Petra Newsletter

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Petra Community Housing Petra Community Housing formerly Phoenixville Homes was created by the Greater Phoenixville Area Council of Churches in 1994 to establish affordable housing in the Phoenixville, Pennsylvania area.

Transcript of Petra Newsletter


April 2012Phoenixville PA Connect with us on:

Thank you for sharing!

APRIL 2012

Bev’s Bulletin

Wow, what an amazing month this has been! It feels like we sped through fasterthan a speeding bullet. It’s been so busy, one day I even had a line waiting at myoffice door! Between free cell phones, food stamps, house cleaners and many otherprograms and services, we have been able to save money and improve the lives ofmany of our residents.

Some residents have expressed concerns about growing bank fees and charges.Don’t be afraid to check into other banks. I know it is frightening to switch financial institutions but there aremany that offer TOTALLY free checking and give you rewards! Currently our local Credit Union is offering a$100 gift card for opening a Free Checking and they will complete everything over the phone. Feel free to con-tact me if you would like more information.

Part of my job is building relationships with local organizations that can help us. One of those that have helpedmany of our residents is Apprise. Apprise is a group of volunteer Medicare Counselors that is funded throughthe Chester County Department of Aging Services. They provide individual guidance on Medicare and addi-tional healthcare choices. We are happy to announce that Apprise will provide a volunteer counselor once amonth at either the Flag House or Bard Complex to serve our residents and the community at large.

Please let me know if you hear of any helpful programs in the area. I will be happy to check them out andshare that information with our neighbors!

Beverly Sarduy, SocialService Coordinator

Additional news from your Social Service Coordinator

Besides all the helpful suggestions I share, as your Service Coordinator, there are some ongoing concerns thatneed to be addressed.

The atmosphere of a community starts with its leadership. HUD requires for me, your Service Coordinator to“work with Resident Organizations to create strategies that develop and maintain resident interest in fosteringcommunity spirit…” To accomplish this requirement, I must be actively involved with the officers of the Resident Associations to promote good governance. In addition, my job description at Phoenixville Homes statesthat I will periodically consult with the Resident Association of each facility.

So I am faced with the dilemma of how do I fulfill my job description, offer support and encouragement whilenot intruding on the independent privileges of each Resident Association? Let me clarify my goal is to fostercommunity spirit. To accomplish that I intend to assist and encourage the following:


·Community inclusion


·Healthy governance for each community

In order to achieve these goals, I believe each association should be given the education and support neces-sary to foster the skills needed to succeed. As your Service Coordinator I will provide an Annual Orientation forall newly elected board members that will include:

·A review of the Resident Association’s by-laws and resident meeting protocol

·Definition of positions and the responsibilities of each

·The availability of additional tools, training & resources designed to assist as needed

This will be provided at the beginning of each term to all new and reelected Board members in thehope that each member will fully understand and feel empowered to lead their community on a posi-tive path. There have been many positive changes in the past 6 months, my hope is that these willcontinue.

APRIL 2012

On January 18th, 2012 at the Annual meeting, the Phoenixville Homes board of directors voted to changePhoenixville Homes name to Petra Community Housing.

You may be wondering why Petra Community Housing?? What does Petraeven mean?? The word petra means stone, representing a solid founda-tion. As developers interested in providing affordable, quality housing inthe greater Phoenixville area, the Board of Directors believe that we haveSOLID residents and a SOLID team of staff and organizational structure.Building upon a strong record of success in the field, Petra continues tomove forward fulfilling our mission.

The staff of Phoenixville Homes is taking major steps to have Petra Com-munity Housing be the official name starting May 1st, 2012. One of thechanges that has already taken place is a new logo (picture on left). In ad-dition, a new tag line has been developed (in picture on left), a new missionstatement, and core values. A new brochure is also being developed. The

staff and board of Phoenixville Homes is extremely excited about our new name. We believe that this is justone step that will help us continue to “Strengthen Communities and Empower Lives!”

(To learn more about what’s happening here at Phoenixville Homes read Kambic’s Korner on page 2 and alsolearn how you can win a $10.00 gift card to WAWA on page 2).

New Name for Phoenixville Homes

St. Patrick’s Day Dinner at Flag By: Morine Madden


Flag House had their St. Patrick’s Day dinner onSaturday, March 17th. Many of the residents who attend-ed were dressed in green.

The menu included cabbage, ham, string beans, rollsand butter, applesauce and delicious desserts suppliedby the Flag residents. The residents sang some Irishsongs, including a favorite, “When Irish Eyes are Smiling.” They also had a 50/50 drawing and Dolly Bierwirthwon the pot.

The residents would also like to thank all the familymembers who helped with the dinner.

