Physical volcanology of continental large igneous provinces: update and review

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Physical volcanology of continental large igneous provinces:

update and review

J. D. L. WHITE1*, S. E. BRYAN2,3, P.-S. ROSS1,4, S. SELF5 & T. THORDARSON6

1Department of Geology, University of Otago, PO Box 56, Dunedin, New Zealand2Department of Geology & Geophysics, Yale University, PO Box 208109, New Haven,

CT 06520-8109, USA3Present address: Centre for Earth and Environmental Science Research,

School of Earth Sciences and Geography, Kingston University, Penrhyn Road,

Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2EE, UK4Present address: INRS-ETE, 490, rue de la Couronne, Quebec, Canada G1K 9A9

5Open University, Volcano Dynamics Group, Department of Earth Sciences, The Open

University, Milton Keynes MK7 6AA, UK6School of Earth Science, University of Edinburgh, Grant Institute, The King’s Buildings,

West Mains Road, Edinburgh EH9 3JW, UK

*Corresponding author (e-mail:

Abstract: Large igneous provinces (LIPs) form in both oceanic and continental settings by theemplacement and eruption of voluminous magmas ranging from basalt to rhyolite in composition.Continental flood basalt provinces are the best studied LIPs and consist of crustal intrusive systems,extensive flood lavas and ignimbrites, and mafic volcaniclastic deposits in varying proportions.Intrusive rocks are inferred to represent the solidified remnants of a plumbing system that federuptions at the surface, as well as themselves representing substantial accumulations of magmain the subsurface. The vast majority of intrusive rock within the upper crust is in widespreadsills, the emplacement of which may structurally isolate and dismember upper crustal stratafrom underlying basement, as well as spawning dyke assemblages of complex geometry. Inter-action of dykes and shoaling sills with near-surface aquifers is implicated in development ofmafic volcaniclastic deposits which, in better-studied provinces, comprise large vent complexesand substantial primary volcaniclastic deposits. Flood lavas generally postdate and overlie maficvolcaniclastic deposits, and are emplaced as pahoehoe flows at a grand scale (up to 104 km2)from eruptions lasting years to decades. As with modern Hawaiian analogues, pahoehoe floodlavas have erupted from fissure vents that sometimes show evidence of high lava fountains attimes during eruption. In contrast to basaltic provinces, in which volcaniclastic deposits are signi-ficant but not dominant, silicic LIPs are dominated by deposits of explosive volcanism, althoughthey also contain variably significant contributions from widespread lavas. Few vent sites havebeen identified for silicic eruptive units in LIPs, but it has been recognized that some ignimbriteshave also been erupted from fissure-like vents. Although silicic LIPs are an important, albeit lesscommon, expression of LIP events along continental margins, the large volumes of easily erodibleprimary volcaniclastic deposits result in these provinces also having a significant sedimentary sig-nature in the geologic record. The inter-relationships between flood basalt lavas and volcaniclasticdeposits during LIP formation can provide important constraints on the relative timings betweenLIP magmatism, extension, kilometre-scale uplift and palaeoenvironmental changes.

Large igneous provinces (LIPs) have been thesubject of many previous papers and books, mostwith a petrological or geodynamic focus. Thepapers in this volume devoted to George Walkerfocus, in contrast, on physical processes of magma-tism, and for LIPs a diversity of physical magmaticphenomena are known to be involved in their

emplacement. George had an interest in the stylesof lava that form LIPs and his early work was influ-ential – including his Deccan Traps-based paperthat proposed compound v. simple flows (Walker1972, 1999). In this article, we update and reviewaspects of physical volcanology for continentalbasaltic and silicic LIPs. For basaltic continental

From: THORDARSON, T., SELF, S., LARSEN, G., ROWLAND, S. K. & HOSKULDSSON, A. (eds)Studies in Volcanology: The Legacy of George Walker. Special Publications of IAVCEI, 2, 291–321.Geological Society, London. 1750-8207/09/$15.00 # IAVCEI 2009.

LIPs, we assess the hypabyssal magma distributionsystem for eruptions, the emplacement of extensivebasaltic lava flows, and the extent and significanceof mafic volcaniclastic deposits accompanyingflood lavas. Silicic LIPs are dominated by pyroclas-tic deposits but in contrast to the basaltic examples,their plumbing systems are less well exposed andstudied. We conclude with a brief evaluation ofthe context for physical volcanological studiesin LIPs, and a summary of key volcanological pro-cesses active during their emplacement.

Magma distribution systems: dykes and

sills of continental LIPs

Although the most prominent and longest studiedrocks of continental large igneous provinces arethick stacks of basaltic lavas, the first section of thismanuscript addresses the solidified lithosphericmagma distribution systems that fed the lavas.These ‘plumbing systems’ are represented by exten-sive sills and dykes, now exposed at differentlevels in variously eroded provinces (e.g. Richey1948; Ernst & Baragar 1992; Tegner et al. 1998;Chevallier & Woodward 1999; Elliot & Fleming2004). Giant dyke swarms and other intrusionsinferred to have been coupled with surface eruptionsare exposed in deeply eroded continental provinces(Piccirillo et al. 1990; Ernst & Baragar 1992;Hatton & Schweizer 1995; Ernst & Buchan 1997,2001; Ernst et al. 2005; Ray et al. 2007), whereas arange of intrusive complexes, sill networks andpopulations of smaller dykes are known from settingswithin a few kilometres of the palaeoeruptionsurface.

Whatever the origin of LIP magmas or the tec-tonic regime associated with their emplacement,the resulting intrusive rocks represent substantialvolumes of unerupted magma (Crisp 1984; Walker1993). The underplated igneous volume can be upto 10 times larger than the associated extrusivevolume. For example, in the North AtlanticIgneous Province, Roberts et al. (1984) estimatedthe total volume of Palaeocene to early Eocenebasalt to be 2 million km3, whereas White et al.(1987) and White & McKenzie (1989) suggested atotal volume of up to 10 million km3, and Eldholm& Grue (1994) estimated a total crustal volume of6.6 million km3.

Magma that solidified in sills, dykes and otherintrusive complexes developed in host rocks as aresult of mechanical coupling between magmaticpressure and the stress regime extant during theiremplacement (Anderson 1951; Rubin 1995). Assum-ing that dyke–sill orientations reflect deformationin homogeneous media at crustal or lithosphericscales, the geometries of the solidified magmatic

plumbing networks have been used to infer stressregimes during emplacement, and to infer tectoniccontext and magma origin (Wilson 1993; Head &Kreslavsky 2002; Wilson & Head 2002; Ernst &Desnoyers 2004; Elliot & Fleming 2004). Thenature of magma transport at depth is not, however,readily determined in regions where only shallowerexposure exists, as illustrated by the range of possibi-lities considered by Elliot & Fleming (2004) fordelivery of magma to the Ferrar Group intrusionsand flood basalts in Antarctica (Fig. 1). This uncer-tainty makes it more challenging to determine theultimate sources of magma for various LIPs,whether it is generated in linear zones below eruptionfissures or distributed along such zones over largedistances from a central source (e.g. MacKenziedyke swarm; Baragar et al. 1996).

Given the dynamics of magma intrusion andstructural decoupling of strata buoyed above exten-sive sills, it may not be valid to assume that dyke–sill orientations can be used directly to infer regionaltectonic stresses. This may be particularly relevantfor LIPs characterized by widespread and volumi-nous sills, such as the Karoo Dolerite of southernAfrica (Fig. 2) and its spectacularly exposedAntarctic counterpart, the Ferrar Dolerite. Considerthe enormous Peneplain Sill in the Dry Valleys,Antarctica (19 000 km2, 0.25 km thick), whichwas intruded beneath c. 2 km of sedimentary rock(Gunn & Warren 1962). Had the sill been intruded‘instantaneously’, the overlying sedimentary rockwould have been decoupled from underlying base-ment rock by a liquid–plastic layer of magma; thelid would have been isolated from any tectonicstress exerted on the rocks below. Emplacement isnot instantaneous, but sills maintain deformableinteriors during emplacement (Marsh 1996), whichlimits mechanical coupling through them (Hawkes-worth et al. 2000; Marsh 2004). Also, sills grow byfluid-dynamic insertion of magma which, undertriaxial stress regimes and into homogeneous orsimply layered host rocks, produces saucer-shapedor stepped-saucer sills (Chevallier & Woodward1999; Malthe-Sørenssen et al. 2004). As a sillspreads from a magma supply site, the rock aboveis progressively wedged and buoyed upward(Chevallier & Woodward 1999; Thomson &Hutton 2004). This process transmits stressthrough the uplifting rock, and cracks thus createdare filled by magma to produce dykes (Pollard &Johnson 1973; White et al. 2005). Dykes spawnedin this way reflect near-field stresses from the intru-sion process itself, rather than far-field tectonicstresses affecting the crust below the sill.

In South Victoria Land, Antarctica, many Ferrarintrusions change their shape and orientation alongtheir length; horizontal sills locally feed into subver-tical dykes, dykes change strike abruptly and the

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form of the fractures occupied by magma varieswidely across small areas (Elliot & Fleming2004). Outcrops at Mount Gran and Terra CottaMountain (Fig. 3) illustrate this complexity at pae-leodepths of c. 1–2.5 km, which is somewhat unex-pected, because magma transport at such depths hasbeen treated as being controlled predominantly bythe regional stress field.

Terra Cotta Mountain exposes rocks fromc. 1–2 km below the surface, including a sill separ-ating basement from sedimentary cover rocks, alarge ‘mega’ dyke, and swarms of subparallel tosuborthogonal inclined sheets of varying thickness.Higher in the overall sequence, a spectacular cliff at

Mount Gran similarly exposes a megadyke at thelocal terminus of a thick sill, with the megadykeapparently feeding a splay of inclined sheets(Fig. 3b). At both sites, significant displacementsof country rock take place across thick dykes, atleast partly in response to differential jacking upof strata by sills that terminate at these dykes.

