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Photo Mentor Name Department Title, Department, Links About BIOLOGY, CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS & PSYCHOLOGY

Austell, Todd Department of ChemistryTeaching Professors and Associate Director of Undergraduate Studies

I'm a NC person through and through...born and raised in Shelby, NC. I attended UNC for both U'grad and Grad yep, I've been here a very long time. As an u'grad I was any of several majors at one time or another: math, biology, pre-med, and finally chemistry. I almost went to med school, but had a last minute epiphany that led me in a different direction. Come ask me what happen sometime? I worked in the pharmaceutical industry for one year before grad school and have now been a prof at UNC for 21 years in the chem dept. I also have served as a prof for 2 years at the USAF Academy. At UNC I've served as an academic advisor for 25 years and work mainly with STEM and pre-health sci profession majors... but I'm happy to talk to anyone. My FAVORITE role is helping others navigate UNC to achieve high goals... and to help them avoid the mistakes I made as an u'grad. I LOVE YOU AND AM FOR YOU!

Beaver, Joshua Department of Chemistry Teaching Assistant Professor

I love teaching chemistry and being a member of the UNC campus! Carolina is a wonderful place to live, grow, and learn and I truly enjoy getting to know the amazing students that go here. I am from a small town in central PA, a place known for its beautiful rolling hills, farmland, and horse-and-buggies. In undergrad I was pre-med all the way to being accepted (I know the struggle...), but I changed my mind and moved to Chapel Hill for graduate school and fell in love with Chapel Hill and UNC! I love teaching organic chemistry because it gives me an opportunity to help so many students overcome a big challenge and learn a lot about themselves along the way. I love to be outside, travel, dance hip-hop, and go on hikes, but I also enjoy cooking, video games, and a good show.

Bliem, Carribeth Department of Chemistry Teaching Assistant Professor

As a chemistry instructor, I love my job: getting to know Carolina undergrads who bring boundless energy and passion in their efforts to make the world a better place! In class, I like to help students see how chemistry topics connect to their daily lives. When I’m not thinking about chemistry, I enjoy cooking (chemistry!), knitting, mysteries (books and netflix) and playing board games (Scrabble and Dominion are two favorites).

Deardorff, DuaneDepartment of Physics and Astronomy

Director of Undergraduate Laboratories

I was born in Quito, Ecuador and grew up in Dayton, Ohio but have now lived in the Triangle area of North Carolina longer than any other place. My dissertation research at NCSU was on students' treatment of measurement uncertainty, and I enjoy teaching physics and directing our teaching labs here at UNC. My hobbies include juggling and kite flying, and I have traveled to over 40 countries.

DeSaix, Jean Department of Biology Teaching Professor

My family has been in NC for generations, mostly Davidson County, though I grew up in the Eastern part of the state, graduating from Williamston High School with a graduating class of 72 students. I also went to a small college, Catawba College, so the transition to graduate school here where I got my PhD was not an easy one. I taught intro biology and advised health professions students for many years. I now teach courses about the health professions (Biology 117 & 118). Peter (DeSaix) and I met here in grad school and love having students come to our home for meals. We hope to do that again soon. We are also available to answer questions about applying to health professions.

Eskew, Nita Department of Chemistry Teaching Associate Professor

I am a Tarheel born and bred from Winston-Salem, NC . I came to UNC as a first-generation college student where I earned both my BS and PhD degrees in chemistry. My two children are also UNC alums. Though I began my career in the chemical industry, my passion for teaching pulled me into academics. The best part of my job is working with students, in and out of labs and classrooms. I'm happy to chat about undergraduate research, study abroad, and all things UNC! Outside of work, I enjoy cooking (aka kitchen chemistry), traveling, and spending time with family.

Evans, Mara Department of Biology STEM Teaching Assistant Professor

I'm originally from California, but my growing up years were spent in Ecuador, Mexico and Kenya. I teach introductory biology and ecology and evolution. I am also a career adviser (career coach). I can help students navigate success in time management, STEM courses, finding research opportunities, identifying career options, and communication strategies. Outside of work I like to read, draw and sew and I love hearing about people's travel and pop culture interests.

Gladfelter, Amy Deparment of Biology

ProfessorAssociate Chair, Diversity and Inclusion

I grew-up in a small town outside of Orlando, Florida and found the transition from my big public high school to the rigors of university very challenging. My excitement for Biology kept me going and I attended graduate school (at another NC university nearby that probably shouldn’t be named here) and led me to fall in love with the warmth, culture and vitality of NC. After moving to do research in Switzerland and in New England, I finally found my way back ”home” here along with my husband and two kids. I now teach and have a research lab in the Biology department where we use microscopes to study the invisible world of cells.

Goldstein, Bob Department of Biology Professor

I'm a Biology professor and I also co-teach an unusual course that bridges science and studio art. I love tinkering and making things. I run workshops all over North Carolina to teach elementary school teachers to build microscopes. It's been a thrill to get to other parts of the state, meet people, experience diverse cultures, and I love that I can share something that teachers and their students really enjoy. I run a research lab in the Biology Department, and I love thinking about solving complex problems as a team with people in the lab. In past years I've gathered scholars I mentor for mens basketball games, womens soccer games, chats over coffee, shooting my blood cells with a laser on a microscope in the lab (no kidding, it's fun, I swear!), and dinners at Top of the Hill. This year I'm thinking about socially distanced gatherings, and I'm hoping to gather a group to try out giant spin art... spinning canvases at high speed while dripping paint on them to make your own art.

Gonzalez, OscarDepartment of Psychology and Neuroscience Assistant Professor

I am originally from Monterrey, Mexico, but my family immigrated to Los Fresnos, TX (a border town near the Gulf of Mexico) when I was 11. I was the first in my family to be English-fluent and the first one to go to college. I was nowhere close to being prepared for the academic demands in college, so I bounced majors until I found my home in the area of psychology. I graduated debt-free from the University of Notre Dame on a program similar to the Carolina Covenant, and then I went on to earn my PhD on Quantitative Methods from Arizona State University. I have been an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience since the Fall of 2018, and my research is on how to develop reliable, valid, and fair assessments used in clinical or prevention settings. I know what it is like to be in your shoes… Let’s chat – I’m here to help!

