PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 124, 046101 (2020)

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Transcript of PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 124, 046101 (2020)

Full Electrostatic Control of Nanomechanical Buckling

Selcuk Oguz Erbil,1 Utku Hatipoglu ,1 Cenk Yanik,2 Mahyar Ghavami ,1 Atakan B. Ari ,1,†

Mert Yuksel,1 and M. Selim Hanay 1,3,*

1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bilkent University, 06800, Ankara, Turkey2Sabancı University SUNUM Nanotechnology Research Center, 34956, Istanbul, Turkey

3National Nanotechnology Research Center (UNAM), Bilkent University, 06800, Ankara, Turkey

(Received 6 September 2019; published 31 January 2020)

Buckling of mechanical structures results in bistable states with spatial separation, a feature desirable forsensing, shape configuration, and mechanical computation. Although different approaches have beendeveloped to access buckling at microscopic scales, such as heating or prestressing beams, little attentionhas been paid so far to dynamically control all the parameters critical for the bifurcation—the compressivestress and the lateral force on the beam. Here, we develop an all-electrostatic architecture to control thecompressive force, as well as the direction and amount of buckling, without significant heat generation onmicro- or nanostructures. With this architecture, we demonstrated fundamental aspects of device functionand dynamics. By applying voltages at any of the digital electronics standards, we have controlled thedirection of buckling. Lateral deflections as large as 12% of the beam length were achieved. By modulatingthe compressive stress and lateral electrostatic force acting on the beam, we tuned the potential energybarrier between the postbifurcation stable states and characterized snap-through transitions between thesestates. The proposed architecture opens avenues for further studies in actuators, shape-shifting devices,thermodynamics of information, and dynamical chaos.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.046101

The advent of nano-electromechanical systems (NEMS)[1,2] has opened promising new perspectives for thedevelopment of sensors [3–6] and mechanical computers[7–15], owing in particular to their potential for high-speed operation, their scope for large-scale integration, andtheir robustness in harsh environments [14,16]. The use ofbuckling instability can increase the resolution of sensors[17], decrease the footprint of microrelays [18], reduce theoperational complexity of memory devices [10,19–21],tune the characteristics of optomechanical devices [22,23],and potentially probe Coulomb blockade in suspendedstructures [24,25]. Buckling mechanisms play an importantrole for smart materials [26], morphable microelectronicdevices [27], nonreciprocal metamaterials [28], energyharvesters [29], and biomechanical organization [30] anddevelopment [31,32].Despite the important role it plays in such diverse

mechanisms, a precise, dynamical, and all-electronic con-trol of buckling bistability has not been demonstrated atthe micro- and nanoscale so far. Buckling at this scale hasoften been accomplished by using beams prestressedduring microfabrication [19,20]; however, this approachis not suitable for dynamically controlling the compressivestress on the beam and tuning the potential energy land-scape at will. Another common approach has been toinduce buckling thermally, which creates an excessiveamount of heating (tens of Kelvins) and power consump-tion (∼mW=compression) which are prohibitively high

for applications [10,33]. Only very few studies haveshown nonthermal and tunable buckling either at muchlarger dimensions [34] or by using special piezoelectricmaterials [18].It is striking that while sophisticated techniques have

been developed to tailor the dynamics of nanomechanicalresonators, another fundamental physical system—thedouble-well potential—has almost been omitted from suchvigorous development so far. Here we sought to fill this gapby introducing a buckling device which can then be used inany nanomechanical experiment that requires a tunabledouble-well potential. Such systems have been proposed toimplement qubits [35]. Moreover, the intricate connectionbetween information theory and entropy [36,37] requires aninformation processing platform that can operate nearthermal energy levels. Only a few experimental protocols,such as one with microparticles in optical traps [38],have achieved such a sophisticated level of control sofar. Nanomechanical systems provide another importanttechnology and the platform developed here presents animportant advance along the goal of creating controllablenanomechanical double-well potentials.To address the considerations above, we developed a

technique for controlling the buckling parameters withoutsignificant heat generation and solely through the appli-cation of dc voltages. We electrostatically controlled thecompressive stress and lateral force on a slender nanobeam,and thereby demonstrated various device operations that