The rather chaotic pattern seen at both Mt Granand Terra Cotta Mountain is more consistent withcountry rock acting as a ‘floated’ lid on top of, orpartly within, a fluid magma, with cracks formingin response to very local stresses rather than regionalones (White et al. 2005). This conclusion gainsadditional support from the contact geometries of

Fig. 1. Different styles of long-distance magma transport considered by Elliot and Fleming (2004; diagram redrawnfrom their fig. 7) for the distribution of Weddell Sea-derived magmas throughout the Ferrar LIP. In the top two cartoons,magma feeding the Ferrar Dolerite, exposed in the Transantarctic Mountains, is provided by sills extending cratonwardfrom a megadyke farther toward an outboard convergent margin, whereas in the lower cartoon the main transport is in amegadyke or dyke complex beneath the current outcrop belt, with delivery toward the surface by vertical dyking.


Fig. 2. Illustration of regional and local patterns of intrusion in the Karoo LIP, redrawn after Chevallier & Woodward(1999). The intruded strata are predominantly mudrock and minor sandstone of the lower Beaufort Group (Johnson et al.1996), and were probably intruded at depths of several kilometres below the pre-flood basalt surface. The shaded area tothe northeast represents outcrops of the Stormberg lavas, and dykes mapped there are exposed within the flood-basaltsequence. The enlargement of the boxed area shows in more detail the outcrop pattern and the abundance of sills (thickcurved lines), many of which form broadly dish-shaped structures. Note that the abundant approximately linear dykes inthe simplified regional illustration are not apparent at this scale (drawn from 1:50 000 maps), which instead displaysmany curved and irregular dykes with only weak, segmented, linearity. The regional map showing rectilinear dykesdemonstrates well the extent and intensity of subvolcanic intrusion, but fails to capture the chaotic and irregular patternof intrusion apparent at larger mapping scales.

Fig. 3. Simplified stratigraphic column for South Victoria Land, Ferrar LIP (right) shows approximate stratigraphiclevels of dyke and sill outcrops shown. In outcrops shown, dark rock is dolerite, country rock is pale sandstone. (a) TerraCotta Mountain, c. 800 m topography, with basement exposed below sill at lower right, and (b) Mt Gran, cliff heightc. 400 m, with apparent transition from large sill at left to central mega-dyke; inclined sheets extend from themega-dyke, and thinner sills are exposed to the right. ‘CH’ indicates stratigraphic range of outcrops of Coombs Hills(Fig. 4). Column after McClintock (2001), Elliot (1992), Collinson et al. (1983) and Ballance (1977).

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some dykes, which show irregular buds and exten-sions that indicate different directions of magmaflow and/or of dyke propagation among closelyspaced dykes. Local regularities in dyke-set geome-tries may reflect intrusion dynamics, with wedgingand uplift during initial sill propagation causing sys-tematic cracking of the floated lid. Other dyke-setpatterns may result from inhomogeneities in thecountry rock caused by jointing, fracturing, faultingor folding, interlayering of rock units with con-trasting rheologies, or the presence of olderintrusive rocks.

At Coombs Hills, Ferrar Dolerite outcropsextend to within 200 m of the base of nearby floodlavas adjacent to the Coombs Hills vent complex(Ross et al. 2008). At this level, large domains ofcountry rock are isolated and tilted within doleritebodies (Fig. 4a), and the country rock domains areadditionally cut in complex patterns (Fig. 4b) byboth wedge-shaped, and small, commonly sinuous,dykes (White & Garland 2007). It appears that asFerrar sills approached the ground surface atCoombs Hills, at least a hundred metres of overlyingcountry rock was broken into blocks that becameseparated from one another, commonly rotated andpartly to wholly engulfed in incrementally inflateddoleritic sills. An absence of flood basalt lavasamong the large tilted blocks suggests that atCoombs Hills the process predated emplacementof overlying flood basalts (White et al. 2006).Such wholesale breakup of country rock atshallow intrusion levels may well be related todevelopment of vent complexes such as that atCoombs Hills, but the nature of this relationshipremains to be determined.

Extensive dyke swarms are exposed in the moredeeply eroded silicic LIPs (e.g. Whitsunday,Kennedy–Connors–Auburn; Ewart et al. 1992;Stephenson 1990; Bryan 2007). Diffuse swarms(�100 km wide) of mostly steeply dipping dykesranging between 1 and 50 m in width are character-istic, and the swarms can extend along strike forover 1000 km (Stephenson 1990). Silicic LIPsmay have similarly extensive mid- to upper-crustalgranitic batholith underpinnings and dyke swarms,and more-mafic igneous underplate at lowercrustal depths (Ferrari et al. 2007), but our under-standing of the magma plumbing systems of silicicLIPs remains limited in comparison to what isknown for CFBPs.

In summary, the emplacement of substantialvolumes of magma generated in continental LIPsmay be solely as intrusions at relatively shallowdepths (upper few kilometres). The geometry andemplacement processes of these intrusions are con-trolled by the interaction between magma fluiddynamics and tectonic stresses. As large intrusionsapproach the ground surface, overlying rocks

can be broken apart and effectively engulfedwithin them.

Lava flows in continental flood basalt


In less-eroded continental flood basalt provinces(CFBPs), very thick piles of basaltic lava flows(more than 3 km thick in some cases) are seen tomake up the bulk of each province. Although theyhave been studied since the inception of geologyas a science (see Walker 1995 for a review), theflows are so extensive, and the flood basalt pro-vinces so widespread and generally broken up byrifting, that it has taken much painstaking work topiece together a picture of the ‘typical’ product ofa flood basalt eruption. The most valuable work sofar for flood basalt interpretation has been basedupon the Columbia River Basalt province, the smal-lest, youngest, and arguably the most intact CFBP.Decades of effort by many workers, summarisedin papers such as Tolan et al. (1989), Reidel et al.(1989) and Reidel & Hooper (1989), show thatindividual flow fields, each the product of a singleeruption, are huge in volume, commonly exceeding1000 km3 of lava. Furthermore, volcanologicalstudies show that these eruptions were fed by verylong fissures (e.g. Swanson et al. 1975) and that atleast parts of the eruptions were Hawaiian-like innature at the vent (Reidel & Tolan 1992), featuringsmall lava ponds.

Lava flow fields

The lava piles in CFBPs are composed of flow fieldsalmost always of pahoehoe or rubbly pahoehoe (asin more-modern lava fields, Guilbaud et al. 2005),with the latter forming up to 30% of flows in someprovinces (Keszthelyi 2002; Keszthelyi et al.2004). The flow fields have been proposed to haveoriginated from prolonged eruptions that probablylasted for years to decades (Self et al. 1996, 1997,1998; Thordarson & Self 1996, 1998). Each flowfield consists of several major lava flows, which inturn consist of multiple flow lobes. The number ofindividual lava bodies within one flow field mustbe very large indeed. The major sheet lobes, con-taining the majority of the lava volume, are com-monly 20–30 m thick, several kilometres wide,and show features consistent with in situ flowthickening by inflation (Hon et al. 1994; endogen-ous growth; Fig. 5). These extensive lobes, withaspect ratios (length/thickness) ranging from c. 50to c. 500, are the basic building-blocks of a CFBPand give the provinces their ‘layer-cake’ or, wheneroded, step-like, appearance. The similarity of pro-cesses that form sheet lobes within any CFBP gives


Fig. 4. (a) Northern Coombs Hills. Note large, variably tilted, blocks of sandstone enclosed in dolerite; c. 200 m reliefin image. The Coombs Hills outcrops are adjacent to a large vent complex (see Ross et al. 2008 and references therein).(b) Detail of dolerite–sandstone relationships illustrated in (a). Numerous dykes and inclined sheets, some dipping atvery low angles, penetrate and separate bodies of sandstone that are tilted in varying directions from their in situorientations. The sandstone bodies at this level (c. 200 m below nearby base of Ferrar Group flood-basalt lavas) are alsopenetrated by scores of thin, sinuous dykes that commonly terminate within the sediment as thin pointed tips a fewmillimetres wide. The dolerite cliff in shadow is the edge of a sill; its contacts against bodies of country rock to the leftare subvertical, but it has distinct subhorizontal internal boundaries defined by weathering and, locally, thin lenses ofcountry rock.

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a consistent internal structure to the lava unitsthat is typified by the schematic section shown inFigure 6. Lava units are usually pipe-vesicle-bearing pahoehoe lavas (Fig. 7), and the often comp-lexly jointed vesicular upper crustal zone canoccupy 40–60% of the sheet lobe thickness.

The morphology of the lava bodies, their surfacecharacteristics and internal textures appear tochange little from vent to toe in flood basalt flowfields, which can extend over distances in excessof 500 or even 1000 km (Hooper 1996; Self et al.2008). Proximal lava flows tend to be thinner thanthe thick sheet lobes that occupy the almost infi-nitely low slopes of the main parts of a province.

Sheet lobe refers to a single flow lobe that is alarge-scale feature, i.e. wider than an outcrop, andtens of metres thick, as is common in CFBPs. Thissame basic volcanic architecture has been reportedfrom each flood basalt province where physicaldescriptions of the lavas have been made, includingthe Kerguelen plateau (Keszthelyi 2002), Etendeka(Jerram 2002), North Atlantic Igneous Province(Single & Jerram 2004) and Deccan (Bondre et al.2000, 2004a, b; see review by Jerram & Widdowson2005). A common variant is flows with pahoehoebases and internal structures capped by a rubblytop often over 10 m in thickness. These so-calledrubbly pahoehoe lava units have been described

Fig. 5. A four-stage diagram illustrating emplacement of lava by lobes and lobe-breakouts.