(More pictures on page 5 “St. Patrick’s Dinner”)

New V.P at BardThe Resident Association at Bard Complex would

like to formerly introduce the new Vice President,Peggy Quinn. Peggy was voted in on March 13th.The Resident Association and residents are excitedto have Peggy aboard.

Irene Herr, Presidentand Peggy Quinn, new

Vice President

Pat Samtillo, Betty Knapp, Florence Simmons, DorisStrunack, Treva Kelly, Bertha LaCosta

Name Change and Family Day in the Works

To create a stronger relationship with our funders and friends, we are changingour name. After receiving feedback from many sources, including our fundrais-ing and marketing consultant, the Phoenixville Homes board of directors has ap-proved the name new name: Petra Community Housing. The word petrameans rock or stone and is used in the word petrified; the process of turningwood into solid rock. We believe success is built on a rock solid foundation, andthat foundation is our residents. By associating the new name with our commit-ment to the welfare of our residents, a stronger statement of our core values iscommunicated to the community.

It takes a lot of work to change a corporate name. If the public is to understand who you are, youhave to brand it with a marketing campaign. The culmination of this campaign, will be a Family andFriends Day party to commemorate the grand opening of the resident activity center now under con-struction in the Bard Complex basement. This means all residents of Phoenixville Homes managedproperties and their families along with local dignitaries and other supporters are invited to the cele-bration. Save the date, July 28, 2012, for the big event that will include a Friends and Family Walk onthe Schuylkill River Trail including wheelchair participants, prizes, a Dunk Tank and many activitiesfor the kids including a bouncy Moon Walk.

This planned celebration addresses some of our goals for the year listed in the January issue of thisnewsletter, including:

√ Create closer communication with residents,

√ Create a Resident Activity Center, and

√ Acts of Kindness and Encouragement

We strongly encourage you to invite your family and friends to join us for a great day of celebrationon July 28th. We want to show everyone that we appreciate you; our residents.

Watch for more details in future issues of the Newsletter.

Kambic’s Korner By: Steve Kambic


Steve Kambic,Executive Director

WIN A $10 Gift Card To WAWA!!!Phoenixville Homes is having two contests!

1. We need a name for the Resident Activity Center and want your help! We arelooking for a name that reflects who we serve (residents of Petra CommunityHousing managed properties) and what the center offers (fitness, café, Wii,computer learning, etc.)

2. We are looking to change the name of the resident newsletter. We would like to have a name that com-pliments our new name, Petra Community Housing.

The staff of Phoenixville Homes will entertain each suggestion and the winner of each contest will be givena $10 gift card to WAWA.

To enter into the contest fill out the attached coupon and put in the rent box. We need all suggestions byApril 16th. The new name for the newsletter and center will be announced in the May newsletter!

We look forward to hearing everyone’s input!

St. Patrick’s Day cont. from page 1

APRIL 2012Page 5

Picture Above L to R: MarthaMoses, Lorraine Filoreto,Doris Walters, Joan Traber

Eleanor Heaton, Elaine Shillingford,Willie Brownback

Carpet & Tile at Flag

Floors of the elevators, lobby, andvisitor bathrooms received amakeover! The original carpets andtile was replaced. Everything looksgreat!

On March 19th, the Women’s Club of theMethodist Church in Royersford sponsoreda free bingo night for the residents at Bard.Many residents attended the bingo andthere were also refreshments. The Wom-en’s Club brought a variety of prizes including soaps, shampoo, picture frames,and more.

Bingo Night at Bard

· Flag House and Bard Complex residents if you are inter-ested in participating in the computer learning classescontact Beverly Sarduy at 484-933-4955.

· The staff at Phoenixville Homes would like to wisheveryone a Happy Easter! Don’t eat too many chocolatebunnies

· With the renovation of the Bard basement there may benoise and other disruptions, we would like to apologizefor any inconvenience. Thank you for your patience.

Phoenixville Homes Reminders

The Women’s ClubFrancis Sosnowski,Bucky Buckwal-ter, Nancy Umstead

Millie Fichtel & Peggy QuinnAnne Gelormo & Jack Walters Sara Cooper

Photos by Sande Gelet

Photos by Morine Madden

Picture on Left: Mark Kamp,June Grimley, Clara Matthews,Sallylee Varsaci, Kath Wiginton

Grand Opening CelebrationA Family & Friends Day is beingplanned in celebration of the open-ing of the Resident Activity Centerin the Bard Basement. A committeeis being formed & residents areneeded to participate. It’s sure tobe a great day of fun and celebra-tion. If you are interested in beingpart of the planning committee,contact Beverly Sarduy at 484-933-4955.