Faculty and Staff Mentors 2020-2021

This list is categorized by the following areas of experience: 1. Biology, Chemistry & Psychology 2. Global Experiences & Language

3. Health & Medicine 4. Social Sciences, Education, History & Anthropology

5. Student Support, Engagement & Success

Grant, Calvin Department of Chemistry

Director of Undergraduate Laboratories and Instructor of Quantitative Chemistry

I was born in Jamaica, the second set of two sets of twins and grew up in Bronx, NY and the Metro Atlanta area. I went to a small HBCU in Huntsville (majoring in Chemistry and Spanish) Alabama and got my PhD in Organic Chemistry from Michigan State University. I've been a TA, a Tutor, and an Instructor of Chemistry. Now I am an Undergraduate Laboratory Supervisor in Morehead Labs and Instructor of first semester Gen Chem Lab. I love sharing and learning chemistry. I also love travelling (out of the country as much as possible), TV and movies (action, fantasy, anime, etc.), and video games (though I had to give away my Xbox 360 to survive grad school). I can sing though I hate being in front of people and have always wanted to learn an instrument (bass guitar preferable). I am interested in and attempted to write a work of fiction. Oh, and I babble from time to time. :)

Hicks, Leslie Department of Chemistry Associate Professor

I am a first-generation college graduate originally from rural West Virginia. While math and science came easily, I was not interested in chemistry as a career until my first undergraduate research experience at Marshall University. After earning a PhD in Chemistry at UIUC, I pursed a non-traditional academic career track, forgoing a post-doc and going to a research institute for several years before coming to UNC. During this time, my family began traveling extensively and backcountry hiking – doing several long trips in the Badlands, Glacier National Park and hiking Mt. Kilimanjaro. I really enjoy interacting with and mentoring students and helping them define and achieve the career trajectory that interests them most!

Hogan, Brian Department of Chemistry Teaching Professor and Vice Chair of Education

I love teaching biology and chemistry and being part of the vibrant UNC community! My wife and I are UNC alumna and my two kids are Tar Heels born and bred. I'm a first generation college student (originally from NJ) and the first in my family to get a PhD. I'd be happy to talk with any student about "how to do college". Outside of teaching, I have a lot of diverse interests. I've been trying to learn Spanish for the past decade, I started playing guitar again at age 40, and I'm a big fan of the Harry Potter books.

Hussong, AndreaDepartment of Psychology and Neuroscience Professor

I grew up in Indiana before attending Indiana University and then Arizona State University for graduate school. I bounced around majors in undergrad as I tried to learn the lay of the land as a first generation student before finding Psychology. I have been on the UNC Psychology faculty for over 20 years.

Jones, DeborahDepartment of Psychology and Neuroscience Professor

I joined the Clinical Program in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience in 2004. My research examines risk and protective factors that explain variability in psychosocial functioning and treatment engagement and outcome among traditionally at-risk and underserved children and families. I view research as a context for teaching and mentoring, which are the most rewarding parts of my role. As a first generation college student from a working class family in Pittsburgh, PA I appreciate the value of mentors and feel it is important to pay that forward to the next generation of scholars. I enjoy working with students to help them identify their strengths, address their areas of growth, and carve their own professional paths.

Lindquist, KristenDepartment of Psychology and Neuroscience Associate Professor

Kristen Lindquist is a psychologist and neuroscientist who uses the tools of social cognition, physiology, and neuroscience to understand how people experience emotions in their own bodies and see them in others. She is interested in how these processes differ across the lifespan, across cultures, and in health and disease. She is also interested in issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in science and education. She regularly mentors undergraduates through the career discernment process.

Muscatell, KeelyDepartment of Psychology and Neuroscience

Assistant Professor, Psychology & Neuroscience

My "official" professional bio is that I am an assistant professor in the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience at UNC, where I conduct research on why and how social experiences, like rejection, loneliness, discrimination, and social support, affect our health and well-being. I also teach classes on social neuroscience and psychoneuroimmunology, and I love working together with undergraduate students in research! My "unofficial" bio is that I love reading fiction books (especially dystopian YA sci-fi and literary fiction by female authors), collecting vinyl records (mainly jazz and indie rock), and hanging out with my three-legged bunny rabbit, Crouton. I still struggle with feeling like I belong in research and academia, as I come from a lower-class background and never thought I would end up as scientist/professor

Nevins, Kathleen Department of Chemistry Undergraduate Labs Supervisor

Dr. Kathleen Nevins is a Supervisor of Undergraduate Laboratories within the UNC Department of Chemistry. Kathleen earned her Ph.D. in inorganic materials chemistry from SUNY Buffalo under Dr. David Watson and began working at UNC directly after graduate school in 2013, Kathleen loves to go to the beach and to travel. She has two young children who keep her on her toes!

Reissner, Kathryn (Kate) Deparment of Psychology and Neuroscience Assistant Professor

I grew up in Lumberton, NC and this state is a huge part of my identity. I am so happy to be a part of the UNC-CH family in the Department of Psychology & Neuroscience. I am inspired by neuroscience and understanding how the brain works. I would be delighted to be a mentor to anyone who is interested in biological/biomedical sciences (and also to anyone who is not!). I am also happy to chat about how difficult it can be to be away from home for the first time and to find your way in college!

Shemer, Gidi Department of Biology Teaching Associate Professor

Coming from Israel to Carolina only at the age of 40, I quickly found myself a devoted Tar Heel. In fact, my three daughters all went to UNC, including my youngest who joins Tar Heel nation this semester. I am a teaching professor in the biology department and also the faculty advisor of the biology majors and the one responsible for undergrad research. I love the nature here and often go kayaking and hiking in the area. Cooking (vegan) is another way I like to spend my time.

Templeton, Joe Department of Chemistry Professor

Having attended an elementary school with no running water and no plumbing, I have a background that allows me to connect with real people from a variety of circumstances. My fascination with chemistry has allowed me to interact with super students here at UNC for many years. Each year I look forward to meeting an eager cohort of incoming students.

