PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation …...PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation...

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PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook2017-2018Jefferson College of Population Health

PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook

The PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook is intended to describe the policies and procedures regarding the Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation that all doctoral students at the Jefferson College of Health (JCPH) complete. It is accurate at the time of printing but is subject to change from time to time as deemed appropriate by the College in order to fulfill its role and mission or to accommodate circumstances beyond its control. Any such changes may be implemented without prior notice and without obligation and, unless specified otherwise, are effective when made. To obtain the latest information, please consult the online version on the JCPH website at: University-wide policies are available on the Thomas Jefferson University website: university-policies.html Thomas Jefferson University is accredited by The Middle States Commission on Higher Education. The Master of Public Health (MPH) Program is accredited by the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH). Please direct any suggestions for changes to this document to one of the following:

Jennifer Ravelli, Assistant Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs, 901 Walnut Street, 10th Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107,, (215) 955-8069

Marianna LaNoue, Program Director, PhD in Population Health Science, 901 Walnut Street, 10th

Floor, Philadelphia, PA 19107,, (215) 955-8234

Photo Credit: Ars Medendi (cylinder) by artist Jim Sanborn, photo taken by Ed Cunicelli, 2010

Updated 12/8/2017


Overview .................................................................................................... 1

Comprehensive Examination ............................................................................ 2

Course Registration ...................................................................................... 2

Examination Committee ................................................................................ 2

Components .............................................................................................. 2

Part I: Monitored Test ................................................................................ 2

Part II: Take-Home Research Proposal and Oral Presentation .................................. 4

Evaluation of the Comprehensive Examination ...................................................... 6

Part I Grading .......................................................................................... 6

Part II Grading ......................................................................................... 7

Advancement to Candidacy ............................................................................ 8

Dissertation ................................................................................................. 9

Course Registration ...................................................................................... 9

Dissertation Committee ................................................................................. 9

Dissertation Proposal and its Oral Defense ......................................................... 10

Dissertation Proposal ................................................................................ 10

Oral Defense of the Dissertation Proposal ........................................................ 11

Evaluation of the Dissertation Proposal and its Oral Defense ................................. 12

Institutional Review Board ............................................................................ 12

Dissertation and its Oral Defense ..................................................................... 13

Dissertation ........................................................................................... 13

Oral Defense of the Dissertation ................................................................... 14

Evaluation of the Dissertation and Dissertation Defense ....................................... 14

Submission of Final Dissertation and Additional Required Documents ....................... 15

Graduation and Awarding of the Degree ............................................................. 17

Summary of Program Progression ..................................................................... 18

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PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook 1


The PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook is for Doctor of Philosophy

(PhD) students at the Jefferson College of Population Health (JCPH). This Handbook is

intended to serve as a supplement to the larger Student Handbook and does not supersede

any guidance contained in the Student Handbook. The guidance contained here refers

specifically to the Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation phases of the PhD program.

Please refer any questions to the Program Director and/or the Assistant Dean for Student and

Alumni Affairs.

2 PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook


The purpose of the Comprehensive Examination is to:

Assess knowledge of key disciplines of population health sciences.

Assess potential to apply research methods independently.

Provide constructive feedback and identify areas of strength and weakness.

Course Registration

The student is eligible for the Comprehensive Examination if he or she:

Is in good academic standing with a minimum grade point average of 3.3; and

Has completed all core coursework (28 core credits) and at least 3 credits of PHS 700:

Integrative Research Seminar.

The student may initiate the Comprehensive Examination process at any point after the core

coursework is completed. Enrollment must occur by the semester after which all coursework

(core and specialization) has been completed.

It is the responsibility of the student to notify the Assistant Dean for Student and Alumni

Affairs and the Program Director in writing of his or her intention to initiate the

Comprehensive Examination process. The examination is offered on an as-needed basis,

depending on student need and availability. Two courses encompass the Comprehensive

Examination: PHS 800: Comprehensive Exam Prep (1) and PHS 801: Comprehensive Exam (1).

These two courses must be taken in order (PHS 800, PHS 801), but do not need to occur in

successive semesters, although it is strongly encouraged. PHS 801 is taken in the semester in

which the examination will be taken and defended.

Examination Committee

The Comprehensive Examination Committee is composed of members of the JCPH faculty.

