Photoshop jaime hall

Post on 29-Jun-2015

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Transcript of Photoshop jaime hall


Photoshop ElementsPhotoshop can be used to edit and enhance

images, it can also be used to cosmetically enhance an image

The images below are of a close-up of a Bunsen burner, in the second image I used the burn tool to blur out some of the background tubes creating more of a focus on the center wires

Before After

The image below is of a squashed globe, I saturated the main globe to make the colour much more intense and vibrant

Before After

The images below were edited in a similar way to the previous two, except I was more patchy in the background creating a slightly cloudy affect making the tower stand out even more

Before After

In the image of the plant below I changed the brightness making the leaves have a slightly translucent effect

Before After