PHP-FIG: how the PHP world got off their islands (DrupalCamp Vienna 2015)

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of PHP-FIG: how the PHP world got off their islands (DrupalCamp Vienna 2015)

  1. 1. PHP-FIG: HOW THE PHP WORLD GOT OFF THEIR ISLANDS I am , , and .Xano @BartFeenstra
  3. 3. DRY Don't repeat yourself
  4. 4. REUSE
  6. 6. COMPOSER Sharing has never been easier
  7. 7. GETTING US OFF THE ISLAND: FIG Framework Interoperability Group
  8. 8. THE STANDARDS ARE OPEN SOURCE Anyone can help. Join #phpfigon
  9. 9. VOTING MEMBERS ARE PHP PROJECTS. Drupal is a voting member. Its representative is .Larry 'Crell' Garfield
  10. 10. MEMBERS ARE NOT REQUIRED TO IMPLEMENT ANY STANDARDS Projects can disagree with standards Implementing new PSRs can break BC, which delays implementations
  11. 11. PSR PHP Standard Recommendation PSR-x Code can be included via Composer All code and documentation is hosted on standards
  12. 12. PSR-2 (PSR-1) Coding standards
  13. 13. PSR-3 Logging
  14. 14. PSR-4 (PSR-0) Autoloading
  15. 15. PSR-7 HTTP messages
  16. 16. DRAFTS
  17. 17. PSR-5 Documentation
  18. 18. PSR-6 Caching
  19. 19. PSR-8 HuggableInterface
  20. 20. PSR-9 / PSR-10 Security
  21. 21. PSR-11 Dependency injection
  22. 22. PSR-12 (PSR-2) Coding standards
  23. 23. CONCLUSION SHARING AND REUSING PHP CODE HAS NEVER BEEN EASIER. Review this presentation at . Find out more about FIG at . I am , , and .Xano @BartFeenstra DO YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS? donnagrayson @ Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)