Photojournalism photography analysis

Post on 16-Jul-2015

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Transcript of Photojournalism photography analysis

Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice

Research of other photographers work (P1, M1, D1)

Photographer: David Pullum – Wedding PhotojournalistPaste 6 images here include the name & date of image

Image 1:

Image 2:

Image 3:

Image 4:

Theme or focus of images We can see that these images are quite similar to each other, for example in all of them there is a big action going on in each of these images. In all of these images there is a main action and that is images focus point. Also all of these images are taken at weddings, with more than one person being focused on with very happy or excited expressions. These images are quite clearly used to covey the happiness of weddings, and the happiness of the people featured in the images. All of these images are used to tell a story, in this case the story of someone’s wedding.

In all of these images the bride, or the groom, or both are the main focus of these images, we see these people in every image. These images are quite busy and fairly action packed. In image 1 and 2 the images convey the raw emotion of happiness and excitement between both the bride and groom. We can see in the first image the first time the bride and groom see each other at the alter, this image we can see the happiness on both of their faces and the excitement through their reaction. Each of these images have a big main action that is the focus point, in image 1 it’s the reaction of the bride and groom. In image 2, we see the initial excited reaction of the bride and groom walking out of the church after getting married. In image 3, we see the groom about to be thrown into the air by his friends and the emotion shown of the crowd laughing and smiling along with the groom looking happy but also a slight sense of fear being shown. Finally in image 4 we see the groom having a drink poured into his mouth by his friends, again we can see the crowd looking happy and laughing and the groom with a slight smile on his face.

I think this photographer uses the technique of trying to get the most natural reaction in his images, because the more natural the images are the more honest the story the image portrays. The images are all very positive, happy and very genuine, I think this photographer aims to get the most happy and genuine images because the images will encourage future clients to use him as a photographer because the images are so happy and natural.

CompositionIn images 1 and 2 the main focus point is the bride and grooms expression, the other people in the image aren’t really focused on. So I think the photographer could have cropped the images so that the two people are the main focus. For example in image 2 we cannot see the lady who is throwing the confetti we can just see her arm.

However in images 3 and 4, the main focus is still the groom but other people are involved in the image. So I think the photographer doesn’t crop every image, just the ones where he wants the focus point to be clear on the two people’s emotions.

Techniques usedIn images 1 and 4, there is clearly depth of field. The main focus is completely in focus where as the people in the background are blurred out and not focused on. Again I think the photographer does this because he wants to show clearly the main focus of the image and wants to make it as clear as possible.

I think for all of these images a fast shutter speed would have been used in order for the photographer to capture the genuine initial emotions and reactions. Someone facial expression could change in a second so the photographer probably used a fast shutter speed and took as many photographs as possible when he saw a moment about to happen in order to capture a genuine emotion.

Strengths & WeaknessesA strength would be that I like how genuine each of these images are, they are clearly not posed or forced. I like how real they feel and come across.A weakness would be I think image 3 didn’t need to be in black and white and I think the use of colour would make the image stand out more.