Tiani, Domenic Department of Chemistry Associate Professor

I am originally from Pittsburgh, PA but consider myself a North Carolinian. I graduated from N.C. State, I worked at Lab Corp (Burlington, NC), and after finishing my graduate work was very excited to come back from Arizona to North Carolina to join the Carolina family. I am a first generation student myself and am always excited to help students throughout their undergraduate experience at Carolina. I have served as a pre-health adviser for a number of years, I am a faculty adviser in The Department of Chemistry, and I teach a wide array of chemistry classes and labs. All of these roles help me better serve our students and help them achieve their own goals, as well as get the most out of their Carolina Experience. In my free time I love to hike, camp, and work in my home Wood Shop.

Young, DanDepartment of Physics and Astronomy Teaching Assistant Professor

I was born in Oregon, did my undergrad down in Texas (Rice University), and finished my PhD in 2014 at the University of New Hampshire where I wrote a dissertation on student understanding of fluid dynamics. My current research specialization is Physics Education although I also dabble in game theories and optimal play of game shows (and am hoping to create a first-year seminar on the same). In my free time I enjoy visiting theme parks, attending UNC sporting events, and playing chess and video games with friends. I am relatively new to North Carolina so am still finding my way around but I am thoroughly enjoying the area and am looking forward to sharing it with you!

Zwemer, Lillian Department of Biology Teaching Assistant Professor

I am a Teaching Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology. What does that mean? It means I love teaching so much that I let go of my research so I could focus on teaching full-time. I am a huge fan of most things that are wholesome and dorky like YMCA summer camp, arts and crafts, cooking, biking, bird watching and jigsaw puzzles (at this point in my life, I have learned to just own it). I live in Chapel Hill with my husband, our two young children and our dog. I have a long-standing fascination with science and society, and with the ways we bring our whole selves (our values, assumption, biases, hopes, fears) to our study of the natural world, and the interplay between the two. I'm excited to get to know UNC students as individuals and help support their growth as life-long learners, regardless of their discipline of interest. In my own life, I've realized just how many shapes professional success can take, and the key role of community in all of them. In my time in academia, I've realized that so much about students success hinges not on raw talent, but rather on knowing how to navigate the system, how to ask for the help that is needed, and how to leverage the opportunities for growth.


Andrew, Hazael UNC World View Associate Director

I am originally from the Commonwealth of Dominica, a small island in the southern Caribbean. I moved to the United States on an athletic scholarship (basketball) and attended Fayetteville State University where I double majored in Managerial Economics and Finance. My PhD research is on the academic, cultural and social experiences of Caribbean students at U.S. universities. I enjoy guiding students through the Carolina experience by sharing resources that could contribute to their success. When I am not working, you can find me watching sports, reading books and travelling.

Brown, Raúl Department of Romance Studies Teaching Associate Professor

As a first generation student myself, I'm excited to provide some of the care and guidance that may have assisted me in my journey from an illiterate, Appalachian family to faculty at UNC. My research, teaching, and service exist at the intersection of psychology, literature, and culture. I am a specialist in Latin American theatre and narrative, who examines such psychological topics in those genres as trauma/healing, identity, relationships, violence, empathy, power, politics, and performance. In my clinical practice, I provide therapy to a wide range of individuals representing diversity of sexual/relational orientation, gender identity, economic status, faith orientation, diagnostic category, and native language. I'm a great lover of Mexico, creating in all kinds of media, and learning anything and everything. I'm especially equipped to assist with learning strategies, study abroad preparation, and cultural immersion experiences (theatre!).

Hammer, BradleyDepartment of English and Comparative Literature Professor

In the fall of 2021, I’ll be starting my 15th years as a professor at UNC and my 32nd year of teaching. Over this period, I’ve mentored countless students and have worked hard to create numerous educational and professional opportunities for undergraduates. In my classes, I work to build a sense of shared community with students – where everyone works hard and succeeds as a team. My goal in teaching is to pass along my love for learning while creating pathways for students to find internships, volunteer opportunities, and academic success. I work with several students on study skills, career planning, and also pre-med advising. Outside of the classroom, I help students make connections with peer-mentors, clubs, internships, and opportunities across and beyond campus. In addition to my teaching, I serve as the faculty advisor to Phi Delta Epsilon -- the Medical Honor Society. Also, I oversee and advise students on CSTART courses, IDST Majors, and undergraduate Honors theses. My specialty is in helping students find the hidden resources essential for college success. Typically, when not teaching, I can be found in my office debating with old students. I also love to travel and have lived abroad on 3 continents. I’ve been a visiting professor at Shanghai University in China, a high school teacher in the Middle East, and a Middle School track coach. Starting in the summer 2022, I’ll be directing a study abroad program in Israel where students can spend 3 weeks (and earn 3 credits) creating documentary films. In regard to Carolina Covenant, my goal will be to help students in their academic journeys through college while serving as a trusted mentor.

Haslett, Julia Department of Communication Assistant Professor

I am a documentary filmmaker who worked in the industry (public and cable television, independent producing) before coming to Carolina in 2014. My newest film is about plants and the people who care for them, with a specific focus on China and the UK. I am interested in issues related to environmental justice, mental health, and nature's therapeutic value. Professionally, I am a visual communicator. Practically, I can advise you on how to navigate complex systems, advocate for yourself, and deepen your understanding of your future goals. For my info on my work, visit

Hutchison, Sarah UNC Global

Associate Director, TransAtlantic Masters ProgramCenter for European Studies

I was born in Durham, NC but spent the first two years of my life on Guam. I grew up in MA, completed my undergraduate degree in New York City and then studied Comparative Literature at Carolina. I have worked at the Center for European Studies since 2002. I'm especially interested in helping students to have international experiences both in the local area and through study abroad. I live in Hillsborough with my daughter, husband, and our two dogs, HushPuppy (13 years old) and Henry (4 months old).

Lindquist, Jo Department of Romance StudiesTeaching Associate Professor of Spanish

I am Australian born that lived in Spain for 18 years. I was lucky to live in Pamplona, Spain. I am a medievalist with Merlin and King Arthur in all their incarnations as the center of her academic research. When it comes to research, Lindquist is torn between teaching and scholarly research. The main focus of my research is the Arthurian Legend’s literary texts and its representation in art and film. I am the coordinator of Spanish 105 and the Teaching Faculty Mentoring Director. it is my pleasure to work with students and colleagues in this wonderful organization and I am looking forward to meet you and help any way I can.