The Program Director assembles the Examination Committee and serves as Chair. The

Committee will be responsible for grading the Comprehensive Examination.


The Comprehensive Examination includes the following components:

Part I: Monitored Test

Part I is a written, closed-book, monitored test consisting of four essay-format responses to

questions in the following areas:

1. U.S. healthcare organization and delivery (see #2 for topics)

PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook 3

2. Health economics

a. Financial, economics, and clinical risks when delivering care to specific

population groups

b. Strategies included by the Institute for Medical Education and the Institute’s

stated goals and objectives

c. Definition and evaluation of health

d. Delineation of stakeholders in U.S. health care

e. Consideration of financing limitations

f. Four critical aspects of healthcare delivery

g. Market justice and social justice

3. Social and behavioral foundations in population health

a. Biological and behavioral influences on health

i. Social Ecological Model

ii. Health disparities

iii. Role of medical care

iv. Culture and health

v. Social epidemiology

vi. Health impact pyramid

b. Program planning models

c. Health behavior theories

i. Health Belief Model

ii. Theory of Reasoned Action/Planned Behavior

iii. Transtheoretical Model (Stages of Change)

iv. Social Cognitive Theory

v. Social Support Theory

4. Scientific Literature Critique

a. Social determinants and their effect on health

4 PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook

b. Epidemiologic theory and assumptions

c. Epidemiologic methods and underlying assumptions

d. Transdisciplinary Theory

Part II: Take-Home Research Proposal and Oral Presentation

Part II is a written, open-book, non-monitored Research Proposal and the accompanying oral

presentation of the Research Proposal.

Research Proposal

The written Research Proposal may be started after the student has petitioned for the

Comprehensive Examination and is due 30 days after receiving a passed without condition

determination from the Examination Committee for Part I.

Note: The preparation of the paper and its contents should not be discussed with anyone,

including students and faculty.

The goal of Part II is to demonstrate mastery of research methods by proposing an entire

research study. Ideally, this Proposal document will serve as a bridge for the student’s

Dissertation Proposal, although that is not a requirement of the Comprehensive Examination.

The Research Proposal should:

Be 15–20 pages, excluding graphs, tables, figures, reference list, title page, etc. but

including an abstract of 200–250 words.

Integrate the topics below as they apply to the proposed research question. The paper

should not consist of listed answers.

Follow the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition

or later) formatting and citation guidelines.

The outline provided below is intended as a guide; not all items may be relevant to the

proposed study topic:

1. Identification of the Problem and Development of Research Questions

a. Identify/define the problem.

b. Indicate the significance of the problem.

c. Indicate the theoretical framework for study, if applicable.

d. Pose the research questions and hypotheses to be used to investigate the


e. Clearly motivate the need for a mixed-methods study, if included.

f. Indicate the population health impact of the research questions and of the

proposed solution, if applicable.

2. Review of the Literature

a. Develop key words for a literature search.

b. Indicate the mechanisms to be used in the literature search.

PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook 5

c. Identify method to be used to keep a record of the relevant literature.

d. Describe method for organizing files for the literature and categorizing them

(e.g., topic, process, study type).

e. Provide enough of a preliminary literature review to motivate the Proposal’s

aims and/or hypotheses.

3. Methods

a. Describe the study’s participants, sample and population.

b. Provide a power analysis.

c. Explain how samples will be drawn or assigned including criteria for inclusion or

exclusion, and randomization strategy, if applicable.

d. Describe the design of the study including potential inferences to be drawn

from the study.

e. Indicate any/all treatment and measurement instruments.

f. Identify all measured and unmeasured variables in the study. Provide a

codebook as an appendix.

g. Identify method(s) to apply controls to the sample, if applicable.

h. Identify potential problems with obtaining a sample or carrying out proposed


i. Describe method for keeping records of samples, processes, and statistical


j. Describe method(s) used to determine reliability and validity of measurement


k. Clearly tie analyses to aims and/or hypotheses.

l. Present a conceptual model of the proposed study.

m. Comment on the need for IRB approval and the expected type of approval

appropriate for the study.

n. Indicate timeline for the study.

o. In broad terms, indicate any costs involved: direct and indirect (detailed

budget is not required).

p. Identify the following (as needed):

i. Consultants

ii. Advisors

iii. Statisticians

iv. Collaborators

v. Reviewers

4. Data Analysis

a. Write an analysis plan for the study. Clearly tie appropriate analyses to each

aim and/or hypothesis of the study.

b. Correlate the choice of analyses with the type of data that will be produced, as

presented in the codebook.

c. Indicate tools or methods used to carry out the analyses (e.g., computer


d. Identify alpha and p levels. Indicate the significance of confidence intervals in

the results.