Fig. 6. A composite graphic log showing illustrating characteristic structures of Roza sheet lobes. Left side shows thecharacteristic three-part division of sheet lobes (a) and jointing styles (b). Right side of the column shows distribution ofvesiculation structures (c), vesiculation (d) and degree of crystallinity (e). The scale h/l indicates normalized heightabove the base of the sheet lobe (h, height in lobe; l, total lobe thickness). Abbreviations in column (a) are: CRZ ¼ zoneof crustal joints, PLZ ¼ zone of platy joints, CLZ ¼ zone of columnar joints. The structures in column (c) areBVZ ¼ basal vesicular zone, PV ¼ pipe vesicles, SV ¼ sheet vesicles, VC ¼ vesicle cylinders. Scale on column (d) isd, dense (0–5 vol% vesicles); m, moderately vesicular (10–20 vol%); and v, vesicular (30–40 vol%). On column (e) h,hyaline; hy, hypohyaline; hc, hypocrystalline; c, holocrystalline.

Fig. 7. Two photos of ‘Hawaii-size’ Deccan pahoehoe lobes, Bushe Formation, Lonavala Sub-group, nearPoladpur, India. (a) base of a decimetre-thick lobe with pipe-vesicles – pen for scale; (b) small lobe with ropes, lenscapfor scale.

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from smaller, more recent flood lava flow-fields(Laki, Iceland; Guilbaud et al. 2005) and CFBPs(Kerguelen, Columbia River Basalts, see referencesabove), and some slabby-topped flows have beendescribed from the Deccan province (Duraiswamiet al. 2003).

Both geothermometry and thermal modelling ofColumbia River lava flows show that the greatextent of individual lava flows was not limited bycooling (Keszthelyi et al. 2004). The insulatedtransport of lava under a thick crust is thermallyextremely efficient, with measured cooling ratesof �0.1 8C per km flowed (Ho & Cashman 1997;Thordarson & Self 1998). Theoretically, this modeof emplacement can produce lava flows.1000 km long with modest lava fluxes (Selfet al. 2008). In a study of long Quaternary basalticlava flows (.100 km long) of the McBride provincein northern Australia, it was concluded that lavaflows greater than tens of kilometres were favouredby a pahoehoe emplacement style (thermal insula-tion), sustained eruption over years to tens ofyears, favourable slopes, unhindered flow con-ditions (e.g. dry river beds) and an insulatedconduit system (lava tubes), but that lava flow sizewas ultimately limited by supply (Stephensonet al. 1998). Thus the key to these ‘floods’ of lavais the immense volume of magma released duringone eruption, rather than the lava viscosity, eruptionrate or environmental conditions (Keszthelyi & Self1998). Recent studies of lavas in the Deccan Trapsshow that inflated pahoehoe lavas are common inthat province, with the implication that insulatedtransport also played an important role their empla-cement (e.g. Keszthelyi et al. 1999; Duraiswamiet al. 2001, 2002, 2003; Bondre et al. 2004a; Jay2005). Many details are still not available,however, and different CFBPs may have distinctlava characteristics (Bondre et al. 2004a, b).

Flood basalt vents

Important additional information about the nature offlood basalt eruptions can be gleaned from thenature of the vents, although the number of reportsof vent facies from CFBPs is very small. Thispartly reflects that fact that the vent systems aresmall, often-linear components in huge lava pro-vinces, so there is low probability that they will becommonly exposed. Moreover, in many CFBPsrifting may occur along the trends of earlierfissure–vent systems, perhaps preferentiallydestroying evidence of the vent regions (Hooper1990). The occurrence of dyke systems that can betraced laterally for tens to hundreds of kilometresimplies that many flood basalt eruptions are fedfrom linear vent systems. The fissures appear tocluster in time and space, such that one lava

formation within a CFBP is often erupted from agroup of sub-parallel linear-vent systems, rep-resented by dyke groupings (Hooper 1990; Walker1995). The best documented examples of the appar-ently rarely outcropping surface-vent constructs andvent successions are found within the ColumbiaRiver Basalts (Swanson et al. 1975), where associ-ations of fountain-fed flows, spatter and lapilliscoria units, and spongy and shelly pahoehoelobes appear to define complex linear vent systemsthat bear a resemblance to the cone complexesformed by modern-day fissure eruptions. Onein-depth study of a vent structure within the c. 16Ma old Teepee Butte Member of the GrandeRonde basalts shows that it featured a lava pond sur-rounded by cone ramparts that were constructed byat least three distinct episodes of Hawaiian-stylefountaining (Reidel & Tolan 1992). An importantconsideration is that evidence preserved aroundbasaltic vents may represent processes occurringin the dying stages of vents and fissure segments,and not what was occurring during the periods ofmaximum effusion rate.

The near-vent succession of the c. 14.7 Ma oldRoza Member is a sequence of fountain-fed lavaflows overlain by 1–10 m thick bedded lapilli scoriaunits, which in turn are capped by either fountain-fed lava or pahoehoe sheet lobes (Thordarson1995; Thordarson & Self 1996). The scoria unitsare of particular interest as they consist of uniformfine to medium lapilli scoria and exhibit a near-horizontal internal bedding. This sequence offountain-fed lavas, scoria beds and ‘normal’ lavasis identical to that found in the near-vent successionsof the 1783–1784 AD Laki and 934–940 ADEldgja fissure-fed flood lava eruptions (Fig. 8a),where each sequence is the product of one eruptionepisode. The resemblance is also enhanced by thesimilar grain-size distributions and clast mor-phologies in these deposits to those found in floodbasalt provinces. In the historic eruptions, thescoria units were produced by sub-Plinian explosivephases at the beginnings of individual eruptionepisodes because, at the onset of degassing, theexsolved volatiles streamed up through the magmacolumn to form a two-phase flow in the upper partof the conduit. This resulted in gas-driven explosiveeruptions at the surface that produced the earlyfountain-fed flows. Because of this initial bulk lossof volatiles the conduit flow was converted to thebubbly flow regime and the style of the eruptionchanged to weak fountaining and effusion ofnormal lava. This pattern then repeated in the sub-sequent eruption episodes. Although the tephrafalls produced by the explosive phases in floodbasalt volcanism are minor components comparedwith the volume of lava erupted, the significanceof these phases for assessing eruption dynamics


and possible atmospheric effects should not beunderestimated (Self et al. 2005). They recordperiods of peak magma discharge that producederuptions of sub-Plinian intensities.

The picture that is emerging conforms well to thenotion that these fissure-fed lava-producing eventsare large-scale versions of the historic flood lavaeruptions in Iceland. Thus by analogy, it is likelythat flood basalt eruptions featured multiple epi-sodes, each beginning with a relatively short-lived

explosive phase followed by a longer-lasting effu-sive phase. After fissure activity, effusion mayhave settled down to one of a few points along thelinear vent system, and small shields (and cones;Fig. 8b) are known along the Roza fissure of theColumbia River province (Swanson et al. 1975).Another important conclusion that can be drawnfrom this comparison is that it is unlikely that theentire vent system erupted concurrently. It is morelikely that at any one time the activity was confined

Fig. 8. (a) Schematic illustration showing the stratigraphy of the near-vent successions produced by a singleeruption episode during the Laki and Eldgja eruptions. The diagram is unscaled, but spatter ramparts are metres to afew tens of metres in scale typical scoria cone crater widths and heights are a few hundred metres or less, and tephrafall deposits of significant thickness extend only a few km from the vent. (b) Exposure of near-vent Roza eruptionproducts at Winona, Washington, consisting of a scoria-fall mound or rampart overlain by agglutinated spatter-fallfacies (person for scale).

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to distinct fissure segments on the vent system, asindicated by mapping of the Roza lava flow field(Thordarson & Self 1998). The lava flow-fieldsalso grew incrementally, with active lava emplace-ment in only one part, or a few parts, of the wholefield at any one time. It should be noted thatten years of effusion at the maximum sustainedLaki eruption rate (estimated at c. 4000 m3 s21;Thordarson & Self 1993) would yield a ‘flood-basalt-magnitude’ flow field (c. 1250 km3). Wealso note that the Laki flow field has been shownto contain abundant lava tubes in the proximal tomedial regions (Wood & Watts 2002), and can beconsidered, in the current state of knowledge,largely a tube-fed lava field.

Volcaniclastic rocks in LIPs

Not all the eruptions of LIPs were predominantlyeffusive. A range of volcaniclastic deposits, inaddition to the informative but relatively small-volume tephra falls of sub-Plinian eruptions men-tioned above, are found. The various volcaniclasticdeposits contain information on erupted magmacompositions, primary fragmentation mechanisms,eruptive processes, depositional environments andtectonomagmatic evolution. This section reviewsthe main characteristics and proposed origins ofvolcaniclastic rocks associated with LIPs.

We follow White & Houghton (2006) in definingprimary volcaniclastic deposits and rocks as ‘theentire range of fragmental products depositeddirectly, by explosive or effusive eruption’. In thisclassification, ‘primary volcaniclastic’ replaces thebroadest use of ‘pyroclastic’ in Fisher & Schmincke(1984) as the core term for the family of particlesand deposits formed by volcanic eruptions.Primary volcaniclastic deposits may include olderfragments ejected or moved during an eruption.Reworked volcaniclastic deposits refer to thosecomprising particles that have been derived fromprimary volcaniclastic deposits and redeposited bysurface processes (e.g. wind, rivers, non-eruptivedensity currents, ocean currents), either during aneruption or after a storage period (syn-eruptive rese-dimented volcaniclastic deposits of McPhie et al.1993). Epiclastic deposits or volcanogenic sedimen-tary rocks (McPhie et al. 1993) are those producedby weathering and erosion of volcanic (includinglithified volcaniclastic) rocks, and their rates of pro-duction are hence controlled largely by weathering.White & Houghton (2006) recognized four end-member groups of primary volcaniclastic deposits:(1) pyroclastic deposits from pyroclastic plumesand jets or pyroclastic density currents; (2) autoclas-tic deposits formed when effusing magma coolsby contact with air and the fragments produced

accumulate to produce approximately in situ depos-its; (3) hyaloclastic deposits (hyaloclastite) andpillow breccia formed when magma effuses suba-queously, is quenched in contact with water and pro-duces fragments accumulated as approximately insitu deposits; and (4) peperite, formed duringshallow intrusion of magma into a clastic host; frag-ments of magma or lava form by mingling with thedebris (typically wet), with deposition effectively insitu (e.g. White et al. 2000).

