Physical activity and exercise

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Transcript of Physical activity and exercise


PEH 11

WHAT IS PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND HEALTH ANYWAY? Physical education, Phy. Ed., or PE, also

known in many Commonwealth countries as physical training or PT, is an educational course related to the physique of the human body. It is taken during primary and secondary education and encourages psychomotor learning in a play or movement exploration setting to promote health.

is an integral part of the total education of every child from Kindergarten through grade 12. Therefore, every student should have the opportunity to participate in a quality physical education program. It is the role of quality physical education programs to help students develop health-related fitness, physical competence in movement activities, cognitive understanding, and positive attitudes toward physical activity so that they can adopt healthy and physically active lifestyles. Quality programs are also important because they provide learning experiences that meet a student’s developmental needs, which in turn helps to improve the mental alertness, academic performance, readiness, and enthusiasm for learning.

GOALS Physical Education will develop the

WHOLE child in EVERY child The physical educators will serve as

role models, and demonstrate knowledge of health, physical education and wellness

The physical education classes will provide a variety of activities which will motivate the students and increase participation

OBJECTIVES The physical education program will

allow the students to participate in developmentally appropriate activities

The physical education program will develop and reinforce cooperative behavior

The physical education program will teach the students to establish lifelong fitness goals

In the Philippines, PE is mandatory for all years. Unless, the school gives the option for a student to do the Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme instead for fifth and sixth year. In the Philippines, some schools have integrated martial arts training into their physical education curriculum.

HEALTH Health is the level of functional

or metabolic efficiency of a living organism. In humans it is the ability of individuals or communities to adapt and self-manage when facing physical, mental or social challenges.

PHYSICAL FITNESS Physical fitness is a general state

of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities. Physical fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition,

moderate-vigorous physical exercise, physical activity, and sufficient rest.

Before the industrial revolution, fitness was defined as the capacity to carry out the day’s activities without undue fatigue. However, with automation and changes in lifestyles physical fitness is now considered a measure of the body's ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities, to be healthy, to resist hypokinetic diseases, and to meet emergency situations.

BENEFITS OF PHYSICAL FITNESS The benefits of physical fitness are

numerous and include better health, greater strength, more flexibility, increased energy, improved appearance, and a more positive attitude and mood. Regular exercise can lead to both immediate and long-term benefits. Regular physical activity has been shown to reduce the morbidity and mortality from many chronic diseases.

Physical fitness is considered a measure of the body’s ability to function efficiently and effectively in work and leisure activities, to be healthy, to resist hypo kinetic diseases, and to meet emergency situations.

Physical fitness is generally achieved through

• physical activity and exercise, • correct nutrition, • enough rest (good quality sleep), • Stress management and relaxation.

The benefit of the physical fitness is endless. Explore some of the benefits of fitness leading to healthy lifestyle and learn how you will get benefited from them: 

1: REDUCES RISK OF DISEASE People who participate in regular

exercise have a decreased risk of developing:

• heart disease • diabetes • metabolic syndrome • colon cancer • lung cancer • breast cancer


Development of physical fitness components such as muscle strength and endurance, cardiovascular endurance, flexibility, agility, speed, bone density etc. and improvement of muscle tone. 

3. PROVIDE BETTER HEALTH Regular physical exercise

increases both the size and strength of the heart. It can pump more blood with less effort and becomes more efficient. This will lower pulse and lower the blood pressure which can increase lifespan.

The circulatory system is also improved because of increased blood volume providing more oxygen to the muscles. These effects will translate into a reduced risk for heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.

Significant cardiovascular health benefits can be attained with long-term participation in cardiovascular exercise. 


The benefits of physical fitness extend to their ability to help you control your cholesterol. They raise your levels of 'good' cholesterol and drop your levels of 'bad' cholesterol.


Physical activity results in the strengthening of our bones and muscles. It can substantially reduce the risk or arthritis and other bone diseases. Weight bearing exercise is shown to increase bone density and also prevent bone loss as we get older. This can reduce the onset and severity of osteoporosis. Resistance training does a great job. The strain that it puts on your body helps build bigger, stronger bones.

Different kinds of strength training put strain on your joints. This actually helps your body strengthen connective tissue in those joints. These tissues become stronger, more flexible and less prone to injury. Increased blood supply means better nutrition for the tissues and better removal of waste products which helps improve the health and durability.