6 PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook

e. Describe assumptions of statistical tests and the approach for assessing them.

f. Identify any problems with the planned analysis, including limitations of tests.

5. Results

a. Include an entire shell of a results section.

b. Indicate use of tables, graphs, illustrations, figures, etc.

6. Discussion

a. Provide general indication of possible significance of the study’s results.

b. Integrate the study in the broader context of the literature.

c. Indicate if there will be applications for clinical practice, community practice,

system changes, or policy formation/revision.

d. Include:

i. Limitations

ii. Biases

iii. Threats to validity

7. Publication/Dissemination

a. Describe the intended audience for the research.

b. Indicate which journals would be appropriate for submission of the research.

c. Indicate which meetings/conferences would be appropriate for dissemination

of the research.

8. Future

a. Briefly describe a personal research agenda or future research activities

related to this study.

Oral Presentation of the Research Proposal

The oral presentation of the Research Proposal is scheduled by the Chair of the Examination

Committee after the written Part II examination has been passed. Students should prepare a

25-30 minute PowerPoint presentation that gives a brief overview of the research, its

significance and contribution to the field, methods to be used to collect and analyze data, a

complete set of clearly defined analytic table shells, and the strengths and limitations of the

work. The student should expect to respond to questions and comments by the Committee

members following the presentation.

Evaluation of the Comprehensive Examination

Parts I and II are graded separately. Part I is graded by the faculty members who wrote the

content area questions and/or other content area experts. Part II is graded by an ad-hoc

Comprehensive Examination Committee. The student must successfully pass Part I before he

or she can be evaluated for Part II.

Part I Grading

The Examination Committee may assign one of the following determinations for Part I:

Pass without condition — All questions passed without condition; or a student may

receive a conditional pass on one question in Part I and still pass Part I if the other

questions are passed unconditionally.

PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook 7

Conditional pass — If a conditional pass is received for two or more questions in Part I

the student must arrange with the Program Director to retake the entire examination,

which may be based on new questions. Only one retake is allowed. If the student

receives a conditional pass on the retaken examination, the student must petition the

College for permission to re-enroll in both PHS 800 and PHS 801 for credit. The new

examination will be based on new questions. After successfully repeating PHS 800 and

reattempting Part I of the Comprehensive Examination in PHS 801, the student must

earn a pass without condition. A conditional pass or failed determination is grounds for

dismissal from the program.

Failed — If any questions in Part I are failed, the student will be placed on academic

probation and must petition the College for permission to re-enroll in both PHS 800

and PHS 801 for credit. The new examination will be based on new questions. After

successfully repeating PHS 800 and reattempting Part I of the Comprehensive

Examination in PHS 801, the student must earn a pass without condition. A conditional

pass or failed determination is grounds for dismissal from the program.

Part II Grading

Part II may not be attempted until Part I is passed without condition. The Examination

Committee may assign one of the following determinations for Part II:

Pass without condition — If the student receives a pass without condition on the

written Research Proposal, he or she will be invited to the oral presentation. If the

student receives a pass without condition on the oral presentation of the Research

Proposal, the student will earn a P (Pass) in PHS 801: Comprehensive Exam.

Conditional pass — If the written Research Proposal is conditionally passed, the

student will have up to four weeks to rewrite the Proposal incorporating the

Committee’s feedback. The student may not schedule the oral presentation until after

the revision receives a pass without condition determination. If the oral presentation

of the Research Proposal is conditionally passed, the student will attempt a second

oral presentation. If the student receives a conditional pass on the revision or second

oral presentation, the student must petition the College for permission to re-enroll in

both PHS 800 and PHS 801 for credit. After successfully repeating PHS 800 and

reattempting Part II of the Comprehensive Examination in PHS 801, the student must

earn a pass without condition on both the written and oral presentation of the

Research Proposal. A conditional pass or failed determination is grounds for dismissal

from the program.