Pyroclastic deposits thus defined may comprisefragments produced by both phreatomagmatic andmagmatic fragmentation processes. We thereforeuse ‘magmatic’ fragmentation (e.g. Houghton &Wilson 1989) to describe fragmentation occurringwithin the conduit due to gas expansion and/ormagma shear, without the influence of externalwater.

Mafic volcaniclastic rocks in LIPs

Kilometre-thick piles of basaltic lava are not onlycharacteristic of continental flood basalt provincesbut also characterize other LIP-types such as volca-nic passive margins and oceanic plateaus (e.g.Coffin & Eldholm 1994; Menzies et al. 2002; Kerr2003; Kerr & Mahoney 2007). Volcaniclasticdeposits constitute significant stratigraphic thick-nesses and volumes of several mafic LIPs (Bryanet al. 2002; Ross et al. 2005; Ukstins-Peate et al.2005), but are reportedly sparse for others (e.g.Columbia River, Deccan) or have been misinter-preted (e.g. as epiclastic alluvial fan deposits inthe Emeishan flood basalt province; He et al.2003). Mafic volcaniclastic deposits have been arelatively neglected research topic thus far, despitetheir implications for palaeoenvironmental recon-structions, magma production and supply rates,eruption dynamics and climatic impacts.

Mafic volcaniclastic deposits, now mostly lithi-fied, exist in various proportions in most Phanero-zoic CFBPs (Table 1), as well as in somePrecambrian examples (Blake 2001) and in silicicLIPs (Pankhurst et al. 1998; Bryan et al. 2000).Several hundred metres of mafic volcaniclasticdeposits have also been found in one drill holefrom the Ontong Java Plateau, a largely submarineLIP (Shipboard Scientific Party 2001; Thordarson2004). Salient points, in part drawn from thereview paper by Ross et al. (2005), include thefollowing:

1. Mafic volcaniclastic deposits occur principallyas intercalated horizons among lava flows insome flood basalt provinces (e.g. VøringPlateau in the North Atlantic; Noril’sk areaon Siberian platform; Deccan plateau),whereas in others they are concentrated inthe lower part of the volcanic stratigraphy


Table 1. Summary of mafic volcaniclastic deposits from Phanerozoic mafic LIPs (continental flood basaltprovinces except the Ontong Java), after Ross et al. (2005) and references therein

Province Features

Columbia River Basalts † Possible phreatomagmatic vent infills (Fuller 1928)† Pillow–palagonite complexes, common at base of lava flows, especially near

plateau margins (Swanson & Wright 1981)† Proximal pyroclastic accumulations near linear vents (Swanson et al. 1975;

Thordarson & Self 1996)Afro-Arabia † Mafic mega-breccia in upper part of sequence in Yemen (Ukstins Peate et al.

2005)† Primary deposits intercatated with earliest lavas in Ethiopia and Yemen† Mafic volcaniclastic deposits overlying basement in NE Yemen Plateau

Deccan Traps † Fine-grained mafic material in clastic layers between flood lavas(‘intertrappean’ beds; e.g. Widdowson et al. 1997)

† Both fine and coarse mafic volcaniclastic deposits reported from base of lavasequence in Mumbai region

† Thick late Cretaceous deposits in Pakistan (Khan et al. 1999)North Atlantic Igneous

Province† East Greenland: near the coast, mafic volcaniclastic deposits constitute

35–50% of the lower volcanic rocks, much less in the overlying plateaulavas (Ukstins Peate et al. 2003a)

† Faeroe Islands: over 1100 m of mafic volcaniclastic deposits underneath theflood lavas in one drill hole (Ellis et al. 2002)

† North Sea and Denmark: over 130 basaltic tephra layers intercalated insediments of the Balder Formation and correlatives (Larsen et al. 2003),possibly causing early Eocene cooling (Jolley & Widdowson 2005)

† Ireland: numerous exposures of vent-filling breccia containing basaltic clastsnear the Giant’s Causeway (Patterson 1963)

† Several other occurrences in other areasOntong Java † Over 300 m of mafic volcaniclastic deposits, rich in accretionary lapilli,

occur in one drill hole without any overlying lavas (Thordarson 2004)Ferrar † Flood lavas are almost everywhere underlain by mafic volcaniclastic deposits

ranging in exposed thickness from 10 m to over 400 m, interpreted asphreatomagmatic deposits (Elliot & Fleming 2008)

† Overall mafic volcaniclastic deposits are dominated by poorly sorted,structureless to diffusely-layered tuff-breccias and coarse lapilli-tuffs, withsubordinate tuffs and fine lapilli-tuffs

† Interesting features include tuff ring remnants (Ross et al. 2008), debrisavalanche deposits (Reubi et al. 2005), huge clastic dykes (Ross & White2005b), and thick mafic pyroclastic flow deposits (Ross et al. 2005)

† Among the coarser-grained rocks, some are filling diatreme-like vents or ventcomplexes (White & McClintock 2001; Ross & White 2006), whereas otherform layers filling pre-existing topographic depressions (Ross & White2005a; McClintock & White 2006)

Karoo † Mafic volcaniclastic deposits exposed locally within an area about 530 by240 km in Lesotho and South Africa, underneath the main flood lavas (DuToit 1954)

† Includes thickly bedded to structureless, mainly coarse-grained maficvolcaniclastic deposits, 100–250þ m thick, within steep-walled depressions(5–40þ km2) in pre-existing country rock; these centres are surrounded bysheets of thinner-bedded, mainly lapilli and ash-grade deposits, 10–100 mthick (e.g. McClintock et al. 2008)

Siberian Traps † Mafic volcaniclastic deposits are thought to represent about a quarter of thetotal volume of the province on the Siberian platform (Viswanathan &Chandrasekharam 1981)

† The thickest volcaniclastic accumulations (up to 700 m) are older than thelavas

† In the Noril’sk area, some mafic volcaniclastic layers (includingagglomerates) are up to 100 m thick, and a 15–25 m thick layer can betraced over 30 000 km2 (Czamanske et al. 1998)


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(e.g. East Greenland; Emeishan; Ferrar; Karoo;Tunguska basin on Siberian platform); in thelatter cases, clastic accumulations can reachhundreds of metres in thickness (Fig. 9). Inthe silicic LIPs, mafic volcaniclastic rocks gen-erally occur in the upper parts of the eruptivestratigraphy (Fig. 12) following short-lived,large volume pulses of silicic ignimbrite

volcanism (e.g. Whitsunday, Sierra MadreOccidental).

2. The known areal extent of mafic volcaniclasticdeposits ranges from quite restricted (e.g. thevent-proximal pyroclastic accumulations onthe Columbia River plateau) to hundreds ofthousands of square kilometres (Siberian plat-form, Fig. 10).

Table 1. Continued

Province Features

Emeishan † Mafic volcaniclastic deposits and sedimentary rocks containing mafic lavafragments are relatively widespread but their volume probably represents,10% of the province

† Mafic volcaniclastic deposits up to 170 m thick with a potential distributionof 400 by 30–70 km

† Occur in the lower parts of the stratigraphy and dominated by thick bedded,limestone and basalt block-bearing tuff breccias interbedded with lavas andaccretionary lapilli tuffs

Fig. 9. Schematic illustration summarizing the different positions that mafic volcaniclastic deposits (MVDs) canoccupy in flood basalt provinces. NAIP ¼ North Atlantic Igneous Province. Modified from Ross et al. (2005).


3. In many provinces, the deposits include abun-dant coarse lapilli-tuffs and tuff-breccias ofmostly phreatomagmatic origin (e.g. EastGreenland, Ferrar, Karoo, Emeishan), and arepresumably exposed close to the source vents(Fig. 11).

4. Particles forming the volcaniclastic depositswere distributed by a range of processes includ-ing pyroclastic density currents (Ross & White2005a), vent- or conduit-confined debris jets(White & McClintock 2001; Ross & White2006; McClintock & White 2006), fall fromvolcanic plumes, mass flows (e.g. Hanson &Elliot 1996) and stream flows (e.g. McClintocket al. 2008).

5. Mafic volcanism in the silicic LIPs has pro-duced the same volcanic structures as modernbasaltic intraplate (largely monogenetic) vol-canic fields such as the Newer Volcanics Pro-vince (Johnson 1989) and Auckland VolcanicField (Johnson 1989; Houghton et al. 1999).

Mafic volcaniclastic deposits produced as a resultof magmatic fragmentation are generally oflimited volume in LIPs, and those of the ColumbiaRiver Basalts described previously are typical. It isinferred that fire fountaining was relativelycommon at vent sites for mafic flood lavas (Thordar-son & Self 1996), but in many cases, the very hotpyroclasts (lava clots, spatter) coalesced uponlanding to form clastogenic lava feeding into exten-sive flow fields. The original volume of basalt thatunderwent magmatic fragmentation during Colum-bia River (and other mafic LIP) eruptions was

probably greater than that preserved in the geologicrecord, because coalescence processes convertfountain pyroclasts to lava, and because pyroclasticdeposits are locally eroded by lava-flow ‘bulldoz-ing’ (as seen during modern eruptions in Hawaii;Swanson et al. 1975). Rare, weakly welded pyro-clastic deposits composed of degassed basalt frag-ments with few lithics have been described fromthe Karoo (McClintock et al. 2008), but the styleof magmatic eruption that produced them remainsincompletely understood.