May, Steve Department of CommunicationDepartment Associate Chair, Associate Professor

I am originally from Evansville, Indiana, but I lived in Montana, Utah, and New Zealand before coming to Chapel Hill, where I have lived for nearly 30 years now. I grew up in a basketball-crazy state, so I was excited to experience my first national championship back in 1993 when I first arrived at Carolina. I received my BA, MA, and PhD degrees in Communication and I am currently a professor in the Department of Communication. My research focuses on organizational ethics and corporate social responsibility. Because my work explores the role of communication in workplaces, more generally, I can assist students with internships, job/career opportunities, and how to be both happy and productive at work. I also serve on the Advisory Board of the Study Abroad Office, so I can also guide students interested in studying abroad and traveling internationally. I have truly enjoyed working with Carolina students. In my experience, they are committed, passionate, and exemplify “excellence with heart.” Outside of work, I enjoy a range of different sports and I follow most all of the Carolina athletic teams. I love to spend time in the mountains or at the beach. Regardless of location, though, my favorite activity is to camp and hike. In the summers, I like to travel internationally and I have lots of countries on my short list to visit, including an extended return visit to New Zealand, where I will be teaching a study abroad course in the future.

Palm, Michael Department of CommunicationDirector of COMM Graduate Studies, Associate Professor, Diversity Liaison

I grew up in Illinois, at the intersection of rural and suburban. After attending graduate school in New York City, I have lived in North Carolina since starting my job at UNC in 2008. I teach classes about technology and popular culture, and I try to help students better understand some of the aspects of our everyday lives that we often take for granted. I love music, and I am writing a book about the revived popularity of vinyl records and the people who make and sell records today. (I also DJ on WXYC, the student-run radio station at UNC.) I am proud to work at a public university, and it is an honor to serve as a Carolina Covenant Mentor.

Porter, RobertDepartment of African, African American, and Diaspora Studies Teaching Assistant Professor

I am the first in my family to go to college. I'm a native of Texas and have taught at UNC-CH in the Department of AAAD Studies for more than 30 years. I'm extremely enthusiatic about mentoring for Covenant and have done so for more than a decade. I make it my business to learn as much about graduate and professional schools as well as available scholarships so as to help my mentees as much as possible.

Pruvost, Valérie Department of Romance Studies Teaching Professor of French

I was born and raised in Paris, France. I came to the US through an exchange/study abroad experience and made my life here. Transitioning to a new culture, new country, new life without family was challenging at times. I have a Masters in English (American Studies) from France and a Masters and PhD (from UNC) in French from the US. I taught at Wake Forest, years ago, then returned to Carolina. I was a Faculty Advisor for Academic Advising for 15 years and truly enjoyed talking to students about their studies and how to be successful in their coursework. Reading, going on walks, traveling and discovering new places are my favorite pastimes. My regular yoga practice inspires me every day. I really enjoy talking with students about their studies, worries and hobbies.

Ramírez, GeovaniDepartment of English and Comparative Literature

Postdoctoral Teaching Assistant Professor

I am originally from Mexico, though my family and I immigrated to the US when I was five and to North Carolina when I was six, so I consider North Carolina, and specifically Chapel Hill, home. I received my M.A. from NC State and my Ph.D. in multiethnic and Latina/o literature from UNC in 2020, and I have a great love for both institutions.

I am currently a postdoctoral teaching assistant professor here at UNC, where I teach different sections of ENGL 105(i) as well as courses in Latina/o studies. I have worked in various capacities during my time here at UNC, including for UNC’s Writing Center as a graduate coach, for the Center for Faculty Excellence, the Moore Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship Program, and for Summer Bridge, where I have helped undergraduate and graduate students from diverse backgrounds and with varied interests with their writing and research.

I also work as assistant to the director of the Latina/o Studies Program, which has been incredibly rewarding for me. Not only have I learned more about my own Latinidad through my work with the LSP, but my time with the program has helped me expand my sense of community and family on campus.

I am passionate about being an ally and advocate for my students and for underrepresented and minority groups more generally.

When I am not researching, teaching, writing, or doing public humanities outreach, I enjoy reading, being outdoors, camping, painting, and spending time with my spouse, Kyra, and children, Milo and Camila, cooking, dancing, and playing board games.

Rockelmann, JosephDepartment of Germanic & Slavic Languages & Literatures Teaching Assistant Professor

I was born in Chicago, but I grew up in Berlin, Germany. I hold a BA in Psychology and German from Auburn University, an MA and PhD in German Literature from Purdue University, an MBA from Roosevelt University, and an MS in Mental Health Counseling from Longwood University. I am a Teaching Assistant Professor of German at UNC. My interests in scholarship include German Romanticism and Ludwig Tieck, ekphrasis studies, visual studies and cognition, and Psychopathology in 18th and 19th century German Literature.


Barroso, Susana UNC School of Nursing Clinical Assistant Professor

Hello! I am a first-generation Latina college graduate, originally from Miami, Florida. I am a nurse, an educator, mother, daughter, and cat lady. I graduated nursing school in 1990 and obtained my PhD in 2016. Nursing is my calling. When I am in scrubs, I am most at home in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). Teaching is my passion. I love being an educator and mentor. I love teaching at the nursing school and helping students navigate the challenges they face in the classroom and during their clinical rotations. My office has an unlimited supply of candy, aromatherapy, coloring books and crayons (all great stress relievers)! I believe part of my purpose is to pass the Nightingale lamp to future generations and inspire them (YOU!) to change the world. I am new to Chapel Hill and North Carolina and spend my free time discovering all NC has to offer!

Childs, Yolonda UNC School of NursingStudent Success and Retention Counselor

I am a native of Winston-Salem, North Carolina and a proud first-generation alumna of a HBCU-Winston-Salem State University with a BA Mass Communication ( Public Relations), High Point University with a Master’s Degree in Public Administration for Non-Profit Organizations, and Capella University with a Master’s Degree in Human Services.