Failed — If the student receives a failed determination on either the written Research

Proposal or its oral presentation, the student will be placed on academic probation

and must petition the College for permission to re-enroll in both PHS 800 and PHS 801

for credit. After successfully repeating PHS 800 and reattempting Part II of the

Comprehensive Examination in PHS 801, the student must earn a pass without

8 PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook

condition on both the written and oral presentation of the Research Proposal. A

conditional pass or failed determination is grounds for dismissal from the program.


Appeals of any failed determinations in the Comprehensive Examination and of program

dismissal decisions must be submitted in writing to the Associate Dean for Academic and

Student Affairs and are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Appeals should demonstrate to the

College exceptional circumstances leading to a failed determination.

Advancement to Candidacy

A student is considered a candidate for the PhD degree upon completion of all core and

specialization coursework (including 3 credits of PHS 660 and 4 credits of PHS 700); a passing

grade in PHS 801 (signifying a successful Defense of both parts of the Comprehensive

Examination); and submission and acceptance by the College of the Petition for Advancement

to Candidacy Form, which can be found in the JCPH Student Community on Blackboard, in the

‘Student Handbooks and Policy and Procedures’ folder.

PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook 9


Course Registration

After advancing to candidacy the student must enroll in PHS 805: Dissertation Proposal

Seminar (3) in the next semester it is offered. PHS 805 provides skills and guidance in drafting

of the Dissertation Proposal and assembling a Dissertation Committee. If ready, a student may

prepare a draft of the Dissertation Proposal, under the guidance of the Dissertation

Committee and its Chair. However, this is not a requirement of PHS 805.

After completing PHS 805: Dissertation Proposal Seminar, the student must enroll in PHS 807:

Dissertation Proposal Defense (1). During PHS 807, the student continues toward the goal of a

successful Dissertation Defense. When the student is ready, he or she submits and presents

the Dissertation Proposal to the Dissertation Committee for approval. To ensure compliance

with the continuous enrollment policy, a student may register for PHS 807 for up to three

consecutive terms.

Once the Dissertation Proposal has been approved by the Dissertation Committee, the student

must first enroll in PHS 810: Dissertation (3) followed by PHS 811: Dissertation (3). If the

student has not successfully defended the Dissertation after completion of six credit hours of

PHS 810 and PHS 811, the student may continue to enroll in PHS 812: Dissertation (1), for up

to 5 credits per term, for as many terms as are needed to complete the Dissertation, but

limited by the time to degree of nine years (see Student Handbook).

All Dissertation courses (PHS 805, 807, 810, 811 and 812) are graded on a Pass/Fail basis. The

courses are designed to ensure continuous enrollment. Refer to the Student Handbook for

information regarding continuous enrollment requirements.

Dissertation Committee

The student works with the Program Director to assemble a Dissertation Committee. Under

the leadership of the Committee Chair, the Committee will guide and advise the student in

research required for the Dissertation.

The student should establish the Dissertation Committee at least three months prior to the

Dissertation Proposal Defense. The Dissertation Committee is composed of 3-4 members,

including the Chair, who represent specific areas of expertise required for the Dissertation.

10 PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook


Chair Full-time JCPH faculty member Leads, monitors, coordinates, and assesses

the student’s Dissertation from start to finish.

Responsible for ensuring that the student’s

Dissertation meets all JCPH requirements,

including those pertaining to content

coverage, methodology, research ethics,

form, and style.

Serves as an arbitrator to resolve any

conflicts within the Dissertation Committee

concerning the student’s progress in

formulating and completing the Dissertation.

Committee Members (2-3)

At least one must be full-time

JCPH faculty

Members may be other full-

time or part-time/adjunct

faculty at TJU

One member may be from an

outside, accredited institution.

If an external Committee

member is identified, a copy of

his or her CV must be

forwarded to the Program

Director for approval

Guides the student as a content expert, a

methodology expert, or a combination of

both areas of expertise.

Supports the Dissertation Committee Chair

through his or her respective expertise and

any special knowledge that he or she may be

able to contribute to the student’s


Coordinates with the Chair before beginning

to work with the student.

Once the Chair and other members of the Dissertation Committee have been identified and

have agreed to serve, the Program Director will notify them in writing. Any subsequent

change in the composition of the Dissertation Committee must be submitted in writing by the

Chair to the Program Director for approval.