6. MAINTENANCE OF OPTIMAL BODY WEIGHT Physical activity increases the muscle mass,

reduces fat and thus controls weight. It is proven that physical fitness can control your body weight and prevent obesity and other weight-related problems.

By combining the right physical workouts with a proper and balanced diet, you can expect weight loss, reduced body fat and a more firm and fit body. Aerobic exercise burns calories during the duration of the exercise and strength training burns calories in the 24 hour period following the training.


One of the benefits of physical fitness is that it provides you sound sleep and improves your sleeping habits. Studies show that people who exercise regularly and are physically fit - fall asleep more easily and sleep longer than those who do not exercise and are physically unfit. Because of cooling off after exercise, your body temperature drops leading to deeper sleep. 

8. BOOST IN ENERGY LEVEL Exercise improves the blood flow in the

body and promotes better sleep, both of which boost energy. A regular exercise program, especially in the mornings, will give you energy and drive for the rest of the day. This effect is related to the increased metabolism associated with a fitter body. 

9. IMPROVED APPEARANCE Physical activity build muscle mass

and burns excess fat. It tones body muscles helping you to look fit and healthy. Healthy active people almost always have great skin tone and look fresh, less fatigued. 


There are so many stress factors in our day to day life. Because of lifestyle changes, change in the environment, people live under extreme stress in this competitive world. Regular physical activity, fitness workouts releases the hormones which have “feel good factor”. It helps in reducing your stress levels and gives you more strength to fight life’s challenges. 

11. FIGHTS DEPRESSION Effects of physical activity and

exercise on mood are immediate. Blood flow to the brain is increased, endorphins are released and your mood lifts. These endorphins make you feel better and fight stress and depression.

12. CAUSES DELAYED AGING Among the several benefits of physical

fitness, delayed aging leading to positive thinking and improved self perception is the most sought after.

Regular physical activity reverses the natural decline in the metabolism of the body. Daily exercise is found to keep a person productive and energetic for a longer period of the day. Regular physical activity postpones the process of aging and increases the longevity of life. 

13. MAKES YOU FEEL HAPPIER Physical activity has important role

in keeping your body fit. Exercise causes your body to release endorphins which has a “feel good factor”. Because of these endorphins you feel happier. 

14. POSTPONES FATIGUE The benefits of physical fitness

include the postponement of fatigue and reduced recovery time after vigorous activity. 

15. BOOST YOUR CONFIDENCE Physical fitness provides correct

posture, figure, body image, and good appearance along with increased energy levels. It gives you a sense of accomplishment, which is a boost to confidence. 

16. UTILIZATION OF TIME Through Participation in physical

fitness program, leisure (free) time is properly utilized and make you fit and healthy. 


Physical fitness provides you the optimum physical health, general well being and mental stability. In other words it improves your overall health and you can live your life to the fullest. 


All together, the benefits of physical fitness give you healthy and more efficient body. Thus it increases your chance of leading a healthier, longer and more fulfilling life. 


Physical fitness is something we should all strive for. Fitness is important not only for medical reasons, but also for mental health reasons and for overall quality of life. Being physically fit not only brings the benefit of fewer health problems in the future, but the exercise done to maintain physical fitness is stress relieving and helps you sleep better at night.

So while everyone knows that physical fitness is generally a good thing, there are a few reasons why people sometimes look to the disadvantage of physical fitness instead of to all the advantages that come with being in good shape.


Although the reasons for people exercising are many, there are many common problems that pop up for people who exercise a lot and are in excellent physical condition. These common problems are often the reasons why people choose not to exercise.

CHRONIC PAIN Although a normal amount of physical

exercise helps to reduce the amount of general aches and pains that people experience, overdoing the exercise routine can cause chronic pain. For example, runners can develop heel and knee problems from the shock of running on pavement.

Strength trainers who repeatedly do the same exercises with heavy weights can end up straining joints and pulling muscles. For these reasons, a varied exercise routine is a better route to physical fitness than doing the same routine every day. If you prefer the same daily routine, make sure that you warm up and cool down adequately and that you don't experience undue strain.

INCREASED APPETITE Many people start an 

exercise routine in order to lose weight. However, if you exercise at a high intensity level for a sustained amount of time, you may end up increasing your appetite to a degree where you're eating more calories after your workout than you burned while you were exercising.