I serve as the Student Success and Retention Counselor in the School of Nursing here at UNC-CH. I am dedicated educator whose faith drives my passion to success and be a positive role model for young people. In my "spare" time, I enjoy spending quality time with my family and friends, traveling, shopping, and planning events. I am active in my church, community, and local school system as a volunteer. My motto is simple, "I Can."

Cooper, ToskaUNC Injury Prevention Research Center Research Project Coordinator

I was born in Boston, Massachusetts but grew up in a small town called Four Oaks, North Carolina. I hold a B.S. in Kinesiology and MPH in Social and Behavioral Health Sciences. I’m currently working at UNC as a project manager on health-related research projects. Outside of my immediate role, I love mentoring students and providing resources for students to become the best version of themselves. Whether it’s bridging the gap between cross-campus units or exploring personal values, I enjoy serving students where I can. When I’m not working, you can find me building a house with Habitat for Humanity, running an obstacle race, baking a new dish or participating in an activity with my sorority.

Fleming, Louise UNC School of Nursing Associate Dean

I grew up in Greenville, SC and moved to NC in 2006. I was a nursing assistant for 3 years and then went back to school and became a Registered Nurse, which was one of the best decisions I ever made. Over the following 15 years, I slowly went back to school to get my Masters Degree (from Duke) and then my PhD in Nursing (from UNC- and I love being a Carolina alum). I am currently the Associate Dean of the Undergraduate Program in the School of Nursing and love working with our amazing students and exceptional faculty. In my career, I am most proud of my 15 years as a nurse at the bedside, working in the Emergency Department and ICUs. I am married and have 3 children, 2 of which are undergraduate students here at UNC Chapel Hill. I love reading and playing with my 2 rat terrier pups.

Hammill, Olivia UNC School of Pharmacy Director, PharmD Recruitment

I was born right outside of Chicago, IL but grew up in Raleigh, NC. I am a double Carolina grad, and I am THRILLED to still be on campus working with students! I studied political science and peace, war, and defense in undergrad and got a master's degree in public administration from UNC's School of Government. I currently lead recruitment and admissions efforts for the PharmD program at UNC's pharmacy school (which is totally different from what I studied!). I'm happy to chat with you about anything, but especially the transition to college, preparing for graduate school, pursuing opportunities that may be entirely different from your major, and all things UNC. When I'm not on campus, I love traveling, exercising, and spending time with friends. We're excited to have you as part of the Covenant family!

Kerr, ZacharyDepartment of Exercise and Sport Science

Assistant Professor – Exercise and Sport ScienceDirector, Center for the Study of Retired Athletes

My mentors were important in helping me thrive (and survive) school as I figured out what I wanted to do with my life, while juggling how to "make sense" of all these different identities that were and are important to me (first generation college student, 4th generation Japanese-American, gay/queer). I wanted to serve Carolina Covenant as a Mentor to help "pay it forward" in being an advocate for student success, health, and well-being. I was born and raised in Hawai'i, but school and work have allowed me to get to UNC via stops in Seattle, Columbus (OH), and Indianapolis. My area of study is sports-related injury epidemiology and prevention, and that has led me to work with national youth sport organizations, the NCAA, and the NFL. Last, although I'm very proud of my research, my previous work as accredited press with the Eurovision Song Contest holds just as much fond memories.

Ondrak, KristinDepartment of Exercise and Sport Science Teaching Assistant Professor

I am a Teaching Assistant Professor in the Department of Exercise and Sport Science. My primary responsibilities are teaching Anatomy and Human Physiology and occasionally Exercise Physiology. I'm from a small town in central PA and have also lived in Seattle, Denver and Phoenix. I am eager to support students, share my experiences and assist in career planning as a mentor.

Strauss, Ron UNC Office of the Provost Executive Vice Provost

I was born in New York City to parents who were refugees from Nazi Germany. As first in our family to go to college, I know how challenging it can be to juggle family expectations and the stresses of being a student. For me, I worked to support myself while going to Queens College of the City University of New York. After completing a bachelor’s degree in Biology, I attended the University of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine on a scholarship. While a dental student, I began to study Sociology and soon found myself in a masters and PhD program in Sociology with funding from the National Institute of Health. I am a faculty member in 3 schools at UNC: Dentistry, Medicine and Public Health. At Carolina I serve as the Executive Vice Provost and work with the faculty and academic affairs. As a clinician, I work on an interdisciplinary health team taking care of children with cleft lip, cleft palate and other facial and cranial differences. My research has been on the social and psychological implications of stigma and discrimination and I have worked on facial differences and on HIV/AIDS. I teach a large class called the HIV/AIDS Course and hope some of our Covenant students will take the course (PUBH 420). I am married to a Family Medicine physician faculty member at UNC and we have 2 terrific daughters and 3 grand-daughters. My spirit is helped by daily hiking, yoga and a love for cooking.

Stoner, LeeDepartment of Exercise and Sport Science Assistant Professor

I am originally from England, though moved to the U.S for graduate school (University of Georgia), then on to New Zealand for 9.5 years, and then back to the U.S in 2016. I am a first-generation college graduate who strongly believes in the importance of positive role models and mentors. At different stages of my journey, I can name select people who've been instrumental in my development. At UNC I direct the Cardiometabolic Lab (, and the best part of my job is the graduate and undergraduate students I mentor.

Woodley, Lisa UNC School of Nursing Clinical Associate Professor

Hello, Tar Heels! I am honored to serve as a Carolina Covenant Mentor. I grew up in Canada and immigrated to the US just days before 9/11. I’ve been part of the Carolina Community since 2003, teaching nursing students in classroom and clinical settings. I love to help students make connections and realize their dreams —this past year with the pandemic has demonstrated just how vital nursing is to the health of us all and our communities. My PhD research focused on the lived experiences of Hispanic/Latinx nursing students. I think if you asked my students to describe me, they would say that I am unwavering in my commitment to creating an inclusive learning environment where all students can flourish, and I love to inspire others to reach their goals. On a more personal note, my husband is an IT security expert who regularly rescues me from electronic things, my daughter Kayla is a proud Tar Heel Alumnus, and my son Lucas is a rising Junior at Harvard. They are all great humans, and I stand in awe of them daily. And fun fact-- we’re outnumbered in our house by animals. Our golden retriever Sophie is the most loving dog you’ll meet, and I’m a well-trained staff member for our three bossy rescue cats. I look forward to meeting you!