Dissertation Proposal and its Oral Defense

The purpose of the Dissertation Proposal Oral Defense is to evaluate the content and methods

of the research being proposed for the Dissertation, as well as the student’s readiness to

conduct the research.

Dissertation Proposal

The Dissertation Proposal is developed in PHS 805: Dissertation Proposal Seminar and PHS

807: Dissertation Proposal Defense under the guidance of the Dissertation Committee. By the

PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook 11

end of the final semester of PHS 807, the student will have successfully created a Dissertation

Proposal and defended it. The Dissertation Proposal describes the area of research, the

methods that will be used, and the Dissertation’s contribution to the field. The student needs

to demonstrate that he or she has mastered the substantive content and methods required to

conduct the research. The Dissertation Proposal represents the first three chapters of the

Dissertation and must also include references and other back matter as shown below.

1. Front matter

a. Title page

b. Doctoral Committee signature page

c. Abstract

d. Table of contents

e. List of tables

f. List of figures

2. Chapter 1: Introduction

3. Chapter 2: Review of literature

4. Chapter 3: Method

5. Back matter

a. References

b. Appendices

c. One-page résumé

Oral Defense of the Dissertation Proposal

In addition to a written Dissertation Proposal, the student will present the Dissertation

Proposal to the Dissertation Committee. It is the responsibility of the student, working with

their Dissertation Committee Chair and the Program Director, to identify proposed dates for

the Dissertation Proposal Defense. The student should prepare a 25-30 minute PowerPoint

presentation of the proposed work to include: background, research

questions/aims/hypotheses, literature review, and methods to conduct the Dissertation

research. The Oral Defense of the Dissertation Proposal gives the student an opportunity to

respond to questions and recommendations posed by the Dissertation Committee. The

presentation and response sessions are collectively known as the Dissertation Proposal


12 PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook

Evaluation of the Dissertation Proposal and its Oral Defense

The Dissertation Committee is responsible for evaluating the Dissertation Proposal. The

Committee will have four weeks to evaluate the Dissertation Proposal after the Oral Defense

before rendering a decision. The Dissertation Committee provides one of three written


Pass without condition — At least three members of the Dissertation Committee agree

that the Dissertation Proposal does not require any changes. Each Dissertation

Committee member signs the Dissertation Proposal Defense Signature Sheet, which is

returned to the Program Director and entered into the student’s academic file. The

student has not officially completed the Dissertation Proposal and its Oral Defense

until the Dissertation Proposal Defense Signature Sheet has been received by the

Program Director.

Conditional pass — The Dissertation Committee determines that the Dissertation

Proposal does not meet expectations, but gives the student the opportunity to revise

the Dissertation Proposal and/or attempt a second Oral Defense. The Committee will

reevaluate the revised Dissertation Proposal or second Defense and either determine

that the student has passed without condition or the student has failed. The student

may attempt only one rewrite or additional Defense.

Failed — The Dissertation Committee determines that the Dissertation Proposal and/or

Defense (first or second attempt) does not meet expectations. The student is not given

the opportunity to revise and resubmit, and is put on academic probation. The student

may petition the College for permission to re-enroll in PHS 805 and PHS 807. Any

conditional pass or failure after a second sequence of PHS 805 and PHS 807 and

subsequent Dissertation Proposal submission and Defense is grounds for dismissal from

the program.

Institutional Review Board

Once the Dissertation Proposal has been approved by the Dissertation Committee, the student

must obtain Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval prior to implementation of the

proposed Dissertation research. Students should consult with their Dissertation Chair and the

Jefferson Office of Human Research. Depending on the nature of the Dissertation, the project

may need other formal ethics-related submissions, such as to an external agency. Students

are advised to determine these requirements in advance as approvals take time and may need

to be done in a specific sequence. Students should maintain all documentation related to IRB

approval as the original letter of IRB approval will need to be submitted with the final


PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook 13

Dissertation and its Oral Defense


The Dissertation is developed in PHS 810: Dissertation and PHS 811: Dissertation (and PHS

812, if needed) under the guidance of the Dissertation Committee. The Dissertation contains

the results of research conducted as presented in the approved Dissertation Proposal. The

Dissertation should demonstrate the scientific merit of the work and the student’s mastery of

content and methods. It must demonstrate that the student is qualified to conduct

independent research.

