Phorto Folio English 2

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Transcript of Phorto Folio English 2



FUTURE TENSEI. Note on Future Tense1. Simple Future Tense

used to express an action that will occurred in the future.



> I shall go to Bali tomorrow.

> She will help you at two this afternoon.

> They won't go to the theatre next Sunday.

> Will you go to swim with me tomorrow morning?

Time Signal:

- this afternoon

: nanti sore

- tonight

: nanti malam

- tomorrow

: besok

- next week

: minggu depan

- soon

: segera

- later

: nanti

- after

: sesudah

- etc.

2. Future Continuous Tense

used to express an action that will be occurring at a specific time in the future.



> I shall be studying at 5 o'clock tomorrow.

> They will not be working when he come back next week.

> Shall we be playing tennis at this time next Sunday?

> I shall be going out at six tomorrow morning.

Time signal:

- at this time next year

: pada waktu ini tahun depan

- at the same time next Monday: pada waktu yang sama Senin depan

- at 6 o'clock tomorrow morning: pada pukul enam besok pagi

- etc.

3. Future Perfect Tense

used to express an action that will have finished in the future.



> We shall have arrived at Jakarta by Monday.

> They won't have been at home by the end of this month.

> She will have been at home by next week.

> Will you have been a teacher by next year?

> We shall have arrived at India by Sunday.

Time signal:

- by Sunday

: menjelang hari Minggu

- by the end of this week

: menjelang akhir minggu ini

- by next month

: menjelang bulan depan

- in a week

: dalam seminggu

- etc.

4. Future Perfect Continuous Tense

used to express an action that will have been occurring in the future.



> I shall have been working here for two years by next March.

> They will not have been living in Bandung for 3 years by the end of this year.

> By next New Year I shall have been teaching at this SMP for 10 years.

Time signal:

- for three months by next July: selama tiga bulan menjelang Juli depan

- for a decade by next year

: selama satu dekade menjelang tahun depan

- etc.

5. Be Going To

is used to express an action like a prior plan or prediction that will occur in the future.


S+be going to+V1+...Example:

> I am going to walk around the park this afternoon.

> He is going to buy some stuff in the market.

> They are going to go to Bali next holiday.

6. Present Tense as Future

a. Simple Present as Future

is used to express something related to public schedule.



> The train leaves at 9 p.m.

> The airplane departs in fifteen minutes.

b. Present Continuous

is used to express an action which is sure to be a fact in future.


S+to be+V1+ing+...Example:

> I am going to Jakarta next week.

> She is going shopping this week-end.

II. Future Tense: Exercise 11. Our teacher gave us an assignment. Now he is leaving the class. When our teacher arrives, we (finish) the assignment.

Answer: will have finished

2. By January, she (come) to her hometown for two months.

a. will be coming

b. is coming

c. will have coming

d. will have been coming

e. will has been coming

Answer: d. will have been coming

3. Mr. Parjo (arrive) at Jakarta by the end of the week.

Answer: will have arrived

4. Boy (confess) his feeling toward Vina tomorrow.

a. confesses

b. confess

c. is confessing

d. was confessing

e. confessed

Answer: c. is confessing

5. They are going to (leave) this afternoon.

Answer: leave

6. He (teach) at SMA for six years by the end of this month.

Answer: will have been teaching

7. We (buy) a new car next month. We've already chosen the model.

Answer: are going to buy / are buying

8. Take your umbrella! It (rain) when you return because it's getting dark.

Answer: is going to rain

9. When I'm in danger, I (run) out of it.

a. will be running

b. will have run

c. will run

d. will have been running

e. will be running

Answer: c. will run

10. We will not be (have) dinner at home.

a. have

b. had

c. having

d. have been

e. having been

Answer: c. having

11. Bejo's mother is sick. By next Monday, she (be hospitalized).

Answer: will have been being hospitalized

12. I (study) here five months by the end of March.

a. will study

b. will have studied

c. am going to study

d. will have been studying

e. will be studying

Answer: d. will have been studying

13. They (arrive) in Jakarta at 6 p.m. this evening by evening train.

Answer: arrive

14. I (play) tennis at 10 a.m. tomorrow.

Answer: will be playing

15. One hour later, Petra (study) English for three hours.

Answer: will have been studying

16. I must go to Bali for a month. I (go) back by next month.

a. will have gone

b. will going

c. will go

d. will have been going

e. am going to go

Answer: a. will have gone

17. You (wait) for more than two hours when her plane arrives.

Answer: will have been waiting

18. Hurry up Andi! The school bus (arrive) in 5 minutes.

Answer: arrives

19. Bendhul: Why did you buy the car?

Tarsimin: Because I (join) the competition.

Answer: am going to join

20. Sarmini: Can you join us this evening?

Parjo: I'm afraid I can't. I (invite) my girl to have dinner.

Answer: am going to inviteIII. Future Tense: Exercise 21. A: Are you going to be in town next Saturday?