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 124, 046101 (2020)Editors' Suggestion Featured in Physics

0031-9007=20=124(4)=046101(7) 046101-1 © 2020 American Physical Society

conceptually and quantitatively prove the high controllabil-ity of buckling-based nanoelectromechanical devices. Weshowed that the beam can be used as a nanomanipulatorreaching maximum displacements as large as 12% of thebeam length towards each side, which enables us toinvestigate the postbuckling behavior and snap-throughcharacteristics of a nanobeam exhibiting high deflection.The device structure and operation are as follows

[Fig. 1(a)]. The device is composed of four main compo-nents: a beam whose buckling is controlled; an invertedcomb drive actuator to generate compression and initiatebuckling; a modified crab leg spring for recovering back tothe unbuckled state; and side gates for controlling thebuckling direction. The structural material is p-dopedsilicon, and the metallization layer is gold (fabrication isdetailed the Supplemental Material [39], Sec. II). The beamis 150 nm wide, 250 nm thick, and 40 μm long. Theinverted comb drive actuator is composed of interdigitatedfinger electrodes, and used for axial force generation (P) onthe beam to initiate buckling. The comb drive actuator [40]consists of a stationary and a mobile comb which arecontrolled by two dc voltages, Vstat and Vmov, respectively.The mobile part is mechanically and electrically connectedto the beam. Modified crab leg design supports the structureand provides a restoring mechanism when the comb drivevoltages are nulled [40]. Side gates are placed near thebeam for generating a transverse force on the beam by

applying dc voltages (V left and Vright) just before the onsetof buckling to preload and guide the beam to the desiredbuckling direction (left or right). The buckling direction isthus controlled as shown in Fig. 1(b), Fig. 1(c), and theSupplemental Material, video S1 [39]. An isometric viewof the suspended device is shown in Fig. 1(d).To confirm that thepostbucklingbehavior canbepredicted

accurately, we solved a theoretical model of the deviceoperation and compared it with deflection measurementsperformed under SEM (Fig. 2). Since buckling is seen as aneffect to avoid in the practice of engineering, theoreticalinvestigations of postbuckling behavior have only taken offduring the last decade. Our model for the postbucklingregime considers the force generated by the combs, the largedeformation of the beam, and the elastic response of theforce-transmission components such as the bar connectingthe comb drive to the beam. The model successfully predictsthe buckling threshold and postbuckling curve(Supplemental Material [39], Sec. VI). Accurate modelingis critical since the displacement strongly depends on thecomb drive voltage: the electrostatic force scales with thesquare of the comb drive voltage: (Vstat − Vmov) [41]. In thisway, the nanomechanical device can operate at large dis-placements with high precision (as steep as ∼1 nm per mV,Fig. 2, and video S2 [39]). The central point of the beamdisplaces more than ∼2.8 microns by changing the voltagemerely by ∼4 V after the buckling threshold [Fig. 2(b)].


(b) (c) (d)

FIG. 1. Electrostatic control of buckling. (a) The mechanical and electrical components of the device are labeled on the figure.Buckling is initiated on the beam through the compression force (P) generated by comb drives through the application of Vmov and Vstat.To control the direction of buckling, side gates are placed with separate control voltages V left and Vright. By adjusting the side gatevoltages right before the axial compression, controlled buckling to the left (b) and to the right (c) can be accomplished. The devices in(b),(c),(d) are slightly different than the one shown in (a), as an extra pair of side gates are incorporated for electronic readout.(d) Isometric view of the device. Scale bars are 20 μm for (a),(b), and (c), and 10 μm for (d). SEM images are colorized for clarity.

