PgDip/MSc in NGO Management - Cass Business School · shadowing a senior NGO manager or undertaking...

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PgDip/MSc in NGO Management Course overview October 2014

Centre for Charity EffectivenessIntellectual leadership: developing talent, enhancing performance

The Centre for Charity EffectivenessExcellent leadership and management are the lifeblood of any successful organisation. The huge sums invested every year by both private and public organisations in improving the leadership and management skills of senior staff are universally recognised as vital to this success.

The Centre for Charity Effectiveness believes it is equally essential to invest in the leaders, managers and other professionals working in the voluntary and community sector (VCS) to create a sustainable future.

To meet this need the Centre for Charity Effectiveness was established and is part of City University’s Cass Business School, one of the top rated business schools in Europe. It is the only centre of excellence which offers the full range of latest research, education, training, mentoring and consultancy for voluntary and community sector employees and volunteer leaders.

Course ObjectiveThe overall aim of the Programme is to enable students to develop the management competencies and analytical capabilities needed by those in leadership and management positions in international NGOs.

Our StudentsAll students will be highly motivated graduate-level people who bring a wide range of professional competence, skills and experience from a wide range of charitable and beyond profit organisations.

In general we ask for a good first degree, normally a 2.1 Honours degree from a British University or an equivalent qualification from a leading overseas institution and three plus years relevant experience at a senior level in a charity or beyond profit organisation.

Course StructureThe Postgraduate Diploma is offered on a part time basis and is taught over a period of 12 months.

The Diploma consists of four core modules, common to all Centre for Charity Effectiveness postgraduate courses which provide the essential underpinning of management skills, plus three specialist pathway modules.

All courses are taught at Cass Business School and will require attendance one weekend a month commencing on the Friday afternoon at 13.00 to 21.00 and finishing on Saturday at 18.00.

Additional times of attendance will be required:

• OntheInductionDay(theFridayoftheOctoberweekendofthecourse)• ForActionLearningSetmeeting(usuallyalternatemonths,onFridaymorningofthe

teaching weekend)• TheResourceManagementmoduleexam.

Upon successful completion of the diploma students will be given the option to continue to the MSc.

ThisrequiresstudentstotakethemoduleinResearchMethodsforManagers.Theymaythenelect to conduct six months of personal supervised research and the presentation of a 15,000 word dissertation. Alternatively they may choose to attend the three Specialist Pathway modules of one of the other courses as a Taught Masters.

Students opting to complete the Taught Masters now have the choice to complete the newly introduced Social Enterprise module rather than a second Shadowing/Fieldwork Exercise module as part of their specialist module selection.

Course Content

Core Modules

Learning and Understanding the Voluntary Sector

This module aims to enable the student to:

• Mapoutyourlearninganddevelopmentneeds• Settheseneedswithinthecontextoftheprogramme• Learnnewlearningandstudyskills• Developskillstoresearchafieldofstudyselectingrelevantinformationwhilstomitting

irrelevant discourse• Developskillstoanalyseandsynthesisecomplexinformationwithinacoherent

framework• UnderstandandgrasptheskillofworkinginanActionLearningSet(ALS)


• TheTheoryofLearning• Assessingyourlearningstyle• Learningandpolishingstudyskills• Makinguseofalltheavailabletools• DrawingupaLearningContract• Writingamasterslevelassignmentutilisingrelevantresearchtechniques.

Marketing and Fundraising

The aims of the module are:

• Toprovidestudentswiththeconcepts,underpinningknowledge,skillsandtechniquestoplan and develop marketing and operations systems.

• Toenablestudentstoanalysemarketingneeds,evaluatemarketingplans,inthecontextof applying marketing concepts to their own organisation.


• EffectiveMarketingInformationSystems• Developmentofamarketingstrategy• Product/Servicepolicyandnewproductdevelopment• RoleofCommunications• Branding• Pricingasavalue-addedmarketingtool• Capacityplanning–resourcesplanningandallocation• TotalQualityManagement• Stakeholder/Customercare.

Resource Management

This module aims to:

• Providestudentswithanunderstandingoftheprinciplesofresourcemanagementwithinthe specialist context of charities.