Much larger volumes of preserved mafic volca-niclastic deposits are attributed to magma–waterinteraction, i.e. quench-induced hyaloclastic andexplosive phreatomagmatic fragmentation (Rosset al. 2005). In the East Greenland, Ferrar, Karooand Emeishan provinces, coarse phreatomagmaticlapilli-tuffs and tuff-breccias are composed ofdense to poorly vesicular blocky sideromelane (oraltered basaltic glass) clasts mixed with countryrock fragments, or in some cases, loose quartz par-ticles derived from sandstones (Hanson & Elliot1996; Elliot & Hanson 2001; Ukstins Peate et al.2003a; McClintock & White 2006). Limestone-bearing mafic volcaniclastic rocks toward the baseof the Emeishan province reflect explosive inter-action between flood basalt magmas and a carbonatereef platform. Basaltic accretionary lapilli tuffs,found in several provinces (North Atlantic, OntongJava Plateau, Ferrar, Karoo, Emeishan), are com-monly associated with phreatomagmatic eruptionsand indicate the generation of subaerial plumes.Mafic phreatomagmatic activity in some silicicLIPs where lakes were present locally produced

Fig. 10. Simplified map (a) and summary stratigraphic sections (b) of the Siberian Traps (modified from Ross et al.2005). On the Siberian Platform, the area covered by mafic volcaniclastic deposits (MVDs) only, without flood lavas, isequivalent to that covered by flood lavas plus MVDs. Circled numbers indicate the general location of stratigraphicsections. River names in italics.

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Fig. 11. Illustration of mafic volcaniclastic deposits and associated features in a phreatomagmatic vent complex atCoombs Hills, Ferrar LIP (after Ross 2005). (a) The dominant volcaniclastic rock filling the vent complex is aheterolithic lapilli-tuff containing (1) Beacon sandstone clasts, (2) coal clasts (in black, above the numbers) and (3)basaltic fragments of various shapes. Unlabelled Beacon (country rock) fragments are pale to white, unlabelled basalticfragments are in medium and dark shades. Scale bar in centimetres. (b) A fragment of medium to coarse sandstone withdark laminae in the heterolithic vent fill. (c) View from above of a pipe of country rock-rich lapilli-tuff cross-cutting thedominant vent fill. It has been inferred that such pipes were generated by vertically travelling ‘debris jets’ aboveexplosion sites (Ross & White 2006). (d) Rafts of quartz-rich sandstone from the Beacon Supergroup, up to hundred ofmetres in length, ‘float’ inside non-bedded volcaniclastic rock in the Coombs Hills phreatocauldron. The sandstone inthe raft was wet and poorly consolidated during volcanism, so the rafts interacted with the basaltic magma (B), creatingbasalt-sandstone peperite (P) near the raft margins. (e) Sub-vertical, .2 m wide basaltic dyke (right of person) invadingtuff-breccias. Note columnar joints perpendicular to the dyke wall. Such dykes, and/or cylindrical plugs of basaltcross-cutting the volcaniclastic rocks, could have served as feeders for the flood lavas higher up in the sequence. (f)Dykes filled by tuff (clastic dykes), including this 12 m wide example, cross-cut the vent filling deposits (see Ross &White 2005b for details).


vent-proximal accumulations (tens to hundreds ofmetres thickness) of basaltic base surge depositsand/or accretionary lapilli-bearing tuff rings orcones. Mafic phreatomagmatism in silicic LIPsappears to be far less significant than in theCFBPs, no doubt attributable in part to the muchsmaller volumes of mafic magma erupted.

Where abundant surface water is present on con-tinents or when lava enters the sea, mafic lava flowsgenerally experience quenching and spalling;typical products include pillow lavas, pillow–palagonite breccias and hyaloclastite. Pillow–palagonite complexes are common at the base ofbasalt flows in parts of the Columbia River Plateau(Swanson & Wright 1981; Hooper 1997), and arepresent in rift basins (e.g. Hartford Basin) of theCentral Atlantic Magmatic Province. Pillow lavasare also present in the Karoo succession (McClin-tock et al. 2008), in lower and central sections ofthe Emeishan flood basalt province (Binchuansection of Xu et al. 2004), and at the base of theMull lava succession in the North Atlantic IgneousProvince (Kerr 1995). Hyaloclastite piles are docu-mented onshore in East Greenland (Nielsen et al.1981) and mafic volcaniclastic deposits may beimportant in syn- to post-rift sequences along volca-nic rifted margins (Planke et al. 2000). A hyaloclas-tite complex is also documented from an ArchaeanLIP in the eastern Pilbara craton of WesternAustralia (Blake 2001). Pillowed lavas and peperiticintrusions have also been reported, formed in marineor, more commonly, lacustrine environments(Pankhurst et al. 1998; Bryan et al. 2000).

Autoclastic fragmentation of mafic lavas gener-ates breccias (e.g. aa clinker, slabby and rubblypahoehoe). Interaction of lavas with aeolian sandformed peperitic rocks in the arid landscape inwhich the Etendeka LIP was emplaced (Jerram &Stollhofen 2002). Other peperites associated withmafic LIPs clearly formed in the presence of water,as where the Pomona Basalt invaded water-saturatedsilicic ash of the Ellensburg Formation to form peper-ites exposed over an area of about 5400 km2 in south-central Washington (Schmincke 1967). Peperitesare also known from inside the vents of mostly phrea-tomagmatic mafic volcaniclastic deposits, wherewet fragmental material was in abundant supply(McClintock & White 2002; Ross 2005).

Reworked mafic volcaniclastic deposits areknown from East Greenland (Heister et al. 2001;Ukstins Peate et al. 2003a), the North Sea (phase 1ashes, Knox & Morton 1988; Morton & Knox1990), the Ferrar (Carapace Sandstone, see Rosset al. 2008) and the Karoo (Ross et al. 2005;McClintock et al. 2008). Reworked deposits are anatural accompaniment, in variable proportions,to primary mafic volcaniclastic deposits whereverthey are found.

Silicic volcaniclastic rocks and lavas in LIPs

Silicic volcaniclastic rocks have long been recog-nized within LIPs otherwise dominated by floodbasaltic lavas and ranging in age from Precambrian(e.g. Twist & French 1983; Thorne & Trendall2001; Blake et al. 2004) to Cenozoic. Detaileddescriptions are relatively limited in the literature(see review in Bryan et al. 2002), and our knowl-edge of the scale and magnitude of silicic eruptionsfrom CFBPs has been greatly improved by thedetailed studies on silicic volcanic units in theParana-Etendeka (Milner 1988; Milner et al. 1992,1995; Bellieni et al. 1986; Garland 1994; Garlandet al. 1995; Ewart et al. 1998, 2004), and mostrecently, the Afro-Arabian flood volcanic provinces(Baker et al. 1996; Ukstins Peate et al. 2003b,2005).

Silicic LIPs represent the largest accumulationsof volcaniclastic rocks on Earth and have dimen-sions comparable to those of CFBPs (Bryan et al.2002; Bryan 2007; Sheth 2007; Bryan & Ernst2008). Like their better-known CFBP counterparts,silicic LIPs bear all the hallmarks of LIP events, inparticular, large erupted volumes (.0.25 Mkm3)and areal extents (.0.1 Mkm2), evidence for veryhigh magma-emplacement rates over short periodsand intraplate tectonic settings or geochemical affi-nities (Bryan 2007; Bryan & Ernst 2008).Ignimbrite-dominated silicic LIPs of Late Palaeo-zoic to Cenozoic age are the best preserved, and rep-resented by the Early Cretaceous WhitsundayIgneous Province of eastern Australia (Ewart et al.1992; Bryan et al. 1997, 2000), the Jurassic ChonAike Province of South America-Antarctica (e.g.Pankhurst et al. 1998, 2000; Riley & Leat 1999);the middle Cenozoic Sierra Madre Occidental Pro-vince of Mexico (e.g. McDowell & Clabaugh1979; Swanson & McDowell 1984; Ferrari et al.2002), and the Permo-Carboniferous Kennedy–Connors–Auburn Igneous Province of eastern Aus-tralia (Bain & Draper 1997; Bryan et al. 2003). TheWhitsunday and Chon Aike provinces werespatially and temporally related to emplacement ofother LIPs and episodes of continental break-up.Proterozoic examples have significantly smallerpreserved volumes (1 � 105 km3), and mayinclude the c. 750 Ma old Malani (India; Sharma2005) and the c. 1590 Ma old Gawler Range-Hiltaba(South Australia; Daly et al. 1998; Allen et al. 2003)igneous provinces.

The Sierra Madre Occidental province ofMexico, being the best preserved example of asilicic LIP, is representative of their general architec-ture. It is an extensive, relatively flat-lying ignimbriteplateau covering from 105 to 106 km2 (2000 km longand 200–500 km wide) to an average thick-ness of 1 km (e.g. McDowell & Clabaugh 1979;

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Ferrari et al. 2002). Sierra Madre Occidentalvolcanism was concurrent with the widespread‘ignimbrite flare-up’ in the Basin & Range Provinceof western USA, where an additional 105 km3 ofdacitic to rhyolitic ignimbrite was emplacedbetween c. 35 and 20 Ma, but which has now largelybeen dismembered by basin and range extension(Lipman et al. 1972; Gans et al. 1989; Best &Christiansen 1991; Johnson 1991; Axen et al. 1993;Ward 1995). In general, the combination of burial,tilting, faulting and exhumation have hinderedmapping and volume estimation of individual ignim-brite eruptive units in LIPs. As an example, ,10% ofthe youngest and least deformed Sierra Madre Occi-dental province has so far been mapped (Swanson &McDowell 2000; Swanson et al. 2006); an importantitem on the ‘future research’ agenda is to improve thedatabase on large-volume silicic provinces (see alsoMason et al. 2004).