B: No. I (visit) my aunt in Jakarta.

Answer: am going to visit

2. Joe: Would you mind to go with me to my house?

Ben: I'm afraid I can't because I (go) to library with Jack today.

Answer: am going

3. Don't call me at 8 because I won't be at home. I (study) at library.

Answer: will be studying

4. We (have) dinner when the film starts.

Answer: will have had/ will be having/ am going to have

5. We (study) for next semester test. Can you join with us this evening?

Answer: are going to study

6. We (watch) that show. It (start) at 3 p.m.

Answer: are going to watch, starts

7. My house was broken. By the end of the week, my family and I (move) to our new house.

Answer: will have moved

8. Tom asked us to do his homework. We (do) his homework in 17 minutes later.

Answer: are going to do

9. I've bought my plane ticket. I (fly) out tomorrow.

Answer: am going to fly

PART 2CONDITIONAL SENTENCEI. Note on Conditional Sentence

1. Conditional Sentence Type 1

It is used for real - or possible - situations. Conditional 1 is formed by the use of the present simple in the if clause followed by a comma will verb (base form) in the result clause.

We can also put the result clause first without using a comma between the clauses.

Formula:If+S+(present), S+(future: will, shall, can+V1)Example:

> If he finishes on time, we will go to the movies.

OR We will go to the movies if he finishes on time.

> I will call you in the morning if I don't meet you tonight.ORIf I don't meet you tonight, I will call you in the morning2. Conditional Sentence Type 2

It is used for unreal - impossible or improbable - situations. This conditional provides an imaginary result for a given situation.

The verb 'to be', when used in the 2nd conditional, is always conjugated as 'were'.

Conditional Type 2 is formed by the use of the past simple in the if clause followed by a comma would verb (base form) in the result clause. You can also put the result clause first without using a comma between the clauses.


If+S+(past:V2/were), S+would+V1Example:

> If he studied more, he would pass the exam.

> I would lower taxes if I were the President.

> They would buy a new house if they had more money.

> If they had more money, they would buy a new house.

3. Conditional Sentence Type 3

It concerns only past situations with hypothetical results. Used to express a hypothetical result to a past given situation.

Conditional Type 3 is formed by the use of the past perfect in the if clause followed by a comma would have past participle in the result clause. You can also put the result clause first without using a comma between the clauses.


If+S+had+V3, S+would have+V3Example:

> If he had known that, he would have decided differently.

> Jane would have found a new job if she had stayed in Boston.

> If Alice had won the competition, life would have changed.

II. Conditional Sentence Type I Exercise: Page 100

Exercise 2


1. If we go there, we will see the show.

2. If it is fine today, we will have a walk in the park.

3. Will you help me if I need your help?

4. They will be tired if they work too hard.

5. If you do your assignment right away, you won't get this problem.

6. I will call you in the morning if I don't meet you tonight.

7. Will the farmers get a lot of profit if there is rain?

8. The students will do a good job if you give them enough time.

9. If it rains tonight, we will have to call off the meeting.

10. If your brother is interested in horticulture, I will lend him my gardening book.1. If I have time next Sunday, I will go Jakarta to visit my grandma.2. You won't be able to pass the test if you only play video game along night.3. Will the children be happy if their toys is lost?

4. If you don't listen to me, I will never speak to you again.

5. I will tell you about the secret if you tell me your secret too.

III. Conditional Sentence Type II Exercise: Page 120Exercise 11. If I knew her number, I would phone her.

2. The guests would be happier if she performed the traditional dance.

3. You would not get into all this trouble if you were more careful.

4. If it didn't rain, we would be in a park having a picnic.

5. Would you still help if she were not my sister?

6. If all the inhabitants were concerned, this place would be much more pleasant.

7. They would arrive if they left at the right time.

8. If he were more persistent, she would be with him now.Exercise 21. I would go to her house if I knew her address.

2. If it were not raining so hard now, we would have a good time outside.

3. The farmers would not be in a big trouble if fertilizers were not so expensive.

4. If I were hungry, I would go to lunch with them.

5. We would plant a lot of flowers if we had a big garden.

IV. Conditional Sentence Type III Exercise: Page 136

Exercise 1


1. If I had known her number, I would have phoned her.

2. The guests would have been happier if she had performed the traditional dance.

3. You would not have gotten into all this trouble if you had been more careful.

4. If it had not rained, we would have been in a park having a picnic.

5. Would you still have helped if she had not been my sister?

6. If all the inhabitants had been concerned, this place would have been much more pleasant.7. If he had been more persistent, she would have been with him now.