• Definitionsandthelegalframeworkofcharitiesandvoluntaryorganisations• TheroleoftheCharityCommission• Sourcesoffinanceforthecharitysector• Introductiontogeneralaccountingprinciples• Charityaccountsandregulatoryframework• Understanding,interpretingandanalysingcharityaccountingstatements

• Costingandbudgetinginvoluntaryorganisations• Riskassessment• Outsourcing• Appraising,appointinganddismissingauditorsandotherresourceconsultants

and experts • ITStrategicappraisalandimplementation• ThenatureofHumanResourceManagement• Humanresourceandpersonnelissuesincludingtraininganddevelopment,rewardand

retention and effective selection and recruitment.

Strategy, Diversity and Governance

The aims of the module are:

•Todevelopabroadknowledgeandconceptualbaseinthefieldofstrategydevelopment,diversity and governance

• Introducepracticaltoolstohelpimprovethequalityofanorganisation’sstrategicresponse to the changing environment

• Introducepracticaltoolstohelpimprovetheabilityoftheorganisationanditsmanagersand leaders to build a diverse workforce

• Provideanenhancedappreciationoftheconstraintsandopportunitiesofferedbythe changing governance and service-delivery frameworks which affect voluntary organisations.


Improving an organisation’s strategic response by use of strategy and diversity management and theory:

• Approachestodevelopingstrategy• Approachestomanagingdiversity• Thechangingenvironmentofthevoluntarysector• Casestudiesontheapplicationofstrategicplanninganddiversity• Governanceissuesinvoluntaryorganisations• Regulationofthecharitablesector.

Specialist Subject Modules

NGO Management: The Strategic Issues

This module aims to enable the student to:

• UnderstandthekeystrategicissuesfacingtheNGOsector• AnalysetheorganisationalchallengesfacinginternationalNGOs.


• Thedevelopmentenvironmentandstrategictrends• NGOs:organisationaltypesandstructures• TheissuesofmanagingNGOsinthecurrentaidarchitecture• ImplicationsofthechangingroleofINGOsandcivilsociety• ApplyingNGOprinciplesandvalues• GovernanceandworkingwithNGOBoards• NGOCapacitybuilding:trendsandeffectiveness• Developingstrategiesandstrategicplans• Buildingpartnershipsandmanaginginter-organisationalrelations.


This module aims to enable the student to have the opportunity to spend 4-5 days shadowing a senior NGO manager or undertaking a relevant fieldwork consultancy exercise with members of an NGO’s senior management team. These may include the opportunity to gain international experience by shadowing a senior staff member on an international assignment or working with the leadership team of an overseas partner. This will enable students to gain international exposure and cross-cultural perspectives on the way senior managers work and how decisions are made.

• DeveloptheirperspectiveontheroleandpracticeofseniorNGOmanagers• Allowstudentstoconsidertheethicalandenvironmentalissuesfacebyseniormanagers• Studyatclosehandthewaychangeismanagedataseniorlevel• Analysealternativeapproachestoimprovingtheirownandtheirorganisation’s



• DesignofShadowingProposallinkedtoLearningContractandnegotiationwithseniormanagerofshadowedorganisation(approvedbytheAcademicLeader)

• 4-5daysshadowingseniormanagerorfieldworkconsultancyexercise–observingandlearning from them

• Reflectionsusingallthetheoriesandmodelslearntontheprogrammepreparationofreflectivereportcontaininganalysisandreflections.

Managing NGOs: People and Practice

This module aims to enable the student to:

• CriticallyappreciatetheissuesNGOmanagersface• Developtheskillsandcompetenciestoworkeffectivelywithdifferentpeopleandthe

processes and practices involved.


•Managingeffective,accountableandsustainableNGOs•NGOLeadersandLeadershipDevelopment• NGOmanagementcompetencies• Dimensionsofcross-culturalmanagementinNGOcontext• ManagingPeople&TeamsinNGOs• ODandorganisationalchangeinNGOs• PromotingorganisationallearningandinnovationinNGOs• Currentissuesinmonitoring&evaluation.