Even compared with flood-basaltic lava flows,silicic volcaniclastic deposits may be emplacedover vast areas (c. 2% of the globe for Toba; Rose& Chesner 1987), and may also have eruptivevolumes (e.g. Mason et al. 2004) that equal orexceed those of the largest mafic lava flows.The large eruptive fluxes and upper-atmosphericeffects of silicic eruptions may combine witheffects of flood basalt eruptions to force environ-mental and climatic changes during LIP emplace-ment, so it is important to understand their timingrelative to, and petrogenetic relationships with,roughly coeval flood basalts. In the CFBPs, thesilicic pyroclastic deposits are also of great strati-graphic utility, forming laterally continuous anddistinctive marker horizons that constrain volcanicstratigraphies over several hundreds of kilometreswithin often monotonous and internally complexflood basalt lava successions (Jerram 2002;Bryan et al. 2002; Ukstins Peate et al. 2005). Forexample, large-volume silicic units have provedvitally important in establishing stratigraphic corre-lations between the Parana and Etendeka floodbasalt provinces, which are now separated by theSouth Atlantic Ocean (Milner et al. 1995). Silicicvolcanic and volcaniclastic rocks can represent asignificant contribution to the total magmaticoutput of CFBPs (5–10 vol%; e.g. Parana-Etendeka;Afro-Arabian). The size of some individualParana-Etendeka silicic units is truly impressive,with the largest covering areas .100 000 km2

and representing erupted volumes of c. 5000 km3

dense rock equivalent; they are amongst thelargest volume eruptive units so far recognized onEarth (Milner et al. 1995; Ewart et al. 1998, 2004;Marsh et al. 2001; Mason et al. 2004).

Pyroclastic rocks, primarily ignimbrites(pyroclastic-density-current deposits) are the domi-nant products of silicic volcanism within CFBPs,

silicic LIPs and along volcanic passive margins.This is particularly the case for those CFBPs havinglarge volumes of silicic deposits (.103 km3; Bryanet al. 2002). Ignimbrite typically represents .75%of the total stratigraphic thickness (generally.1 km; Fig. 12) of silicic LIPs, and multipleunits can cover areas in excess of 5 � 105 km2.Thinner intervals of silicic tuffs or bentonites andbreccias have been reported from oceanic plateaux(e.g. Northwest Australian margin, von Rad &Thurow 1992; Caribbean–Colombian oceanicplateau; Kerr et al. 2004), and submerged syn- topost-rift sequences along continental margins (e.g.Larsen et al. 2003). Most recently, deep-sea ashlayers thousands of kilometres from source havebeen correlated to onshore deposits of silicicexplosive volcanism in the Afro-Arabian floodbasalt province (Ukstins Peate et al. 2003b;Touchard et al. 2003a, b), with one major conse-quence being to dramatically increase the knownvolumes of silicic magma erupted in this province(Ukstins Peate et al. 2005, 2007). This resultsuggests that the volumetric significance of silicicvolcanism in mafic LIPs, inferred for mostprovinces only from onshore records, is likely tohave been greatly underestimated.

Ignimbrites in LIPs are dominantly dacitic torhyolitic welded units that range from tens to afew hundred metres in thickness, and possesstabular geometries with moderate to low aspectratios reflecting lateral extents of up to hundredsof kilometres, and dense rock equivalent volumes.103 km3 (e.g. McDowell & Clabaugh 1979;Milner et al. 1995; Pankhurst et al. 1998; Bryanet al. 2000; Ukstins Peate et al. 2005). Intracalderafacies ignimbrite units .1 km thick have beenreported from the silicic LIPs, and are commonlyassociated with coarse lithic lag breccias (e.g.Ewart et al. 1992; Pankhurst et al. 1998; Bryanet al. 2000; Swanson et al. 2006). In detail, ignim-brites within and from different silicic LIPs showconsiderable variety in deposit features, such aswelding intensity and crystal, lithic and pumice con-tents. Rheomorphic ignimbrites are rare in silicicLIPs, reflecting generally low eruptive temperatures(750–900 8C; Cameron et al. 1980; Wark 1991;Ewart et al. 1992). In contrast, many silicic eruptiveunits in the CFBPs are lava-like in character, par-ticularly those in the Parana Etendeka and Karooprovinces (e.g. Cleverly 1979; Milner et al. 1992).The preferred interpretation has been that theseunits formed as rheoignimbrites or extremelyhigh-grade ignimbrites (Branney & Kokelaar1992; see also Walker 1983) that erupted withrelatively low explosivity at high eruptive temp-eratures (.1000 8C) and low magma viscosities(104 Pa s). Pyroclasts apparently maintained hightemperatures to the sites of deposition, resulting


in agglutination/coalescence and rheomorphism(Milner et al. 1992; Bryan et al. 2002). Newstudies of the quartz latites in the Etendeka province(Mawby et al. 2006) have recognized that the lava-like units exhibit the classic valley-fill geometry ofignimbrites, and in contrast to long silicic lavaflows, do not possess basal or upper autobrecciasalong their strike length. Many other examples ofignimbrites in mafic LIPs have unequivocal pyro-clastic textures, inferred eruptive temperatures,1000 8C (e.g. Kirstein et al. 2000; Ukstins Peateet al. 2005), and are potentially the products of erup-tions that generated higher atmospheric plumes.This is confirmed by the correlation of such ignim-brites with distal ash fall deposits located thousandsof kilometres from source (Ukstins Peate et al.2003b; Touchard et al. 2003a, b).

Silicic phreatomagmatic deposits are relativelycommon in silicic LIPs, occurring as locally thicksequences of base surge deposits and/or accretionarylapilli tuff (e.g. Bryan et al. 2000), with severalexamples formed during early phases of ignimbrite-forming eruptions. Some accretionary lapilli havebeen interpreted to occur in deposits of co-ignimbriteash clouds (Riley & Leat 1999). In general, the phrea-tomagmatic deposits are fine-grained and lithic-poor, reflecting a highly efficient fragmentationprocess inferred to result from explosive interactionof magma with surface water. Sites of explosivemagma–water interaction were lakes within riftvalleys or flooded calderas, with the latter analogousto the eruptive environments that have characterizedsilicic explosive eruptions in the Taupo VolcanicZone (e.g. Wilson et al. 1995). Quench fragmentedsilicic lava is common where lavas were extrudedonto the floors of flooded calderas.

Rhyolitic lavas and associated autoclastic faciesare present in continental LIPs, but are clearly sub-ordinate in volume to silicic pyroclastic rocks.Lavas appear to be more volumetrically significant,however, in Precambrian provinces (e.g. Bushveld,Twist & French 1983; Mesoproterozoic GawlerRange Volcanics, Allen & McPhie 2002; Allenet al. 2003), and where the total volume of silicicvolcanics in a LIP is low (,103 km3; e.g. Deccan,Lightfoot et al. 1987).

As recognized following recent caldera-forming(26.5 ka ago, Oruanui; Taupo 1800a; Manville &

Fig. 12. Generalised composite stratigraphic sectionscomparing the Afro-Arabian continental flood basaltprovinces with the Whitsunday Silicic LIP. Lavas andvolcaniclastic rocks are shown at arbitrary thicknesses onthe x-axis to emphasize distinction in rock types; dykes,sills and other intrusions are not shown. The Yemen

Fig. 12. (Continued) section of the TertiaryAfro-Arabian continental flood basalt province, based onBaker et al. (1996) and Ukstins Peate et al. (2005); thesection for the Early Cretaceous Whistunday Silicic LIP,based on Bryan et al. (2000), with the base to section notexposed (BNE). Note the similar trend in both LIPsections towards bimodal volcanism characterizing theupper parts of the preserved stratigraphies (see alsoBryan 2007).

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Wilson 2004; Manville et al. 2005) and small-volume historical eruptions (e.g. Mount St Helens,Major et al. 2000; Pinatubo, Newhall & Punongba-yan 1996), the remobilization and redeposition ofunconsolidated pyroclastic material by fluvial andmass-flow processes can be extensive and pro-tracted, affecting large areas otherwise untouchedby the eruption. Similarly, substantial remobiliza-tion and reworking of silicic volcaniclastic materialhas occurred during eruptive hiatuses in the empla-cement of LIPs, resulting in reworked volcaniclasticdeposits. Resedimented volcaniclastic deposits arevolumetrically larger in silicic LIPs than inCFBPs, reflecting the greater abundance of pyro-clastic debris (non-welded ignimbrites, fall andsurge deposits) available for reworking. Substantialvolumes of reworked volcaniclastic rocks areassociated with the Whitsunday silicic LIP ineastern Australia (Bryan et al. 1997), which wasthe source of .1.4 � 106 km3 of predominantlysand-sized volcaniclastic sediment that wasrapidly generated and transported over large dis-tances with limited weathering (Smart & Senior1980), fundamentally altering the basin-fill historyof at least two major continental sedimentarybasin systems (Bryan et al. 1997).

Implications of volcaniclastic

rocks in LIPs

The types and volumes of volcaniclastic rockspresent within LIPs are strongly related to: (1) LIPcomposition (i.e. mafic v. silicic); (2) primary volca-nic fragmentation mechanisms; (3) environmentalconditions of eruptions, particularly for maficLIPs; and (4) environmental conditions of emplace-ment (e.g. continental flood basalt provincesv. oceanic plateaux).