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 124, 046101 (2020)


We note that if the same device was used as a resonator, themaximumamplitudewouldbe limited at 150 nmfor the usuallinear regime operation, which is about 20 times smallerthan the displacements reached here.The device operation was observed with an SEM system

equippedwith electrical feedthroughs to apply dcvoltages onthe two comb drives and the side gate electrodes. A custom-designed control panel was used to handle and measure thesupply and control voltages, and was additionally equippedwith a programmable microcontroller circuit so that desiredvoltage waveforms can be applied accurately on the device(Supplemental Material [39], Sec. III). The control of thedevice was accomplished entirely using dc voltages togenerate electrostatic fields only. This is in contrast withthermally induced buckling [10,33], which increases thetemperature of the device by tens, in some cases hundreds, ofKelvins and consumes large power.We performed experiments to induce symmetry-breaking

during device operation. The experimental protocol consistsof three steps: preload, compression, and retain [Fig. 3(a),video S3 [39] ]. In the preload stage, the guiding voltagewhich eventually determines the buckling direction is pro-vided by the side gate electrodes where the beam remainsunbuckled. During the compression stage, the comb drive isactuated to initiate the buckling on the beam, while theside gate voltage is still kept active to maintain a brokensymmetry. In the absence of a control voltage, even theslightest asymmetry in the electrostatic pull of the side gatescan bias the buckling direction unpredictably, as the systemencounters the pitchfork bifurcation [42]. A finite controlvoltage therefore biases the buckling in a unique direction, sothat the influence of the environmental noise is no longercritical. After the compression step, the retain step beginswhere the side gate voltage is brought back to zero; thereforethe signal representing the original buckling direction isremoved. Although the beam pulls back slightly, it none-theless remains deflected in the same direction. We havetested various side gate voltages (5, 3.3, 2.5, and 1.8 V), andin all cases the buckling direction was determined success-fully, which indicates that breaking the symmetry even

slightly can be decisive in the buckling direction (VideoS1 [39]).Moreover, we have observed that a side gate voltageas low as 0.5 V is sufficient to determine the bucklingdirection [Figs. 3(b)–3(c), video S4 in Ref. [39] ] in thedesigns with longer side gates positioned near the center toincrease capacitive coupling.The device design enables us to change the potential

energy landscape of the beam using the control voltages[Figs. 4(a)–4(b)]. The barrier height between the bistablestates can be tuned by changing the (Vmov − Vstat), and theasymmetry between the states can be modified by adjustingthe (Vright − V left) as shown schematically in Figs. 4(a)–4(b)(details are in the Supplemental Material [39], Sec. VI).We note that the ability to dynamically tune the axial forceenables us to control the tradeoff between the minimumside gate voltage used for writing information and thewriting and storage fidelity. Smaller potential barrierheights can result in the use of smaller side gate voltagesto write information; however, the storage system becomesmore sensitive to the external noise. The limiting factor for

40 42 44 46 48

Voltage Difference in Comb Drive (V)













of th

e B


(µ m

)(a) (b)

FIG. 2. Post-buckling behavior. (a) Displacements can becontrolled by changing the comb drive voltage. Here multipleSEM images are overlaid to show the degree of control possiblefor positioning of the beam. The scale bar is 5 μm. (b) Post-buckling curve, theory (green) and obtained data (blue).

(a) (b)


FIG. 3. Controllable symmetry breaking with nanoscale buck-ling. (a) Protocol to control the buckling direction of the device.The top (bottom) panel shows the right (left) side gate controlvoltage waveform, while the middle panel shows the deflection ofthe center of the beam as measured under SEM. The black arrowindicates when the comb drive actuators are activated. The shadedregion (Retain) shows the postbifurcation state where the controlsignal is removed but the beam retains its buckling direction. (b),(c) Demonstration of sub-1 V guiding where the bucklingdirection can be controlled just by applying 0.5 V on the leftgate in (b) and the right gate in (c). Supplemental Material, videoS4 [39] shows the dynamics of the process; the scale barsare 10 μm.

