PFD Appendix B - Correspondence - · Dennis Hull, Fire Commissioner/ Chairman Prattsville...

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Transcript of PFD Appendix B - Correspondence - · Dennis Hull, Fire Commissioner/ Chairman Prattsville...

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To US Fish and Wildlife Service New York Field Oflice FAX 607) 753-9699 Email sandra_duranjmiddotsgov ivlaryEilcn VanDun5t)fr rw~gnv and 1cgnn_ PatchiJfwsgcw

r2J Request for review pursuant to Section 7(a)(2) t~fthe Endangered Species Act of 1973

Dcdaratinn 1 18] FEMA 4020 DR NY 0 FEMA 4031 OR NY Date November 7 2013 EMMIE PW PA-0deg-NY-4020-PW-08086( I l Project name Prattsville Fire Station Construction Project Appicllnt Pmttsville Fire District Location Main StreetNYS Route J 3 Prattsville NY 1468 County Greene Latitude 4231738 Longitude -74432055 FEMA GHP Representative Alex Cole-Corde Environmental Protection Soecialist Proj~ct description Fire station construction orojcct site nrimarilv a mcadmv onlv 10 trees arc to be removed for access fZ1 See attachment for additional infonnation Rererence consultation dated II 0613

Threatened (T) Endangered (E) or Cnndidutc (C) species under USFVS jurmiddotisdiction tith potential to occur in proposed project areu-

0 Bog turtle - T 0 Dwnrfwedgernusse( ~ E [g) Indiana bat-E 0 Kanter blue butterfly- E 0 Nevmiddot England cottontail- C 0 Small whorled pogonia- E

0 Northern wild monk$hood- T 0 Piping plover- T 0 Sandplain gcmrdia ~ E 0 Seabeach amaranth - T [g) Northern long-eared bat- rC

FEMA has determined the proposed project

[]mayaftect~~--~~~--~--~--~--~~~~~--~~~~--~~r-~~~~~---Q may afTcct but is not likely to adversely affect Both the Indiana bat fvmis sodali~middot and rhc Northern ion 1-eared bat Lfvoris semetmmiddotionais)

0 is I i kc ly to adversely a llcct --------~---------------------------------=----~ See attachment for the mtionale fbr the above~listcd dcterrnination(s) and project description fEMA recommended conditions Tree removal shall onlv be pennitted between Novtmber Istand March 31st avt1id removal of stan dint trees (live or dead) Qreater than or equal to 4 inches DBH with loose bark (eg shagbark and shell hark hickorv) if possible and use brinJn color flmlim or fencine prior to construction activities to desienate trees for removal from protected trees

FEMA requests [8] lJSFVS review amior conturrence with our Section 7 consultation derermination 0 Additional assistance to make our Section 7 consultation determination

The US Fish and Wildlife Sen-icc B concurs Vith your NL TA detern1ination(s) no 0 requests additional infimmllion

further ESA consultat ncoordination required ~

USFVS Contact ~J --lt~ ~ Date 1-F-203

Supcrv isor Approval _gbtcl__middot_-Lltt~---------=--=------------------ Date Jf hcJD I

2012-11-07 1449 HULL VENTURES LLC 5182993278 gtgt 5186229047 p 12

Kenneth Nolte Building InspectorFloodplain Manager Town of Prattsville

PO Box 418 Prattsville NY 12468

(607)588- 9853

September 24 2012

Dennis Hull Fire Commissioner Chairman Prattsville Fire District PO Box 397 Prattsville NV 12468

Dear Mr Hull

After evaluating the substantial damage sustained from Hurricane Irene on August 28 2011 to the Prattsville Fire District buildings I have determined the following needs for the fire district regarding repairs to your buildings

According to the Existing Building Code of New York State latest version 2010 the buildings will need to be brought Into compliance with the Building Code of New York State and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE 24-5) for Flood Resistant Design and Construction because the damage sustained to the fire districts buildings exceeds 50 of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred

Some of the major requirements that are of concern to repair of the buildings in their current location are as follows

1 The firehouse would need to be raised 2 feet above the base flood elevation This is approximately 3 feet up from Its current location A Flood Elevation Certificate will be required to determine the exact height

2 All structUral elements of the facility would need to meet the current Building Code of New York State including Seismic requirements

3 Special geotechnical considerations will be required for the new foundation design 4 AOA requirements will need to be addressed to meet all current codes 5 All mechanical electrical and plumbing will also need to meet ail current code standards

2012-11-07 1449 HULL VENTURES LLC 5182993278 )gt)gt 5186229047 p 22

Therefore it is my opinion that the building should be razed and a new building built on higher ground out of the flood hazard area

If I could be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me


~JJc_famp~~ Kenneth Nolte Building InspectorFloodplain Manager Town of Prattsville

US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor

New York NY 10278-0002


~ltNo ~~middotY

November 7 2013

Chief Randy Hmi St Regis Mohawk Tribe 412 State Route 37 Akwesasne NY 13655 aberosrmt-nsngov-Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstruction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Chief Hmi

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconstruction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped propetiy along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section I 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Pmi 800 and as authorized by the US Depmiment of Homeland Security - FEMA we mmiddote initiating consultation with you Chief Randy Hmi and the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the St Regis Mohawk Tribe regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 2011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately I 801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four ( 4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident pmiions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was ruled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the 1 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR

94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconsttUct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 nm1h of Wright Street and secondary access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the I 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (nm1h from east to west) is partially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconsttUct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hartgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site nm1h of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the northern extent of the APE In situ artifacts identified there are concentrated at the nm1h end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that report are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Unde11aking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to consttUct a 50 feet x 250 feet sttUcture on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and fire fighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your coiTespondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other pm1ies tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfemagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external pa1ties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of tllis letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at D01maBologninofemadhsgov


~~~~ Dr Kelly Britt Archaeologist

Enclosures Figures I and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey

cc Arnold Printup Jr


US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

~-_fJvn s~-~ ~FEMA

November 7 2013

Arnold Printup Jr Tribal Historic Preservation Officer St Regis Mohawk Tribe 412 State Route 3 7 Akwesasne NY 13655 arnoldprintupsrmt-nsngov -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Mr Printup Jr

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconsttuction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped prope1iy along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

Tllis project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800 and as authorized by the US Depmiment of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and Chief Randy Hart of the St Regis Mohawk Tribe regarding the proposed reconstmction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 2011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four (4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident pmiions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was ruled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondary access fimiddotom Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the l 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (no1th from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundmmiddoty line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hmtgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the nmthern extent of the APE In situ mtifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that report are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description ofUnde1taking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet stmcture on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you mmiddote aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other parties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

2www femagov

Dr Kelly M Britt US Depmiment of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external pmiies without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prallsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey

cc Chief Hati

wwwfemagov 3

US Deparlmcnt of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002


November 7 2013

Sherry White Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans W13447 Camp 14 Road Bowler WI 54416 sheny whi temohican-nsn gov -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Ms White

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconstmction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Patt 800 and as authorized by the US Depmtment of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 262011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four ( 4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the 1 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures 1 and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondary access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the 1 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pattially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hattgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Catnmer Farm site n01th of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the n01thern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that rep01t are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undertaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to construct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other parties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfcmagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Do111la Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Dr Kelly Britt Archaeologist

Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor

New York NY 10278-0002

~-~FEMA_~~An st

November 7 2013

Dr Brice Obermeyer Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Delaware Tribe oflndians 1420 C of E Drive Suite 190 Emporia KS 66891 bobermeyerdelawaretribeorg -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section I 06 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Dr Obetmeyer

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconshuction of a new fumiddote station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section I 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800 and as authorized by the US Department of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Delaware Tribe oflndians regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 20 II to September 5 20 II The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four (4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CPR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CPR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondaty access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the I 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the I 00-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hartgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the northern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that repott are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undettaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points frontto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other patties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfemagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov



Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St

Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University

Emporia KS 66801 (620) 341-6699

lllbemlQ_YJds~la wa retri bs_Qrg

December 10 2013 US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA Attn Dotma Bolognino Leo OBrien Federal Building II A Clinton Avenue Suite 742 Albany NY 12207

Re Fire Station Reconstruction Project Greene Co FEMA-4020-DR-NY

Dear Donna Bolognino

Thank you for providing the survey report for the above referenced project Our review also indicates that there are no religious or culturally significant sites in this project area and we have no objection to the proposed project We defer comment to your office as well as to the State Historic Preservation Office andor the State Archaeologist

However we ask that if any human remains are accidentally unearthed during the course of the project that you cease development immediately and inform the Delaware Tribe of Indians of the inadvetient discovery

If you have any questions feel free to contact this office by phone at (620) 341-6699 or by e-mail at bobcrmevcrgylawarctrihcgrg


3ult-amp Brice Obermeyer Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University Emporia KS 6680 I

To US Fish and Wildlife Service New York Field Oflice FAX 607) 753-9699 Email sandra_duranjmiddotsgov ivlaryEilcn VanDun5t)fr rw~gnv and 1cgnn_ PatchiJfwsgcw

r2J Request for review pursuant to Section 7(a)(2) t~fthe Endangered Species Act of 1973

Dcdaratinn 1 18] FEMA 4020 DR NY 0 FEMA 4031 OR NY Date November 7 2013 EMMIE PW PA-0deg-NY-4020-PW-08086( I l Project name Prattsville Fire Station Construction Project Appicllnt Pmttsville Fire District Location Main StreetNYS Route J 3 Prattsville NY 1468 County Greene Latitude 4231738 Longitude -74432055 FEMA GHP Representative Alex Cole-Corde Environmental Protection Soecialist Proj~ct description Fire station construction orojcct site nrimarilv a mcadmv onlv 10 trees arc to be removed for access fZ1 See attachment for additional infonnation Rererence consultation dated II 0613

Threatened (T) Endangered (E) or Cnndidutc (C) species under USFVS jurmiddotisdiction tith potential to occur in proposed project areu-

0 Bog turtle - T 0 Dwnrfwedgernusse( ~ E [g) Indiana bat-E 0 Kanter blue butterfly- E 0 Nevmiddot England cottontail- C 0 Small whorled pogonia- E

0 Northern wild monk$hood- T 0 Piping plover- T 0 Sandplain gcmrdia ~ E 0 Seabeach amaranth - T [g) Northern long-eared bat- rC

FEMA has determined the proposed project

[]mayaftect~~--~~~--~--~--~--~~~~~--~~~~--~~r-~~~~~---Q may afTcct but is not likely to adversely affect Both the Indiana bat fvmis sodali~middot and rhc Northern ion 1-eared bat Lfvoris semetmmiddotionais)

0 is I i kc ly to adversely a llcct --------~---------------------------------=----~ See attachment for the mtionale fbr the above~listcd dcterrnination(s) and project description fEMA recommended conditions Tree removal shall onlv be pennitted between Novtmber Istand March 31st avt1id removal of stan dint trees (live or dead) Qreater than or equal to 4 inches DBH with loose bark (eg shagbark and shell hark hickorv) if possible and use brinJn color flmlim or fencine prior to construction activities to desienate trees for removal from protected trees

FEMA requests [8] lJSFVS review amior conturrence with our Section 7 consultation derermination 0 Additional assistance to make our Section 7 consultation determination

The US Fish and Wildlife Sen-icc B concurs Vith your NL TA detern1ination(s) no 0 requests additional infimmllion

further ESA consultat ncoordination required ~

USFVS Contact ~J --lt~ ~ Date 1-F-203

Supcrv isor Approval _gbtcl__middot_-Lltt~---------=--=------------------ Date Jf hcJD I

2012-11-07 1449 HULL VENTURES LLC 5182993278 gtgt 5186229047 p 12

Kenneth Nolte Building InspectorFloodplain Manager Town of Prattsville

PO Box 418 Prattsville NY 12468

(607)588- 9853

September 24 2012

Dennis Hull Fire Commissioner Chairman Prattsville Fire District PO Box 397 Prattsville NV 12468

Dear Mr Hull

After evaluating the substantial damage sustained from Hurricane Irene on August 28 2011 to the Prattsville Fire District buildings I have determined the following needs for the fire district regarding repairs to your buildings

According to the Existing Building Code of New York State latest version 2010 the buildings will need to be brought Into compliance with the Building Code of New York State and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE 24-5) for Flood Resistant Design and Construction because the damage sustained to the fire districts buildings exceeds 50 of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred

Some of the major requirements that are of concern to repair of the buildings in their current location are as follows

1 The firehouse would need to be raised 2 feet above the base flood elevation This is approximately 3 feet up from Its current location A Flood Elevation Certificate will be required to determine the exact height

2 All structUral elements of the facility would need to meet the current Building Code of New York State including Seismic requirements

3 Special geotechnical considerations will be required for the new foundation design 4 AOA requirements will need to be addressed to meet all current codes 5 All mechanical electrical and plumbing will also need to meet ail current code standards

2012-11-07 1449 HULL VENTURES LLC 5182993278 )gt)gt 5186229047 p 22

Therefore it is my opinion that the building should be razed and a new building built on higher ground out of the flood hazard area

If I could be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me


~JJc_famp~~ Kenneth Nolte Building InspectorFloodplain Manager Town of Prattsville

US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor

New York NY 10278-0002


~ltNo ~~middotY

November 7 2013

Chief Randy Hmi St Regis Mohawk Tribe 412 State Route 37 Akwesasne NY 13655 aberosrmt-nsngov-Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstruction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Chief Hmi

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconstruction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped propetiy along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section I 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Pmi 800 and as authorized by the US Depmiment of Homeland Security - FEMA we mmiddote initiating consultation with you Chief Randy Hmi and the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the St Regis Mohawk Tribe regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 2011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately I 801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four ( 4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident pmiions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was ruled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the 1 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR

94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconsttUct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 nm1h of Wright Street and secondary access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the I 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (nm1h from east to west) is partially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconsttUct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hartgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site nm1h of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the northern extent of the APE In situ artifacts identified there are concentrated at the nm1h end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that report are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Unde11aking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to consttUct a 50 feet x 250 feet sttUcture on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and fire fighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your coiTespondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other pm1ies tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfemagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external pa1ties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of tllis letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at D01maBologninofemadhsgov


~~~~ Dr Kelly Britt Archaeologist

Enclosures Figures I and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey

cc Arnold Printup Jr


US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

~-_fJvn s~-~ ~FEMA

November 7 2013

Arnold Printup Jr Tribal Historic Preservation Officer St Regis Mohawk Tribe 412 State Route 3 7 Akwesasne NY 13655 arnoldprintupsrmt-nsngov -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Mr Printup Jr

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconsttuction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped prope1iy along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

Tllis project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800 and as authorized by the US Depmiment of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and Chief Randy Hart of the St Regis Mohawk Tribe regarding the proposed reconstmction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 2011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four (4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident pmiions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was ruled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondary access fimiddotom Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the l 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (no1th from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundmmiddoty line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hmtgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the nmthern extent of the APE In situ mtifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that report are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description ofUnde1taking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet stmcture on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you mmiddote aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other parties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