Baumgartner, Frank Department of Political Science Professor

I’m originally from Detroit, Michigan, where I went to some excellent public schools and then on to the University of Michigan, where I got all three of my degrees. I came to Carolina in 2009 after teaching at several different universities around the country, most recently Penn State. I teach a large class about the death penalty, another on intersectionality and social justice, and many times I teach smaller research seminars. I do a lot of quantitative political science research about racial and gender disparities in the criminal justice system. I recently wrote a book that showed that “driving while black” really is a thing. You would think that would be obvious, but the NC association of chiefs of police and sheriffs hired a consultant to write a report to prove I was wrong; they have now stopped trying to say that, since it did not work. So I’m pretty comfortable speaking truth to power. I do some legal consulting to on various causes, such as felon disenfranchisement, racial disparities in law enforcement, the death penalty, and other causes where I can bring my statistical skills to bear for a cause of social justice. I’m committed to helping people learn and succeed here at Carolina or wherever they may be! Oh, and I play a lot of tennis.

Dixon, Dwayne Department of Anthropology Teaching Assistant Professor

Officially, I'm an anthropologist with lots of experience with Japanese skateboarders and young media creators and designers. But beyond titles, I've really grown from a varied and sometimes wild life journey: I've done everything from toured with punk bands across the US and Japan, repaired yachts, slipped with guerrillas into a closed refuge camp on the Thai-Burma border to do collaborative documentary work with tribal teens, and dodged cops more than once on my skateboard. I'm very interested in embodied experiences in our development as individuals and the lived realities we all share as a space of cultural experimentation and growth. With a fine arts degree in mixed media, extensive experience as a documentary photographer and teacher, and research work shaped by the anthropology of youth and East Asia, I am compelled by the unexpected ways knowledge, insight, and growth can come from non-traditional and overlooked paths. And I'm always moved by how anti-racist and feminist practices--in art, scholarship, activism, and learning/teaching--open up space for multiple voices and histories and serve as the foundation for joyous and life-changing futures.

Feldman, Evan Department of MusicProfessor, Area Head of Brass, Wind, and Precussion

I'm originally from New York, but have lived and taught in Iowa, Virginia, and, for the last 13 years, North Carolina. I've taught high school music, and most recently college wind ensembles (concert bands) and professional and amateur orchestras. I'm also involved in the music education program here at UNC, and a lot of what I do at an academic and professional level involves music education. If you're interested in music or education or the intersection of the two, let's chat! I'm "classically" trained, but I have an equal affinity for the pop/film/theater music side of things. I'm especially interested in incorporating multi-media into my concerts, which has allowed me to dabble a bit into video editing and finding creative ways to engage and teach audiences. These are the sorts of questions that make education a two-way street between teacher and student, so I'm really interested in connecting with anybody who wants to explore the same sorts of issues.

Goldsmith, Will Department of Public Policy Teaching Assistant Professor

I was born and raised in Old Fort, North Carolina, graduating from McDowell High before heading to Yale for college (which was a disorienting experience for a small-town kid!). I returned to North Carolina to teach high school in Halifax County Schools, and then worked as a journalist in Virginia before getting a PhD in history. My research looks at education and economic development policy in North Carolina in order to understand how the state has (and hasn't) changed since the Jim Crow era. My hobbies are few and far between as my spouse and I raise three young kids, but I love basketball and literature in addition to my professional interests in history and politics. As someone who felt a little lost in college, particularly the first few years, I enjoy talking to students about goal setting, time management, figuring out what really matters, and the adjustments coming from small towns.

Gotz, DavidUNC School of Information and Library Science Associate Professor

I'm a 2nd generation American, born and raised in New Jersey before moving south when I started as an undergraduate at Georgia Tech. I have a BS in Computer Science from Georgia Tech and earned my MS/PhD in Computer Science from UNC-Chapel Hill. I spent nearly a decade working in the tech industry at IBM in New York before moving my family back to Chapel Hill to join the UNC faculty as part of the School of Information and Library Science. In addition to teaching and my research as part of the Visual Analytics and Communication Lab, I help lead educational programs related to health informatics and data science. Outside of work, I enjoy spending time in the outdoors (from the beach to the mountains!), sports, and spending time with my wife and three children.

Griffin, Dana UNC School of Education Associate Professor

I am a first generation college student from rural Virginia. I have a BA in English and a PhD in Counselor Education from The College of William and Mary and a MA in Counseling and College Student Development from Hampton University. Growing up in poverty, I truly believe in the power of education and how education can disrupt intergenerational poverty in low-income families. I study how school counselors can be influential in creating equitable educational access for low-income and Black students through using school-family-community partnerships. I'm really good at listening and I am always open to talking to students about anything - personal or professional - and just providing the support and encouragement needed. Outside of work, I love watching television (so much that I make watching TV a major assignment in one of my courses). I love listening to music and playing games (Spades is my jam). I have two kids - one at Duke (don't hold that against me) and one in middle school in Durham Public Schools. I am a sports mom and often spend weekends on the road cheering on my son's soccer and baseball teams. My husband is a high school math teacher, who coaches football and track. Fun fact about him: He played football at William and Mary with Mike Tomlin and Sean McDermott (current NFL coaches). I also have a cat named Mowgli.

Harris, Patricia "Trish" UNC School of Education

Director of Recruitment and School of Education Diversity Liaison; Vice Chair, Carolina Black Caucus

I'm from a small town called Gay, GA (pop. 86). I am a first generation college student and a proud HBCU alumna. I hold a B.A in Sociology and M.A. in Counseling . I'm currenty pursuing a doctorate in Higher Education Management from the University of Georgia, where I'm conducting research on the racialized experiences of Black students at PWI's. I also studied compartive higher education in China and Europe. I am a proud member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. I can assist with resource mapping, personal branding, applying to professional schools at UNC, preparing for graduate school, and networking and building connections to help support personal, academic and professional growth. Things I love: traveling, cooking, game nights, karaoke, being random, and making people smile.