The Dissertation document is approximately 100-250 pages, not including references and

appendices. The structure of the Dissertation is determined through consultation between the

Dissertation Chair and Committee members, but in all cases the Dissertation must be in

American Psychological Association (APA) format.

The Dissertation is composed of three major parts, each containing several sections:

1. Part I: Front Matter

a. Title page

b. Doctoral Committee signature page

c. Copyright Page

d. Abstract

e. Dedication

f. Acknowledgements

g. Preface

h. Table of contents

i. List of tables

j. List of figures

k. List of symbols and abbreviations

2. Part II: Body of Dissertation

a. Chapter 1: Introduction

b. Chapter 2: Literature Review

c. Chapter 3: Methods

d. Chapter 4: Results

14 PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook

e. Chapter 5: Discussion and Conclusions

3. Part III: Back Matter

a. References

b. Appendices

c. Curriculum Vitae

Oral Defense of the Dissertation

The purpose of the Oral Defense of the Dissertation is: (1) to evaluate the research conducted

for the Dissertation; and (2) to assess the student’s ability to conduct independent research.

After the student submits a draft of the completed Dissertation to all members of the

Dissertation Committee and Program Director, he or she requests, in writing to the Program

Director, a date for the Oral Defense. This date will be a minimum of four weeks from the

date of the request. It is the responsibility of the student, working with their Dissertation

Committee Chair and the Program Director, to identify proposed dates for the Dissertation

Defense. The Program Director will send written confirmation of the constitution of the

Dissertation Committee and approved date of the Dissertation Defense to the student,

Committee members, and Associate Dean for Academic and Student Affairs.

Photographs, graphs, illustrations, and tables need not be originals but must be adequate to

allow effective evaluation by Committee members.

Once the Dissertation Defense date has been established, JCPH will post an announcement to

the Jefferson Student Community on Blackboard. The presentation portion of the Defense

may be attended by other faculty, students, and invited guests. The oral presentation should

last no more than 45 minutes and include an overview of the student’s research, following the

structure of the Dissertation. A 15-minute general audience question period follows the oral

presentation. After the public oral presentation period, the student will meet privately with

the Dissertation Committee and respond to questions and comments. This process constitutes

the Oral Defense of the Dissertation.

Evaluation of the Dissertation and Dissertation Defense

The Dissertation Committee is responsible for evaluating the Dissertation. The Committee will

deliberate and vote on the Dissertation following the Oral Defense of the Dissertation. During

deliberations, the student is asked to withdraw from the room. The Dissertation Committee

provides one of the following written determinations:

Pass without condition — The Dissertation Committee agrees that the Dissertation does

not require any changes. If the Dissertation Committee determines that the student

has passed the Dissertation and Oral Defense without condition, the Dissertation

Committee feels that the student has demonstrated sufficient mastery of the

Dissertation subject. Each Dissertation Committee member signs the Dissertation

Defense Signature Sheet. The Sheet is submitted to the Program Director and the

PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook 15

student earns a P (Pass) in PHS 811 or PHS 812 (as appropriate). This sheet is

forwarded to the Program Director and the Assistant Dean for Student and Alumni

Affairs, and makes the student eligible to begin the Graduation Certification Process.

Conditional pass — If the Dissertation Committee makes a conditional pass

determination, the Dissertation Committee feels that the student’s Dissertation or

Oral Defense does not meet expectations. The student is given the opportunity to

revise the Dissertation and/or attempt a second Oral Defense. The Dissertation

Committee will reevaluate the revised Dissertation or second Oral Defense and either

determine that the student has passed without condition or the student has failed.

The student may attempt only one rewrite or additional Oral Defense.

Failed — If the Dissertation Committee makes a failed determination, the Dissertation

Committee feels that the student’s Dissertation and/or Oral Defense (first or second

attempt) does not meet expectations. The student is not given the opportunity to

revise and resubmit, and the determination is grounds for dismissal from the program.


Appeals of any failed determinations in the Dissertation phase of the PhD and of program

dismissal decisions must be submitted in writing to the Associate Dean for Academic and

Student Affairs and are evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Appeals should demonstrate to the

College exceptional circumstances leading to a failed determination.

Submission of Final Dissertation and Additional Required Documents

After receiving a pass without condition determination, it is the student’s responsibility to

deliver a high-quality, edited and formatted Final Dissertation to the Program Director.