2www femagov

Dr Kelly M Britt US Depmiment of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external pmiies without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prallsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey

cc Chief Hati

wwwfemagov 3

US Deparlmcnt of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002


November 7 2013

Sherry White Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans W13447 Camp 14 Road Bowler WI 54416 sheny whi temohican-nsn gov -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Ms White

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconstmction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Patt 800 and as authorized by the US Depmtment of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 262011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four ( 4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the 1 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures 1 and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondary access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the 1 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pattially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hattgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Catnmer Farm site n01th of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the n01thern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that rep01t are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undertaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to construct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other parties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfcmagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Do111la Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Dr Kelly Britt Archaeologist

Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor

New York NY 10278-0002

~-~FEMA_~~An st

November 7 2013

Dr Brice Obermeyer Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Delaware Tribe oflndians 1420 C of E Drive Suite 190 Emporia KS 66891 bobermeyerdelawaretribeorg -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section I 06 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Dr Obetmeyer

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconshuction of a new fumiddote station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section I 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800 and as authorized by the US Department of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Delaware Tribe oflndians regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 20 II to September 5 20 II The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four (4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CPR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CPR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondaty access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the I 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the I 00-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hartgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the northern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that repott are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undettaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points frontto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other patties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfemagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov



Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St

Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University

Emporia KS 66801 (620) 341-6699

lllbemlQ_YJds~la wa retri bs_Qrg

December 10 2013 US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA Attn Dotma Bolognino Leo OBrien Federal Building II A Clinton Avenue Suite 742 Albany NY 12207

Re Fire Station Reconstruction Project Greene Co FEMA-4020-DR-NY

Dear Donna Bolognino

Thank you for providing the survey report for the above referenced project Our review also indicates that there are no religious or culturally significant sites in this project area and we have no objection to the proposed project We defer comment to your office as well as to the State Historic Preservation Office andor the State Archaeologist

However we ask that if any human remains are accidentally unearthed during the course of the project that you cease development immediately and inform the Delaware Tribe of Indians of the inadvetient discovery

If you have any questions feel free to contact this office by phone at (620) 341-6699 or by e-mail at bobcrmevcrgylawarctrihcgrg


3ult-amp Brice Obermeyer Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University Emporia KS 6680 I

2012-11-07 1449 HULL VENTURES LLC 5182993278 gtgt 5186229047 p 12

Kenneth Nolte Building InspectorFloodplain Manager Town of Prattsville

PO Box 418 Prattsville NY 12468

(607)588- 9853

September 24 2012

Dennis Hull Fire Commissioner Chairman Prattsville Fire District PO Box 397 Prattsville NV 12468

Dear Mr Hull

After evaluating the substantial damage sustained from Hurricane Irene on August 28 2011 to the Prattsville Fire District buildings I have determined the following needs for the fire district regarding repairs to your buildings

According to the Existing Building Code of New York State latest version 2010 the buildings will need to be brought Into compliance with the Building Code of New York State and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE 24-5) for Flood Resistant Design and Construction because the damage sustained to the fire districts buildings exceeds 50 of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred

Some of the major requirements that are of concern to repair of the buildings in their current location are as follows

1 The firehouse would need to be raised 2 feet above the base flood elevation This is approximately 3 feet up from Its current location A Flood Elevation Certificate will be required to determine the exact height

2 All structUral elements of the facility would need to meet the current Building Code of New York State including Seismic requirements

3 Special geotechnical considerations will be required for the new foundation design 4 AOA requirements will need to be addressed to meet all current codes 5 All mechanical electrical and plumbing will also need to meet ail current code standards

2012-11-07 1449 HULL VENTURES LLC 5182993278 )gt)gt 5186229047 p 22

Therefore it is my opinion that the building should be razed and a new building built on higher ground out of the flood hazard area

If I could be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me


~JJc_famp~~ Kenneth Nolte Building InspectorFloodplain Manager Town of Prattsville

US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor

New York NY 10278-0002


~ltNo ~~middotY

November 7 2013

Chief Randy Hmi St Regis Mohawk Tribe 412 State Route 37 Akwesasne NY 13655 aberosrmt-nsngov-Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstruction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Chief Hmi

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconstruction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped propetiy along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section I 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Pmi 800 and as authorized by the US Depmiment of Homeland Security - FEMA we mmiddote initiating consultation with you Chief Randy Hmi and the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the St Regis Mohawk Tribe regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 2011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately I 801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four ( 4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident pmiions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was ruled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the 1 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR

94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconsttUct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 nm1h of Wright Street and secondary access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the I 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (nm1h from east to west) is partially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconsttUct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hartgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site nm1h of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the northern extent of the APE In situ artifacts identified there are concentrated at the nm1h end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that report are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Unde11aking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to consttUct a 50 feet x 250 feet sttUcture on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and fire fighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your coiTespondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other pm1ies tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfemagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external pa1ties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of tllis letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at D01maBologninofemadhsgov


~~~~ Dr Kelly Britt Archaeologist

Enclosures Figures I and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey

cc Arnold Printup Jr


US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

~-_fJvn s~-~ ~FEMA

November 7 2013

Arnold Printup Jr Tribal Historic Preservation Officer St Regis Mohawk Tribe 412 State Route 3 7 Akwesasne NY 13655 arnoldprintupsrmt-nsngov -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Mr Printup Jr

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconsttuction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped prope1iy along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

Tllis project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800 and as authorized by the US Depmiment of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and Chief Randy Hart of the St Regis Mohawk Tribe regarding the proposed reconstmction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 2011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four (4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident pmiions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was ruled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondary access fimiddotom Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the l 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (no1th from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundmmiddoty line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hmtgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the nmthern extent of the APE In situ mtifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that report are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description ofUnde1taking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet stmcture on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you mmiddote aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other parties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

2www femagov

Dr Kelly M Britt US Depmiment of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external pmiies without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prallsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey

cc Chief Hati

wwwfemagov 3

US Deparlmcnt of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002


November 7 2013

Sherry White Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans W13447 Camp 14 Road Bowler WI 54416 sheny whi temohican-nsn gov -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Ms White

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconstmction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Patt 800 and as authorized by the US Depmtment of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 262011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four ( 4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the 1 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures 1 and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondary access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the 1 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pattially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hattgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Catnmer Farm site n01th of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the n01thern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that rep01t are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undertaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to construct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other parties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfcmagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Do111la Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Dr Kelly Britt Archaeologist

Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor

New York NY 10278-0002

~-~FEMA_~~An st

November 7 2013

Dr Brice Obermeyer Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Delaware Tribe oflndians 1420 C of E Drive Suite 190 Emporia KS 66891 bobermeyerdelawaretribeorg -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section I 06 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Dr Obetmeyer

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconshuction of a new fumiddote station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section I 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800 and as authorized by the US Department of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Delaware Tribe oflndians regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 20 II to September 5 20 II The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four (4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CPR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CPR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondaty access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the I 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the I 00-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hartgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the northern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that repott are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undettaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points frontto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other patties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfemagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov



Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St

Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University

Emporia KS 66801 (620) 341-6699

lllbemlQ_YJds~la wa retri bs_Qrg

December 10 2013 US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA Attn Dotma Bolognino Leo OBrien Federal Building II A Clinton Avenue Suite 742 Albany NY 12207

Re Fire Station Reconstruction Project Greene Co FEMA-4020-DR-NY

Dear Donna Bolognino

Thank you for providing the survey report for the above referenced project Our review also indicates that there are no religious or culturally significant sites in this project area and we have no objection to the proposed project We defer comment to your office as well as to the State Historic Preservation Office andor the State Archaeologist

However we ask that if any human remains are accidentally unearthed during the course of the project that you cease development immediately and inform the Delaware Tribe of Indians of the inadvetient discovery

If you have any questions feel free to contact this office by phone at (620) 341-6699 or by e-mail at bobcrmevcrgylawarctrihcgrg


3ult-amp Brice Obermeyer Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University Emporia KS 6680 I

2012-11-07 1449 HULL VENTURES LLC 5182993278 )gt)gt 5186229047 p 22

Therefore it is my opinion that the building should be razed and a new building built on higher ground out of the flood hazard area

If I could be of further assistance please do not hesitate to contact me


~JJc_famp~~ Kenneth Nolte Building InspectorFloodplain Manager Town of Prattsville

US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor

New York NY 10278-0002


~ltNo ~~middotY

November 7 2013

Chief Randy Hmi St Regis Mohawk Tribe 412 State Route 37 Akwesasne NY 13655 aberosrmt-nsngov-Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstruction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Chief Hmi

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconstruction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped propetiy along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section I 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Pmi 800 and as authorized by the US Depmiment of Homeland Security - FEMA we mmiddote initiating consultation with you Chief Randy Hmi and the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the St Regis Mohawk Tribe regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 2011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately I 801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four ( 4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident pmiions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was ruled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the 1 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR

94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconsttUct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 nm1h of Wright Street and secondary access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the I 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (nm1h from east to west) is partially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconsttUct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hartgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site nm1h of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the northern extent of the APE In situ artifacts identified there are concentrated at the nm1h end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that report are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Unde11aking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to consttUct a 50 feet x 250 feet sttUcture on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and fire fighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your coiTespondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other pm1ies tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfemagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external pa1ties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of tllis letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at D01maBologninofemadhsgov