Jarvis, Lauren Department of History Assistant Professor

I am one of those rare people who is actually from Chapel Hill, but all of my family hails from western NC. My mom was a single, teenage parent, and I grew up feeling pretty different from most of my friends. It took me a long time to see those differences as strengths -- and as things to celebrate. I teach in the History Department, and my research focuses on how people creatively pushed back against racism and inequality in South Africa. My husband, Al Duncan, is also a UNC prof, and we can often be spotted on campus with our two hilarious, sweet sons. After all of these years, I've got A LOT of accumulated tips for fun things to do in the area and am here to listen, talk, and encourage you to see your differences as strengths too.

Sasser, Elizabeth Department of Public Policy

Teaching Assistant Professor,Interim Director of Experiential Education

I was raised in Washington, DC, but wound my way through Durham, Beijing and then New York before finally settling here in Chapel Hill, where I’ve lived for 16 years. My career has also taken me on a bit of a journey, from advertising, into policymaking and then finally into teaching. All of this has led me to enjoy helping students find their own way through all of the often confusing options out there. My teaching and research interests include energy and environmental policy and US politics. Outside of school, my family and I enjoy traveling, both locally and more far afield.

Sheran-Andrews, Michelle Department of Economics Teaching Associate Professor

I’ve been a college professor for over 20 years and absolutely love my job! I am passionate about teaching not only economics but also study and time management skills. I genuinely want all students to succeed and enjoy helping others reach their goals. Outside of teaching, I enjoy spending time with my family, game nights with friends, walks with my dogs, playing the piano, and watching a movie or good television show.

Sullivan, Tricia Department of Public Policy Associate Professor & Director of the T

I was born in Lubbock, Texas, where my dad was stationed in the Air Force, and grew up near Dallas. I went to college and graduate school in California and then took my first job as an assistant professor at the University of Georgia in 2005. I've been at UNC since 2011. My wife and I have a son and a daughter - both adopted, and both young adults now. I teach courses in U.S. national security policy, conflict and peace studies, global policy issues, and research design. My research has focused on the utility, limitations, and impacts of foreign military intervention by the U.S. and other powerful states. I enjoy biking, running, kayaking, watching movies, and sharing meals with friends and family. I hope to demystify college for students and help them discover what they need to succeed and thrive at Carolina.

Vaidyanathan, Geetha Department of Economics Teaching Professor & Director

I am originally from India but I have lived in North Carolina for more than 30 years. I was the first in my family to go to college and I found it be a roller-coaster adventure. I have taken many turns during my educational journey (Natural Science, Math, Speech Pathology and Audiology, Accounting and finally Economics). I got my doctoral degree in Economics from the University of Kentucky. I am a Teaching Professor and I am currently the Director of Undergraduate Studies in Economics. I have participated in a similar mentoring program at UNC-Greensboro and I found it be a mutually beneficial experience. I like to interact with students and help them navigate the college path which can sometimes be complicated. During my free time, I like to hike in the trails in Chapel Hill.


Barrett, Margaret Carolina Center for Public Service Associate Director

As a two-time Carolina graduate (undergraduate degree with a major in Political Science and law degree), I'm excited to serve as a mentor for Carolina Covenant Scholars. In my role as Associate Director of the Carolina Center for Public Service, I work to promote opportunities for community engagement for students, staff, and faculty at Carolina. My career path also includes 18 years in nonprofit organizations.

Blanton, RobinCenter for Student Success and Academic Counseling

Academic Coach and Biology Specialist, The Learning Center

I am originally from Columbia, South Carolina but lived in Tallahassee, Florida and Los Angeles, California before settling in North Carolina with my husband and three children. I have the pleasure of serving as the biology learning specialist in the Learning Center here at UNC. I have a passion for all things growing including students in their journey through higher education. I have enjoyed over the past 15 years helping students navigate the path to medical school, dental school and other allied health programs. My background and areas of interest are in biological sciences and public health. My family loves to play sports and have impromtu dance parties! We also spend a lot of time outside with friends.

Boylston, Hayes Office of Undergraduate Admissions Senior Assistant Director

Hi Carolina Family! I am a proud Tar Heel and a proud lifelong North Carolinian. Other than a couple of years spent in the lovely college town of Athens, Georgia, where I earned my master's degree in school counseling, I've lived and learned here in North Carolina. I grew up both in rural Hertford County (in the northeastern corner of the state) and in Charlotte; studied journalism at Carolina; and later worked in Asheville, near the beautiful Blue Ridge mountains. I've been back "home" in Chapel Hill for several years now, serving in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. Playing a role in bringing in our next classes of Tar Heels is hugely rewarding and I'm so excited to work with you and support you through your unique Carolina journey!

Chavis, Euna Victoria Center for Student Success and Academic Counseling Program Coordinator, Summer Bridge

I am originally from Maxton, NC, a small town in Robeson County. I am a citizen of the Lumbee Tribe of North Carolina and a first-generation college graduate. My role at UNC is to coordinate the Summer Bridge program and provide programming and support for Bridgees as they matriculate through Carolina. I am a Double Tar Heel alumni, graduating with my B.A in Psychology and Master of Social Work degrees. Counting undergrad, grad school, and employment, I have been at Carolina for 10 years. Currently, I am enrolled in a PhD program at NC State University in Educational Leadership, Policy, and Human Development. I love cooking, baking, family time, taking pictures, and watching sports!

Drilling, Molly Academic Advising Program Academic Advisor

I greatly enjoy my job as an Academic Advisor and primarily work with STEM majors. My original career path was Counseling Psychology and I was a mental health therapist for eight years prior to shifting gears into higher ed about three years ago (but I’m definitely still a psych nerd!). I grew up in Iowa and was a first-gen college student. As an adult, I have lived in Indiana, Ohio, and South Carolina. I enjoy yoga, kayaking, hiking, the beach, reading, diy projects, and gardening.

Eason, Jay Academic Advising Program Academic AdvisorI am an academic advisor in the College of Arts and Sciences. I love sports particularly basketball. I can help with supporting you academically and guide you in the path of reaching your full potential.

