Philosophy Final Review

Post on 15-Aug-2014

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SAU Tech in Camden, AR

Transcript of Philosophy Final Review

My group is the greatest! is an example of Democtritus is most closely associated with What does NOT apply to Lao-tzu? What is a Sophos? Wise person

Ethocentrism Atonism

Wrote a very long book

Which is an example of the Fallacy of Anachronism? headquarters to warn of a Union attack Which of the following would NOT be an archetype? Which is NOT a major characteristic of the sophists you What is Socrates most famous work

The confederate soldier emailed The accountant

Be kind to other and they will be kind to

None of these (the republic, greek arc, the dialectic) Denying the importance of the Greek gods

What was one of the charges against Socrates?

Since God cannot be proved, my opinion is just as valid as yours. This is an example of Relativism Who would be most likely to say eat, drink, and be merry! Where would we most likely find female philosophy students? Which is NOT an expression of platonic dualism? According to Plato, which is NOT a part of the soul? Aristippus Garden

Slavery and freedom Belief All of the

Which of these corresponds to the reason (wisdom) component of Platos soul? above (philosophers, kings, guardians) Which is NOT a work of stoic literature? Which is LEAST associated with Aristotle? The republic Dualism

What corresponds to Aristotles view of God?

None of the above (lord god, god, plato)

According to Aristotle, a life devoted to the persuit of having a good time is fit only for cattle Compared with Platos academy, aristotles Lyceum was more likely to have more Laborers Descartes is often called the father of Modern philosophy

What is Discourse on method?

One of Descartes most famous works All of the above (priori, emp, exp) Cogito, ergo sum

Knowledge that is a posteriori is which of the following? What Latin Phrase best reflects Descartes philosophy? How does Descartes describe himself?

A thing which thinks Justification by faith

Which most accurately describes Luthers theology?

Copernicuss Weltanschauung (world view) was Heliocentric Which man played the LEAST role in the events that caused the end of the Middle Ages? Thomas Aquinas Descartes thinking is best described as Rational The bible is always

Which of the following best describes the thinking of medieval scholars? right Empiricism is best describes as knowledge gained through Which is not an idea of Locke? A priori ideas Knower and known Experience

Which is a concern of epistemological dualism? Which is NOT associated with Marx? What is David Humes nationality? Russian Scottish

In his Treatise, what does Hume say we cannot know? What would Hume say about the self? Which is true of Marxs view of Hegel?


all of the above Hegel was too soft on the capitalist rulers of the world Bourgeoisie versus proletariat

Which best describes Marxs concept of class struggle?

Kants categorical Imperative is most like The golden rule Which best describes the 1900s? What is Kierkegaards nationality Post modernist Danish We must overthrow tyranny

What statement is Least associated with Kierkegaard?

Which statement LEAST likely to be made by an existentialist? According to Neitzche, what has killed god? Who was NOT a personal Friend of Sartre?

Life improves with time

Progress and optimism Freidrich Nietzsche Pragmatism Nietzsche

Which of the following is associated with William James?

Who LEAST influenced the philosophy of Martin Luther King? What was Sartres relationship to communism?

He admitted to being a communist

Nietzsche would NOT have been a Naze because his overman seeks to control himself (the individual), not the masses (hint: this is the correct answer) Based on its greek roots, what does the word philosopher mean? Which of the following would not be an archetype? Which is an example of Fallacy of Anachronism? headquarters to warn of a union attack Which does not apply to Lao-tzu? One who loves wisdom

The accountant The confederate soldier emailed

Wrote a very long book Can be experienced, but cannot be expressed in Wise

The Tao is best described as the way that words

Which does not describe young Siddharta Guatama? An ascetic is someone who The buddah did not teach Moral causation Karma Denies materialism

If you work hard, you will become wealthy

Since god cannot be proved, my opinion is just as valid as yours is an example of According to Plato, what kind of person should be a ruler? Philosopher Aristocrat


What kind of student is most likely to attend platos academy? Which is not an expression of platonic dualism According to plato, which is not part of the soul

slavery and freedom belief

Which of these corresponds to reason (wisdom) component of platos soul Which is not a work of Aristotle Who was a student of Aristotle Republic Alexander none of the above

all of the above

What correspond to Aristotles view of god

According to Aristotle, a life devoted to the persuit of a good time is fit only for cattle Compared with platos academy, aristotles lyceum was more likely to have more laborers The tornado ladys thinking is incorrect because bad things happen randomly to good and bad people No statement can be true and false, is an expression of Which is not true of scholasticism law of contradiction

persued truth wherever it lead the theological argument

If there is a design, there must be a designer best describes Which does not belong with the other three? Middle ages

Which most accurately describes Luthers theology?