Term Dates


ModulesInduction 03 October 2014*

LearningandUnderstandingtheVoluntarySector 03–04October2014

MarketingandFundraising 07–08November2014

Strategy,DiversityandGovernance 12–13December2014 09–10January2015

ResourceManagement 06–07February2015 06–07March2015 17–18April2015

NGOManagement:TheStrategicIssues 29–30May2015 26June2015

ManagingNGOs:PeopleandPractices 27June2015 24–25July2015

Shadowing to be completed by early August 2015

CourseReviewDay(mandatory) 04September2015

Examination Dates

ResourceManagement Friday08May2015 14.00 to 17.00

Teaching normally takes place between 13.00 and 21.00 on Friday, and 09.15 to 17.30 on Saturday. The following denote exceptions:

*all day (09.00 to 19.00)

AnActionLearningSetsessionwilltakeplaceontheFridaymorningofeachalternateteaching module.

Masters (conversion)

Masters by Dissertation

(Dates tbc)

ResearchMethodsforManagers 22–23January2016

DissertationProposalReviewDay 19February2016

Dissertation due15September2016

Taught Masters ResearchMethodsforManagers 22–23January2016

All Specialist Pathway modules of one of the other courses:

Adv.CharityAccounting,AuditandTaxation** 13–14May2016 17June201

VoluntarySectorFinancialManagement 18June2016 15–16July2016

Fieldworkexercise*** tobecomletedbyearlyAugust2016


Fundraising** 13–14May2016 17June2016

StrategicCharityMarketing 18June2016 15–16July2016

Fieldworkexercise*** tobecompletedbyearlyAugust2016


PrinciplesandPracticesofGrantmaking** 13–14May2016 17June2016

ManagementofGrantmaking 18June2016 15–16July2016

Fieldworkexercise*** tobecompletedbyearlyAugust2016


Organisation,LeadershipandChange 20–21May2016 17June2016

ManagingPeopleandQuality 18June2016 15–16July2016

Shadowing*** tobecompletedbyearlyAugust2016

Examination Dates

AppliestoModulesmarkedwith**only 08July2016(14.00to17.00)

Teaching normally takes place between 13.00 and 21.00 on Friday, and 09.15 to 17.30 on Saturday.

*** Alternative module option SocialEnterprise 19–20February2016 18–19March2016

The facultyThe faculty represents a combination of leading academics and practitioners.

Stephen Bubb is Chief Executive of the Association of Chief Executives of Voluntary Organisations (ACEVO). Involved in leadership and sector funding which has radically shifted attitudes and policies. Currently leading the establishment of a Third Sector LeadershipCentre,andamemberofTheSundayTimes/YouGovThinkTank.

Professor Ian Bruce CBE is a Visiting Professor and his particular interest is strategic planningandmarketingforcharities.HeisVicePresidentoftheRoyalNationalInstituteof the Blind and was previously Chief Executive of two national charities, a Chief Officer in local government and manager in the private sector.

Professor David Clark is a Chartered Accountant acting as an independent consultant to charities. From 1987 to 2005 he was a member of the Charities and Not-for-Profit Unit of haysmacintyre and predecessor firms, the last 15 years as an audit partner. He continues to act as a Consultant to haysmacintyre and is a Visiting Professor at Cass Business School. He is actively involved in advising a wide range of charity sector clients on their financial managementandhasdevelopedaspecialisationinreligiouscharities,especiallyRomanCatholicDiocesesandReligiousOrders.

Caroline Copeman is a Senior Visiting Fellow. She has 20 years senior experience in the commercial, public and voluntary sectors and has particular knowledge of strategy development and business planning, human resource management, change management, leadership and organisational development.

Professor Stuart Etherington is Chief Executive of NCVO. Throughout his career he has been involved in the leadership of voluntary organisations and policies surrounding them. As such he has become a leading commentator, both through his writing and his media profile.

Dr Peter Grant is Senior Teaching Fellow in the Faculty of Management and the academic leader on the MSc Grantmaking, Philanthropy and Social Investment programme. Peter worked in the Arts and then as Director of an inner city charity for eight years. He joined SportEnglandattheinceptionoftheNationalLotterywherehewasrespectivelyDeputyDirector of Operations and then Head of Public Affairs and Development. From 1999 to 2004 he was Director of Operations of the New Opportunities Fund.