Egbert, Rebecca Office of Undergraduate AdmissionsSenior Assistant Director and C-STEP Program Director

I was born into a military family in the state of CA. We moved around a little bit to TX and Mississippi while I was young and then my family settled in NC. I was born a first generation college student and watched my dad work hard to earn his MBA while I was young. I have spent most of my professional career at UNC working with transfer students and I love what I do. I really enjoy the outdoors, traveling, and spending time with my family. I am ready to help!

Holman, DeVetta UNC Student Affairs

Resiliency and Student Support Programs Coordinator, Student Wellness

Dr. D. has spear-headed several groups on campus such as SISTER TALK, P.E.A.C.E. and R.E.A.L.Talk with the Fellas. Her body of work emphasizes persistence, self-awareness, resiliency, a growth mindset and its relevance to personal agency both, in and out of the classroom. Dr. DeVetta is a two time alumnus of the University of North Carolina as an undergraduate, as well as, a graduate of the Gillings School of Global Public Health. She is an advocate of the Human Spirit and is committed to “meeting students where they are”. She received her Doctorate in Leadership Studies focusing on Education, Resiliency and Belongingness. DeVetta serves on several campus committees. She is the past recipient of the C. Knox Massey Award, Member of the Frank Porter Graham Honor Society and Inducted into the Order of the Golden Fleece. To give back to the community, Dr. D. serves as the Executive Camp Director for Global Health Connections, Inc., a residential Summer STEAM camp for under-served students in the eastern-most parts of North Carolina. She is married to E. Rick Copeland and is the proud mother of one son, Robert-Anthony Nash.

Jones, Dawna UNC Student Affairs

Assistant Dean of Students, Office of the Dean of Students, and Chair, Carolina Black Caucus

I was born and raised in New Jersey. I attended undergrad as a first-generation college student studying out of state at Penn State University. I am a proud social worker and student affairs professional. My degrees are in Sociology, Higher Education Management, and Social Work. I enjoy reading, movies, and sitcoms. I am very active in my community, serving with organizations focused on racial equity, environmental justice, affordable housing, and social justice.

Lambert Ward, Jessica Academic Advising ProgramCounselor and Coordinator for Academic Appeals

I was born in Okinawa, Japan but raised in Wakulla, NC a predominately American Indian community about 10 miles north of the NC/SC border. I am an enrolled member of the Lumbee Tribe of NC and a proud first-generation "double Tar Heel". I completed my undergraduate student with a BA in International Studies with a concentration in Asian Transnational Cultures and a minor in American Indian Studies. I also earned my MSW and a Certificate in Nonprofit Leadership all from UNC! In my free time I love to cook, bake sweet treats, karaoke, and hanging out with my family.

Mitchall, Allison Academic Advising Program Assistant Dean

I’m a first-gen college student originally from Springfield, Massachusetts. I come from a single parent family without a lot of financial resources so I am passionate about helping students thrive in college, regardless of income. I went to NYU (on scholarship!) and majored in journalism and women’s studies. After graduating, I worked in public relations in NYC for many years before getting my master’s and PhD in Higher Education. Now I’m an Assistant Dean in Academic Advising in the Humanities and Social Sciences division, so I am happy to talk with students about major choice, academic policies, what advisors can help with, and how to make the most of your time in college. I also love talking about study abroad because going to Africa, Greece, and France in college was amazing! Outside of work, I love Zumba, SYTYCD, movies, the beach and hanging out with my husband & two daughters.

Perez, Josmell Carolina Latinx Center Director

I was born in Lima, Peru. I came to the US at the age of 6 with my parents and 2 brothers. I grew up in Northern New Jersey in a household with limited financial resources but an abundance of encouragement. We had to overcome some of the typical immigrant struggles, but we always could turn to family for support. As a first gen-college student, I am excited to support our Covenant Scholars! It is common to see my partner and I on campus with our two daughters. We love spending time on campus and exposing our girls to the rich community of Carolina.

Snider, Madeline Office of Undergraduate Admissions Assistant Director

I received my BA in Political Science and Romance Languages from UNC, then went to France to teach English for a year before attending graduate school in Philadelphia. I grew up in Gainesville, Florida and came to Carolina as an undergraduate student knowing absolutely no one. I remember how tough it was to navigate a new place alone, but also how exciting it was to have so many possibilities before me. Now as a member of the Undergraduate Admissions Office and lecturer in Romance Languages, I love helping students get through the stresses of college so they can take advantage of all the exciting opportunities this campus has to offer. While I do think learning is fun, I also think it’s important for students to find a balance between academics and a social life. In my own, I enjoy spending time outside, cooking feasts to share with friends, and hanging out with my family. I’m here to help!

Torres-Cervantes, Marcela Carolina Latinx CenterAssistant Director, The Carolina Latinx Center

Marcela Torres-Cervantes (she/her/hers) is the Assistant Director for the Carolina Latinx Center. She is a Mexicana that was raised in Clinton, NC. From a young age, she loved school and the opportunity that an education would provide for her family to be successful. She attended the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics for her final years of high school before moving to Washington, DC to attend college. She holds a BA in Sociology from the George Washington University and a Masters of Education from the University of Georgia. Throughout her academic experiences, Marcela became invested in social justice advocacy, normalizing mental health discussions in communities of color, and student identity development in higher education

Wadsworth, Alex Office of Undergraduate Admissions Assistant Director

I grew up just down the road in Pittsboro, NC and attended UNC Wilmington for undergrad. I completed a BA in History and then went on to earn my MEd in Higher Education at George Washington University. I have worked in higher education for over 10 years and love supporting students during their college experiences. Currently, I work in the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and can help students connect to resources here at Carolina and answer general questions.

Woodard, Brian Office of Undergraduate Admissions Assistant Director (C-STEP Program)

I'm from Snow Camp, NC and found my way to UNC as a transfer student from a NC Community College. At Carolina, I completed an BA in History and MEd in School Counseling. Currently, I work with the Carolina Student Transfer Excellance Program within the Undergraduate Admissions Office. I can help students navigate transfer/exam credit, connect to resources, and answer general questions.