Justification by faith

Copernicuss Weltanschauung (worldview) washeliocentric Which best describes the position of the roman catholic church toward Copernicus? that his science threatened their theology Which did not help to bring about the end to the middle ages? Who wrote summa theological Thomas Aquinas experience The greatest good for the greatest The felt

Invention of steam power

Empiricism is best described as knowledge gained through What idea is most closely associated with Jeremy bentham? number Which is a concern for epistemological dualism Which phrase expresses a concept of being What is david Humes nationality Scottish

knower and the known

Esse est percipi

Who most influenced Marx view of development of human history


What would Hume say about the self

all of the above

Which of the following best describes kants statement the starry heavens above and the moral law within God and conscience Which does not relate to marx utilitarianism do whatever the conditions demand he hated it

Which is an expression of a hypothetical imperative

Which of the following describes nietzsches view of modernity Which is not a principle of existentialism Which of the following is not nietzschean optimism leap of faith

Which statemet is least likely to be made by an existentialist Which does not apply to jean paul Sartre swiss national

life iimporves with time

What does Nietzsche say is the next step in the evolutionary process Which is not true about the holocaust


One of the most horrible events of WWI Nietzsche immoral but not illegal one who loves wisdom

Who least influenced the philosophy of Martin Luther King Kings statement about Hitler indicates that hitlers actions were Based on its greek roots what does the word philosopher mean Above everything else, Leibriz believed in Greed word for air/spririt pneuma Confucious sufficient reason

Another name for Kung fu-tzu

Various dualistic concepts that compliment each other The Buddha was born in what is now Nepal


Which is not a major characteristic of the sophists you What is Socrates most famous work none of these

Be kind to other, and they will be kind to

Asian philosophers generally teach that

all is one, therefore, there is no god as defined in the

Hebrew Christian bible Is there a super natural being called god, this is a question that deals with Which of the following contains a non-stoic philosopher Where would we most likely find female students Which is not an expression of platonic dualism metaphysics

Copernicus, Seneca

garden slavery and freedom wisdom All of the

According to plato which is associated with the reason component of the soul Which of these corresponds to the reason (wisdom) component of platos soul? above Which is not a work of Aristotle republic logos

Which greek word is most closely associated with stoicism Which is most closely associated with goal teleological

In arisotles teaching about the mean where does adultery fit Where would epicurus suggest you look for pleasure


friendship the world is a product of

What does Einstein mean by god nos not play dice with the universe design What is discourse on method one of Descartes most famous works

Which of the following best describes the scholastic philosophers existed and went from there The problem is evil is best summed up as the question How does Descartes describe himself

they assumed that god

how can god allow evil in the world

a thing which thinks justification by faith

Which most accurately describes luthers theology Copernicus weltanschauung (worldview) was What best describes des cartes view of existence

heliocentric dualism declining

During Descartes lifetime the power and influence of the roman catholic church was Who wrote summa theological Thomas Aquinas

What concerns malthus most

population Darwin

Malthus ideas on the struggle for human survival are most like those of Utilitarianism is associated with which of the following Which is not associated with marx What is david humes nationality Russian Scottish

Jeremy bentham and john Stuart mill

Who most influenced marxs view of the development of human history What would hume say about the self all of the above


Which of the following best describes kants statement the starry heavens above and the moral law within god and conscience Behave as if your actions were a universal law of nature is an expression of imperative Kants categorical imperative is most like Which is true the golden rule categorical

modernists believed in absolute truth seeks to control himself

Nietzscge would not have been a nazi because his overman Which of the following is not nietzschean leap of faith poor

Which term best describes Nietzsche as a teacher

Which is a statement least likely to be made by an existentialist Which does not apply to jean paul Sartre swiss national

life improves with time

What does Nietzsche say is the next step in the evolutionary process Which of the following is associated with William james Which term most closely relates to nazi atrocities



holocaust frustration that man

Kings statement that everything Hitler did in germany was legal indicates kind can create immoral laws