Professor John Hailey is a Senior Teaching Fellow at Cass Business School and the academic leader on the MSc NGO Management. He is also an independent consultant. Formerly, he was Professor of International Management and Deputy Director of Oxford Brookes University Business School, Director of the International Development Centre at CranfieldSchoolofManagement,andaResearchFellowattheEastWestCenterinHawaii.He was also one of the founders of the Oxford-based International NGO Training and ResearchCentre(INTRAC),andwasthefirstDirectorofINTRAC’sPraxisProgrammewhichwas established to inform the development of new approaches to capacity building and managing change.

Professor Jenny Harrow, Professor of Voluntary Sector Management in the Centre for Charity Effectiveness, has extensive academic and practitioner experience in the voluntary sector.SheistheCo-directoroftheESRCCentreforCharitableGivingandPhilanthropyand is a collaborative researcher, with research clients including Communities Scotland, theCommunityFund,theJosephRowntreeFoundationandtheNCVO.Shehasastrongtrack record in doctoral supervision and is an active trustee in the fields of disability and community action.

Professor Andrew Hind is a Visiting Professor in Charity Governance and Finance. He is the jointmoduleleaderforResourceManagementandVoluntarySectorFinancialManagementwith Professor Paul Palmer. He was previously the Chief Executive of the Charity Commission and currently Editor of the Charity Finance Magazine.

Professor Stephen LeeisAcademicLeaderforthePgDip/MScCharityMarketingandFundraising programme. He is an active researcher and leading commentator on strategy development, marketing, fundraising, ethics and non-profit governance issues. He entered the voluntary sector in 1982 as Deputy Chief Executive at the Charities Advisory Trust and Directory of Social Change. Following further senior appointments in the not-for-profit sector, he held the post of Director of the Institute of Fundraising (IOF) for a period of eleven years.

Professor Paul Palmer is the Associate Dean for Ethics, Sustainability and Community Engagement at Cass Business School as well as the Centre’s Course Director for the specialist charity Masters programmes. As the author of several books on charity finance and governance, he also contributes to NCVO’s web-based helpline and is a member of the CharityCommission’sSORPcommittee.Previouslyheworkedinseniorpositionsinthevoluntary sector.

Atul Patel is a Senior Teaching Fellow and the academic leader on the MSc Voluntary Sector Management.Qualifiedinsocialwork,hehasspentmorethan15yearsworkinginthevoluntary and statutory sectors. His particular interests are in management development, strategy development, diversity development, assessment of complex staffing situations and advising trustees.

Ray Jones is Head of Accountancy Policy at the Charity Commission and is module leader for one of the specialist pathway modules on the Charity Accounting and Financial Management course.

Current and past contributors and guest lecturers include:

PgDip/MSc Charity Accounting and Financial Management

Tony Austin TaxPartner,Mazars,LondonRegionKevin Barnes Finance Director, BarnadosDon Bawtree Partner and Head of Charity Unit, BDO Stoy HaywardPaul Breckell FinanceDirector,RNIDJames Brook-Turner Finance Director, Nuffield FoundationGeoff Burnand Social FinanceJim Clifford Partner, Baker TillyGreyham Dawes Director,CharitiesUnit,HorwathClarkWhitehillKenneth Dibble HeadoftheLegalDivision,CharityCommissionGraham Elliott VATPartner,WithersNeil Finlayson Charities Partner, Kingston Smith Chartered AccountantsPesh Framjee Partner,HorwathClarkWhitehill,CharityUnitPeter Gotham ChairofCharitiesSpecialInterestGroup,ICAEWBob Humphreys OxfamRobert Meakin Partner, Stone King SolicitorsPaul Mitchell Newton Investment ManagementRussell Moore Charity VAT consultant, Saffrey ChampnessRick Payne ICAEWFinanceInnovationLabAndrew Pitt Head of Charities, Newton Investment ManagementAdrian Poffley WorldBankDavid Rowe Head of Charities Unit, UBSMark Salway FinanceDirector,CAREInternationalKate Sayer Partner, Sayer VincentAlan Sharpe FinanceDirector,RSPB;Chairman,CharitiesConsortiumJulian Smith Partner, Farrer and CoJohn Tate IT Advisor (Charity Finance Group, Charity Technology Trust)Andrew Wauchope Head of Charities, UBS