~~~~ Dr Kelly Britt Archaeologist

Enclosures Figures I and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey

cc Arnold Printup Jr


US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

~-_fJvn s~-~ ~FEMA

November 7 2013

Arnold Printup Jr Tribal Historic Preservation Officer St Regis Mohawk Tribe 412 State Route 3 7 Akwesasne NY 13655 arnoldprintupsrmt-nsngov -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Mr Printup Jr

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconsttuction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped prope1iy along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

Tllis project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800 and as authorized by the US Depmiment of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and Chief Randy Hart of the St Regis Mohawk Tribe regarding the proposed reconstmction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 2011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four (4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident pmiions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was ruled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondary access fimiddotom Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the l 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (no1th from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundmmiddoty line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hmtgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the nmthern extent of the APE In situ mtifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that report are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description ofUnde1taking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet stmcture on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you mmiddote aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other parties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

2www femagov

Dr Kelly M Britt US Depmiment of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external pmiies without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prallsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey

cc Chief Hati

wwwfemagov 3

US Deparlmcnt of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002


November 7 2013

Sherry White Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans W13447 Camp 14 Road Bowler WI 54416 sheny whi temohican-nsn gov -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Ms White

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconstmction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Patt 800 and as authorized by the US Depmtment of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 262011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four ( 4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the 1 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures 1 and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondary access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the 1 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pattially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hattgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Catnmer Farm site n01th of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the n01thern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that rep01t are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undertaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to construct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other parties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfcmagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Do111la Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Dr Kelly Britt Archaeologist

Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor

New York NY 10278-0002

~-~FEMA_~~An st

November 7 2013

Dr Brice Obermeyer Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Delaware Tribe oflndians 1420 C of E Drive Suite 190 Emporia KS 66891 bobermeyerdelawaretribeorg -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section I 06 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Dr Obetmeyer

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconshuction of a new fumiddote station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section I 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800 and as authorized by the US Department of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Delaware Tribe oflndians regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 20 II to September 5 20 II The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four (4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CPR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CPR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondaty access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the I 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the I 00-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hartgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the northern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that repott are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undettaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points frontto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other patties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfemagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov



Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St

Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University

Emporia KS 66801 (620) 341-6699

lllbemlQ_YJds~la wa retri bs_Qrg

December 10 2013 US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA Attn Dotma Bolognino Leo OBrien Federal Building II A Clinton Avenue Suite 742 Albany NY 12207

Re Fire Station Reconstruction Project Greene Co FEMA-4020-DR-NY

Dear Donna Bolognino

Thank you for providing the survey report for the above referenced project Our review also indicates that there are no religious or culturally significant sites in this project area and we have no objection to the proposed project We defer comment to your office as well as to the State Historic Preservation Office andor the State Archaeologist

However we ask that if any human remains are accidentally unearthed during the course of the project that you cease development immediately and inform the Delaware Tribe of Indians of the inadvetient discovery

If you have any questions feel free to contact this office by phone at (620) 341-6699 or by e-mail at bobcrmevcrgylawarctrihcgrg


3ult-amp Brice Obermeyer Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University Emporia KS 6680 I

US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor

New York NY 10278-0002


~ltNo ~~middotY

November 7 2013

Chief Randy Hmi St Regis Mohawk Tribe 412 State Route 37 Akwesasne NY 13655 aberosrmt-nsngov-Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstruction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Chief Hmi

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconstruction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped propetiy along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section I 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Pmi 800 and as authorized by the US Depmiment of Homeland Security - FEMA we mmiddote initiating consultation with you Chief Randy Hmi and the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the St Regis Mohawk Tribe regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 2011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately I 801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four ( 4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident pmiions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was ruled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the 1 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR

94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconsttUct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 nm1h of Wright Street and secondary access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the I 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (nm1h from east to west) is partially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconsttUct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hartgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site nm1h of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the northern extent of the APE In situ artifacts identified there are concentrated at the nm1h end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that report are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Unde11aking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to consttUct a 50 feet x 250 feet sttUcture on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and fire fighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your coiTespondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other pm1ies tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfemagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external pa1ties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of tllis letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at D01maBologninofemadhsgov


~~~~ Dr Kelly Britt Archaeologist

Enclosures Figures I and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey

cc Arnold Printup Jr


US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

~-_fJvn s~-~ ~FEMA

November 7 2013

Arnold Printup Jr Tribal Historic Preservation Officer St Regis Mohawk Tribe 412 State Route 3 7 Akwesasne NY 13655 arnoldprintupsrmt-nsngov -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Mr Printup Jr

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconsttuction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped prope1iy along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

Tllis project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800 and as authorized by the US Depmiment of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and Chief Randy Hart of the St Regis Mohawk Tribe regarding the proposed reconstmction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 2011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four (4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident pmiions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was ruled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondary access fimiddotom Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the l 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (no1th from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundmmiddoty line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hmtgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the nmthern extent of the APE In situ mtifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that report are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description ofUnde1taking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet stmcture on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you mmiddote aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other parties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

2www femagov

Dr Kelly M Britt US Depmiment of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external pmiies without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prallsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey

cc Chief Hati

wwwfemagov 3

US Deparlmcnt of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002


November 7 2013

Sherry White Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans W13447 Camp 14 Road Bowler WI 54416 sheny whi temohican-nsn gov -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Ms White

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconstmction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Patt 800 and as authorized by the US Depmtment of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 262011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four ( 4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the 1 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures 1 and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondary access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the 1 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pattially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hattgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Catnmer Farm site n01th of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the n01thern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that rep01t are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undertaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to construct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other parties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfcmagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Do111la Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Dr Kelly Britt Archaeologist

Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor

New York NY 10278-0002

~-~FEMA_~~An st

November 7 2013

Dr Brice Obermeyer Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Delaware Tribe oflndians 1420 C of E Drive Suite 190 Emporia KS 66891 bobermeyerdelawaretribeorg -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section I 06 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Dr Obetmeyer

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconshuction of a new fumiddote station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section I 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800 and as authorized by the US Department of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Delaware Tribe oflndians regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 20 II to September 5 20 II The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four (4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CPR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CPR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondaty access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the I 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the I 00-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hartgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the northern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that repott are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undettaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points frontto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other patties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfemagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov



Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St

Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University

Emporia KS 66801 (620) 341-6699

lllbemlQ_YJds~la wa retri bs_Qrg

December 10 2013 US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA Attn Dotma Bolognino Leo OBrien Federal Building II A Clinton Avenue Suite 742 Albany NY 12207

Re Fire Station Reconstruction Project Greene Co FEMA-4020-DR-NY

Dear Donna Bolognino

Thank you for providing the survey report for the above referenced project Our review also indicates that there are no religious or culturally significant sites in this project area and we have no objection to the proposed project We defer comment to your office as well as to the State Historic Preservation Office andor the State Archaeologist

However we ask that if any human remains are accidentally unearthed during the course of the project that you cease development immediately and inform the Delaware Tribe of Indians of the inadvetient discovery

If you have any questions feel free to contact this office by phone at (620) 341-6699 or by e-mail at bobcrmevcrgylawarctrihcgrg


3ult-amp Brice Obermeyer Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University Emporia KS 6680 I

94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconsttUct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 nm1h of Wright Street and secondary access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the I 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (nm1h from east to west) is partially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconsttUct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hartgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site nm1h of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the northern extent of the APE In situ artifacts identified there are concentrated at the nm1h end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that report are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Unde11aking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to consttUct a 50 feet x 250 feet sttUcture on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and fire fighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your coiTespondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other pm1ies tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfemagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external pa1ties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of tllis letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at D01maBologninofemadhsgov


