shinomura et al.,

1994), and since in far-red-rich light PHYB would be expected to exist primarily in the red-light absorbing form Pr, this form of PHYB probably carries out the inhibition of germination in this case. Using pure seed stocks only, Shinomura et al. (1994) also reached this conclusion. Moreover, Liscum and Hangarter (1993~) have also concluded that the red-light- absorbing form of PHYB actively promotes shoot gravitrop- ism. There is precedent for altemate regulatory states of sensory molecules having opposite activities, as opposed to only one of two forms having an activity. For example, the NtrB protein of Escherichia coli acts as a kinase under condi- tions of nitrogen starvation and as a phosphatase under conditions of nitrogen excess (or, possibly, facilitates auto- phosphorylation and autodephosphorylation of its substrate, NtrC). NtrB is a member of the sensor class of bacterial two- component regulatory systems (Parkinson and Kofoid, 1992), a family with limited homology to phytochromes (Schneider- Poetsch, 1992).

In SDP physiological experiments have suggested that two phytochrome pools might play roles in regulating flowering time (Saji et al., 1982; Takimoto and Saji, 1984). The results of our flowering time experiments suggest that this is also true in Arubidopsis, a LDP. PHYA appears to interact with the circadian rhythm involved in sensing daylength, whereas PHYB appears to act more generally to inhibit flowering, perhaps functioning to sense the degree of shade rather than the daylength. This idea is consistent with studies of other LDP, which have suggested control of flowering both by circadian rhythm and by a high-fluence response (Lane et al., 1965; Schneider et al., 1967; Ishiguri and Oda, 1972; Deitzer et al., 1979). The phyB mutation affects flowering time more drastically than the p h y A mutation, suggesting that in this plant, general growth environment is more important than change in daylength for determining flowering time. In addition, in this and other experiments it appeared that the p h y A and p h y A phyB mutants retained a residual night-break response (Fig. 6; J.W. Reed, unpublished observation). This residual night-break response may indicate that another pho- toreceptor participates in this response. Such a photoreceptor could be another phytochrome or a blue-light photoreceptor. It has previously been reported that blue light can promote flowering in Arabidopsis (Brown and Klein, 1971; Eskins, 1992), and that both blue and far-red light can mediate the night-break response (Goto et al., 1991).

One intriguing conclusion to emerge from these physiolog- ical studies is that in responses in which PHYA and PHYB both play roles, they act either synergistically or in opposite directions. These data have implications for the mechanisms of phytochrome signal transduction. For example, in red light, both PHYA and PHYB inhibit hypocotyl elongation. Simi- larly, PHYA and PHYB both contribute to cotyledon devel- opment in red light and to Chl accumulation and induction of gene expression by a pulse of red light. For both inhibition of hypocotyl elongation and greening of cotyledons, then, it seems likely that the two phytochromes activate the same signal-transduction pathway. This idea is consistent with results from studies of overexpression of PHYA and PHYB in transgenic Arabidopsis plants, in which either PHYA or PHYB could cause a decrease in hypocotyl length (Boylan

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1148 Reed et al. Plant Physiol. Vol. 104, 1994

and Quail, 1991; Wagner et al., 1991; Whitelam et al., 1992; McCormac et al., 1993).

For other responses, PHYA and PHYB appear to act in opposite directions. For example, PHYA promotes and PHYB inhibits germination in far-red light. In this case, the pro- motion of germination in far-red light by PHYA can be explained as a high-irradiance response, in which the active form of PHYA might still be Pfr. As explained above, we attribute the inhibition of germination by PHYB to the Pr form. In fact, both PHYA and PHYB promote germination in red light, presumably through action of the Pfr form (Shi- nomura et al., 1994). For germination, then, PHYA and PHYB might also activate the same signal-transduction pathway, but only PHYA promotes germination in far-red light, through the ”high-irradiance response.”

The flowering data are more difficult to reconcile in this manner. In our night-break experiments, we observed a delay of flowering compared with the wild type in the phyA mutant and an acceleration of flowering in the phyB mutant. If the effects on flowering of PHYA and PHYB are both mediated by Pfr, then the Pfr forms of PHYA and PHYB must actually act in opposite directions. This conclusion suggests that PHYA and PHYB might act through separable signaling pathways. This could be accomplished by physical separation of the two phytochromes, for example by expression in different tissues or at different times, a mechanism suggested by the differential levels of PHYA in etiolated versus light- grown seedlings (Somers et al., 1991), or through interaction of PHYA and PHYB with distinct signal-transduction com- ponents. Altematively, it is possible, as in the case of germi- nation in far-red light, that PHYB exerts an effect on flow- ering through the Pr form. Thus, under the light conditions employed in our experiments, the inhibitory effect of the Pr form of PHYB may be more visible than a putative promoting effect of the Pfr form. It will be interesting to discover whether the two phytochromes affect these processes through different effects on the same signal-transduction systems or through distinct signal-transduction systems.

Received October 29, 1993; accepted December 28, 1993. Copyright Clearance Center: 0032-0889/94/104/1139/11.


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