In general, this is not problematic, because even if you do not lose weight, exercising will make your entire body's condition better; your heart and lungs will be stronger, your posture will be better and your muscles will become stronger and better able to prevent injury.

SCHEDULE CRUNCH One of the most often cited reasons for

not exercising is that people are already too busy and an extra hour a day is simply not to be found. While it's true that modern lives are busy lives and that exercising takes time, it's important to make the time in order to reap the benefits of physical health.

If your goal is to exercise three times per week for one hour each session, make one of those three times on the weekend. Walk the beach with your family or take the kids roller-skating. You don't have to be in the gym lifting weights to get some exercise. Then you only have to choose two days during the week to fit in a workout.

Everyone wants to be fit and healthy. There are over a hundred researches that show how to achieve fitness and wellness-the clear solution is to move more and eat well. The solution might be simple but choosing which fitness program to follow or what food to eat is overwhelming. The fitness industry is flooded with various tools and programs that promise to help you get fit fast with less work.


is a term used to identify people who do not get the recommended level of regular physical activity. The American Heart Association recommends 30-60 minutes of aerobic exercise three to four times per week to promote cardiovascular fitness. In 1996 the Report of the Surgeon General on Physical Activity and Health recommended the minimum level of physical activity required to achieve health benefits was a daily expenditure of 150 kilocalories in moderate or vigorous activities.

This recommendation is consistent with guidelines established by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and American College of Sports Medicine. It also is consistent with the 1996 consensus statement from the National Institutes of Health, recommending adults to accumulate at least 30 minutes of moderate activity most days of the week.

Moderate activities include pleasure walking, climbing stairs, gardening, yard work, moderate-to-heavy housework, dancing and home exercise. More vigorous aerobic activities, such as brisk walking running, swimming, bicycling, roller skating and jumping rope — done three or four times a week for 30-60 minutes — are best for improving the fitness of the heart and lungs.


Regular physical activity reduces the risk of dying prematurely from CVD. It also helps prevent the development of diabetes, helps maintain weight loss, and reduces hypertension, which are all independent risk factors for CVD. Less active, less fit persons have a 30-50 percent greater risk of developing high blood pressure. 

Physical inactivity is a significant risk factor for CVD itself. It ranks similarly to cigarette smoking, high blood pressure, and elevated cholesterol. One reason it has such a large affect on mortality is because of its prevalence. Twice as many adults in the United States are physically inactive than smoke cigarettes. Regular physical activity has been shown to help protect against first cardiac episode, help patients' recovery from coronary surgeries, and will reduce the risk of recurrent cardiac events.


It is estimated that approximately 35% of coronary heart disease mortality is due to physical inactivity. The significance of this relationship lies in the fact that coronary heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States with over 700,000 deaths annually. Approximately 60% of all Americans age 18 and older report that they are physically inactive. 


There is a significant increase in awareness on the health benefits of physical activity and fitness on Filipinos. Health agencies such as the Department of Health (DOH) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have implemented strategies that promote an active lifestyle in the past decade.

Physical activity programs like HATAW, E-di Exercise, Mag-HL Tayo, and Go4Health aim to decrease the prevalence of sedentary lifestyle because studies show that physical inactivity is a significant risk factor for several non communicable diseases like Cancer, Cardiovascular disease, Diabetes, Chronic kidney disease.


Year Communicable Non Communicable


2000 247.3 570.7 877.2

2012 226.4 720.0 1,000.2

In spite of these strategies, there is still rise in death due to non communicable diseases caused by physical inactivity. Non communicable diseases such as heart disease, vascular disease, and cancer have replaced tuberculosis and pneumonia among the primary causes of death among Filipinos.

According to the estimates of WHO (World Health Organization), 65% of the total deaths among Filipinos in the year 2000 were caused by noncommunicable diseases. In 2012, the number of deaths significantly rose to 72%. Many of these deaths could be have been prevented if people were able to perform moderate physical activities for 30 minutes for most days of the week.

Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure. Physical inactivity has been identified as the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality causing an estimated 3.2 million deaths globally.


EXERCISE Physical exercise is any bodily activity that

enhances or maintains physical fitness and overall health and wellness. It is performed for various reasons, including increasing growth and development, preventing aging, strengthening muscles and the cardiovascular system, honing athletic skills, weight loss or maintenance, and merely enjoyment.