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 124, 046101 (2020)


the minimum side gate voltage, apart from fabricationasymmetries, is that the thermomechanical noise inthe force domain becomes comparable to the force gen-erated at low control voltages. For instance, when 0.5 V isused as side gate voltage, it is apparent in some frames invideo S4 of Ref. [39] (e.g., at 10 sec) that the beam initiallyattempts to buckle towards the opposite direction of thecontrol voltage, as in this case Fside gate ¼ 25 andFnoise rms ¼ 12 pN. Another issue about the controllabilityof the system is the coupling between the two mechanicalsubsystems, the buckling beam and the movable part of thecomb drive. However, this interaction is not expected tochange the controllability of the buckled beam significantlyfor the devices reported here, as shown in the SupplementalMaterial [39], Sec. IX.After the bifurcation point, the system adopts two

distinct stable states with theoretically symmetrical energylevels. By applying lateral force in the deflection direction,it is possible to reshape the potential energy landscape ofthe beam so that one energy minimum gets shallower whilethe other gets deeper [Figs. 4(c)–4(d)]. Depending on thecomb voltage difference, bistability can be lifted byapplying a sufficient lateral force; in other words, thesystem snaps through. In this case, one of the original stable

states becomes unstable as bending (due to the large lateralforce) dominates buckling. Snap-through transition canalso be realized while the system still has two distinctstable states. If the relative energy of the shallower wellapproaches to a value comparable to the noise level—namely, thermomechanical noise or electric noise inducedby instruments used, e.g., power supply or electron gunof the SEM—beam tends to experience a sudden jumptowards the other minima.Snap-through transitions provide a direct mechanism to

jump between different states. An initial bias provided bylateral forces changes the bifurcation diagram so that onlyone of the branches is directly accessible as the compressionforce increases [as indicated by the red dot in Fig. 5(a)].Once the system is buckled, snapping it to the oppositebranch can be accomplished by applying a lateral force inthe opposite direction. One way to regard snap-through inthis static representation is that the transitions occurwhen thedisplacement versus the voltage curve has infinite slope[Fig. 5(b)], although the exact dynamics of snap-throughmechanism is still an active research problem [43]. Earlierstudies with thermal-induced microscale buckling devicesshowed that snap-through transitions exhibit a hysteresiscurve where the forward and backward jumps occur atdifferent gate voltages [10]. As the device dimensions areshrunk further as in our case, the hysteresis between the leftand right transitions are expected to be augmented due to

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIG. 4. Tuning the potential energy landscape (a) The potentialenergy barrier can be adjusted by changing the compressive forcethrough Vmov and Vstat which directly affects the energy differ-ence between the zero-deflection state and the two buckling statewells. (b) The asymmetry between the wells can be adjusted bychanging the lateral force through Vright and V left (assuming aconstant beam voltage). (c) Numerical analysis for the case wherecomb voltage difference is 50.5 V, and varying side gate voltagedifference. Loss of bistability occurs after 15 V and systemcollapses to the right buckling state. (d) Numerical analysis forthe case with 51 V comb voltage difference, and varying side gatevoltage difference. Since the potential barrier is much deeper,even a 20 V gate voltage difference cannot disrupt bistability. For(c) and (d), energy that corresponds to the zero-deflectionposition of the unbuckled state is fixed as the datum.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

FIG. 5. Snap-through transitions between bistable states, in-duced by side gate voltage difference. (a) Bifurcation diagramunder a slight lateral bias. (b) Lateral voltage vs displacementcurve. Snap-through jumps occur when the slope approachesinfinity. Orange arrows show sudden jumps between left and rightstates. (c),(d) Experimental data for 52.5 and 53 V comb voltagedifference. By applying 3 different triangular waveforms to theleft gate—changing from 0 to 20 V with 8, 12, and 16 s periods—snap-through transition voltages are recorded (details in Supple-mental Material S8 and video S5 [39]). As the dwell timeincreases, the amount of hysteresis decreases.

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 124, 046101 (2020)