8. How would you have solved the problem if you had been the chairman?


1. I wish I had won the contest.

2. I wish the driver had not driven the bus so fast.

3. I wish I had been with you yesterday.

4. I wish I had been the chairman of the students' union body.

5. I wish I had not wasted too much time during the holiday.

Exercise 21. If it were not raining very hard, we would be playing at this time. (II)

2. If the teacher were here now, we would solve many of the problems. (II)

3. If the teacher arrives, we will start solving the problem. (I)

4. If it had rained last month, the farmers would have been very happy. (III)

6. If I were not tired now, I would go to the music hall with you. (II)

Exercise 31. If it were not raining very hard, we would be playing at this time. (II)

2. If it is not raining this afternoon, we will play football. (I)

3. If she were here now, we could solve many of the problems. (II)

4. If she arrives on time, we are going to start solving the problem. (I)

5. The farmers will be happy then if it rains next month. (I)

PART 3DIRECT-INDIRECTI. Note on Direct-Indirect Speech-Question-Command


present tensepast tense

past tense

present perfect tensepast perfect tense

here there

yesterday the day before

today that day

this that

1) Direct-Indirect Speech

e.g.1. Your son said, "I enjoy the class very much."

- Your son said that he enjoyed the class very much.

2. Harry said to Susi, "You will receive my letter again."

- Harry said to Susi that she would receive his letter again.

3. Romeo said to Juliet, "I love you."

- Romeo said to Juliet that he loved her.

4. He says, "I never eat meat."

- He says that he never eats meat.

2) Direct-Indirect Questiona. Wh-

e.g.1. My mother asked, "What did you do yesterday?"

- My mother asked what I had done the day before.

2. She asked him, "Why have you called me to come?"

- She asked him why he had called her to come.

3. Josh asked her, "Where do you live?"

- Josh asked her where she lived.

4. The policeman said to the robbers, "Why did you kill the owner of the house?"

- The policeman said to the robbers why they had killed the owner of the house.

b. Auxiliary Verb (Yes/No Question)

e.g.1. She said to me, "Can you do your homework?"

- She said to me whether I could do my homework.

2. The headmaster said to Hassan, "Do you drive to school everyday?"

- The headmaster said to Hassan whether he drove to school everyday.

3. The man said to Susi, "Are you here to meet me?"

- The man said to Susi whether she was there to meet him.

4. The lady said to her husband, "Did you buy the dictionary last week?"

The lady said to her husband whether he had bought the dictionary the previous week.

3) Direct-Indirect Command

e.g.1. Father asked me, "Finish your homework!"

- Father asked me to finish my homework.

2. The teacher asked her students, "Don't open your books!"

- The teacher asked her students not to open their books.

3. The boy asked me, "Would you turn off the lamp, please?"

- The boy asked me to turn off the lamp.

4. Olga asked his servant, "Will you bring me a glass of tea?"

- Olga asked his servant to bring him a glass of tea.

II. Direct-Indirect Speech Exercise: Mastering English Exercise 9 Page 32

1. "I have something to show you," I said to her.

I said to her that I had something to show her.

2. "Nothing grows in my garden. It never gets any sun," she said.

She said that nothing grew in her garden because it never got any sun.

3. Shinta said, "I have been in Paris for a month but so far I haven't had time to visit the Effiel."

Shinta said that she had been in Paris for a month but so far she hadn't had time to visit the Effiel.

4. He said, "There is no clean water in this area because of the long dry season."

He said that there was no clean water in that area because of the long dry season.

5. The builders explained, "We like working on Sundays because we get double pay."

The builders explained that they liked working on Sundays because they got double pay.

6. She said, "I am quite a good cook and I do all my own washing and mending too."

She said that she was quite a good cook and she did all her own washing and mending too.

7. Shinta said, "I have returned your book."

Shinta said that she had returned my book.

8. Rudi told Shinta, "You have to study harder."

Rudi told Shinta that she had to study harder.

9. The teacher said to the students, "You haven't done the task completely."

The teacher said to the students that they hadn't done the task completely.

10. Mother advised me, "You must take your favorite department."

Mother advised me that I had to take my favorite department."

III. Change Indirect Speech to Direct Speech: Mastering English Exercise 10

1. Mr. Rahmat said that he was a new teacher.

- Mr. Rahmat said, "I am a new teacher."

2. Mrs. Hani said that she taught Physics.

- Mrs. Hani said, "I teach Physics."

3. Shinta said to her mother that she had done the laundry.

- Shinta said to her mother, "I did the laundry."

4. He advised her daughter that she had to do the homework before watching TV.

- He advised her daughter, "You have to do the homework before watching TV."

5. My friend told me that the motorcycle was not expensive.

- My friend told me, "The motorcycle is not expensive."IV. Direct-Indirect Question : Mastering English page 38

2. The teacher asked the students, "Why did you come here late last week?"

- The teacher asked the students why they had come there late the previous week.

3. Jane says to me, "Where do we put these books?"

- Jane says to me where they put those books.

5. She asked him, "How long have you lived in New York?"

- She asked him how long he had lived in New York.

6. The man said, "Who made it dirty yesterday?"

- The man said who had made it dirty the previous day.

7. "How much does this book cost?" I asked him.

- I asked him how much that book cost.