Primary fragmentation processes

Mafic and silicic LIPs show a similar range ofvolcanic fragmentation and eruptive processes, butmarked differences in the dominant eruptive styles(Table 2). In mafic LIPs, basaltic effusive eruptionsdominate, whereas in silicic LIPs, silicic explosiveeruptions dominate. Volcaniclastic deposits aremore volumetrically significant for those maficLIPs that contain: (1) substantial volumes (103–104 km3) of silicic magma erupted as ignimbrite orother pyroclastic deposits (e.g. Parana-Etendeka,Karoo, Afro-Arabia; Bryan et al. 2002); and/orwhere (2) external water sources were involved in

Table 2. A comparison and rating of the variety of primary fragmentation processes, and the importance ofreworking to produce volcaniclastic rocks in LIPs

Process Mafic LIPs Silicic LIPs


Minor process for basaltic magmasproducing mostly near-vent deposits(e.g. spatter ramparts/cones and scoriacones/fall deposits). Dominant processfor silicic magmas

Dominant primary process producingwidespread ignimbrites, Plinianfallout and co-ignimbrite tuffs


Significant for continental flood basaltsemplaced through pre-existinghydrologic reservoirs or wheredeveloping rifts are flooded (e.g.NAIPa); mafic magma interaction withgroundwater in sedimentary aquifers;minor to rare for silicic magmas

Significant, especially in floodedcaldera and rift valleyenvironments; magma interactionmainly with surface water (i.e.lakes)


Dominant primary process fragmentingbasaltic lava flows; minor for silicicrheoignimbrites

Minor to rare, affecting lavas of allcomposition (basalt to rhyolite)


Minor process in subaerial LIPs; likely tobe more significant for subaqueouslyemplaced LIPs (e.g. oceanic plateaux,submarine ridges, seamounts)

Minor process generally affectinglavas emplaced into hydrologicreservoirs (e.g. lakes, rivers)

Reworking andresedimentation

Minor process in provinces consisting oflargely coherent mass of unfragmentedlava; becomes more significant wheremafic phreatomagmatic and silicicpyroclastic deposits (nonwelded)present

Important; substantial remobilisationof the primary silicic volcaniclasticdeposits

aNAIP ¼ North Atlantic Igneous Province.


mafic eruptions, leading to large-scale phreatomag-matic basaltic volcanism and resultant maficvolcaniclastic deposits with volumes of up to102–105 km3 (e.g. Siberian Traps, Ferrar, NorthAtlantic Igneous Province, Emeishan; Ross et al.2005). These contrasting fragmentation mechan-isms for the silicic and mafic magmas result indramatically different eruption and emplacementprocesses. Knowing the relative contributions ofeffusive v. pyroclastic deposit is critical for asses-sing the environmental impact of individuallarge-igneous provinces (Table 3).

The largest volumes (105–106 km3) and pro-portions of volcaniclastic deposits are associatedwith silicic LIPs, for which volcaniclastic depositsalone can exceed the total eruptive volume and

areal extent of some CFBPs (Bryan et al. 1997).Pyroclastic eruptions are critical in producing thelarge volumes of primary and reworked volcaniclas-tic rocks (Bryan et al. 1997, 2000). In contrast, in theCFBPs, the mafic effusive eruptions produce onlyminor volumes of coarse fragmental material (e.g.aa lava breccias, rubbly pahoehoe, scoria deposits).The common burial of fragmental deposits by thelava flows that formed them, combined with thelimited fragmentation accompanying emplacementof pahoehoe to rubbly pahoehoe lavas that typifythese provinces, are both important factors in limit-ing the amount of clastic material generated andavailable for reworking, and help explain whyCFBPs produce only limited sedimentary signalsin the geologic record.

Table 3. Comparison between caldera-forming (silicic) ignimbrite eruptions and explosive maficeruptions in LIPs

Feature Caldera-forming (silicic) ignimbriteeruptions in LIPs

Explosive mafic eruptions in LIPs


‘Magmatic’ explosive fragmentationof viscous and vesiculated magma

Phreatomagmatic, driven by explosiveinteraction of magma with externalwater

Pre-welding/compactionvesicularity ofjuvenile clasts

Mostly high, moderate to low forrheoignimbrites of CFBPs

Variable but mostly low (Ross et al.2005)

Dominant transportmechanism

Pyroclastic density currents Varied (see text)

Eruption rates Very high VariedRecurrence Low (103–105 years) but probably higher

during main eruptive phase(s)Relatively high?

Eruption duration Cataclysmic eruptions, hours/days toweeksa

Several eruptions over many years?(Ross 2005)

Eruption plumes Sub-Plinian to ultra-Plinian Small to ultra-Plinian?Sulfur concentration

in magmasUnknown, dissolved concentrations in

magmas less than basalt but ‘excesssulfur’ budgets potentially substantial,especially via basaltic underplating

High (e.g. Thordarson & Self 1996;Thordarson et al. 1996)

Potential forenvironmentalimpacts

High: largest known eruptions have arealextents .105 km2; stratosphericinjections of ash and aerosols wouldproduce at least short-term climaticimpacts; highest impact for eruptions atlow latitudesb

Good if there is a cumulative effectfrom several consecutive eruptions(e.g. Jolley & Widdowson 2005)


Large calderas and nested calderacomplexes formed by vertical collapsefollowing rapid evacuation of magmachambers; volcanotectonic depressionswith subsidence + eruption focicontrolled by regional tectonic structures

‘Phreatocauldrons’ (White &McClintock 2001) formedprogressively through ventmigration and coalescence, pluslateral quarrying; no boundaryfaults or massive subsidencec

Note: As an analogy, the Toba 74 ka ‘supereruption’ mean eruption rate was c. 7 � 109 kg s21 (Oppenheimer 2002).aLarge-volume silicic pyroclastic units deposited in hours, e.g. the Bishop Tuff (Wilson & Hildreth 1997).bLong duration of silicic LIP volcanism will also contribute to environmental effects (see also Bryan 2007).cPhreatocauldrons do not fit the current definition of caldera: ‘A volcanic structure, generally large, which is principally the result of col-lapse or subsidence into the top of a magma chamber during or immediately following eruptive activity’ (Cole et al. 2005).

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Vent types

The vent sites for some primary mafic volcaniclasticdeposits in mafic LIPs have been identified (e.g.East and West Greenland: Pedersen et al. 1997;Ukstins Peate et al. 2003a; Larsen et al. 2003;Ferrar: Ross & White 2006; Ross et al. 2008;Karoo: McClintock et al. 2008). In the Ferrar andKaroo provinces, exposed composite vent sites arecalled ‘phreatocauldrons’ (White & McClintock2001) because of the inferred phreatomagmaticfragmentation mechanism and the overall cauldronshape of the vent complexes, which can bedescribed as ‘nests of cross-cutting diatremes’.The mafic vent complexes described so far areapparently less than 10 km wide.

Known eruptive sources for silicic pyroclasticrocks in the CFBPs and along volcanic riftedmargins are caldera-type complexes (e.g. Bell &Emeleus 1988; Ewart et al. 2002; Bryan et al.2002). However, locations of silicic eruptivecentres are poorly constrained in LIPs even forthose provinces with well-mapped, abundant, exten-sive and voluminous silicic eruptive products (e.g.Parana-Etendeka, Marsh et al. 2001; Afro-Arabian,Ukstins Peate et al. 2005). A key target for futurework in LIPs is to locate and identify eruptivesites for silicic rocks, in order to constrain the volca-nostratigraphy, eruption volumes and emplacementmechanisms.

Caldera complexes are typically parts ofmultiple-vent volcanic systems, which includenumerous extracaldera (and intracaldera) monoge-netic edifices. The mafic volcanic deposits consistof scoria/spatter cones and tuff rings/cones ormaars, whereas silicic effusive eruptions generatelava domes or nested dome complexes (e.g. Bryanet al. 2000). Evidence for calderas as source ventsfor large-volume ignimbrites includes coarse lithiclag breccias and megabreccias within the ignimbriteeruptive units, and very thick, localised depositsinferred to be caldera-ponded (e.g. Swanson &McDowell 1984; Ewart et al. 1992; Bryan et al.2000; Swanson et al. 2006). Calderas in mostsilicic LIPs appear to range between 10 and 30 kmin diameter, but larger calderas from c. 40 km upto 100 km in diameter have been inferred for theChon Aike Province (Aragon et al. 1996; Rileyet al. 2001). Remnants of many caldera complexes(cauldrons) are well-exposed in the deeply diss-ected Permo-Carboniferous Kennedy subprovinceof northeastern Australia, where they exhibit avariety of geometries and composite arrangements,with individual calderas ranging from 10 to 40 kmin diameter (Bain & Draper 1997).

Locating calderas is also difficult in silicic LIPsbecause vent sites are often buried by caldera-filldeposits emplaced in the course of eruptions

during caldera subsidence. Vent sites may also beburied by products, either primary or redeposited,of eruptions elsewhere in a province, given thevolumes of volcanic material generated (.105

km3) over relatively short periods of time. Later tec-tonism and erosion may also obscure vent sites(Bryan et al. 2002). Fewer than 15 calderas (Valles-type, Williams & McBirney 1979) have, forexample, been identified to date in the SierraMadre Occidental (Aguirre-Dıaz & Labarthe-Hernandez 2003), but given the preserved arealdistribution of 393 000 km2, the existence of asmany as 400 calderas has been postulated(McDowell & Clabaugh 1979). New work in asmall sector of the northern Sierra Madre Occidentalindicates a relatively high density of locally over-lapping calderas similar to those in the coeval SanJuan volcanic field in Colorado (Swanson et al.2006). The problem of caldera recognition is evenmore extreme for the Whitsunday silicic LIP,where only five eruptive centres have beenidentified in a province with an extrusive output of.2.2 � 106 km3 (Ewart et al. 1992; Bryan et al.2000; Bryan 2007).

Recent work also suggests that some rhyoliticignimbrites were emplaced from extensive volcano-tectonic fissures linked to regional extension.Welded pyroclastic dykes have been reportedfrom the Whitsunday (Bryan et al. 2000), SierraMadre Occidental (Aguirre-Dıaz & Labarthe-Hernandez 2003) and Chon Aike (Pankhurst et al.1998) silicic LIPs. In the Sierra Madre Occi-dental, welded pyroclastic dykes or fissures are upto several kilometres in length and associatedwith regional Basin and Range extensionalgraben-bounding faults (Aguirre-Dıaz & Labarthe-Hernandez 2003). Although a general spatialoverlap between silicic volcanism and extensionalfaulting is known, the timing of volcanic pulsesand major tectonic episodes is not well constrainedfor these provinces.