To be eligible for graduation, the following items must be completed as part of the program


A USB (flash drive) should be provided to the Program Director with the following


o A locked PDF file of the final Dissertation

o A copy of the IRB approval or exemption

o A scanned image of the Dissertation Defense Signature Sheet containing

signatures of each member of the Dissertation Committee

The original Dissertation Defense Signature Sheet containing signatures of each

Dissertation Committee member should be provided to the Program Director.

Paper copies of the Dissertation Defense Signature Sheet, corresponding to the

number of printed Dissertations ordered, should be provided to the Program Director.

16 PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook

The final Dissertation should be uploaded to Jefferson’s ProQuest website.

o The publishing fee and optional open-access and copyright fees are payable to

ProQuest LLC.

o Student must prepay for four hardbound copies of the final Dissertation for the

JCPH and University archives. Additional copies of the final Dissertation for the

student’s own use may be purchased for additional fees.

The signed Author Agreement Form for submitting the Dissertation to ProQuest should

be sent to the Program Director.

The online Survey of Earned Doctorates (SED) should be completed and the Certificate

of Completion should be emailed to the Program Director.

The JCPH Graduation Exit Survey, sent by the Jefferson Office of Institutional

Research, should be completed.

Note: There may be additional graduation requests by the Office of Financial Aid, the Office

of the Registrar or other University Offices.

PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook 17


The student should consult with the Program Director to determine the anticipated

graduation date. All students anticipating graduation in an academic year must complete the

Application for Degree and Contact Information Form in the fall of the academic year in

which graduation is anticipated. To meet a specific graduation date, students should refer to

the table below to determine the deadline for submission of degree requirements (See

Submission of Final Dissertation and Additional Required Documents).






Fall of academic year in which graduation is


November 30 December 31

April 1 May/June

July 31 August 31

*The deadline for the Application for Degree is the same for graduation in any semester of an

academic year. The registrar’s office typically emails eligible students with information about

the Application for Degree. If you do not receive an email by the end of October of the

academic year in which you anticipate graduating, please contact the Assistant Dean for

Student and Alumni Affairs or the Program Director.

18 PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook


The student:

1. Notifies in writing to the Program Director of his or her intention to initiate the

Comprehensive Examination.

2. Registers for PHS 800: Comprehensive Exam Prep.

3. Begins developing the Research Proposal (Part II of the Comprehensive Examination).

4. Registers for PHS 801: Comprehensive Exam in the semester in which the student expects

to complete the Comprehensive Examination.

5. Takes Part I of the Comprehensive Examination.

6. Receives the Comprehensive Examination Committee’s written determination on Part I.

Only after Part I has been successfully passed may the student submit Part II.

7. Submits the Research Proposal (Part II) to the Committee within 30 days of receiving a

pass without condition determination from the Committee for Part I of the Examination.

8. Receives the Committee’s written determination on the written Research Proposal (Part

II). If applicable, the student may revise the Research Proposal.

9. Presents the Research Proposal at the Oral Defense component of Part II of the

Examination. Responds to any comments or questions posed by the Committee.

10. Petitions in writing for advancement to candidacy for the PhD to the Program Director.1

11. Registers for and completes PHS 805: Dissertation Proposal Seminar with a passing grade.

12. Enrolls in PHS 807: Dissertation Proposal Defense. The student may enroll in up to three

consecutive semesters of PHS 807: Dissertation Proposal Defense until the Dissertation

Proposal is successfully defended.2

a. Depending on the Committee members and the student, the process of

preparing the Proposal for Defense is unique. In some cases, the Chair may

reserve the right to review several drafts before other Committee members are

consulted. In other cases, the student may work more closely with a specific

Committee member during the drafting process. Students should stay in close

contact their Committee Chair to find a mutually agreeable process. Final pre-

1 To be eligible, a student must have completed all required coursework (core and specialization) and

passed PHS 801: Comprehensive Exam.

2 During either (or both) PHS 805 and/or PHS 807, the student should be undertaking the process of

identification and convening of the Dissertation Committee and composing the draft of the Dissertation


PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook 19

Defense approval of the Proposal and initiation of the Defense process is at the discretion of the Dissertation Committee Chair.

b. Once the written Dissertation Proposal is approved by the Chair, he or she will notify the Program Director and a Dissertation Proposal Defense is scheduled. It is the responsibility of the student, working with their Dissertation Committee Chair and the Program Director, to schedule the Dissertation Proposal Defense. When the Committee has agreed on a date and time, JCPH administrative staff will help schedule a room in the College. All Dissertation Committee members are expected to attend the Defense, either in person or remotely.