V. Direct-Indirect Question: Page 223

Exercise 2

1. My friend asked how much the computer cost.

2. She wanted to know what I did in my spare time.

3. The police questioned the man where he had kept the money.

4. He asked the workers how long they worked everyday.

5. The interviewer asked when I would like to start working.

6. They wanted to know what time I would arrive at the station.

7. Our teacher asked everyone of us which opinion we chose.

8. The visitor asked how he could get to the bazaar quickly.

VI. Direct-Indirect Question: Page 238

1. He asked whether I would be free that night.

2. Our teacher asked us whether his explanation was clear.

3. The interviewer questioned the candidate whether he had a driver's license.

4. She asked whether the test was easy or difficult.

5. The driver asked the officer whether he could park in that place.

6. We questioned the applicants whether they were ready to work overtime.

7. The researcher inquired whether the project gave benefits to the people.

8. My mother asked me whether I were going to stay late that day.

PART 4TO INFINITIVE VS VERB+INGI. To Infinitive vs Verb+ing: Page 275

A. To infinitive

- ought

= sebaiknya

- have

= harus

- used

= dulu sering

- need

= memerlukan

- happen

= kebetulan

- seem

= tampaknya

- appear

= kelihatan

- want

= ingin

- wish

= berharap

- tend

= cenderung

- promise

= berjanji

- expect

= berharap

- agree

= menyetujui

- allow

= mengizinkan

- fail

= gagal

- forget

= melupakan

- determine

= menentukan

- try

= berusaha

- choose

= memilih

- decide

= memutuskan

- hope

= berharap

- advise

= menasihati

- force

= memaksa

- order

= memesan

B. Verb+ing- start

= mulai

- begin

= mulai

- stop

= berhenti/berakhir

- finish

= menyelesaikan

- like

= suka

- fancy

= mengkhayalkan

- love

= mencintai

- admit

= mengakui

- give up

= memyerah

- consider

= menyadari

- deny

= menyangkal

- see

= melihat

- hear

= mendengar

- feel

= merasakan

- sense

= merasa

- mind

= keberatan

- help

= menahan

- delay

= menunda

- continue

= melanjutkan

- keep on

= tetap

- go on

= terus

- enjoy

= menikmati

- imagine

= membayangkan

- hate

= membenci

- mention

= menyebutkan

- intend

= bermaksud

- regret

= menyesali

- remember

= ingat

- stand

= memenuhi

- bear

= menahan

- insist on

= bersikeras

- object to

= menolak

- approve of

= menyetujui

- look forward to= menanti-nantikan

- be accustomed to= biasa

- be used to

= terbiasa

II. To Infinitive vs Verb+ing Exercise: Page 276Exercise 11. As a nation, we have to work hard to promote our social welfare.2. I hoped to be able to finish my study quickly, but it all depends on many things.

3. The participants didn't seem to like the first day's schedule.4. When I was small, I used to walk three kilometres to go to school.

5. I happened to meet an old friend of mine when I was shopping last night.6. Would you let him use your motorcycle again?

7. Why not to stay for another night? There will be another cultural show.8. Although it already got dark, they were determined to leave for the next town.Exercise 21. Don't worry! You will be accustomed to eating sweet foods.2. Our delegates have objected to signing the unfair petition.3. If you keep making the employees work too hard, they will quit in no time.4. Would you mind persuading her to come to my party?5. We enjoyed seeing small children playing hide-and-find in the school ground.

6. The committee has decided to let the participants watch the people doing their work.7. I don't fancy looking at the children forcing themselves to work too hard.

8. He ought to try to advise her to come.9. We don't mind keeping on working until most of the work has been done.

10. Why to force them to stop doing what they want to do.PART 5HORTATORY EXPOSITIONAL AND SPOOF

I. Spoof Text

Spoof is a text which tells factual story, happened in the past time with unpredictable and funny ending. Its social function is to entertain and share the story.

Generic Structure:1. Orientation

2. Events

3. Twist

Generic Feature:1. Focusing on people, animals or certain things

2. Using action verb; drank, walked, etc

3. Using adverb of time and place

4. Told in chronological ordere.g.Potato Farmer

Potato farmer was sent to prison just at time when he should have been digging the ground for planting the new crop of potatoes. He knew that his wife would not be strong enough to do the digging by herself, but that she could manage to do the planting, and he also knew that he did not have any friends or neighbors who would be willing to do the digging for him.

So he wrote a letter to his wife which said Please do not dig the potato field. I hide the money and the gun there.

Ten days later, he got a letter from his wife. It said, I think somebody is reading your letter before they go out of prison. Some policeman arrived here two days ago and dug up the whole field. What shall I do now?

The prisoner wrote back at once. Plant the potatoes, of course!

General and New Soldier

A man recently appointed general in the army was sitting in his new office when a new soldier walked in.