~~~~ Dr Kelly Britt Archaeologist

Enclosures Figures I and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey

cc Arnold Printup Jr


US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

~-_fJvn s~-~ ~FEMA

November 7 2013

Arnold Printup Jr Tribal Historic Preservation Officer St Regis Mohawk Tribe 412 State Route 3 7 Akwesasne NY 13655 arnoldprintupsrmt-nsngov -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Mr Printup Jr

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconsttuction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped prope1iy along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

Tllis project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800 and as authorized by the US Depmiment of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and Chief Randy Hart of the St Regis Mohawk Tribe regarding the proposed reconstmction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 2011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four (4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident pmiions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was ruled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondary access fimiddotom Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the l 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (no1th from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundmmiddoty line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hmtgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the nmthern extent of the APE In situ mtifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that report are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description ofUnde1taking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet stmcture on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you mmiddote aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other parties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

2www femagov

Dr Kelly M Britt US Depmiment of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external pmiies without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prallsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey

cc Chief Hati

wwwfemagov 3

US Deparlmcnt of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002


November 7 2013

Sherry White Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans W13447 Camp 14 Road Bowler WI 54416 sheny whi temohican-nsn gov -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Ms White

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconstmction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Patt 800 and as authorized by the US Depmtment of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 262011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four ( 4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the 1 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures 1 and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondary access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the 1 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pattially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hattgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Catnmer Farm site n01th of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the n01thern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that rep01t are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undertaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to construct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other parties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfcmagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Do111la Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Dr Kelly Britt Archaeologist

Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor

New York NY 10278-0002

~-~FEMA_~~An st

November 7 2013

Dr Brice Obermeyer Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Delaware Tribe oflndians 1420 C of E Drive Suite 190 Emporia KS 66891 bobermeyerdelawaretribeorg -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section I 06 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Dr Obetmeyer

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconshuction of a new fumiddote station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section I 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800 and as authorized by the US Department of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Delaware Tribe oflndians regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 20 II to September 5 20 II The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four (4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CPR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CPR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondaty access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the I 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the I 00-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hartgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the northern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that repott are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undettaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points frontto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other patties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfemagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov



Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St

Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University

Emporia KS 66801 (620) 341-6699

lllbemlQ_YJds~la wa retri bs_Qrg

December 10 2013 US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA Attn Dotma Bolognino Leo OBrien Federal Building II A Clinton Avenue Suite 742 Albany NY 12207

Re Fire Station Reconstruction Project Greene Co FEMA-4020-DR-NY

Dear Donna Bolognino

Thank you for providing the survey report for the above referenced project Our review also indicates that there are no religious or culturally significant sites in this project area and we have no objection to the proposed project We defer comment to your office as well as to the State Historic Preservation Office andor the State Archaeologist

However we ask that if any human remains are accidentally unearthed during the course of the project that you cease development immediately and inform the Delaware Tribe of Indians of the inadvetient discovery

If you have any questions feel free to contact this office by phone at (620) 341-6699 or by e-mail at bobcrmevcrgylawarctrihcgrg


3ult-amp Brice Obermeyer Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University Emporia KS 6680 I