13. Presents the Dissertation Proposal to the Dissertation Committee (closed session). Receives the Dissertation Committee’s written determination. If applicable, the student may make a second attempt on the Dissertation Proposal and/or Defense.

14. Enrolls in PHS 810: Dissertation during the semester after the Dissertation Proposal is successfully defended. Following PHS 810, students must also enroll in PHS 811: Dissertation to graduate. If additional time is needed to complete the Dissertation research, students may enroll in PHS 812: Dissertation in subsequent semesters. There is no limit on PHS 812 enrollment, as long as the student does not exceed the time to degree rule (see Student Handbook).

15. Obtains IRB approval once the Dissertation Proposal has been approved by the Dissertation Committee.

16. Conducts the Dissertation research and continues to develop the Dissertation manuscript in consultation with the Chair and with assistance from the other Dissertation Committee members. A mutually agreeable timeline for completion should be established by the student and Chair.

a. Each Dissertation project and each Dissertation Committee is unique. The student is expected to work with their Dissertation Committee Chair and Committee members as the research progresses to ensure that it is conducted in accordance with the approved Dissertation Proposal.

b. It is the responsibility of the student, with advisement from the Dissertation Chair, to ensure that the research conducted for the Dissertation is consistent with the approved Dissertation Proposal. When substantive changes to the approved project are considered, the Dissertation Chair should reconvene the Committee for approval, and a new Dissertation Proposal Defense Signature Sheet should be recorded in the student’s file.

17. Submits a draft of the completed Dissertation to all Dissertation Committee members and the Program Director for review and approval for a Defense. At this stage, the Committee may make recommendations for minor revisions.

18. Schedules the Dissertation Defense. It is the responsibility of the student, working with their Dissertation Committee Chair and the Program Director, to identify dates for the

20 PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook

Proposal Defense. When the Committee has agreed on a date and time, JCPH

administrative staff will help schedule a room in the College. All Dissertation Committee

members are expected to attend the Defense, either in person or remotely. The Program

Director will make a public announcement of the Dissertation Defense date and location.

19. Presents the Dissertation at a public forum.

20. Responds to questions and comments by the Dissertation Committee after the general

audience is dismissed. This process constitutes the Oral Defense of the Dissertation.

21. Receives the Dissertation Committee’s written determination within a week of the

Dissertation Oral Defense.

22. Finalizes format of the Dissertation.

23. Completes program requirements to be eligible for graduation.

Petition for Advancement to Candidacy

The Petition for Advancement to Candidacy may but submitted upon completion of all core and specialization coursework (including 3 credits of PHS 660 and 4 credits of PHS 700) and earning a passing grade in PHS 801 (signifying a successful Defense of both parts of the Comprehensive Examination). The proposed Dissertation topic and Chair may be changed at a later date. You may not register for PHS 805 or begin working on any part of the Dissertation until this form has been submitted and accepted by the College. Submit this completed form to the Assistant Dean for Student and Alumni Affairs.

Student Name: __________________________________________ Campus Key: ______________________ Email: _________________________________________________ Date Submitted: ___________________ Specialization: ⃝ Applied Health Economics and Outcomes Research (AHEOR) ⃝ Health Behavior Science ⃝ Health Policy ⃝ Healthcare Quality and Safety ATTACH an unofficial transcript, printed from Banner. ATTACH a copy of the official Comprehensive Examination determinations for Parts I and II. Term in which you plan to enroll in PHS 810: ___________________________________________________ Proposed Dissertation topic (tentative title): ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Proposed Dissertation Committee Chair: _______________________________________________________ By signing below, I affirm that I have met the eligibility criteria for advancement to candidacy, as described in the PhD Comprehensive Examination and Dissertation Handbook. Student: ____________________________________________________________ Date:________________


⃝ Request Approved

⃝ Request Denied; Reason: _________________________________________________________________ Program Director: ____________________________________________________ Date: ________________ Assistant Dean: ______________________________________________________ Date: ________________