Wishing to impress the new soldier, the general picked up the telephone and said, Yes, Mr. President. Im glad you like my suggestions. Ill come by and give you a more detailed report at the White House a little later this week. After hanging up the telephone the general asked, Now, soldier, what can I do for you?

Nothing much, sir, said the soldier. I just came in to connect your telephone.

II. Hortatory Expositional

A Hortatory exposition is a type of spoken or written text that is intended to explain the listeners or readers that something should or should not happen or be done. To strengthen the explanation, the speaker or writer needs some arguments as the fundamental reasons of the given idea. In other words, this kind of text can be called as argumentation. Hortatory exposition text can be found in scientific books, journals, magazines, newspaper articles, academic speech or lectures, research report etc. Hortatory expositions are popular among science, academic community and educated people.Generic Structure:

1. Thesis : Statement or announcement of issue concern

2. Arguments : Reasons for concern that will lead to recommendation

3. Recommendation: Statement of what should or should not happen or be done based on the given argumentsGeneric Feature:

The use of emotive words (e.g. worried, alarmed etc)

The use of words that qualify statements (e.g. usual, probably etc)

The use of words that link arguments (e.g. firstly, however, therefore etc)

The use of compound and complex sentence

The use of modals and adverbs (e.g. may, must, should, etc)

The use of subjective opinions using pronouns I and wee.g.

Why Should Wearing a Helmet when Motorcycling?

We often hear lots of stories from road regarding people taking spill on motorcycle when they are riding without using helmet. Mostly the riders badly end up in mess.

Wearing a fitted protective helmet offers many benefits which reduces the negative aspects of riding. First and the most important is that wearing the correct helmet can save a rider's life, physical ability, family pain, and money. The recommended designs of motorcycle helmets can provide total protection. They not only protect riders from getting a worse road injured accident but also from flying bugs, such as rain, sleet, mud and other potential projectiles.

Second, wearing a helmet can gives the raiders a matter of style. Helmets give the opportunity for rider to express the image they may want to project when riding on they way. This benefit may not be important to some people, but to others, it means a lot and important. By choosing the most appropriate helmet from all of the various styles, such as beanie, shorty, German, and many others, wearing a helmet which can projecting an image is an inherent crucial part of motorcycling and help riders feel more confident when riding on the road.

However, what most important is wearing helmet when riding is a matter of using it properly. Bikers should use the helmets which are fixed to their head. It is really not good if they places simply the helmets on the head without settling them properly. The bikers should fasten the helmet correctly to their head in order to get safe and comfort.III. Hortatory Expositional Exercise: Page 274

A.6. The main idea of the third paragraph is we must be in unity. We will be weak if we are disintegrated but we'll be strong if we are united.

7. We lost one of our provinces because they felt exploited by our government. We lost Sipadan and Ligitan because the Malaysian claimed the islands as their islands and Indonesia didn't have any strong reason to claim the ownership of the islands.

8. He said, "I won't eat the Maja fruit before I have successed uniting archipelago.B.

1. Our players make a compact (kompak) team. Each understands and plays his role well.

2. She had been leading up to the 35th move until she made a big blunder (kesalahan besar) when she moved the rook to g-7 which caused her defeat.

3. Our class comes from distinct (jelas berbeda) backgrounds: some are rich and some are poor; some like social sciences and some other like exact sciences.

4. Our school has been able to attain special achievement in sport and art competitions. We must be able to sustain (mempertahankan) our achievement.

5. There is a bundle (ikatan) of ropes at the corner of the barn that should be enough to tie the boxes.

6. With great effort (usaha) my brother was able to finish his university study in three and a half years, cutting short the four-year program.

7. We used to have a coconut (kelapa) tree in the front yard of our school, having a radius of not less than one meter and a height of not less than 10 meter.

8. Evil (jahat) deeds will be defeated by good deeds; this fact of life has been proved by the history and experiences of our ancestors.

9. A patriot will sacrifice (mengorbankan) his/her private individual needs for the welfare and well-being of the members of the society at large.

10. There is a small (kecil) sound coming out of the room; if you listen carefully, you will be able to hear it because it is so different from the other sounds.


I. Short Functional Text: Page 124-125

1. From the cards we know that the people have university education. C&D2. The following wishes to change jobs as soon as possible. B3. This person says that the government is responsible for the welfare of the people. C4. The following person shows great concern for children education. A5. This person wishes to do something good for the people. CB.