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external pa1ties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of tllis letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at D01maBologninofemadhsgov


~~~~ Dr Kelly Britt Archaeologist

Enclosures Figures I and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey

cc Arnold Printup Jr


US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

~-_fJvn s~-~ ~FEMA

November 7 2013

Arnold Printup Jr Tribal Historic Preservation Officer St Regis Mohawk Tribe 412 State Route 3 7 Akwesasne NY 13655 arnoldprintupsrmt-nsngov -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Mr Printup Jr

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconsttuction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped prope1iy along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

Tllis project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800 and as authorized by the US Depmiment of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and Chief Randy Hart of the St Regis Mohawk Tribe regarding the proposed reconstmction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 2011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four (4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident pmiions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was ruled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondary access fimiddotom Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the l 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (no1th from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundmmiddoty line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hmtgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the nmthern extent of the APE In situ mtifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that report are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description ofUnde1taking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet stmcture on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you mmiddote aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other parties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

2www femagov

Dr Kelly M Britt US Depmiment of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external pmiies without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prallsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey

cc Chief Hati

wwwfemagov 3

US Deparlmcnt of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002


November 7 2013

Sherry White Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans W13447 Camp 14 Road Bowler WI 54416 sheny whi temohican-nsn gov -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Ms White

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconstmction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Patt 800 and as authorized by the US Depmtment of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 262011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four ( 4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the 1 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures 1 and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondary access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the 1 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pattially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hattgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Catnmer Farm site n01th of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the n01thern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that rep01t are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undertaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to construct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other parties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfcmagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Do111la Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Dr Kelly Britt Archaeologist

Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor

New York NY 10278-0002

~-~FEMA_~~An st

November 7 2013

Dr Brice Obermeyer Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Delaware Tribe oflndians 1420 C of E Drive Suite 190 Emporia KS 66891 bobermeyerdelawaretribeorg -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section I 06 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Dr Obetmeyer

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconshuction of a new fumiddote station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section I 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800 and as authorized by the US Department of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Delaware Tribe oflndians regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 20 II to September 5 20 II The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four (4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CPR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CPR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondaty access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the I 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the I 00-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hartgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the northern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that repott are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undettaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points frontto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other patties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfemagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov



Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St

Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University

Emporia KS 66801 (620) 341-6699

lllbemlQ_YJds~la wa retri bs_Qrg

December 10 2013 US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA Attn Dotma Bolognino Leo OBrien Federal Building II A Clinton Avenue Suite 742 Albany NY 12207

Re Fire Station Reconstruction Project Greene Co FEMA-4020-DR-NY

Dear Donna Bolognino

Thank you for providing the survey report for the above referenced project Our review also indicates that there are no religious or culturally significant sites in this project area and we have no objection to the proposed project We defer comment to your office as well as to the State Historic Preservation Office andor the State Archaeologist

However we ask that if any human remains are accidentally unearthed during the course of the project that you cease development immediately and inform the Delaware Tribe of Indians of the inadvetient discovery

If you have any questions feel free to contact this office by phone at (620) 341-6699 or by e-mail at bobcrmevcrgylawarctrihcgrg


3ult-amp Brice Obermeyer Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University Emporia KS 6680 I

US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

~-_fJvn s~-~ ~FEMA

November 7 2013

Arnold Printup Jr Tribal Historic Preservation Officer St Regis Mohawk Tribe 412 State Route 3 7 Akwesasne NY 13655 arnoldprintupsrmt-nsngov -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Mr Printup Jr

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconsttuction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped prope1iy along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

Tllis project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800 and as authorized by the US Depmiment of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer and Chief Randy Hart of the St Regis Mohawk Tribe regarding the proposed reconstmction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 2011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four (4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident pmiions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was ruled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondary access fimiddotom Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the l 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (no1th from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundmmiddoty line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hmtgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the nmthern extent of the APE In situ mtifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that report are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description ofUnde1taking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet stmcture on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you mmiddote aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other parties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

2www femagov

Dr Kelly M Britt US Depmiment of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external pmiies without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prallsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey

cc Chief Hati

wwwfemagov 3

US Deparlmcnt of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002


November 7 2013

Sherry White Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans W13447 Camp 14 Road Bowler WI 54416 sheny whi temohican-nsn gov -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Ms White

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconstmction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Patt 800 and as authorized by the US Depmtment of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 262011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four ( 4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the 1 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures 1 and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondary access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the 1 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pattially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hattgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Catnmer Farm site n01th of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the n01thern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that rep01t are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undertaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to construct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other parties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfcmagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Do111la Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Dr Kelly Britt Archaeologist

Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor

New York NY 10278-0002

~-~FEMA_~~An st

November 7 2013

Dr Brice Obermeyer Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Delaware Tribe oflndians 1420 C of E Drive Suite 190 Emporia KS 66891 bobermeyerdelawaretribeorg -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section I 06 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Dr Obetmeyer

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconshuction of a new fumiddote station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section I 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800 and as authorized by the US Department of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Delaware Tribe oflndians regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 20 II to September 5 20 II The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four (4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CPR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CPR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondaty access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the I 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the I 00-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hartgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the northern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that repott are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undettaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points frontto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other patties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfemagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov



Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St

Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University

Emporia KS 66801 (620) 341-6699

lllbemlQ_YJds~la wa retri bs_Qrg

December 10 2013 US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA Attn Dotma Bolognino Leo OBrien Federal Building II A Clinton Avenue Suite 742 Albany NY 12207

Re Fire Station Reconstruction Project Greene Co FEMA-4020-DR-NY

Dear Donna Bolognino

Thank you for providing the survey report for the above referenced project Our review also indicates that there are no religious or culturally significant sites in this project area and we have no objection to the proposed project We defer comment to your office as well as to the State Historic Preservation Office andor the State Archaeologist

However we ask that if any human remains are accidentally unearthed during the course of the project that you cease development immediately and inform the Delaware Tribe of Indians of the inadvetient discovery

If you have any questions feel free to contact this office by phone at (620) 341-6699 or by e-mail at bobcrmevcrgylawarctrihcgrg


3ult-amp Brice Obermeyer Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University Emporia KS 6680 I

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondary access fimiddotom Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the l 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (no1th from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundmmiddoty line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hmtgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the nmthern extent of the APE In situ mtifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that report are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description ofUnde1taking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet stmcture on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you mmiddote aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other parties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

2www femagov

Dr Kelly M Britt US Depmiment of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external pmiies without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prallsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey

cc Chief Hati

wwwfemagov 3

US Deparlmcnt of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002


November 7 2013

Sherry White Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans W13447 Camp 14 Road Bowler WI 54416 sheny whi temohican-nsn gov -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Ms White

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconstmction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Patt 800 and as authorized by the US Depmtment of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 262011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four ( 4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the 1 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures 1 and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondary access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the 1 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pattially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hattgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Catnmer Farm site n01th of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the n01thern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that rep01t are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undertaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to construct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other parties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfcmagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Do111la Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Dr Kelly Britt Archaeologist

Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor

New York NY 10278-0002

~-~FEMA_~~An st

November 7 2013

Dr Brice Obermeyer Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Delaware Tribe oflndians 1420 C of E Drive Suite 190 Emporia KS 66891 bobermeyerdelawaretribeorg -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section I 06 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Dr Obetmeyer

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconshuction of a new fumiddote station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section I 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800 and as authorized by the US Department of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Delaware Tribe oflndians regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 20 II to September 5 20 II The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four (4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CPR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CPR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondaty access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the I 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the I 00-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hartgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the northern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that repott are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undettaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points frontto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other patties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfemagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov



Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St

Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University

Emporia KS 66801 (620) 341-6699

lllbemlQ_YJds~la wa retri bs_Qrg

December 10 2013 US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA Attn Dotma Bolognino Leo OBrien Federal Building II A Clinton Avenue Suite 742 Albany NY 12207

Re Fire Station Reconstruction Project Greene Co FEMA-4020-DR-NY

Dear Donna Bolognino

Thank you for providing the survey report for the above referenced project Our review also indicates that there are no religious or culturally significant sites in this project area and we have no objection to the proposed project We defer comment to your office as well as to the State Historic Preservation Office andor the State Archaeologist

However we ask that if any human remains are accidentally unearthed during the course of the project that you cease development immediately and inform the Delaware Tribe of Indians of the inadvetient discovery

If you have any questions feel free to contact this office by phone at (620) 341-6699 or by e-mail at bobcrmevcrgylawarctrihcgrg


3ult-amp Brice Obermeyer Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University Emporia KS 6680 I

Dr Kelly M Britt US Depmiment of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external pmiies without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prallsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey

cc Chief Hati

wwwfemagov 3

US Deparlmcnt of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002


November 7 2013

Sherry White Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans W13447 Camp 14 Road Bowler WI 54416 sheny whi temohican-nsn gov -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Ms White

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconstmction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Patt 800 and as authorized by the US Depmtment of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 262011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four ( 4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the 1 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures 1 and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondary access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the 1 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pattially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hattgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Catnmer Farm site n01th of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the n01thern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that rep01t are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undertaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to construct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other parties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfcmagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Do111la Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Dr Kelly Britt Archaeologist

Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor

New York NY 10278-0002

~-~FEMA_~~An st

November 7 2013

Dr Brice Obermeyer Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Delaware Tribe oflndians 1420 C of E Drive Suite 190 Emporia KS 66891 bobermeyerdelawaretribeorg -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section I 06 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Dr Obetmeyer

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconshuction of a new fumiddote station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section I 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800 and as authorized by the US Department of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Delaware Tribe oflndians regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 20 II to September 5 20 II The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four (4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CPR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CPR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondaty access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the I 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the I 00-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hartgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the northern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that repott are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undettaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points frontto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other patties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfemagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov



Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St

Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University

Emporia KS 66801 (620) 341-6699

lllbemlQ_YJds~la wa retri bs_Qrg

December 10 2013 US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA Attn Dotma Bolognino Leo OBrien Federal Building II A Clinton Avenue Suite 742 Albany NY 12207

Re Fire Station Reconstruction Project Greene Co FEMA-4020-DR-NY

Dear Donna Bolognino

Thank you for providing the survey report for the above referenced project Our review also indicates that there are no religious or culturally significant sites in this project area and we have no objection to the proposed project We defer comment to your office as well as to the State Historic Preservation Office andor the State Archaeologist

However we ask that if any human remains are accidentally unearthed during the course of the project that you cease development immediately and inform the Delaware Tribe of Indians of the inadvetient discovery

If you have any questions feel free to contact this office by phone at (620) 341-6699 or by e-mail at bobcrmevcrgylawarctrihcgrg


3ult-amp Brice Obermeyer Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University Emporia KS 6680 I

US Deparlmcnt of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002


November 7 2013

Sherry White Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans W13447 Camp 14 Road Bowler WI 54416 sheny whi temohican-nsn gov -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section 106 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Ms White

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconstmction of a new fire station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Patt 800 and as authorized by the US Depmtment of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Stockbridge-Munsee Community Band of Mohicans regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 262011 to September 5 2011 The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four ( 4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the 1 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures 1 and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondary access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the 1 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pattially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hattgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Catnmer Farm site n01th of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the n01thern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that rep01t are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undertaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to construct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other parties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfcmagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Do111la Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Dr Kelly Britt Archaeologist

Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor

New York NY 10278-0002

~-~FEMA_~~An st

November 7 2013

Dr Brice Obermeyer Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Delaware Tribe oflndians 1420 C of E Drive Suite 190 Emporia KS 66891 bobermeyerdelawaretribeorg -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section I 06 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Dr Obetmeyer

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconshuction of a new fumiddote station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section I 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800 and as authorized by the US Department of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Delaware Tribe oflndians regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 20 II to September 5 20 II The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four (4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CPR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CPR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondaty access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the I 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the I 00-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hartgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the northern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that repott are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undettaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points frontto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other patties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfemagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov



Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St

Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University

Emporia KS 66801 (620) 341-6699

lllbemlQ_YJds~la wa retri bs_Qrg

December 10 2013 US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA Attn Dotma Bolognino Leo OBrien Federal Building II A Clinton Avenue Suite 742 Albany NY 12207

Re Fire Station Reconstruction Project Greene Co FEMA-4020-DR-NY

Dear Donna Bolognino

Thank you for providing the survey report for the above referenced project Our review also indicates that there are no religious or culturally significant sites in this project area and we have no objection to the proposed project We defer comment to your office as well as to the State Historic Preservation Office andor the State Archaeologist

However we ask that if any human remains are accidentally unearthed during the course of the project that you cease development immediately and inform the Delaware Tribe of Indians of the inadvetient discovery

If you have any questions feel free to contact this office by phone at (620) 341-6699 or by e-mail at bobcrmevcrgylawarctrihcgrg


3ult-amp Brice Obermeyer Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University Emporia KS 6680 I

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the 1 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CFR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CFR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures 1 and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondary access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the 1 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pattially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the 100-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hattgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Catnmer Farm site n01th of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the n01thern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that rep01t are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undertaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to construct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points fromto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other parties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfcmagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Do111la Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Dr Kelly Britt Archaeologist

Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor

New York NY 10278-0002

~-~FEMA_~~An st

November 7 2013

Dr Brice Obermeyer Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Delaware Tribe oflndians 1420 C of E Drive Suite 190 Emporia KS 66891 bobermeyerdelawaretribeorg -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section I 06 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Dr Obetmeyer

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconshuction of a new fumiddote station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section I 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800 and as authorized by the US Department of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Delaware Tribe oflndians regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 20 II to September 5 20 II The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four (4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CPR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CPR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondaty access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the I 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the I 00-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hartgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the northern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that repott are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undettaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points frontto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other patties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfemagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov



Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St

Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University

Emporia KS 66801 (620) 341-6699

lllbemlQ_YJds~la wa retri bs_Qrg

December 10 2013 US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA Attn Dotma Bolognino Leo OBrien Federal Building II A Clinton Avenue Suite 742 Albany NY 12207

Re Fire Station Reconstruction Project Greene Co FEMA-4020-DR-NY

Dear Donna Bolognino

Thank you for providing the survey report for the above referenced project Our review also indicates that there are no religious or culturally significant sites in this project area and we have no objection to the proposed project We defer comment to your office as well as to the State Historic Preservation Office andor the State Archaeologist