The general idea of health promotion strategies is to encourage Filipinos to move more. It is recommended that teenagers engage in physical activity for at least 60 minutes every day. In 2008, the Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) reported that 86% of Filipino high school students in Manila fail to achieve the recommended physical activity level.

The WHO reported similar results after the Global School-based Health Survey was conducted in 2007. Moreover, the global study indicated that Filipino teenagers are one of the most sedentary in the world because they only engage in physical activity for at least 60 minutes on an average of one day per week.


There are different guidelines that can be followed to be able to satisfy the definition of sufficient physical activity. The common is the Physical Activity Pyramid and the National Guidelines for Physical Activity for Filipinos. The Physical Activity Pyramid shows that performing more day-to-day such as walking and the stairs are the foundation in becoming physically active. The National Guidelines for Physical Activity for Filipinos provides more detailed instruction on the type and duration of activities for each age group.


Physical fitness is a general state of health and well-being and, more specifically, the ability to perform aspects of sports, occupations and daily activities. Physical fitness is generally achieved through proper nutrition, moderate-vigorous physical exercise, physical activity, and sufficient rest.

Physical Fitness is a broad term and has many components. It is inappropriate to say that a dancer is more fit than the firefighter. In relation to health and wellness, expert have identified several components that an individual should maintain at an adequate level to remain healthy and reduce of premature death, disease and injury.


Speed is the ability to perform a motor skill as rapidly as possible. Simply, it is the ability to move quickly, which is an essential quality in many sports. Reaction time is closely related to speed.

Reaction time is the ability to respond rapidly to a stimulus (cue). Reaction time can be improved by explosive exercise and sport-specific practice. 

Agility is the ability to change direction rapidly without a significant loss of speed, balance, or body control. Agility fitness combines power, strength, balance, flexibility, reaction time, coordination, anticipation, and muscular control. Ability is critical in any sport that requires rapid changes in direction, deceleration, and acceleration, such as basketball, football, and gymnastics.

Power is ability to exert muscular strength rapidly. It is the rate of performing work. On the field, power combines speed and strength. Explosive skills require power fitness, which involves exerting force with marked acceleration. Olympic lifting and shot-putting are examples that show a rapid rate of force development. 

Balance is the ability to maintain equilibrium. Balance can be static or dynamic. Static balance means that the athlete is not moving, such as when performing a handstand. Dynamic balance means that the athlete maintains equilibrium while moving, such as in slalom ski events. 

Coordination is the ability to move smoothly and efficiently. It is specific to each sport skill. Gross motor coordination means performing large muscle skills, such as running and jumping, with good technique, rhythm, and accuracy. 

There are Five types of Health-related Components of Fitness:

Aerobic Capacity – It is the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to supply oxygen and nutrients to the working muscles efficiently in order to sustain prolonged rhythmical exercises. The ability to deliver and utilize oxygen is an indicator of a healthy heart.

Research shows that individuals who can use large amount of oxygen during maximal exercise (VO2max) have strong hearts, normal blood pressures and decreased risk for heart disease and diabetes.

Activity test or example activity: Running.

MUSCULAR STRENGTH It is the ability of the muscle to

generate the greatest force. One repetition maximum is the heaviest load that can be lifted in one repetition. A good strength level protects an individual from severe injuries when he/she slips or falls.

Activity Test or Example Activity: Weight Lifting

MUSCULAR ENDURANCE It is the ability of the muscle to resist fatigue

when performing multiple repetitions of a submaximal load. It can also refer to the period of time in which a muscle is able to hold a contraction. Muscular endurance is needed to deter injuries that commonly occur when the individual is tired.

Activity Test or Example Activities: Abdominal Curl-Ups and Push-Ups.

FLEXIBILITY It is the ability to move joint without pain over its entire

range of motion. It is affected by the structure of the joint and the muscle s surrounding the joint. These factors deteriorate over time and leads to chronic pain as an individual becomes older. An adequate degree of flexibility is important to prevent injury and maintain body mobility. It can be greatly improved by stretching.

Activity Test or Example Activities: Sit and Reach and Trunk Forward flexion

BODY COMPOSITION It refers to the total make-up of the body

using the concept of two component model: the lean body mass and the body fat. It is often reported as the ratio of fat mass with the overall body mass. Many non communicable diseases are associated with obesity or having too much especially around the abdominal area.

Activity Test or Example Activities: Waist Circumference

THE END………..!