1. From what Ina says, we know that she c. cooks food for other people and d. cooks the food herself.

2. In her card Mawarni says that b. she is doing many things for many people.

3. When writing 'many people cannot make both ends meet', Mawarni means that e. people cannot pay for their expenses.

4. According to Mawarni c. the wealthy must help the needy.

5. These cards are mainly about a. people's life'.

II. Conversation Expressing Regrets: Page 133

1. They are talking about government policy for poor people, the disabled, the unemployed, and the disadvantaged.

2. I guess tramp is a person who walking around along the street.

3. In the movies, everyone sees a lot of happiness with wealth.

4. Sofia had imagined the situation as a good situation because she will get free money.

5. She means Tom's country has a good system to help the needy people.

7. That refers to the compensation money from the government.

III. Narrative Text Orphanage: Page 138


1. Mr. Budhi is the owner of the orphanage. The writer is a person who interests in the orphanage.

2. At the beginning, the two persons talked about the orphanage.

3. According to Mr. Budhi, God says that orphans are the children of God.

4. I think, it is money. Because he is a regular donator.

5. I can guess that it means anger because in the text said, "Whoever does not care for orphans will reap His wrath."

6. I think the man bowed to Mr. Budhi because they have known each other and the man often donates his money.

7. I think, he did this because he thinks about how lucky the children in the orphanage and the other needy people who aren't in orphanages.

8. I would answer government and also those donators should take more care about them because they need more help from the advantaged.

1. Our country is a rich country. There is an abundance (kelimpahan) of resources from Sabang to Merauke.

2. If you neglect (mengabaikan) your plants, they will get dry and finally they will die.

3. Does he work as a private (pribadi) detective? No, he works for the police department.

4. Religious people will get a reward (pahala) for their good deeds in their life.

5. If you were an orphan (yatim piatu), you will feel how it was to be without parents.

6. Stray (tersesat) dogs and cats are caught and put in the city cages.

7. If you grow good plants, then you will reap (mendapat) good harvests.

8. Your kindness is priceless (tidak ternilai). It cannot be compensated by money.

C.1. bow= menunduk= b. bend one's head (and body) to pay respect.

2. errand= tugas= h. light work.

3. grace= berkat= g. honour, dignity, especially related to God.

4. motif= motif, tujuan= f. purpose, design, pattern.

5. donator= donator= a. people who give money or goods for a good cause.

6. possess= mempunyai= d. have, own.

7. saunter= berjalan-jalan= e. go around places without clear purposes.

8. tramp= gelandangan= c. person often homeless, who go from place to place.

IV. Conversation Expressing Embarrassment: Page 1561. Because she think that people hadn't had good attitude again.

2. Yes, he was. He said, "Really?"

3. Sofia thinks the people have no respect for others because the people are busy for themselves.

4. Yes, he did. Because Sofia said, "It made me feel so embarased."

5. We must start respecting others privacy from ourselves.

V. Narrative Text: A Telephone Call: Page 159A.1. The story is about a girl who waited for a boy's call.

2. She was waiting for a phone call.

3. She spoke to God.

4. She counted while waiting the phone call and before making a decision neither she called him or not.

5. Not clear.


1. d. waiting for a call from someone

2. a. five

3. b. a lover

4. e. pride

5. b. not looking at the clock

6. c. phone callers

7. e. annoyed

8. b. wait for the call a bit longer


I. Vocabulary Page 127 cozy: nyaman

disabled: cacat

disadvantaged: tidak beruntung

discard: membuang

effort: usaha

gratify: memuaskan

hardship: penderitaan

industry: industri

intricate: ruwet

loiter: berkeliaran

misfortune: kemalangan

needy: fakir miskin

poverty: kemiskinan

private: pribadi

prosperity: kemakmuran

ramble: mengembara (untuk bersenang-senang)

saunter: berjalan-jalan (santai)