However we ask that if any human remains are accidentally unearthed during the course of the project that you cease development immediately and inform the Delaware Tribe of Indians of the inadvetient discovery

If you have any questions feel free to contact this office by phone at (620) 341-6699 or by e-mail at bobcrmevcrgylawarctrihcgrg


3ult-amp Brice Obermeyer Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University Emporia KS 6680 I

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Do111la Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov


Dr Kelly Britt Archaeologist

Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor

New York NY 10278-0002

~-~FEMA_~~An st

November 7 2013

Dr Brice Obermeyer Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Delaware Tribe oflndians 1420 C of E Drive Suite 190 Emporia KS 66891 bobermeyerdelawaretribeorg -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section I 06 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Dr Obetmeyer

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconshuction of a new fumiddote station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section I 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800 and as authorized by the US Department of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Delaware Tribe oflndians regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 20 II to September 5 20 II The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four (4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CPR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CPR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondaty access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the I 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the I 00-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hartgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the northern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that repott are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undettaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points frontto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other patties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfemagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov



Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St

Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University

Emporia KS 66801 (620) 341-6699

lllbemlQ_YJds~la wa retri bs_Qrg

December 10 2013 US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA Attn Dotma Bolognino Leo OBrien Federal Building II A Clinton Avenue Suite 742 Albany NY 12207

Re Fire Station Reconstruction Project Greene Co FEMA-4020-DR-NY

Dear Donna Bolognino

Thank you for providing the survey report for the above referenced project Our review also indicates that there are no religious or culturally significant sites in this project area and we have no objection to the proposed project We defer comment to your office as well as to the State Historic Preservation Office andor the State Archaeologist

However we ask that if any human remains are accidentally unearthed during the course of the project that you cease development immediately and inform the Delaware Tribe of Indians of the inadvetient discovery

If you have any questions feel free to contact this office by phone at (620) 341-6699 or by e-mail at bobcrmevcrgylawarctrihcgrg


3ult-amp Brice Obermeyer Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University Emporia KS 6680 I

US Department of Homeland Security FEMA Region II 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor

New York NY 10278-0002

~-~FEMA_~~An st

November 7 2013

Dr Brice Obermeyer Tribal Historic Preservation Officer Delaware Tribe oflndians 1420 C of E Drive Suite 190 Emporia KS 66891 bobermeyerdelawaretribeorg -Electronic transmission only

Re Federal Emergency Management Agency Section I 06 Consultation Prattsville Fire District Fire Station Reconstmction Project Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468 FEMA-4020-DR-NY Project PA-02-NY-4020-08086(1)

Dear Dr Obetmeyer

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) proposes to provide grant funding to the Prattsville Fire District (Subgrantee) for the reconshuction of a new fumiddote station at a new location on an undeveloped property along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 Town of Prattsville Greene County NY 12468

This project would require ground disturbance in an archaeologically sensitive area In accordance with Section I 06 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 as amended (16 USC 470f) and its implementing regulation 36 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) Part 800 and as authorized by the US Department of Homeland Security - FEMA we are initiating consultation with you the Tribal Historic Preservation Officer for the Delaware Tribe oflndians regarding the proposed reconstruction of the new Prattsville Fire Station for the Prattsville Fire District

The Prattsville Fire Station located at 14256 Main StreetNYS Route 23 Prattsville NY received damage when Schoharie Creek overflowed its banks and flooded the Town of Prattsville during the incident period of August 26 20 II to September 5 20 II The fire station is attached to the Masonic Hall both buildings are owned and maintained by the Prattsville Fire District The footprint of the fire station is approximately 4052 square feet and for the Masonic Hall is approximately 1801 square feet Both buildings were inundated with four (4) feet of water and mud Since the flooding incident portions of the facility are in very poor condition there are damaged walls and the foundation has settled (stability) and mold is visible in some sections of the building Repairing the fire station at its existing location was mled-out due to the extent of the damage and because the local floodplain ordinance requires substantially damaged

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CPR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CPR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondaty access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the I 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the I 00-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hartgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the northern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that repott are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undettaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points frontto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other patties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfemagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov



Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St

Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University

Emporia KS 66801 (620) 341-6699

lllbemlQ_YJds~la wa retri bs_Qrg

December 10 2013 US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA Attn Dotma Bolognino Leo OBrien Federal Building II A Clinton Avenue Suite 742 Albany NY 12207

Re Fire Station Reconstruction Project Greene Co FEMA-4020-DR-NY

Dear Donna Bolognino

Thank you for providing the survey report for the above referenced project Our review also indicates that there are no religious or culturally significant sites in this project area and we have no objection to the proposed project We defer comment to your office as well as to the State Historic Preservation Office andor the State Archaeologist

However we ask that if any human remains are accidentally unearthed during the course of the project that you cease development immediately and inform the Delaware Tribe of Indians of the inadvetient discovery

If you have any questions feel free to contact this office by phone at (620) 341-6699 or by e-mail at bobcrmevcrgylawarctrihcgrg


3ult-amp Brice Obermeyer Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University Emporia KS 6680 I

buildings to flood-proof or elevate to the I 00-year floodplain However according to 44 CPR 94 a fire station meets the definition of a critical facility and in accordance with 44 CPR 97 the fire station function and activities are required to be above the 500-year floodplain elevation Thus the Prattsville Fire District proposes to reconstruct a new fire station at a new location above the 500-year elevation in order to prevent future damages from a similar event (Figures I and 2)

Area of Potential Effect The project site would be located in the Town of Prattsville on an undeveloped 35 acres parcel along the eastside of Main StreetNYS Route 23 The site (GPS Coordinates 4231738 -74432055) would have primary access from Main Street NYS Route 23 north of Wright Street and secondaty access from Washington Street The site is located south of Pine Street adjacent to Moores Mobile Home Park The new building would be located in the southeastern corner of the parcel above both the I 00-year and 500-year floodplains The parking lot (north from east to west) is pmtially located in the 500-year floodplain The primary access point would extend the southern boundary line from the facility to Main StreetNYS Route 23 this access point is located in the I 00-year floodplain However the secondary access from Washington Street is above the 500-year floodplain

The area of potential effect (APE) to reconstruct the new fire station at the proposed site would be 35 acres Per the Prattsville Fire District the existing damaged fire station would be rendered safe and secure In 2003 there was a non-FEMA funded Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey conducted by Hartgen Archaeological Associates Inc in an area adjacent to the proposed site Resources were discovered at the Late Archaic Cammer Farm site north of the existing trailer park on Pine Street at the northern extent of the APE In situ attifacts identified there are concentrated at the north end of that site towards the south end of the site the finds were the result of colluvial redeposition Tests pits in the immediate area of the proposed access road from Main Street yielded no cultural material and a linear path at the rear of lots on Main Street was eliminated because of previous grading andor lot improvements Other sites identified in that repott are outside the APE of this project A finding of no effect on cultural resources was made

Description of Undettaking The Prattsville Fire Department intends to constmct a 50 feet x 250 feet structure on the undeveloped 35 acres site that would accommodate both administrative and firefighting functions and equipment storage Ancillary features include approximately 85 parking spaces stormwater management areas and two (2) site access points frontto Main StreetNYS Route 23 and Washington Street

If you are aware of any significant prehistorichistoric archaeological resources that may be affected by this project or have any information regarding the project area please respond within 30 days or sooner of date of this letter Please also indicate in your correspondence if there are other sources of information that should be checked and if there are other patties tribes or members of the public you believe should be included in the consultation process Please respond in writing or email to us (to either email addresses listed below) FEMAs Region II mailing address is

wwwfemagov 2

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov



Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St

Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University

Emporia KS 66801 (620) 341-6699

lllbemlQ_YJds~la wa retri bs_Qrg

December 10 2013 US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA Attn Dotma Bolognino Leo OBrien Federal Building II A Clinton Avenue Suite 742 Albany NY 12207

Re Fire Station Reconstruction Project Greene Co FEMA-4020-DR-NY

Dear Donna Bolognino

Thank you for providing the survey report for the above referenced project Our review also indicates that there are no religious or culturally significant sites in this project area and we have no objection to the proposed project We defer comment to your office as well as to the State Historic Preservation Office andor the State Archaeologist

However we ask that if any human remains are accidentally unearthed during the course of the project that you cease development immediately and inform the Delaware Tribe of Indians of the inadvetient discovery

If you have any questions feel free to contact this office by phone at (620) 341-6699 or by e-mail at bobcrmevcrgylawarctrihcgrg


3ult-amp Brice Obermeyer Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University Emporia KS 6680 I

Dr Kelly M Britt US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA 26 Federal Plaza 13th Floor New York NY 10278-0002

It is requested that the enclosed information be regarded as secure information and not be released to any external parties without prior consultation with FEMA We look forward to your comments within 30 days of date of this letter If you have any questions please contact me at 212-680-8816 or via email at KellyBrittfemadhsgov or Donna Bolognino who is working directly on this project at 518-396-3843 or via email at DonnaBologninofemadhsgov



Enclosures Figures 1 and 2 Prattsville Phase I B Archaeological Field Reconnaissance Survey


Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St

Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University

Emporia KS 66801 (620) 341-6699

lllbemlQ_YJds~la wa retri bs_Qrg

December 10 2013 US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA Attn Dotma Bolognino Leo OBrien Federal Building II A Clinton Avenue Suite 742 Albany NY 12207

Re Fire Station Reconstruction Project Greene Co FEMA-4020-DR-NY

Dear Donna Bolognino

Thank you for providing the survey report for the above referenced project Our review also indicates that there are no religious or culturally significant sites in this project area and we have no objection to the proposed project We defer comment to your office as well as to the State Historic Preservation Office andor the State Archaeologist

However we ask that if any human remains are accidentally unearthed during the course of the project that you cease development immediately and inform the Delaware Tribe of Indians of the inadvetient discovery

If you have any questions feel free to contact this office by phone at (620) 341-6699 or by e-mail at bobcrmevcrgylawarctrihcgrg


3ult-amp Brice Obermeyer Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University Emporia KS 6680 I

Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St

Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University

Emporia KS 66801 (620) 341-6699

lllbemlQ_YJds~la wa retri bs_Qrg

December 10 2013 US Department of Homeland SecurityFEMA Attn Dotma Bolognino Leo OBrien Federal Building II A Clinton Avenue Suite 742 Albany NY 12207

Re Fire Station Reconstruction Project Greene Co FEMA-4020-DR-NY

Dear Donna Bolognino

Thank you for providing the survey report for the above referenced project Our review also indicates that there are no religious or culturally significant sites in this project area and we have no objection to the proposed project We defer comment to your office as well as to the State Historic Preservation Office andor the State Archaeologist

However we ask that if any human remains are accidentally unearthed during the course of the project that you cease development immediately and inform the Delaware Tribe of Indians of the inadvetient discovery

If you have any questions feel free to contact this office by phone at (620) 341-6699 or by e-mail at bobcrmevcrgylawarctrihcgrg


3ult-amp Brice Obermeyer Delaware Tribe Historic Preservation Office 1200 Commercial St Roosevelt Hall RM 212 Emporia State University Emporia KS 6680 I