Volcanic environments

Eruptive and depositional environments for many ofthe better-studied LIPs, both mafic and silicic, wereprimarily subaerial. On continents, wet environ-ments fostering phreatomagmatic fragmentationand hyaloclastite formation are dominated by intra-caldera lakes or volcanotectonic rift basins devel-oped before or during LIP magmatism. In contrast,the Late Permian Emeishan flood basalt provinceappears to have been emplaced onto a shallowmarine carbonate platform developed across theYangtze craton in southwest China. Phreatomag-matic activity produced limestone-bearing maficvolcaniclastic rocks and accretionary lapilli tuffs,and submarine emplacement of basaltic pillow


lava occurred during the early eruptive stages and inthe core of the Emeishan flood basalt province. Thelateral and temporal distributions of these rockswithin the volcanic pile (‘inner zone’ of He et al.2003) suggest that the upper limits of the accommo-dation space remained close to, or below, sea levelduring the early stages of volcanism, indicatingthat no kilometre-scale pre-volcanic lithosphericdoming, such as predicted by the mantle plumehypothesis, took place (cf. He et al. 2003; Xuet al. 2004; Campbell 2005).

Emplacement during continental LIP volcanismof kilometres-thick pyroclastic piles over short timespans may inhibit formation of sizeable bodies ofsurface water if the deposits are highly permeableor if the climate is arid. Ignimbrite surfaces com-monly have relatively modest permeabilities,however, as illustrated by the formation of a largetemporary lake atop the Taupo ignimbrite (Manville2001), and blocking of streams by ignimbrites com-monly leads to drainage disruption, development ofnew lakes, and deepening of existing ones (Manvilleet al. 1999; Manville 2002). Flood basalt lava flowsmay develop significant topography by differentialinflation across a lava flow field (e.g. Larsen et al.2006), but the extremely high permeability ofyoung lava fields makes surface ponding of waterunlikely unless the groundwater table rises abovethe flows. An example of this extreme permeabilityis provided by the Snake River Plain aquifer, whichoccupies a Cenozoic stack of basaltic lavas up to3 km thick (Greeley 1982). It is ‘one of the most per-meable large aquifer systems in the world’ (p. 7,Hackett et al. 1986). Some wells demonstrate trans-missivities in excess of 50 000 m2/day (Welhan &Reed 1997), with the bulk of water moving alongtops and bases of pahoehoe flow units, althoughjointing gives even massive flow interiors moderatelateral permeability (Welhan & Reed 1997). The‘Big Lost River’, discharging about c. 70 m3 s21

before flowing onto the lavas (Ostenaa et al.2002), simply disappears into the surface of theaquifer, with discharge elsewhere feeding springsin excess of 7000 cfs (Hackett et al. 1986;c. 200 m3 s21). Despite the high permeability ofyoung lava fields, however, emplacement of lavasmay partially impound streams with sufficient dis-charge, and this may explain the abundance ofsmall pillow–lava complexes interspersed withinthe sequences across the Columbia River BasaltProvince (see Hooper 1997 and references therein).Where later eruptions encounter ground or surfacewater, explosive or passive magma–water inter-actions may take place, as in West Greenland,where lavas of the Maligat Formation eruptedfrom subaerial vents and flowed into a deep andextensive paeleolake, generating a complex of hya-loclastites and rootless cones up to 200 m wide and

25 m high (Larsen et al. 2006). Interaction of maficmagmas with water also appears to be more preva-lent when volcanism is associated with active litho-spheric extension and subsidence. An example ofthis is the change from non-explosive, terrestrialflood basalt eruptions to highly explosive basalticphreatomagmatic/phreato-Plinian eruptions tow-ards the close of volcanic activity in the NorthAtlantic Igneous Province, related to flooding ofthe nascent North Atlantic Rift (Larsen et al.2003; Jolley & Widdowson 2005).

Phreatomagmatic activity has also been commonduring opening stages of flood volcanism in sedi-mentary basins, which have a variety of water reser-voirs (aquifers, lakes, rivers, shallow seas) that cansupply the water for explosive eruptions (Rosset al. 2005). Non-explosive hyaloclastic fragmenta-tion processes generating volcaniclastic deposits inassociation with sea floor lavas are presumablyprevalent in initial deep-water eruptions of oceanicplateaux. Recent results from the Ocean DrillingProgram (ODP) on the Ontong-Java Plateau (Leg192, Site 1184; Shipboard Scientific Party 2001)show, however, that mafic volcaniclastic depositsof phreatomagmatic origin can form deposits of sig-nificant thickness in such plateaus, particularlywhere basaltic volcanism occurred at shallowwater depths and/or was emergent (Thordarson2004). Evidence from ODP Legs 119, 120 and 183also clearly demonstrates that large parts of theKerguelen oceanic plateau were originally subaerialduring plateau construction (Frey et al. 2000).

In summary, the diversity of volcaniclasticmaterial generated during LIP formation reflectsthe diversity of magma composition, eruption mech-anisms and environmental conditions during erup-tions, and in primary volcaniclastic emplacementprocesses as well as those effecting subsequentremobilization. The volcaniclastic deposits areunique in the richness of information they offerregarding environmental conditions during volcanicactivity, and represent the most explosive oflarge igneous events. By better understandingemplacement of the sometimes undervalued volca-niclastic component of LIPs, we can address andconstrain key issues of LIP petrogenesis andglobal impact.

Discussion and conclusions

With the accumulation of studies addressing thephysical processes of eruptions in LIPs, it becomesever more apparent that all the complexity observedin historical eruptions is present, but at a range ofscales, and to a far lesser extent, rates, extendingfrom the normal to the extraordinary. In a sense,this is unsurprising – LIPs are, after all, large, andthe product of many large magnitude eruptions.

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In other ways, however, the similarities withsmall-volume, modern eruptions may allow us touse LIPs to diagnose behavioural aspects ofsmaller eruptions. In particular, some provincesexpose large tracts of shallow subvolcanic intru-sions, which are presumed to represent the magma-feeding systems for numerous effusive eruptionsover large areas. Although magma delivery pro-cesses may be significantly different for provincesthat provide millions of cubic kilometres ofmagma for eruptions, these tracts can neverthelessoffer important insights into the physical operationof other magmatic plumbing systems. With somuch magma pumped into the crust, there are map-pable geological effects that in smaller systemsmight require high-resolution mapping or geophysi-cal studies to identify. In provinces such as theFerrar, the results of this high magma throughputare well exposed at a level of detail that cannot bematched by subsurface geophysical investigations,and in a variety unmatched in any single smallereroded volcanic system.

In conclusion, here is a listing of major findingsfrom studies on LIPs, with an admitted emphasis oncontinental examples.

1. LIPs must have large plumbing systems that,at least for CFBPs, include an extensivenetwork of crustal sills and dykes, the empla-cement of which subdivides interveningcountry rock into differentially uplifted andtilted blocks.

2. Shallowing sills locally break through to thesurface, disrupting and enveloping blocks ofcountry rock.

3. Flood basaltic lava flows are emplaced as flowfields that advance and thicken by inflation foryears or decades during sustained eruptionswith fluxes in the range known from othermore recent basaltic eruptions.

4. Fragmental deposits proximal to flood basaltvents provide evidence for periods of highfountaining and sub-Plinian plume dispersal,and based on smaller-scale modern ana-logues, have been associated with regionalclimate modification.

5. Many CFBPs and volcanic passive marginscontain significant volumes of mafic volcani-clastic deposits, and where well studied, thesehave revealed evidence for extensive phreato-magmatic eruptions that preceded flood-basalt emplacement.

6. Eruptions producing mafic volcaniclasticdeposits have produced caldera-scale ventcomplexes and substantial mafic pyroclastic-flow deposits, the former in some cases sub-sequently occupied by lakes.

7. Silicic pyroclastic eruptions, both in largelybasaltic continental fields and in silicic LIPs,have emplaced deposits as or more volumi-nous than individual flood-basalt units, andwith much greater dispersal.

8. Like flood basalt lava eruptions, ignimbrite-forming eruptions, as evident from thesilicic LIPs, can also occur from fissures thattap stored magma through regional faults.

9. Many LIPs have been constructed by multiplelong-lived effusive eruptions producing thetypical flood basalt plateaus of CFBPs, volca-nic passive margins and oceanic plateaus,but in other cases explosive volcanism hasbeen the dominant eruptive style (e.g. Siber-ian, silicic LIPs). Dominance of explo-sive volcanism in LIPs is a result of eithermagma composition, where erupted compo-sitions are dominantly silicic, and/or ofenvironmental conditions at eruptive sitesconducive for large-scale phreatomagmatism.

10. The spatial– temporal relationships betweenflood basalt lavas and volcaniclastic depositsduring LIP formation can provide importantconstraints on the relative timing of LIP mag-matism, extension, kilometre-scale uplift andpalaeoenvironmental changes. These con-straints can significantly advance our aim ofunderstanding the Earth-scale causative pro-cesses of LIP events.

This paper evolved from one developed for a special issueof Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Researchinitiated and lead-edited by I. Skilling. Antarctica NewZealand provided support for the work of P.-S. Ross,J. White and Th. Thordarson in Antarctica, and J. Whiteacknowledges support from GNS Science (NZ; PGSFcontract CO5X0402) for research on phreatomagmaticprocesses. S. Bryan thanks T. Ewart, G. Marsh, D. Peateand M. Mawby for discussions on aspects of thismanuscript; Luca Ferrari for field work collaborations inthe Sierra Madre Occidental; and Yigang Xu, Bin He,Hong Zhong and Zhaocong Zhang, leaders of the 19–27May 2006 post-IAVCEI conference field trip to Emeishan,for providing the opportunity to make new observations onthe mafic volcaniclastic rocks in the Emeishan flood basaltprovince. P.-S. Ross thanks M. Jebrak for hosting him atUniversite du Quebec a Montreal (Canada) during thepreparation of the manuscript, and G. Ernst for encourage-ment. Ingrid Ukstins Peate is thanked for reviewing anearly version of the manuscript.


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