shabby: jorok

snug: sangat pas

symposium: seminar

thrifty: hemat

tramp: bergelandang

wealthy: kaya

welfare: kesejahteraan

well-being: kesejahteraan

II. Vocabulary Page 142 abundance: kelimpahan

beggar: pengemis

divine: hebat/bersifat ketuhanan

donate: menyumbangkan

escort: pengawal

neglect: mengabaikan

queue: mengantri

ramble: mengembara

rambler: pengembara

restrict: membatasi

shabby: jorok

stray: tersesat

wrath: kemurkaan

III. Vocabulary Page 167 break: memecahkan

call: memanggil

casual: sederhana

energetic: giat

fuss: bertengkar

line: garis/barisan

mind: pikiran

power: kekuasaan

pride: kebanggaan

queue: mengantri

reckless: sembrono

relent: mengalah

roar: suara gemuruh

strength: kekuatan

telephone: telepon

IV. Vocabulary Page 183 ammunition: peluru

broke: bangkrut

bury: mengubur

grab: menarik

guerilla: gerilya

hazard: bahaya

issue: isu/persoalan

mind: pikiran

philately: pengumpulan perangko

postmaster: kepala pos

sacrifice: pengorbanan

sovereignty: kedaulatan

surrender: menyerahkan

thud: gedebuk

trapezoid: trapesium

venture: usaha beresiko/spekulasi

V. Make Sentence from Vocabulary Page 127 & 142

1. The room very cozy so that I feel sleepy.

2. We must take more care about disabled people.

3. Please discard the paper if you don't use it again!

4. You must show your effort to win the competition.

5. Parmin gratifies his mother a lot with his mark.

6. He has faced an intricate problem in his life.

7. He has been waiting for you for a long time by loitering around the trotoar.

8. The rich man pays some private teachers for his children.

9. The husband of the shabby woman is shabby too.

10. The wealthy man saves his money in a few banks around the world.

11. The home industry makes many bags from the skin of crocodiles.

12. When you don't have anything to do, it is better to you to saunter in park.

13. The long queue never ends so that I don't get my turn.14. The rambler has ever rambled all over the world.

15. The old rich man donates all of his wealth to the needy people who live near his house.

VI. Exercise: Vocabulary from Page 167 and 183

1. In Javanese myth, Javanese people must give ... to Nyi Roro Kidul. (sacrifice)2. You should do your homework precisely. Don't be so ...! (reckless)3. His corporation is ... because of his fault. (broke)4. I never ... to get the best score. (surrender)5. The dancers were so ... when they're dancing on the stage. (energetic)6. When Rismat is angry, she is very frightening, her anger looks like a lion which is .... (roaring)7. She is an ... girl. Everyone loves her because of her good behavior. (energetic)8. Finally, Mubarok ... his position for president to another people. (surrendered)9. My mother ... my little brother's hand when they come in the traditional market. (grabs)

10. Bejo: So you did it again? Don't do anything without thinking it first!

Paiman: Sorry, I was .... (reckless)


I. Song Lyric I Dont Love You

Well when you go

Dont ever think Ill make you try to stay

And maybe when you get back

Ill be off to find another way

When after all this time that you still love

Youre still, the good-for-nothing I dont know

So take your gloves and get up

Better get out while you can

When you go

Would you even turn to say

I dont love you like did yesterday

Sometimes I cry so hard from pleading

So sick and tired of all the needless beating

But baby when they knock you down and out

Its where you ought to stay

And after all the blood that you still owe

Another dollars just another blow

So fix your eyes and get up

Better get up while you can

Whoa ...whoaWhen you go

Would even turn to say

I dont love you like yesterday

Well come on, come on

When you go

Would you even turn to say

I dont love you like I loved yesterday

I dont love you like I loved yesterdayI dont love you like I loved yesterday

II. The Meaning of The LyricAku Tidak Mencintaimu

Ketika kau pergi

Jangan pernah berpikir aku akan membuatmu mencoba bertahan

Dan mungkin ketika kau kembali

Aku akan pergi untuk mencari jalan lain

Setelah semua waktu yangmasih kau hutangi

Kau tetap tidak baik dalam apapun, aku tidak tahu

Jadi ambil sarung tanganmu dan keluar

Lebih baik pergi selagi kamu bisa

Ketika kamu pergi

Akankah kamu akan berubah mengatakan

Aku tidak mencintaimu seperti yang kulakukan kemarin

Terkadang aku menangis begitu keras dari pembelaan

Sangat menyakitkan dan bosan dengan semua denyut yang tidak berguna

Tetapi, sayang ketika mereka menjatuhkanmu dan membuatmu pergi

Itulah dimana kau harus tinggal

Dan setelah semua darahyang masih kau hutangi

Biarkan saja uang yang terbuang sia sia

Jadi perbaiki matamu dan bangunlah

Lebih baik pergi selagi kamu bisa

Ketika kamu pergi

Akankah kamu berubah mengatakan

Aku tidak mencintaimu seperti hari kemarin

Baik, ayolah

Ketika kamu pergi

Akankah kamu punya keberania untuk mengatakna

Aku tidak mencintaimu seperti yang kau lakukan kemarin

Aku tidak mencintaimu seperti yang kau lakukan kemarin

Aku tidak mencintaimu seperti yang kau lakukan kemarinIII. Explanation

In this song the writer is telling his girlfriend that he doesnt love her anymore. In the first part he says that he will never try to ask her to stay even when she tries to go. It means that he doesnt care anymore of the girl so if the girl wants to go, he will just let her go away. In the third row of this part, he wants the girl not be sorry for her choice, because maybe when she gets back, he will have found another girl to share the love with.

In the next part he asks the girl to go. In the first row, not in purpose he wants to tell that he has spent a lot of time with the girl. But after all the time they have passed together, he has forgotten her. So, in the second row he tells the girl that now for him she is nothing. For him she is no good for anything. He even can say the bad word. So, it means that he has really hated her a lot. In the next row, he asks the girl to take her gloves and go. It means that he asks the girl to get ready for her going. And the last row, he reminds the girl go away as long as she can.

But, it seems that, he doesnt look as bad as in sight. He has forgotten her and he wishes the girl has the same feeling. In this part, the three rows describe the boys hope for the girl. He wishes when the girl goes away, she will change her words become I dont love you like I did yesterday. He doesnt only think of him, but the girl too. He hopes they wont love each other anymore when they break up.