fabrication imperfections at the nanoscale [44]. However,our experiments show that snap-through transition voltagesexhibit little hysteretic behavior for higher frequency tran-sitions, and while getting closer to dc, hysteresis disappears.As it is demonstrated in Figs. 5(c)–5(d), data points areconfined along the y ¼ x axis while excitation frequencygets lower. This phenomenon can be interpreted as rate-dependent hysteresis [45]. The emergence of rate-dependenthysteresis can be understood by looking at the potentialenergy landscape of the post-bifurcation states. Whilebuckled, the system adopts two stable states which areseparated by an energy barrier. One can adjust the energybarrier by simply applying a force along the deflectiondirection and eventually the beam ends up jumping from onestable state to the other. However, since there are alwaysnoise sources that induce force or displacement fluctuationsin the system, the beam becomes more susceptible to switchto the other stable state when barrier gets lowered. If thegradual increase of lateral force is performed slowly, itbecomes more probable for the noise processes to bridgethe gap between the states, and hence the transitions occur atwell-defined voltage values. Nonetheless, a fast-varyinglateral force yields more uncertainty near the jump conditionwhich increases the dispersion in the transition voltages. In aperfectly symmetrical system without any physical defect, itis expected to observe identical transition voltages betweenstates. Small vacancies in the silicon device layer and otherfabrication related defects lead to an uneven transitionbehavior in the studied devices by breaking the symmetrybetween the minimum energy states. In the aforementionedexperiment, these dynamically evolving discrepancies in thebeam create a transition voltage dispersion that makes apotential hysteresis behavior hard to detect even in higherfrequencies. Unlike larger scale systems, these dynamicallyevolving defects at the nanoscale are more effective on thestress field which provides a continuously changing energylandscape [46].Snap-through voltages increase, as the comb voltage

difference increases: this is because, the height of the potentialbarrier between two wells increases [Figs. 5(c)–5(d)].Moreover, during the experiments, the rate of change ofapplied voltages and the waiting times in each state areobserved to be crucial for the determination of criticalsnap-through voltage since these parameters can affect thematerial structure of the beam and comb mechanism plasti-cally (as verified by independent experiments). Keeping thebeam largely buckled during snap-through transitions impairsthe symmetry between bistable states. Thereby, the potentialenergy landscape of the system varies dynamically duringthe experiment. Higher potential wells are observed to beresponsible for the amplification of the symmetry impairmentcaused by dwelling in each stable state, a trend observedexperimentally as in Figs. 5(c)–5(d). For instance, doublingthe dwell time reduces the dispersion of transition voltagemore than 3 times (Supplemental Material [39], S8).

In this study, a nanomechanical platform to study thedynamics near bifurcations has been developed. For suchexplorations, the tunability of the compressive force, with-out heating up the device, is critical for tuning the potentialenergy landscape as desired. Building on the deviceparadigm here, the nanoscale control of buckling andsnap-through transitions between bistable states of struc-tures through electrostatic fields have been accomplishedand a rate dependent hysteresis behavior is observed. Suchbidirectional electronic control over a nanobeam throughbuckling can be very practical for configurable optome-chanical systems as well as metamaterials and morphablestructures with individually addressable subunits [47].Using the proposed device as the building block of suchtunable or shapeshifting nanoscale metamaterial providesoperational flexibility and renders various novel applica-tions possible. Moreover, the ability to precisely tune stateseparation energy with a monolithic, nanoscale system canenable new physical investigations to be conducted onnonequilibrium statistical mechanics and thermodynamicsof information.

We thank the Bilkent UNAM staff for their help withmicrofabrication (Mustafa Güler and Semih Bozkurt). Wethank METU MEMS for help with microfabrication (AhmetMurat Yağcı, Akın Aydemir, Orhan Akar, Haluk Külah). Wethank Mehmet Yılmaz, Arda Seçme, Hande Aydoğmuş,and Matt LaHaye for useful discussions. This work wassupported by the EuropeanCOSTAction IC 1405: ReversibleComputation—ExtendingHorizonsofComputing.Thisworkwas supported by the Scientific and Technological ResearchCouncil of Turkey (TÜBİTAK), Grant No. EEEAG-115E833.M. S. H. acknowledges fellowship support from TÜBA andThe Science Academy, Turkey. The manuscript was writtenthrough contributions of all authors. All authors have givenapproval to the final version of the manuscript. M. S. H.conceived the idea. S. O. E. and U. H. designed the devicesand performed all the experiments. The fabrication was donemainly by C. Y., with additional support and prototyping byS. O. E., U. H., and A. B. A.M. G. performed the theoreticalcalculations. M. Y. and M. S. H. performed the initial calcu-lations and device design.

S. O. E. and U. H. contributed equally to this work.


†Present address: Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts,USA.

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