PgDip/MSc Charity Marketing and Fundraising

Mark Astarita ChairIOF&DirectorofFundraisingBritishRedCrossKen Burnett Fundraising ForumJane Cunningham CEO Personal Telephone FundraisingFiona Hesselden ConsultantatUNHCRInternationalGiles Pegram ConsultantRichard Radcliffe Chairman,LegacyCampaignDevelopment,Smee&Ford

PgDip/MSc Grantmaking, Philanthropy and Social Investment

Steven Burkeman Chief Executive, Board Member and Volunteer in not-for-profit sectorDavid Carpenter DirectorTrioplusConsultantsandformerDirector,Lottery Sports FundChristine Elliott ChiefExecutive,RamblersAssociationMargo Horsley Consultant and Trainer for trusts, foundations, LotterydistributorsandcharitiesJulia Kaufmann Freelance evaluator, trainer and capacity builderProfessor Diana Leat Visiting Professor, Cass Business SchoolSarah Mistry HeadofResearch,BigLotteryFundGerald Oppenheim DirectorofPlanningandPerformance,BigLotteryFundCathy Pharoah FormerHeadofResearch,CharitiesAidFoundationNigel Siederer RunsGoodFoundationsConsultancyClare Thomas MBE Chief Grants Officer, Bridge House TrustAnthony Tomei Director, Nuffield FoundationBeth Breeze Freelance researcher and writer specialising in philanthropy and charitable giving

PgDip/MSc NGO Management

Christine Allen Director progressioNeil Casey Chair, People in AidChris Cattaway IndependentConsultant,pm4ngo&GlobalAchievementsJames Crowley Accenture Development PartnershipCorinne Davey Director, CDDCBen Emmens DirectorofHumanResourceServices,PeopleinAidAnna Feuchtwang Director, Every ChildAnne Garbutt ConsultanciesDirector,INTRACAlex Jacobs DirectorofQuality,PLANInternationalBen Jackson Director, BONDRick James SeniorConsultant,INTRACDavid Lewis ProfessorofSocialPolicy,LSERachel Manton Accenture Development PartnershipPeter Moore Action Aid, International BoardChristie Peacock CEO, Farm AfricaNick Roseveare Former Director, BOND

PgDip/MSc Voluntary Sector Management

Debra Allcock-Tyler Chief Executive, Directory of Social ChangeAndrew Baines RoyalBritishLegionFiona Bartels-Ellis Head, Equal Opportunity and Diversity, British CouncilKate Bowgett VolunteerManagementAdvisor,LondonMuseumsHubDorit Braun Parentline PlusSimon Davey OmegaAlphaLtdPaul Hemming SouthernRegionChildlineVeronique Jochum NCVOSusan Kay-Williams Garden OrganicNigel Lewis Chief Executive, Ability NetBharat Mehta Chief Executive, City ParochialTony Newby BTCVLouise Savell ARKValerie Tulloch NCHSally Warren GenerateKarl Wilding Director of Public Policy, NCVO

Course FeesThe fees for the programme are:

Postgraduate Diploma £5,850

MSc Conversion £3,150

Fees can be paid in two instalments. The first has to be paid to complete registration. If sponsored, the sponsoring charity will be invoiced around the start date of the course. If paying in instalments the second one is due in the first week in April 2015. Any deposit paid to secure your place will be deducted from the first instalment.

For those converting the diploma to MSc the fee of £3,150 is payable as a single payment in the second year.

For any further enquiries, please contact the Charity Programmes Office

Centre for Charity EffectivenessCass Business School106BunhillRowLondonEC1Y8TZT: +44 (0)20 7040 5114E:

Cass Business SchoolIn 2002, City University’s Business School was renamed Sir John Cass Business School following a generous donation towards the development of its new building in Bunhill Row. The School’s name is usually abbreviated to Cass Business School. Sir John Cass’s FoundationSir John Cass’s Foundation has supported education in London since the 18th century and takes its name from its founder, Sir John Cass, who established a school in Aldgate in 1710. Born in the City of London in 1661, Sir John served as an MP for the City and was knighted in 1713.