In the fourth part, he just wants to tell his feeling. He says that sometimes he cries so hard. He feels so sick and tired of his past. It means that sometimes he feels that he has spent most of time with the girl. He is aware that he has passed a useless life. But, In the third and fourth row, he reminds the girl that maybe there will be a lot of people knock her down and out. To face the stress, he advises the girl to hold on and keep strong in the stress

Next in the fifth part, in the first and second row he tells that he is aware that he has made a lot of sacrifice for her. He has spent most of his time and most of his money for her. But, he says to the girl that she doesnt need to pay all of his sacrifice that he has done. He just wants the girl to forget it. He wants the girl to get up of it and continue her life. He really hopes the girl can make the better life after that.

In the next part, he repeats his wishes for the girl. Once again he reminds the girl to forget him and consider him as her past. He wishes the girl goes away without any regret. He hopes the girl doesnt love him again. So, this song means that he, as the writes of this song, wants tell the girl not to be sorry for want they have done. Now the break up in a good way and theyll begin their life better.

IV. The Meaning of The Explanation

Dalam lagu ini, penulis memberitahukan pacarnya bahwa dia tidak mencintainya lagi. Dibagian pertama dia mengatakan bahwa dia tidak akan pernah berusaha untuk memintanya untuk tetap tinggal bahkan ketika dia berusaha untuk pergi. Itu berati bahwa dia tidak peduli lagi pada perempuan itu sehingga jika perempuan itu ingin pergi, dia akan membiarkannya pergi. Di baris ketiga bagian ini, dia ingin perempuan itu tidak menyesal untuk pilihannya karena mungkin ketika dia kemabali , dia akan menemukan perempuan lain untuk berbagi cinta dengannya.

Dibagian selanjutnya, dia mengatakan perempuan itu harus pergi. Dibaris pertama tidak ada tujuan bahwa dia ingin memberitahukan dia telah menghabiskan banyak waktu dengan perempuan itu. Tetapi setelah semua waktu yang mereka lewati bersama, dia telah melupakannya. Jadi, di baris kedua dia memberitahukan perempuan itu, sekarang baginya perempuan itu tidak ada. Baginya perempuan itu tidak baik dalam beberapa hal. Dia bahkan bisa berkata kasar. Jadi itu berarti, dia sungguh membeci perempuan itu. Di baris berikutnya, dia bertanya perempuan itu untuk mengambil sarung tangan dan perempuan itu pergi. Itu berarti dia bertanya perempuan itu untuk bersiap siap untuk dia pergi. Dan baris selanjutnya dia mengingatkan perempuan itu untuk pergi dan pergi sejauh dia bisa.

Tetapi, tampaknya dia tidak terlihat terlalu buruk seperti di yang terlihat. Dia telah melupakan perempuan itu dan dia ingin perempuan itu memliki perasaan yang sama. Di bagian ini, dibagian ketiga menggambarkan lelaki itu berharap untuk perempuan itu, ketika dia ingin mengubah perkataannya menjadi Aku tidak mencintaimu seperti yang ku lakukan kemarin. Dia tidak hanya memikirkan tentang dirinya tetapi perempuan itu juga. Ia berharap mereka tidak akan saling mencintai lagi ketika mereka melanggar kewajibannya.

Pada bagian ke empat. Dia ingin bercerita tentang perasaanya mengatakan kadang-kadang dia menangis dengan keras. Dia merasa sakit dan lelah di masa lalu. Itu berarti kadang-kadang dia merasa telah menghabiskan banyak waktu dengan perempuan itu. Dia menyadari bahwa dia telah melewati hidup. Tetapi, di baris ketiga dia mengingatkan perempuan yang mungkin akan ada pukulan dari banyak orang, untuk menghadapi stress, dia menyarankan kepada perempuan itu untuk tetap bertahan dan kuat di stress.

Berikutnya di bagian kelima, di baris pertama dan kedua dia memberitahukan bahwa dia sadar bahwa dia telah berkorban banyak untuknya dia sudah menghabiskan banyak waktu dan uangnya untuknya. Tetapi, dia mengatakan pada perempuan itu bahwa dia tidak perlu membayar semua pengorbanan yang telah dilakukannya. Dia hanya ingin perempuan itu melupakannya. Dia ingin perempuan itu bangkit dari semua itu dan melanjutkan kehidupannya . Dia berharap perempuan itu dapat membuat kehidupannya yang lebih baik setelah itu.Pada bagian selanjutnya, dia mengulang harapannya pada perempuan itu. Sekali lagi dan memperingatkan perempuan itu untuk melupakannya dan menganggapnya sebagai masa lalunya. Dia berharap perempuan itu pergi tanpa sedikitpun penyesalan. Dia berharap perempuan itu tidak mencintainya lagi. Jadi, lagu ini berarti bahwa dia sebagai penulis. Laguini ingin memberitahukan perempuan itu untuk tidak menyesal atas apa yang telah ereka lakukan, sekarang mereka berpisah dengan cara yang baik dan mereka memulai kehidupan mereka yang lebih baik.











